Official New Rules (See → & → & → & →
1. Generals to be regulated.
2. LNs and gookshit are allowed on Cred Forums.
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
5. Noko functionality.
6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
7. Dubs posting mandatory perma ban.
8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
9. scanlation textboard
Hiro has asked us to create a thread on each board for discussing the problems that are facing us and how to deal with them. He also wants us to create our own set of rules so that the mods will be regulated to follow them.
Remember mods, Hiro talked to you guys and you said it was fine to have one ongoing thread up about this. This means you Janitor!
Rules, Regulations and Moderation for Cred Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Lelouch as a mod to make Cred Forums great again.
Real thread here:
>3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
fucking kucks does it for free
Let's get this shit started.
Fuck off
Reminder to not dubs post in this thread please.
>Hiro said one thread par board
>there are three threads right now
Ongoing is not in his sentence. Kill yourself. I hope you get perma'd soon.
Don't make duplicate threads shitposter.
Older thread:
Hiro wanted serious threads to discuss board and reach consensus.
Stop linking your ironic comedy thread thanks.
No one want a split.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
New thread here:
The other thread has the only thing with consensus.
Good joke, they're never coming back.
Hiro already said that he doesn't trust poll.
Off yourself nigger.
These threads aren't half-bad, no wonder they're not being deleted.
When will you fuck off with these threads? We don't need new rules.
Clearly not a consensus since this thread exists.
I hope you know that none of these are ever going to be implemented.
Can you provide one, just one legitimate argument against /ma/?
Fuck off, cancer.
/ma/ will be as dead as /lit/, but take enough manga users that you won't be able to discuss manga on Cred Forums anymore, either.
We are not splitting Cred Forums, so fuck off and die.
This isn't a joke. Slit your wrists then post pictures of it as proof.
Generals need to be pruned.
Shit like /ak/, kantai and drawfags should be removed. Kantai is never about the anime.
Long running manga/anime should be limited to release day threads and not generals. Shit like Yu-Gi-Oh should not be up 24/7 when it rarely related to the anime. Shit like snk does not need a 24/7 general when it only updates once a month.
Most generals no longer discuss anime and would rather talk about off-topic crap.
Buyfag threads should be moved to /toy/, drawfags should be moved to /c/, /h/,/e/,/d/. /ak/ should be removed as its out of a season doesn't need 24/7 threads.
Jojo is fine for now, but once the season ends it needs to be pruned as well, changing to occasional threads instead of 24/7 generals. DJT should move somewhere else as well.
Manga doesn't need to be split to a new board, just limit manga threads so that shit like snk, OP and boku no hero don't clutter the board up. A lot of manga threads are fine on there on.
Where am I supposed to discuss manhwa and webtoons if not Cred Forums?
>ib4 Cred Forums
Thread music:
witness em cuck
/lit/ isn't dead. Only retards who never venture form the fastest boards on Cred Forums would think that.
>>>/ma/nga generals
Even I can't believe it
It isn't just for Japanese shit you know.
Kill yourself korean cockroach
/lit/ is the deadest board on Cred Forums and impossible to discuss anything on.
/ma/ will be dead, as will manga discussion on Cred Forums, if we allow it to happen. Manga belongs on Cred Forums and only Cred Forums. If you love manga, /ma/ must never exist.
Kys faggot.
>non-Japanese manga belongs on /jp/
Kill yourself leafy fan.
boobs touching
This is some slippery slope. I don't understand people with no arguments. If it doesn't work out, we can always change it back.
So what does this do for anyone?
All the others I can see as justifiable, but bringing back noko is just baffling. It's entirely negated by the catalog.
>/lit/ is the deadest board on Cred Forums
user stop being retarded.
Why the fuck do you want to split the community? Just talk about manga on Cred Forums you fucking dumb niggers.
You right now.
Just like we deleted all the other failed boards? No wait, we didn't. Once a board exists, it's here to stay.
/ma/ must never exist. It would kill all manga discussion from Cred Forums. This isn't "slippery slope"; this is factually, unarguably what will happen.
/lit/ killed literature discussion.
/vr/ killed retro video game discussion.
/ma/ will kill manga discussion.
Just making the old front page the default view instead of the catalog would hinder so many newfags from using this website
Tower of God is better than at least half of manga discussed on Cred Forums.
Rename Cred Forums - Asian Comics & Cartoons
Stop shitposting your fucking lies on Cred Forums.
How many editions have there been already?
>/lit/ reading anything besides the Greeks, and various philosophical wankery.
They fuckers don't even talk about any of the literature I like. I try and start a thread on As I Lay Dying and Faulkner in general and it fucking dies.
The same thing will happen to manga.
Or we just ban the handful retards like you
Naruto is better than Tower of God, so your argument is invalid
Yes, that's accurate if there was a hungry tiger named /ma/ who was read to kill her if she was ever let out of that cage.
Manga discussion will only exist if it stays on Cred Forums. A slow, niche board will result in 1% of the users, making it impossible to find anything with your taste.
We are not splitting Cred Forums, and that's final.
>Tower of God
>anything but shonenshit with fucking ugly art
>/lit/ killed literature discussion.
>/vr/ killed retro video game discussion.
>/ma/ will kill manga discussion.
Wow look at all this boards slower than /lit/.
/ma/ will be activated on the first October.
Mods need to delete this cancer.
Also check my singular numeral.
Nice spamming of the no login google doc poll.
Patrick Bateman falls in love with his dubs.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with dub-finding bot. Never minding the strange repeating digits, he immediately uses it, and is overjoyed to find out that the dubs have a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he engages in more dubs getting ways, he instead acquires singles. Confused by these turn of events, the Wall Street businessman investigates and finds out that the dubs he made is not the same dubs he fell in love with. In fact, the dubs don't exist in this universe at all. They are dubs from an alternate universe, who has fallen in love with the MC's own psycho self, who too is blissfully unaware of their crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While they shitpost all over Cred Forums, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of DUBS.
Hey guys, this is the cool sikrit metageneral where the cool guys hang out.
>a hungry tiger named /ma/ who was read to kill her if she was ever let out of that cage.
Why are anime fags so hyperbolic?
I'm glad these threads are allowed now, they're so much fun
Uh user it's because nobody cares about your niche literature :^) just get better at getting replies lol, it's been talked to death already
I hope you mean
>Wow look at all this boards slower than /lit/.
The pool is too small for anyone to overlap. No one's read the same books, aside from a generic classic.
/ma/ will be the same way: no one will have the same tastes, because the userbase will be too small. On Cred Forums, we have so many users that you can find people who like the same manga as you.
Manga discussion cannot thrive on /ma/. It can only exist on Cred Forums and Cred Forums alone.
>8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
We've had this discussion about /djt/ forever.
/djt/ doesn't belong on /jp/ because most of /jp/ already knows Japanese.
Plebbit. This is not the fucking random board. It's not our problem that your shit is not accepted elsewhere. Look up at the board title.
time for a display of true strength
Thank you for removing shitposting jannie.
Get better taste.
Fuck you, faggot. I want to discuss the manga I like. I can do that on Cred Forums. I can't do that on /ma/.
