Brit/pol/ - Disappointed father edition

>Theresa May rounds on EU leaders who criticise Brexit telling them they will have to sign a deal with UK

>Theresa May to tell world leaders that Britain has 'a right' to protect its borders

>London’s Muslim Mayor Tells New York And London to Get Used to Terrorism

>Activists organise white only foodbank in Glasgow

>No EU deal is better than a bad deal, Theresa May is told

>Lib Dem split emerges over policy of seeking second EU referendum

>Labour front bench: 14 'would return' if Corbyn wins

Other urls found in this thread:

First for


nth for n

You yanks better not screw this up.

First for Her Majesty the Queen.

>tfw my Tory MP supports Corbyn for the banter

Post your MP

what did they do on the Daily Politics today lads

Is UKIP finished?



This, don't bother coming to Cred Forums if Hillary gets in, your days will be over. The trolling the lelz, the tears will be glorious.

So you had better vote for Trump, it's in your interests to do so!

Would have literally shattered that cunt

There will never be a more glorious time in the coming years

>we're building our own wall before the yanks

Drumpf btfo


When Labour wins in 2020 the British Socialist Republic will be established. Cred Forumsyps will be sent to gulags.


Well we still have WW3 on the immediate horizon

If you build it, they won't come.

Is it that time again?

I think that's a bit unfair, Trump hasn't actually gotten elected yet so it's not like he can make a start on the wall.

Why the fuck do I recognise this person?

He keeps the place nice and orderly.

I'm in complete agreement but a man should not be talking in such vulgar language when speaking of our fair Queen.

Have this schools as options to study at: University of Exeter, Lancaster University, Durham University, UCL, University of Edinburgh, University of Liverpool, University of Bristol, University of Glasgow, University of York, Central School of Speech and Drama, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Going for cinematic arts and drama. got advice? what's good with May deportations? Is London going to be English safe city again? Is 800-1200£ a month enough for pocket money?

Sounds like an advertising campaign for skimmed milk.


Tim Farron live soon on BBC2. Expect cringeworthy levels of EU moaning and >muh refugees


>Going for cinematic arts and drama

Durham and York are nice cities to live in.
London, Glasgow and Liverpool are shitholes.

They might survive for a while simply because everyone but the Tories is falling to fucking pieces. But long term I don't think they'll last.


>Log onto iplayer after work
>first thing is Faggon saying "I'm white"
This cuck needs to go back to his shed

Who is he?

Tim Farron is such a fucking sad act, why hasn't he killed himself yet?

>chap's eye
It's "Japs eye".

Fucking hwhite male

>That footnote about chaps eye

Millenial Woes, on YouTube


>I respect your opinion and vote
>But youre wrong
Does this idiot hear himself?


His face just shouts LEADER!


Go to London and help make it white and masculine again!

It's also "chap's eye" in some places, cause in some places your dick is known as your chap.

I'm from artistic family and that's my passion

jack here

i miss kitty


>even the fucking sunday sport has become politically correct

You've rinsed it dry mate, fuck off and shut up.

Is it also your passion to be unemployed and £50k in debt?

Ukip don't stand anybody in Scotland... my first time voting (aside from indyref) and I wont even be able to choose the party I want.

>The cream was a bit too sour her kitties liking.

>An Issy pic I don't have

Thanks friend, here's another.


The arts took Hitler in to a great career, don't knock it.


Such a shame, Canada had such a cool flag too.

Listen mate.

In the last 3 months we have had a Brexit vote, got a new Prime Minister and new cabinet and have started building a wall.

America has been talking about a wall for the last year and a half and still hasn't got a new President?

Us Brits don't hang about.

>tfw Woesy said I was an aberration for having bipolar

>he also appeals to the greens
>this is a good thing

>Trying to incite a Marxist revolution in sevenoaks

Did anyone find the Lizzy Vaid nudes or was it just a big hoax in the end?

