Space travel is just a massive waste of money

Space travel is just a massive waste of money.

We're never getting out of this rock.

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Wtf is sedna?



You're probably right, though.
If the east asians don't genocide all the subhumans once the west collapse, subhumanity is obvously our destiny, doomed to stay planetbound until extinction.

thats cucktalk

>yes goy we should just stay here and live under the jew for all eternity. OY VEY
Fuck off the stars belong to the white man. It is out true home and we will make the very Galaxy tremble at our might

Well you're right, since outer space doesn't even exist.

reminder that those are the inner layers of the oort cloud, which is only 1/4 of the distance between us and the nearest star

it's literally impossible to explore the rest of the galaxy

thats why capitalism needs to die

Well fuck it!
Choose your own death, babe.
I'II do this thing by myself.
I'm taking the roof out of here!

>"its impossible to X!"
t. some cuck shortly before a white man invents a way to do X

The port cloud is big. What is your point?

lol good luck
maaaaaybe in 10,000 years we'll invent something that can take us to pluto at best

Clinical immortality is practically here, and cyborgisation is thirty years away.
Time is not an issue, fuel is not an issue, ressources won't be an issue if we wait 40 years for the molecular assembler.

You could hardly have chosen a word more wrong than impossible.

I though NASA had that one spacecraft that left the solar system. It madenitnout unscathed.

>literally impossible

You know how many times people have said that in the past and ended up looking like a right nob?

>Clinical immortality is practically here, and cyborgisation is thirty years away.
They said that back in the 80-90s.

>Space travel is just a massive waste of money.
>We're never getting out of this rock.

Your post displays a total lack of understanding of human nature. We will go to Mars and further - even if there's no profit motive - for the same reason people go up Everest or we went to the moon; because these places exist and it's human nature to explore and to expand.

>its impossible to cross the sea!
>its impossible to cross the sky!
>its impossible to get to the moon!
>Its impossible to reach mars!
And now
>Its impossible to explore space!
We will

>it's literally impossible to explore the rest of the galaxy
You do realise that the reason the Fermi Paradox is even a thing is because it's exceptionally EASY to explore the galaxy?

Right. Because it's "capitalism" that's behind space travel rather than enormous government expenditure.

We are (finally) reaching the point where private entitities will be able to take over - thankfully - but until now it's been very much a statist effort.

If we don't try we are as good as extinct as the dinosaurs.

No they never! Top fucking kek!

>Clinical immortality is practically here
Get back in the brain-vat, Prokhor

We won't if we don't genocide the subhumans.
Space exploration rely on technological civilisation, and a subhuman world obviously can't sustain it.

The technologies required for small groups or even individuals to single-handedly sustain and expand technological civilisation are from 40 to 60 years away.

If civilisation survive until then, we'll be ok.

t.ay lmao

Wtf I hate the universe now.


>Space bitch
>surrounded by tons of technology
>straps paper book to hip

I think he means that capitalism hinders space travel because it makes it so fucking expensive and discourages the private sector from investing in something with little to no returns.

>Since, in the long run, every planetary society will be endangered by impacts from space, every surviving civilization is obliged to become spacefaring — not because of exploratory or romantic zeal, but for the most practical reason imaginable: staying alive.

The universe is likely littered with dead civilizations that thought space exploration was a massive waste of resources and reached their natural end.

That's warhammer 40k.
Don't think too hard about it.

>human nature
All wars, revolutionary tech AND exploration, have never been about curiosity.
it's been about WINNING.
Without competition in this entire existence, the radar systems, turing, nuclear power, space, moon landing. Would not have happened.

There is no incentive to race off this planet, at the moment, everything is done privately as a rich mans hobby.
If it isn't about profit, its about winning.

Our efforts as a race should be solely focused on this instead of fucking about with stupid politics and political correctness
If some shitskins are holding us back, eliminate them and put everything into developing new technology

Indeed. And we, ourselves, seem to be at the make or break point.

If Holy Terra isn't entirely niggerland by the next century, then the stars will belong to Humanity.

>waste of money

The money is not getting thrown out to space. The money is invested in reaserches's time to further understand space travel.
And while some of it is your tax money it will soon be funded exclusively by private companies, so you've got nothing to worrie about goy.

You realize that it doesnt take that much fuel to get out there?
The real problem is that it takes really long.

Complacency is ignoring the unrealized potential of blindly going.

I'm gonna hop the next comet outta here.

Earth, what a shithole.

>so little returns

it's political. they see the returns from in-world applications of money but nobody has reached where the motherlode of near space is.

when we get to the asteroids we have access to unlimited resources.

1) fly to asteroid in mining ship which is created to become essentially an "ice spike" and base when it finds an asteroid with water content.

2) mine other asteroids for minerals

3) shoot them into earth orbit

alt: 1) make space ship designed to shoot asteroids into earth orbit

OP is sort of right, sort of wrong.

It is an inevitability that we will explore the galaxy in the future, provided we don't destroy ourselves of course, but there's a few provisos -

It's a long way off. I know our technology is expanding exponentially, I know about Kurziwell's Technological Singularity, so I'm in no doubt we'll be living in an unrecognizable utopia in a few decades, but going beyond our solar system is way harder than even a Type II civilization.

Simply getting over that light speed barrier makes it impractical. We'll probably send out self-replicating AI that will get to other planets in millions of years, but we won't benefit from it or even know much/anything about how it went for them.

