For me, it's Bernie Sanders:

For me, it's Bernie Sanders:
Medicare for All. Abolition of private health insurance. War on Wall Street. The Green New Deal. Free college tuition. Forgiveness of all student debt. Open borders. Supreme Court justices committed to Roe v. Wade. Welfare for all illegal immigrants. A doubling of the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

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Oh .. another Bernie fear thread? I really get sick of being propogandized

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All live off of American donations

Politics are gay, don't vote

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the dnc will never choose a socialist to win the election

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damn what a try hard 0/10

you should feel bad. enjoy the solitude your own thread. I'll leave you be then hahahaha

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sounds good to me, Bernie has my vote

the hierarchy of who receives the money from peoples' healthcare costs are as follows:


if you don't know this, you're ignorant

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You're a stupid nigger if you actually believe any of this bullshit.

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This. Fuck you OP.

Marketing to young voters is a terrible idea considering their turnout is so low

Good thing Bernie is loved by all ages

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the creator of that pic, and you for using it, have no idea what "the swamp" is .....

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Best be trolling Nigger

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that argument is a farce. why should the people who built the company and got it to where it is not be allowed to make profits? If you want to make more money go find a fucking way to do it. or just keep being a lazy faggot and work for some corporation. If youre working as a grunt worker its probably cuz youre a grunt brained moron. theres a reason the people making millions are making millions. they figured it out and made the system work for them.

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Bernie 2020.

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the one on there that's funniest to me is the "insured" one.
obamacare penalized people for NOT having insurance, which is why many people got insurance they couldn't afford
now there's no more penalty, and people drop the insurance because they couldn't afford it

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>the creator of that pic, and you for using it, have no idea what "the swamp" is ....

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okay, take them one person at a time, and explain why the pardon or commutation was unreasonable.

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You fucking deadbeat zoomers sure like spending my money. It's not like I work 84 hours week to earn it or anything.

Vote welfare, vote Democrat

> we fuck little boys and girls because we can afford it.

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If shiff, nadler and pelosi were serious about impeachment, they would have waited for the Suprememe Court to decide if Trump had the authority to block witnesses under Executive privledge. Just like every other president in history. But they didn't. Their 17 witnesses and 25000 pages of documents proved nothing, the articles of impeachment were nothing and Trump was aquitted, because the democrat party is nothing. And Trump will crush Comrade Sanders in the election and there will be 4 more years of winning, and crying liberals. Yay!

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Lol this was actually funny.

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der juden

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So you want the stockmarket to return to 1800s numbers?
Fuck you. I tell me little brothers to grow up and be realistic.
This guy wants to wreck the usa

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Got to be bait. Nobody really believes this shit will ever happen, Bernie or not. Free this, free that, destroy business base of a strong economy. Where is the money going to really come from? Capital will flee the US and we will be a third world shithole within a decade. No gibbs for anyone after that.

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Profit margin for health insurers is closer to 2%. Reality. Sad state of our education system that produces mush brains.

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Imagine literally wanting the system from Atlas shrugged. That's what you'll get when you vote for Sanders you fucking socialist fuck.

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I need moar based memes

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Love how scared they are getting
Get used to the feeling

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hey for your Green New Deal, since part of that deal is the elimination of all air travel, how exactly are you planning on getting to Hawaii for your next vacation? you gonna drive there?

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anybody got that gif of bernie scaring trump?

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That just makes it worse

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nvm found it

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That isn't part of the deal you lying sack of shit.

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You know, you can tell when people are being purposefully divisive when you sprinkle some bullshit in with the rest of his policies. He does NOT advocate for "Open Borders". It's a fucking red herring to piss off conservative people and turn them away from him even if they fully support his other policies.

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Ayn Rand was a sensationalist idiot.

Fucking retard. It would take a lifetime to explain why you are wrong

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i'd imagine that 90% of all people in the united states think the kansas city chiefs are in kansas

after all, there ARE two kansas cities.

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You know posting lies to make the other side look bad is the kind of thing a right-winger would do. Don't stoop to their level. It took me 10 seconds to figure out that is bullshit.

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is that picture asserting that bernie is NOT one of the 1%?

What color is the sky in your dimension?

