Whats Your honest opinion on cuckold?

Whats Your honest opinion on cuckold?
Seriously considering to give it a try with my long time girlfriend? Anons?

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My feeling is that you lost control of not only yourself but your relationship. Once a beta always a beta.

Me and my wife spoke abt it when she was 18 at the time my gf. did some Omegle shit with her. She posted some nudes on Cred Forums that time Turned into her having guys take nudes of her all the way to her fucking some of her male friends. Taking pics and sending it to me. Sounds fucked up but all of this turns me on allot.

You need to be that kinda fucked up to enjoy it....

I'd fuck her and have you do cleanup duty

Its not our pic...
No regrets user?

My neighbor fucks my wife regularly. I love to watch. He’s hung like a mule and busts her guts every time. I love it.

My wife and I do wife sharing/swinging.
Cuckold as shown in porn is absolute rubbish and most cuckold now is rubbish too.
You are in a relationship, you are meant to be valued, everything is supposed to be equal.

My wife has sex with other dudes while she has a blindfold on and the same happens to me when I have sex with other women...

Not so much into "cuckhold" but more of a "hotwife" kind of deal.

Meaning, yes, I would absolutely share her. But, no, not with it being behind my back.

I think it's the weakest fetish in the world. if you like it, you're a bad male specimen and should just change your gender, you clearly want more dick in your life

I seriously don't buy any of this shit. Swinging? Maybe. But some dude full on fucking your old lady and you just sit there? No fucking way.

No regrets, she does not do it that often now. but she knows shes still free to fuck any guy. Helps that shes a hot redhead.

That’s what does it for me. I don’t give 2 shits if you believe me or not. He’s 8x6. Wears her ass out and I jack off and take pics.

Its for people with very low self esteem

u dont believe it happens? ho boy

Literally kill yourself so your weak genetics don't get passed on. If they already have you NEED to kill your children and then yourself to rid us of your inferiority. Fucking faggot.

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If you zoom in, you can his cum starting to ooze out

its disgusting and if you actually asked anyone who isnt part of youe little bubble you'd find that is the common opinion

pic fucking related

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You dont know what u all missing

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stop the Cred Forumsait

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All cucks should be gassed

guess i should be gassed then


I’m glad you can read soyboy

I think it's a coping mechanism with evolutionary roots. Beta males have always been cheated on by their wives but they were never the ones that other wives would cheat with. Therefore their only avenue for procreating was to stay with their wife despite the fact she was taking Alpha cock on the side. Becoming turned on by it was a way to cope with something they couldn't change so they could stick around and father maybe 50% of their wife's children, meaning cuckold genes got propagated. Beta males who couldn't cope this way got completely out bred and their non-cuckold genes became less common. And the thing to remember is that female sexuality has been on much more blatant display for most of evolutionary history than it is now, so beta males have historically had to cope with very public displays of girls lining up for Alpha cock while rejecting them. Now that women's sexuality is being unleashed again after 2000 years or so of repression we're seeing the resurgence of cuckolding as a coping mechanism for beta males.

A beta male whose wife sucked her first Alpha cock less than a year after getting married

my love

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I don't get this cuck shit. I took my gfs virginity, to this day she talks about how "no one else has ever touched me there" and it makes me go crazy. I can't imagine being turned on by the opposite... Seems like it would tarnish some of the he beauty in a relationship, like knowing that what you have with her is special and stuff. Why call her your girl if she's also everyone else's girl? Seems weird. No real beef or insults, I'm just confused and morbidly curious as to why some guys think in this weird cuckold manner

Noticed my wife has been on her phone all weekend..like annoyingly stuck in it. Asked what she was so interested in and she said she’s been texting her friends. Checked it when she went to bed last night and found this in the hidden folder of her pix. Am I being cucked? Didn’t find any suspicious messages.

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One of the pics I was sent by her while she was out having fun....

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I’ve found that most married women act prude with their husbands but are fucking around with other married women on the side. Been told by a few coworker friends they cheat on husbands with other women and this has been echoed by others on this board. Thoughts anyone? Pic is one of the coworkers

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lol cuck

I know what I can have. A healthy relationship that isn't based on another person violating my loved one. It isn't erotic, it's fucking sick. Kill yourself and rid the world of your inferiority.

Does anyone happen to have the pictures that one cuck shared of his girl in a bikini? It was a front and back view, with a blue or white (can't remember) bikini. Pretty much no tits, but a decent ass. I'm trying to find them because I think I actually know her and can't find his account again

Hey if you don't care that she's using you as an emotional tampon and bank account, and will never respect you, go for it. Make sure the guy is black and dumb with a criminal record to round out the fantasy.

