Which Yuru would you Yuri?
Which Yuru would you Yuri?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off daily circlejerk
Chinatsu obviously.
I wouldn't yuri any of them since I am not a girl.
However, I'd give Ayano an extra large serving of the dick.
I wanna fuck Kyouko and Sakurako but I feel bad for their waifus. What do?
Invite their waifus to join in.
I'm a man so I can't Yuri any Yuru
Yui would never join in. And Kyouko wouldn't want to have sex with user.
None. Yuru is for yuri.
Teenage-girl thinks of nothing but gay all day.
Even tho AkaxChina is the ship of my life and they should be canon already but the jews won't let it happen
>Kyouko wouldn't want to have sex with user
None because I have a dick.
>wake up
>see this
What do?
Work on knocking up Himawari next.
Adult Akari Y/N?
No such thing. But Y.
post dancing yurus
Brat is the best and cutest.
Kyouko is for nice sex
Chinatsu is for filthy, degenerate sex
Ayano is for pantyhose footjobs and butt on face
All others are for hugs only
You're forgetting something.
loli haet tiddies
is Kaede for sexing too?
Them eyebrows, man
>tfw Sakurako will never be your gf
She's so perfect...
I like Yui Funami the most both in looks and personality.
I like them all.
I want to make Himawari the mother of my children by inseminating her womb with my feminine penis.
The best one.
Go another round.
I would marry Kyouko and then FUCK her while holding hands.
That's not true, Kyouko is a reliable slut.
Which yurus are most likely to be hetero-curious?
Yuru Yuris listed from most straight to most gay
What about brat and oppai?
>Yuru Yuris listed from most straight to most gay
Completely and undeniably gay: All Yurus except Akkariin
Too pure for sexuality: Akaza Akari
>All the girls sitting around a table in their 20s giggling about their sexual experiences with their partners
>Akari sits alone not understanding what they're talking about
>yurus in their 20s
what is this heresy
>All the girls sitting around a table in their 20s giggling about their sexual experiences with their partners
pls explain in detail. I'm not sure if I understand what you're talking about
Ayano better end up with Kyoko or else I will kill Namori and Yui
>implying china will not forcibly gay akari out of desperation before they hit 15
Is it me or does akari has little titties on pic?
God I hate /u/
cry, baby, cry
>you return home from work and see this
What now?
Hime cuts should be mandatory for black haired girls
The thread was almost dead, you dingo.
>"wait a sec, I don't have a job"
Cry harder so she feels in control.
>oomuros confused about penis.jpg
is ugly
Chinatsu is 100% cute
100% lewd
Chinatsu ruined my life.
Chinatsu has lewd pee
what a waste of quadras
What's happening? Is she dripping down there?
Obviously I'd lick it dry like the good onii-chan that I am.
Crying Hotokekis are cute
Hanako is so UNNNFFFF
I want to fill Hanako with my semen.
Yui is love
Yui is life
is cute
YrYr threads don't really last like they used to
Which I find a little sad
Majin majin
Op-pai majin
>implying the yurus age
If you could have one sweaty yuru sit on your face in her moist and pungent pantsu, which would you choose?
This cat is adorable
Okay but check out this cat (dog).
All of the above.
Yui, Kyouko, Chinatsu, ayano or Himawari because they're all lewd and frequent masturbators
>best songs
>best voice
>best hair
>best body
>best smile
How can other girls even compare?
I want to fap but there's so few erotic content of her and I can't even feel horny by the way
>I can't even feel horny by the way
Wait what?
I'm conflicted about having that episode on my HDD.
Too much time watching and collecting erotic stuff everyday, it got in my brain and now it thinks it's all normal
If you're not horny why do you want to fap?
Porn fucks over your natural drives pretty bad. Sometimes I wonder if cute SoL shows aren't just as corrosive as an opium for lonely people.
Because parents aren't at home so I could fap loudly with my onahip
But why do it at all if you're not in the mood? You don't have to force yourself.
It's been over a year since I have to force myself into fapping. It's those 5 seconds of pleasure that matters for me
So stop forcing yourself and let the urge rebuild naturally instead.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
All Yui posters in this thread are my friend.
Your friends suck and have shit taste.
Stupid bratposters trying to shit on other girls
He's right, though.
I have an ending spoiler
Season 3 spoils this because there's a part in the OP where each yuru will sing while their crush is on screen.