If the memedrive ( about to be tested in orbit ) pan out, it won't take fuel at all to move around if the Aether.

If i become the leader of my own nation one day, the official word for space will become Aether. Fuck you all, this word is great.

What are you? A fucking heretic?

I love how most threads on Cred Forums inevitably come back to exterminating the shitskins

As we seem to be on a path that is eroding people with high IQs, creativity and altruism, we'll probably just stop trying


the fact is that we don't have resources/infrastructure to replace old technology on such a large scale. even in the US. (or UK)

Space travel is the biggest waste of time. It's the biggest money hole in the world.

Who gives a fuck what's out there. Do you retards actually think you're going to live on mars one day or something?

Humans can't even travel at light speed. The G force alone would shoot all your insides out the back of your skull and asshole.

We need to focus on more important things like ethnic cleansing and nanotechnology.

New horizons is already there you faggot. And we have a spacecraft that left the solar system recently. But I assume you wouldn't know that because the only contribution your country has made in exploring the cosmos is dehydrated pasta.

its called the circle jerk

That's a fair point. Having infinite resources would literally make Earth a 'post-scarcity' world. This is probably why I haven't heard of any governments pursuing this.

>We'll probably send out self-replicating AI that will get to other planets in millions of years, but we won't benefit from it or even know much/anything about how it went for them.

Which is why it's completely pointless.

We could accidentally send some of our probes to some remote solar system and a sentient species reverse-engineers our tech.

Im sure its going to be Virgin that takes us to Andromeda...

This is by definition a statist enterprise.

And if we reach that technological era private entities will have been long gone.

But the most likely outcome is that we off our species in the next centuries.

Q60J you don't understand. the biggest (immediate) interest in space is mining asteroids which would open up resources more valuable than the entire content of the planet

>And we have a spacecraft that left the solar system recently
and was launched almost 40 years ago

It's gotta happen bro

>can't travel at light speed
>g force would kill you

aqubierre drive just moves space around the ship so there are no G forces

Not all is lost.
As long as we build at least one god, all can be salvaged.
AI's bottleneck is software mainly these days, so the Omnissiah could be born at any time really.

As long as there's human life, there's hope. Sure, the percentage of subhumans is rising EXTREMELY quickly, but Humanity still have a shot.
The future is uncertain, wait and see. Whatever happens, those are interesting times to spend in good company, here in Cred Forums.

That radiation buildup is going to be a bitch to solve tho, even if we can get some sweet exotic booty.

>The G force alone would mashup your insides

Inertial dampeners, if only we could find a way.

And? It still left the solar system. Even if there is no fast way to travel the galaxy we can build generation ships.

Thanks, I needed that, sometimes I just lose all hope

>if only we could find a way to do impossible things!

>We're never getting out of this rock.
It's simple. We just travel faster than light.

DNA repair
also we can use genetic engineering to make DNA easier to repair/repair itself

What is impossible now will be doable later.

if you cross the line between repairing and replacing we might end up as evil space-borne starfish

>We're never getting out of this rock.
I am ceirtanly not going anywhere

Pretty sure modern physics can tell what's doable and what isn't.

They said it was impossible to put a man on the moon and bring him back. We did it anyways.

the oort cloud is so far away that it is still only a theory. it has never been observed.

No m8, there won't be DNA left ( or anything at all really ) to repair when your cuckship have the equivalent of a gamma ray burst from a galactic centre unleashed into it once the bubble stop.

No Poland, no you are not.

In fact, Universe is pretty big place. And special theory of relativity keep us anchored to the Solar System for at least next 100 years. Maybe we will send probes to the nearest stars, or something. And that it.
Colonisation of Moon and nearest asteroids is much more profitable than going somewhere out there.

>If only we'd carpet bombed all of Italy

Basically true.

What has become clear is that the rate at which the universe expands far transcends the speed with which we could construct starships and reach another planet with any sort of feasibility. Short of literally bending physics, we simply cannot advance fast enough to outrace the expansion of the fabric of our universe.

A sad thought is that in a few million years, humans on Earth won't see anything beyond our Solar System in the night sky. The strongest telescopes won't be able to detect anything because the astronomical distances between our galactic group and even the closest next one will be too far to cross in a billion lifetimes, and still moving outwards and away.

ur mum an theory

> much more profitable

this is the thing. if every corporation, like fucking apple with the GDP of a small country, as well as the countries, sent missions to asteroids, they'd all make money rather than lose money.

>Pretty sure modern physics can tell what's doable and what isn't.

Whos to say that 'modern physics' is even completely right? 'Modern physics' at one time said that heavier than air vehicles would be impossible to fly.

>false equivalence
first of all, nobody said it was impossible, just really difficult and essentially jumping in the dark because space exploration was a VERY new thing
second thing, there is a massive difference between 384,000kms and 384,000 AUs

what if the NWO is trying to subjugate humanity so they can create the federation from star trek. it's easier to do space travel with one world government

>Not liking the feel of paper

kek, good joke man

>Science is a waste of money
I'm happy to spend a few tax dollars to find out if the solar system has life in it.

>Believing in the big bang meme


This is the only practical reason I can find. Sounds expensive and risky. The capital alone would take decades to acquire. The technology to drill and extract from asteroids is minimal even with agencies like NASA.

We have a long way to go, but yes, mining asteroids is about the only benefit of space travel.

implying we'll ever create that technology to harness that incredible power.

one day huh.....