So Anglos, help me out here:

Why does May want some sort of "Brexit Deal"? Why not just invoke article 50 so she actually does what the referendum showed the brits want? It seems pretty retarded to me to give the middle finger to the EU, and then expecting the same EU to sign a "favourable" "brexit deal", whatever this is. This is akin to spitting the big school bully in the face, but then negotiate with him about how hard he can punch back and where.

i remind my remoaner waifu every few days, i'll never stop laughing about it.

>i do not know how to negotiate
Never reveal your hand

Because we have citizens living in the EU and the EU has citizens here.

Your businesses sell a lot of goods to us, we're trying to be nice and not fuck them over. So if May brings a deal to the table that is good, you'll fucking accept it.

And you'll accept it with a big smile on your face. You got that Hans? Good.

>Why not just invoke article 50 so she actually does what the referendum showed the brits want?
She will do it when WE are ready for it, not when Euros think it's better for them.

It's all about the best deal for Britain - not the EU.

>The PLP is irrelevant!
>Vote Labour
Plus his only selling point is being "Not like the Tories".

>these people actually think they represent the shires and northern working classes
I hate cosmopolitan city wankers so much

>scarce misspelt scares

Nope, I don't think he's especially blue-pilled about jews. He's just a european federalist etc.

That I am. I still haven't let slip I'm a massive Trump supporter. I'll probably get all my friends, who he likes, round, and have his world come crashing down as it becomes apparent that we all support Trump and Brexit.

It was worth it lad, that screencap will cause many hearty keks in YLYL threads for years to come.

Option 1)
Essentially she wants to get free trade with EU countries after leaving. If we get free trade with the EU after leaving it then that's an even bigger fuck you.

Option 2)
She's trying to sneakily cling on the the EU in whatever way she can without angering people.

That's what I'm saying. This is not a negotiation. This is about leaving the EU. You can either get out or stay in, there is no middle ground anymore. The longer she waits, the more this whole Brexit affair looks like a publicity stunt and a joke.

>That I am. I still haven't let slip I'm a massive Trump supporter. I'll probably get all my friends, who he likes, round, and have his world come crashing down as it becomes apparent that we all support Trump and Brexit.


I'm pretty sure in 10 years time I'm going to be dead, homeless, in prison, or all four

>Tfw you will never date the mixed race qt girl in your school


IIRC the EU said that Early 2017 is the best time to start, and i think that'll be it
Until then she's just seeing what she can get

Both your options are a bit naive . . .how old are you?

She's gotta get negotiators together tbqh, Cameron banned the civil service from making any preparation for a leave vote because he was a cunt

>tfw also bipolar

>there is no middle ground anymore
But there is middle ground, you have people living and working here. Our central bank is exposed to Eurozone debt. You think there's no "middle ground" after 40 years of being tied with the mainland?

lol you're a fucking retard you know that?

Of course there's a fucking negotiation you mong. Neither the UK nor the EU are likely to disappear within the next couple of years, so we need to negotiate our new relationship.

Right, because you care about protecting foreign markets. May tries to protect what little remain of the British industry. While I understand that, I also believe you can't have it both ways. In or out.

>Went to an all boys grammar school for secondary
>Only interaction with girls was through some railings where our two schools met or at weekend when I went and hung around with emo/scene girls

Kinda wish I went somewhere with brown qts before I swallowed a whole bunch of red pills these days.

>mfw I've got a job interview for a full-time position at my part-time job tomorrow
>mfw you have to know a lot about sports
>mfw idgaf about plebian bread and circus sports

>Going for cinematic arts and drama.

How do we remove London?


Both options spell out the core of said option, nothing more. Is trade not arguably the greatest reason to get a good deal and is "backsliding" not a legitimate concern?


Wait until the non whites begin infighting

You think the EU treats all non-EU countries the same way?

are we going to force millennial woes as a meme now?

He is the perfect symbol for Cred Forums

>Long term dole scum
>hates foreigners for no reason
>is a crypto faggot
>spends far too much time in the dark and online
>hates Scots
>is Scottish

truly /britpol/ incarnate



Kill their men
Rape their women

Pull an Aberdeen during the typhoid outbreak and never open it up again.

I go to one, final year of a levels. there's a smattering of girls in our six form, one absolute qt I talked about. but she does sports and we are literal galaxies apart.