Show her this and ask her how she feels about you being a cuck.

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This. My wife loves women and finds them attractive. Also gives her the “emotional support” I’m having difficulty providing. My marriage is significantly better since I’ve aloud my wife to explore her sexuality.

Yes and to them it doesn’t feel like cheating. I know my wife is probably fucking around with other women behind my back and it turns me on but I’m not sure how to bring it up to her without her freaking out. Get her drunk?

It's one of those things that might seem hot as a fantasy because of the taboo aspect but is actually terrible in reality.

Not really though. It’s hot as fuck in person

Booze opens people up man. I first brought up the idea on a drunken night out. Don’t bring it up drink ten or anything. Like 3-4 deep when she starts giggling about nothing, bring it up!

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Got kik?

whats your kik


Surely someone has these? Or his kik?

My wife is bisexual but when we were dating she didn't want to do anything with women because she would feel like it was cheating. I repeatedly let her know k was fine with her being with other women. She never pursued anything until one night we were at a party at a friend's house and I turn around to see my wife and another friend's wife topless making out on the edge of the pool. Good times started that night.

Well said, King

What is she like now?

Do you like the way she sounds when she cums?
Imagine how you will feel when she makes those sounds while another man is inside her.
If you're strong enough to consider it, be open about the entire situation and don't be afraid to stop it if either of you needs to stop.
In the long run, you might decide to let her Hotwife (fuck other guys without you there) or perhaps even bring another F into your bedroom.
Do not, under any circumstances, force her to do this.

Get my gf ganged on the regular, it works for us. She wasn’t too into it at first but has come around to it

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I want her.
When will you be on the west coast next?

I think it takes a lot of self esteem to go through with it and enjoy it.

She has no reservations anymore about being with other women. I think her biggest problem was her knowing if I really was cool with it or just saying.


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I will never understand it, and i will never try it, do to personal opinion on the subject of matter.

With swinging yes, cucking is where the degradation and humiliation is at. So you're wrong.

its not good

Yes. NorCal.
How to contact you?

No plans to go there in the near future. We’re in Illinois, if willing to make the trip here

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Its pathetic for the man, but i respect that fetish. The dangerous part is your relationship is surely dying if you need these kind of stuff

Are you guys in cali? I need to fuck her

I'd be the bull but not the cuck. Nty

No, Illinois

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Also Cali but southern. Into mfm 3somes

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Might be able to make that happen.
amous94558 at gmail . com

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I've been thinking about it for a while. Not so much into the humiliation part of it but more her recieving maximum pleasure. Recently found pics of her sucking her ex's cock on her laptop.... Ended up jerking off to it. Was pretty hot. Now I bought a huge dildo for her to use but I don't know if I'd ever do it for real.

>Seriously considering to give it a try with my long time girlfriend? Anons?
Are you sure it's something you both want, or is it her idea of a fetish worth trying too? Don't forget that she's the one actually lending her body to another guy and taking his dick deep inside her. So have you actually discussed it with her?
>actually let my wife fuck another guy and not the usual larper/hater

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It's disgusting. I need to be in control of my environment. I possess and control. That is the only way for me to live. I would never let my girl be with someone else, the thought alone is so fucking lame and tragic. Can't comprehend how anyone could actually want it.

share those pics here on Cred Forums ?

Not really cuckold but I want a bull to use my little sister in front of me.
Any bulls here that would enjoy using her?

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your views are a valid perspective.
thank you for sharing.
now take your values judgements and GTFO of these cuck threads.

Looks like we triggered a MAGAt.

Self tripped. Gotta post nudes of Carrie. Now.

How old are you? Details?

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Don't really want to expose her lol

On the bull end, its fucking great
>27 yr old here
>was fucking a married 41 yr old coworkers
>all fun, no strings attached, loved when i would cum inside her
>would send her husband updates

we can discuss details in email. thanks.

Can one really get laid like this?

light blur would be OK.
want you to see how it feels to share her with another guy.

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in my experience, no.
Craigslist was a good place, before they eliminated the personals.

If you're not ready to fucking kill and burn your "gf" and any fucking nigger cock she dares to dream about, you've already become a cuck and lost her.


I’m over 70. Married younger woman. I like watching. Always looking for a bull.

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>such over-reaction
>such insecurity
>such feels about what other people do in their own bedrooms
>thinking cuckoldry always involves negroes
Ishiggy diggy

I wish I had some. Closest I’ve ever been able to get is making deepnudes

ive never cum harder than being second in line for my wife

Depends on what your actual definition of "cuck" is. I had an ex girlfriend that I liked loaning out to other guys to fuck as a means of degradation and control of said ex. She was taking other dick, but at my command. There are some who would consider my ex fucking other guys as me being cucked. I disagree.

