>no sad panda thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not into the "giant girl festish" but this one was actually interesting to read
>mfw the author promises "planetary masturbation" seriously.
what's this TTGL Getter Robo shit
An unwanted microbe exterminator.
What do you guys do now that endless e-hentai doesn't work with ex anymore? I can't fap one page at a time
I was using MangaViewer but they recently switched to a paid patrion system. So I just downloaded an older build and installed as dev to get around this. I'd love to know if there are any other extensions that work.
E[x]-hentai Compact Search +
eze +
Sadpanda torrent inline +
Is all you need.
anyone know of any more like the first?
just straight futa on female with none of the other gross shit
"sole dickgirl" "sole female" -"dickgirl on dickgirl" -"dickgirl on male"
>just straight futa on female with none of the other gross shit
Make a list.
>E[x]-hentai Compact Search
Provide a link.
Some anons were asking for this nonstop and from the cover I even thought it would be good.
And it's actually good.
Any like this? mother son incest preferably from obscure/unknown artists unlike the usual Takagi Kou
>Mom tries to be a good mother after returning to his ex-husband
>She loses the dick war then becomes his sons slut
Weird, it's not on the hentai thread,
You have to install it manually.
Oh, that one.
Yeah, I saw it. I didn't like it, but I guess I may as well add it since it seems you at least like it. I didn't like EH Plus either, but seems to be moderately broken for most anyway.
It removes the ugly (and in some cases persistent) search bar and its options, and adds functional links + search at pages that don't give the option. What's not to like?
I can't access my favorites and it just goes to err
It's mostly a change of aesthetics and I don't really care for the change.
Which is the same reason why I don't use:
Maybe I should categorize that as aesthetic as well.
Log out and then log back in.
i dont fap to futa shit normally
What up
Hey user.
Got any handholding?
Cum on help an user out.
what up
Endless Scanning Works
When you get a chance check irc. Would would it be easier to just email you?
There were bunch of things that user wanted scanning first from my C90 purchases but sadly I cannot remember what those were
Both work, IRC is good now if you want immediate response and I have logging turned on 24/7 but emails works too
I kept thinking that cover was some guy flossing her butt.
I'm looking forward to proper scans of that Aya Shachou book.
Is there a better artist of the thicc medium?
Anyway to auto-convert e-g links to ex links?
In what context? Give more information.
I know right? Because of that I had to reshuffle my scanning order a bit but rest assured, a better scan will be coming soon though knowing my luck someone is already work on translating/editing that copy
fucking hell is nobody going to scan this?
or this
So, you mean in the Cred Forums threads?
You have a list of g.e. links you want to paste but want them to be ex or do you mean you want the g.e. links other people paste to change to ex?
Be more specific.
Does any of the fakku exclusives ever make it to sad panda?
If it's in a Cred Forums thread, just click the [eh] and choose view on exhentai
Yes, but then they are expunged and/or purged.
It doesn't matter though, plenty of places to download them or view them online.
Two additional clicks but I guess that works, thanks.
On the other hand, there is no way to really tell it's from e-hentai or exhentai so it's kinda unreliable.
brown tod should not be that erotic
Huh? E-hentai links have [EH] and Exhentai links have [Ex]
Blind as fuck, my bad.
I used to have a regular who bought these as they came out but seems someone else has picked up the slack
I like brown but was not aware of that doujinshi
Does anyone have the link to the hentai where it's like a shy bottom who has a ridiculously large penis and thinks the other one would hate him for it but instead he just sucks him off?
It's posted all the time but recently I cleared my history so i'm outta luck.
Nevermind, found it exhentai.org
Mangaloader script
>E-Hentai Highlighter: sleazyfork.org
How do I make the highlighted text white instead of black.
Here's the usual dose of Hakujira preggos.
Lets bitch about 5am selling out and the fact that the latest Ponsuke release has not been decrypted yet.
Managed to mess up the link.
>has not been decrypted yet.
What are you even talking about?
the moon runes
Do something about it then.
Centorea plz...
Werewolf classroom is now complete! Lacking an unrelated extra chapter/tank scan re-edit from full tankoubon status. Enjoy.
That's a pretty good one, had almost completely forgotten about it despite some user mailing and asking me about it. I'll see how difficult it is to scan today.
What kind of censorship are we looking at, if you don't mind my asking.
Hotmilk 2016-11
>Kagura Moromi, Shino, Monorino, Shindou, Gustav, Rocket Monkey, Uesugi Kyoshirou, Akisora Sawayaka, Uekan, Bakuya, Eight Man, Onapan, Kozakura Kumaneko, Usoneko
ExE Vol.3 preview
Ishikei's mom is indeed getting the dick
I'll get back to you on that when I get home from the office in around 6 hours. I would say it was average but I have the worst memory so it could actually be pretty brutal though samples look positive toranoana.jp
Oh well that answers it perfectly, I meant were we looking at lines, mosaic, or full blown white out.
Lines is the best we can hope for, thanks.
wtf I hate girls now
New senpai books should be up later tonight
and the other one
Shitty lineup
American as fuck.