I know how to do it. On the day of Trump's ascent, have a party. Or, the day ARTICLE 50 is triggered. Have a lad party.

She (well, I) deleted all of the posts months ago, and changed her blog url, title, and picture.
The worst thing that was said was when I posted an article (on my tumblr) about how a high percentage of Muslims want to see homosexuality criminalised or something, she reblogged it with either the comment or tag of something like "kill them all desu".

Honestly I have no idea what angle the police are coming at this from. It seems like the officials at the college were cunts and felt the need to pass it on for no real reason, and the police have been sitting on the report for months and need to get it out of the way, so the 'chat' is a formality to close the "case". That's the only logical thing I can make of this. A lot of things here are really vague or just totally unknown.

The fact that it's literally just a "chat" at her house and that she's not being asked to come to the station, and the fact this is about four months old indicates it can't be very serious.
I wouldn't know for sure, though. I've heard some Orwellian horror stories about things like this.

It's fucking ridiculous, though. It's made out that she went out and stabbed a family of Pakis in cold blood, when literally all she did was have some generic non-pc opinions on her own blog.

>These clips of Nige in between

>Britain seems hostile to """"refugees""""
10/10 Great

The story was probably made up anyway lmao

yeah, most people are gonna vote conservative this election, because they all went to private school to they should be smart


>Right, because you care about protecting foreign markets.
No, we care about serving our own interests and when those interests are tied in with mainland Europe as some of them are then you're damn right we're going to care about protecting them you retarded cunt.

You're thinking with emotion instead of logic, like Merkel. A failure and it's one of the many many reasons why we left, Brussels is a cesspit of emotional based thinkers that think short term gains with long term consequences.

Say we did do as you say and ended up expelling all EU workers here that have homes? Or we call in our Eurozone debt that is owed to us, who is going to pick up that tab? You think the Eurozone can handle another jolt currently?

No it can't so just shut up and swallow what we give you and smile because our country could be nasty, we have leverage, you don't.

Tim Fallon is a cunt

>muh rapefugees

Anyone else watching Tim Farron spaz out on TV? I think I saw my therapist there. So many white baby boomers from the upper-middle class.

I hate our MP's.
Pick any scot off the streets and their a toff. Take a Scottish MP and their a cunt.

lads.... why........

its all part of the plan to get your women to flee to Blighty.

>You can either get out or stay in, there is no middle ground anymore.

We are getting out . . .where have you been?

We just need to get the right deals and infact Theresa May has played a blinder here, we already have countries knocking at our door wanting to trade.

It's better to go to the negotiating table with this, than with nothing!

Controlling borders was the main issue, if you think we can control our borders, with access to the single market you are sadly mistaken.

There is no way on this planet that the EU will agree to this. If we want control of our borders will will have to except tariffs to some extent.


Lads why do we suffer creationists to live?

All great ideas, what about chlorine bombing?

Makes sense. I still don't see any good deals coming out of this. Don't get me wrong, I share the sentiment of wanting to protect one's own borders. I just think it's foolish to assume that Britain will get any help from any EU countries in doing so. Would have been more effective if you stayed in and continued to piss of Junker.

>tfw like two brown girls at my old school
>one just complained about soft-racism and shit and the other acted like a monkey
I was never really fond of browns or black because of school tbqh

he really is incredibly dull… 0/10 would not vote for

sex isn't even real shut up

>tfw Matthew Hancock as MP

Being one of Osborne's little minions, he was swept out of power. Now he's just moping in his consistency and baking award winning cakes.


fuck off you one trick pony

but the guy in your gif went for cinematic arts
it's about school. I'm leaning towards LAMDA and RADA since they are professional, but maybe Brit/pol/ has good suggestions too?
money to pay through are there and my family is established in arts. Arts, politics and race are the only things that matter to me
>great grandfather is a cinema scientist
>father is a cinema owner
>mother is a theatre actress
>grandmother is a choreographist
>grandfather is a painter and Prada administrator >sister is sound director in Seattle

We were laughably ineffective withinin the EU. Whether that's because our MEPs couldn't or wouldn't do it hardly matters - they didn't.

