Name a more practical fighting style than Judo

Name a more practical fighting style than Judo

>pro tip you can’t

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Catch wrestling > BJJ > Judo

Jeet Kune Do.
It's got Judo's grapples, boxe-like punches and Taekwondo's crazy acrobatics, all with the free-flowing technique of Kung Fu.
You can fuck people up with this one.

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Bij is 100% just a rip off of judo

Gun fu
Sidewinder fu
Predator fu
F-22 Raptor fu
Subpoena fu
Alimony fu
Impeachment fu
Shitposting on Cred Forums fu

You can fuck people up with Judo

Does anyone here actually compete in a martial art? How long did it take from the time you started training until your first competition/tournament?

I box, took a few months. I don’t think for a second that it’s more practical or would ever win against judo. But any fighting style beats someone who isn’t trained. And boxing’s fun.

cool, what's your record so far?
boxing is tough af, even at amateur level depending on where you are

>Name a more practical fighting style than Judo

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Drawing and shooting a gun

Wrong faggot, BJJ does both Takedowns and grappling..

Thats not a martial art

The question said fighting style, not martial art

Don't move the goal post. He said fighting style

did compete. shootfighting/mma and kyokushin. took about 1 1/2 - 2 years but that was because i was a super fat and unfit teenager back then.

I gave submission underground, ADCC and polaris a try because I subscribe to flosports and UFC fight pass so why not and holy shit what a borefest. I'm not even trying to troll when I say it's possibly the most boring combat sport out there. Even taekwondo at the olympics was more entertaining.
Maybe you do train takedowns I don't know, but you have to change the rules on how your tournaments work because from a spectators point of view it's a complete waste of time.

how come you dont compete anymore? injury?

I'm a 3rd dan Judoka, BJJ black belt, Kyokushin 2nd dan. Nothing would finish a real fight like a big Osoto Gari onto a hard surface.

what weight?

I was at the top of my weight class though so I had a few pounds on ‘em. It’s fucking brutal sometimes. I played soccer up through high school before I started so I thought I was in good shape but it beat the ever living shit out of me, absolutely worth every second of that hell, I’m in the best shape of my life

American detected. Outside of certain states in 'Murrica, you can't walk around with a gun unless you want ten years in prison. Unless you never intend to leave Texas, learn how to defend yourself without firearms.

By definition a martial art is a sport for self defence or attack. Since shooting is a sport and is also for self defence and attack it is literally a martial art.

It should be noted that if you search the term it will mention that it "chiefly" refers to ones originating from parts of Asia. That does not mean exclusive to asian martial arts. It's just not common to use the term for non Asian martial arts.

I did judo from like 6 to 16 I learned a lot, especially how to fall properly. Against untrained people in streets fights you can do some fancy looking throws but against heavy guys or someone with good hands, you’re probably cooked.

yep. worked as a bouncer and got stabbed in the back in a brawl by a sandnigger. punctured lung. still practise karate but dont have the breath for actual competition anymore.

badass, were you a striker in soccer?
also you got any fights coming up?

A gun.

I wrestle

Commonality of open or concealed carry is irrelevant in this discussion. OP requested the most practical. Not regionally specific legal.

I'm 188cm and 115kg. So +100kg or Ultra Heavyweight.

I dont intend to leave texas. You guys just want me to leave so you can fuck me in the ass and make me a faggot just like you.

It's not practical to carry a handgun in most places, unless you want to go to prison. Great, you prevented yourself getting mugged in London . . . but you're also getting life in prison.

college level? Wrestling is severely underrated outside America which is a shame, more people should practice it.

Nah I was a midfielder most of the time in soccer, my old man was the coach and he had some unusual setups. Sometimes he’d have me follow their best player and just fuck his day up always be in his way. Those really talented players tended to get mad quick so it was my job to piss em off. That was before high school though, during it I was midfield because school soccer is boring.
No fights scheduled right now, I’ve got myself busy on other things and can’t nail down a time but I’m working on it.

>Judo-fags think they can catch and throw everything that comes their way.
Just about every martial art teaches throws, faggot. If anyone's well-trained, they won't give you the opportunity.

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nigga aint you got seoi nage at 110kg??

