Not with those massive high heels he won't. "james" fucking olsen looks bigger than him

Not with those massive high heels he won't. "james" fucking olsen looks bigger than him.

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, Cred Forums? Is he our Superman?

Thanks man i didn't found on YouTube

>Yes, person I am speaking on the phone with. I understand that you just told me I had to give you an article soon. What's that? Did you just say that catchphrase you are well known for?

Aw man, that's great.

Superman spinoff when?

he was talking to Perry you fucking idiot

I felt so giddy watching this, and I couldn't help but smile. So, I'm going with a "Yes".


This is by far the best cape related stuff that i' ve seen from this year! Marlel BTFO!

>That confidence
>That smile
>That Clark

FINALLY the REAL Superman is back. Based CW

>Call someone an idiot
>Miss the point entirely
Guess I was wrong then; there are retards that need to speak that way on the phone

I know it's not Cavils fault, but damn he's looking to be a better superman already

can you please get your company wars shit out for fuck sakes ?

Or what?

Clark is pretending to be a bumbling idiot who is nervous and intimidated by Perry. How did you not read any of that

Cavill is bland as fuck and has no charisma.

No, he wasn't charismatic at all in Man from UNCLE. He was overshadowed by Armie Hammer.

tbf Armie Hammer is pretty charismatic. poor guy can't get a break

I don't get it. He doesn't look conflicted or depressed. Where's the grimacing and hand wringing?

He better at least kill someone before the episode ends.

Yeah the writing on that was fucking atrocious, not that the bar is high or anything. He has the attitude down, at least.

Now yes this is Superman! And a great Clark Kent too!

Well done CW! I' m really impressed. You did a far better casting from the cinematic version!

I can believe fucking CW showed in 3 minutes how to do a better Superman


This only made me want a Superman series

Ok, wow. I don't watch the show and when I saw pics of supes in this I was sure he was gonna suck but this actually looks pretty good. Better than DCEU, though I believe Cavill can do a good job, he just isn't written well.

>CW blows through their CGI budget again

this supergirl isn't quite 'peppy' enough, not quite attractive enough, and not quite young enough

you can see from the sneer in OP's image that even her personality is not quite right

trusting some random quadroon with your secret identity is also not plausible, it's just not something that a person with godlike powers would do 'oh lets trust this black dude that I recently met'

>oh lets trust this black dude that I recently met
Did you forgot that he was friends with the Clark or what ?

Well that Clark is perfect but I'd like to see more Kal before I pass judgement

Still find it hilarious Jimmy is bigger than Clark is, and I'm not talking about the time when Jimmy mutated into a giant turtle creature in the silver age...

The fucking CW did a better Superman in one scene than Zack "The Hack" Snyder did in two bloated movies.


I never followed Super comics, has Jimmy always known their secret identities?

I like him... so yes, this his our Kal-El. Seriously I couldn't stop chuckling at his Clark Kenting.
Sure he isn't tall but thats what the levitating is for and camera angles. This may sound weird but I like thin well built Supes better then ridiculously buff Supes... he feels more approachable, like an older brother.

Like Superbro ?

To be fair there are few actors that can look charismatic working with Armie... and that bar is in the same vicinity as Morgan Freeman, so it ain't easy..


>This is muh superman
So basically the same argument you are using for Superdad coming back? Weak bait ITT

>This looks like a job for the both of us.
I like it

Clark Kent calling Perry Mr. White? Is that a thing, except in the first year of working for the planet? I thought this was a Superman that was well established for years and years.

How does the CW show manage to handle Superman better than Snyder's two movies?

Even after working at the Planet for years, do you think Perry would like Clark to address him via first name only?

He's in "Freefire" and "Nocturnal Animals". He's bound to make it eventually.

Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't.

Same for Perry.

>not quite young enough
This is actually one of the few reasons I haven't even tried to watch this yet. It feels weird to see a Supergirl that looks so old and not peppy at all. I mean, how old is the actress? She looks like a 30 year old in cosplay. I want a 16 year old or so who's going through identity issues and stuff that happens when growing up.