>Arts, politics and race are the only things that matter to me
Gayest thing i read all day.

>Liberal Democrats
>Raise taxes


In what way is that either liberal, or a good strategy for election?

Those were the 3 most important things to Hitler as well desu.

I'll be in oxford for uni on november 8th. I am having a party with every friend I can get down there, but my dad won't be around. Nor will I be home for the inauguration, sadly.

I'll think of something.

>we have leverage, you don't.

Leverage you can't collect. At least not anymore. We are the fourth biggest economy in the world, if this is suppose to be some sort of tug of war play here, I don't see you winning it. I suppose we will see.

We're building a wall?

>Controlling borders was the main issue, if you think we can control our borders, with access to the single market you are sadly mistaken.

I probably should have said "cheaper" not "free". My point basically was to say that she wants to secure our borders from EU migration while also getting favourable trade deals with the EU.

>rape a few Labour voting degenerate's spawn
>kill thousands in Iraq

happy with the deal desu. May could send them to gulags in SNP constituencies and still get voted in.

Your industry and export market would disagree, they've already come out and said that politicians shouldn't be nasty about negotiations because your businesses are in a vulnerable position, they need to sell to us, we don't need them you know that? We could buy anywhere else but the EU is structured to be a protectionist bloc. Meaning your businesses can't just sell anywhere and everywhere. And you'll find your businesses will influence your government or the EU's negotiators to not be spiteful because they think about profits and logic. Not emotion, not sending a message to others. Sending a message to others doesn't put food on the table, it doesn't keep the money pouring in.

That's all anyone in this world cares about. That's one of many lessons EU fanatics should learn before they huff and puff and think they can be spiteful.

Because it will just backfire on you when you realise the lessons I'm teaching you.

Keep paying your taxes, English people.

Your culture is superior, but this specific Scot needs his dole to fund his chain smoking habit while he sits on the internet in his apartment you fun, all day!

I know when I started smoking it was absolutely the colour of the packaging that made me go for a certain brand rather than the price or taste.

£3.99 for a 20 pack. Now over £7.50 for 19. Feels bad man.

Hitler was a big ol fag

>zooms into the crowd
>even the most die hard lib dems hate farron

he is the quintessential cuck

MEPs are basically impotent m8, the commission has the real power

>muh NHS
It's always a winner and spastics will do anything for muh NHS.


keep up lad

absolootely bloody ludicrous

Gonna go daydream about disease sweeping across the planet and killing everyone

>"i was liberated by a closed-off comprehensive which chose all the path kids by postcode"


The NHS being scrapped would honestly be the greatest thing since the Brexit. It's a fucking cunt and spade empowerment platform, always has been. Keeping the NHS around is like giving Brussels a backdoor.

In Calais, yeah. The French are laughing about how we're paying for it, whilst avoiding the inconvenient truth that they're too inept to sort out their own fucking problems.

>Feeling depressed all day
>black qt at work flirting with me
>Even got a 2nd article nearly done
>Listening to this cuck on DP
I almost wish we could meet up and have a drink lads

No, we have leverage. We have the whole world to buy from, your businesses need the ££££££ coming in, your markets are fragile, Deutsche Bank is on the verge of needing a public bailout for crying out loud.

Just look at the negotiations with logic, see how you need us and we "need" (lol) to maintain an equilibrium with you and the EU, the EU collapsing could have a ripple effect on us and our banks/markets etc. So it's in everyone's interests for both sides to put aside the rhetoric, get around the negotiating table and stop being reckless and provocative.

white race! Complete disgrace!


It won't happen overnight, but make no mistake, we will inevitably secure excellent trade deals (it's too profitable for the other parties not too; Our economy is huge.)

Any talk suggesting we may not is just fear-mongering, to discourage other EU-countries from leaving themselves.

>tfw you wish world war z was real
>have a kayak

holy shit farron is redpilling them on marxists

Seeing this almost makes me want to privatise it out of spite.

Whoever did that would have a more divisive legacy than Thatcher.

Pick 1

I thought it was just me.