> On Cred Forums, we have so many users that you can find people who like the same manga as you.
Why wouldn't they go to /ma/?
Why is this allowed to be spammed everyday.
Any idea on splitting Cred Forums is completely retarded and unnecessary so you can remove that one.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
OP is a faggot as always.
If we're going to containment board anything send moeshit generals to /c/. Yes I'm looking at you /ai/
>/djt/ -> /jp/
Nope. /jp/ has their own japanese thread there. Also, moot allowed DJT here. If hiromoot overrules this, then so be it. But until then, DJT is here to stay.
>Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
Bad fucking idea.
>Generals to be regulated.
Yeah, sure. Remember when that mod removed all the generals on Cred Forums? Oh wait...
I wonder if the mods are having fun and learning from this, or whether they hate Hiro's guts for forcing them into this position.
>I can do that on Cred Forums
no you can't
Hiro, we need /ag/ and /ma/. Also, if possible /gook/
ToG is a pleb tier webtoon
Read some better
There are plenty
Bet you can't name 5.
>Yeah, sure. Remember when that mod removed all the generals on Cred Forums? Oh wait...
He got fired shortly after that for fighting with a ponyfag janny. Check the logs.
We really need a moeshit board though, can't discuss real animes here now.
Did all of Cred Forums go to /vr/? No, they didn't.
/ma/ will have less than .01% of Cred Forums's users. You won't find anyone with the same taste as you.
Forget talking about Horimiya.
Forget talking about 14-sai no Koi.
You can talk about them here on Cred Forums, but not on /ma/.
keep spamming this retard.
doesnt make it any more true
literally no need for /ma/ or to have DJT go to JP
we are fine.
just give us kana captchas and ban madoka generals
all the leddit cancer will leave
Can someone pls make a few more threads? We dont seem to have enough yet
>/ma/ will have less than .01% of Cred Forums's users
>1 in 10,000
You don't need to exaggerate to try and make a point user. You just look stupid.
Yes, I fucking can. We have manga threads all the damn time with hundreds of replies. That's because Cred Forums is so big, you can find people here who have read the same manga as you.
/ma/ will have dozens of threads with less than 10 replies, all waiting to die.
Sup /spg/? How many batemans have you posted already?
>bah blah blah this ideas I dislike r stupid
>but ban this one thread I hate!
top wew
I agree. We so far have only 5 threads up.
No, you look stupid. You have no fucking clue how dead Cred Forums is outside of a couple boards. It's a wasteland out there, and you cancerous pieces of shit are trying to send manga out into that wasteland.
Manga stays here in the oasis. You can fuck off and die out in the desert if you want, but you're not taking manga with you.
You can make a webtoon top 10 with Ha Ilkwon works alone
Who is this semen demon?
Update. One of the threads was "deleted".
It's the one with the dead Rem (or Ram, no idea, the blue-haired Re:Zero-girl).
No you're just an ADD retard who doesn't understand how to post on an imageboard unless it's fast enough to be pseudo-chat room.
The mods are cracking down on the other threads, it was a good run la.
Why would there be a scanlation board when that stuff would be localised to /ma/
No, you're just a faggot redditor who wants Cred Forums to be reddit.
Go to /r/manga if you want that shit. On Cred Forums, the only place you can actually find people with similar interests as you is on active boards.
Hiro is a dumb gook
>On Cred Forums, the only place you can actually find people with similar interests as you is on active boards.
But that's wrong?
does that mean NTR fags will be perma banned?
Learn to IQDB retard.
Learn to know popular characters from recently aired shows, retard.
This is what happens when you're stuck in your safe space general all day with no interaction with the actual board.
Mods, I demand you ban this faglord.
Can we please allow e-celebs thread?
Youtubers are a big part of the anime and manga comunity so having them on the new Cred Forums can only be a good thing.
You motherfuckers.
>most serious thread stays up
>most serious thread gets most replies by far
It's almost like people want to discuss things.
No, it's not. Go read a book then try to find someone who's read it on /lit/. You can't.
For some reason, the janitor accidentally deleted one poster's post that linked to this thread.
Fucking baited, thanks for the laugh.
>inline catalogue
Fuck off, newfag.
great changes but please also ban greentext if used as any thing other than a quote
I can find people interested in pretty much any outdoor activity on /out/.
ALLOW PEPE ON Cred Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>You were warned for posting dubs/gets
Then what's the fucking point of having these threads? No one's seriously discussing new rules for the board. Everything as it is now is how it should be.
This is already a thing, though.
Real thread here:
... and Hiro is here for real! Talk to him NOW!!!
>8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
Remove kancolle.
>7. Dubs posting mandatory perma ban.
Did you not read OP? Consider yourself lucky.
No, you can't. You make threads that get five replies, then they die.
Manga needs a huge pool of users to find people with the same taste as you. We have that on Cred Forums, and manga discussion thrives here.
On /ma/, a small number of people will all be competing with their own faggot manga threads, none of which will get any replies.
All of you are delusional, deranged, and feral
Keep posting in these threads. I can't wait to see your whole world come toppling down on you.
Fuck off, newfag. This is how it's always been. If the mods are not gonna ban that fucking retard that keeps making these metathreads, we will spam this shit until they ban this whole metashit.
You are allowed to shitpost, just not too much it seems.
>Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
Cred Forumsermin here, don't do this.
The splits have done NOTHING to help our board and, in fact, caused segregation between actual discussion and waifu shitposters. Any attempt to discuss Pokemon is met with autistic fuckers going "REEEE GO BACK TO VEE PEE"
Fuck, why would anyone choose Cred Forums, out of ALL THE BOARDS, to model after? I expect better from the best board on Cred Forums
Splitting Cred Forums will kill the whole community.
/ma/ will be dead
/ag/ will be just as bad as /vg/
Cred Forums will become normalfags land
If I had things my way there would be a heck of a lot more ERP around here...
Stop making shit threads in Cred Forums
Kill yourself mentally ill faggot.
No, you fuck off you blind nigger. If you didn't notice, I have 4chanX in there.
>literally admits that anime fags are normal fags
>still don't let manga be free
Cred Forums here too.
You guys are fucking dumb if you think splitting the board will fix anything.
Manga will die without Cred Forums.
/ma/ never. It will never happen. Ever. If you love manga, it has to stay on Cred Forums.
>You make threads that get five replies, then they die.
So any manga thread on Cred Forums that's outside the norm?
What amine should I watch with my gf?
Still, it's not NEET. It's shit.
You need to go.
Texas will be back one day.
Nope, we have all sorts of manga discussion on Cred Forums that thrives, including ones you've never read. Manga discussion thrives on Cred Forums.
Go away. Also making a more focused board can work perfectly fine, e.g. /m/.
Are mods forcing this or not, let's see.
Explain what NEET does better.
It's exactly the same in every way, and it updates slower. So what's the point?
>it has to stay on Cred Forums.
>Manga discussion thrives on Cred Forums
There's no anime discussion, is a lie.
Of course splitting games wouldn't work.
But splitting static and moving pictures into different boards actually makes sense.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
Enjoy the death of the board if this dumb shit occurs.
