Is there any hope for unmarried women over 30?

Is there any hope for unmarried women over 30?

>My name is Kate. I’m 32 years old. I’ve never had sex.

>When I was young, I always imagined I would be married by 25 and have a brood of kids. Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew to “make disciples,” and I thought it would be cool to take that verse literally and have 12 kids. I wanted enough kids to fill a baseball team, a hockey bench and a big house full of love.

>That obviously didn’t happen. Or it hasn’t happened yet. But I love my life. I spent last weekend learning how to scull on the Potomac River. I have good friends, a great family, hobbies and one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.

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I would marry her and put some babies inside her desu senpai.

>those eyes
holy shit run away fast

Nah shes probably cray cray

>She's a virgin

Yeah ok, I bet that's just what she wants everyone to hear

If she wants to be a mommy gf for a NEET.

No, but hey atleast they dominate universities and the US workforce.

This author is triumphant! she even says the future of society will be much like the black community with groups of mothers and non existent marriage! I CANT WAIT!!

>This forced smile
>dem crazy eyes
>possibly on some meds

If she were a virgin she'd say she's never been kissed.


Damn I wanna scull the Potomac.

My ancestors btfo some yankee scum there.


I kind of understand why women are so eager to ride the cock carousel. It's to avoid being like her.

All the things that people regret and take others pity on. She did none of that. And now she never will.

It's the non-smiling eyes from the fake smile that's probably giving you that uneasy feeling. It makes people feel uneasy is a Uncanny Valley sort of way.

>It's to avoid being like her.
But are they really better off than her?
Also I would bet women who save themselves are more likely to be married by 30

I'm 24 and I think I'm quickly reaching the point of no return. I think women stand a chance though, there are much more desperate men than there are women.

Why the hell are you posting this here again? I get it when it was posted at the time it was published, but this shit has been posted enough times already.

No hope. She's doomed to be a spinster or have an unsatisfying marriage to a beta provider.

men at 30 are much more desirable than women at 30

not really and that bitch isnt a virgin. somebody pissed in her ass by now. probably the damn preacher

Came here to pretty much say that. Why is it that women get these crazy, psychotic eyes. Behind the normal, attractive face they scream "I'm fucking crazy and I cut myself when I'm alone."


>w-where are you going? user! come here! I need you-your sperm

Those were my first thoughts.
That chick has the crazy eyes.

I already know you're retarded. You don't have to go that far to prove it.

Yeah but ass is like the Lincoln tunnel and has chugged gallons of semen.

I'm a 32 year old virgin tranny, I wish I could white babies with a man but I can't.
there's no reason why this woman shouldn't be able to find and marry a decent guy unless she is literally more insane than me

I'm currently dating a qt 34 year old virgin girl and I'm 26.

Why don't you just stop being a tranny?

do you look like a mifl?

Why do westerners all look like they've been hit with joker venom?

They all looked serious and dignified in pre war photography, but now they just look super forced and silly.

Well you better hurry up and find her.

I spent 17 years doing that

no, I look like a man because I started far too late and my genetics are way too mannish

plastic surgery

you are not a woman

I know I'm not
I just want to be one and I want to die because I'm not one

Them eyes are screaming "run the fuck away user, as fast as you can"

This. All those early 20yo girls want mature older men, not the weakling "men" the same age

those are some, "ima cut your dick off when you sleep" eyes/

I'd fuck the crazy out of her, desu. Then kill myself to avoid the cruel fatality that awaits me.

I don't think that word means what you think it means. She's a virgin, he wants to fuck her. That's being a man, but I guess a cuck like you wouldn't recognize that.

i hope u find peace tranny

So these women ARE aware of the fact that as they climb the ladder and e m p o w e r themselves, men are stagnating and even falling down the ladder.

So that means they realise their dating pool is shrinking, what with hypergamy and all, right? Which in turn means they'll accept that they need to lower some of their partner's 'requirements' if they want to start a family, etc. Even to the point of dating dudes who aren't employed or career-driven.

Women will be happy to do this, right?

But even if they do lower their standards, they're still not going to partner off with PHYSICALLY undesirable men. They're not going to go around dating fat bald dudes on the off-chance that one of them might be excellent fatherhood material. They still want to be able to show off their boyfriend/husband at the high-school reunion or on Facebook.

