The word kek is now banned in South Africa. A woman has even been jailed for using the "k-word"

The word kek is now banned in South Africa. A woman has even been jailed for using the "k-word"

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Top Kek

All of the blacks that were taken to court plead guilty and took plea deals.This lady was dumb enough not to take a plea deal when it was offered.Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


>Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Lmao so epic here have some gold XD

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Well what do you expect from Africa besides AIDS and cannibalism?

You can get banned for saying kaffir?

Expecting freedom of speech isn't a stupid game. I would expect millions would believe it's a fundamental right that is worth fighting for.

When looking this up (can't find what the fuck the "k word" is, but I highly doubt it's kek), I noticed the title "convicted racist". Jesus Christ. That is a country without free spech.

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The same country in which whites went stupid gave the apes power. Just like we in the USA are doing now.

Now blacks regularly kill whites. Regularly rape white women. They never go to jail for these crimes. Politicians are calling for white genocide. Taking land from whites well stealing it. Want to or have taken guns. No free speech. Whites in the USA best wake up.

Yeah south Africa seems weird not to just run away though as whities, I mean do they just want to be martyrs to get other whities angry?

And wtf is K-word? kike?

The "k-word" in question is "kaffir", not "kek", you retards.

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F-word is "fuck"
N-word is "nigger"
but what's the K-word I wonder?

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ah ok. whats bad about a kaffir? or : what the fuck is a kaffir to begin with?


I guess one has to wonder what whites are doing in south Africa, don't they. because they don't belong. unlike the US where blacks were brought here forcefully, the whites in south Africa moved there to try to force blacks out, enslave them, and colonize. thus white genocide in s Africa is fine, and black-on-white violence is tolerate, and whites are imprisoned en masse :) the filthy dutch, apartheid and the remaining white numbers MUST be culled.

It's the South African equivalent of nigger.

Wallpaper very related

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Jesus fucking wept. Go back to /r/the_Donald you underaged kike-loving slime

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Calling a black person a ‘Kaffir’ in South Africa is similar to calling a black person in America a ‘Nigger’.It has nothing to do with free speech.Even in the US calling blacks the ‘N’ could result in arrest and possible federal charges.This women was caught on video and tape calling the emergency call center operator and the black cops sent out to help her ‘Kaffirs’.

What skin is that?

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>US calling blacks the ‘N’ could result in arrest and possible federal charges
First Amendment nigger. Look it up.

Kaffir sounds like a shitty slur. Good swear words have hard consonant endings. Fu-CK, shi-T, Ni-gg-eR, cun-T, bitCH, diCK, etc.

Kaffir sounds like some Arab's name.

top k-word.

n-words gonna nig-nog, obviously

Oh shit, I forgot the best part of nigger are the gs, not the r. If it were kattir or katchir, that would sound good yelling at someone. Kaffir sounds like a thin sheet of satin falling down.

>Even in the US calling blacks the ‘N’ could result in arrest and possible federal charges.
doubt it, nigger


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Gotta agree. Ppl should be in their own land. The whites should fuck off back to their own countries.
Isn’t that what the alt-right wants the blacks to do in murica?

Kys shitskin. Sub humans should be kept in check and controlled. Seeing them as humans is the problem. Eat shit and die.


>something this faggot will never say irl

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I think the word actually does have some arab/sand nigger origin.
Back in the day when the islam spread to northern africa, kaffir (or something like that) meant non-believer, referring to the local kaf- blacks.

Kek. I live in an ethnostate with 97% whites and it's socially accepted. I use the word nigger (and my languages equivalent which is for all shitskins in general) constantly. Not all white countries let apes run free and chimp out or suck jamals and mohammads cock.

Oh yeah. just looked. It's Arabic for infidel.

Sure kid

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First Amendment nigger. Look it up.

>doubt it,nigger
Tell that to these guys

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Rockefeller business pill (eternal billionaire advice)

I know, hard to imagine for a cuck or shitskin like you that there are still white euro countries that are uncucked and rational. Western whites eternally btfo.

why are you here looking at bbc then lmfao

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>projecting this hard
Top kek.

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Can’t even name the country
Below average larp.


But Wiki says it came from cafri, the Dutch calling the people in the area cafri and the land which is basically now South Africa was Cafraria.