>Cred Forums will split
>hurr durr go away
I'm trying to help you faggots so you don't have to put up with shitposting
Also, while /m/ works, /vg/, /vp/, and /vr/ don't. ESPECIALLY /vp/
New thread here:
>splitting two distinct mediums is the same as arbitrarily splitting video games
It's pretty.
No 3D pigs, faggot. Post 2D.
I think there should be a new forum only meant for drunkposting
Fuck you, you fucking ignorant faggot. We had game over threads back when it was finishing up, with over 100 replies.
Try getting that on /ma/. You can't.
Different people watch anime and read manga. Why do they have to stay together again?
Literally the worst idea anyone has ever had.
If you haven't realized it: nobody except an autist really wants that
Anime fags are pathetic control freaks.
>Going to a different website that only worked because catalog didn't exist back then
>Still using it nowadays because muh tradition
Holy shit.
There should be at the least ten more threads. You disappoint me Cred Forums.
The same people who read manga watch anime, and vice versa. They're all in one place, so they can find people with similar tastes as them.
If /ma/ happened, we'd have a tiny board without enough people to find others who've read the same series as you.
More like only autists who read two shonens want that.
No, shithead. Manga lovers are the ones against a manga board. We can see the writing on the wall and know that /ma/ will be the death of manga on Cred Forums.
The same people who watch anime eat food, and vice versa.
Merge Cred Forums and /ck/.
/ag/ is an awful idea and looking into the Katawa Shoujo, Undertale, and FNAF threads are perfect examples to why
/ma/ is just unneccesary, like /vp/, and would lead to autistic shitposting, like /vp/ lead to ruining Pokemon discussion on Cred Forums
Also you can't be that fucking senile to think Manga discussion is a problem on Cred Forums
>not using neet for the extra features like being able to quickly see latest replies by hovering over a thread
Why would you want to limit yourself? Is really useful to see if a thread is worth going in to without actually going in to it.
Ruggarell doesn't read manga.
Flawed logic.
Yes, I meant you
>implying most of Cred Forums reads manga beyond a couple series (most likely wsj)
Reading a couple of manga that weren't adapted into your favorite cartoon doesn't count.
Stop spamming your shit, autist. We had several dozen polls and all of them overwhelmingly were against splitting Cred Forums.
manga and anime are irrevocably tied. half of anime is adapted from manga and manga sometimes is used to advertise anime.
Most Cred Forumsnons only have cursory interest in manga.
>we'd have a tiny board
Yeah, we know that the bigger the board, the better it gets.
>Separate manga board
This is the dumbest fucking idea and it hasn't stopped being dumb since dumb asses first suggested it 7 years ago.
About as many as I do anime each season, well maybe more actually but it's mostly because they are serial.
>anime-only viewers were against splitting the board
No one who read less than 500 series can voice their opinion on this subject
>it's dumb cuz i said so
This is how you sound
>half of anime is adapted from manga
Not manga's fault anime is uncreative industry.
>manga sometimes is used to advertise anime
Not at all representative. Anime has soundtracks should we merge Cred Forums and Cred Forums?
new thread
There are manga threads with over 100 replies in the last 24 for series you've never even heard of, much less read.
You want your shitty manga board because you think everyone will finally love you and be friends with you, but you'll only get 5 replies. Manga discussion can only happen here on Cred Forums where there are people.
>with over 100 replies in the last 24 for series you've never even heard of
Some of us actually read manga user.
You can just lurk the threads, not like there are better things to do if you're already on Cred Forums.
Are the plebbit rules?
New rules:
- remake beecock /z/
- delete all boards and redirect everyone to /z/
Anime and manga aren't really distinct. There's way too much overlap.
>There are manga threads with over 100 replies in the last 24 for series you've never even heard of, much less read.
Don't project yourself on oher people, that's rude
It's dumb because history has shown us it's dumb. All the niche boards are dead on Cred Forums. We don't need that for manga.
Motherfucker, I've read more series that you've never even heard of than you've read total. We are not splitting Cred Forums. We are NOT splitting Cred Forums.
I'm glad i have these generals filtered
1. No.
2. And...?
3. Just what we don't need.
4. Mite be cool
5. Meh.
6. No.
7. Fuck no. Check 'em
8. No.
9. No.
Let's just make one change:
>Asking for source is not a bannable offense. Giving source is.
>Asking for recommendations is not a bannable offense. Giving recommendations is. Of course, great leniency will be given for Boku no Pico.
Really, looking at Cred Forums as it is right now it's not nearly as bad as some of you fuckers think it is. New rules may not be needed, and more importantly may not get enforced.
Do you also have to veto which series are real and which don't count?
This is not mangafags vs animefags.
This is manga lovers (no split) vs cancer (split).
Everyone who loves manga wants it to stay on Cred Forums. Everyone who came here from reddit wants a manga board.
>Motherfucker, I've read more series that you've never even heard of than you've read total. We are not splitting Cred Forums. We are NOT splitting Cred Forums.
Sure you did. Your baby tantrum proves it.
>Anime and manga aren't really distinct
Actual thread here:
>history has shown us it's dumb
History has shown us that this board doesn't work
It's dumb if you spent half that brain cell that keeps your slovenly husk operating thinking about it shit for brains.
>Manga series gets an Anime or vie versa
>You have to talk about the differences or comparisons in two different places instead of just clicking on Cred Forums
You are fucking DUMB and you will never stop being DUMB you big DUMMY
more threads/a/ I beg you
This board worked well during the decade I've been here.
Your passive aggressiveness would be really fitting in over at >>>/reddit/
New e-celebs thread:
Come and discuss based digibro.
>You have to talk about the differences or comparisons in two different places
You can talk about the difference in both boards, but you focus on the manga on one side, and the anime on the other.
How fucking retarded do you have to be in order to not understand such a simple concept?
>This is manga lovers (no split) vs cancer (split).
>Everyone who loves manga wants it to stay on Cred Forums
user you can't just make up labels and act like they're true.
You would just talk about that on Cred Forums. Nobody is getting banned from bringing up source material when it's relevant in an anime thread. Stop scare mongering.
If each user reads at least this much everything will be fine there will be no problem with a /ma/ baord
We can discuss manga here on Cred Forums and do so every hour of every day.
No, pointless. Important is voter consumes more manga than anime.
>You love manga and love not discussing it
Who is the cancer here?
Not in any manner that actually affects discussion.
When we discuss anime and manga, 80% of the time we discuss plot and about 15% of the time we discuss art style. Plot between a manga and its anime adaptation is almost always the same, or at least similar. Art style is usually similar as well.
>You would just talk about that on Cred Forums
Then what is the fucking point of making /ma/? It's not scare mongering it's legitimate wonder if people are this stupid to think this is something that desperately needs to happen.
It gets archived too early thanks to the moeblob of the month getting all the bumps
I'm a pretty big manga reader, keep up with about 8-10 series at a time generally. I think /ma/ is dumb, I've never had issue discussing manga on Cred Forums.
10. All discussion of anime & manga is banned
>No, pointless. Important is voter consumes more manga than anime.
You know this is a pretty stupid metric don't you?
