EP122 is now on Nico:
So who will be our savior?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Other urls found in this thread:
So, who can rip it?
123 will be on Nico this sunday.
who is cutter between yuri and yuya?
>That moment when Serena actually falls for Yuya and we will get YuyaxYuzuxSerena love triangle.
Was gonna post in the Masumi thread but this one has actual content so I'll begrudingly post here.
Not in the boipussi one though go fuck yourself Yutofag
TFW more fingers than duels
Might as well stick with this one because at least it isn't by the retard that keeps linking the previous thread and putting the same shit in the OP, but stop making threads so early because that's why we just had 3 threads made at once.
The writers just legit have no idea what they're doing.
Asuka's presence was utterly pointless
They will be cute triad.
>no Sora
Making new threads is the only enjoyment now
Oh and I guess laughing at the Nico ratings
Then we might as well stop having threads entirely if all you're going to do is do the same "b-but the nips said so!" shit every thread.
Would be more funny if all 3 threads stayed living for whole time.
Arc-V should have a BAD END where Leo wins.
Then Arc-V 2 starring Yuzu leading Academia against the remnants of Standard, brainwashed to believe she is right.
It's literally the same group of people trying to keep the thread they like more alive. This thread has 7 people and the other has 5.
Do you also have nothing to discuss besides your salt? I notice that the people who complain about people complaining almost never attempt alternatives or spark discussion they supposedly want to see in the threads.
We needs more twin switching between Ruris.
Hahaha it's not "B-b-but the Nips said so", I also agree with their complaints.
Listen I would love to praise this show but there's nothing praiseworthy. The cast is bloated and the amount of dumb plot devices they're using boggles the mind
Like Yuya and Yuto vs Ruri and Selena? Selena I get, but did Shun's duel mean nothing? Well apparently it did since SHE'S STILL FUCKING BRAINWASHED
I want to see THE twins ;_;
They only brought Shun back so he could be the one to "save" her. Kaito was there first but they realized that was fucking stupid. Then they remembered she and Yuto were friends. Then they remembered that Serena has no connection to any of the other characters so Yuya has to save her. The show is just a clusterfuck of bad writing.
Yeah this is really beyond retarded. Spoilers Yuya breaks brainwashing with EGAO, which actually is quite clever since EGAO is FUCKING BRAINWASHING
I honestly feel like she should of had more interactions with them both. Yuzu even gave her doe eyes before she revealed her brainwashing. I still wish both of them could of saw her go "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" In the friendship cup. God dammit, Arc-V had potencial for tons of interactions and we got fucking zero. How are you suppose to have a show when the cast can't interact with each other for 50 episodes and in that time do nothing but shill archetypes? It's like the writers just quit and made the show a shitty 30 minute ad instead of a show that's also an ad.
You mean the Ruri's outright get fucking wrecked by hitotsuni and the new dragon, right?
Arc-V could have been a lot of things
If they kept up with Yuzu "I must get stronger" plotline she could have become more and more of a gray character, carding people in the background to help Yuya
Imagine if Dennis met his end not by suicide, but by Yuzu in the Underground carding him so he wouldn't be a threat.
It's not even Yuzu who would have to do this, you could just have Reiji involved in the plot and do more fucked up shit, like, remember when Reiji did fucked up shit?
Remember how the first group of Lancers were sacrificial pawns used to gauge Academia?
>posting old ratings
No there'll be a smiley face so it'll be ok
>Implying Yuri would ever be cucked by EGAO
It's either brainwash or carding, Yuri's getting her one way or another
>one nip in the background comments saying "maximum crisis"
>do nothing but shill archetypes
Fucking terrible shit-ass archetypes at that.
Performemes stopped being good midway through synchro and D/Ds only get one shilling episodes every 10 months more or less.
I fucking hate Fuzzy Lanius
Holy lord
I actually think Arc-V is now OFFICIALLY
The WORST rated show in Nico Nico History
Like no exaggeration this is some kind of record
>Preview literally screams hitotsuni is going to wreck shit
Although the best part is there is no bracelet-kun to cockblock.
Not any more so than it originally was
Dude, they many times showed, that Yuri has zero interest in Serena, damn they even don't know each other and latest episode cemented Yuri as pure villain.
Arc-V at the start: Little boy wants to entertain people but learns he has to earn it and being a sperg won't help people. Meanwhile his close friend trains under a Nazi to grow stronger, all while being warned of potential consequences....
Arc-V now: Card Game Jesus brainwashes villains to be good while Card Game Jesus's more likable friends die by the bucketload.
Was Yuzu adopted or am I just hazily remembering some old episode that I might have watched half-asleep?
>If they kept up with Yuzu "I must get stronger" plotline she could have become more and more of a gray character, carding people in the background to help Yuya
Leave it to Yuzufags to be unable to hide their delusions
That record is probably going to get broken after seeing the immense backlash from 123 on 2ch. It was bigger than anything from these past few episodes so it's probably safe to expect a below 5% rating for 123.
It's confirmed to have all top 5 spots on 'worst nico rated anime episodes' of ALL time. You're either slow and/or retarded
Shut up, You won't even have your final cardian printed
>>one nip in the background comments saying "maximum crisis"
Motherfucker do you think it matters at this point?
The "hero" of Arc-V is basically the King of Shit-town. He spent five fucking episodes dueling against a gorilla who was in the show because the director's favorite deck is Gladiator Beast
Being the "hero" of a show worse than SerVAMP, that's Yuya's legacy/
Does anyone else remember this miracle
The only delusion is the delusion of thinking this show is good.
Best filler characters ever.
I don't think the show is good though. But that doesn't mean the retarded fanfic people come up with would've been much better.
We will now press F to pay our respects to those characters everyone in the writing staff sorta just kinda forgot about
the Tylers
and around 10 more that even I forgot about
what was Yuya's mom even called again?
Team Taiyo was way better when it comes to less important, bordering on blatant filler, characters.
That was indeed the point! Arc-V wasn't always a heap of shit - they took two characters who were annoying at the beginning and made them LIKABLE
Gave them SIGNIFICANT and EMOTIONAL deaths
But Tsukikage - a character the audience has come to love and know?
>those throwaway characters
How about giving the supposedly actual main characters (like Reiji, Leo or Sora) some decent screentime first?
This show IS a retarded fanfic
It's clear Ono wrote a fanfic and he made his self insert Yuya
I enjoyed this show I didn't think synchro or the movie will kill it this much.
Yoko. Sexy as fuck design, gone to waste.
