Can we go back?

Anyone misses the old days when Cred Forums was Libertarian, and not composed of a bunch of autistic statists wailing >MUH DEGENERACY, taking their freedom for granted and whose longings are to ban everything? You're going against everything your ancestors strived for, such a shame.

Other urls found in this thread:

Our ancestors didn't know the white race would be in danger.
And they didn't know our world would be so degenerate compared to theirs.
Maybe think about that before making such stupid comments.

You've made this exact thread before with that exact image forum sliding shill faggot.

Kill yourself.

It's much better now with more supreme gentlemen like me.

The world is a degenerate and sinful place. Someone has to call it out for what it is. Sorry if we don't stand by and accept the fall of the West.

it's hard when we don't have a real libertarian that's nominated. I miss McAfee...

>a fucking tree

The trick is in the flags

It's just Cred Forums2.0 now


>Can you guys stop judging me for my disgusting sexual perversions please? And while you're at it, please change your political views.

No, fuck you.


your prob one of the sacks of shit who spammed black dicks for the first 4 years. No fuck you i dont want to go back.


You're white, your children can be white, anything other than that is beyond your control. who are you to decide what's degenerate and what isn't?

Cred Forums stopped bwing libertarians years ago, then it was nazis and now its paleocons with banter. What the fuck are you complaining about

get fucked m8, I hope you'll like the boot of my new pajero

>Anyone misses the old days when Cred Forums was Libertarian, and not composed of a bunch of autistic statists

Literally never. Cred Forums has always been /stormfront/

>piss on a Yemeni flag

>You're going against everything your ancestors strived for, such a shame.

No I don't

What I want the world to look like is pretty close to the world my ancestors wanted and most of them even died for

Who are you to decide it isn't degenerate?

Since it is leading to the deterioration of our societies, it is OBJECTIVELY degenerate.
None of this shit is what millions of our ancestors died for over the last few millennia.

Shut the fuck up Noah no one gives a shit

You can only go forward

Some stuff has clear detrimental effects on society. Who better to judge then the citizens themselves. Degeneracy is just the in thing right now. Itll end though

Cred Forums was always equal parts NatSoc, Lolbertarian and traditional Conservative, with a smattering of actual Leftists to add a bit of character, like a car with a few scratches.

You had your time in the sun. Now it's our time. I think we've been fucking patient enough, and our reign has been a LOT funnier than yours, so I don't know what you're bitching about.

Libertarian here, use to be half us half nazis.

I miss Ron Paul, this country would be so much better with him

someone just got their anime porn deleted.


u mad


I dont care, Im just sick of these newfags from Cred Forums who come here simply to be edgy and just shitpost about their gay nazi LARP shit in every fucking thread, even if it has nothing to do with WW2 or nazism.

>dat pic

Did you dodge the oven?

>my ancestors were lolbertarian cùcks

oh god no, no my ancestors weren't that autistic you fucking kike

You realise that when you say "statist" most people just hear "rational human being", right

>who are you to decide what's degenerate and what isn't?
Anything that is at odds with the hard-won White Christian society of our ancestors that you're jerking off over is degenerate by definition.

Just ask yourself: "Is this actively making our civilization less functional?" If yes, then it's degenerate. It's really not a subjective term.

It's fine to be libertarian in a good society filled with fundamentally intelligent and good people. Unfortunately we live in a world being overwhelmed by violent near animals, a pussified west that would never defend liberalism and an orchestrated attack on the white race.

Any libertarian with a love of the principles would currently be white nationalist. Otherwise they are just signing away any hope of ever seeing that society.

t. someone who will passionately defend individual rights and live and let live once we have scoured the world of the current forces against us


Can't wait for this fucking election to end

again, you don't get to decide for society.

>implying this isnt the funnest election yet

Romney vs Obama was boring as fuck.

kiss imak

whats this bitches instagram

the situation is worse than in 2012 for western civilization and there is no good libertarian candidate who can hold a candle to ron paul so it makes sense that we would be in favour of donald trump

I'm still libertarian desu

>Anything that is at odds with the hard-won White Christian society
You can instill this into the minds of your offspring all you want. but you can't force your values on others. would you like it if others did?