Fucking kill yourself
but no one does
there's probably only a small percentage of people who read more than 10 manga in a year, much less that many manga
it's going to be fucking dead
Bumps don't make threads fall off the board, new threads do. A moeshit thread can get 300 bumps and it won't push your manga thread off the bottom of the board.
>You would just talk about that on Cred Forums. Nobody is getting banned from bringing up source material when it's relevant in an anime thread. Stop scare mongering.
A lot of hardcore manga readers will leave Cred Forums, but not enough will make it to /ma/ for the board to be active. Furthermore, shitposters will spam
>hurr fuck off to /ma/
if you try to discuss manga here after the split.
The same way you could discuss animals in an anime thread if it was relevant to the anime, but you if you just wanted to talk about animals you'd make a thread on /an/.
Don't be so obtuse.
Are you impliying that /ag/ wouldn't be normalfag land? Almost every general thread is the most normalfag shit.
Here is a list of them
Deviant art tier threads
Basically an art dump filled with off-topic shit
Pretty much the new "Naruto". Has one of the worst fanbases in fucking years.
Almost always devolves into card discussion and super fucking normalfag
Basically all the normalfags watch this
>One Piece
Normalfags again
>idle, ak, pre-cure, DJT, Buyfags
Probably the only threads that aren't a haven of normalfags. Two of which aren't anime and 2 others which have no discussion because its not about a singular show.
/ag/ shouldn't be created, but these threads need to be removed. All of them have made Cred Forums more normalfag then ever. You think those normals are just staying in there "containment" threads? They are not, they spread and infecting everything they touch. They take otherwise fun shows and devolve discussion to the most boring shit in existence.
Simply by having generals on the front page at all times has killed all discussion of any non-mainstream show.
Not an argument.
We can just try it and if it fails it will be removed. It's not like a board has never been removed here. Remember /i/.
>I'm a pretty big manga reader,
>keep up with about 8-10 series at a time generally
This is why we need a manga board
>there's probably only a small percentage of people who read more than 10 manga in a year, much less that many manga
>it's going to be fucking dead
Thanks for outing yourself as total anime fag. 10 in a year?? That's nothing, user jesus.
>Drawfag threads are bad
>threads getting deleted
>at least
Go back to redit you fucking shit eating casual.
Hiro said it's cool. I'm looking at you janitors.
>anime fags refuse to acknowledge /m/ because any board that overlaps with Cred Forums is supposed to be dead
I don't even watch 10 anime a year anymore, more like 4 to 8.
Fucking slit your wrists you shitposting faggot. Run away with your tail between your legs.
>Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
>Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
for what purpose
>Dubs posting mandatory perma ban.
what about these trips
top >>>/pleb/
>Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
Fuck you and anyone that thinks this is a good idea. Cred Forums is not a fucking forum asks dividing anime and manga is a horrible idea. How many times does this need to be repeated year after year?
We should make Cred Forums like Cred Forums.
>Requesting MORE WAIFU
>Requesting PUT A Sweater on this girl
Wow, what great anime discussion!
Of course it's a JoJofag.
Go back to
Fuck off OP. /m/ is our property.
>10 or less manga a year
>4-8 anime a year
Why should anybody care what your opinion is?
Fucking kill yourself you fucking newfag
I'm on my knees Cred Forums, please make more threads.
Yep, a redditor. I suggest to stop posting here and going home.
>Why should anybody care what your opinion is?
Because it's as valid as yours :^)
>Fuck you and anyone that thinks this is a good idea. Cred Forums is not a fucking forum
You realize the people vehemently against it are forums fags?
They can't bear a board with a response time above 60 seconds because then it's not like a forum/chat room anymore.
Look at how 2ch does it faggot, too bad Cred Forums's community is too ADD and retarded to use that system.
>wanting a split
>after 10 years of Cred Forums - anime and manga dumb newfags redditors want a split because ''muh safe space''
Fuck off from Cred Forums cancerous normalfags.
I will admit I have shit taste.
Name one reason why making a separate manga board would be a good idea. Not even sure if OP and bleach should move to /vg/ and such since those are discussed when there's a new chapter and there isn't 10 threads since people know how to use the catalog in general I feel.
/lgbt/ and /vr/ are both failures, but they're still here.
/lit/ is a failure, but it's still here.
That comparison makes no sense. This would be like talking about elephants on /an/ but in order to talk about an elephant documentary I have to make a thread on Cred Forums.
Splitting off Manga to another board is like Cred Forums splitting off comics to it's own board. There's no fucking point to doing it. There's only detriments and literally no benefits.
Do you think all caps are more convincing or something?
>forum/chat room anymore.
>Conflating forum and chatroom
>i-it's only redditors
>Cred Forums tier
Let's flood hiro witter with dick pics.
You're right its actually worst than that.
New rule: anyone with reddit cookies in their browser will have all their information displayed on their post for horny anons to find them and use as fuck-sluts
>not showing the other 100 negative replies of that thread
sasuga niwaka-kun
Protip: Reddit existed 8 year ago
user you're about to make me XD all over the floor
Of fucking course it's Cred Forums tier, because it's "manime". Your posting style doesn't help you.
This I can get with.
Looks like they're keeping this one up. They're just deleting the spam
What the fuck happened to frogposting?
Mad Mods
What caused the dip right before the rapid increase?
>What the fuck happened to frogposting?
Banned in Germany
Whoops, wrong picture.
MSNBC had a whole segment dedicated to it, now bloggers are talking about kek.
>There's no fucking point to doing it
There's plenty of reason to do it, especially since comics and cartoons have even less overlap than anime/manga.
The reason it's not an issue on Cred Forums is the board balance between the two is much closer to 50/50.
Cred Forums is much more weighted towards anime.
2ch style is superior.
haha kek thats f**king epic for the win dude
>2ch style is superior
Might as well copy infinitychan or reddit and allow user to make their own boards at that point
Co has this exact problem but with cartoons instead of manga
When will these garbage meta threads stop? Hiro only show up once every 3-4 months so are we gonna have this for the rest of the year or something?
why do we need /manga/ anyway? Cred Forums isn't even as fast as you people make it out to be, we have threads that last 2 days ffs. The only reason why post count is high is because of generals. Just make manga generals on Cred Forums or whatver, we've got plenty of space
Until christmas, then every IP that posted on them will be permabanned.
It's exploding yellow vans all over again
These threads are ruining Cred Forums
Rare pepe then presidential camapaign.
These threads are proof that generals are cancer
I hope we do. I love seeing general fags get butt blasted when things don't go there way.
I think kancolle isn't anime, but it gets a pass, so this thread should as well.
You keep saying 'kill' as if a non-breathing object can be alive. It's all in your mind
>make more general
>I can't stand my preferred topics being mixed with topics that I don't like. Separate them!
This is what every single fucking board sounds like. Cred Forums, Cred Forums, it doesn't matter. The sheer amount of you that have no fucking grasp of what "chan culture" was, is, or should even be about disgusts me. More moderation is needed, no doubt about it. There's too much shitposting going on. But the majority of you have zero clue what the difference between shitposting and funposting is. If you don't like it, you want it gone. Do I go into LN threads? No. Do I care if they're on Cred Forums? No. Splitting the board does nothing but add bloat and fragment any already broken community even more.