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But it is practical to carry a gun, and has so far been the most efficient method listed so far, in some places. Again I repeat, since you're this fucking stupid that you need things repeated to you.

OP did NOT specify any region specific laws.

Judo is legit but without the grips IRL you are limited. Wrestling is probably the safer bet.

Anyway,. Cred Forums, pointless to discuss here

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this level of autism violates the geneva convention

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Not really, no. I'm an Uchimata/Ouchi Gari /Osoto Gari guy, really. I can't throw Seoi Nage for shit.

>Takes off Gi top

Every hand to hand martial art or self defence club teaches scrawny faggots to do throws and holds on their scrawny faggot friends that are also taught to be compliant and allow the holds to be done and even jump or turn in such a way as to assist the throw.

Yeah I also do free style wrestling at clubs. It's a shame that we don't have gyms for wrestling like other sports.

do you find free style easier or harder?

I'm not disagreeing that if able to, a gun is the most practical. You are, however, limited to probably 5% of places in the world where you can legally carry a gun - in 95% of the planet, it is not practical.

Trained and built condition for 18 months before my fist grading bout
Sensei was strict man....

Post your wins lads
also like and subscribe thanks

I did judo as teenager for 4,5 years. Gone on tournaments. Had orange-green belt since I was young and didn't care much about techniques. In reality I wouldn't recommend it though. If you want to fight with a friend ok, but if the other is serious enemy he will punch you etc before. Also judo has the target to throw someone on floor and then fix, strangle or leverage him until he gives up. In reality you never should lay on the floor because there can be a second one which start stomping on your face.

For reality karate, MMA or best krav maga is the best.

Also did krav maga for a year and it's just about how to finish a fight very fast and unfair. So the best for the street. I would recommend muay Thai, karate or MMA additionaly too because that's where you can do sparing. In krav maga you can't really do sparing because most techniques would cripple your mate.

Judo and BJJ I competed six monghs or so into training. Kyokushin I was probably two months in and a lost a tooth in my second fight, haha.

>Life in prison
>For a gun
I carry two guns every day. I own more than 3 and less than 50.
Thus gritty reboot of Europe (sandnigger edition) has made you even more pathetic than when you assholes denied the germans from making you a centralized western state.
Great fucking move by the way I'm sure we are all better off.

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>Sensei was strict man....
you still compete?

Free style is really, but to measure the difficulty of it isn't easy since it's relative to you. Have you wrestle in high school? How long have you wrestle? Are you fit? Mentally tough? All of this weighs in, so it's hard to give a definite answer. I personally don't find it very difficult, but it is challenging. If you get the opportunity to learn and wrestle freestyle I recommend it.

sambo, judo with striking

Karate and Krav are both just LARPing.

is it true theres a lot of bitter rivalry in the sport or is that hyped up?

Agree. I'd say wrestling is the most practical, bjj and then judo. BJJ offers more defense than judo does, however I love judo

Not really. US, German and Israeli soldiers use krav maga.

I was gonna say that shit looks like drunk-fu
Then I see it's Russian.
>Dat vodka-fu

Used to go to naga competitions in new jersey, there was some serious dudes there

Go kill a wallet-snatcher with a concealed handgun in London, Berlin, Tokyo, Toronto, Rome, Moscow - you will get 10 to life.

Regardless of how shitty the instructor at your dojo may be, it doesn't change or devalue that fact. I've studied under a few masters, and even in strike-focused disciplines, they teach you how to throw or counter one. Tone down your testosterone for a few seconds and actually read my post.

Wrestling is considered one of the most difficult sports, so rivalries are bound to form especially in higher level competitions.

i have bad anxiety id be a nervous rek if I had to compete in it tbh
do you personally have any rivals in the sport?

>For reality karate, MMA or best krav maga is the best.
>For reality karate is the best.
nigger you cannot be serious
I did karate for years when I was a kid and it is the memest shit
literally every other martial art is better for real fights
karate is garbage tier irl

This is wrong on so many levels. Everyone can beat them. Their only advantage is that enemy probably thinks they are insane or have an epileptic seizure and doesn't react because surprised.

Look at all these fags in this thread. They don't even realize wrestling isn't a sport. It's just a means to fondle another dude without being openly gay.