You probably don't understand what libertarianism and liberalism are about.

Libertarianism/liberalism needs virtue to work.

If you look at the American Founding Fathers, they always stressed that liberty needed virtue. When they mentioned "the pursuit of happiness", what they had in mind was "the pursuit of eudamonia", not "the pursuit of getting muh dick wet". They would likely consider present day America a failure of what they had in mind.

They wanted a Republic of Catos, not to be Louis XIV's France.

Do you guys ever wonder after Trump if this board will end up more left leaning? Cred Forums, Cred Forums specifically is obviously mostly composed of contrarian faggots that always want a status quo to rebel against, so how will we react when we've got what we want and have Trump for 8 years and perhaps people end up actually liking him?

The society doesn't need to "decide" anything. It will just detoriate and crumble. Independent of our own thoughts, emotions and desires. What we can do however is: to say no! And to fight back!

The radical leftists, communists and "post national, multi cultural liberals" sure didn't care, if someone said *you don't get to decide for society*. They simply took it by force! As for Germany: they attack our politicians, burn their cars, call openly for murdering them and indeed try to kill them, assault them in the streets, while the leftist newspapers and agitators do the "assasination of words" at the same time. They subvert, they indoctrinate, they attack and attack and attack, until everyone submits.

If anything, Cred Forums isn't radical enough! You don't resist bolshevism with "spiritual measures" and you don't just resist the take over of your society by the regressive left with memes - although it's a start and more fun than the old times in the Weimar Republic.

Cred Forums was never like this

you're thinking /new/

Liberty, when the character of the individual is wholesome and strong, is just. But when the character of the individual is misguided, selfish, and weak, the nation is weakened and subject to foreign influence or control. Look at what the sexual revolution did in my country. Look at drug culture. Look at the various sub-cultures that the U.S. contains.

Economically, should we not give aid to the truly needy because our welfare system is sometimes taken advantage of? Do we let our citizens starve?

A country needs an identity to survive and a single purpose to strive for. There is an inherent problem with the libertarian idea of "live-and-let-live." Look at how physically weak our men and women are. Look at the dumbing down of our schools, under the guise of "no child left behind," common core, etc. Should people be free to become addicts of drugs or morbidly obese?

An analogy: it is better to have a nail, with a single point, fashioned of iron, than a nail with ten points, fashioned of wood.

I am libertarian but first we need to kill the cancer that is modern liberalism before we can move on
In normal times, evil should be fought by good, but in times like this, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil

But I would be happy to go against Cred Forums if in the next 8 years the status quo would be that people need to be virtuous to be happy, instead of the hedonistic narrative of today. That would be great.

maybe. Even though Im voting for him, I would still be cautious of him because I dont want to be a hypocrite like the liberals who bitched about every little thing bush did, like pushing a door that said pull (something they actually did btw) while doing nothing but sucking Obamas dick.

But then again, Im sure the media will go back into attack mode since a republican would be in charge. But the good thing is media is getting more and more irrelevant. These "opinion makers" are becoming literally who tier.

But I do believe everyone should be contrarian to at least a little degree about the president, and not just accept everything he does.

>Anyone misses the old days when Cred Forums was Libertarian

When were those days? You mean that short period when Ron Paul ran for president and lost because of how weak he and his ideology are?

Come live in Canada and after a few months you will want to get your 72 qts.

Liberalism can only survive when it is economically leftist, how much do you think those women studies majors and welfare niggers would stay around without gibs?


Do women and niggers have the vote in your libertarian utopia?

>who cares if your neighbor is destroying society? that's none of YOUR business

libertarian in a nutshell

No, retard, it is not acceptable to allow society to go to shit just because "MUH FREEDOMS"

>not the most autistic ideology

Statist shill go away


None of my ancestors thought you should smoke weed or fuck dogs you libertardian faggot

I've read a few studies showing that the media tends to swing towards being the government lapdog.

happened under bush
happened under obama

Libertarianism only works when the community is high trust, low time preference, and savvy enough to handle their own affairs competently.