You can easily navigate through the cloud with precise tracking and trajectory calculations. It's called a cloud but there's plenty of space between the rocks you can fly through as long as you keep track of all the pieces of debris and can calculate yourself a nicely timed path trough them.

NASA already has to deal with this kinda shit whenever they launch something into space because there's so much space debris in lower earth orbit.

This is only true to an extent. Gravitationally bound systems like galaxies will not fly apart for many orders of magnitude more years than a few million (a few million years is nothing on a cosmic timescale). Essentially, we can only ever hope to visit other stars in our galaxy/Andromeda if we're still around when it approaches our own galaxy. That is still an endless realm of possibilities. I know this is just a bait post but I thought it worth mentioning.

You got it wrong by 3or4 orders of magnitude m8
The timeframe available is largely enough to colonise not just the Milky Way but also the local group, even at subc speed.
Assuming current physics hold and we don't find loopholes, then all bets are off.

Except the people in the star trek universe are not subjugated

There's like 5 that have left it

>Pioneer 10 and 11
>Voyager 1 and 2
>New Horizons

You're kidding, right?

>Simply getting over that light speed barrier makes it impractical

So we get around it. If you honestly don't believe that eventually we're figure out a way to bypass C entirely, you're depressingly close-minded.

Hell, we already have some theoretical ideas, like the Alcubierre Drive, if the theory is being built this far ahead of the tech, what makes you think that once we get the tech we won't have even better ideas by then?

gug no leave cave-near-water. forest beyond big tree waste of time. nothing out there anyway. gug stay right here and eat berries

wrong, that applies to the universe at large, but not to pockets of space

the entire galaxy, plus andromeda and a few dwarf galaxies are our pocket of space, within the pocket gravity wins out against the expansion of the universe, so it keeps together, however other space pockets are unreachable

still, 2 galaxies plus a few dwarf ones is quite enough

>Gravitationally bound systems like galaxies


>New Horizons
new horizon is in the oort cloud. It's no where close to leaving the solar system yet.

What do you think holds galaxies together?

?? Don't get what you're going on about lad

There are two types of people here:

>Those who think that we will be traveling to the stars.
>Those who can explain what Specific Impulse is.

>who's to say modern physics is completely right

relativity is a brilliant theory that dazzles the reader, blinding them to it's inherent flaws.

relativity doesn't explain gravity or acceleration of expansion of the universe
relativity doesn't work at quantum scales

maybe he's an electric universe fag

yo momma so fat she'd keep the local group together even in 10^12years


Standard physics admits that there isn't enough mass in galaxies to hold them together by gravity alone. This is called the 'missing mass problem' and was why dark matter was invented, to make up for the missing mass.

If you ask me what holds galaxies together, what force is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times stronger than gravity? Electromagnetism. Do stars have magnetic fields? Yes. Problem solved.

Old story but it could happen.

even if we do get off of this rock.. so what?

what are we going to do? ruin another planet?

>he's going to live in gravity wells
retarded meatbags

the dirty wap dego is right, the earth is flat so theres no where else to go

are you sure about that mate?
the federation might look nice at the point it's presented but it's a total shit heap a hundred years previously, with ghettos and everything.

do you think the world would realise it was subjugated once it was? once the takeover is finished they can establish their utopia

starfleet puts troops on the ground and declares martial law in DS9. they can do whatever they want, and that's ignoring section 31.

I am, the models actually work

>pakis in charge of science

Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

A dildo up your ass does not make you a cyborg

>Standard physics admits that there isn't enough mass in galaxies to hold them together by gravity alone.
It says based on the mass we can see there's not enough mass to create enough gravity. So there may be other kinds of mass we can't observe yet.

>If you ask me what holds galaxies together, what force is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times stronger than gravity?
only works on short distances though.

Exactly. Same human animosity and Burger King on another planet. No thanks. Reboot this shithole first. I'm all for that.

He isn't talking about radiation in that sense.
Radiation builds up around the warp bubble.
When you stop, you explode.

>pakis in charge of science

Says the niglet

I wouldn't know.
You seem to be an expert where sodomisation is concerned, so i'll defer to your judgement.

T. My asshole

>Mexican intellectual

you are fucking stupid

simple solution is to have a spherical counter-explosion

>Space travel is just a massive waste of money.
you realize some major inventions that originally came from developing space vessels have had huge impact on the life you have today.
also it's already theoretically possible to start terraforming mars, but t would take at least a hundreds or even few thousand years for the terraforming to even start realistically happen, so it's not worth it from a business point of view.

not to mention how much we constantly learn about the universe and the changes it brings to our current scientific knowledge

saying "space travel is just a massive waste of money" is the same as saying "scientific research is just a massive waste of money, we're fine living the way we currently are"

terraforming mars is one good use for black people

There are propulsion systems active and online on this planet today that operate on a far more advanced level than we are privy to.

mars doesnt have a magnetic field. Its a dead rock.

>only works on short distances though
All magnetic fields are created by electric currents, so electric currents must exist in space in order for the stars to have magnetic fields. Since we know that space is a plasma, and electrons in a plasma flow in the direction of charge equalisation, then we know that electric currents must flow through space across vast distances. These electric currents will be generating their own magnetic fields along them, so there are no short distances.

ofcourse an italian retard makes these threads

>boats are a waste of wood, we're never reaching the other side of the ocean

>Who gives a fuck what's out there.
user I'm trying to take you seriously.
It's about survival.
The moment you put a man on another planet and manage to keep him there, chances that humanity will go extinct go down to almost zero as that makes us immune to shit like asteroid impacts. And if we ever leave solar system then we're immortal as a species.


who cares? you don't even need advanced technology to get to where there's billions of tonnes of titanium, you just need a fuck-off great drill and a railgun.

