If Johnny Cash was a pornstar, he’d be Johnny Smash

If Johnny Cash was a pornstar, he’d be Johnny Smash.

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If a WW2 General, he’d be Johnny Fash

If Johnny cash were an intergalactic football playing savior of the universe, he’d be Johnny Flash

And if he were a gay pornstar...... he’d even Johnny ‘Stache

If Johnny Cash rocked the casbah he'd be Johnny Clash

If Johnny Cash was an olympic summer, he'd be Johnny Splash!

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Had he been assigned to a concentration camp, he’d be Johnny Ash

If he was one of the incredibles he would be Johnny Dash

If Johnny Cash was known as The Big Sexy, he’d be Johnny Nash


If he was a nigger, he’d be Johnny nigger

If Johnny Cash raw-dogged princess Di in the back of speeding towncar, he’d be Johnny Crash

If Johnny Cash was in an anime he’d be Johnny Cash the Stampede.

If Johnny Cash would be a skin condition he’d be Johnny Rash

If johnny cash rode with paul walker he'd be Johnny Crash

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You’re doing it wrong and that’s why I lel’d

Not him but i it made me smirk

If johnny cash had no filter hed be johnny brash

If Johnny Cash got naked then covered himself in mashed potatos he'd be Johnny Mash

If johnny cash hoarded drugs hed be johnny stash

If Johnny Cash fought in the UFC he’d be Johnny Smash

If Johnny Cash was a pokemon trainer hed be Johnny Ash

If Johnny Cash enjoyed hungarian food he be Johnny Goulash

If johnny cash had merlin's grapefruit he'd be johnny todash

Attached: Rainbow.jpg (340x231, 16K)

Last 5 digits add to 19... Checks out.

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If he was a little pony he would be Rainbow Cash

If Johnny Cash was a sailor he’d be Johnny Splash

If Johnny cash was a flamboyant homosexual known for wearing eclectic fabrics around his waist in place of leather belts, he’d be Johnny Sash.

Kill yourself

Believe me, I’ve tried.

If johnny cash were rubber hed be rubber johnny

If he was a rapper, he'd still be Johnny Cash

If Johnny Cash was a faggy fashionista he’d be Johnny Fash

Last six you italian fuck

Well if it ain’t Johnny’s the Greatest Rockstar There Ever Was Cash.

Your reply made me lol hard

If Johnny Cash drove a Lamborghini he'd be Johnny Countach

If johnny cash bailed on a bill hed be johnny dine'n'dash

If Kirk Cobane was a dancer, his name would be Kurt Douglas.


If Johnny cash liked for hookers to cuff him to the radiator and whip him with things, he’d be Johnny Lash

If Johnny cash was Iranian, he would literally be the ayatollah of rocknrolla


If johnny cash were a dish consisting of kernels of corn, lima beans or other shell beans, and often bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes cooked together hed be johnny soccatash

If Johnny Cash worked as a garbage truck driver in New York City, he’d be Johnny Trash.

Shit, beat me to it.

If Johnny Cash was a tranny he would be Johnny Gash

If Johnny Cash covered Guns N' Roses, he'd be Johnny Slash.

This is a real good fucking thread real Cred Forums tier shit not porn shit

if johnny cash was a bank robber hed be the Manhattan flash

If Johnny Cash shot himself in the head, he'd die.

If Johnny Cash was into S&M he’d be Johnny Lash

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I'd think he'd still be Johnny Cash

If Johnny Cash was a junkie in Amsterdam he’d be Johnny Hash.

If Johnny Cash raw dogged a bunch of prostitutes he’d be Johnny Rash.

If Johnny Cash fucked me in the ass i would cry

If Johnny cash was black he'd be Johnny ash

If Johnny Cash always seemed to have weed on him he’d be Johnny Stash.

If Johnny cash got mad at people and vented he would be Johnny lash.

If Johnny were to grind his teeth he’d be Johnny Gnash

If Johnny cash joined Slayer he would be Johnny thrash