Fisherbro was meh but I was always fond of Milf-Magnet.
Remove Yuya and Hitotsu Nii, and make Sawatari the MC. Have Yuzu as his tsundere girlfriend.
There I just saved Arc-V.
But this show is a bad fanfic. It's all those crossover fics that have the main character and new cast beat up the old characters while the old cast praise them.
I'm up to episode 90, how long until the show drops the ball hard?
Yoko Sakaki is her name
Also you forgot
Edo Tantrum Phoenix
Clown Hitler
Redhed Loli
Bluhed Shota
The fat kid everyone wanted to kill
Reiji's mom
Brown Waifu
Jobbed to cat trampoline
No one likes X-sabers
The one chick that looked like a recurring character but was just there to shit exposition for Mieru
Straight Chronos with watch obsession
>gone to waste
How many anime moms ever got to duel in their high school delinquent uniforms? She had more than enough screen time. Hell, she's lucky she even existed and had a face.
2 episodes.
Once you get to XYZ it just becomes really bad that it overshadows how bad Synchro was which is like episode 100.
In a weird way this is history in the making.
Like in Digimon Appli threads, or the next Yu-Gi-Oh series, other Anons will be hype for this development or the other, and we can be the gray haired hobo who tells them THE END IS NEAR YOUR BELOVED TOYETIC SERIES WILL BECOME A CLUSTERFUCK OF BAD WRITING DON'T INVEST YOURSELF IN THIS SHOW THE END IS NEAAAAAAR
And then they'll laugh at us because "Lol, u actually WATCHED Arc-V? Everyone knows that show is the worst anime of all time!"
You forgot about Sam
Is this real?
Is ARC-V any good? I stopped watching after 5d's
>And then they'll laugh at us because "Lol, u actually WATCHED Arc-V? Everyone knows that show is the worst anime of all time!"
It hurts.
Watch 7-54
then drop hard until we tell you it's safe to come out
>Is this real?
Yeah and it bad, like it was made in like 1 hour by an intern.
>Is ARC-V any good?
If you have to ask it's probably not worth watching
>And then they'll laugh at us because "Lol, u actually WATCHED Arc-V? Everyone knows that show is the worst anime of all time!"
No... it was GOOD! It wasn't just pirate duels! IT WAS GOOOOOOOOOOOD!
Applimon looks fine though?
It's just weird that the series went back to middle-schooler protags after Decode (probably Re:Digitize too?), Cyber Sleuth and next 0rder had the main cast's age average at around 17.
>Straight Chronos with watch obsession
>pay our respects to SHIBIRERU and the Quizz Kid
let's not
>Reiji's mom
Seriously what the fuck happened to her? How did she turn out to be so insignificant?
There's no way Appli can reach the same lows. Arc-V's circumstances are unique.
It might not be anything spectacular, but probably just kind of stay in the middle.
Read the second part of my post you memers
>Like in Digimon Appli threads
What happened in those
Appli has to try REALLY FUCKING HARD to even come close to be as bad as XW Death Generals was, or as bland as Hunters was, so in that regard, the series is probably gonna be safe.
Assuming ratings don't start tanking due to a sudden timeslot change making the entire staff stop giving a fuck, or Toei's incompetence doesn't force the staff to string along 25 episodes of filler with a tacked on crossover thrown in there.
You didn't?
The kid Jack trolled with a trash card
>You didn't?
I can't possibly forget about the worst character in all of synchro
>Miamy City
Yep west coast of japan in anime
It's banned in the OCG too
Super Poly being used to kill a GX character feels cruel
Come to think about it Edo and Asuka basically existed to eat shit
I wonder if it's a budget thing? Like, we got five episodes of Harambe because they couldn't afford Asuka's VA?
>the worst character in all of synchro
I'd give that distinction to Roger just for betraying expectations with his obnoxious cartoonish villainy, though I think I could have enjoyed his late-game hysterics if he had better voice acting and/or a less irritating voice.
Sam was irremediably trash by design and by writing.
It's good to know I can call you a retarded fuckhead without you ever finding out, given how you're blind and all.
Is actually even possible for us to rip nicovideos that are region blocked?
Is her VA even famous, it's not like it's Aoi Yuuki or Sasori
Stopped watching after 02 and savers, the fuck is Applimon?
This shitter
Roger didn't suck for his cartoonish villainy though. This is Yugioh, after all.
But usually the more cartoony villains actually managed at least one notable thing under their belt or were actually competent duelists. Reiji hardly did anything and everything fell into his lap while Roger amounted to a yappy dog nipping at his heels.
Arc-V really does come off as fanfiction
>Main character who has counterparts and created a summoning method
>Girls fall for him
>He charms all the villains easily
>He thinks the world revolves around him
>He thinks people who don't think like him are wrong
>Old characters show up
>They are used to make the main character look good
>Characters from one of the show are treated like absolute shit showing a bias
>Personalities of most old characters are wrong
>It's like someone heard about the character and wrote them
>This isn't true for the old characters the writer has bias for
>Lore from past series is ignored
>The plot is shoved into the background
>Villain is so good he can use cards he isn't familiar with and win
Arc-V is fanfiction
I don't think Arc-V would get such low ratings if it was bad from the start
I think the mistake was setting up this great story with Yuya, Yuzu, Reiji, and Sora and then like taking a nosedive into the fucking stupid and never pulling up
Asuka's voice actress gets tons of work. But price is not the issue and never was. Even if she was expensive VA will take lower money to work on children shows because children shows get tons of exposure and tie-in material like games which would mean more money. Ono just hates GX.
>I don't think Arc-V would get such low ratings if it was bad from the start
Fucking duh. If it was just bad from the start no one would care.
The abysmal nico ratings are a collective message, not a pretense of an objective rating.
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters, aka: "We at Bandai realized no one fucking buys virtual pets outside of nostalgia anymore so let's try this shit for a change"
But, the pirate duel was good. It felt like a return to form for action duels.
No it wasn't, please shut up and die.
How? The entire duel was the opponent playing lockdown sitting on one monster. Those are the worst duels to watch. Only Sora coming in was entertaining.
Digimon Appli Monsters - "Because if Konami isn't going to make a good story with Yuya and Yuzu we sure as fuck are."
You forgot the glorious...PIRATE!
So Sora is going to be executed in front of a Colesseum, huh?
Were this the old days I'd say Yuri would have Yuzu do it for him to twist the knife, but...