Kill yourselves, seriously. It's people like you that have made coming here and talking about fun stuff a chore, because in reality, you're the real shitposters. I'm tired of slogging through your garbage posts, even with heavy filters.
Isn't anyone in this thread going to address the Cheese/Hiro issue?
>Basically an art dump filled with off-topic shit
avatarfagin and spam
No, they're completely different.
>Cred Forums isn't as fast
It's at least twice as fast as vast majority of Cred Forums. Not that you'd know that if you only use Cred Forums, Cred Forums, and Cred Forums.
>there way
>so this thread should as well.
Cheese kill the Hiro, don't do it.
So you agree that we should go back to only having Cred Forums?
If your anime thread dies it just means it was a shitty topic right?
>ok gonna make /vg/ haha
>ok gonna make /vp/ haha
>ok gonna make /vr/ haha
>Cred Forums is still a complete shithole and considered by many the toilet of Cred Forums along with Cred Forums
The faggots who want a manga board don't cares about Cred Forums they just want a circlejerk place for them.
Nice argument friend. How is the JoJo general going? Do they still like cocks as much as they used too?
New thread.
>1. Generals to be regulated.
>2. LNs
and gookshit are allowed on Cred Forums.
Fuck you.
>3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
>4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
>5. Noko functionality.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
>7. Dubs posting mandatory perma ban.
>8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
>9. scanlation textboard
Now go fuck yourself some more.
Not him but
1. no
2. yes, that's exactly what it means: nobody wants to post in your thread
If OP is deleted, I will personally feed Hiro some delicious cheese. Cheese NOT from a can.
Serious question here, who decides what goes into the OP of these terrible threads?
Literally the same kind of shit as any general on /vg/
Your logic holds for creating Cred Forums from Cred Forums.
What's the difference?
skengs when are you gonna play pso2 again
People have shown some support for it, so if you go show even more support it's certain that Hiro will bend your way.
You're fucking retarded and you don't know what a form is.
A faggot, I'm starting to think it's a janitor false flagging.
The OP.
OP could be a MOD faggot and that would explain a lot, wouldn't it?
One day I will get a job and buy Cred Forums from Hiro
Are mods on strike or something?
Sorry, buddy. Only people who don't actively post in generals are allowed to discuss generals.
You are biased.
>Op is on the moderation or janitorial team, he's also a redditor
I've seen the light.
Pretty damn sure he is. Its always the same OP.
Lets work together to achieve this dream.
Just my $0.02, I doubt that a split into /ma/ would be good for anyone.
>banning dubs
Why? People only spam dubs in shitty threads that deserve it.
New rules: OP will post this bullshit every day until you like it
It wouldn't, manga threads aren't even a problem. Most either drop off fast, only last a week or two before they are forgotten or get a thread or two on release.
The only bad manga threads are the OPT's and the generals.
Nope, they really want at least one of these cancerous threads up all week
The mods are angry at Hiro.
>8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
Sometimes that thread has a place here, other times it doesn't. The thread active right now doesn't as there is no translation of anything like doujins or manga, or the 4koma that is still on going.
Yesterday's thread did so its a tough call to just tell them to leave.
1. Generals to be regulated.
2. LNs and gookshit are allowed on Cred Forums.
Gook shit are not manga
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
Thats already a thing no?
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
Sure but we need more mods for that
5. Noko functionality.
Don't care
6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
This is where you should kill yourself.
7. Dubs posting mandatory perma ban.
8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
9. scanlation textboard
Sure whatever
Wow almost all ideas are shit. Nothing needs to be changed other than shit that needed to happen anyways e.g. moving/deleting off topic threads
This. Now observe my repeating digits.
So most of the generals then correct?
Before trying to ban all generals, please define what a general is. Now compare your definition with everyone else's.
Congratulations, you've just banned all discussion of any single show in particular on Cred Forums because at least one mod will use a different definition. People aren't allowed to make threads to discuss an episode of a show that came out the same day anymore, and if they post in an already existing thread that will count as a general so it will be banned too. Organized threads about anything are forbidden as well, so the average thread life time willdrastically be shortened.
Oh wait, but that's what you shitposters want, so you can make /ma/ and /ag/. Of fucking course you'd love to kill Cred Forums, wouldn't you.
>Most either drop off fast
>this isn't a problem
Yes, general threads are the only problem with Cred Forums currently. I'm sick of the fucking endless GUP threads particularly.
Stop hiding yourself as a user mods and show yourself already.
You want to discuss the state of the board then lets discuss it you faggots.
Praise Kek.
Fuck off, shitface. Start by deleting this thread.
Pretty much since they go off topic. Discussion is ok. A thread every so often is ok. Generals however still and rot producing nothing but shit after a while
It's the REAL Hiro!
Go there now!
Splitting feels like a really bad idea when Cred Forums has already slowed to a crawl. I guess /djt/ really does belong in /jp/, but I wouldn't like moving there since the culture is different.
why are people so mad about general threads?
if you dont like em just filter them out
Why would they want to be held accountable for what they say?
Except that is the fucking problem. We mangafags want the threads to actually last.
They are letting these threads up because they want change. New rules won't fucking happen if they don't discuss shit with us.
>when Cred Forums has already slowed to a crawl
What the hell are you talking about, where does this meme come from?
It's one of the fastest boards and has never been significantly faster than it is now.
>its another ''ignore the cancer and it will go away!'' episode
Back to your containment jojobrony general.
Because they "rot" and they "invite crossboarders" and they "talk about things I dislike" and they "leak shitposters" and they "are cancer", or so I've heard.
It's just an extremely vocal minority that hates them for dumb reasons.
>Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
This is fucking retarded.
>I've been here all summer and Cred Forums was always this slow!
Cred Forums was much faster just a few years ago.
But we don't want change. Everything is already good as it is, despite a few rule shitposters wanting to ruin everything for everyone.
All these threads are proof that you can't discuss any huge matter with a group of anonymous posters. The previous attempts worked because Nipplemod was a retard and the opinion of him was overwhelmingly negative, but for things as huge as changing the whole set of rules this sort of discussion is impossible.
I don't, I want to discuss shit and if there's nothing to discuss I wan the thread to die.
What a great week on Cred Forums all this shitposting metathread because of a stupid gook.
Can we have moot back?
I'm pretty sure it has been a lot faster. In 2013 it was blazing fast and almost hard to use, but it was still amazing.
And why would you want it to be faster? Threads have been dying after about one hour without bumps for a while already, and this speed is absolutely perfect. Why do you want Cred Forums to be like any of the most popular boards? Do you have any idea what wishing for this would entail?
Its because generals push other threads to the bottom of the board. Most other threads don't have a constant enough base to keep it alive so its harder to find threads that aren't generals. So it just creates even more of them to compete to keep their thread up.
Almost all the general topics are for either off-topic crap or entry level shonen.
They rot because they never get any new content so its the same stall discussion.
They invite cross-boarders/aren't liked/leak shitposters/are cancer because most are entry level shit.
Dubs and OP kills himself in a shootout with the police.
How would one even go about trying that on /ma/ if it doesn't exist yet?