Cred Forums grew up, looked around, and realized nothing here fits that description. Libertarianism is the end goal, but first there's work to be done.

I know, which is why I'm asking. He can't be against the welfare state while allowing the demographic, who's shown over and over and over again to vote for a welfare state, to vote.

Well said. Freedom isn't a value in and on to itself. It's an important value, no doubt. Maybe close to the most important value. But when the freedom is simply abused to bring forth developments, which harm and destroy your society, it is not freedom, but simply destruction.

What's not good for the bee hive cannot be good for the bee.

>I don't like fucking dogs therefore it should be illegal to

Get a goat and leave us alone Ahmed

my brazilian friend , this is a very underrated reply

so rights with responsibilities?

I wish Cred Forums would go full Anarcho-Capitalist, mostly for the funny "thumbs up" images.

I "don't like" the new star wars. Sexual deviance directly undermines society.

This is bait, right?
No one can be this cuck

Oh nvm

> a fucking tree

>because I say so

You're so obsessed with islam even though it has little to do with the thread, and I'm not muslim.

>I have no argument and have to meme


Ayyyyy cut my head off cartel senpai.

>being against weed

I really dont get this shit at all other than trying to piss of normies

Washingotn himself grew hemp. I see nothing wrong with it being used for that or for people to smoke

a fucking tree

I hear you bro, Cred Forums is shit nao with so many useless memes, "kek", excessive usage of Trump, Stormfags, and libtards.

>Mexican intellectuals
Not surprised you don't understand the concept of Ordnung, kek.

i found my wife

Islam? You live in a goat herding region you stupid tree.

you're literally in mexico, why haven't you killed yourself by gang beheading yet?

Cred Forums isn't one man. I am and was always a libertarian.

Because it's just fucking memes. Plus I am not an idiot that doesn't take preventive measures

Statist are blue pilled as fuck. It's funny to push Trump with memes because fuck hillary, but fuck trump too.

You're not mature enough to be in this thread, fuck off leaf

What are you, a fuckin Muslim?

It has killed whites, and brought even american blacks close to that point

Cred Forums is contrarian. Just watch as Cred Forums goes full commie after a few years of the Trump presidency.

I really, really hate these burger redneck traditionalist fags that have appeared here since the start of the Trump campaign.

If you really hated Statist you would be shilling for Rand Paul instead

Is she 18?

I hear "cuck"

One more moment where I realized how fucked the system is, was when a female politician of the """""conservative""""""" CDU was arguing against the babies welcome program alongside literal communists as "völkisch" and how important single mothers are.
>single mothers
We all know that they are a core voting block for the regressive left and that they are using them to expand their power.

Yes but fuck Hillary ten times more

In most users it kills drive and ambition, and presents a public safety hazard


Germony didn't make an argument, he made an opinion.


Op is a trigender faggot that likes little boys

thats like saying blacks unironically dindu nuffin.

you're either a future beheading victim a gang-banger or an illegal immigrant in america.

I'll take your words at face value when you decide to respect the overlords and bond back with PRC instead of being defeatist separatist trash. You will always be Chinese and nothing will change that Steven Jia Ye Zhang. (unless your English teacher)

I'm from Hong Kong and my god, HKers and TWers who suck the white cock so hard is absolutely disgusting. this is why our women leave for white men, literally

The autistic white fucks have forgiven each other and bond over white unity and TW still wants to be "muh seperate, muh not chinese, muh not asian, taiwanese is sooo different from chinese"


I guess a tripfag might be stupid enough to take "preventative measures" against memes

I honestly wish he had a chance, but it'll never happen. Bummer.

Not when the standard for Libertarians are Gary "xdd weed man let the immigrants in" Johnson is the standaed

based belarus. shame to see what communism has done to you

Shut up, cuck, get off Cred Forums

Not an argument, libertarians are cowards without faith.

The birthrates, you spic retard

Give it a decade or two and we'll have artificial wombs and egg cells, taking away the breeding monopoly from women and allowing proper political discourse again.

I can guarantee you that bottle babies made by a rightwing party would end up better than mongrel abominations shat out by single mothers.

Election season is pretty much like a really long summer for this board.