I'd rather have the game's FeMC over notYuzu
Even stories that kind of smell fanfic-y can be fun in that over-the-top and flashy jrpg kind of way. But Arc-V fails at that too.
What about the realization that Reiji spent all his keikaku points on a boat?
Those character designs look familiar
>Game MC has Red hair
>Anime MC had Green hair
What is this, digimon for ants
>Danganronpa has an anime that makes you commit suicide
>Nips are joking and saying it's Arc-V
Screw you I liked Shivers and wanted to see more of his Paper Mario.dek
If you have a proxy or something like that
Those cheeky japs
TFW u use a proxy to rank Arc-V 122 highly but the episode itself makes you so mad you join the Nips and give it the lowest rating possibly
I cringed hard when I saw it, more than when I saw Napoleon toy soldiers.
Dumb frogposter
>And then they'll laugh at us because "Lol, u actually WATCHED Arc-V? Everyone knows that show is the worst anime of all time!"
It didn't have to end up this way. Why did everything have to go so wrong?
What's wrong with Napoleon toy soldiers?
It's just stupid.
Since Edo was the Advance Commander of Academia, shouldn't he also have Super Poly as well, or is that only reserved for the Professor's Teacher's Pet?
They say otaku don't commit suicide because they look forward to watching the next episode of their favorite shows but the saying didn't take Arc-V into account.
Then why hesitate? Rip it somebody damn it.
Who is this character?
I can't in good conscience bring myself to further the distribution of this anime
It's like distributing a snuff film
Super Poly is still legal in nipland.
But user, Yuri's the Professor's secret right-hand man. The stupid thing about his whole plan not knowing how much of a psycho Yuri truly was.
King DDD
But all Kite did was shill ciphers and job best ENTAME
Edo jobbed three times. Yusho beat his ass off screen.
So Leo vs Reiji is like Stupid vs Incompetent
Remember the time when we all thought that Yoshida would ruin Arc-V if he'd ever touch it?
Do you miss me now?
It's the Keikaku guy.
first i was a yuzufag but then zappa gou left and she became useless so i became a gonfag
then gon stopped winning duels so i became a sorafag
then sora stopped being crazy so i became a bennisfag
then bennis killed himself and i couldn't be a fan of anyone anymore
Arc-V Kaito will defeat berserk Htotsu-ni for no reason at all.
At this point Yuri makes a better villain than Leo, hell it was even stated in his character that the only reason he works for Academia is because he finds it fun. Finding traitors of Academia(Sora and Asuka) gives him an even better excuse of carding people.
And beat not only th Jobber Duo, but Shun and a million Academia students. He also rescued Ruri from her tower after beating the moon with a budget-killing final attack and gave Shun the card that lead to his victory.
Disaster Dude Declan
Who wins with this anime? Obviously not the audience or any characterfag. I don't think the staff or their careers revel in working on the worst rated anime of all time on nico. I imagine it's at least marginally more difficult to sell product if people are being actively turned of by your anime commercial.
Hell no!! I now wish for someone completely new for a fresh taste but that's barely going to happen.
Question: Do you think in the following series they will preserve the design concept for Set Monsters that was introduced in ARC-V?
It barely ever shows up because both Wall Defense Monster & Flip Effects apparently don't exist in the show outside of Mieru.dek, but in my opinion it was one of the most interesting contributions to the series' dueling evolution.
More and more I think Zappa Gou saw the writing on the wall
We need Oh Great! to write YGO now.
Not really.
Yoshida would treat girls worse than Arc-V does. Also his plots are recycled nonsense.
>Hell no!!
Go back to wherever you came from
Im pretty sure face-down def monsters were in Zexal first.
>We need Oh Great! to write YGO now
No. He'd be a much better asset on stuff like character designs and not going anywhere near the writers' room.
Air Gear had a good OP though
Surely you meant Diamond Dust Devil
>Yoshida would treat girls worse than Arc-V does. Also his plots are recycled nonsense.
Asuka just died screaming for her life. Pathetically.
Meanwhile Crow got to look cool, being the only carded person to smile
Yuya, but not by a large margin. Green and red is just more aesthetically pleasing.
So where do you guys watch this?
I use raidraptors and heard a character on the show uses him, I wanna see what they're like
Because Ono's an incompetent hack, even with budget limitations and all that shit Synchro arc wasn't so bad, yet Xyz arc shitted on everything, and wasting a ton of episodes in BB was a mistake, and of course legacy characters were too.
>Make a protagonist use a new method that connects to all other methods
>Release OCG original upgrades of his ace to reinforce that point
>His deck can only make fusions and all of them are more viable then his super special upgrades.
I will never not be angry.
But Crow IS cool. Asuka just isn't.
>episode of Shun dueling Ruri to unbrainwash her
>Five episodes later she's dueling Yuya, still brainwashed
I'd prefer a simpler concept, sortof like a set of glowing eyes in the middle of the card back
>and all of them are more viable then his super special upgrades.
Rune-Eyes and Beast-Eyes are in no way better than Vortex, Meteorburst, Gravity or Absolute, barring ATK.
The first official day of Autumn is Thursday Cred Forumsrc-v!
Did you know that goggles are going to be the In-Season fashion?
Why didn't she just win if Shun was going to be out of commission anyway
>Shun pretty had to get a mercy win in order to confirm how much of a shit brother he was and how pointless is his now since he was going to pass out anyway.
You're wrong. Yuya's deck primarily makes Xyz's in the OCG, and the only Fusion monster people use (OEVD) is summoned through OEAD's effect because people don't bother running Odd-Eyes Fusion. And guess what? OEAD is an Xyz monster.
Go on Nyaa or ask around for the mega upload.
Don't let anyone influence whether or not you should watch it, make your own opinions.
7 episode rule, skip 19/20 and marathon past 51.
You can actually hear the writer's room cursing
Because Shun has to get a win somehow again otherwise he'd be deemed as pretty pointless especially since he almost lost to Ruri(who lost to Sayaka).
I like that, it reverses the whole "I beat you in a duel therefore you're unbrainwashed". It's a welcome change from the EGAO spree Yuya's been on. I mean, the fucking bug is literally attached to her brain.
Here you go:
You can find the rest on Nyaa.
To show that Ruris can resist the brainwashing if they try hard enough, maybe.
Im fucking plying it won't be EGAO that unbrainwashes her
I miss the good old days when Arc-V had so much potential of being one of the best spinoff's of YGO. Ironically now it will be remembered as one of if not true worst spinoff ever.