>2.3 million for a wall
>over £10 million lost in trade and damage done to lorry drivers
>not to mention the cost of having to house the ficki ficki and their families

They can laugh all they want, it's a wise use of our money. We should have armed guards there too, shooting all of them dead.

i once worked with a flamer who mentioned on a few occasions about inserting things into the japs eye. it was either lies or there is a part of gay subculture that does it. pens and marbles and shit.

How much do you lads earn per year?

Any richfags here?

Every time

>comprehensives are good

Currently on about £3000 a year.

Then we need a Farage for the NHS removal.

He's a self proclaimed Marxist, my man.

Lads is it still cuckoldry if your gf is impregnated by your future self who travelled back in time?
Should I kill myself to prevent that happening?

Giant dome, then fill it with gas



Google "sounding".

I'll never understand the fascination with it, I had to have a plastic spatula and a cotton bud put just around the tip of my japs eye (as part of an STD screen) and the cotton bud stung like a bitch.

>tim farron looks at the camera and tries to be hard
>blairism is good

I'd argue something more Leninist
But honestly it's splitting hairs when it comes to Marx

why does this picture have a second caption with the same core meaning as the inner one? it's fucking bothering me

One of the few Labour lads that are alright.

Sci-fi helps.

>Check out the Calais Jungle on Google Maps

>tfw 3.9/5 star rating

Every time I see some Remoaner video or some new bullshit on TV I wish I could meet all these people and shut their arguments down. Blow them the fuck out right in front of the cameras.

What a faggot

Bit odd to be proud of opposing the Iraq war. If you had your way, a bloodsoaked genocidal dictator and a fascist regime would continue to run the country.

>the first safe country they reach

Turkey is pretty safe, so is Saudi Arabia.

Remind me why we can't just bully those two countries into taking in all the foogies?

Are you ready for the purge, comrade?

I think scrapping the NHS would be a mistake, but it definitely needs a big shake-up and reorganising to make it work.

Also perhaps making it so that people who use it to get treatment for obesity, smoking and drinking related problems should have to pay the full cost of their care. That would free a lot of money up for better use elsewhere in the NHS' system, I think.

Fuck off neocon.

>Hollywood is racist
Yes I agree Daniel.

>JJ Abrams on white people.JPG

what's gay about it?
Lads, help

>so is Saudi Arabia.


Except Saddam, and Qaddifi, were good for their countries
Only because they deviated from the Petrodollar did they have to be removed

No need to get upset lad

And it would still be in better shape than it is now.

I think the rationing that some NHS trusts have started is interesting, specifically forcing patients who are obese or who smoke to either fix those parts of their lives or wait for operations.

>implying it isn't
>implying it can't be made to be even safer

Typically, it's whiny faggots that take artsy shit. The kind of people who love muh refugees and hate muh whiteness.

Let me guess, are you that faggot who likes Christopher Hitchens?


>don't link to heatst any more

Have you guys just paid France to build a wall to keep themselves out?

Nicely done.

I'm not opposed to sending sand niggers to SA but it's not safe, it's a fucking nightmare country, I can't think of anything worse if I'm honest with you.

If you were Prime Minister, would you have invaded Iraq in 2003?

We wouldn`t have a bunch of ragheads doing weekly execution videos either.

>what's gay about it?
What's not gay about it?

Why do you need to be taught arts and drama, is it something you cannot teach yourself?


When are we going to invade the Suez and reclaim Rhodesia lads?

You're in that New Zealand thread about the French guy chimping out aren't you?

And yes we're build a wall.

You have no clue, none whatsoever. How many sand niggers attacked American or European soil before the Iraq war? How many after? Notice anything? That dictator you mention managed to keep a population of savages under control.

Nah, would have just bombed it, are lads shouldn't have to put themselves at risk


They weren't even involved in 9/11

When I say "safe" I mean it isn't being torn apart by civil war.



>jewish mother
>playing a neonazi
When will the cultural appropriation end

>Google "sounding".
i think i'll pass on that one mate. nothing good can come of it. i'll keep it as a probable maybe it is real, than a definite it is real.

No, just focused my attention on Afghanistan and pressuring Pakistan to do more.