Fucking kaffirs

what am I projecting?
I fucken love seeing chicks get blacked.

Kek you can’t seem to name yours.

>Even in the US calling blacks the ‘N’ could result in arrest and possible federal charges.

I'd like to see that stand up in court. Amendment rights trump all.

Good. Fuck those nazi faggots.

As someone that enjoys raping and killing old white grandmothers, you all offende me with the word nigger

>Kaffir sounds like some Arab's name.

It literally means "unbeliever" and was the word Arabs used to describe the South African natives that did not follow Allah.


Fucking hell Google AMP is cancerous

Lol look at this faggot who’s too scared to name his own country,

Way to find the exception that proves the rule.

>HARTFORD, Conn. — Free speech concerns that were raised following the arrests of two University of Connecticut students accused of saying a racial slur have led state legislators to consider repealing a century-old law that bans ridicule based on race, religion or nationality.

America has a federal system where lower authorities have semi-autonomous power to enact legislation. States, counties, cities, etc. Particularly in the first century this lead to some wild differences, however with Supreme Court concepts such as "Incorporation" most of the inconsistencies with the US Constitution get worked out in the courts.

The aberration of Connecticut still holding onto an old law about saying mean things and being used to appease some hyper butthurt SJWs doesn't mean anyone will get convicted, or that such bullshit will withstand judicial review.

Racist detected

Suck shit whitey.
I guess you weren’t ready.

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Thats the thing, victimhood has been the pride of people since the holocaust

I think I'm allowed to go there

>user asks a question to broaden his cultural understanding of the situation
>faggot responds
Why are you such a nigger?

You fags really don't know eastern and central europe exist and lots of them are white ethnostates?
>czech republic
>based poland
Pick any and get eternally btfo.

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>no baltics

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this is so sad if it's really your wallpaper

Ah shit yea, you're right. Baltics are based too.
Srry, baticbro, love you.


They still got arrested for using racial slurs in America with its first amendment laws.Its not like it was unusual and bizarre what happened to this South African women.

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>They still got arrested for using racial slurs in America with its first amendment laws
They got arrested in CONNECTICUT, with an archaic law that probably hasn't been tested in years, and WILL NOT withstand a Constitutional challenge.

The US system, hate it or loathe it, is dependent on such challenges. However that doesn't make such things common. It most definitely IS UNUSUAL AND BIZZARE to arrest someone for speech in the US and has ZERO chance of holding up.

But the fact is, cops arrest people in America for any fucking thing they want all fucking day. They sometimes charge people with bullshit. And less often the DA goes with it. It's an imperfect system.

What is isn't, sure as fuck, is a place where people go to jail for speech. All that's been cited is that an arrest occurred with local charges that haven't gone anywhere in the courts. That doesn't mean shit.

>”Bbb...but Your Honor,Wiki says it came from cafri, the Dutch calling the people in the area cafri and the land which is basically now South Africa was Cafraria.”
Guess,the judge didn’t buy her argument.


Then why don’t whites in America go around regularly calling blacks ‘niggers’ at school,workplaces,colleges,public spaces etc. if it is totally legal to do so and protected by the first amendment?

pick one

I have no idea what her argument was, but I was replying to my own discussion. Whether it comes from infidel or a local name for people is irrelevant. It became a racial slur through years of oppression, not its original meaning.

The word nigger is derived from Latin for black. It probably had no racist meaning initially, but through context has become racist, negro has similar roots, but since its history is slightly less fraught with slavery and more along the lines of self-accepted, it's not quite the same at all. Same goes for "black",even less baggage, even though all three words have roots meaning the the same concept.

I will write a part 2 for no reason.

The same reason 99% of people don't do a plethora of stupid shit. The law isn't the beginning and end of what's right and wrong. Even if there are no direct consequences, most people don't choose to do bad things most of the time. People stopped saying nigger in America because of civil rights efforts. Efforts to respect people as equals and to not denigrate. There's no law against calling women cunts either, and people don't go around calling women cunts.

Ignorant. Read up on the "Bantu expansion" current whites arrived in South Africa by Ship at the same time the Bantu migrated overland from the North. The only black humans already present was a low population of Bushmen. They were 99.9% wiped out during the clash of the other 2. Nobody cares about the actual original inhabitants, including by the way, me.