Eight years of an Obongo presidency has led to hundreds of angry young men literally converting to traditional Catholicism and calling themselves reactionaries because they've been left with nowhere to rebel but to the right. This will all change soon though and everything will go back to normal.

When i say "proofs" I mean PROOFS [Aka. links].

What the fuck you talking about retard? Why are there so many of you retards imagining things here? Before there was Cred Forums there was /new/ and there we had even more anti-Jewish memes. This place is more liberal than ever before, you got cuck threads daily.

Actually I was an illegal migrant to Mexico.
Those memes are not necessarily true, depends on the place of the country you are at.
I use the tripcode as a way to differentiate me from the flag, because unfortunately I am An American living here.
I will be receiving my absentee ballot soon (New Mexico). I can't vote for either Trump or Shillary so I'll right in Rand Paul.

>In most users it kills drive and ambition

so what? So does every other vice in existence. this just comes across as a very very petty "well liberals like this idea so fuck it!" thing to me. And no, Im not one of these DUDE POT CURES CANCER retards, but I've never seen a good argument to keep it illegal. It just drains so much money and resources trying to fight something that isnt worth it

I want to measure her shorts with my dick.

Don't bother, Cred Forums is no longer rational or even smart enough to give out sauce.

You have a better chance of having an educated discussion on Kikebook than here

>Flag checks out
OP doesn't believe in evolution.

Anyone else get angry when they see women like this flaunting their bodies? They know they look good and that you think they look good and want to have sex with them, but if you ask they'll reject you. So you can't really do anything about it but glare.

>out of our control
Until it isnt

And before that we were posting nigger and jew memes on Cred Forums but only an idiot would take anything posted there seriously.


1: Yes I fucking can.
2: Yes, I'm glad my parents did it to me.

The youngest generation is always a bunch of barbarians who want to ruin everything, and it is the duty of the older generation to civilize them. There is nothing wrong with this arrangement unless you have an autistic fixation on liberty--which is one of the PRODUCTS of this system.



Calm down, Ahmed

You can't be fucking serious. Just google "birthrate by race". Or are you just memeing me? This isn't a secret, it's common knowledge

That's why you ignore those try hard types. Not acknowledging their existence does more damage to their self esteem then men realize.

This is what I fucking mean of useless memes that do not bring quality discussion and it's just pure shitpost

>You're going against everything your ancestors strived for, such a shame.

Not at all. America was founded on 3 principles:
1. Slavery
2. If its not white it aint right
3. Women should be in the kitchen
4. Get some fucking property before you talk to me you dirty pleb
5. you're considered "equal"

Slavery was removed but even in say Teddy Roosevelt's time WHITE SUPREMACY was the norm

Cred Forums is an ever changing organism, it is childish to talk about 'going back'. It will always be here in the form it is needed to combat the greatest threat at the time.

don't bother with them, Cred Forums has millions of users, can't have millions of quality users

realize two things

1. weaklings seek a master (a powerful state)
2. Cred Forums is infested with NEET threads and the NEET cult

can you figure the mistery out?


I know and it's sad because Cred Forums used to be a great site for discussion. Now it's literally crap. Only good for lulz

John btw
And American as well

pretty much this. Its why autistic beta manchildren usually either become commieboo LARPers or stormfag LARPers

just a power fantasy for loser nerds

What I mean is, you can inculcate your children with whatever values you wish, but you can't instill in the minds of other children, (whose parents don't do so themselves) that linking the same gender will let you burn for eternity.

> and then he told me who my ancestors are and their ideologies and beliefs

Stormfags have always been around, they're controlled opposition.

Pretty comfy desu

I can easily ignore them. She's not even really my type anyway. I've never liked athletic bodies. I like short, small-mid sized girls, soft, non-muscular.

No. Because most libertarians (proper libertarians) ended up becoming the Alt-Right leaving only the delusional 'left'-libertarians who are just slightly less hate filled and demented SJWs/socialists.


Nice image, user.

Libertarianism and Fascism are both great ideologies, which would explain why people so commonly transition from one to another.

Is there a time when we can slaughter all niggers like the OP?

