Woman hate thread

Woman hate thread

Attached: 1582637859563.webm (200x400, 1.92M)

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Attached: not-respecting-women.jpg (510x275, 139K)

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Did mommy not hug you enough?


Why isnt this seen as a racist attack? Thats right only black lives matter

I'd love a few minutes with the fucker wearing Adidas. I'd punch his head until he had the mental capacity of a carrot.

The real story behind this webm is that the girl is the older sister of a boy who gets bullied, and when she went to confront her little brother's bully, the bully did that to her. It happened in Poland.

Really makes me mad. Little shits.

that makes it way funnier

How the fuck does she even lose, also how the fuck does she somehow get into a situation where there is like 10 other boys surrounding her, she can just walk up and immediately proceed to beat the shit out of him.

>someone on your back
>defend yourself by putting your hands behind his legs

shut up he'd choke you out too faggot

Stay out of nigger neighborhoods, and if you have to go dont go alone because niggers thrive off of outnumbering people.

Why? He didn't do anything wrong you stupid fuck.

Talk shit. Get hit. Fuck her, she deserved it.

Attached: aroundblacks.jpg (600x583, 54K)

I'd fuck you up without having to throw a punch, I'd twist at your fucking malnourished body like that Adidas wearing cunt. I'd fuck the pair of you up at the same time, I'd make you shit your fucking pants.

Your edge is showing, gaylord.

Attached: edgy.jpg (500x500, 104K)

You can fuck off too coward.

You wouldn't do a GODDAMN thing, you basement dwelling keyboard warrior faggot. Kill yourself.

Attached: killyourself.png (476x476, 83K)

>Woman hate thread

Have you considered removing your testicles?

You would then have no more reason to hate women.

Cry more, faggot. You white knight piece of human garbage.

You've clearly never had a fight/never trained in fighting

Bitch should have made him a sandwich. Next time she'll listen. :)

Gay said what?

Str8 cracker shit bros

If that was my daughter that little faggot would be learning to fly

All white mufukkaz need a slap like this at least once..Im up to 7 since 1992

How the fuck do you know? Are you a gypsy fag with a crystal ball? Silly americunts

Around crakkaz ...oh shit too late theyre literally everywhere like bird shit


Attached: fatfaggot.jpg (1000x800, 108K)

Attached: nigsgonnanig.png (420x420, 65K)


dis nigga sad

the fact that he had to go to the extremes that he went to speaks volumes about his weakness. I'm sure he became a joke after this shit show

this is funny because fat tom cruise can't fight. I am right? lel

It is racist, you dumb nigger. No one's saying it's not except the scary liberals living rent free in your small mind.

Too bad you're a virgin with no daughter.

Attached: funny compilation family 2017fun.webm (880x880, 690K)

Where can you edit this template?

Why can't all blacks look like this?


Attached: 1559565184860.jpg (1080x1080, 123K)

Attached: stupidnigger.png (1125x1134, 937K)

Sauce on your pic?

angelicaslabyrinth on IG.

Attached: 1559320468832.jpg (1080x1076, 178K)

Attached: back-to-the-kitchen.png (1000x1000, 1.63M)

Thanks buddy, pretty sure she does asmr, but I wouldn’t know that cause I hate women ;)

Your dad took your virginity lmfao

And minorities!

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Can blacks get even more retarded?

I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

I would love to meet you all in person lol

What does that mean?

Stupid as fuck video. Stupid narcissist hoe just staring into the camera trying to look seductive.

Actually feel for this lady. Don't even click on it anymore.

Wifi warrior detected.

Oh yes, same.

I read the story on this one, she got caught stealing a phone in Brazil

Well, those men really showed her, I guess. She's not stealing anything anymore.

How's she doing now?


From what we can see she got a retarded brain damage

Niggers gonna nig.

Then they gangbanged her unconscious ass. Somebody post the webm!

I've read doujins like this but instead of getting beat up, the bully fucks the older sister

Mommy hugged him too much.
Daddy hated him tho

Yo fr? Fuck someone post that

I got very erect watching this.

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Anyone have the one of her getting gangbanged after this happened?

This: Shes top monkey in the jungle now tho

She be rolling round in a wheelchair hearing macaw parrots n shiet

Don't be. She made a full recovery and went on to get her degree in nursing and is now living a productive live. Change her life around after this incident really.

whenever i see this i wonder what it would feel like to have my dick inside her while she convulsed and died

top kek

Incels are so retarded goddamnit.

tbh, if they had straight hair and lost the attitude, violence, social justice shit, they would be fine.

me and my future wife after I come home from work and crack open a monster before gaming.

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pics or it didn't happen

where did the green bottle come from?? rewatched it 10 times.. still feeling retarded

any news stories? wanna read more about this, seems interesting

its really terrifying what can happen if you hit your head just a little too hard

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At the beginning the last guy kicks it from the stairs

Shoulda pulled her shirt up or pants down after knocking her out get that cunt out for the cameras

I'd fuck you up too as I don't have a basement which is unfortunate as I'd bury you in it


diversity is our strength

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guys if a girl punches a guy in the head and then gets in her car and drives away is it ok for the guy who got punched in the head to get in his car, or to get in his buddies car if he doesn't have a car, and then to follow the girl who punched him in the head and go to her house (assuming she drives to her house) and then when she gets there to get there right after her and then for the guy who got punched in the head to get out and follow her to her front door and if her mom or dad is there to tell the mom or the dad that the girl punched him in the head (the guy who got punched in the head not the dad, obvly) and then punch the girl who did the original punching right in front of her mom or dad? my friend dave said that is taking it too far but i don't know man i think it might be justification

What a skinny faggot, go gym and come back when you are normal size beanpole

who the fuck is dave?

I'd wreck you even if I was a beanpole fuckface

did anyone see the women rekt thread last night.? man ,I've seen some shit but that really freaked me out.

the one that freaked me out the most was the pic of the girl before she put makeup on


LOL. You're a stupid faggot.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Keep flexing behind your screen.
You're still a pussy ass faggot. :)

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No but I would love to now, link?

Slappidy slap!

And you're still sucking off your poor momma's tits. Cunt for a brain, worm for a cock, spunk breathed cockroach.

I had a stroke reading that.

it the rekt thread.
parjeet slits a women's throat. she runs outside pissing blood allover the sidewalk. but then her 2 little kids come out. mabe 4 or 5 years old. watching mummy die in a pool of blood not knowing what to do and screaming .

I cant find anything about this, sauce pls ?

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i'm from poland and haven't heard of this. sucks to be a hikikomori

Whats that

Typical thot process.
Boy is a bitch to go to the sister
Sister is a dumb thot who thought she could reason with might
Got beat.

fucking little dick incels