I don't see why you're so afraid of change. Those that want to have serious discussion about manga will move to where ever that board is, and serious discussion will continue to happen.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
Not the user you replied to. But I personally hate reading tomo-chan and checking Cred Forums for the new thread to find out it is already gone and I have to go to a archive I would much rather have a designated Manga bored in whichmanga threads last longer than half day.
I've been in those threads since they started on Cred Forums a few years ago. Back then people didn't even notice the threads. After some time though people started sperging out over us having them despite our effort to never have them up all the time and to make them relevant. Mods let them be for years so that's the answer. Besides I don't see why people are still mad over them. It's true that there isn't always a 4koma, doujin or something else going on but most of the time there is. We've also made an effort to never make it a general and to ignore spammed threads. Now that we've been here for so long and maintained this standard from the beginning I think most of Cred Forums are ok with it. It's a tough call sometimes like you are saying but I hope you can see it from my point of view. There are Kancolle threads on /jp/ too but they don't discuss doujins and manga, our place is here.
I never said I did. I was refuting the statement:
>and has never been significantly faster than it is now.
Posting was actually much better when it was faster. There was a better number of people who actually sincerely wanted to discuss anime rather than ironically shitpost and ruin Cred Forums. Most of the slowdown has been genuine people leaving as the community gets shitter and shitter.
I leave for 2 days and this happens?
And you could discuss them for longer
I don't have the graph handy but it's barely changed. You're imagining it.
Talking about Cred Forums on /qa/ should get you banned. /qa/ is nothing but trash.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
what the fuck
I like that tomo-chan thread don't last forever because we get one fucking 4-koma every 24h and those might not even be interesting enough to comment on.
I'd like to see the graph you're talking about; I've noticed a significant change in the last couple years in the number of posts and how fast the board moves.
I want to be able to post in a manga thread, go to sleep, and then see replies when I wake up and reply if I want.
It's ongoing for more than 2 days, actually.
Here, have a Watashi.
>1. Generals to be regulated.
>2. LNs and gookshit are allowed on Cred Forums.
>3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
>4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
>5. Noko functionality.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga.
>7. Dubs posting mandatory perma ban.
>8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
>9. scanlation textboard
These are actual rules? What the fuck? Who threw this heaping pile of garbage together?
So pushing amazing threads like this down, after they haven't had any post for a hour, is a bad thing? And you talk as if generals are constantly remade every minute, when any of them (regardless of whether your definition includes currently-airing shows or not) tends to last at least one hour, excluding the hour-long lifetime after reaching bump limit, AND people are usually well-behaved enough to only make a new thread after the current one reaches page 9 or 10.
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Its has been going for 5 days now.
That's very odd. I distinctly remember how fast threads would die off when I came here most frequently, and then being chocked when I came back after being gone a year. I felt it before ever seeing someone else saying it.
>How would one even go about trying that on /ma/ if it doesn't exist yet?
Because /lit/ and /vr/ exist.
>I don't see why you're so afraid of change.
I'm afraid of manga discussion being relegated to a graveyard.
>amazing threads like this
>10/10 butt
wew lad
Hey guys can you check out and possibly reply to my thread? Thanks!
How did I not see this? Who is making up these shitty rules? Why do they want to turn Cred Forums into r/anime?
Then make a fucking new thread.
Then add the thread to your watch list so you can check it again after it's been archived, and make a new thread after you wake up.
Fuck you for getting us into this situation, Hiro.
No one care what you want.
There are literally 5 of these shitposting threads up right now.
They are clearly telling Hiro they don't give a fuck since they aren't allowed to delete this crap or it's some sort of evil reverse psychology I can't comprehend.
A lying faggot that you should report for off topic posting ie OP.
Except the gook shit and the splitting whats wrong with OP rules?
Garbage like ''lol'' ''kys'' and ''cuck'' really need to go.
>that you should report for off topic posting ie OP.
Already did.
Because the doing it for free OP keep posting his.
These threads are a bigger waste of time than anything else on this website.
lel kys cuck
Truly epic my fellow redditor!
add to ignore list
Please tell me your reddit handle so I can +1 all your post.
We don't know yet.
Some say it's the same autistic ledditor trying to change our way of doing things, other says it's some dumb kids who want to ban LNs, others claim it's mods/jannies themselves trying to enforce a new no-fun policy.
And there was even this guy who claimed it was Newmoot's masterplan to increase site traffic.
They haven't had any post in hours because the moment a thread falls off front page and isn't a general the chances of it receiving another bump is near 0.
If you actually went to Cred Forums before generals, you would know that some of the best threads had shitty OP's. The catalog pretty much made those threads non-existent.
Post counts are the same, but threads last a lot longer because there are more ones allowed to exist at the same time and the bump limit is not 250, but 500 now
Shitty OP
Shitty Subject
Shitty Replies
Wants us to take him seriously
Yup, smells like a shitty mod to me
>Cred Forums will split into
What the fuck are you doing?
>LNs and gookshit are allowed on Cred Forums.
You want to split up the board but LNs would go on neo-Cred Forums? Did you even fucking think about this?
>/djt/ -> /jp/
There is literally nothing wrong with /djt/. I don't even go to the threads.
>Noko functionality.
I don't really care about this, but just use Cred Forums X like any non-newfag.
I'm all for stricter policies on shitposting, but good god this thread is retarded.
Wow where can I upvote this thread ?!
Thought on video games adaptation to anime? Right now the DR thread is using an image from the upcoming unreleased game.
Should mods ban this?
Can we all at least agree loli needs a separate board. Personally I hate and would like to see it out of here and I'm sure anyone who does like it will be more than happy if it got a separate board.
>There is literally nothing wrong with /djt/
uh not anime related
The threads I visit don't have this problem, but generally I'm against more moderation and rules. I favor user moderation/board culture. If users hate it that much then you should just call them a faggot/tell them to fuck off/lurk more/etc. and report them, that's how it's always been.
Only allowed while the adaption is airing. After that all danganronpa go to Cred Forums or /vg/
not /jp/ related either since they speak japanese already.
And yet you can't help but be worried because Hiroyuki is so fucking dumb that he might end up following what their shitposters say.
Not everyone is a retard who doesn't use either of the catalogs. Any thread that has enough interest will get posts as long as there's any interest in their subject because that's why the catalog exists. The catalog makes what you call generals easier to find, yes, but it also makes finding anything else easier.
Don't you fucking tell me you want to get rid of the catalog because of that as well.
>wanting to split boards
>make quick and fucking google based poll to decide
>goes against the result of the strawpoll
Fuck, want to make new rules, make an announcement, no one will enter this shitposting centrals to keep discussing shit 24/7, which lets vocal minority autists push their agendas.
Even worse, this shitty thread is still up, while all the other bait threads have been deleted by the mods.
I can kinda understand why the mods are being so skittish though.
Last time they tried to make an official thread to talk about the nipple-incident and how to resolve it amicably, they got vehemently booed, and Hiro forced them to submit to the wills of the anons.
>user moderation/board culture
Literally never worked except on some niche small website.
No and even if we do get a loli board do you think loli will magically disappear from Cred Forums? No it won't
You will still have lewd Chino, Shinobu, etc... threads anyway since these girls are from anime and manga.