Also, the few scenes I've seen are atrocious. Shit like Bizarro Supergirl and Red Tornado fight.

Only Lois gets that Leeway. Clark being an old salt would call him Mr. White.

show looks like shit but of course superman looks right out of the 90s

Don't like how short he is
Don't like how skinny he is
Don't like that worried looknig down face he does before he changes

>Don't like that worried looknig down face he does before he changes

People are in danger, is he supposed to be smiling?

>People are in danger, is he supposed to be smiling?
Snyder-Man would

He should be stern, Sure of himself, Driven. He's Superman, He's saved people before.

Spider-man sucks.

Looks actually pretty good (aside from god-awful costumes).
I hope this isn't one-time great cgi, also hope they will come out with this (very unlikely though)

Not that I am lesser fan of Snyder's Superman now, but it's good that CW having alternative for nu-male whiners now. Little too cheesy for me (that little overacting at nerveous Kent and 'lol, sis, that austranauts in danger, need help?'), but ok in general.

I hope they will fire their costume designer someday.

This is more than being a bumbling idiot. Clark spelling everything out to the audience like we can't tell who his character is.

I'm willing to bet they also have a better Flash than what we'll get.

Damn that got me hyped. Can WB and DC just do TV shows and stay out of movies besides Batman stuff? I mean the DC shows all tend to be pretty good and at least true to the character most of the time.

the costume doesnt really match the hair or the 5 oclock shadow. he looks a bit like a human ken doll man

>tfw I like this AND Cavill's Supes
It's a good time for me

>I'd rather have BVS Superman than CWringe Superman

I am laughing so hard right now.

>there will never be a Crisis storyline where you both meet up and shake hands

There is a reason they handed control over to the guy that's made the CW stuff what it is. So post Justice League things will be different.

You mean Hispanic goes fast Iron Man.

What's wrong with his face?

I like how the show's promo material seemingly forgot that this is still Supergirl's show and are instead showcasing Superman 24/7.

I like him.

>YouTube comment section
I have nobody to blame but myself for the scrolling down that shithole

Ezra Miller said there is might be.

And soon they'll be the YouTube mods. Fucking hell that place.

I'd be lying if I said I did not crack a smile when they both saved that ship.


Because it's fucking Superman.

I'm positive he was high as fuck in that interview

He was just bullshitting while high, though.

Same here.

>Implying this isn't the Superman spin-off

Welcome back Superman!

It has been a looong time since the last one!

I understand reference, but that was another interview

I only hope they will fire Supergirl's and Superman's designer until then. Fucking TV Superboy costume looks better than this "I am like Injustice but not really" and not because muh trunks. Why they thought that making MoS-like costume with no money will be good idea?

If fucking WB had vision they would do their own Crisis event.

Invite some of the past actors, pretty sure the CW actors would all be on fucking board for this just to get some movie exposure even if they aren't the focus or just get like 15 minutes top of screen time, they would do it. Invite Linda Carter, JWS, and Adam West for small roles and do with them what Ant-Man did with Michael Douglas to make him younger (Probably have Cristopher Reeves too but in a non speaking cameo or use sound clips for him).

It's something Marvel wouldn't do because to them it's all about synergy and they are trying to keep their shows and movies in one universe, their rights to their other stuff is all over the place, and I don't see Marvel Entertainment making friends with Marvel Studios as long as Perlmutter is the CEO.

Open people up to the idea of the multiverse, I mean that way when they have to switch actors for whatever people would be more receptive to the idea.

Also it's a good way to fucking hype some of the older people or the nostalgiafags.

oh boy, this looks so cheesy and badly done/acted, yet its gonna make superman-fags insufferable for weeks.

Johns didn't "make the CW stuff what it is". It was Berlanti, who has nothing to do with the movies.

>So post Justice League things will be different.

You naive fool.

