Foreskin restoration thread

foreskin restoration thread

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why are you so anti-semetic?


6 months of restoring and keeping the glans covered with skin. Pro circumcision ass holes can’t argue with these results.

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Begone jew!

Begone vile beast!

Thou art no for me,

Thou art not for glee,

Glory is foul,

When you I see,

So much thou hurt me,

That I must scream,

Begone Hebrew,

Begone, begone!

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Doesn’t bring back the 20,000 nerves they cut off.

It seems to be working, congrats user.

Jezuz! Shower more than once a month, okay?

Literally 0 difference

you may want to look up the source of that 20,000 nerve claim. It's kind of the perfect flag for showing how people will chant and quote bad information without actually ever bothering to look into it.

spoiler alert: it's from a study like 90 years ago, and it was an extremely rough extrapolation.

No, but the mucosa and glans covering each other and staying moist allows the excess callousing skin to flake off. So the remaining nerves will work more efficiently. So far, I have tons of new tingles and sensations I’ve never felt before. 10/10 foreskin restoration is worth it.

Right, dry grey glans to moist purple glans.

Nice dubs - and congrats on that as well, user.

I think he is talking about the skin. Not trying to be mean but I don't see much growth either.

Question. Doesn't this just pull the hairy skin up onto the shaft?

Not a ton of growth I’ve measured 4mm in just under 6 mos. I’m more excited about the new sensations and layers of skin that peeled off my glans.

Been working on foreskin for like 13 years and haven't had results until the newest device I bought. Pic related

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At the start, yes. But as you “restore” with a device, the skin starts to grow. You grow more inner skin, which is sensitive, and more outer skin, which is regular skin. My goal is to eventually have all the hairy skin off my shaft, the way it is supposed to be.

Keep going man - sounds good.
that looks natural.

What device are you using? Great results

There's some, it just takes forever

Depends on your method. It can, yes, but hopefully you're regrowing the normal shaft and inner skin

what's the device?

The FIT version 2. It's a direct air device so you cant really use it until you have some slack

foreskin-restoration-devices dot

Its funny because I agree with this image. Under normal circumstances circumcision is absolutely idiotic. However in my case, it was because my grandfather who -had- to have this done as an adult due to an infection while being a POW during WWII. He had it done to his son, and my father to me, because of the traumatic experience. Is it justified, no, but sometimes its more than just religion or idiocy.

For this device (or any similar) are there any clinical studies done? Last thing I want to do is tear shit up and have an even more mangled dick

If an adult wants to do it for religious reasons, go for it. But it's against human rights and should be against the law to do it to a minor without any sort of consent. At least people with a religion has a reason other than "it looks better". Also, why are parents concerned with how attractive their child's genitals are

anti-circumcision just brings at the dumbest people. people act like it ruined their life and if they just had their foreskin everything would be right in their life. nope you still would be a loser

I’ve been using the TLC X. I think I’m going to switch to the hyperrestore. I like the soft cones and the direct air better than the plunger

There will never be real clinical studies because of Jews. But there's plenty of men doing it that have amazing results. The closest thing we have to real studies is that it's been proven that air expansion like this device provides the most skin growth and expansion compared to any other method.

how can something God ordain be against human rights LOL

Circumcision brings out the dumbest people. Cutting off half of someone’s genital skin is not normal. Americans are so conditioned to it now, that you’re a looney if you even question it. Any modification to a female is illegal. It should be the same for a male. If you turn 18 and want it or have a medical reason, go ahead. But this trend of cutting up new born babies genitals and selling the skin to cosmetic companies as the norm is dumb.

Us citizens have the right to religious freedom, if you're branding a child that may grow in to an adult and not want to follow that religion, its stripping them of their rights to freedom. Also, its straight up child abuse. That's why female circumcision is illegal

In general, I agree. Maybe I'm just making an excuse/plea-ing a special case since I can at least understand my grandfathers justification even if it is ultimately flawed

Male circumcision should be seen as abhorrent as female circumcision.

but it does no harm unlike female circumcision that has no historical context. sorry bud your parents didn't ruin your life, you did

Is this supposed to be a reason to get circumcised? My dick has never looked like that under the foreskin and I have gone up to a week without showering or washing my penis.

A question to circumcised: do you clean your penis when you shower?