So they're still kind of fucked (by their own doing), really. Despite achieving higher social status, they're STILL going to be writing those awful "WHERE HAVE ALL THE GOOD MEN GONE :(((" articles.

thank you, I hope it happens for me as well but I'm not holding my breath

y-you too

I'd fuck her, she seems nice, even with the crazy eyes.

>be an introverted man and receive derision and scorn
>be a woman over 30 with no kids and you get a magazine article dedicated to you

>implying men aren't even worse from valuing literally only physical attractiveness

I'm telling you from personal experience, as a male it can get a lot better as you get older. Now that means getting off your fat NEET ass and doing something with your life, but you can have a better fate than the woman in OP's article.

I didn't graduate college until I was 25 because I was a lazy, on again off again drop out. I had only worked bullshit part time jobs and I'm 5/10 on my best day so I was pretty much invisible to women. When I was 26 I got my first "real" full time job, one that paid well above average for my age/degree and offered outstanding benefits. Just like that I was able to easily fuck college girls out of my league. Panties drop real fast when you make exponentially more than the women you go after and have your own nice apartment.

>tfw 21 year old virgin
I can see myself in her so much. I fear this will be my future too. I've never even had a boyfriend and have no close guy friends or friends who know guys.
Shit's scary man. If it keep acting the same way I'm definitely going to end like her.

>>be a woman over 30 with no kids and you get a magazine article dedicated to you
Feminists are butthurt about it

first germanic girl i see that isnt a degenerate

hope she finds a good man

are you fat or something?
how cute are you from 5 to 10?

Starving to death should be a bigger concern than >tfw no bf

Maybe you can try being a mail order bride to some 40 year old American KV

Just took the virginity of my 32 year old girlfriend finally after a year. She reacted strangely. Think I'm going to trade in for a lower mileage model.

What do?

Early 30s, good prospects, great career, no baggage.

get her pregnant

No, just have crippling shyness.
Pretty cute, guys who get to know me do end up liking me. Those who didn't ended up being gay. It's kinda neat.

At first I didn't get what you meant because I'm not a poorfag so I don't worry about food.

Are you white?

Yeah. If you're not poor here it usually means you're white.

Was thinking about that. She is being wierd though. First Virgin card I've taken. She's super paranoid that she's pregnant even though I didn't even nut (I messed that up). Thing is... Now that I've sampled the goods, I am wanting to trade in for younger.

Although it would be easy to knock her up... I sense that it would backfire since we aren't married. I have subtly told her if she was to try the whole single mother charade on me that I'd just dissappear to southeast Asia and never think of her again.

Chavez wasn't white

You won't fool me, Lich !

Jesus. I'm 30 and she looks 40. Fucking women age like shit.

ALWAYS be careful with women, if they're good looking and still single then there might be something wrong with her

>Found a cute and kinda shy girl
>Start talking to her
>Everything seems normal, no tattoos, piercings, degenerate clothes, chokers or dyed hair
>"maybe she's a stronk independent womyn"
>Nope, she said she would be ok with being a housewife
>Wonder why she's single
>Keep talking to her, found out she's hard into anime
>"meh, nothing wrong with it" (now I know this is a red flag)
>Start dating
>On the 3rd day she said how much she loves yaoi
>Wants me to dress up as a chingchong cartoon for an animu convention and take some """""""suggestive"""""" photos with other guys
>"Don't worry user, no kissing with them ;)"
>Fucking left her the next day

crazy eyes. Would look nicer with some obscuring sunglasses.

a few of the chicks at Jezebel have the herp

bad parenting, underage sex forced or unforced, fear of redpills destroying personal beliefs, etc.

Ill give her the D.

Holy shit this is my Sis-in-law but she's 39 year old virgin and sexy as fuck. She's a fucking hardcore, bitchy as fuck Mormon and usually will only go on 1 date with a guy because she doesn't get a "spiritual confirmation" that he is the one she should be with. I wanna hate fuck her so bad. I wouldn't mind if she popped out some babies of mine except for she would probably birth downeys because of her age.

There's literally nothing wrong with yaoi you manchild.

that's where she fucked up. she would've had her 'disciples' if she were a housewife

>There's nothing wrong with watching a cartoon about faggots fucking and kissing eachother

Fucking weebs

Doesn't matter, girls who like it are some of the most fucked up ones, and want to reproduce their fantasies into 3D most of the time. You should avoid them like the plague.