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i honestly dont understand how you could unironically be a supporter of trump.
its mind boggling. im convinced that his supporters are either uneducated or simply dont give a shit and have a "haha triggered" attitude and just enjoy the conflict supporting someone like trump induces.

i think the biggest threat to sanders campaign right now is that false narrative of taxing 52% on everyone who makes over 29000 annually. that false info statistic spread like fucking wild fire this week. ive seen it shared so many times, all it takes is a quick google search to see thats it false but people will repost anything without looking into it all.

whoever started that is kind of a genius or got real lucky the stupidity of the average person carried it so far

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AOC has cited this several times as part of the Green New Deal.

so why don't you go stick a needle through your peehole you stupid fucking twat zit

If ensuring healthcare and a living wage is going to wreck the USA, then we deserve to be wrecked for being weaker than literally every other modern country.

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>i honestly dont understand how you could unironically be a supporter of trump.

i'm looking for a wrecking ball aimed at the establishment
you must prefer the wrecking ball aimed at citizens

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The 1% is anyone who has over $700,000. So Bernie is the 1%. But he's not the 0.01% which are the billionaires that have the real power

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Atlas shrugged holds zero value and indsight. Rand has made no philosophic contribution

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>Capital will flee the US
Where? Where else can they go to expand a market that has the expendable income that American citizens have? Where else can they go that doesn't already have most market niches filled? Fuckin' Africa? Doubt it.

I would explain 'where the money is going to really come from', but you're just going to pretend not to hear it and then ask the same question again at a later date because spreading doubt and fear is your real agenda.

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>no citation
Oh look, you're actually a retard:

And just like that, the goalposts were moved.

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So let me get this straight. You want to follow a man, that has three mansions, inherited his parents billions, has never held a full time job for more than a week, went to the Soviet Union on honeymoon and espoused how great THEY were, and above all is an angry, old, white. He says he'll tax the middle class, won't raise his own taxes, and you're ok with that. Am l right?

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not sure what you mean by this analogy. and im not necessarily for bernie either.

the whole two party system is flawed as hell. but ill vote for anyone who isnt trump at this point which is a sad fact but not sure what else to do.

i went to japan this month and when i met some foreigners in a bar we got to talking and when bringing up america all they could do is kind of laugh and poke fun of our president. we are a joke to most foreign countries at this point.

the president is kind of the face of your country, and i felt like an idiot just for being associated with america. and they arent wrong

Huh? Bernie acknowledged it and told them to fuck off but he can't do anything since he's not President. I haven't seen any liberal deny any of these facts. On the other hand, Trump called it fake news and just a Democratic hoax even though his own DNI is the one that reported it to Congress.

If you can't recognize the difference between these things, I think you need to seek help.

implying your vote matters

why do you have to abandon private health insurance? you can have medicare with private companies. by having a "fixed price" they will compete by having different services to offer. that would improve the quality and keep some jobs.

Bernie shouldn't have that much money. Why doesn't he donate his fair share like he's telling other rich people to do right now?

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I'm not here to argue for any side. I'm just telling you the facts.

If you think billionaires aren't the problem more than someone who has a million dollars, something is wrong with your head.

doesn't really matter, bloomberg isn't going to get the democratic nomination. and we already know trump is a giant bag of shit.

They also like to pretend they don't know laws have to pass both houses of Congress. At most with Executive Order, Bernie could re-arrange where/how the taxes are spent. But creating entirely new laws, nope.

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What about the mistake of trying to change the most powerful and economically strong country on the planet to a socialist shithole? I haven't seen him trying to stop that.

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>he can't do anything

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because he wants systemic change. even giving up every dime he had right now would be like pouring a cup of water to put a house fire

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AOC said that the goal was to reduce air travel mostly through the use of alternative means of less polluting transportation. In a perfect world if trains for instance could feasibly replace all airplanes and they were cheaper, safer, faster and cleaner, then why wouldn't we? Instead, there was a simple assessment about how it'd be nice to reduce air travel, and conservative media spins and spins and spins it until their interpretation in no way matches the original statement.

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I personally don't care about anyone having a couple million dollars. My worry is when someone amasses billions. Then it becomes a crisis.