I didnt care for the TLC products, I cant keep them from slipping off under any sort of tension. The DTR is probably the best bi directional device

>causes no harm
>female circumcision has no historical context
This user is a troll, move along.

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you said human right, once again how can something ordained by God be a violation of human rights? Do you not believe in God and if not then where do 'human rights" come from. you wouldn't just use a term like that to manipulate human emotion would you user?

Here's all the stuff you need

>DTR device
>Red Light Therapy light
>MSM Cream
>Panthenol Cream

If you want to wear the DTR device out at work
>Benzoin Tincture (it's an adhesive)

Look at the foreskin restoration reddit as well

All this shit will cost you like $200 but after 6-12 months you should be at like a CI-7

Red light therapy is a game changer

It does harm. Do a little research on how many babies per year die from complications of circumcision. Research the study of the child who was circumcised in the mri machine. The studies are out there, but they are kept on the down low because circumcision is big big business.

what is the historical context of female circumcision in the west?

I also recommend the DTR. very comfortable and had no issues with it

I still cant find any real evidence of the red light hocus pocus being real

don't question it bro, just buy my this magic product and it will change your life because if you have a foreskin everything will be better in your life

Depends on which god, there are many.
And don't be daft.
Humans invented the gods to make sense of the world. Your troll powers are weak.

there are many gods but only one God. you never answered where "human rights" come from

Self explanatory. Human rights come from us, humans. We decided to aim for highest common denominator when it came to our freedom of choice.
No god involved, nor needed. Now, stop being a troll and try to run a proper conversation about a topic that for many is important.

who determines that freedom of choice is important? if i simply don't care about freedom who are you to say im wrong? besides you don't want to just say im wrong you want to use the state to make me bend to YOUR will. what grounds do you have to do that?

Or... you can just keep on trolling and I can give you this (you) and go do something else.

I just started a while a go. I have two questions

I have an ugly brown ring on my dick I think from the gomco clamp. Will stretching this make it get bigger or will it fade away? Im not sure if im supposed to be stretching it or stretching everything else and trying to hide it under the foreskin

Second, has anybody else been able to get the band that the DTR dude made with o-rings?

>nerves don't grow back

does nothing, cosmetic only

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pastebin DOT com SLASH ts0pKrgM

wow an atheist who can't answer a simple question, im shocked. are you implying all humans value the same thing? if they don't then once again who are you to tell them they are wrong on a moral question...unless you think morals arent subjective

Well, actually, nerves do regenerate, albeit at a slow pace... very slow, think glaciers.

Damage to the glans and inner skin reverses though. That alone is worth It. It’s like taking off a condom

>does no harm
Cutting off a healthy body part is harm all by itself.

Just like belief in god.

One can't discuss with the religious.
Just do the textual equivalent of a nod and smile and then talk to someone less narrowminded.

begone hebrew

you didn't ask a question retard. now answer mine. are morals subjective?

is removing wisdom teeth doing harm? they are perfectly healthy and most of the time don't cause a problem yet people remove them all the time

Any suggestions on what to buy for such a device? The fact it may help with carpal tunnel also interests me


I’d be interested to see the number of cases of wisdom tooth problems vs the number of cases of foreskin problems. My guess is it’s far more common to have issues with wisdom teeth.


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Invalid argument, only adults have wisdom teeth, or at least 16+. Also wisdom teeth tend to have a higher rate of causing issues, a child is more likely to die from circumcision than the chance of them having an actual ailment from not being circumcised

good argument. yes the jews ruined your life. if only the jews didnt brainwash your parents to take your foreskin you would be rich and fucking tons of girls...

You should be cleaning your dick everyday y'all are sick fucks

the point was that removing "healthy" parts of your body isn't harm by itself. so you can't use that as an example of circumcision doing harm

are morals subjective? why won't you answer this question?

Guys, GUYS! Deep breath.
You can't discuss with the religious.
They won't accept any argument or evidence which contradicts their delusion - no matter how precisely formulated, no matter how elequently and clearly prestented.

It's a fruitless and futile endeavour.

Removing wisdom teeth doesn’t cause another functioning part of your body to become damaged. Circumcision should be compared to removing your eyelids. It is a protective covering that Keeps an inner membrane moist and protected.

You're not interested in the conversation.
You're just preaching angrily.
Enjoy your impotent anger.