Well it's already making you insufferable.

You have not seen the show if you don't think she's peppy.

If they modeled Tyler's suit after anything it's New 52, not Injustice or MoS.

>A R R O W
>greg green lantern the movie berlanti
they've done a season and a half of good Arrow and a season and a half of Flash they're far from good

>weeb pic

Opinion discarded.

BVS Superman "too dark, edgy not muh Superman"

CW Superman "too cheesy"

It's east to spot the double standard drone.

They didn't though. Luckily Berlanti, Guggenhack, and whoever the 3rd jew hack is have nothing todo with the movies. They're stuck shitting around on tv on the fucking CW.
What happened is WB have supposedly acknowledged some past mistakes and put Geoff Johns in a more prominent role(who did admittedly have a large role in making the flash good but if you only attribute him cw tv then i hope you drown in a bowl of milk). Whether he'll be able to have any effect on the DCEU i dont know,we can but hope.

Cavill behaves more like swag 90s Clark. There is nothing wrong with that.
The entire scenes in Batman V Superman that is the Lex libary thingy was amazing.

This is what Supermanfags who don't read Superman believe him to be. This shit belongs in the 70s.
I'm not even a Snyderfag, but you can't unironically defend, let alone praise, this.

It's anonymous, user

The Supermanfags need to make up their fucking minds, what or how the ideal Superman should be. Because the whole thing turns to a freaking parody. "Fuck this, it's too edgy, not muh Superman." "No fuck this is too cheesy, not how Superman is depicted currently".
Make up your minds, about what you want.

You arenot intelligent.

>She looks like a 30 year old in cosplay.

I refuse to take this statement seriously


When they went from superior mask to this poorman's Arkham-y helmet it was clear signal that only good superhero shows on Netflix and FX.


>Seeing that first mask for the first time
Scared me man

Really makes me think.


>there is only dark edgy or too cheesy

Fucking Supermanlet

baby dick

And i suppose this Superman here is too cheesy for you?

Thats it. Probably when i knew Arrow was going to be my favorite show.

Describe then your ideal Superman.

10 years of practice.

I don't mind Superman himself being cheesy (ripping his shirt off while running shot), but the shots, camera angles and music in this show is too much for me

I wouldn't mind something similar to The Rocketeer in tone

I'll take this blow out over the Gordd/Shark shit on Flash.

>the shots, camera angles

Fuck off back to Cred Forums with this "I went to film school" shit.

Neck yourself

Have you never heard someone be intimated before? It's also an exaggeration you dip


that Gotham reference

>That SuperSmile
>That SuperWink

Stop, Zack is already dead


>Cat wants Clark's dick

..How does the fucking CW manage to give us a better Superman than the last 3 WB big budget movie versions ffs?

10 years of practice

Oh yes!

Good to see you finally back Superman!

They have ascended and fully accepted capeshit and sci-fi as their identity.

Higher quality

Clark and Kara have more chemistry in this one minute, than Clark had with the rest of the trinity in BvS, for an entire film. They act like an actual family here. Good work CW!

Fuck now i'm going to watch it.

1. Understanding of what makes the medium good

2. Budget limits means that long drawn out fights like in Batman V Superman is impossible, so you can't do a show just on the fights alone

I hope they portray Superman and Supergirl as equals, not an overload of that cringey "girl power" they had in the early Supergirl season.

I also really want a Superman TV series now. CW Bruce Wayne when Cred Forums?

They didnt.

I'm sorry but the way the cape flows is too distracting, I know they can't CG it but it just doesn't move as well as Reeve's did. He seems nice

How many episodes with Supes last before written off? And how will they do it? Phantom Zone? Trouble off planet?

There's no way he's staying as a reoccurring character.

Gotham will eventually bring us there.

hes gonna go back to metropolis

Oof. I cringed so hard. If this kind of transparent, shallow, formulaic pandering is what passes for "muh Superman", you can keep it. Although considering much of Cred Forums seems to think Superman Returns was good, I shouldn't be surprised.