Pretty simple for women. Sexual market value starts at 100 at first blood and descends to zero till menopause (40ish). Women that are thirty or older and have yet to be married or reproduce are near their end of their cycle and have little sexual market value. They were likely promiscuous and possibly have contracted an STD which further drives this value down as they age. Biologically they are worthless once this cycle completes same as a man/woman who is sterile or is castrated.

Cries herself to sleep every night or medicates the pain away, guaranteed

>girls who like it are some of the most fucked up ones


>decided I would save every act of affection, including kissing, until my wedding day.

welp, enjoy the smell of cat piss.

One of my favorite Pepes is based on your pic

>Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew
Found your problem...

>But I love my life
>I do X
>I have friends
>I'll get married and have kids later

They always fill the void, rationalize it. Even when they admit they are unhappy and unfulfilled.

For those who are wondering, this is why extreme self-control is a bad thing and got mostly weeded out in the evolutionary process. Ultra high self-control like this women possesses is maladaptive because it leads to stupid shit like denying your body's natural urges to fuck.

That might be true for men but women literally just have to say "yes" in order to get fucked. This bitch oozes so much crazy that most guys steer clear of her.

you forgot to ask the big question: who gives a fuck?

Interested in coming to America Femanon.?

She seems like a sweet lady, too bad her life didn't work out

>successful career
>happy social life
>lol too bad about your life though


When she hit midlife, the biological clock will start ticking loudly, and she will start having regrets.

seems like she'd have been pretty hot in her early twenties

well oh well, cant have it all

look at them crazy eyes

guys stay away for a reason

I think it exhibits a nice level of self control and victory over instincts which honestly, modern civilization should be over

people who give in to their instinctual desire for things are no better than animals

33 is when it ticks the loudest for women.

alot of really hot women get like 1 kid in their early mid 20's but somehow are single - but their value drops quite a bit with a kid

Humans aren't much better than animals to begin with. If you don't occasionally give in your life will be miserable.

She is obviously lonely, unfulfilled, and worried she won't succeed. It's a real shame she didn't settle down 10 years ago

She looks absolutely insane. Yes I would fuck her but not if I had to speak to her and learn about her first.

Hope you like changing diapers, for 30 years.

well, like that other user said, all she has to do is say yes and there you go

I dont really have a choice

but there is too much importance placed on you need to have sex to enjoy life, but in my opinion it's just superfluous at this point, no one will benefit from you popping out a kid, in fact, we should work on stabilizing the population instead of breeding like rabbits.

Not with that fucking face, holy shit. She'll only get old man who want a pussy around to fulfill their failed first 2 marriages.

>But I love my life

but user, this your exemplar white woman who kept her purity for Christ!

>mah degeneracy

lol no wonder whites are being bred out of existence. I shall do my duty as a hardworking black man, shall do my duty in creation more children.

That person has pulled a knife on someone, I guarantee it.

>It's okay that i dont have children! I was outside rowing a boat down a river with friends!

I don't want to be like her. Pls someone love me ;_; I'll never find anyone in this liberal shithole university/workforce

that 1000 cock stare

I never was a NEET because my dad wouldn't allow it. Now I'm glad I'm not, have set goals and work for them and all. I'm 23 and I hope I can achieve something similar to what you experienced.

Lost my shit. Thanks senpai.

hahaha "help me"

Just one look at her and you know shes a bowlful of crazy

>put some babies inside her desu senpai.
You'r suppose to put babies in her uterus ya dingus.

You have to do that for two to three years and then marry her before you get to see if she has a nice pussy... She just isn't pleasant enough or is too pleasant sexually and blueballs a guy who wants to fuck (seen this with a church chick personally). If a girl is going to take the virgin route she had better take the marriage at best looking age route or she risks being unwanted - this is just fucking obvious.

>implying all girls aren't crazy

She's one of those women that say anal doesn't count

That fucking stare. I want ti if she’d even get any swipes on Tinder with that pic.

But you're a manlet
She doesn't want you

Why not? Marriage is more trouble than it's worth. And kids are annoying.

>set goals
Sorry to tell you bud , the ride never ends here.