A million dollars can be made organically without hurting anyone else or taking money from them. A billion dollars can only be made when you stiff your hundreds of thousands of minimum wage workers and ruin their life to the point of Oblivion so you can amass your billions.

The difference is night and day.

Fucking kek. Because you have no answer for it. You're hero is a lying piece of shit bigger than trump ever was or will be

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What can he do? Can he direct the FBI? Can he direct Congress? Can be sign an executive policy to make it more difficult?

Pray tell what can he do?

I love it when guys like that get knocked the fuck out.

This is the most crybaby reply I've ever seen. You all had a fucking problem with milionaires until the fucking retard sanders became one.

>I personally don't care about anyone having a couple million dollars
Bernie does...or did at some point lol pic 100% related

You are vain. All us power comes from unjust policies and the international influence is downwards. Us is killing itself but you still have time to take control of thw situation if you choose to

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>the absolute state of the usa education system

And that is part of the gish gallop. It sounds good to morons who have no ability to think critically, and takes so long to explain that they claim victory in the meantime.

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>What can he do? Can he direct the FBI? Can he direct Congress? Can be sign an executive policy to make it more difficult?
>Pray tell what can he do?
You have the balls to say this after the Mueller Investigation? What was Trump supposed to do?

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> pee tape when???

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You know, I looked up some stock market facts. Only 50% of Americans own any stock, and the top 10% own 84% of all stocks. Claiming that the economy is doing well because the stock market is high is literally sucking millionaire dick and hoping a penny comes out for your efforts.

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I don't know how you can speak for me when you don't know me. Maybe focus on my own arguments rather than make-believe ones in your own head and we can actually have a constructive conversation.

Bernie is talking about wealth inequality in general. Let's tackle the people that amass billions and billions in dollars and see where that takes us. If we're still fucked then, we can talk about people who have a single million dollars. Until then, let's focus on what can actually effect change in this country, which is going after the billionaire class and redistributing the wealth.

Bernie Putin will release it when elected

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fuck the founders. greedy bastards kept the plebs mad at Britain for demanding taxes, even after they negotiated the taxes to be 1/3rd less than the average british citizen. they just wanted power. then they kept slavery even after the rest of world recognized it was barbaric and made gigantic profits from the cotton trade. this country is found on blood and greed. no wonder we're full of no-tred-on-me retards

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Nobody wants to "stop air travel", you ignorant shit lord. They want to use the eurpoean model of affordable electric trains doing 250mph to cheaply and efficiently move people. Personally, I think it would be pretty fucking awesome to get on a train in Philly and get off in LA 12 hours later for a couple hundred bucks, and not be stuffed in a tube with a bunch of angry assholes and crying babies.

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>Imagine being an apologist for a retarded m/billionaire who should probably know better being the leader of a country

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>Bernie is talking about wealth inequality in general
So like a presidential candidte with 3 houses and income in excess of $1 million and you living in your mother's basement? Wealth inequality like that?

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>$15 minimum Wage
>Companies will automate
>Companies will raise prices
>Open borders where illegals will take money under the table WORKING FOR LESS MONEY, depressing wage growth regardless, bucking the minimum wage system in place.
Let me know how you think that's going to work out.

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>fuck the founders
We know. You don't have to announce the level of your education and embarrass yourself. I swear the fucking voting age should be raised to 40. You people are the most retarded the world has ever seen.

The Mueller investigation wasn't about Trump not doing anything, it was about Trump potentially asking Russia for dirt on a political opponent in the election. Whether or not he did collude, the investigation was not opened because Trump didn't do anything about it. So it's quite irrelevant.

After Trump became president, he actively tried to cover us the Russian interference even if he didn't collude with them. And he obstructed the investigation multiple times.

Now Trump is again saying this is all a hoax and doing nothing about it even though his own DNI has told him and Congress Russia is interfering again. Now Trump actually has the power to do something about it unlike Bernie, and he is choosing to say it's a hoax and do nothing about it.

Stop being disingenuous.

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>Bernie does...or did at some point lol
I don't see how you interpreted it in that way.