Is shilling a couple new RRs with fucking terrible effects (Stranger Falcon is LITERALLY a worse Volcasaurus) really pointless?
But she's about to be egaoed right now.
can the rest of the show just be Rin rekting people
And job again? It was already bad enough he lost to Crow and Kaito and have his screentime and character arc resolution stolen by the latter. I find what they did to Shun there more insulting than what they did to Asuka.
Arc-V is pretty original on that point. I half-expected the brainwashed Ruris to go back to normal once beaten in a duel like in previous shows, but it wouldn't make sense as it's a fucking bug attached to their brain and not some cheap mind control this time. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. Arc-V is the one show that tries its hardest not to be like the others.
But what if rin reks best yuu?
Would have been a lot better after Brainwashed!Ruri had won and try to card Shun.
Judging by the summaries, Yuya is more likely to kill her than EGAO her. Thank fuck
Don't forget Yuri. Make them partners in crime.
It can attack directly though?
I'd imagine it can only be summoned with Winged Beasts however.
I wish Dinosaurs were used more often
Rin isn't dueling Yuya user
>Arc-V is the one show that tries its hardest not to be like the others.
Except arguably the entire Synchro arc is known for being 5D'S 2.0 and the Survival Duel in Fusion is reminiscence of GX.
_M_L__ W_R_L_
>If I card everyone then I'm the strongest!
To who? You're just an idiot with a ton of cards lying around instead of the strongest. What a boring view. To be the strongest other have to acknowledge you as strong, it's not something you can prove by yourself.
If it does, Arc-V will officially sink a new low way past the 5 week low ratings streak.
When will Fubuki show up and fuck shit up with Red-Eyes
>You have no chance to win against a brother who knows everything about his sister's deck
I meant animewise.
No one ever uses Volcasaurus's effect in real life unless they plan on stacking Thunder Charger on top of it immediately after that.
>Asuka just died screaming for her life
Really? Isn't that too much for a kids show? Damn and Asuka looked so based. Poor bitch.
Er, Miss Hiiragi? Something I have to get off my chest - I had no IDEA Yuri was a genocidal psychopath. You know, maybe if I had sent Dennis to just explain to you what was going on, we could have avoided all this running and stuff. Yeah, my bad. Anyways, can you please let me put this bug into your ear?
Change it to Serena and Yugo is his best friend, then you got something
>Asuka looked so based.
She wasn't based in GX, Why she would be based here? If anything Asuka was almost always useless.
No Season 1 Yuzu was based.
Holy shit you're actually missing the point of a fucking onedimensional character.
Yuri only cards people after he beats them, because that's what he likes the most.
If he carded everyone, that means he beat them, it's simple as that.
I'll never understand the whole pairing of Sawatari and Serena when they barely spoke to one another and he literally met Yugo once.
>It's sawatari
>Ruri that doesnt belong to yuya
>Leo's motivations: I'm gonna unite all dimensions because ???
>Yuri's motivations: I'm gonna kill everyone because I like killing people
We're 123 episodes in I'm sure you could come up with better motivations for your main villains.
But then again, an army of genocidal mooks suddenly did a full 180 because some middle-schooler shouted LADIES AND GENTLEMEN really loud
Do you think the Yosenjus are jealous that NEO NEW Sawatari-san is spending all of his time with the Abyss Actors now?
The only reason why i'm still watching this shitshow is because i want to know >Why Yuya and Yuzu have dimensional counterparts
>Yuya and Yusho reunion
>Yuri Vs Yugo
>Yuri Vs Yuya
>Someone kicking Leo's ass
>Reiji Vs Yuya
>Why is the universe divided in 4 worlds
Besides i've watched more than 100 episodes so it would be a waste to drop it. BUT NOW THERE ARE NO RAWS OR SUBS. FUCKING DAMMIT
If you're lucky String Figure and Force Witch might get printed along with all those Pendulums they never printed.
People could post essays on how interesting it was at first but in the end, dumb will always be the one syllable word that will sum up all of this in a nutshell.
Stupid, insulting, narcissistic, myopic, and contrived. That's what Arc-V is
The only reason I keep watching at this point is:
>The promising Yuri Vs Yuya
>Seeing Yuzu again, even though the writers will maker her character suffer a lot more than they did before
>The mystery behind the counterparts
>How they'll end this story
>there are no raws
That's wrong. You have 720p raws right here.
Just ignore the Chinese hardsubs.
The potential for those pairings is interesting based on what we have saw is why I think people like it so much.
Its makes more sense than people trying to pair Yuri and Serena together.
I'm bored as shit, come up with a Dododo xyz
>be me
>playing on the ygopro mobile app even though it's complete shit
>connect to someone named yushow
>2 seconds in and the person asks if I'm a Christian
>keeps telling me to convert even though I told him to play the damn game
>ask his age
>he's fucking 12
>just as I'm about to finish him in an easy OTK he says god bless you and disconnects
I hope he was a fucking troll because those levels of autism shouldn't be possible
>Performapal Dododo Apewarrior
Nagito why the fuck are you here, this series is nothing but despair
I just want to know what the fuck is even the point of the Arc Area Project.
What the fuck is even the point of everything that happened so far.
What the fuck is even the point of anything at all.
It's gonna be hilarious to see how will Leo (read: the staff) justify starting an interdimensional "war" where probably millions of innocent bystanders got carded (which for the time being is the same as killing them).
I want Subs. At least Mono is working with the 480P Raws
Probably not
5DS had face-up defence position monsters turn blue and that never made it to Zexal
They tend to just change styles every season
>It's gonna be hilarious to see how will Leo (read: the staff) justify starting an interdimensional "war" where probably millions of innocent bystanders got carded (which for the time being is the same as killing them).
I'll never understand why XYZ in general was the only place to suffer when Synchro was a great opportunity especially if they were claiming to build-up on this inter-dimensional war. Hell, Rin was only kidnapped and Synchro didn't suffer anything yet Ruri's kidnapping wasn't enough.
This is a semen demon
Any page that has the sub, or we're now a joke?
Remember that rocket in the OP?
Yeah that big thing in the background.
Sure was some big plot twist, eh?
>What the fuck is even the point of anything at all.
>25 million years into the future
>An alien lifeform scans our computer's microchips for a message to see what our civilization was like
>W H E R E S T H E F U C K I N G R O C K E T R E I J I
The only acceptable way of discussing Arc-V as of now shall be with the use of full-width font.
I miss Cipher Interfere
Where is Cipher Interfere?
Is Cipher Interfere in RATE?