I also don't think willful participation is actually "cucking." If the concept is brought up by the man, and even if it's completely pathetic and beta, it's not cucking. Cucking probably requires the male to be an ignorant/unwilling participant.

If you want your SO fucking other guys, it's different kink that has different ends of the spectrum. One one far end of the spectrum, you can be doing sissy stuff/forced bi/cock cages/clean up. I'd call this humiliation not cucking. On the other far end of the spectrum, you could have my fetish where I enjoyed treating my ex as a piece of property and forced her into sexual situations she didn't otherwise want to be in.

This post is why Cred Forums needs a good post "+1" feature.
Nicely described, user.

only fags like shit like this

I’m open to more people in our bed but not “me watching a dude fuck my wife”

I’ll do FMF
Could even be talked into MFM
but not M FM

got any stories of that? so hot

Building on this
>This fetish is a spectrum. Let me start by saying that many guys who post in cuck threads are actually into candaulism, where they get a thrill from sharing images of their women while knowing there will never be physical contact; cuckoldry requires that there is actual sex.

>Back to the spectrum. At one end you have a BDSM-type relationship where the guy is a dom, the girl a sub and they get off on the guy humiliating the girl by making her do stuff she doesn't want to, including fucking men that the guy selects. You'll often see the girl bound and with writing like "slut" and "cumdumpster" written on her body.

>At the other end we also have BDSM-type relationships where the woman is the dom and she humiliates the guy by fucking others. At this end there is often small-penis humiliation, wearing cages, sissification and the guy may be bi and be forced to fluff the bulls, or get assfucked by them. The BBC sub-genre also fits at this end, although there can be the element of the forbidden for the women (especially in places like the deep south of USA, or Japan) which makes it more exciting.

>In the middle of these two extremes there are guys that just want their girls to have a good time and get vicarious pleasure through their pleasure. They may also get a thrill from allowing other guys to fuck their women knowing the guy can't have her and that he's just a stunt dick - a bit like letting a friend drive your expensive car that he can never afford. It could be a way of letting the girl explore her sexuality, especially if she had a repressed sex life before him or was a virgin and it might also be a way of managing mismatched libidos. This sub-set is sometimes called "hotwifing".

>This fetish is not for anyone; the guy needs to be secure and not the jealous type as the girl may have mind-blowing sex. It can break a fragile relationship, and a woman should not be pushed into it to satisfy the man's fantasy, as she may wonder why, if she's so special, he wants her to fuck his mates. She may think he wants to fuck other girls, or doesn't love her any more and will throw her infidelity in her face at a later time - maybe even using it as an excuse to break up. Ultimately, if the guy (or girl) can't handle what he wished for and she did, they may end up breaking up anyway.


Then why the fuck are you in this thread? Do you go into every thread that you don't like and tell the posters how much you hate it? It's pretty fucking retarded to try to police what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms

any woman ever tries to put me in a cock cage ill blow her brains out

I love showing my gf off and knowing she's getting checked out. I love it whens she dresses like a slut.

But the thought of actually sharing her in any context is fucking disgusting.

I just don't see what the point is.

I would not do an open relationship either, but if my gf was gonna sleep with other people and due to some strange act of god I didn't dump her, I would fuckin plow sluts like it was my job.

I cuck her all the time. Fun to watch.

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You're halfway there.
Couple of years from now you'll want to see what she looks like with someone else's hand in her panties. She'll take a photo while you're at work and send it to you... will take a while for you to realize that it's not your arm draped across her slender body, hand inside her panties, fingering her fuck hole.

and you'll cum in your pants just thinking about the sounds she's making when she cums for him. you rush home and he's already gone.

but that first kiss tells the story. she still has cum breath.

I feel this
Still couldnt do this. If that's halfway there then I've been halfway there my whole life. If my gf sent me a pic of her with another dudes hand in her panties I wouldnt be coming home to her from work. Just sayin. I'm not shitting on your thing but like the other user I dont get the fetish.


Ugly feet

Every society needs leaders and followers, alphas and betas. Alphas fuck, betas get cucked.

Sounds kind of lame brother.

If some she sent me that picture, like with a dude, I wouldn't be coming home from work and I'd probably send her a picture of me in a Tinder slut and block that number.

Nothing about what you wrote sounds appealing. That isn't halfway there. If your girl is hot she's gonna wanna look hot and shje's going to look sexy no matter what she wears.