>using statist unironically

spotted the autist

The laughs aren't worth all the tryhard redditors and MSM shills here at all times.


Might makes right. Not even up for debate, just a truism. Coercion exists no matter how little government there is or isn't

Honestly this. I was very passionate about libertarianism until enough people convinced me that it's essentially unattainable so long as certain ""populations"" exist within a society.

>Literally never. Cred Forums has always been /stormfront/
Libertarians have always been nearly tied with Nat soc since /new/ and Nat soc threads of old were as they are now, empty nazi propaganda dumps.
In comparison to libertarian threads of old being rife with actual discussion.

Seriously Nazis on here are no different than commies on Tumblr and Reddit (IE little knowledge of what it is past the empty rhetoric and old propaganda)except they need to be even more edgy because

Just stay christian champ

/new/ and Cred Forums was traditionally split between nationalists and libertarians, and still is. It's just that the libertarians lack a good active political figure to innervate the base. It's just that they found common ground with the nationalists this election with a contest to Clinton neoconservatism.

If Gary weren't a cuck (bad speaker, meek and sheepish, pandering to berniefags) and more of a first principles guy, he'd get better reception here.

Just under half of Cred Forums has always been "muh degeneracy" statists

>You're going against everything your ancestors strived for, such a shame.
No we're striving to correct the things our ancestors fucked up royally

Libertarianism includes the freedom to hate, you fucking tree

>Seriously Nazis on here are no different than commies on Tumblr and Reddit (IE little knowledge of what it is past the empty rhetoric and old propaganda)except they need to be even more edgy because

they also make it a point to shill their safe space threads in every other thread and think that if a thread is doing anything other than sucking Hitlers dick, its a "slide thread"

they are just edgy newfags from Cred Forums with a uniform fetish

What gives YOU the right to say it isn't? Degenerate shit peice of nigger

hahaha no. What happened is they banned memes on rebbid and when there was a massive influx to pol some jokers started linking a bunch of stormfront OC. It snowballed from there and now alt right is the mainstream right wing default position even though it was just a joke,

you sound like the newfag NatSoc shit has been here longer than you have most likely.

Cred Forums always had its roots in NatSoc.

Libertardians were retarded then and are retarded now.

Libertarianism is wrong on so many levels that the lesser amount of lolbertarians lowered autism level of this board by like 20%. And I know they didn't go anywhere - they've just turned into neoreactionaries

>I'm an oldfag, but never browsed /new/

>le Cred Forums was lolbergtardian meme
You know you can always make your own /polbertarian/ utopia board on wheelschan and fuck off to it forever, right?

Things will go back to normal after the election, when buttflustered Trumpfags return to /r/The_Donald.


your streets are shit, your wage is shit, your language is horrible your food tastes bad most of the times, your average wage is 3$ per hour.
You are not in the position to tell us what is a shame

Thanks for the new pickup line greatest ally.

sure thing newfag LARPer

Maybe OP is too young to remember stormfront

I live action role played your moms pussy last night shit eater. Really sorry I can't be the father you always wanted though as your to fat, faggy and disgusting

Piss off, you Muslim shit.

t. 17 year old newfag

if Mx A finds a certain activity degenerate, Mx A will not engage in this activity. degeneracy can only exist at the personal level.

Cred Forums was always shit. Cred Forums was always shit. Don't pretend to be an oldfag.

Shit posting is reality. It will not get better because it has never been better. Shut the fuck up and leave if you don't like it.

Reddit has a lot more soft content if your feefees can't take it.

>wonder after Trump if this board will end up more left leaning
It will, because the rest of us will be too busy going out and MAGAing. The left can have this what will soon to be evacuated board after our victory is achieved. I'll be glad to finally be able to afford to leave this cave forever.


People are retards. You've already accepted that. Then why do you want everyone to have equal power? It's a recipe for disaster.

not if the activity is not avoidable

libertarianism is just astrology for men

kill yourself, faggot OP

>a fucking tree

They knew of the danger of degeneracy, we've just killed countless sacred cows that they defended with ostracism, hanging, duels, wars, their greatest storytelling, poetry, prose, art, etc.