Fuck off
Fuck off Kaito. Get in a card or take a one way trip to the moon.
Kaito, stop being even more a faggot than you already are.
What a great anime.
How sad that I missed Susanowo
>green haired kids
Yes. Please.
What rocket?
>he doesn't remember THE ROCKET
How long has it been since Yuya last set his Scales with Time and Stargazer?
They are at hand. Look at OP. Just somebody needs to rip them.
For free?
I remember this was literally my outlook on life when Arc-V was good
Do it for whats left of the fandom and your love for the Anime.
He will probably use them again against Leo or Reiji for Maximum Pottery
I wonder who drew this Vjump cover
Noh probably.
Anyone else watch DSOD? The pacing of the duels is absolutely what Arc-V needs. It's so fucking good.
No Susanowo now, only jobbing.
The duel chrography was pretty doggy, Sometimes they would explain what their card did other times they didn't and sometimes they would attack, fail, set a card and the other guy would start their turn without any announcement between the two.
While DSOD format is great for something that's more story driven, it wouldn't really work well since Arc-V is more of a commercial and likes to shill as much as possible. To do that they need to declare effects and slow the pace of the duels. Look at this most recent episode where it was dedicated to shilling the AG deck and Yuri literally read card effects off the card since he never used that deck before all to acquaint the viewer with how the deck works.
It looks like Ebina from the way the hands are drawn, and he's done a lot of VJump drawings before
What would happen if a Ruri put on ALL of the bracelets at once?
What would happen if a Yuu put them on?
>To do that they need to declare effects and slow the pace of the duels
That's exactly what they did in DSoD, but I guess you wouldn't know since you didn't even watch the fucking movie.
6th OP/ED will be started from episode 125. You have one more episode of that shitty Kibou no Hikari before you never have to listen to it again. Vision will be missed even though the visuals were complete garbage.
The plot disappears.
Will the child of this two be the ultimate jobber?
But Light of Hope was okay.
Dude, just stop. We already know the last OP/ED will be fucking garbage like the rest of this show. Why are you shilling? Just accept it. Because you're really getting fucking annoying.
Ruri and Sawatari's child would. He would be just like Sawatari: an handsome jobber.
Well from the clips I've seen they did that more in Atem AI vs Kaiba but less in the Yugi vs Kaiba duel. Those duels were also relatively fast paced. The AI vs Kaiba duel was only 7 min and I believe the Yugi vs Kaiba duel is like 10 min long.
But I like Vision's visual.
>just stop discussing the show!!!!!!!
You're getting annoying.
I won't miss neither of them. Its true that Vision is a god tier song and probably the best of ARC-V but the visuals got boring pretty fast. The OP i never liked it. Terrible song and too many rainbows for my taste. The last OP/ED better be damn good and hopefully Subs by then
>thinking DSoD doesn't shill cards at all
I'm been listening to Vision on-loop for awhile now, and I'm convinced it and Speaking are tied for best ED songs of the series.
You are correct that it was fine. But this is YGO in that like Sonic games, even if the total package isn't the best, the music is always fantastic and holds itself to a higher standard.
It did shill the cards but it was less obnoxious about it. You see Chaos MAX for like 20 seconds and then he's gone to be replaced by Deep-Eyes which dies really soon right after. Both of their effects weren't even explained either.
The fuck you're doing, m8.
I thought it was okay at first, but I got sick of hearing it much faster than any other Yugioh OP. First Yugioh OP I regularly skip.
I was thinking more along the lines of something like this.
Sounds like it's more action packed and like a battle between two people.
How is that less obnoxious? Sounds extremely obnoxious to me.
Arc-V did the same thing with Ultimate Shill and Brave-Eyes and it's just really bad.
it's dsod so it's okay
>thinking the bug will die to egao when Ruri and Serena are going to lose against angry Yuya in 125
Well it's less obnoxious to me because they don't sit there glorifying the card for a long period of time. It's just treated as another weapon in the arsenal. When Kaiba summoned Chaos MAX, Yugi didn't even think about how he should go about destroying it but rather about his promise to Atem and how he needs to protect his friends/never give up. It's less of a duel and more of a clash in ideology which fits with Kaz philosophy about how cards are just tools.
>It's less of a duel and more of a clash in ideology which fits with Kaz philosophy about how cards are just tools.
But that's wrong, wrong, and wrong. The "heart of the cards" might have been a dub only thing, but the original manga had several main characters who felt deep connections towards their monsters.
Also, monsters should definitely be glorified so they can feel like threats. Chaos MAX jobbing 20 seconds after its introduction is really bad duel writing. Like, how do you expect the viewer to believe that Chaos MAX was a threat to Yugi in the first place, barring the visuals?
>Both Rebellion and Raging Dragons are faster and more abusable in Shun and Yuto's decks
>Yuya will never get another synchro monster
I can understand Yuto since his RUM are searchable but aren't all of Shun's RUM unsearchable?
The visuals tell the story. Yugi and Kaiba are so skilled at this point that nothing they break out against each other is supposed to be a big threat. The counter each other at every move and it makes the duel more enjoyable. There are no boss monsters for them in this movie which is great. Every monster is just a monster that can easily be destroyed.
>Phantom Knights
>ever ranking up into R7
It doesn't make Chaos MAX any more credible.
>how do you expect the viewer to believe that Chaos MAX was a threat to Yugi in the first place,
But it was never really a threat. He disposed of it pretty easily. It's more symbolic of how Kaiba is blinded by his own darkness hence why he didn't see the Magician Girls effects coming. That whole duel was just Kaiba throwing all his powerful monsters at Yugi hoping to get rid of him easily because he saw him as an insignificant bug in the way of his goal.
While it is true that duelists felt deep connections to their cards they are still tools in the end for the purpose of conveying their will in a duel. They treat their tools well but in the end they are still tools. I guess it feels a bit less personal in this movie since it debuts a lot of their new monsters but I imagine that was less of what Kaz wanted to do and more executive meddling.
It's not supposed to be and was never hyped up to be. No monsters in this movie were hyped up to be big deals.
>xyz deck
>not running a rank up magic or even an astral force.
Come on,user use your fucking head. Dark Requiem can act as fodder for it, hell, they don't even fucking need astral force either, that new number form months ago is a rank 6, and with their own rank up spell that's searchable they could rank up to 7 easily. Don't ever talk like you know shit, it just makes you look like some aggrogant /dm/ player.
I'm saying that no sane PK player will ever rank-up into R7.