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A good MMA gym that combines grappling and striking. Sambo is basically mma, muay thai as well. It really depends on your instructor/gym though, someone who does only boxing could fuck up a judofag depending on circumstance and how they trained.

The red (not orange, red, look closer) countries are the only ones where you are not permitted to own a gun.

You can't open carry in many places and most places require special licenses to conceal carry if they do allow it. But if some fuckwit kicks down your fucking door at home and tries to stab you to death then you're very very wrong if you think picking up your gun isnt the fastest way to save your ass and not go to jail for it.

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Karate, started in '99, did it for 10 years. Brown belt, one below black belt. first tournament was after 2 years or so, our coaches pushed us so young me was tempted to try it. won some medals, 3rd place mostly, didnt like it tho.
karate itself is pretty good for body control, learning weak spots and mental strength. you will hardly ever come into a situation where you will you the exact moves you learn in karate, but as most sports your physical strength is a plus.

Fucking this. Once I stopped focusing on karate and adopted Wing Chun, I immediately fought more effectively.

Too many rules but kicking someone without any holding back is great for stress. Knocking them out is a plus too.

thanks for the kek user

I joke around with friends, and say stuff like I'll kick their ass. Although what me and my friends do is just banter. In all honesty I think being anxious is a purely negative trait, and something you should get rid of fast. You only live one life, and trying new things is important.

>adopted Wing Chun

Pretty sure Greenland oughta be blue there.

Unless someone throws a direct punch/kick on your groin, eyes, nose, balls, liver, ears, knee ...

>Knocking them out is a plus too.
damn so you compete without headgear?

I'm not talking about a hunting rifle, I mean the kind of weapon you'd keep for self defense on the street - a concealed handgun. The sporting rifle that you can own in most countries is not relevant to self defence.

>OP requested the most practical
the most practical martial arts.
murican isnt a martial arts.

Thats too dangerous to be taught to another. No one should have that much power...

Wing Chun is garbage too. Go practice a real martial art with an emphasis on live sparring.

Systema larp videos are amazing. For my money better than any of those kung fu or ki energy guys.

tkd practitioners are fit as fuck

Why in the first place would I be in your crime ridden filthy liberal city in the first place? All your places suck. We are all rich and white like god intended.

Guess what? I can do all that shit too, and smash you into the concrete at 50mph. "Hurt durr, I'd just kick you in the balls" is such a stupid argument.

During tournaments its a requirement. But I train with it off... Mainly due to the globs of sweat that accumulate inside the headgear. But definitely put it on during tournaments.

My krav maga sensei competed in karate tournaments for centuries. When this guy throwed a light punch it was harder than every punch I could ever throw.

That's why I think so. But yeahr maybe I have no idea, I can just talk about what I experienced. Probably muay Thai would be better option.

Sessions were typically an hour of intense PT
warming up lol
Some new moves and doctrine after then sparring sessions followed by a reffrd bout between the two students he though had learned the most that day
He would be cool about showing hoe the illegal moves were done but would stress why they were illigal
Very cool guy Tpm

great, you dismantled your own argument. like you said, most countries that -do not- restrict firearms have very strict laws. try unlocking your safe you have to keep your firearm in and then rush and unlock your second safe where ammo is stored while someone stabs your ass. in this scenario the only good place to have a gun is under your pillow. which is not legal in most countries.

whats your record in tournaments?

Its a great for keeping fit! But then I started weightlifting and got "fat".
Me tkd: 150 lbs.
Me weightlifting: 245 lbs.
Me know: 220 lbs. Struggling to get back to 100 digit weight.

Martial arts are inevitably about perfectly balancing the mind and body. Wing Chun teaches you to fight with the least amount of effort to do the most amount of power. Become the Wu Wei. By striking the meridians of chi effectively, you disable the body, not destroy it.

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you ever used or had an illegal move used against you?

>By striking the meridians of chi effectively, you disable the body, not destroy it.

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Only went to a handful of tournaments.
Don't know actual count but if it's a "washed out tournament" I'd win through brute force.
But if it's a Korean dominated tournament then I'd mostly get my ass handed to me. Not from knockout but my look-a-likes would be faster, have better stamina, and move like monkey-tarzan.