>mfw nobody at church even wants to molest me.

>Is there any hope for unmarried women over 30?

>be a whore and live as a stronk and independent woman
>be so over used that no one cares about you cuz there are always new whores waiting to get leagle

Fuck those bitches, seriously

She's so desperate that she had to contact the media in order for them to tell the entire world she's single and wants kids. Top kek. Vaginal jews are pathetic.

Yeah but shes the scream fake rape and get you thrown in prison/pull a knife on you type crazy

>Is there any hope for unmarried women over 30?

There would be if she was unmarried by choice and didn't want 12 goddamn kids, that's the bullshit part of all of this. There is not a single man that would want to father that many kids and is also be capable of feeding and housing all of them. She may as well have asked if she wanted a diamond engagement ring for each finger.

It also sounds like she just wants to get her own TV show on TLC, for money and attentionwhoring.

>My name is Kate. I’m 32 years old. I’ve never had sex.

Yeah right, if this is true then I'm the head of the council of 300 Illuminati anomorphing lizards

Blowjob and anal obviously do not count. Also she said she did not have sex, not that she is a virgin ;DDD

>32 years old. I’ve never had sex.

That's damaged goods, regardless of their gender. Virgins in their 30s or older are by definition messed in the head, barring some extraordinary circumstances.

I dated a woman like this, wasn't a virgin but only had sex a few times and then didn't again for 10 years, she said the same shit "have i missed my time??"

turns out she was completely asexual and everything about sex disgusted her

stay away

I don't want to fuck random college sluts like a degenerate

I want to love and be loved I want to totally trust someone else and be totally trusted I want a family one day I want a loving household I want the things I never had

This. She's crazy, you can tell by the stare. She's damaged goods one way or another; either gender, reaching 30 with no sex means something is radically wrong. You shouldn't deny your natural urge to fuck. And you shouldn't find yourself NOT ever in a situation where you can't fuck someone.

The only way she managed that was by being damaged goods.

You're retarded

She's got spooky psycho desperation eyes.

>Just like that I was able to easily fuck college girls out of my league. Panties drop real fast when you make exponentially more than the women you go after and have your own nice apartment.

I don't want to be wealthy. Especially not just to get women. Honestly don't see the point. I'm a kissless virgin that can't even look at girls without my face burning red. I'd still be unable to talk to then.

gtfo loyalist scum

>Is there any hope for unmarried women over 30?
>I’ve never had sex.
well for her, yes there is

>B shows 2 or 3 light gray spots
>A, C, and D are all showing one big dark gray splotch, only A has more than one but the second spot is significantly smaller than the first
>"L-Look, see 'cause my spot is kind of faded?? Women's are faded too, I must be a woman!"
>it's still a big spot like A's and C's

Even science is mocking you.

>BSTc of biological female and MtF are very close in size and shape

lol, "very close" indeed :^)
>liberal science, everyone

Look at her eyes. She's unhinged and repressed. The only way a person manages to last that long is if they willingly do it for some fucked up reason.

>When I was young, I always imagined I would be married by 25 and have a brood of kids
>of kids
Is she some kind of animal or something?

with that attitude ill fully believe some broad would take you for all your worth one day or another. stay low class user, its safe.

>totally trust
Trust incrementally and never explicitly. Trust but verify. Total Trust is a weakness women claim to want because they know you want it, thereby it seems like you have been recognised. But wanting to relax your mind and outsource your assessment skills is a weakness that leaves you vulnerable to being mislead and make no mistake she will mislead you if you let her.

Are you gay, Pedro?

I'm too sceptical and paranoid to let a woman exploit me like that. I save my shekels.

It's caused by xenoestrogens during pregnancy and early development

>I need your semen!

I understand the perils of trusting a grill absolutely, which is why I don't do even get involved

I don't like the dating game where people trust each other for jack shit, I'd rather just be single, keep my head down and work hard on my degree than have to constantly be vetting whichever girl gave me her number that week , and text her and look for red flags, spend time on dates, etc etc

Its all so tiresome . I don't understand why pol spergs out at single guys who prefer anime and video games to this

She's the high-achieving, religious version of a basement-dwelling NEET. She's also out of her head crazy.

Welp, that is entirely her fault
fuck her and her crazy eyes

The trick is pretending to be controlling with a hint of "I can get someone better behaved". Then you don't even have to love them or trust them. They just follow for a while. Rinse and repeat.