>You want to keep the minimum wage low, and give tax breaks to millionaires. @realDonaldTrump, that is not what makes America great.
This is him expressing discontent with tax breaks being given to millionaires while keeping minimum wage low. This does not translate to "millionaires should not exist" as you seem to have interpreted it. He simply wants the minimum wage to be higher.

>Are we comfortable to see a huge increase in millionaires and billionaires but have more people living in poverty than ever? I know I'm not.
Again, this is not him saying that millionaires shouldn't exist. It's him saying that we should do something about our poverty problem. If the number of millionnaires and billionaires keeps increasing in our country while the poverty problem remains, that is indicative of a problem. Stop trying to spin this as "millionaires bad".

Do right-wingers not develop basic reading comprehension skills or something? Is there something different about a right-winger brain that makes reading more difficult?

You obviously just ignored the rest of the comment and took that out of context. You're not worth the time. I already explained and you're just going in circles like a retard.

Disclose his dealings with foreign agents of adversarial countries.

Not ask Russia DIRECTLY to investigate his political rivals on public TV.

Disclose to the FBI when foreign powers are attempting to benefit his campaign.

Disclose his tax returns to prove he isn't accepting money from foreign countries for political benefit.

List goes on and on and on.

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I'm sorry the "be proud to be a 'murican, goy" propaganda didn't work on me. keep letting the globalists do all the thinking for you

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Who are you more likely to believe has ties to Russia. Trump?

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If Bernie is a millionaire, it's only because he's frugal with a decent salary. Senators only make about 250k a year. Nice money, but certainly not crazy level.

>companies will automate
>this is a simple decision and action
>it's also costless
way to go you fucking retard

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>inherited his parents billions
Nigga wat?

To be fair, your 'goalpost' was a strawman argument based on a picture that said nothing about Bernie being in the top 1% in the first place. Just that Bernie is a little well off from having a good paying job for decades and is like...10 years from death, probably. So disingenuous and anti-intellectual.

We're supposed to be so concerned about Russia, yet somehow the last democratic Presidency oversaw sale of nuclear material to them. That's somehow ok.
How is anyone supposed to take the Russia boogeyman narrative seriously from the left?

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Stop deflecting. Russia is interfering in our elections and Trump is choosing as a president to do nothing about it and tell everyone it's a hoax against his own DNI and other intelligence officials. It doesn't matter whether Russia wants to help Trump or Bernie. It matters that Russia is trying to interfere and Trump as the President is doing nothing about it and acting like it's fake.

Try to stick on topic. I know it's difficult for someone with down syndrome.

>le retard
Try again.

Don't forget about "Aspie girl wants to save the environment". That's a serious problem that needs more attention from the right. How can we possibly focus on an election when an aspie girl wants to save the environment?

Want to know how I know you don't have an argument

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It's not from the left, it's from the Director of National Intelligence, a Republican appointed by Trump.

>Inherited his parents billions
His parents were poor fucking immigrants.

>He says he'll tax the middle class, won't raise his own taxes
You literally can't formulate an argument that isn't filled with lie after lie after lie. There is generally going to be a 4% flat tax increase to pay for M4A, but the whole tax bracket system is going to change. The middle class will pay less in taxes, and the more wealthy are going to pay more, up to 52% for every dollar over 10,000,000.

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WTF is a proudboy?

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It's just one of the flavors of right-win nutters.

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>Russia is trying to interfere and Trump as the President is doing nothing
Then why was he investigated for colluding BEFORE he was president? Wouldn't you want to know if Bernie was colluding with Russia BEFORE he "becomes" president?

Or you don't care if Bernie is?

Bernie is a jew, dont forget that

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Yet the left keeps pushing the narrative like it's the end of the world. Do keep up.
Hint, it's not the end of the world or even the end of democratic systems, much less constitutional ones or even republics.
It also ignores the fact that many foreign nationals try to engage in election interference the world over and it's not just a "Russia" problem.

Bernie's mansion. Such wealth. Wow.

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a group of soy drinkers on the right

its funny how they call themselves "boys" instead of men

Watch out there's a billionaire under your bed right now!!!