They`re getting fucked in the arse by a bunch of sand monkeys right now.

how bad was he chimping out?

connections, pussy, practice, pussy, access to the world renowned masters, cinema studious and theatres, pussy

>goes on Loose Women
>makes a joke about how big his dick is

That's Are Nige!

Let's do a Trudeau lads

tons of half Jews were legit Nazis

No. As above: Sadam was a shitbag, but we shouldn't think bombing shitbags solves anything. "Regime change" is a shit excuse for military intervention. The standard should be "This situation is so fucked that blowing it to pieces will be an improvement."


>Doing a Trudeau
Fuck off Farron. Please never win power.

Some men like to insert objects into their urethras.

Some men like to lock those objects in place and give other people the keys.

Farron is so cringeworthy

Isn't that in Yemen, I haven't heard of any real conflict going on within SA.

If you take over you enemies, they win


>That's Are Nige!

He's a top lad, Are Nige.

God bless him

He smashed the sign up or something, he was hitch hiking and no one picked him up for 4 days and he went mad.

Doesn't Farron understand, it's over for him and his ilk
The winds have changed and now the pendulum is swinging back in our direction harder than ever

>Will never vote for tories due to their totalitarian tendencies
>UKIP has no Nige
>Have a job so not gonna vote for Labour

Guess I'm not voting next election

i have $300million. i'll make at least $20million this year in interest. i have brought it up on biz before, but they hate the idea of money. i spent £1200 in total in August. spent £300 so far this month.

I know there were some lad, I'm saying look at how few there were in comparison to how frequent they are today. Killing those dictators opened up a vacuum which has since been filled by people far more dangerous to us than said dictators were.

>The Liberal Democrats are the only thing standing between a Tory victory in 2020


I like that.

Did he go for a camp on Calais?

gibe moneys senpai

>Will never vote for tories due to their totalitarian tendencies
Such as?

>tfw posting with a millionaire as penniless dolescum
Literally have 24p to my name. Feels weird.

KSA has a lot of infighting with their monarchy and you would think KSA is rich as fuck right? Most of the city (Riyadh, Jeddah etc) are full of slums of poverty were people are joining ISIS, so KSA's lovely little Wahhabist pet has basically turned on its owner. They still have attacks that go on there, it's just kept hush hush because of the attitude.

Then you've got the persecution of the Shias in KSA and they are chimping out because the Sunni's executed Shia clerics and others. It's a tinderbox waiting to go up.

Oh it is real, I've seen some of it and I tell you it makes you physically sick. There are some really fucking sick people in this world that just need a bullet to the skull.

Like Tim, he could do with just being put out of his misery.

Fuck off fucking Blairites

Vote UKIP lad.

Here's the thread, have a read.

Tim thinks Labour supporter will move to the dems. not realizing labour voters are either momentum or sandniggers.

Letting them smoke or stay fat is cheaper in the long run.

The purpose behind it is not what I have a problem with. It's their blatant undisguised policy to empower women and minorities and to basically give them a foothold into society when all other doors would be shut to them otherwise.

Who else /joiningtheLibDems/?

This. They were good for the world. They acted like presidential roach control.


Interesting, so Saudi Arabia is at risk of going the way of Syria and Iraq?

Nope. Would have focused on afghanistan instead of letting it go to from bad to worse.

the milkman likes the weedman
what a pair of cucks

Gib monee pls.

I helped out on a mock general election at my old school once and was put with the Lib Dems. I had to meet with my local Lib Dem candidate and he mistook me for an actual party member, thinking I'd willingly signed up to help. He gave me his campaign number and everything.

I never had the heart to tell him I had no interest in them.

What are you doing on Cred Forums4chan?
How did you make that much? How many women do you fug per night?

