Is this bullshit?

Is he really a Republican?

What did Trump mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>works for NBC
>a republican

I wouldn't believe it either.


He meant that Trump says stupid, falsifiable shit on a daily basis because he's so rich he believes he doesn't need to filter him, since people will defend him regardless of his words or actions

Yeah, I'm sure he voted for Yeb in the primaries.

I still don't buy it


Trump says whatever he wants without an attempt to do even the most basic research

Why is that man's forehead as large as the rest of his face?

Thanks for correcting the record.

More pathetic drivel from an atrophied leftist brain.

Thanks for the (correction)

Weird coincidence: He's right. The guy looks like a Democrat, and will now be treated like one because he works for NBC.

oh fuck no he isnt. I have to listen. that mocha nigger on the radio and he is a far left turbo nigger.

every day he attacks trump or white people or whatever kike target flavor of the month.

fuck that nigger

Trump will go 26th


He's a RINO at most.

>anyone who doesn't suck up trumps idiotic statements is paid to do so

At this point? Yes.

Thy edited his Wikipedia page. It shouldn't be this hard to find his voter registration info but they are shilling the search

Could you at least try? This is getting boring.

Even if he's registered republican, if he's voting for Hillary he might as well be a dem

They suck at their job, this isn't even fun how easy they make it

Well I'm glad you won't be voting


I wont have to live with Shillary as leader.


(he's not)

This is insane, though it is pretty brilliant. By the time actual record correcting happens by the minuscule internet nobodies, the waters are already contaminated and the damage is done.

It's so shameless though, you almost have to admire it.


cuz hes an egghead

ya wut a cuck rite lol

as Republican as George HW Bush

This apparently is not a case of CTR. Before this that line was not there, then there was a edit war, but Wikipedia apparently does not trust voter registration so it was removed.

He is clearly a Democrat: he moderated the Democratic Candidates Debate on January 2016

But some people are claiming he is a registered Republican and others a registered Democrat, everyone without any evidence.


Rhinos make up a good chunk of the GOP unfortunately.

I actually believe some people get paid to shill here. The shilling was never so bad until the conventions started.

why does holt have such a resemblance to bateman

Yes, because anchors just get to pick wherever they want to work. Are you stupid? He works for whoever gives him the most airtime and pays the best. Sometimes I feel like pol is full of emotional girls

Weak banter fag. Go ride a bike into a dike or something

That's not banter. It's the harsh reality.

fireball castin' ass nigga

Well that works perfect then because Trump is a crypto democrat and so is Holt and crypto democrats don't stump other crypto democrats.

>he identifies as a republican, goyim

those labels dont matter anymore

with so many republicans acting like democrats with their words and their actions it is now globalists vs nationalists

I suppose you think some football players are actually baseball players? Because baseball players just get to pick wherever they want to work right?