Why do you not own a gun yet Cred Forums? Eurofags and libtards need not reply

Why do you not own a gun yet Cred Forums? Eurofags and libtards need not reply.

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Because the only instance in which I'd need one is in the case of a serious threat on my own life: and that's honestly not something I'd want to interrupt.

I was in a school shooting and I shake uncontrollably when I get near a gun. I'd be zero help to a bad situation by trying to handle one myself.


Come over here and I'll give you a big fat hug. I'll teach you not to be afraid of it.

I live in shitterfornia so my choices are severely limited

I'm a libtard and I own a shotgun because it's fun to shoot.

I gotta admit, that's honestly what I need the most. A hug and someone to very carefully ease me back into it.

You can piss yourself so hard you soak your wallet and cash so no one would rob you.
Get some therapy. I hear that can help you grow a pair.

I will give you the biggest, warmest bear hug ever if you live in MA.

Why are you carrying it in a purse it belongs on your waist fool

because i dont have wild niggers in my country

>being baited into replying to a thread started by an ATF agent

"Liberal" reporting.
I have guns too.
Have fun kissing my brown ass while feeling special with your plastic euro gun

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Sadly, I'm far away. But honestly, it really warmed my heart to heart it. I'm going to look into facing this and overcoming it in the next year. I don't want to be this way forever.

Thanks, buddy. It means the world.

>grow a pair
On fucking b/, of all places? You expect too much

>"Liberal" reporting.
>I have guns too.
Yep. This something the MAGAhats forget. Lots of us on the other side of the aisle are armed just as well as they are.

I need a new ride first.

The right has gotten considerably worse over the last decade when it comes to their extreme partisanship.
It's like if your on the right you're not allowed to buy a Prius to save money of your 50 mile daily commute. Nope. Gotta git a big diesel pickup and remap the ECU to dump fuel for clouds of lib-triggering black smoke instead


trumptards are just as anti gun as liberals

Live in toronto. So dont really need one...

because i'm not retarded.

Because I don't live in a country where I have to carry one.
A.k.a. I'm not afraid going out at night, or not afraid when washing my car on my lawn.

Sucks to be you amerifag.

I don't carry it.

Has anyone here that is anti-gun ever shot a gun? Legitimate question.

Because I don't plan on killing anyone any time soon.

that's a pretty dum dum thing to say. you're a dum dum.

guns are a tool to be respected, not to be instagramed on Cred Forums like a nigger

Being drunk quite often and having a gun doesn't match too good?

Kid, I can outgun you any day of the week. Bring it nigger.

I am satisfied with the size of my benis

I believe he called you the nigger. You cant be both niggers!

Let these 2 niggers be, dum dum.

Guns r so I can cosplay my CSGO Terrorist fantasies wtf r you talking about faggot

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let’s form a posse friend!

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