TL;DR Bantu are not native to SA and are no more deserving than whites.

Vicki (((Mom[[[Berg]]])))

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>Efforts to respect people as equals and to not denigrate
What’s wrong with South Africa putting in place laws that prevents racists from polarizing the country?

Part 2

As a fan of etymology it has fascinated me for years how words get "baggage". I have come to believe certain words obtain baggage because the words they describe are inherently looked down upon, while other words get baggage conditionally.

I also find it interesting how so many words become corrupted and seen as slurs when they were often far more nuanced and intelligent.

For example a lot of racial slurs actually started out as simple legitimate descriptions:
Nip - for a Japanese person. Highly offensive? Nipponjin is the Japanese word for a Japanese person. And Nippon is Japanese for Japan. the double consonant means there's a repetition so Nippon is pronounced Nip-pon. Nip for short. Not a slur, literally their word for themselves. nicknamed.

Gook = originally applied to Koreans during Korean War. Gook comes from Hanguk (pronounced han-gook) the Korean word for Korean. Once again, just a shortening of their language's word for themselves.

Polak is a slur on Polish right? Except it's literally the Polish word for a Polish man. No slang at all. Just a direct adoption.

Chink - Chin is an old word for China. k in the end is an old linguistic suffix for a noun similar to "nik" in words like "sputnik" "nogoodnik" or "beatnik".

Words that become corrupted with inherent baggage are more interesting to me. The greatest example I've ever observed is the words used for airplane employees who bring food and drink.

First it was Hostess, an honorific for the head of an event. slur. So they changed it to Stewardess, a heraldic term as the feminine form of steward, one who stands in place of royalty.. HOW IS THIS OFFENSIVE? Baggage. So it became a slur. Then flight attendant. Slur. Then flight crew. And I hear there's already another term brewing. It's not the words, it's the job. The fact is, no matter how hard they try, they are flying waitresses. So the low position, inherently brings down every lofty term they try.

>whites arrived in South Africa by Ship at the same time the Bantu
Bantu arrived in South Africa in 300 AD while white settlers arrived in 1652.

Lol, you're a fucking retarded faggot. Blacks are over here killing each other off, who cares about them. Meanwhile the ones really replacing white people are coming in illegally in the thousands yearly and you're concerned about black people.

Seething mayo samefag

>literally invaded by hungarniggers and gypsies
>invaded by russians

fucking keke

Ran out of space
Part 2 Contd.

So when it comes to black people, it makes me wonder.

We had periods of racism that soured words like Nip and Gook. But now we just call them Japanese and Korean and nobody gives a fuck.

However black people constantly seem to be souring on their words, like with sky waitresses. It seems to be inherent. The problem isn't the name, it's something else.

What was wrong with Negro? What was wrong with black? What was wrong with "colored person" if "people of color" is OK? Linguistically they are literally the same thing. To be a person "of color" LITERALLY means "colored". But it's OK now? What happened to African-American? That's like 5 terms that fell out of use. No stopping in sight.

I can't tell you exactly why they become bad, but it's not the words themselves. Could be latent racism. Could be black people keep souring it themselves. Could be both.

>We're all white so everyone thinks alike and holds the same fringe views as me
How's it like in Narnia faggot?

>Negative again. I'm just the negative one. I'm half the conversation in here, but I haven't repeated myself.

>These two Indians
My God
The Jews are at it again

Get a load of this faggot

>White people in America have never been racist
Slavery,Jim Crow,lynchings....


Muh dick niggggggg

In the US calling someone a racial slur only has criminal legal consequences if you say it in the context of committing a real crime (assault, property damage) against them. Words are not outlawed in the US.

Is it "not free speech" if black people refer to white people as devils? No criminal penalties in the US for that, either. Which is the way it should be.

"Kaffir" is the Arabic word for "infidel", taken from Islam, ironically enough.

It is the primary antiblack slur in South Africa.

>Is it "not free speech" if black people refer to white people as devils?
Big difference there is that in the South back in the day,whites calling blacks ‘niggers’ was usually followed by a fatal lynching.Calling white people ‘devils’ have never been accompanied with them getting lynched.

Sucks to be them

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da k be silent.

>African nogs upset about a bottle of sour milk

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