I'll show you sane
desu Requiem with DRXD is better than Raging Dragon since it can actually negate shit
>No monsters in this movie were hyped up to be big deals.
It's actually really adorable how you believe that. NBEUD and the Cubics were all hyped up to be big deals. Look how that turned out.
Where were they hyped and even if those were hyped that says nothing about Chaos Max which you're whining about.
>NBEUD and the Cubics were all hyped up to be big deals.
Yeah by Konami for the real life card game. Not so much in the movie. If you watch the first duel against the AI you can see Kaiba just lazily summons NBEUD and expects the AI to take it down. Yeah it has a flashy entrance but it's not really "hyped" up as this huge threat per se. Kaiba is more interested in seeing how the Atem AI acts. So while it is a threat it's not a big one, at least certainly not as much as the original BEUD from DK. Cubics I can't say since I haven't seen those duels but seeing as how Aigami goes straight for killing his enemies rather than a roundabout method like playing a card game, I guess he doesn't think too much of his cards. Crimson Nova Trinity is an exception though since that managed to take out Kaiba and Yugi needed Mahad to win that duel.
I miss Michio.
Serena comes off a lot bitchier rather than stubborn
I want to point out that Raging Tempest has used up all of it's ritual slots and we still haven't seen any black luster solider support. I think we're just going to get a shitty trap or spell and that's it.
>Is your dragon invisible?
Why do side characters in the dub have way better VAs than the mainroles?
RIP Nakajima's dub VA you will be missed ;~;7
Shun's voice is great.
>Master of Faster
I don't think anyone on here holds any hostilities for Mark Shipman. I'm pretty sure even the Japs were surprised that he actually carried over the ORE NO TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN from the duel with the LDS trio, and didn't fuck it up.
so this is Roger in the dub
Gallager's dub VA is better than the original.
That doesn't answer my question.
He was better as Pegasus.
>Arc-V has gotten so shit, the fanbase has actually started talking about the fucking shitty dub
Yeah, I'm through with this series this is as Rock Bottom as it gets, just like America at the moment.
Great. Fuck off.
If you're dumb enough to think that the show's current state has anything to do with us discussing the dub, then we don't need you around here.
Mono is working on it with top men
It's one of the best voices in the dub honestly.
Where are my Shunfags at?
Shun vs Reiji never
I don't see Shun beating any more named characters anyway. That Ruri duel was his last win sadly. Not enough villains left. He may beat some fodder but that's it.
>you will never see Shun give up his life for Ruri if it means she gets to be free from Academia
Fuck this gay show ignoring its OCs
Where do I find these cures?
>Shun vs Reiji never
I want to believe.
So did Reiji ever do anything?
In my headcanon he did a lot.
He drove a boat that one time
It's not even ignoring the OC in favor of the legacy characters. It's shitting on half the legacy characters too. If you don't ride a D Wheel, look like Yuya or Ruri you aren't doing shit in this show.
He's along for Yuya's wacky egao ride.
the trap jigen
This is all according to plan right?
>Yugo's voice
Don't worry guys, the despair from Arc-V will be a stepping stone for the hope the next series will bring.
Best things Arc-V will leave behind
>the nips' record-setting rage and scorn
>the soundtrack
>help prevent the next series from being plagued by dumb and overzealous hypefags
Could D/D/D 1v3 Yuya's mess of a deck, PK and RR?
I will never forgive them for this. Tsukikage was literally the last character in the show I gave a shit about.
>Channel Go!
Since when was this on Australian TV?
>The despair from the fusion arc will be a stepping stone for the hope the ending will bring
Fucking hell, Shun's dub VA might be better than the original.
No. No way in hell. His dub voice isn't deep enough and like most dub voices lacks impact.
His screams are really impressive
No. It's miles and miles ahead of Yuya's dub voice though.
Dennis is fucking terrible
>Feast your peepers on this
Holy shit
that is something Dennis would say though
because he's horrible
Why did his voice suddenly drop when saying 'water dancer'
He's getting voice direction from the guy who voiced Pegasus. Not a joke, either.
He's reading the lines way too quickly - because the Pendulum chants are way too damn long in English - and only at that point does he remember to speak with any character.
Sawatari is another great part of the dub, he sounds just enough like a pretentious douche without crossing the line to make me hate him. Crow's new VA is good in a bizarre way, like he's meant to be portrayed as a joke character from a fandub.
Thats Crow old Dub VA. His voice got charged after Dark Signers I think.
Top Sawatari
Fuck does this mean AUSTRALIA JACK is going to come back, too?
Yeah I tthink Ted Lewis is confirmed. Good old Dub Bakura though might take a while because it take a while for Jack to acutally start talking?
Delete this
I wasn't aware that SSD's summon was so erotic it had to be removed from the dub.
Yuri fucking his harem of Yus when?
>look dad, I just made your money disappear
That cheeky little cunt
Incoming mod nuke
Why? It's sfw
Is the LDS duel on Youtube?
Really? I can see her pubic hair...
Shun's dub VA is actually a fan of Arc-V, so he probably puts in more effort than most.
If he ever appeared here, I'd be sure to congratulate him on being the only good thing to come out of a Yugioh Dub since 2004.
They listened to the critique on Pot of Greed
Shippman is pretty based, he even has a RR hoodie and a RR deck he duels his fans with when he's visiting conventions and such.
Aren't you forgetting Jesse Anderson?
Fucking Mitarai
>Shun will never be real
He's real to me dammit.
Thank God
>they introduced Super Poly just so Yuri can use it to fuse Clear Wing with Starve Venom
They introduced Super Poly like ten years ago.
>inb4 Starve Venom upgrade literally requires DARK Dragon-Type Fusion monster + Dragon-Type monster
literally into the trash it goes
I meant as Yuri's card.
Since when does Yuri have Super Poly?
>An upgrade of a monster requires that original monster as material
Holy fucking shit no way.
Since he beat Asuka with it in 123.
Sekrit RDA tech?
Synchro Fusion card when
I mean if it's DARK Dragon-Type + DARK, that would make it more "playable"
>requires that original monster
I mean not necessarily. You could always use Darkfire Dragon, Doom Virus Dragon, King Dragun, Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword, Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, Amulet Dragon, Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon, Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, First of the Dragons, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, B. Skull Dragon or Five-Headed Dragon haha
Then blame fucking Clear Wing being Wind type and ruining everything.
>inb4 Yuri has DNA Transplant as sekrit teck
It'd be hilarious if Yuri's main deck doesn't run Super Poly. Considering he was using the honour student deck.