>Heat death of the universe
>False vacuum collapse

But what protects you from the explosion intended to protect you ?
Another explosion ?
You madman, it can't be explosions all the way down, it must stop at some point !

top kek nice mem

Doesn't matter about a lack of a magnetic field, the atmosphere would be lost significantly only over millions of years - short geologically speaking, but long enough for us to figure out how to replenish it or even protect it with some large field generator in orbit.

There's no point in trying to send humans to space. Maybe AI probes in the future, but biological organisms were not meant to travel between stars.

I'm certain we can do shenanigans with zero-point energy to infinitely sustain us. Maybe. I hope.

The others two are the stuff of nightmare and i don't want to think about it.

>Who gives a fuck what's out there. Do you retards actually think you're going to live on mars one day or something?
No but maybe in 2000 years people could live on Mars or somewhere else
>Humans can't even travel at light speed.
Humans HAVE NO MEANS NECESSARY to travel at speed of light

And that's why research is important we keep trying


>What are tardigrades?

this user gets it
We will have the technology to upload minds before we have the technology for interstellar travel.

Pessimistic twat trying to drag us all down with you. Kill yourself and don't get in the way of progress.

>spend several entire country's budgets worth of money on a mining project
>mine resources on some asteroid and take them back
>took only 100 years
>as soon as previously valuable resources arrive their value plummets because of (((capitalism))) and huge supply
Space mining won't be relevant until humans (or post-humans) would be able to live for millennia and undertake huge projects that actually require those huge resources.

>upload minds
*create digital clones
Fixed that for you.

dumbest fucking thing posted all day

Crazy, isn't it?

Earth is hidden from the rest of the galaxy.

We're an isolated and hidden utopia.


I would rather blow all my money into space than giving it to africans.

The idea of space travel is inane and socially dangerous.

Space travel is an extreme version of a common belief that it is easier to run away from our problems than to solve them. Those who gleefully look forward to space colonization are either insane or brainwashed by fancy imagery to the point of religious devotion.

The optimistic belief in space travel, colonising Mars, etc.....has dangerous parallels with conventional religion. While it is human to seek comfort in religion, it is a misleading and dangerous way of thinking we should be aware of, and wary of.

As president Eisenhower once said, every ship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

Aspiring astrophysicist here.

It's true ;_;

>russian this cucked by capitalism
it's cyclical, and it wouldn't take that long. what do you do once you have that much titanium in orbit?

make a space station.

then what?

make a bigger drill.

then what?

make a bigger space station. - i think you see where i'm going with this.

Nah, asteroid mining is valuable not to take stuff back to earth, but to stay in spess without needed to go into a fucking gravity veil to resupply.

Seriously, the main expenses ( and danger ) is getting out and in the gravity veil.
Asteroid mining means permanent operations in spess, and the value of that is, well, limitless.

Read a finance book, then get back to me on how to lock in prices on trades to avoid deflation.

Kuiper Belt, not Oort Cloud.


>tfw you learn that when the ancient's say Aether, they really mean the Will, senpai

It's pretty much gotta happen if we want civilization to continue. They breed like rabbits and have to be stopped before they go over carrying capacity.

I've had to look up the last two, interesting stuff.
But that's nothing to worry about if there's nothing we can do about it. Let me rephrase what I've said.
If we ever leave solar system then we as a species will continue to exist as long as the universe as we know it allows us to.

>bitching about paper books



The imperium of man went through a "dark ages" when AI and technology fucking went against them. They no longer use robotics for most things, and they would rather use scrolls, books, and physical methods of storing information rather than having everything digital where some corrupt AI can just fucking remove it all.

So yeah, why not have books? They work, they're physical, you can't lose them if it's chained to your fucking hip.

What the fuck am I looking at ?

>As president Eisenhower once said, every ship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
thats some globalist jew bullshit right there

>40 years ago
not that long bro. Especially considering the fact we can go MUCH faster with the tech we already have. Ever hear of solar sails?

Wrong thread CTR, now fuck off.

The hungry and cold are hungry and cold because they're niggers.

What if the Chinese do it first and score mad resources?

Yeah, but who's going to pay for that and why? Why would any capitalist waste money on a project that would likely take more time than his entire life while still having pretty big risks of failure?

Hi stephen

how the fuck is this related to space travel?
I hope you get v&

>light bends

>entire argument relies on classical physics, the framework of our universe, something which doesn't exist in his argument...

Nigger, we have already sent shit to pluto.
What prevents full on space exploration and exploitation right now, is that it is still to costly to do for commercial entities, which are the ones that will kick this shit into high gear.
Technology keeps on improving though, and the costs are getting lower and lower. It is merely a matter of time until humans begin exploiting the resources of the solar system.

We are not living in a video game, user. There is no magical super fuel laying around in another planet waiting to be harvested.

>she is still leading Trump in the poll
which poll? reminder democrats are 29% of voters

I'd probably orgasm non-stop for a week after reading that headline tbf

He is Chinese.

You mean like Helium 3?