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you know this just argues to ease gun laws to the point where individuals can own shoulder launched anti-air and anti-missile systems.
because those "guns" drove the Soviet Union from Afghanistan

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oh,so immigration is fine as long as your dumbfuck presidents parents are about we build a wall and send them back huh

>Bernie is a jew

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>soy men
>soy men knock out antifa

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>Millionaires are ok!
But I thought 1% are evi-

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Found the alex jones

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lmao imagine getting a cough then waiting 6 months to get it checked because its just a cough.
6 months later you have stage 4 lung cancer.
OOPs. I guess you shouldve come earlier

Investigations don't start out of thin air you fucking dipshit. If there's any evidence that points to Sanders colluding with Russia, an investigation should be started. But the DNI did not say there is any evidence for that. So what the fuck do you want anyone to do?

This isn't about 4 years ago. This is about right now. The next election. Trump is President right now and his own appointed officials have said that Russia is interfering. And still he is refusing to do anything about it as the fucking President of the United States. That's the problem.

Stop muddying the waters.

In other words: BASED!

>This is about right now!!!!!111
>Now I'm going to reference something that happened in the past even though this is about right meow!!!!1111oneoneone

The left has nothing to do with a Republican DNI reporting Russian interference in our elections and Trump and Republicans refusing to do anything about it.

Try to stay on topic.

>Imagine being this retarded

he should do what Obama did in 016, huh?

I like Bernie, but come on. No need to come shill on this shithole, just makes you look insecure,

He's one of the lowest paid Senators, too.

You were the one who did that. I was trying to steer us back to today. Do you have the memory of a goldfish or something?


You mean try to tell the people but then have McConnell threaten to make this a political issue in an extremely contentious society that was on the brink of political polarization? Tough choice for Obama but Trump doesn't have any such restrictions right now. No one is threatening Trump like McConnell did to Obama. Trump is free to effect the Republican party.

Golly gosh the Dems shouldn't pay that much money for bots and shills as they are already running low on it.

You can't complain about people referencing the past if you keep doing so as well.

>Literally just blabbering and trying to put words in my mouth to invent an argument out of nothing
You're fucking sad, dude.

>Doubling down on retardation
Wew, lad

I'm not referencing the past. I was explaining why it's not relevant and taking us back on track. Try to understand the context. It's not that difficult.

I mean, you can keep on pretending that RINO's don't exist, and I'll keep on laughing at you. By the way, with all of this Russian interference that we keep hearing about, nothing has gotten worse from it. So either the current administration is doing something about it, or it's not that big of a problem to have an impact that is noticeable, measurable, or actionable.

He's not shilling for him. It's actually a disguised attempt at inciting argument and division by planting bullshit 'plans' that Bernie doesn't actually endorse.

>And still he is refusing to do anything about it as the fucking President of the United States.
Yes, let's keep putting our heads in the sand and pretend this doesn't reference the past. The brainlet shaped like a U picture fits both you. I'm not even the person you were responding to originally.

People purchase stocks to take on some risk-reward investments that pay better than a standard bank account. In reality, privately owned companies have less social responsibility than publicly traded companies, because the publicly traded have to disclose all their inner structure, and private ones don't.

This is actually an interesting report made by the VVA, Vietnam Veterans of America. It goes into detail (with lots of pictures for people like you) of foreign interference in American politics.

I'm legit having trouble believing that you are this retarded. Did you attend any classes after elementary school?

I looked anyway. Yes, there is foreign interference all across the world, from many many countries. It's not entirely a Russia Russia Russia thing. All this report does is look at one facet of election interference.
And yet none of this disproves that things haven't gotten worse. It's the same old, same old. Foreign nationals will always interfere in some way. Governments and companies will always fight against it how they see fit. Literally nothing has changed.

>"Trump doctor hid cauliflower in mashed potatoes to improve diet: report"

Oh my god. This is now a YLYL thread.

>Still refusing to do anything about it
Indicates an action of the past, that in the past he did nothing about it.
Perhaps you should try making a stronger argument instead that isn't full of dumb and simple holes. You can have a do over, no one is perfect.

is this serious? Cauliflower is marginally more nutritious than air.

This is referencing the present not the past you mongloid retard.

HAHAHAHAHA What a fat sack of shit. Even his doctor has to roofie him so he can make him healthy.

