send help to england

So you think twice about killing yourself you stupid cunt degenerate

Still falling for the nicotine Jew?

>smoking 2 a week with your friends on friday night is killing yourself

>the majority of smokers are like that

still falling for the anti-smoking jew?

even if theyre not they contribute a massive amount of tax compared to everyone else

So? You should be happy that the state prioritizes the citizens' health above tax revenue.

i am sad that they prioritize treating me like an infant over letting me make my own choices

We have that in Australia. It actually works. Smoking rates dropped significantly, don't know exact figures but it did stop people smoking

Did you only now realize that you live in a nanny state?
Don't forget to bin that knife!

Quit smoking.

It's surprisingly really easy to do. The only hard part is convincing yourself to do it and getting over the anxiety of not having ciggerettes.

I couldn't recommend highly enough Allen Carr's "Easy Easy To Stop Smoking".

I read it and quit smoking one week later. I've been 2 years now without cigarettes and am very happy about it.

The government only does it because the public health system is straining over cancer patients.

>still falling for the anti-smoking jew?
One is paying money to a corporation for a luxury item you don't need.

The other is keeping your money.

Fuck off, faggot. Go be a disgusting addict somewhere else.

This is true too, but I believe that they would still probably lose money if everybody suddenly stopped smoking, wouldn't they?

Sure they would, but that won't happen.

In fact these packaging laws usually follow from exorbitant tobacco taxes, something Britain already has.

You mean it stopped people buying taxed cigarettes.

>paying money to a corporation for a luxury item you don't need.
I thought they made the minority of the profit compared to tax?

limp wristed weed smoker detected

>it's redpilled to give yourself cancer


Meh.. They started to have those pictures here too. Im know that smoking isnt good for you. The sooner the better

Are smokers so defensive because they know they're wrong?

I'm fairly convinced the majority of pro-cigarette smokers here on Cred Forums are that way solely for the sake of contrarianism. Falling for the tobacco jew is the most bluepilled and pathetic things one can do.

Quit smoking, if you don't want to/can't then get a cig case.