Unless you want her dressed in a burka or some shit.

Story time, I actually did fuck some girl in front of her bf before I knew what cucking is. He was just kinda there and didn't seem to care. I also wouldn't do that again, it was kind of fucked up.

Lol those eyebrows. Looks like she glued on my pubes

Being a cuck sounds pretty fucking lame and somewhat gay to me, but no one cares about me enough to lead me on, play with my feelings and fuck other guys in front of me or behind my back in the first place

I'd bang in IL

on the loaning her out? I've got a few. the two that immediately come to mind are as follows:

1. had a buddy going through a bad break up. he lived in a different city and came to visit for a long weekend. prior to him coming, i had already materialized the idea of forcing my ex into sexual situations. she didn't like this friend very much and had not so subtly yet not so overtly made it known. first night she came over and played nice with everyone (went out to a standard bar and got drinks etc). She didn't stay over that night and my buddy and I drank until around dawn. Wake up to her texting about what our plans were the next day. Had that morning/still buzzed/still drunk mind. On a whim to make her jealous, I said strip club. Now normally she wouldn't have cared so much but again she didn't really like this friend. She kind of protested and wanted to come back over. I said on one condition. If no strip club, then she had to hang out with her tits out and in a thong. she did the typical female "you're wild."

So she came over and the drinking continued. Took her in the other room when I knew she was at least buzzed and told her to get going. We were heading to the strip club. She said she thought we weren't going anymore. Told her I didn't see her in a thong only. So bam she did it. Came out and drinking continued. My friend played it cool and complimented her rack. Hour later I asked if he wanted to blow her, and he said yes. She did the seriously look? Yup.

So she blew him in the living room for about ten minutes and I told him to take her back into the guest room and finish her. They went back and fucked for a good 15 minutes. He busted a needed nut.

That was the first time. It grew steadily more controlling/abusive from there. Once that Pandora's Box was open, it wasn't getting shut.

Why would she glue on your pubes? Can’t you grow them normally?

this is really hot. got any more stories of you abusing her and making her do things she didnt enjoy?

post some pics too, but stories are more important

It's just a fetish

cucks to me are worse than niggers and jews combined

while you're at it, go on HRT, maybe schedule an appointment with a doctor to remove your balls. from what I've read, the sooner you start transitioning, the better.

She did it five or six times. The others aren't quite as good, because I didn't have the bird's eye view as I got in that one. Like I'd have her pick guys up from social settings and bring them back to the house and fuck them. But since they were strangers, I didn't insert myself into those situations. Didn't really want the dudes to know who I am.

The last time she did it was the most degrading. I had decided at that time I was going to break up with her. She wasn't moving anywhere career wise, and I didn't want dead weight in my life. She also just frankly wasn't very challenging or engaging. All that a side, I knew I really wanted to humiliate her. I had started to control her in other situations by picking out her clothes (short skirts and tops exposing her mid drift and cleavage) -- floss thongs, and picking out accessories -- wearing butt plugs. I would often be critical of her before we'd go out with how she looked and cast doubt that she'd be able to attract any guys. As you can imagine, that just made her more adoring and committed (people are stupid)

So she is from a real conservative, WT family. This isn't out of central casting, but her dad flies a Trump flag in his yard. Her family HATES niggers. So obviously this is the direction I was going. I told her she needed to get a nigger. Now, I wasn't going to achieve this the way we normally did it by going to a bar or sporting event or festival. I wasn't really down with that, so I told her she had to find one.

She had a former co-worker who was into white girls,(shocker), so she snapped him. He agreed and came over. For this one, I actually hid outside the guest bedroom window, because I wanted to hear it all. The experience was mixed bag. It wasn't like some blacked porno where the dude just owns the pussy. He asked all these stupid questions to begin and tried to ask her about dating and stuff. Real Beta shit. I could hear most of the conversations. She was just trying to get it over.

Not when her toes are curled so tight they turn purple and she’s holding her breath because a stud bull is in her guts giving her more than she can take. Making me hard thinking about it!

Me and my girlfriend love the idea of cuckold.

We tried some things before and already are pretty confortable with it.

We're going to try the "Arizona Cuck" and see if it works out.

>Arizona cuck
What’s this?

Finally she was just like "let me have your dick in my mouth" and she got him to shut up and began blowing him. There wasn't a lot to hear from that. So then she asked him where his condom was and he put it on. He probably fucked her for ten minutes. He was in no way impressive, so don't believe all the shit you see with this lame bbc porn. She was moaning though. She was a big moaner. He finished on her chest. I had her promise that and verify by coming to a certain spot at the window. Shit was still awesome, but could have been A LOT better.