Trump is the epitome of American health.

I know. That is just a single report on a specific sector of the social media sphere...imagine how bad it is with foreign companies swaying the rest of the stupid masses.

You say it isn't only a "Russia Russia Russia" thing, but who are the countries interfering with US politics? Denmark? The UK? Germany? No, they are countries that have something to benefit from the US, either financially via fake news conservative click-bait sites or to literally try to incite societal strife and division.

If you think that the US isn't hardcore politically and socially divided right now...I have a wall to sell you and Mexico is going to pay for it.

It references what he's doing right now by alluding to a continual action that started in the past. Therefore it references the past. You guys are so willing to die on this hill that all conversation has been stalled. MAKE BETTER ARGUMENTS.

All of Bernies houses are pretty normal, basic houses. He needs a DC residence, obvious reasons. He has a home in VT, which looks nice but not out of touch with reality. And if the pics were right, he has a little lake cabin. They go for about $90k in that area, built like that. Again, not crazy. Pretty reasonable for a guy who worked steadily for the last fifty years.

"Caulifloweris a cruciferous vegetable that is naturally high in fiber and B-vitamins. It provides antioxidants and phytonutrients that can protect against cancer. It also contains fiber to enhance weight loss and digestion, choline that is essential for learning and memory, and many other important nutrients."

Looks like you're an unhealthy idiot just trying to push a narrative.

>Imagine being so retarded that when two different people hold your hand through an explanation you still don't get it
He's been talking about the 2020 election the entire time. You must have the reading comprehension of a toddler.

Jesus Christ you're a fucking idiot.

You should move to a country that fits your beliefs better, if there is one. No salt, just saying.

Bernie, you should go post elsewhere, Cred Forums has slowly faded from political mindedness.
Theres a reason no one wants niggers, Cred Forumslacks and political discourse often fade into shitposting.
We don't want or need your shilling, it happens everywhere else


Are you retarded?
Communism is a form of socialism,
Furthermore, Bernie is a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST.
That's communism numbnuts.

no. I study economics.
Yemen is currently the worlds worst instance of starvation. Yet they can feed their population.

Protein , or the lack is ultimately the entire issue. Everything else can be supplemental.

>imagine how bad it is with foreign companies swaying the rest of the stupid masses.
Facebook (lifelog), Twitter, Instagram, etc... Not only are they avenues to be used, those companies themselves engage in behavior to influence things to their liking.
>You say it isn't only a "Russia Russia Russia" thing, but who are the countries interfering with US politics?
Stop thinking just big, but think big and small. On the big side, we can't ignore China or NK. On the smaller side, we can't ignore foreign nationals donating to elections (because they do and it's not legal) and people buying the services of foreign nationals to do opposition research.
>If you think that the US isn't hardcore politically and socially divided right now
It was like this during the Obama administration. Every time he went to open his mouth, he further divided people. What you're seeing is more awareness. Things have been like this for a while.

I will when I can. in the meantime I'm fine with voting with ways I think improve the lives of my fellow americans


Switzerland doesn't have universal healthcare coverage, it's private but mandatory so private people still profit billions yearly. Their profits go up about 500 million a year.

I don't see any better arguments being made. I hope you enjoy the hill on which you stand and will stay at. You certainly haven't been able to push any conversation past it.

>He really is this retarded
You didn't make any arguments, you only failed to understand the argument you were responding to.

Do us all a favor and don't breed.

You study economics not nutrition, so I advise you to keep to your area of expertise. You obviously know nothing about nutrition like Trump's doctor.

Just go kill yourself. You're too stupid to talk to.

How hard would you cringe if I found 3 flat earth images bearing the same quote?


I see you have the not breeding thing covered. Carry on.

So we should be allowed larger munitions as ORIGINALLY intended?
The original document allows for usage of brass cannons, and armaments against tyranny.
Fun fact, cannons have changed since then, but I'm down to make them legal.

> open borders

I'm guessing you dont live next to the southern border

You probably think DAPL goes through a reservation too huh?

>I'm going to continue to accuse you of things I clearly have been doing so I feel good about myself.
And the conversation still hasn't productively moved on.