Oh snap !



once we have enough titanium in orbit we can make a ring of land in space to grow crops and live in.

these will hopefully limit UV to the earth thus repairing the atmosphere, but could probably also be used to amplify the sun too.

Why is it assumed that humans need to travel to a neighboring star system to expand.

Maybe all the exploration is close by? Perhaps it will be the ort cloud that will be colonized? Giant Babylon 5 ships mining resources from comets and space debris.

Maybe mankind would be uneffected by the sun going red giant if we were self sustaining in the outer solar system?

Maybe one day we will, but it isn't worth aggressively pursuing until tech catches up with the far thinking ideas.

Space probes are, on the other hand worth every penny. Robotics and AI will soon be capable of doing everything a human would do research wise, for a long time to come. Use those assets to set up any needed infrastructure and go from there.

Still a long ways off, but do not let technology stagnate or stop pursuing the answer of the cosmos. That's pure faggotry and defeatism.

I hate flat Earth faggots. Even if they're just shitposting.

>What are radioactive materials

That's a big wave.

>taking screenshot of google result page
are you high or something?

Because a star can be artificially induced to go nova with the right magicscience, probably.

Better safe than sorry, the reason for going multiplanetar is the same for going multistellar.

As long as the globalists keep spreading shit genes all over western society, you are right.

your pic related non-argument dosent prove the earth is round you cant see the base of the tower because of rising sea levels and wave distortion

>Mankind gets into space
>colonies made on other planets
>finally visit a world outside of our system
>it's riddled with fucking bugs

Wait for the day.

Cold, dark and shitty like your mom's vagina.
Also like user earlier posted Oort is already 1/4 the way to Proxima and they just confirmed that there's a planet there at comfy distance from the star.

I'd fund space exploration for the sole reason of sending the jews back to their home planet.

high level shit right here

the sun?

I'd fuck them tbf

I should clarify: anything outside the solar system is unfeasible, at least on our or our children's lifetimes. We can probably make it to Mars or Europa.

To put it into context the voyager 2 probe has been travelling for the last 40 years and hasn't even reached the Oort Cloud (outer edge of solar system) which is 2000 AU from the Sun (we are 1 AU). (1 AU = 1.496 x10^13 cm; Earth radius is on the order of 10^8 cm). Nearest star is ~parsec away which is on the order of 200,000 AU. We're alone out here ;_;


Sedna orbits 2 stars

>responding to a tripfag

if you collide a sun made of fire ( like the sun ) and a sun made of ice, what happens ????

The Omnissiah didn't gift me with these rape-tentacles to not fuck xenos, YOU are the heretic here.

not a trip fag, lrn 2 script akmhed

You get a sun made of obsidian. Come on man didn't you play Minecraft?

The sun made of ice would explode due to a rapid expansion of solid water, turning into a liquid and then rapidly into gas, this in turn would cause the sun made of fire to ignite even brighter. The sun of fire would lose, as it'd be blown out like a fucking candle, but only because the sun made of ice would blow it out.

Sun of ice technically wins, but kills itself in the process.


That's what happens when studying is paid, and you can't afford it

>Air travel is just a massive waste of money.
>We're never getting up off this rock.

The Omnissiah gave you those tentacles to fucking repair things, not rape things, heretic.

What're you being visited by Slaanesh or something? I sure hope not.

>yfw the sun isn't fire
>yfw the sun is plasma sustained by hydrogen fusion

*adjusts nerd glasses* actually, thats LAVA and water, to make obsidian.

The sun isn't lava, in fact it has no lava on it at all. It's just a ball of burning gas so...

Yeah, no obsidian for you.

Come m8, it's not like i leave them alive after i'm finished.
Just don't tell it to the inquisitor.

It never said that it's real Sun, just "Sun made of fire". :^)


I know this. But the sun is still hot, which causes ice to fucking explode if you put ice near something hot, very quickly.

Trust me, go throw a chunk of ice into a volcano and watch it blow up.

> It is literally impossible for human being to fly

Stay mad.

>As president Eisenhower once said, every ship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

What a pile of bullshit.
The poor and the hungry, the cold and the clothleless, are FUCKING WORTHLESS, in the face of human expansion to the stars.
Founding the building blocks for our eventual expansion across the galaxy, is of prime importance, because it has the power to ensure our survival as a species until the heat death of the universe.

The fact that there are shitskins that are starving is fucking irrelevant, and using resources to feed them is an actual waste of resources, because those shitskins just create more starving shitskins that need to be fed.

Fucking Leaf.

>yfw the sun isn't fire
>yfw the sun is plasma sustained by hydrogen fusion
the sun cant burn because there's no air in space dumbass. even if the sun is made of plasma there's still NO AIR IN SPACE proving the point that the earth is flat

Diana, and the Truncated Pyramid

This same parodical logic, when applied to the material level of spiritual reality, distorts sacred meaning and stands behind the technological progress of “America the continent” especially in such illustrative spheres as space research. It is quite revealing that the Americans were the first to land on the moon where, according to various archaic traditions, the “souls of our ancestors” reside. (It is especially important that Soviet cosmonauts belonging to a similarly significantly eschatological political formation did not manage to achieve this). In esoteric tradition, there exists a direct link between the “green land of the dead” and the Moon, and this very link can be traced to the objective, material, and spiritually profane history of modernity.