I think it's funny that Snyder's version of the character has do e so much to destroy him. For decades, Superman struggled to escape his label as a shallow boy scout, and I think for the most part, he found a happy medium throughout the 80s and 90s, but now, Snyder's take is so far in the other direction that fans don't know how to react, other than being so extreme in their hatred that they now embrace the cheesy, paper-thin cliche that Superman was always criticized for becoming. Almost out of spite.

>its a weird topic to talk about.. but with the arrival of the new superman on the cw( no hate) i can't help but feel bad for Henry Cavill and his superman. I absolutely love him he is my favorite interpretation of the character so it pains me to see dislike and hatred for the portrayal. not to say you cant like one more than the other but... ugghhh i don't know. my favorite quote from a youtuber regarding BvS that applies to anything " Wait and see how you feel when something you love and care about is hated on by everybody" the reason i even bring this up because when i went on our counterpart Reddit /r/DCcomics i was saddened and happy about the reaction to our superman and the new one

But Daredevil got tacticool'd up and they had an entire scene of the main characters making fun of Jessica Jones Jewel costume.

>2 min of CGI
>20 min of go faster and shit acting

He's only in 2 episodes. He'll probably just say she can handle threats on her own and go back to Metropolis.

When do they fug?

They are family.

Not the actors.

>Not cut my life into pieces Superman



THIS, is our Superman.

I honestly would've preferred these versions to the shitty DCEU versions. At least they're only dicks when they first meet.

And season 3 went down the fucking drain.

>Actually wanting to move back to Gotham

the way supergirl flies out the window is hilarious

>Implying I am saying that tacticool is bad

Nope. It's particularly examples when people with no money doing something they can't handle and it's obviously looks bad.
Cox's Daredevil looks cool, guys from Gotham looks cool, Deathstroke since season 2 looks like shit, Supergirl looks like shit, Superman looks like shit, Flash looks like something on the edge between cool and shit.

You don't necessarily need to mine the previous live action franchises for a good crisis movie. Otherwise people will ask why Baleman isn't there and shit like that. Though getting Brandon Routh to put on the S again would be amazing. But yeah, CW and DCEU crossover would be amazing and would blow out anything Marvel's planning.
Plus, you can have Grant Gustin Barry make the ultimate sacrifice to stop the Anti-Monitor on the big screen as a satisfying ending to the series.

Not sure if he will be a good superman, but I do think he makes a really hood clark kent.

I never had any interest in supergirl but I need to watch season 1 now so I can hop into season 2

The first few eps are pretty rough, power through until the MM reveal. It's fun cheese.

>super didnt blow up the plane to save the crew
WTF is this bland shit

>Henry Cavill looks and acts like Superman irl, but not in DCEU
>CW Superman acts like Superman more than DCEU version
Worst timeline

Episode 1 was pretty good actually for me

And dat Jim

..Okay fine. I'll watch Supergirl now.

>Dweeby Clark
I love it.

>Superman looks like shit
he doesn't look great but he's already the best non-Cavill so it's fine

>Cox's Daredevil looks cool

Now we can but pray that a transition to CW doesn't mean Guggenheim getting his grubby little hands on Superman.

Pretty good but the "she is" was unnecessary. I also think it's unrealistic that anyone would say "I pray she's watching this" when Superman is around. That's kind of an important part of Supergirl's character.
This doesn't seem right. Superman could have done it himself; if he couldn't then why would he have had a successful career? I'll forgive it if there is a scene where he says he doesn't want to make her feel bad.

Wasn't gonna watch this show, it looks horrible but now that supes is in it I might have to start. Is the show shit? I still like the Flash but I dropped Arrow.

still better than arrow

>dat wink

Oh yes.

More like 30's-40's "mild-mannered." Maybe even further because I don't know when exactly he stopped being characterized that way.

Less cheese.
More macaroni.
More cheese AND macaroni.