In every country than the blues you can't carry a gun. You have to store it in a safe. If someone kicks in your door at night. Then first your door is shit and second you have no time to run down in basement and get your gun when someone surprises you in the night. Also I would say 99% of all fights don't happen in your home since most doors aren't shit and people don't come randomly to your house. Even burglars observe your house for a week before they break in because burglars are burglars and not murders.

When has jeet kun do ever worked? It's a LARP for skinny weebs that watch too many movies.

But what will you do when you're in jail because the family cried on the news and Tyrone wants some lovin'?

I used a non regulation knee trip to disable a guy in a mad brawl
that was street Judo though
Competition is very different you'd thrown out of the Dojo


>that was street Judo though
whats that? you guys get together and have unsanctioned judo fights?

Home invasions happen even in the US. It's usually niggers. They don't think, they just act, and it's why so many end up in prison.

I'm a bouncer and whenever I see retards on Cred Forums making clsims like that I cringe. I've had junkies and nuts try all the "but X will beat any amount of training!" bullshit on me, and it just means I have to be slightly rougher than usual and actually hurt the person instead of just holding them.

What I mean is that judo techniques need really low distance. If enemy isn't a faggot he will hold some distance and in worst case he will surprise you and just throw 2,3 punches which fuck up your ability to self defense. First direct punch on groin, second in balls, fingers in eyes and knee into stomach and your done.

That's why krav maga beside the problem you cant really do sparing is the self defense. There are no rules. It's not about fairness. It's just about taking advantage of the surprise and damage your enemy in first 30-60 seconds as hard as possible with simple techniques which need not much strength and cripple your enemy so he can't fight anymore.

My Glock 9mm.

KEK, alright. I've travelled from Reykjavík to Tokyo to Rio de Janeiro. Enjoy never leaving your home state.

Just a random drunken idiots fighting scenario
This guy was huge and started laying into out of nowhere
I wasn't having that so I fucked up his ACL hopefully for good, and left

7-8 years of bjj here and I hear that shit too. 'B-b-b-ut I can claw your eyes!' Yeah good luck doing that with a broken arm or if you can't breath lol. They don't realize that a trained fighter doesn't have to follow any rules, either, and on top of that, they are vastly more experienced.

Krav maga isn't a system that can really be practiced. It's just an idea to use your surroundings and be lethal. But there's a reason when you see guys in mma claim they know krav maga they get their ass handed to them *every* time.

I already proved it is. Learn English ffs

They only happen in US. Never heard of a home invasion in Europe. Also where is your argument? Like I said 99% of conflicts happen on street. Most times even in drunk state.

At no point did I dismantle my argument. You're the one making up false statistics and creating strawman arguments

Exactly. And just being able to hold and position ourselves is s huge advantage. Last time I had someone try clawing my eyes out and bite I only had to escalate to punching, and still had him completely fucked. Fighting dirty will only piss the better fighter off.

Home invasions happen. There was that gypsy ("travelers" you call them right?) who got his shit kicked in by an old man who is a former boxer heavyweight. The gypsy died and his gypsy friends harassed the old man into moving away

I'm guessing that's not the only time so it happens in europe

Confusion is pretty handy,gives you a second or so to end a conflict.(use to be a bar doorman)

England is becoming a crime ridden shithole.

I’m not trying to create a negative response, but can you show me some links that show this happening? I’m very skeptical

Actually krav maga is a system itself. It takes the simplest and most effective techniques of different martial arts.

Israeli soldier use it, German airbornes use it, US army uses it.

And you can't use krav maga in an MMA fight. Krav maga isn't made for competing. Its simply made for self defense. That's why exactly it uses all these techniques which are forbidden in martial arts because they cripple or kill people.

It's not practical at all, that's why you wear a bath robe and no shoes. It's entirely designed for tournament fighting, not real life ( 4 years of Judo here, quit because it's total shit)

Well find one Krav Maga based UFC or general MMA champion. You won't find any.

The only guy I've even seen do it was one of the old events and he got fucked up bad. If they could win, they would, but they can't, so they don't bother. They might have a little success on regional circuits.