Yuri added Super Poly to the honor student deck. He said it himself during the episode.
Meaning Super Poly is his card and he could very well use it in his main deck.
To be fair, I think neither Yuri or Yugo are going to get carded since they'll have to fuse with Yuya at the end of the series.
You don't need to be carded to 'become one'. Just look at Yuto.
>one and half years
all we get is a stupid MC keep saying yamero and EGAO
That reminds me where is Yamerofag? Is he still in jail?
>Just look at Yuto
His spiritual presence is still there no? Carded would imply nothing of them is left other than the card as a placeholder.
Australia Jack is pretty cool in my books.
Pubic hair is cute, user.
oh and Cyber tutupon too I guess
Normal Yuya is in poster instead of Berserk Yuya. Does that mean Raging Dragon is created by normal Yuya instead of Hitotsu-ni?
I hope the requirements are just 5 Ancient Gear monsters
Org also ready did that ages ago
RATE-JP061 霊魂の拠所 Esprit Powerspot
Continuous Spell Card
You can only use the (2)nd effect of “Espirit Powerspot” once per turn.
(1) All Spirit Monsters you control gain 500 ATK and DEF.
(2) If a face-up WIND monster(s) you control is returned to your hand: You can activate this effect; add from your Deck to your hand either 1 Spirit Monster or 1 Ritual Spell Card.
It has to be
the three Hounds dont even exist yet
and it has to be something easy to fuse with Overload Fusion
Fubuki has even worse record than Asuka.
Yea it probably is, if you zoom in closely there is barely any text on summon materials, compared to the cards next to it
Posters rarely mean shit. Although that would be interesting.
Clash of Rebellion has Berserk Yuya in cover. That's why I find it odd.
(nice trips btw)
off by 1
Dammit, if only it were possible to get a close up on that rank 4 xyz monster, is it shun's raidraptor?
no that was rank 5
Shun is not in this set
its a Zodiac card
that's the new chinese zodiac furry Xyz
so fking OP
magic/trap immune
can attack all opponent monster with piercing
It seems the English dub itself made Asuka really out of character.
I think there was one conversation between Asuka and her friends about Judai.
In the Japanese version, Asuka says 'I don't even care about him'. In the English dub she says 'I actually find him to be pretty cool'.
Can't wait to play Zodiacs.
Level 10 DARK Machine-Type Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 4500
DEF 3000
Fusion Materials: 4 “Ancient Gear” monsters
This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Fusion Summon.
(1) While this card is in a Monster Zone, it is unaffected by the effects of Spell & Trap Cards, and your opponent cannot activate Monster Effects during the Battle Phase.
(2) This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, oncee each, and if it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage.
Can you tell what set number it is? If it's 47 there goes all hope for that last cardian,crystron, assault blackwings
>literally only way to out it is to somehow beef something up above 4500 outside the battle phase or tributing it with Kaijus
holy shit THIS is a boss monster
the only nerf was that it doesnt negate monster effects, just activations
and even that was boosted to last the entire battlephase
runs over Lightning and Crystal Wing, damn nigga
Huh? It's fucking great. 4 mats is a lot, but it's easily doable with Catapult and Geartown into Hound and Wyvern.
there is no way it can be lower than Cipher Dragon
>still loses to Castel blahblahblah
Jesus fuck. This kills CW and the others.
>yfw Power Bonded Chaos Giant
If that's true, then damn, synchros only get 2 monsters in this set?
Well duh. This isn't the Synchro arc anymore. Only Fusion and its nemesis(Xyz) matter.
I worded that badly
lower as in lower-numbered
Zodiacs are OCG-original
they will come after Cipher
No wonder Academia plays all those stunshit cards now, teaching us how to play Ancient Gears, summon Chaos Giant, flip floodgates, ez win
What about Ruri's and Yuto's xyz. Surely they wouldn't let Yuto duel again after 100 plus episodes and not have him play a new Phantom Knight xyz, Yuya's staying out of next week's duel, he only jumps in once Serena does.
pretty sure Yuto will only get new main deck cards, Ruri's cards most likely aren't in this set
>Fusion arc
>XYZ monster as cover
LL stay in anime hell never printed just like Bee Force
Any cards in this set that can counter this?
so are double,triple and ultimate hunting hounds all in the structure deck of anicent gears? I could see the next fusion being ultimate hunting hound while the structure has double and triple
none of the dogs are in structure deck, the only fusion in that deck is ultimate ancient gear golem
Probably never printed since they're shit.
Structure Deck R have no extra deck at all, it's just 40 cads and maybe 1 token.
I was sure ultimate ancient gear golem would be in there, why else would they show it in the anime
>hey kids buy this new redone ancient gear structure deck, also look at this ultimate ancient gear golem which WON'T be in the structure deck
>Bee Force
Guys, it's DARK. Hello Overload Fusion.
Performage Trapeze Force Witch and Performage Shadow Maker will never be printed.
All they have to do now is print an overhauled version of Ancient Gear Chaos Fusion and we're set.
Are we ever gonna get Double, Triple and Ultimate Hound Dog?
they're all trash, except maybe ultimate
>triple attack + half LP on summon
The oddest thing to me is that Rin's Synchro is BEFORE Gongenzaka's Synchro. Gon used to always go right after Yuya (except for one set where Yuzu went second instead, since then she'll go third if she gets any cards at all).
Collector's Packs exist for a reason.
>Shinji was always as angry as fuck during Friendship Cup
>Set is called "Raging Tempest"
>Bee Force are all WIND
>No Bee Force
Yeah,alot of things this set have been strange, If Neo Galaxy Eyes is the end of the xyz slots, why was it the first xyz to be revealed? If Performapals are in this set why is Magician monster the first one when those cards usually go after Performapals with the exception of Tuning Magician due to it being an effect monster rather than a pendulum.
I'm starting to believe that Performapal support is just going to be the splatfest spell card or something. There's no more room in the monsters for Laughmaker, Dag Daggerman, Poyo Rocket, the new hippo, shielddrummer and Rhino.
>thinking that HIKOKUBO splatoon card will make it in
nigga you crazy
They're probably saving most of Yuya's cards for the Dimensions Pack coming in December, which has at least 15 new cards. Either that, or Konami has FINALLY decided to stop printing every single damn monster Yuya uses. I don't know why they insisted on printing all Performapals when they never went out of their way to print all of Yusei and Yuma's monsters.
