Just overheard 2 guys at the gas station and both said they were voting for Mike Bloomberg

Just overheard 2 guys at the gas station and both said they were voting for Mike Bloomberg

Attached: mike bloomberg is our savior.jpg (1280x960, 93K)

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Who are yall voting for?

do you live i new york or something? out here in the mid west nobody likes him and im sure hes disliked even more on the west

We're they huffing the gas or something?


East Coast

One guy drove a Mercedes the other drove a new Kia

hes kind of famous out there and he has enough money to spam the media so who knows he could win like trump did

>Just overheard 2 guys at the gas station and both said they were voting for Mike Bloomberg

I'll take "Things That Didn't Happen" for $200 Alex.

Teen drivers hear things at gas stations, 20 year olds hear things at college, and 30 year olds hear things at work.

That's where they spend most of their time around randoms, so they think that's where most people would hear things, completely oblivious of other generations.

There's you're template for internet bullshit.

He somehow manages to combine the worst qualities of both the left and the right. I didn't think that was possible, but anything is possible when you're a goddamn whore.

Let's forget about the bullshit nanny state he turned NYC into for a minute. For him to think a Bloomberg presidential run in the current political climate is in any way appropriate says everything about him. It also speaks volumes about the DNC for allowing it this late in the game.

I don't believe you, but I respect your hustle for taking Mikes money to shillpost for him. He deserves to have his money taken, i would do it too if i didn't have other work going on.

1. recognize the troll.
2. don't feed the troll.

No Cal. Me and I know 5 others down for Mike. Not feeling the Bern one bit.

$150 Bloombux have been deposited to your account

first guy: gets out of his car, puts his card in, starts pumping gas.

second guy: pulls up, gets out of his car, puts his card in, starts pumping gas

first guy: hey, who you voting for?

sounds legit.

fucking bloomturd intern.

gtfo mai Cred Forums.

how much of a tool would you have to be to vote for bloomturd

"i'll pay you $2500 a month to go on Cred Forums and write posts and pretend bloomberg isn't a turd."


are his arms tired?

Attached: 1328554698663.jpg (600x538, 54K)

Biden, purely because I live in Pennsylvania.

bro he's out