American cosmonauts’ space flights consciously bore a “ritualistic meaning”, as is evident even in the name of the “Apollo” spacecraft, Apollo being the traditional mythological companion of Diana, the moon. Moreover, as was reported even in the secular press, the American astronauts brought Masonic rings with them to the moon. This in fact means that the “ritualistic” character of the events could not have but been obvious to them, given that “entering the sphere of the moon” means passing through the lesser mysteries in Masonic ritual. Here once again there is a symbolic parallel: the initiation into the lesser mysteries brings a Mason into the so-called “Edenic (heavenly) state” returning him to the spiritual completeness which characterized the people of the Golden Age. and intensified the messianic pride of America as a whole, the American subconscious. on the originality, uniqueness, and “chosenness” of American Masonry in comparison to other branches. In American Masonic lodges, the legend is widespread that the last Knights Templar, having been in hiding for some time since their persecution by French monarchs. (Cont.)

the sun isn't made of fire, but plasma and degenerate matter
second thing, the sun (of "fire") has an immense amount of energy compared to the ice sun, trillions of times more powerful
so when the two collide, the transfer of energy (heat) from one to another would cause the ice sun to expand drastically in a gas cloud, effectively disintegrating
however, it would start to fall apart well before the two suns collided, just look at comets
their "tail" is actually ice evaporating due to solar radiation

*Does trump hand motions.*

"Did someone say something about an Inquisitor?"

*changes hand gestures to open palms*

"Those Tau on the eastern fringe, I tell ya', they're screwing us with trade ships"

"I'll bring the Rogue Traders back to the Imperium BELIEVE me."

I heard reports of some xenophilia in this thread.
Do you guys know anything about this ? I killed the guardsman that reported it for snitching before he could give me more details.
Speak now in the name of the Emperor.

Some have even claimed that the Holy Grail itself was brought to America. Be that as it may, American Masons are convinced that the true “sacred” center of Masonry is to be found in the USA, while European Masonry is “too archaic and helpless” and is nothing other than a “relic of the past.” It is undeniable, moreover, that Masonic signs make up many of the US’ state symbols, such as the white five-pointed star (the symbols of “Adam of Paradise” – again the “heavenly” theme) and the truncated pyramid whose peak is separated from the base by a ring of 13 stars symbolizing the 13 tribes of Israel. (Joseph’s tribe is often symbolically represented as the double tribe of Ephraim and Manasseh, which yields 13 instead of 12 and such a doctrine is peculiar to Masonic arithmetic). The truncated pyramid bears a disturbing symbolic meaning, as it refers to hierarchy devoid of its sacred peaks and its sacred center. It is possible that this emblem was originally designed to express the anti-authoritarian and anti-monarchical orientation of the US political system and the absence of a single ruler, but the symbol itself has never been limited to a purely emblematic function. The truncated pyramid necessarily implies the idea of “interrupted consecration,” and precisely this incompleteness in the initiative cycle is completely characteristic of “black magicians” as understood by Tradition.

It seems I have underestimated autism powers user.
But don't think your luck will last! Next time we meet I will come better prepared. Excelsior!
*whips cape*
*disappears into the shadows*

>"sun made of fire (like the sun)"
u wot

this is how you spot a retard

It was never impossible to fly, birds did that shit all the time.

But we've never seen anything go faster than light, if you even CONSIDER going faster than light all sorts of weird shit starts happening so its a fair indicator the thing is impossible

stay being an uneducated estonian shitperson without a hope of ever having the mental horizons of a western man


You managed to get a chuckle from me.

I dunno why, but I find that word so funny.

Daily reminder that Italy is just mad because it cant into space

>But we've never seen anything go faster than light
Galaxies at opposite ends of the observable universe are traveling away from each other faster than light. Nearly twice the speed of light in fact.

retards seem to love false equivalence apparently

>But we've never seen anything go faster than light
>what is early universe

That's written in fine bantspeak... i'd love to watch a normie cuck reading this

Shitskins breeeding and roaming out of control is a major problem.

Pests should be kept in check, otherwise they ruin everything.

oh, and the effects of quantum entanglement (spooky action at a distance) propagates faster than light too. At least 10,000 times faster as measured in laboratories.

I just noticed how the Irish flag is just a sun-bleached italian flag.

"the four usual kinds of expansion (in production, population, geographic extent, and knowledge) is always followed by decay and collapse. Expansion means weakening: a vast increase in population while knowledge stagnates leads always to self-destruction."

>quantum entanglement
so you're one of those retards then

wow, you have opened my eyes ahmhed, i never noticed that

The effects of gravity are faster than light because they are instant. If there was an 8 minute lag from the suns gravitational pull to earth like there is with light, then earth would eventually spiral out of orbit.

polan can't into space

"The ending of geographic expansion and of the growth of knowledge is difficult to establish in the core of any civilization as long as that civilization is continuing to expand in its peripheral areas. In fact, the expression "geographic expansion" can apply only to the society as a whole and could never be established for some limited portion of it."

Landing on a moon does not mean a particular civilization has expanded. It does not even mean that particular civilization has gained any knowledge about that moon at all. Knowledge requires understanding.

>Space travel is just a massive waste of money.
>We're never getting out of this rock.
We get our species off this rock, or we go extinct a whole lot faster.

>quantum entanglement

its a meme

mass effect isn't real, grow the fuck up

We really need to find a way to use quantum entanglememe to communicate.
>send dick butt to proxima centauri
>the gorilla pasta will get back after your death
Kinda can't do the empire part of galactic empire without instantaneous comm.

nice meme

If we wiped all minorities off the planet we would probably have the resources to make it possible since we wouldn't do handouts anymore.

a flat object cant spiral


Yuh huh.