Closet faggots that use their wives to fuck other men, rather than just be honest faggots.

Contract HIV and die horrifically.

It's a kind of a "Hardcore Cuck" style with more strict rules that put the man into a more humiliating position. Want me to clarify more about the rules?

pic didn't matter

You're a faggot. Pretty simple.

My wife and I do swap sometimes. We used to be way more crazy when we were dating and first married. Now it’s more spur of the moment and again pretty rare. Fucking other guys wives in front of them is a rush like you wouldn’t believe, second only to the rush of watching your wife get fucked. I wouldn’t expect normies or moralfags to understand, and I have no idea why these threads always end up filled with comments from them

Go on

Lame excuse

I would destroy that little slut in front of you until she was a whimpering mess

i wish could slap the sense into the both of you
No its wrong seriously do either have any dignity or self respect
are you two chasing that dopamine high so far that you dont care where it will take you?
when you walk over that threshold there is no going back
I implore the both of to get your heads in order and to stop being such disgusting human beings

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I didn't ask

Basically it's a BBC cuck thing.
So my gf has a "boyfriend" bull so under Arizona Cuck style:
- I'm not allowed to fuck her without his permision.
- Only he can fuck her without a condom.
- She won't let me cum on her anywhere.
- When he's at our home i'll sleep on the floor of the bedroom OR on the couch (my back hurts).
- I serve them water/drinks/food etc when he's fucking her.
- Sometimes i "clean" her (clean the cum)
- I give him money, call him sir, etc...
- I ask permision to fuck her as well...

things like that, but it can change tho,...

No. Other dudes don’t do anything for me. Watching pussy get busted does. Kinda like you watching porn dipshit.

Not bad but not all that crazy.

Yeah, just a little hardcore on the "cuck" thing... asking permision to have her etc...

We'll try it in a couple months

Depends what you mean by cuck. It's fucking hot watching your girl get railed hard in front of you by a guy who doesn't give a fuck about her. it doesn't have to involve humiliaton.

Back in the days when I could still get a hard on while drinking and doing coke, my wife and I used to fuck around with this couple we met on fetlife. One night I had her put on her wedding dress and me and the other guys wife watched her husband fuck her brains out in our living room
That’s about the wildest thing I’ve ever done

Here we go! Bust her ass bi boy!!

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Nice. Wedding dress takes it up a notch. I'd have cum in about 5 seconds watching that.

My girlfriend knew about my kinks. Cross dressing, chastity, bisexuality. When we first dated she wasn't really into any of that except occasionally locking me up in between fucking because she said it made me perform better.

Over the course of a year or so our sex life slowed to a stop. After a few months of no sex she started hanging with old friends. A woman and her boyfriend, who happened to by my girlfriend's ex. The three of them hung out a lot together and I was left out most of the time.

They basically tried to get her to join their relationship and in a lot of ways she did but we stayed together. She started having sex with the woman but not her ex and told me I could watch with the her ex but only if him and I did stuff too. Basically swinging but gay/gay stuff. So that started a couple months of chastity and my only sex being sucking off my girlfriends ex boyfriend while she ate his girlfriend. I was basically everyones bitch and in chastity 24/7. My only sexual contact during this time was sucking dick and getting fucked most of the time in front of both woman.

Eventually my girlfriend had a falling out with the other woman and we stopped seeing them. Now I was in chastity but had no sex, no release. Only solo play with my ass for weeks. My girlfriend found a guy who wanted to fuck her for free weed. And you guessed it, I end up sucking this guy off at least once a week for my girlfriend. She's talked about finding other guys. I'm pretty sure she plans on getting me to blow more guys for money/free stuff.

Big boy. Sorry. Look at her face. She knew she was gonna get wrecked. And she did!!

Wife would love a bigger cock!

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so your girlfriend isn't into any of your kinks but jumps head first in a multi-partner situation that involves you sucking a presumably straight guy's cock? so your gf just associates with bi guys or something.

sounds like a retarded and pathetically wishful LARP

She just kinda ignored it at first. Still isn't into the cross dressing.

> TeenTop hot links and not only....



It's just quite fascinating how your girlfriend seems to keep affiliating with guys who either suck or want their dicks sucked by other guys. Again, wishful larp or your girlfriend is a fat emo cunt who can only attract guys who use her to pretend they aren't complete fags


If you let her fuck a nigger, you may as well become single, because that IS GUARANTEED the next thing that will happen.

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Don't have more?

More plz