You just need a lightbulb socket from amazon and a red light device which you can also get from amazon
Mine is 25W 660 nM

The "religious guy" is obviously a troll
You atheists fell for it

you haven't put together any argument i asked where "human rights" come from and you simply said uh humans duh. when i asked for clarification like what if two humans disagree you just start went full autism and refused to answer. its honestly really sad how dumb you are, i bet your like 16

well no you would be in constant pain and probably go blind if you removed your eye lids. penises can function without a foreskin and they have for thousands of years

Ohai trollface - have another (you). You seem to crave them.

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how am i not, im curious if you think morals are subjective. why do you think i am angry? i have an idea why you refuse to answer such a simple question

anyone? Im mainly concerned about the brown ring


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you are just ruining your dick, just stop. you can not regrow your foreskin its a scam im sorry man

are you saying killing is wrong in that meme? hmmm sounds like you have an OBJECTIVE moral there bud

It's just scar tissue from the cut.
Be a bit more patient with that, as it's less yieldy than ordinary skin.

Penises can function. But they don’t function as well. All the parts that are supposed to stay covered and moist become exposed and dry out. Then the callousing starts. I don’t know if someone would go blind without eyelids, but your eyeballs would definitely dry out and not work as well. I’m speaking as someone who is almost halfway through my foreskin restoration. Being partly restored is far better than being circumcised. I have better orgasms, lots more sensations during sex, and the amount of feeling is increased. Like taking off the condom.


is this pic serious?

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Try to make the brown ring your rollover point. It’s the dividing line between the 2 types of skin. It will yield you the closest foreskin to normal. It will fade eventually.

you sure all these feelings just aren't in your head? i mean i guess it doesnt matter if its from stretching your dick skin or just your mind. how long have you been trying to restore your foreskin

Serious enough.

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so butthurt an atheist that doesn't understand logic, shocking lol he doesn't know what to do if im not saying dinosaurs aren't real haha. whats wrong little guy your retard skeptics never had to answer if morals are subjective or not? i guess it would be real tricky to on one hand admit that you believe morals are subjective and then turn around and say its evil and immoral to do an act such as circumcision. i guess its best to post cringe memes from 2006 instead of looking inward. but what do i know i believe in God right?

not really no as long as your dick stays clean and fresh no need to circumcise it, this guy is just dumb

That's what I've heard, but I'm not sure how I am supposed to be doing this. I am using the DTR. Right now when I put it on, I make sure that the brown ring is right below where the gripper starts so all of the brown skin is getting tension. Will this make it worse or make it fade away? Should I put the brown skin inside the gripper so it gets no tension?

I’m sure. I’ve had several layers of dead skin come off my glans. Roll your skin over your glans and tape it there for a month and you’ll see a difference too. That’s what got me started.

No, it doesn’t matter. The ring should be as close to the rollover point as you can get it. That way the 2 skins are being tensioned evenly. There isn’t a wrong way, as long as you are stretching and growing, you’re good

you started by taping your skin to your dick head? lol could the skin not just be coming off from being irritated from some device or even tape? i've had my dick shed skin too. how long have you been doing this? and is that you earlier in the thread who posted your dick?

Imagine being religious dumb fuck and calling yourself logical.

And restoring for 3 years now

Yes, that was me who posted earlier. The skin is my bodies way of protecting the glans from abrasion. It’s moist, shiny smooth skin underneath. And 10x more sensitive.

Alright thank you. I've been worrying about that, so that helps a lot.

Some sort of cream can help too I suppose?

As you get closer to your final goal, you may want to adjust it. If you have too much outer skin on the inside, it will be too thick. But other than that, it’s all good.

Shhh, don't feed it, it's very hungry.

well yes i became religious through reason and logic why is that so hard for you to understand? is it because its not a cringe meme circa 2007? tell me dear user...are morals subjective or objective. do you know what that means? is that the problem we are having? you are simply too stupid to understand this basic question

No, I’ve never used cream. Once the glans and inner skin start to get protected and coming back to moist, the changes will happen by themselves. Circumcised guys don’t realize they are walking around with extra layers of skin on their dickheads. Like wearing a condom 24/7

how old are you if you don't mind me asking

41. Noticed a continuous loss of sensation starting around 30. Started restoring a few years after. Been well worth it. The wife loves it too. The extra slack skin helps with friction during sex.