Flags are expensive my man. Why design a unique national flag when you can just go to Italy and collect old sun bleached italian flags out of the dumpster and use those instead?

We didn't get rich wasting money on new flags you know.

How do you know? Does your country have a space program? Have you been there? No? Well guess you need to shut the fuck up, mongol!

>Implying i'm an muhammed (pbuh)

Too far south-east to be a shitskin. I'd need to be more into london, or further north for that.

Luckily, my town is majority white.

I wonder how long for, though

You fail to realize exactly how hot the sun is. Also just because they're the same "size" doesn't equate to mass. Actual sun is more dense therefore more mass. At most we'd probably get a massive darkening on the surface, similar to sunspots. Honestly once the ice sun got to at least Mercury's orbit (even if it "exploded") it would still just completely vaporized (all of that material wouldn't even impact the sun as it would explode radially in all directions thus most of it would miss the Sun).

Temp of ice is 0C. Surface of sun is 5000C. I think we've replicated this temp on Earth. Center of sun is 15 million C. Impossible in the lab or even within th3 center of Earth. And riddle me this: if the average temperature of space is near -273 C what would adding material (ice and water) that is much much warmer than that do? Real sun will always win.

I can understand why you think that italy. There aren't any bicycles that can make it off the planet.

>mass effect isn't real
never played it

I agree. Seems like the universe is going to be a cunt and fuck us out of being able to do to it though.

Yes we are

>colonise nearby planets/satelites in the next few thousand years
> use our best technology to make sperm pods that contain the genetic info to create human life
> put sperm pods onto asteroids and shoot them off into different galaxies
> those that crash on habitable planets will create new humans

Easy. It's not rocket science

We have the technology to build pic related today. It is a nuclear engine that is 10000x as efficient as chemical rockets but still provides similar thrust.

The only tiny wrinkle is that if we used it too close to earth, because it uses uranium without any containment, it might blanket the planet in nuclear waste.

We will be all dead in 100 years if you do not nuke those shitbrained UN "human rights" pests into dust from orbit ASAP.

Work on it, Ivan.


Yuh huh.

What's the pic?

But if they're the exact same size, and the ball of ice is exposed to such heat so close up, then that solid block of ice will expand into vapor and gasses which would be far FAR larger than the sun-sized slab it already is.

Even if it doesn't destroy the sun, i'm sure it'd either a) fuck it's lifespan up considerably. b) take a large chunk of it out, into dissipated gas/energy.

Oh: trust me, I'm actually studying astronomy/astrophysics.

>I'm an anarcho-capitalist. I believe taxes are a form of robbery
>What do you think of space travel?
Fuck these people. Fuck you to hell.

Literally (((Earth)))

Have you had the fun of throwing a slab of meat into something like a volcano?

It's not like in movies where they just sink in, it's an amusingly violent explosion of the body's liquids vaporizing suddenly. Boiling effectively.

Woulda' loved to have seen gollum do THAT.

The distances involved with space travel make it pointless outside of our solar system. Getting large telescopes into orbit is a much more worthwhile endeavor.

>Deploy fleet of retro booster-equipped drones

>Alter trajectory of rocks in a small region

>Create a channel


What do you think holds those 00-s flying out of the neatly choked barrel in close proximity for an amount of time?

what's a 00?

>Colonisation of Moon and nearest asteroids
They don't even have atmosphere, let alone oxygen. And how do you even build something on moon? Where do you get chement and concrete? How do you send construction machines? How do workers do their job in a space suit? You don't think these stuff while writing down these stupid shit do you?

Whatever gas it displaces would just fall back on it eventually due to gravity. And huge amounts of fresh hydrogen from water would prolong its lifespan if anything.

It's amazing you don't have like 110 Nobel prizes and own NASA right now.

It shows that the redshift [z-level] of a galaxy does not necessarily mean it is moving away from you. This one shows an object physically connected to its 'parent' while having approximately 12x its z-shift. Would be a fun anomaly if this was the only one, but there are books full of them-- many far more severe than this.

The entire expanding universe theory is a house of cards built upon a very shaky foundation.


>? Where do you get chement and concrete?
>How do you send construction machines?
>How do workers do their job in a space suit?
Probably don't need to. Just operate machinery most of the time. But they certainly could work in a space suit. People on the ISS do it all the fucking time.

>You don't think these stuff while writing down these stupid shit do you?
Maybe he's just not ignorant as you. You could have spent 5 minutes looking up that shit before asking those dumb questions.

Size =/ mass why don't you understand. You're confusing that with volume. And just because it "explodes into vapor" and takes up more volume than the sun, you're not creating any more additional material than when you started.

If I were to conjecture with pure speculation (beyond my expertise here) when the water vaporizer it won't even just turn into steam. You'd get the components: molecular hydrogen and oxygen.

So now we have to look at each element and it's effect.
Oxygen: too heavy to fuse, would settle in the core of sun and do nothing. This actually could have effects on lifespan and could shorten it. I'll skip the details as its a long story.
Hydrogen: sun already fusing hydrogen so now you're just adding more fuel to it which would expand life.

Sun still win


So what do you reckon that means?

Red shift is not the only evidence that the universe is expanding.