>no knives
>no hate speech
>no porn


Not that far, because of our arms sales to KSA they can shut down rebellions quite easily. They are doing it in Yemen as we speak, they put a Sunni puppet in charge and people are sick of it, so they are just bombing civilian areas and have been for a while now. Our government is now saying that arms sales to KSA need to stop because they are breaking international law (they have been for decades and no one has cared). lol The only way it'll go like Syria or Iraq is if the America drops it like a hot rock, they are a protectorate right now which basically means they are untouchable. The Saudi monarchy is full of scum and there's thousands of them that are ridiculously rich, you've seen it, Turki bin Abdullah (stupid fucking name) came to London with his fleet of golden cars, imagine how resentful the people that live in the slums feel at seeing that grotesque shit. Now couple that in with the fact most of the male members of the Saudi monarchy fuck rent boys in hotels around the world.

Yeah they are only in power because of America and the UK protecting them.

bastards, help. how else I'm going to play King Alfred one day?

>the firs ting the woman comments on is Trudeau's looks...

can I have some money

would not have invaded Afghanistan either

>No, I'd leave the rest of the world alone

It's the only reason he was elected.

what level of fag are you from 1-10? then we might have a idea.

>I think the EU is good because I can meet people and more love and friendships and shit
>"Okay, who's your favourite MEP?"
>I'm not educated enough to know who my favourite MEP is, like, who knows their MEP really? xD

lads... is that a woman? is looks like farron in 10 years in drag

Off for a shiet.

Also because of his dad.


>tell Saudis they can have more gibs if they take in refugees
>send all refugees to SA
>it was a ruse, no more gibs
>Saudi Arabia becomes a real life Mad Max simulator

That also helps.

Naughty Nigel! The silver fox is at it again

Fuck off you yank sycophant

0. Mel Gibson is my contemporary artistic hero

So the Liberal Democrats' policies are EU and immigration?

Do they think they will get any votes?

i was on the dole for 6 months when i was younger mate. in the end i signed off. i only got by because my dad supported me. free rent free food. he wasn't rich, we were lower-middle class. before that ii worked mind-numbing jobs, had huge debts the same as everyone else.

you can change it around. you just need to make different sacrifices. i never went out for 3 years, just studied and worked on my own shit. i took a chance because it was all i had.

They are trying to coin the butthurt remainer vote.


Why does hating how the NHS is a political tool make me a sycophant? Oh wait, you're obviously a woman or a nigger who got empowered through the NHS because no one else would have you.

No. Even if I supported the war I wouldn't. Bush said to Blair before the war that he doesn't need Britain to join in, America could handle it completely on their own yet Blair insisted we go in for whatever reason. Why put our lads in harms way when we don't need to?

RADA or UE, though not a expert and don't agree with non-mathematical higher education

Alpha af

Stop spouting absolute drivel

You actually earned that much? I thought you were going to say you were a trust fund babby. Could you answer this?

>Muh NHS

i don't really do much. if i am at home i usually only go out a for a couple of hours once or twice a week beside going to the shops.

i made some software that i sold. won't say what.

people always talk about drugs and whores. it gets boring and makes people into wankers.

>muh yanks

>even talks like a fucking yank

there's no hope for you

well fuck all of you guys I would have invaded iraq, killed 2 million, pulled the troops out and then PSYCHE carpet bomb the region then send the troops back in to massacre the survivors, install a puppet government, pull out once the country is stabilised then bomb it again

>This dumb cunt arguing for refugees

would hate fuck

Why RADA over LAMDA or Central School? What's good with University of Exeter?


Make it happen!

Why doesn't anyone ever reply to me?

You're shadowbanned


Not enough buzzwords or controversial opinions in your posts la

Wtf is this shit on the Shoah?

>Implying they are not already there

The houthis demolished a saudi column the other week, all their expensive american armoured vehicles didn't save them

Pros - is UKIP

Cons - is a Cuck

Most posts don't get replies.

That was in Yemen though not Saudi Arabia.

Also Saudi Arabia has nukes thanks to Pakistan. The international community didn't say shit about it.

he's a weest of speece.

i have absolutely no idea. Russell Group doesn't really apply to arts.

would flog at the stable

Didn't he say that tides are solar and not lunar?


What's happening?

new thread when?

They have some bird from Vice on and I can't tell if they're intentionally being autistic as fuck.

>I can't tell if they're intentionally being autistic as fuck.
first time listening?

No, this is peak Shoah autism.


Literally Hitler/10