I'm 25 and I'm dating a pregnant 19 year old

I'm 25 and I'm dating a pregnant 19 year old


Attached: pregnant.jpg (1067x1600, 125K)

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Is it your kid?

Needy girl who is an easy fuck with no chance of pregnancy, why not?

Nope lol


Have you always been stupid or did you recently suffer a head injury?

She's going to be chasing you for at least the next 18 years. Will probably go full crazy too.

will this delay the completion of the ritual?

Cute enough. Don't let her get fat!
Post more pics

A Stupid Motherfucker

Dude, if you date her now and ditch out when she has a kid and it becomes a shit show you will be a piece of shit in her eyes.

Is she dating you because she is pregnant?

Keep your distance, you do not want to get involved. Maybe here in 10 years you two can reconnect.

Attached: 5A9E7FFE-97F9-46D2-B435-B091A8A44AE2.jpg (478x550, 53K)

I married a pregnant girl


drop her nudes?

Need more of that ass

you are a cuck

Attached: christchan-reaction4.png (1500x1200, 90K)

This can change your life one day. Download "Pi" from the playstore, one day it'll be worth a lot of money. If it asks who invited you type @Chocoboy. The app is invite only and mining stops at 10 million people..

Attached: 15826045736371719141101.jpg (3120x4160, 938K)


She's hot at least?

Who would ask you anything? You're a fucking dope.

Holy hell are you retarded or gay or a combination of both?