Be still my beating heart.
Seriously, I just woke up.
This is too much.

Mate I fucking hate that Cred Forums shit too, but I genuinely can't sit through Supergirl because the style is way over the top

>yet its gonna make superman-fags insufferable for weeks.
Yes, and I've had to put up with MoS/BvS fags for three fucking years.

I welcome this change of pace.

I felt really good while watching this. In an old-timey lighthearted way. So I say it's good.

Man, you need to read the comments on Youtube. They are crucifying the CW version in favor of the Snyder's one. "Too cheesy", they are saying

I guess when Marvel/Disney is doing it is all well, especially when they turned a badass Norse god, to a freaking parody.

fuck off kino fag

Only problem is Superman not having blue eyes, and I don't think Cavill got that right either.

>this supergirl isn't quite 'peppy' enough, not quite attractive enough, and not quite young enough

Yeah. All this is doing is making me want a Superman series.

Since when was Amy Adams stacked?

Neither did Welling.

Welling has blue eyes, user.

It's a throwback joke to the first Christopher Reeve Superman movie, where he says "Gosh, Lois. That'd be swell!", and she points out nobody says swell anymore.

>nobody posted this pic yet

Everything about Superman is super.

>silhouetted people for scene transitions

I hope they dont do that thing where they go from a really fast moving CGI Supergirl to a completely still greenscreen Supergirl though.

Its fake, why would anyone post it.

>I guess when Marvel/Disney is doing it is all well, especially when they turned a badass Norse god, to a freaking parody.
I don't disagree with your general thrust, but Thor was always a borderline parody.


>I wouldn't mind something similar to The Rocketeer in tone
I like the Rocketeer but that's pretty cheesy too. It's just harder to notice because it's taking place in the 40s and has more of a nostalgic feel to it.

And goddamn were Jennifer Conelley's tits amazing in that movie. Kickstarted puberty for me.

Sups is not the problem, Jimmy is. Everyone looks shorter that than dude, what where they thinking?

I kinda get why they wanted Jiminy to be taller than Kara... but on the other hand, it's a little pointless when she could lift him with her pinky alone.
But now Supes, a guy who's basically always portrayed to be the size of a small shed, looks tiny in comparison.
Don't get me wrong, I'm hyped for Supes. This is just a little weird is all.
Like, I'm almost 100% sure Superman was a last-minute asspull.

It's shit. Only watching for supes.


>And Superman is going to be the best part of the show like everyone though he would be

hum? not like it will be hard even with a guy that can't act to save his life

>Cavill is bland as fuck and has no charisma.

so is tyler hoechlinn, seems like smile all the time is th eonly requirement for being a good superman

>Like Superbro ?
opposite of superbro

>This is what Supermanfags who don't read Superman believe him to be. This shit belongs in the 70s.
>I'm not even a Snyderfag, but you can't unironically defend, let alone praise, this.

agree with you. last time we saw a cristover reeeves's imitation was on superman returns and it sucked.
at least give superman some edge and personality. on the promos we only see him smiling like a idiot and people are all "so good, this is the true superman"
even smallville did better than this

>The Supermanfags need to make up their fucking minds, what or how the ideal Superman should be. Because the whole thing turns to a freaking parody. "Fuck this, it's too edgy, not muh Superman." "No fuck this is too cheesy, not how Superman is depicted currently".
>Make up your minds, about what you want.

there is a in between that can be done. see STAS, all star superman.

Clark is a cute

Everybody wanting a piece of him is relatable

>assertive confident black Jimmy
>stuttering manlet white Superman

Fucking hell they arent even trying to hide it!

Since the big guy is cleared for tv again how long til a Batman shows up

Or rather Batgirl/Batwoman obviously


I'm so ready.
Just... end the pain of waiting, you're gonna do it sooner or later.

I hope batman will be only on Fox and movies. CW sucks casting actors

now batgirl and batwoman could be interesting

Sometime in the next 7 years.