Nipplemod get the fuck out. Cred Forums doesn't need to change.
Straw poll is worse than google forms and it was posted while Americans slept.
Who asked for this?
I, nor probably many of us, sure as hell didn't.
Getting into very specific rules like this is the sure sign of a community in decay. When a culture is no longer vital in itself, it tries to remove the symptoms of its rot, but it never works. We should think of ways to have fun again that aren't contrived. I think we can individually do this by trying to be witty, talk about things we actually like and focus less on critique of ourselves.
>Let's also ban reddit because I've been called out!
No. Talking about any character type from anime and manga on Cred Forums is allowed for obvious reasons.
And that's exactly why threads about YouTube shit always work on Cred Forums, right?
You must be really new here.
It's nothing new that mods leave some meta threads up for a while, once in a while.
1. Self Moderation
2. No Captcha
3. No post cooldown
4. Ban phoneposter normie casuals
5. No image limit
6. Touhou is allowed
7. Loli lewds are allowed
8. Lurk for two years
>>Literally never worked except on some niche small website.
Casual anime tends to attract more casual users/redditors/tumblrfags/etc.
It works just fine for all the threads I visit.
Can never happen.
>2006-09 - Old Cred Forums
Lots of OC, feels like a loosely held together forum, community organizes shit to do together constantly, distinct sense of board culture. Plenty of trolling and autists are muxed in, but it's all more light-hearted, fun, and generally chill than today.
>2010-12 - Old Cred Forums dies
Cred Forums starts to get TOO popular, anime starts to become increasingly mainstream as a hobby, Cred Forums's board culture becomes markedly less elitist and also starts to focus on concentrated discussion threads
>2013-2014 - Transitional Cred Forums
'Ironically' liking anime becomes a thing in a big way, most of old Cred Forums's favourite series are old enough to fall to the way side, anime industry dives even further into moe and LN/VN adaptations and thus drags in even more autistic westerners than it used to. For some reason pretty much every board has OC and community-driven events/stuff die off hugely at this point.
>2015-2016 - New Cred Forums
Current Cred Forums. Pretty much all old boardculture is replaced, constant pseudo-generals are the norm, elitism is gone entirely except for in ironic shitposts and sakuga threads, ironic anime fandom is at an all time high, and Cred Forums is pretty much irrelevant for discussion of any big series compared to the combined mess that is tumblr/Cred Forums/twitter/discord/MAL - whereas it used to be pretty much THE go to forum for it. Common slang has also near-completely changed on a boardwide scale.
Nipples kill the mod.
Stop being reasonable faggot. We're supposed to be whining about everything it's the /qa/ way!
Yeah one thread a week maybe.
This is a general that have been going for 5 days now.
At this point, everyone is just fed up with these meta-threads after 5 days.
>2. No Captcha
>3. No post cooldown
>4. No image limit
Accel spammer is that you?
>Cred Forums is pretty much irrelevant for discussion of any big series
Because those attract the biggest kind of shitposters and crossboarders. Blame the series themselves, not Cred Forums.
Yeah, "once in a while". That's not the case this time.
The fags who want to split Cred Forums aren't even from here. They just want to completely fucked Cred Forums in the ass.
No these threads should fuck off. Nobody asked for this shit aside from autistic control freaks from /qa/
>more than half the majority don't want a split
>OP (mod) like the cocksucker he is will make the next thread and still have the spliting rule up
>Blame the series themselves, not Cred Forums.
What kind of twisted logic is this? It's failure of Cred Forums not the series.
If you can't keep threads from going to shit it's your problem.
I'm actually happy with the way our rules work and always have been. The only thing I wish for is more frequent moderation by the mods.
Sure generals like JoJo is just cancer but I just hide those threads and that solves my problem. Let people have the Cred Forums related things they want on our board, even if you don't like the things they are talking about.
So more moderation on actual shitpost threads is the only thing I'd really like, and for mods to stop randomly deleting loli threads like they do sometimes.
>If you can't keep control anonymous posters it's your problem.
There's a reason posting Naruto was a banable offense at one point.
Reduce that to one thread every six months at the very least. Nobody needs to shitpost about rules every week, what the fuck is wrong with you.
>plenty of people have already reported OP
>thread is still here
>the same thing will happen in exactly 42 posts, because despite complaining about generals this OP doesn't care about the board's culture and will do exactly what he thinks generals always do instead of what they actually do
I miss when there used to be live threads for every airing show. Why did they die off? It made this feel much more like a community.
why the fuck would scanlation be a text board?
scanlating fucking manga
which is pictures
And yet is still probably the best active place online to discuss airing anime even if it has problems. Even older stuff you probably get more discussion here than nearly any other site, since forums are at the pace of a few posts a day.
The only threads the mods really have to delete are the ones that everyone (Except faggot OP) hates. Also, rec threads/reddit/tumblr/gaia/facebook/normal fag related threads.
The catalog does ruin things when you include generals in the mix. It only helps those that come to Cred Forums with a very specific topic in mind. Usually those being generals.
All the fun and OC stopped happening when generals took over because the OC would get drowned to the bottom and never seen again.
Catalog is great without generals.
Also in case you are wondering generals are off-topic or out-of season shows that are kept up 24/7 because of shitty mods babying them.
Because simulcasting is now very common
because the OP is a gigantic fucking retard and im only here to make sure hiro doesn't listen to this fucker
The old days are not coming back, but maybe we could create new, better days than the current ones at least. We should make it a point to make good, interesting threads, participate in them, and have the most fun in them. I don't believe so much in posting about old good shows, but more in discussing the good shows today, and the industry as a whole in depth. Those are just my ideas. Above all we need to stay upbeat.
Pretty much.
Cred Forums would be fine if mods were more active especially night time Cred Forums where a shitty frog thread can reach 200+ replies because mods have been away for like 3 hours.
We need more mods who care.
>I miss when there used to be live threads for every airing show.
Only for popular shows, they never died off, you just miss them. They don't have a different name, they usually take place as part of the regular threads.
Cred Forums Grew older and you can only watch so many bad anime before you can't handle them anymore. That's how it went in my case.
Speaking of trash.
Just permaban shitter like this.
But they still happen with the popular shows. Just they are now grouped in the airing shows threads which are up 24/7 and the less popular shows drop off most of the time after the first few eps.
>thinking permaban can work on Cred Forums
>wanting gookshit
Are you the same retard that posted stuff like "this are the new rules" without being a mod, and thst thought proxypoll was a good idea to know what people on an anonymous board want?
I haven't been able to be on Cred Forums the past few days so I didn't know that. If that's the case they should just delete the threads with the shitpost, crossboarder rules like the one OP made and keep a less shitty one up for discussion to be had.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, /ag/ - Anime & Manga Generals, and /ma/ - Manga
Why? That would just create two more dead boards. Cred Forums works for this as it is. If it's not broken then don't fix it.
There's no less shitty rule thread because we don't really need a rule overhaul.
What are you talking about, they still happen. The only difference is that they're now merged with the discussion for the episode of the day because there's nowhere nearly enough content for them to warrant having their own thread anymore.