They would have seen these mass migrations as an apocalyptic battle for survival. We're so far removed from them in these ignorant times that many of us can't or flat out refuse.

>your food tastes bad

uwot, Lebanese food is top shelf, you're a massive pleb. Also

>shitting on Mediterranean food

You have to go back to whatever shithole board you crawled out from.

Also I can't count apparently

I started lurking in 2012 during the Syria-uprising and I remember 90% "1488 Adolf Hitler 4 prez!" and "gas the kikes" came back after migrant-crisis.

Thanks for being my hugbox Cred Forums

>your streets are shit
I have an SUV
>your wage is shit
I couldn't care less, I'm well paid
>your language is horrible
what kind of argument is this?
>your food tastes bad most of the time
that's just your opinion, a lot of people would disagree with you
>your average wage is 3$ per hour
Again, I couldn't care less, I earn much more.

and not a single argument was given by the wannabe german

how long have you been in lebanon buddy ?
If you have to eat it for longer than a few weeks, believe me, you will be happy to eat some normal food again.

>The autistic white fucks have forgiven each other and bond over white unity
If only that were ever remotely true.

Our seizing of government is definitely not to provide us with a "master" but to protect our freedom, the rule of law is what protects freedom.

The absence of law is tyranny.

even if you have an suv, you have to take care of your car because of the fucking sinkholes and speed bumps everywhere.

your accent of arabic is horrible

if you earn much in lebanon, its not an honest work

>Lebanese people only ever eat Lebanese food
2016 is calling m8

except my "ancestors"
like my parents and grandparents
agree with my opinions whole heartedly and they were thinking this way long before I started thinking this way.

if our forefathers knew we would be fighting for men to marry men and people with mental disabilities choosing which bathroom they want to go to
I guarantee you they would have wrote constitutions that made sure that would never happen

They did, and then it got subverted by kikes, eternal anglos and treacherous shabbos goyim.

You seem quite biased in this issue, and you're presumably Austrian, what's the story? what has Lebanon done to you?

Well, neocon politics were terrible and the patriot act is disgusting

Furthermore, puritan Christian values are evil, controlling and wrong - they promote a society where bullying is okay

To be honest the degeneracy Cred Forums rails against is a good thing - our freedoms to do as we please should absolutely be maintained

However, the political correctness movement of the authoritarian left is despicable, third wave feminism is disgusting, black lives matter is an anti-white movement, genderqueer and non-binary are not words and Democrats these days are absolutely more controlling than the right once was. I'm voting for Trump because of that

I'm not an expert on what everyone else thinks. I don't have my finger on the pulse when it comes to Cred Forums - I just know what I believe is right

thats not the point. Tbh the burgers at malak tawouk are pretty good.

i was living there for some time and the road and the traffic were pissing me off all the time. Also those fucking checkpoints. You wait for over an hour on the weekends on the highway and if you are lucky only half an hour on the sea road.

Of course you're going to have better roads than ours, also we've been through a 20 years civil war that ended not too long ago, and we have comparable levels of income with some eastern european countries. what do you expect?

but prices are compared to what you earn are way to high, you pay about 1300-1800 livres for a bear in a supermarket. In a bar or a restaurant even up to 4000 to 8000 per bottle. In serbia you earn the same money but you pay about 1500 for a beer in a restaurant.

You can't have freedom or libertarianism with muh degeneracy. Degenerates are like children that need to be cared for. The state pops in to do this. Homosexuality or treansgenderism or Islam don't have some innate right to exist and must therefore be paraded and pushed.

All of these things are artificially maintained to achieve "multiculturalism" (corruption/divide and control) by the state and big corporations. That attitude must be taken down first. Things must return to genuine sense of value.

Here is a metaphore: Apparently African Americans like chicken, they think it is their thing. I have never seen a black person or establishment that sells chicken. They like being provisioned chicken. They are not involved in any productive relationship with their motif.

>puritan Christian values are evil, controlling and wrong - they promote a society where bullying is okay
Wtf? I love puritan cuckstainity now.