Hard to type, laughing this hard. I wonder, Mr Dunning- Kruger, are you in pain?

>Those companies themselves engage in behavior to influence things to their liking
Yea. It's almost like they're a company and will do what they can to make money. I hope you're not trying to say that they are attempting to actually sway social politics anywhere near malicious foreign interests are.

To be honest, China doesn't really interfere with US politics. They just try to steal our technology, but there is an argument about them trying to set themselves up into a global position of power over the US by gaining financial control of other countries. Also, thinking that North Korea is any kind of...threat to anything is laughable.

>BuT oBaMa
There is a difference between people getting upset about someone doing something because he's black, and someone doing literally illegal shit in the white house, stepping on the law and absolutely skirting the system of checks and balances. The things that he has done with the Presidency are setting precedents that will be roadbumps to any future members of the office for many decades. I'm not going to say that there weren't some legitimate gripes and concerns about Obama, but to think they're even comparable is a travesty.

It should be $25/hr minimum wage to keep up with inflation.


M4A still has a private, profiteering capitalistic medical sector. Government just foots the bill so it can cut the profits out of the insurance companies and save everyone money. And provides everyone access to healthcare, of course.

>The country hasn't actually gotten worse.
>By all considerable metrics things are better
>Trump is still bad.

The Dunning-Kruger effect makes someone say that you shouldn't take about nutrition if you're an economist? Maybe if they're at the top-right point of the graph.

Alright, cool, so:

$30 trillion for his healthcare
He doesn't know how much his free education would cost.
He doesn't know how much his free housing would cost.
He doens't know how much his free childcare would cost.

Where's all this money coming from?

If you don't accept that argument when it's made about Obama, why would you expect anyone to accept the same argument about Trump?

no- it makes people believe their opinions are reality.

"Made the system work for them:" its pretty easy to make millions when you put systems into place to fuck over thousands of other people for your own personal profit.

Then the average basket of food would be $400 in the grocery store. Probably not a good idea to triple the expenses of retired people on fixed incomes, since you seem to be interested in the well-being of the common man.

>2% margin
The eight largest publicly traded health insurers pulled in $132.4 billion in Q3 revenue for 2018. That means they made a combined profit of $2,640,000,000 in one single quarter of 2018. That's almost a billion dollars a month of pure profit, and that's only the top 8 companies. It's ridiculous to imply they aren't making much money by throwing that 2% around without the context of just how many zeros are in the numbers we're discussing.
quads of truth

We can look at measurables and compare. When you're leader and are in charge, you take credit for the good and bad.
First four years of Obama, things got worse.
First four years of Trump, things got better.
And for those that cry about what the current President has done, if he was so vehemently terrible, he would have been fully impeached fairly quickly. Instead people piss and moan about things that are within executive power, power that they loved being wielded under different circumstances without the ability to have any foresight. It's a complete double standard on their part. Their arguments are non starters if they can't look past their hypocrisy and there's no reason why I should care about what they think.

>By all considerable metrics things are better
Okay. People are on a roll with the lying shit today. I guarantee you can pull up all kinds of statistics and metrics about how the economy is failing the vast majority of Americans right now. Rising debts, lowering education standards, people not being able to afford housing and on and on and on and on and on.

If you bothered to look any of that information up you would have an answer for it.

>unemployment at an all time low
>people have no money


They're saying the employment is low because they're counting temp positions on par with full time jobs. Temp positions generally don't have insurance, and they pay less than full time jobs. The quality of jobs is bottoming out.

Shit doesn't happen instantly with the snap of your fingers. It takes time for the economy to slow down and collapse. Trump's economic managers are failing to meet expectations every single quarter.

>Temporary jobs aren't jobs
>These jobs put money in peoples pockets, but they still don't have money
Are you guys even trying?

Typical liberal
>its the current year

Lol no. Obama inherited a failing economy and turned it around, not just bringing back it to before Bush fucked it, but to the highest levels it ever had been. Trump inherited Obama's successful economy, the most successful economy in American history, and did jack all with it except cause some point drops with irresponsible tweets. Furthermore, the economy under Trump is less accessable to the general public than it ever had been reducing economic mobility.

Total shit show in comparison.