Akari is the one singing during her own screentime.
Only reason why I dislike this is because it means Ayano gets her heart broken.
Ayano has someone else anyway
She sure does.
Why do bratposters pair her with everyone except the one she loves?
Because every pairing is improved a thousandfold when you replace one of the pair with Brat.
Also, Himawari x Brat is literally the worst pairing.
SakuHima is literally the only good pairing.
I disagree with your opinion and we'll never be able to become friends.
It's the only pair with any sort of romanticism except for Kyouko and Yui at times, but they are too boring.
China needs to stop trying to defile Akari!
It's already too late for Akari.
Rape is wrong.
It's destiny
i've notified the authorities
Tell them to hurry, they might still be able to save Akari.
I wish I were a little girl so I could yuri Rise
I really like this picture.
I would make Chinatsu and the Akarin girl to do really depraved things, while i watch and fap.
Why is Chinatsu so fucking LEWD?!?!
She was molested as a child.
by me
Chiina is pure
Pure SEX
Pure love
I want to do horrible, disgusting things with Chinatsu
I think she's into girls user
No, she's into Yui.
Her lust for Akari may be latent but it is present
That just makes her bi. If anything, more leaned towards the D.
Are you sure? She hasn't shown any interest in males whatsoever.
dogkurako die
Pink hair is so fuckable
Are you sure you want to stick it in that?
Akari hits like a girl
Even if I lose my penis it would be worth it.
Except you can't even pair brat with Yui, so you're wrong. The ones that can be paired with anyone are Akari and Kyouko.
What pleasure is there to even get out of a portal to a wicked hell dimension?
Pink hair wrapping all around you with tremendous suction?
I mean yeah for a split second it'll be great but then either your entire body gets sucked in or your dick gets ripped off.
Nah, Chinatsu's lewd pink locks would caress your penis for an eternity of carnal pleasure!
Whatever you say. Have fun in Chinatsu's portable pain dimension.
The funny thing is that as you approach the center of a black hole time slows down drastically so to an outside observer you may be stuck there for aeons
Chinatsu is literally the Pinhead of Yuru Yuri
>Chinatsu's portable pain dimension
You're just making my dick harder
I want to breed with Chinatsu's hair!
I want to pump it full of so much semen!
Silly Chinaposters, this is an Cred Forumskari board.
That's okay with me
This thread is too pure for Akari
highschool yurus when?!
How about young adult Yurus?
chinatsu is evil
Speaking of Oomuro-ke it would seem that Hanako shares user's fascinations
To some small degree that is
Kyouko a best. BEST.
Why does the fluffy person come over sometimes?
Could it be? A scandalous affair!?
It'd degrade the quality of the threads I they got posed so much. Just look at what happened to the yuyus.
They were really bad when they were 24/7, and they get spammy from time to time.
What business does she have possessing this ass?
Namori's brand of feet is underrated.
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply
Chinatsu is a fucking homewrecker
She and balloon tits are the only ones developed to have an ass.
fucking brat posters
I so wish brat had a daki. She's just too huggable.
One day.
>you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round
Did someone say bratposting?
I'd fuck a brat poster.
I'm absolutely rock solid
Akari obviously.
I'd a brat. But not before taking her out on a date.
The brat needs a spanking. I'd use my dick.
Can a brat take your breath away?
The only answer is yes.
Dude stahp
Lesbians sexy
I want to hug Yui!
Here's a good way to tell whether Yuru threads need to take a break.
If the total amount of posts alluding to coitus with a given Yuru exceeds 20% of the total post count in a given thread, then don't make a new thread for a while.
I love their beautiful eyes. I want to lick them.
I want to fuck a yuru through a hole in a bedsheet and not know which specific one it is.
Yui is very huggable, especially when she gets all flustered about it.
this made both my dick and heart diamond, snuggle is like dessert of the main course, sex but can be far more satisfying.
these girls are literally like 12 years old you fucking paedophiles
What the hell is going on in this image?
and is that a cup of urine?
Fell better to get that off your chest?
i just want to pet hug snuggle kiss them, there is nothing lewd about it. They are like domestic pets.
I want to surgically inject semen into all of them while they are asleep, and watch them panic as they slowly start to realize they are pregnant.
I posted those 2 pictures of Yui Funami.
moar for our godness!
Yui is for _________