It is literally not possible to piss and shit at the same time without getting poop on your balls...

It is literally not possible to piss and shit at the same time without getting poop on your balls. What the fuck was god thinking when it created us.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can literally reach down and move your sack

Just hold your balls while you shit

are you fucking retarded? just move your sack

This never happens to me and my balls are droppy. How big are your balls?

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Stop standing up when you shit, you fucking mongrel

more of her?

I don’t have more of her per se but I have similar.

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ahahha nah thats a bit too intense, the one in the first pic is 10/10 ahaha


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My balls touch the water so I don’t give a shit anyway

name of her?

God probably didn't intend for humans to use toilets but shit and piss in the wild.
If you squat on the ground as god (praised be his name) intended, it's actually rather feasible.

Wow. Looks like she has a micropenis.

Lady Madeline. She’s fairly old now, but her older pics show that she was into piercings.

You can also check out O Pearl who had more intense piercings and was into large anal insertions. She was amazing and one of my favorites.

Vacuum suction.

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hahaha big balls btfo

my tiny nuts smell great

So these were/are your subs?

Intredasting. How do?


Are you shitting doggy style?

I will try.

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Subs? I’m not familiar with that term.

Vacuum suction can be done with pumps made for the purpose. You can go to Amazon for the basic ones. The vaginal pumps are straight forward. The ball pumps get more complicated because they have to pump balls to the size of volleyballs so they have more customized assemblies.

Here is a picture of O Pearl with Lady Madeline. They did a lot of shoots together. There is that classic video they did where Madeline fists O Pearl in the ass on that boat.

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Here’s a decent video of O Pearl.

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Here’s another pic of O Pearl.

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I do it all the time. Get a more oblong toilet.

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I’m amazed that this thread is still alive. I’ll try to find more.

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Here is another example of pumping.

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Trying to pick the better ones

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I wanna crawl up in there, both hands first!

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Beautiful! Took m a while to talk my gf into pumping. She finally bit when I told her it also makes her more sensitive. Love me some big, puffy labia! Makes thing a little tighter too.

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When I fuck them, it sounds like Christmas

More O Pearl.

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Me too bro.

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?????????? if you really have to man just shower after shitting in the morning and adjust your life to have regularity when you first wake up

I can't do nipple piercings though. I like my women lactating. I've kept the gf lactating for three years now after our son was born. Pumped pussy and milky tits...I'm in heaven currently.

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What are the advantages or positive outcomes of this practice?

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Did you not read my fucking post you mongrel? It makes the woman more sensitive, and tighter too.
And big puffy lips are fun to play with.

It gives you more flesh to play around with. Plump areas of flesh can be arousing to some, especially for the genitalia.

You have to be careful though because if your skin is too sensitive you can get blisters from pumping too hard. Also for some, the skin gets tingly and it makes you want to scratch it, which is very bad for the skin.

Indeed...the three S'.
All real men live by this creed.

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Yeah, it's like a lot of new things, you have to take time to adjust before going for more. Trust me when I say that she'll tell you when to stop if you're the one doing it.

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More pump

For those who are new to this, she is using a penis pump here but they make vaginal pumps also.

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Here is a rare example of asshole piercing, if that’s even what you call it.

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Another, I think

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There's something about normal looking milfs that are closeted degenerate perverts

Yup. Either will work with a good seal. I bought a properly shaped vaginal pump for the gf.
I love the fact she starts lactating just from getting turned on.

Jesus ....something like that is just begging for an infection.

this literally never happened to me
what is wrong with your balls

Older they get, the kinkier. Usually because they're tired of the same old repetitive vanilla shit.

Belly chains are like know she's a slut when....
Literally every chick I've ever met with either

Shit on your piercing after every dump. Looks legit to me. No infection possible.

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Dude, that’s one of my biggest fetishes.

I have this theory that every husband’s secret fantasy is that they have a wife that’s prim and proper in public but is nasty in bed.

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Well, it’s kind of like the final destination of genital piercing.

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10/10 would suck

More O Pearl, older pic

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Keeping it alive

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