Oh wait, you people deem those threads to be "generals" so you avoid them, that's why you didn't know.
The mods should just make a fucking sticky, but they're hiding behind these shitty rules-generals.
No seriously, these are generals.
Nah, its not the same at all. Used to be people watching it straight from airing TV every week making it an even. Not just people discussing it when their torrent finished downloading.
There's no bottom in the catalog. If those fun and OC threads you mentioned still mattered at all, the people who exclusively use the catalog would still use them because they're clearly visible.
You know this a troll right.
>Nah, its not the same at all. Used to be people watching it straight from airing TV every week making it an even. Not just people discussing it when their torrent finished downloading.
I'm telling you, that only happens for popular shows that are getting a lot of user traffic/interest.
Why does the OP say generals to be regulated then say make /ag/? Is he retarded?
Please reach bump limit quickly.
>a less shitty one
There's no "less shitty one" in this case. We don't need any change in the rules, so trying to discuss that is pointless - especially for a board like Cred Forums, where the rules are meant to be hidden in order to enforce lurking.
Are you retarded?
We will just make 5 more threads
So which shows did it happen with this season? The most popular shows a few years back of a season would get 100s of posts whilst airing from people watching the stream of it. The most I ever notice in current threads is maybe a couple of comments and someone posting a couple of screenshots taken from whichever nip imageboard they get posted on nowadays.
He is from /qa/.
I know.
yeah OP is retarded
you know getting rid of generals isnt going to make your dead threads suddenly alive and filled with people
generals dont make up 90% of the fucking board its not gonna give your dead threads more attention if you get rid of generals
Doesn't make a difference. Some faggot will just make a new one.
Yes, he is retarded and he's not from here so he doesn't really know how things work.
Get early to any discussion of the most recent episode on the airing day of a show, and you'll see people talking about streaming and posting screencaps from Japan.
This season? None that I'm watching. It doesn't happen all that often fore a reason, there's just not enough people that are hyped enough to sit through raws and post about it on Cred Forums. The last time I remember this actually being a thing is symphogear. The vast majority of series don't have this and it's not particularly that great anyways.
Did you not read what I just said?
>The most I ever notice in current threads is maybe a couple of comments and someone posting a couple of screenshots taken from whichever nip imageboard they get posted on nowadays.
bumping this thread
>>You love manga and love not discussing it
>Who is the cancer here?
If you love manga, then help bump manga threads instead of helping this general clutter up page 1
Why would you even do that.
I didn't know, but after so much shit this past weeks I'm willing to believe anything, no matter how stupid it is.
Final thread
Where's nipplemod when we need him!?
So, should we all kneel to the rules of this ONE SHITTY, SELF RIGHTEOUS MOD or leave things as the are?
Here we fucking go again.
with no survivors
And that's how it is nowadays because streaming Japanese TV made it easier for everyone and there isn't enough interest on anime in general anymore to warrant what you said previously.
See, there he goes. Apparently generals are bad because they make a new thread exactly when the old one reaches bump limit, except for how they never actually do that (unlike this faggot who wants them banned).
Really makes you think.
Mob Psycho 100 has people here on Cred Forums watching the livestreams. At least, they started doing so since three weeks for sure, because that's when I did too.
Wouldn't surprise me if Re:Zero's fanbase here on Cred Forums also did that.
As someone who has browsed Cred Forums more than any other board, please don't split it. Cred Forums split their board and all it did was separate the legit posters of each category and increase the shitposting. The best part about keeping anime and manga on the same board is that you can end up finding stuff that you may not have expected or heard about that is similar to the show or manga you're currently reading. It happens to me all the time, at least.
I do think the general threads and waifu posting needs to be moderated a bit more though. The general threads because they quickly turn into shitposts and the waifu thread because it doesn't contribute to any meaningful discussion.
TL;DR Don't split the board and do a better job moderating all the shitposting that has been running rampant here and Cred Forums in general.
It really did seem more common to me a three or so years ago, even a shitty show like Sasami-san had it in 2013. I think how quickly CR/HS stuff comes out now probably did kill it for most people like the poster earlier said. Most people aren't waiting for hours and hours for some shitty sub group to do it before watching. Rather an hour or so after the simulcast which is near enough when it airs anyway. So unless you are really hyped you aren't going to bother watching something twice in that short a period of time.
It is definitely anime, or rather manga related as a vast majority of manga (and a good amount of anime as well) does not get translated, hence why those threads exist in the first place, newfag.
>Apparently generals are bad because they make a new thread exactly when the old one reaches bump limit, except for how they never actually do that (unlike this faggot who wants them banned).
Have you not realised that at this point they are making new threads as part of shitposting? Read the rules and you can see that these threads have long since gone past their original purpose. This is just a shitposting general now.
Can I have a say in what rules we implement?
No, as we aren't getting any.
You are correct, those dead threads will never exist anymore. Majority have likely left at this point.
Compare the catalog today to 3 years ago. As of right now there are pretty much 0 threads for current airing shows besides the most popular ones.
So I coincide, you guys are correct Cred Forums is not a place for elitist or enthusiast of anime anymore. Its a place for newfags and normalfags to come, shitpost a little and then find their favorite entry level show to post about.
>So I coincide, you guys are correct Cred Forums is not a place for elitist or enthusiast of anime anymore. Its a place for newfags and normalfags to come, shitpost a little and then find their favorite entry level show to post about.
I actually think this is true. All the sincere anime enthusiasts have mostly been driven away by a gradual degradation of posting quality. Posting on Cred Forums used to be so comfy back then, oh well.
>As of right now there are pretty much 0 threads for current airing shows besides the most popular ones.
That's because exactly one show aired today: Masou Gakuen HxH, and it's rather unpopular.
For obvious reasons, namely the lack of popularity and Cred Forums not being as bad of a board as you think, people usually do not make threads for any less popular show outside of their airing day, much less keep necrobumping the ones they've made all week long. This allows new threads for new episodes that get new content to be made more often and for discussion to thrive, while also letting plenty of space for all kinds of miscellaneous discussions in the meanwhile.
But, of course, you wouldn't know about that because you don't care about Cred Forums at all so you don't pay any attention to it.
dick snoodling pictures go on /hm/ or /lgbt/ faggot
Where did they go?
Masou gakuen is a pretty bad show anyways
Dunno I probably wouldn't be here if I did.
Get on here from 2am to 6am (at least in American times). It's like classic Cred Forums.
They learned moon and post on 2ch now.
>gaijin posting on 2ch
The Kevin-kuns of 2ch, probably.
Taboo tattoo ended yesterday, it's gotten barely any threads at all. Saiki barely exist, kuromukuro gets like a thread a week.
I've seen more Muv luv threads then I have seasonal show threads. Muv luv which is basically off-topic as the anime is side material.
The reason that those shows barely have any threads is because they aren't shows that pander to normalfags. They aren't great but they are fun shows to watch and old Cred Forums would at least discuss them more then once a week.
Seriously, I checked the archives for taboo tattoo and it totaled to 19 post in the OP. I'm pretty sure there are more drawfag OP's per a day then there were taboo tattoo threads in weeks.
webtoons should be allowed on Cred Forums