Yuto's not in RATE
Cutoff date
cover cards always defy it, but episode 123 was the cutoff date
Lyricals cant fit in this set anymore, who knows if they will appear and when (same with new Moonlights)
Phantomknights are probably saved for Dimension Box
Rin is a Yuzuclone
ergo of equal importance to Yuzu
and Yuzu has gone before Gong far more times than the other way around
(same reason Yugo comes before Gong)
Descend Magician was the oldest unreleased Yuya monster yet to be released
there is are going to be 3 more Performapals
My bad
Gong did usually come before Yuzu
I guess they went back to how it should have been for this set
hell he even came before Yugo that one time
he's lost a lot of relevancy in recent times
Synchro got ton of spots last time.
they will get a decent amount this time
here is what it looks like to me
39. Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
40. (Wind Witch - Crystal Bell)
41. Ancient Gear Chaos Giant
42. Ancient Gear Devil
43. Wind Witch - Winter Bell
44. Superheavy Ninja Shinobi AC
45. (Cardian Gokou)
46. (Crystron Tuner Synchro)
47. (Crystron Non-Tuner Synchro)
48. Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon
49. Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon
50. (Zodiac XYZ1)
51. (Zodiac XYZ2)
52. (Zodiac XYZ3)
53. (Filler XYZ)
54. (Yuya Garbage)
55. Absolute Machine Angel Ritual
Time to list Yuya's Performapal backlog
Dag Daggerman
Pyro Lobster
Return Tantan
Undercover Hippo
The only one that seems worth wanting is Dag Daggerman, It's a warrior so you can make Brave Eyes with it but it's effect is ass, who uses the graveyard in Performapal decks?
The three from the Edo duel are probably what we're gonna get
unless they want to skip some and save it for Dimension Box.
I want more P magicians. Enough with the performapals.
Chronos would be so proud. Too bad Academia gets the nerf'd edition.
Depending on how they word the Laughmaker effect, it could be good. Don't forget that Yuya also has Smile World support in backlog.
>40. (Wind Witch - Crystal Bell)
I'd sooner believe Force Witch over this.
Well, still can be countered with Super Fusion.
What's the general rule for character decks? I know for Yugi you can go Dark Magician/Magician Girls and for Judai you can go Elemental Masked but at least have 1 Elemental Hero Neos in there but what about Yuma? Are you suppose to use Utopia's evolutions like V,Victory,Kaiser and Dragon? Or are you suppose to just use Ray,Future,Lighting and the rest non-number xyz like the 5 djinns, Excail, Gauntlet and One Eyed?
Like I said before, I hope Konami just stops printing every single Yuya monster. They didn't print every single Yusei or Yuma monster (extra deck aside).
We can't escape Performapal shilling because now we're in for Yuya vs Reji. Here's to hoping at least Reji will push Yuya into using either the other Yu's dragons or have him perform his own extra deck summons to beat him or at least tie. Phantom Dragon can't save his ass all the time.
don't think anyone's posted it yet so here are the low quality manga raws imgur.com
Damn, so you Yuma gets the entire numbers library for his decks. But what the fuck at Dododos being allowed in the extra deck, no Dododo monsters exist there
New chapter when?
smile potion?
Yeah no thats never coming out
they actually did up until a certain point
aside from very minor instances (Puripriest, Traplin, Garbage Lord, Arbitrator of Mediation)
So in the manga, Reiji's dad died because of something Yusho did?
For Yusei they stopped printing everything by the first Placido Duel.
With Yuma, they stopped at some point in the WDC.
Why are Gagaga's so zetta slow?
Hell yeah!
Yeah try that AFTER taking about 3-5 backrow free smacks
Can you imagine the next time they have an event and the obelisk force players are allowed to run the ancient gears with all the new support and they had a good deck recipe? I don't think even a meta player would be able to defeat them in a three on one.
>The sight of 3 Chaos Giants staring you down while they have a backrow full of burn damage
Jesu I'm starting to see how they easily overtook Heartland
Only way I can think of is Raging Dragons effect.
Is Yuzu acting like a wife now?
Here you go.
Don't forget, the owners of those cards have no issues commanding those monsters to wreck shit in an attempt to kill you if they can't defeat you outright.
>Tfw you've been playing AG since the beginning and everyone at locals laughed at you
>Tfw you can now OTK with power bond Giant +Limit removal
Fixed it
No tr8torz allowed
what's this and where is it from?
>Playing AGs when they were basically pray for double geartown
>playing AG during Synchro and Xyz eras, when all you have is tribute summoning
I'm so, so sorry user. But it's okay now, you can finally use a good deck.
oh nevermind I was retarded
A fusion monster that's easy to get out and shits all over Lighting and Crystal Wing? God damn, synchros losing everything and xyz, while still being ran4k cancer are getting their asses kicked to. What next, a ritual monster that makes everybody worry?
What the hell? Why weren't Ancient Gears one of the 3 archetypes in Fusion Enforcers? Now we have Sora's cards in there instead! Last time I checked, Sora isn't a Fusion Enforcer and it makes no sense to have what little Sora has left to shill (like 2 or 3 monsters) in the set while having all of the AGs in a main booster pack. Does Konami make more money this way?
>What next, a ritual monster that makes everybody worry?
Shake the earth with your tremendous power, Odd Eyes Gravity Dragon!
In the end, We get Gladiator Beasts in Fusion Enforcer
Then why does this entire picture exist
Anyone found a site with the sub?
At least GBs are cool, right guys
Did Yusei tapped into the fucking speedforce?
Well Yusei was naked and you know how in America violence is okay but our disgusting naked bodies must never be seen or acknowledged.
I like GB so its ok
I doubt konami has the guts to print that fortress trap though.
You mean this
Because this way every Extra Deck SP pack has that dimensions Yuu and Reiji alt/Jack on it.
That card is silly as the ones that restrict monster card zones.
Whose the other anime archetype in fusion enforcers? I want to expect Yuri but I know he's not getting a full duel against Yugo, they'll do the same moves they did back in 91 then go glowy eyes as Yuya screams creates his new monster and defeats Ruri and Serena
>Sora's legs
The boy needs to tone down the candy and start eating more sandwiches. Preferably, ones with lots of tomato.
New thread
Thread with actual content
fucked up
What was the point of her before?
Besides, Kaiba with boobs?
Wtf? That's basically a better skill drain.
It's Monarchs Storm Forth all over again.
Holy shit Shadow Maker still hasn't been released yet?
It screams Rank-Up monster, being a three mat Rank five, and Dennis never got a Rank-Up.