>Celibacy and chastity, as I have come to understand as a Catholic, are virtues that are practiced with a purpose.
>I'm a feminist Catholic.

She's a religious nut. Maybe in America that just makes her normal, but in the civilized world, that makes her insane. Even her secular theories about millennials sound bizarrely out of touch. And you just know that sex with her would be just the worst sex of your life. She'd probably pray before and after. And would give the worst head ever - assuming that she'd even do such an "unchristian" act. What a nightmare.

Thats a level 31 lady right there... So yea, easily if they feel genuine and take care of their health.

Yo, fuck you guys laughing at her. At least she has principles. The only reason Washington Post published this is so liberals can go AHAHAHA LOOK AT THE CHRIST KEK SHE'S SO STUPID FOR NOT BEING FUCKED ON THE REG.

way to go dudes

Someone got hurt.

Its sadly not always the case, so stop sharing sour grapes to people who might pick em better than your paranoid ass.

If giving a woman your full honesty makes you a target somehow, you have personal issues. Your core needs to be strong.

Not buying it. How many offers/relationships did she turn down or let dissolve?

Even with rape eyes, all she has to do is be pleasant and thin and then say yes to one of the offers.

Every spinster can be said to have too many priorities above pleasantness.

Leaf is at it again

>Cred Forums
>not contrarian and autistic

Are you new here?

>I decided I would save every act of affection, including kissing, until my wedding day.

Jesus fucking Christ. She's radioactive waste in dating circles now. Who would want to bear the responsibility of making a move with a person so chaste? Can she even hold hands? Is a guy supposed to be with such a woman for three years before marriage and their first kiss? Doesn't she know that some people just suck at sex and that you have to "test drive" them before plunking down the rest of your life in exchange? She must expect all sex to be the same. Boring, generic missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation. I'd pass on that and would just prefer to whack off watching some interesting, fun, degenerate porn.

You might want to try it as well freund

Mate, never been cheated on, not that I know of, and none that I care about. I do most of the cheating.

Honesty is not the best policy. Giving it to women without care just proves how crafted from the common you are. You should know that acknowledging petty problems gives them existence, and this all women want you to do.

you must be ugly then

nope, but seems everyone else is

Under rated

This. She's nuts.

Hope she likes cats.

Interplanetary politics of apartheid tho

Your woman is shitty then.
What can I say?
Mine is my best friend, she helps me when I'm down and I her. 11 years and always supportive. My prev relationship failed because I couldn't let go... I felt alone even when with her. Was my own fault for fearing her and making her out to be different than my mates.

Congrats, you stayed within her conditions for her loving you, not that they don't exist, it's just that it's not pleasant to focus on them as that might make them more likely to trigger. So lovers become blind to all judgement in the hopes that the other does to. It works, but those conditions still remain.

yeh the chads are hotter at 30
it doesnt apply to betas who didnt start getting laid at 14

you arent magically going to become more assertive and attractive

thats the smile of a women who has nothing of value in her life and is 1 glass of pinot away from a pill overdose.

no you

fucking degenerates


Once i'd unpacked the 32 y.o. virgin while I was 27 Her face was literally 4/10, but her body was 9/10. She had the same eyes, crazy as fuck. And it seems that she had (surprise) a lot of anal sex. I didnt ask her about it, but looking on her anal I considered that she fucks it at least with the fire extinguisher.
Drop her after two months of hot non stop sex.

So anons, you still can fuck an old virgins, it will be great because they are hungry as fuck. But you have to drop them after.
>implying that some of you can get laid with anyone except your hand

32yo virgin...
> i'm virgin but don't be surprised if I can take your cock up my ass without any lube :^

>Mine is my best friend, she helps me when I'm down and I her.

Your mom doesn’t count though


She won't even kiss a man. That's a principled stance of hers. So she's definitely not taking it up the ass.

I'm fine. Everything is fine.

This. She needs some Aryan seed to set her right.


My aunt who doesn't have a vaginal canal has eyes exactly like shown in OP's pic, and she's absolutely batshit insane. Obviously never had kids so she stalked everything I did until college - even pretended to be a boy online and tried to see if I'd give nudes.