>having Amazon delete your compendium remotely.

oh, in that case they are not being held together. If you fire a bunch of them at the same time they are almost certainly moving away from each other as they travel.

>it's literally impossible to sail to the other side of the planet
>it's literally impossible to fly
>it's literally impossible to go to the moon
>it's literally impossible to land a probe on a comet

You're the same type of person that would've called Galileo a retard.

Be serious dude, the only limitation is time and having enough white people to produce the scientists and engineers necessary to further technology. Two hundred years ago we were taking days to travel between towns and dying in our thirties. Now we have stupid Korean soda advertisements on the moon.

Don't fall to despair.

Imagine a robotic 3D printer with badass (fusion) energy source.

yet another idiot who falls for false equivalence
how many are we at?

I mentioned the hydrogen bit, neat.

Also not all the material would fall onto the sun necessarily. Depending on how far the ice sun was and what angle it was ejected at it could enter into an orbit.

>humanity will never reach the bounds of universe before extinction

As I said - for an amount of time.

>You're the same type of person that would've called Galileo a retard

Appropriate that he's Italian, then.

It's not the only evidence no, but it is the foundation of it.

What I think it means would be pure speculation-- but there would seem to be a process by which light is red or blue shifted across cosmological distances that is not necessarily tied to its speed in relation to us.

And as i said, they are not being held together for any amount of time, they are moving apart from each other.

They only happen to be close to each other for awhile because you fired them out of the same gun at the same moment. There's no force holding them together like there is for stars n a galaxy.

He doesn't have time to spoon feed you. At least he took a picture instead of telling you to Google it yourself

Wormholes will solve this.

>Be serious dude, the only limitation is time and having enough white people to produce the scientists and engineers necessary to further technology. Two hundred years ago we were taking days to travel between towns and dying in our thirties. Now we have stupid Korean soda advertisements on the moon.

You need a culture that actually supports scientific/engineering/space endeavors.

Right now our culture would rather use our resources for degen behavior.

Does your government know something mine doesn't, Vlad?

Give me your excuse then pastafaggot. Tell us why we can't go outside the solar system.

>It's not the only evidence no, but it is the foundation of it.
It's still great evidence. Just because there's fluctuations doesn't mean it's still not by far the best explanation of the universe we currently have. You'll have a very hard time explaining all the observed phenomena without accepting there's an expanding universe.

I wish.

Galaxies too drift, some on collison cource, some drift apart.

Conservation of momentum is holding 00-s together (roughly on the same trajectory)

Your fucking government is wasting WAY more financial assets to cure morbid obesity (as you fuckers are apparently obligated to have 6 fast food meals a day to live your life fully) than funding NASA.

Such as? As far as I've read, which is not a huge amount-- but quite a bit... expanding cosmology has caused a lot more problems than it has solved. It has made no meaningful predictions as a model and in its current state is not falsifiable.

If you get a few drinks into an astrophysicist, cosmologist or astronomer they will sadly tell you that the only reason it remains is they don't have any better ideas.

>You need a culture that actually supports scientific/engineering/space endeavors.

Enough private ventures are funding Space Age research that we shoukd be okay in the long run.

The exponential increase in technology, the ramp up we have seen over a few short generations, means that technological progress will continue to increase in speed even if the percentage of global wealth out into research decreases.

I know, but their stars are held together by a force. Also galaxies are held together in groups, despite moving around.

>Conservation of momentum is holding 00-s together (roughly on the same trajectory)
momentum is not a force, and it is not holding them together. You're basically saying they are staying together because they are moving at the same speed in the same direction. And like i say, they are moving apart from the moment the leave the gun barrel.

Italy cannot into space

>The G force alone would shoot all your insides out the back of your skull and asshole.

What? Then obviously we won't accelerate that fast, dipshit. At 1G you can reach a significant fraction, nearly C, in a year.

>The exponential increase in technology

The imagination can expand, essentially without limit. Technology cannot. There could yet be some amazing breakthrough that allows computing power to expand-- but right now you're living at the limits of what we can do.

Nigger you don't understand G force. It is only experienced during acceleration.

>It has made no meaningful predictions as a model and in its current state is not falsifiable.
predicted the microwave background radiation and the nature of it. They can pick up sound waves in the CMB because matter was so tightly packed back then, sound could travel across the whole universe. Early galaxies are simple and mostly made of hydrogen as that was by far the most abundant element created after the first atoms started to form.

>If you get a few drinks into an astrophysicist, cosmologist or astronomer they will sadly tell you that the only reason it remains is they don't have any better ideas.
That's the case for literally all physics theories. Every single theory we have for anything is only there because we have nothing better.

Alot of great worthly inventions come from space research

Philosophically - the intent of the shooter to put those 00-s through the vital parts of the body of a shitskin invader enabler is holding those little metal balls roughly on the same course.

>predicted the microwave background radiation

It predicted isotopy and found the exact opposite. There is also no lensing on the CBMWR, strongly suggesting it is relatively local in its nature, rather than universal.

entropy means stars will just keep on dying until there's just a very thin mist of hydrogen left and the temperature will reach -273 and then life will become impossible
kind of disheartening but whatever

Oye a fuckin roach things they understand.

It is profitable because capitalism needs new markets, materials, and consumers. Investing in colonization of other planets allows the people on other planets to buy more crap.

And honestly you don't need to send much with a primary crew. The planets know...made out of matter which you know can be processed into concrete, or other materials.

People like you are the worse. You ask why not instead of how.