Yes inflation is a problem. You didn't adress my first point. How are you going to have nice roads In a country with very little natural resources, low personal tax and corporate tax, and a lot of corruption?
on a side note, are you ethnically austrian, what brought you to lebanon?

no, it can't go back. Cred Forums became post-ancap and these ain't no return back to the libertarian wasteland.

Nah. The libertarian party went statist and leftist, and so Trump wound up being the superior libertarian choice to Gary Johnson.

you got a lot of pretty good roads in the mountains, especially in the northern district. Around mount lebanon and outside of tarabulus, your problem is that you cant renew the highway or the sea side road cause it would cause a complete chaos of your traffic.

I was working there

Deep irrational hatred that's out out of context and off-topic? I think you might be in love m8

Not unless you purge the filth that migrated from r9k. The modern Cred Forumsack that joined this board in 2013 or later thinks he is a no gf NEET because the jews somehow 'ruined' all white women, not because he is an autistic NEET.

in love with what ?

>tfw my excel document full of free market related shitposts has zero use now

>asking for it this much

also the problem is that funding isn't going where it's supposed to be going. christian areas are being underfunded even though we contribute to most of the taxes.

asking for what?

but christians areas are the nicest ones in lebanon. Especially from jounieh to batroun

but they could be so much better if our taxes went to them instead of rebuilding disgusting shiite areas that were destroyed during a war that was imposed on us. there are so many development projects (dams, bridges, tunnels, highway expansions) that already have funding but aren't being passed by the council of ministers for overt sectarianism, and there's only one solution; federalism.


Being a Libertardian was a meme phase I'm glad I grew out of. People need to be controlled and need to be told "no, you cant take 50 poz loads in your fucking ass you faggot. Stop molesting little boys."

Degeneracy leads to the downfall of every great civilization. Thats why it needs to be banned, and purged.

Immigration is out of control at the moment. That's why.

>Cred Forums was Libertarian

>but to protect our freedom, the rule of law is what protects freedom.

Hey I totally agree with you, thats why I deliberately wrote "powerful state" which maybe is a bit unfortunate since you might assume that I mean a state that is powerful internationality and or wealthy however I was thinking about a kind of a state that interferes with its citizens life more than it needs to. That can mean to different people a different thing but I'm generally happy when small business thrive, a girl can abort her pregancy and a dude marry his bro. (however just because I think it should be allowed, I don't necessarily would use this freedom).

>People need to be controlled and need to be told

you can tell anyone what you want these days, go ahead.

>no, you cant take 50 poz loads in your fucking ass you faggot

I don't know what poz loads, I assume it means butt sex, in such case I really wonder how you are going to legally enforce it.

>top molesting little boys

illegal in all western countries.

>Degeneracy leads to the downfall of every great civilization. Thats why it needs to be banned, and purged.

You can go to russia, iran, china all those states seem to have what you desire. What's stopping you?

id take this sloots freedom for grantedd. If you know what I mean.. Ohhhyah.

>old days when Cred Forums was Libertarian

>there was a time when Cred Forums was bluepilled

What is Aleppo?

>leaf calls another cuck

Cred Forums today is more liberal than it has ever been. It's actually pretty sad.

Especially that "civic nationalism" cancer or the massive rise in non White posters.

have u ever been northern than tarabulus ? Areas are really bad there or the road from Beirut to damascus, horrible road. Its better after the boarder

Fuck off.

High time preference -> degeneracy

Low time preference -> civilized

Anything, whether intentionally or unintentionally, contributing to anti-intellectualism, dysgenics, devolution, the abrasion of the Flynn effect, decay of society and traditional virtues, things that harm oneself; addictions; overuse of the social network, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, eating (or just buying) fast food, sweets or heavily chemically augmented products, being too lazy to read long texts, being very unathletic, not being able to adore nature, not possessing basic skills like being able to read a map, drive, make a fire, apply first aid, repair diverse types of slight damage (car, bicycle, house), devoting oneself to extreme body modification like an excess of tattoos or piercings which are scientifically linked to violence and slut culture, behaviour patterns sustaining syndromes or complexes like SH, a father complex, Electra complex or Madonna–whore complex, preaching anything of what was mentioned among like-minded, non-criticizing people for self-affirmation and making yourself feel better about your behaviour while at the same time making others feel better about their equally degenerate behaviour (example: posting "Shit, I wish I had a cold energy drink now" or "Haha, masturbating, alcohol and playing video games is all I do, so awesome" on Twitter) which is adjacent to "crimes against humanity" (§ 6-14), being ignorant and uninformed about history, politics and economy to an alarming extent but still participating in respective arguments and trying to influence people even less informed.