England isn't really Europe. It's an own strange country kek. If you would live in Europe you would understand. They even Brexit now because they think they are such special.

I've never done it but the problem would be the same problem a lot of martial arts have - they aren't regulated so literally anyone can make themselves a krav maga/karate/bjj etc instructor. So although real krav maga is an israeli military combat system, there would be a shitload of people who jump on the bandwagon because it's the "edgy" martial art, and teach people who have no idea they're learning from a fake.

Striking and grappling techiques are somewhat universal. Only so many ways to throw strikes or manipulate someone. It doesn't take training to gouge eyes or aim a strike to the groin. Good strikers can land anywhere they want. There's a reason military guys avoid hand to hand fighting. There's also a reason why military guys tend to not do well in MMA. Tim Kennedy was the best and he used standard boxing, kick boxing and bjj.

Well where I live you cannot easily open an door by kicking it in. Europe houses are made out of concrete and most have really heavy doors. Even if you're really strong I don't think you could kick in doors in my home country. Maybe you could open it with an axe and 5 minutes time but then the cops already arrived.

Travel is for the weak and those who are too weak to father children. Did I mention how weak you are?

I know exactly who I am and I dont need to travel to discover myself. I dont need exotic pictures for pussy.

That's because krav maga isn't an martial art. It's like you want to compete an boxer with an judoka and only grappling is allowed.

youre trying too hard.

Exactly my original point. It's not really a well put together system to win a fight. It's a way to give someone with zero martial arts training the smallest amount of training to be somewhat effective against someone who has none. But if they know how to fight? Good luck thinking you can just grab some wrestlers balls or punch a good boxer in the throat lol. They will fuck you up.

Just scrolling by but... wut? I don't travel either but you take the childish "I don't do thing so anyone who does do thing is WRONG!" attitude to a whole new level of cringe.

Taking a throwaway line used for hyperbole literally because it's the only way your argument holds any merit.


Uh huh, enjoy being an ignorant, uncultured pleb. For anyone else, there is a whole world to experience.

The krav maga training consists of a few things. 360 degree fighting, using your environment to fight (example fight with objectives), fighting against more than one enemy, how to defend against being strangled, stress drills, defense against pistols/knives, etc...

You have a wrong view on krav maga. It's not about becoming a champion. It's about training someone to survive an assault/street fight. You will never see someone use krav maga unless it's necessary. The basic idea is to avoid fighting by foresight and verbal aggression, if not possible then surprise enemy and cripple him as fast as you can. It's made for reality and not for dojo with rules. It's made for increasing people's ability to self defense pretty fast.


how about buying a gun,libtard?

sorry that the cesspool you live in hates the 2nd ammendment


Not relevant for the majority of the planet. Outside of redneck states in the USA, you can't walk around with a firearm.

Whats your point? Nobody is training krav maga for 20 years. Every instructor I met so far already mastered an martial art. You want to compare 2 years krav maga with 15 years muay Thai now?

I'm pretty sure someone doing 2 years krav maga would beat the shit out of someone doing 2 years muay Thai in a street fight.

Sure after some threshold the martial arts fighter has an advance.

I've fought alongside US Marines (and gotten into a few fights with Marines). Whatever the fuck they teach them, that's the best one.

My point is retards claim it's the most superior fighting system. It isn't. And those Krav Maga guys can always go to thailand to test that. Those little fuckers are hard as nails.

Gracie Jiu Jitsu

My cousin was a marine and they didn't teach him anything. He learned some very basic bjj. He said 99% of their training was weapons training. Modern militaries don't give much of a fuck about hand to hand because it almost never happens.

This is highly unit dependent. My company had a combat pit in front of it because the first sergeant was tired of hearing us fight on the floor above him. In only one platoon we had a JR Olympics Tae Kwon Do gold medalist, 2 golden gloves boxers, an ex-undercover and tactical DEA agent from Miami, a college wrestler and two high school wrestlers. You get enough guys like that scattered throughout the company and the combat pit can be a fun place. Especially after we all had that 3 week bjj basics course.

Gun slap. Pistol whip. Theres 2

Sure I'm just saying there's no military system. I've rolled with guys who had joined BJJ clubs within the military but it's more of a hobby or sport thing.