I swear it's the "never been dicked," stare. Eyes are very telling.

if you get money you can get a gold digger youngling, or at least date them, the degenerates just want access to money.

women have to put up with old perverts, if they pay them attention

her article says she's happy but her thousand yard stare is scaring the shit out of me

Look into the mirror and growl loudly.
We don't like that fake smile shit because it's how apes look when they're threatening you.

kinda looks like my ex

also a crazy bitch

My mom is great ye.. but I think she's taken by my dad already.

How about yours? Killed herself in an effort to abort your illegal siblings?

Awkward smile, reminds me of Sadie Holmes.

It's a shame she fell for the Vatican II bastardization of Catholicism instead of the real deal.

Wojtylian "Theology of the Body" is a sex cult, it just kills people spiritually, like this woman.

>killed herself

right, spain is catholic, so abortions are forbidden. this means everyone is getting aborted by some illegal abortmachers (butchers by day) in a dirty cellars. I see where you are coming from.

What the fuck else do women have to offer?

Yes there is always some idiot bloke who will do it.

Some other Aussie said that "if they didn't have cunts we'd be throwing rocks at them." there may be a grain of truth to that.

I lost my virginity at 22, had sex with the same girl for 3 years then didn't have a single date again till 29 but from 29 onward I could fuck any girl I wanted wether she was 20 or 40 like I had suddenly become Ricky Martin or something.

I don't even have a good job and I'm 9kg fatter than when I was with my first girlfriend and still I get pretty girls to actually pay attention to me.
Age is a man's best friend.

marry me :3

Manolo not every woman is the fucking Scarjo

>My aunt who doesn't have a vaginal canal

explain yourself right this instant. Trans? like lips and no depth at all, a few inches? stictched up? what?

>[aunt] tried to see if I'd give nudes
Nuffin wrong with a blowjo from relo

I'd rather have that rabbit than crazy eyes

>constantly be vetting whichever girl gave me her number that week , and text her and look for red flags, spend time on dates, etc etc

None of that is necessary.

>uterus is not inside woman

the more you know

>alot of really hot women get like 1 kid in their early mid 20's but somehow are single - but their value drops quite a bit with a kid
"Quite a bit" is an understatement lmao, having a child brings your value down to negative.

>i bet the guy who invented the paternity test knew instinctively that his father was not his father and set out to prove it...truth is the greatest motivator of all.


i couldn't agree with you more

women just don't value trust or loyalty the same way that men do

women can be loved- but never trusted

Holy shit! She became "female wizard" AKA "Enchantress".

What are her powers?

Id totally bone her.

>Is there any hope for unmarried women over 30?

cat summoning

>sure heres my jizz sock

Yes thanks indeed for setting free all the rapist and murderers so I feel like making kids in this new safe environment. Niggers will make babies even if they can't provide food for them.

Lady of the cats...

Red flags and not even once alarms going off.

>32 years old

wow she look like 45

>Our population isn't growing Hans!
>I know Gruber, let's import millions of potential rapists and murders with no desirable skills!

Germans are fucking retarded.

Would fuck desu

Post pic.

Dayum Spain, you thirsty bro.

New Stalker Patti?

She's not that bad tbß

Milfs are alright by me

Younger ones with the kids still hanging off them would suck tho I guess older ones would be the go

T. Virgin with opedius complex

Weird how?

I only date women between half and two thirds my age.

this. i'll bet she thinks oral and anal don't count.

TFW relationships with women remind you of xenomorphs and humans in Aliens. Metaphors everywhere.

>TFW no yandre mommy GF

How long before she rapes someone for their sperm? I live on the Potomac, fingers crossed boys.

>immigration to boost population
funny euphemism for sandnigger rape

This is me but I'm a dude.

I think I just need to get my MOJO back somehow.

She reminds me of the cunt who ran the neighborhood HOA.

No family just cats. Hated boys having fun. Banned water guns and nerf guns and then anything remotely shaped like a gun. Banned bmx bikes, skateboards and razer scooters. Forced every house to look the same. Tried to get liquor banned by shaming the deli owner. If you didn't comply she would fine you until you did. Me and my friends would sneak into woods for peace and freedom. 20 years later neighborhood is a fucking shithole. Its dead the only people that live their are the old miserable childless cunts vying for power in the HOA and their cucked husbands.