Can you go back to a civilized Lebanon not being slowly drawn into the abyss by Islam?

No, that's why.

We are at war with Kikes and Sunni Islam (their army). Ideologies useless for winning wars need to fuck off for a moment, we can return to that shit after our nations are safe.

>commies on Tumblr and Reddit

Is this real?

You have to go back redditor

I wish... I wish...

Well put hanz

I wanna see what kind of Cred Forums comes next. Full on marxist Cred Forums in five years?

They will support bernie in 2020 probably.

love this hoe. Nice slim bod, nice legs, nice tummy. Almost no ass, but an okay shape. No boobs, but not a big deal.

>That's why you ignore those try hard types. Not acknowledging their existence does more damage to their self esteem then men realize.

why do I have a hard time believing this, like will they really care if betas (80% of men) ignore her?

The ancestors watch over me, they themselves now that degeneracy is the end of a civilization, I will make them proud, with my blood-stained hands.

8ch has /liberty/, that's where I go when I need a break from stormfags and people who think that they are """white"""

Yeah the body shape you described is what you call a "boy". Enjoy your homosexuality, goy.


Opinion discarded.

>no ass
>no boobs
What the fuck nigger have you ever seen a woman irl

>Anyone misses the old days when Cred Forums was Libertarian, and not composed of a bunch of autistic statists wailing >MUH DEGENERACY, taking their freedom for granted and whose longings are to ban everything? You're going against everything your ancestors strived for, such a shame.


Cred Forums is a right-wing echochamber now. basically the millenial version of freep. it's pretty sad.



as much as I hate to admit it, Lebanon its bed time, go back to bed. Fire rockets in to Israel a few more times

Nigga we treid that shit, not good

Fuck off degenerate lefty.

Leaf tried saying f@m and got senpai'd.


Survival of the fittest was too real for these kids. With NatSoc they can continue to shift blame off themselves for their failure.

No, fuck you tree, Build that wall.

Yeah I often long for imagined rosy things from the past too.

>implying Cred Forums was EVER like you described
>implying /new/ was EVER like your described before that
>moot totally didn't delete /new/ because "it was turning into stormfront"

Get fucked faggot.

u mean gaza?

If Stormfront wants to devote all their time and energy trying to fascisize a structurally libertarian board let them, they might as well build sandcastles in a hurricane.

A utopian society would be a libertarian one which has not been morally corrupted by our (((greatest ally)))


Our ancestors would have gone full Nazi if they saw this shit coming.

Does nat soc discriminate on colour or religion? Could niggers and brown people live in a nat soc country?

>____ Cred Forums board used to be good

damn fine point

notice that virtues only exist in homogeneous white societies.

Lebanon is rightful Jewish clay.

Libertarianism is impossible in a world full of people who oppose its ideology. Fascism is the only answer to maintain something as close to the idealism of Libertarianism without suiciding the entire thing cuz guilt and propaganda.

Libertarianism is another utopia stupid idea, despite what you might think.

Fascism that strongly encourages individual liberties, or some variation of Constitutional Monarchism is the only answer.

Just because your ideology is an unrealistic laughing stock with 20
edgy followers doesn't mean that you can make salty threads here. Far right politics are the future. The left did it to itself by importing shitheads while the lolbertarians LARPed 1776 without doing anything.

this pic is Twilight Zone, right?

if so what episode?

Why is the USA flag stuck with democracy?

Nobody on Cred Forums is for banning stuff. Except canadian, buy Hiroyuki will probably solve that soon Also
I need sauce for pic related

Sorry I'm fucking stupid, here is pic

THE only thing I'm libertarian about is drugs and maybe atheism