I feel like elliot rogers had a valid point...

I feel like elliot rogers had a valid point. The egos of girls in this country are out of control and so are their rights. I got kicked out of a bar because i ignored a girl who was trying to get my attention. Not even lying. That actually happened. Elliot, God bless, you are the fucking man.

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Post the story. Leave out all the parts where you condone a psycho murderer.

You do know that he killed a bunch of Asian virgin, and probably autistic, males as "retaliation" right?

Elliot was the ultimate beta male and a massive faggot. I am a 28 year old aspie virgin and was never as desperate and thirsty as him. Funny thing when you stop caring woman start flocking to you.

>I got kicked out of a bar because i ignored a girl who was trying to get my attention.

Now tell us what REALLY happened.

He wasn't wrong but his approach to change was not correct. The proper way is to educate men, there are far more betas than there are alphas and betas are ripe for education. Have them educated, working on themselves, have them turn alpha. As long as they don't become a Chad in the end, they can collectively use their alphaness to turn women back into proper women instead of whiny bitches who just get whatever they want.

It's a deep cultural change and very difficult. It's a lot easier to just tell women they are princesses all their lives which is why we are in the problem we have now. Also if men disappeared from social media, women wouldn't use it.

I saw this same thread posted yesterday where he explained it in greentext and it sounded like even more horse shit.

I know your lying, they dont allow 12 year olds in a bar

>goes to sorority house to kill the vile sorority bitches
>knocks on the door
>they don't answer
>so he just walks away
>doesn't kill any of those whores
Beta to the end.

Elliot was a loser. I read the last few pages of his manifesto and it was illogical, cringe-worthy, and full of unexpected keks. The guy went on a killing spree because he was a mentally ill moron.

Cred Forums is so stupid. Elliot Rodger is a living legend. Any man who is a virgin past 25 should follow in his foot steps, if you don't you're a cuck.

Well he's a vampire he needs to be invited in.

I had class with those Asian males and actively studied with one...can confirm they were probably virgins, but we're A+ students

Women will lie and manipulate at the slightest infraction. Idk what you dudes are on about with the distrust.


I feel for you nigga. Here even a blind leprous amputee could get laid.


naw he was actually a pussy who built up this grandiose self image to compensate

he could never just talk normally with women because he was afraid they'd break his fragile self image. he expected them to just jump on his dick as long as he kept pretending to be "a god"

on the other side of his rage was shame and insecurity.

t. clinical psychology Ph.D.

Do you think he was treatable?

> I got kicked out of a bar

Do you know how much of a socially awkward fuck up you have to be go make this happen to you? To get to 86'ed?

What really happened? Did you yell at her? Say something embarrassingly sexist? Lay hands on her?

Don't blame women because you got drunk and acted like an asshole. You can't change women. You can't control women. You can only change, and control, yourself.

Indeed, this is why I take such issue with the "it's happening" posts.

So many new generation Cred Forums users cling desperately to their faded Ron Paul jpegs or shiny new Trump webms, secluded from society and terrified of risk, desperately hoping for some great "happening" to happen to them rather than moving forward the way their ancestors did and making things happen for themselves.

This is what happened to you.

You were an asshole. You were ostracized.

It "happened". You got "happening'ed".

Maybe next time you should try fitting in, faggot.

That's what happened to Elliot Rodgers.

probably not. at least not near the time of his rants. possibly, if it was treated early enough in childhood it could have been reversed. he was getting a lot of pleasure out of those fantasies and would have probably projected guilt onto the therapist and therapy as a defense mechanism to keep his grandiose self-image in place. narcissists in general are tough to treat because they don't have the problem, you do.


> clinical psych PhD

Am always astounded at who posts on Cred Forums. To reciprocate, Masters in Computer Science here, not that I'm claiming that's at the same level.

Senior Business Intelligence Engineer for a major telecom here.

There are a lot of people on here with six figure incomes and higher. But the new generation gets mad at people like us and calls us "normies"

Lol ... using a slur to denounce socio-normative behavior. No wonder you got 86'ed, OP

I'm a 28-year-old virgin who was never as desperate and thirsty as him too, potatobro. I'm single and not looking. If someone comes to me, good. If someone doesn't come to me, also good. It's all the same to me. It really is.

>Funny thing when you stop caring woman start flocking to you.

This. Showing interest in women generally turns them off. Getting a woman's attention in a positive way while making her think that you aren't interested in her is the best way to play the pussy game.

Do women pay more attention to you if you have a girlfriend?

I dated a girl in HS and while dating her, I noticed more women started talking to me (both in school and outside) and flirting with me.

Half of them didn't even know I had a girlfriend and the other half knew. But as soon as we broke up because we didn't really share that many interests and got bored, women stopped talking to me.

Women want men that other women want, so yes.

Ive been kicken out of a few bars and im anything but a socially retard, most cases involved being wasted out of my mind and dancing with barstools and stuff tho


Women are disgusting like that, it's been proven in tests too that they seek men who are desired by many.

>I feel like elliot rogers had a valid point.
seek professional mental health counseling

>being this edgy

You don't need to be socially awkward or an outcast to get kicked out of a bar, not at all. Actually, I don't think that's ever a reason people get kicked out of bars most of the time. I've shouted "nigger" while at the bar side at a bar in Detroit, instigated fights, inappropriately made moves on girls, and all sorts of other frowned upon shit and I've never been kicked out of a bar surprisingly enough (even though I should have). Actually, I was told I couldn't be served once because my girlfriend at the time was under 21 and they had a strict no minors policy.

Scratch that, I got kicked out once because after a few drinks, my friend and I stepped outside for a cigarette and he puked all over the sidewalk in front of the bar, so they wouldn't serve us anymore, him specifically. Had nothing to do with being socially awkward.


I work in a warehouse is that okay user?