Shitsurakuten 2016-10
>Artists: momi (cover), Karasu, Momoduki Suzu, MEME50, Inoue Makito, Parabola, Tabigarasu, Puniiyu, Syowmaru, Tamatsuyada, Nakano Sora, Ao Banana,
Chimple Hotter, Naito Loveca, Shiomaneki, Madoutei, Satou Souji, Tatsu Tairagi
more of this position?
The only good Maikbe Kurisu anal
Can someone search 702350 in their history? It is from May 2014
Sadly Gate did not end up spawning all that many doujinshi but here's a fresh one that I picked up with my previous Toranoana order toranoana.jp
When's that new slut-focused magazine dropping?
Kalevala do you live in Japan if not what is the turn-around time for ordering off of toranoana I heard they recently set up a way for those outside of Japan to order from them
I live in Finland. Toranoana generally reserves 1 to 3 weeks for shipping out stuff according to their FAQ. During Comiket and COMIC1 it might take even longer for them to get the stuff because of XYZ.
You can read about their way for you to get as white pig here toranoana.jp
Along with this I got the latest Ohkura Bekkan.
Since it's KonoSuba, I expect some hilarious reaction faces from it toranoana.jp
Ok, I was just wondering since Tora just recently made it easier to get their stuff if you didn't live in Japan.
I heard you take commissions, and would like to get some advice on starting to scan commissions myself. If you don't want to talk about it here feel free to PM me on the panda forums at Ero-Sennin.
I'm somewhat irregular when it comes to commissioners, you might be able to gleam some wisdom from these two though
Man that looks like a fair amount of work. With my workload scanning even part time may not even work. I guess I will just do seasonal work in the summer and winter for comiket.
It does doesn't it? Makes me long for the days when I could just NEET full-time. Add to that the people who are shocked that you might actually want money for your time and that you do not purchase things for free.
You know it. I really regret putting out in my thread that I work in Japan now. Since I did that I have random guys PMing me asking to buy and scan books for them.
I pretty much scare away possible commissioners because I live in Mordor but in your case the whole "I'm actually in Japan" is like a flame to a moth
Hey at least Mordor has hot girls there who speak the same language as you. However I will admit it is pretty nice to be able to use the pickup in store feature when buying books online.
where's Girls ForM vol.13
it's been 22 days since release and no E-book version to buy anywhere
More Parabola, Akai Mato and Piririnegi pls ;-;
Boku no Hero Academia fatmom please. (frog is good too)
I have this with me, but I delay its release by a week every time someone asks about it
Current release date: November 2016
Did Parabola do something in it? Whats the best entry in it?
>Not knowing the best femdom cuckold story in hentai
Come on
his name is not on the list tho. and he usually tweet sample before release.
Shittiest tier fetish desu.
That is not how you spell NTR
NTR is shit but I honestly think femdom is kind of pathetic. At least I can sort of see why someone with testosterone could conceivably get off to the former.
I don't mind light femdom but yeah hard femdom really isn't my bag, and don't get me started on cock and ball torture. Only those who truly walk the path a darkness can enjoy that
2D CBT is exaggerated for effect. IRL CBT is controlled.
I can believe that but all the same I have an line and CBT is well past it.
Im ok with CBT but I only have it at dick flicking. The girl from Akai Mato's story does it all the time. Anything more than that I consider a no, like literal ball kicking
Should be up anytime soon
I hope
It's not going to happen is it
This one is done I want to post it with the other one so give me an hour and I will have them both up.
What the hell might as well post this one now
>11 favorites left until 1000
Why use favorites wouldn't it be easier just to save it to your computer.
Man it still brings me down that Lunch is no longer with us. He was only active for a little while but for a time he was the King of Vanilla.
So? Favorites are unlimited.
Favorites top out at 25000
No more favorite limits
The limit for how many favorites you can store was removed. There is still a limit for how many notes you can store, and the readout on the screen where you add/modify favorites will now show that instead.
The old hath perks for increased favorite limits will now increase the number of notes allowed instead, and were renamed accordingly.
More Favorites I and II were also combined. Note that because of caching, the readout could still be showing the old limit for a day or so if you only had the first one.
I did not know that. It is mostly because I see no reason to ever use favorites. I download everything I like. I remember when the whole Wani drama first started and how people where ass blasted about their favorites getting removed. You would think after that people would wise up and just save stuff, I mean come on hard drives are pretty cheap now a days.
>shitruka bakaudon's twitter got deleted
serves her fucking right
fucking psycho bitch
fuckin who?
for what?
Why can't they just add a fucking dickgirl on female tag?
Anyone know any absurd titles not to the point where shit gets too weird
>fucking in public while worrying someone might see them
>doing it in front of relatives non NTR
>some weird shit like making them wear pig snout masks
>new Yukino Minato book
>no rape
>no loli suffering
>just a plain cute loli having sex with someone who seems to be heir neighbor
What the fuck is going on? I've been waiting for something like this my entire life. Hopefully better scans show up one day, I need to fap to this a few more times.
How are you supposed to mark what you've already downloaded or what is worth downloading?
I was going to write an extension to look up stuff in my downloads but just using favorites is easier
Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me find these two hentai I've read before.
The first one is about a guy who's grandfather dies so he goes to take care of his house up in the mountains. There live some women. I remember an Indian and American women.
The other one I only read the beginning but it was about this girl who was getting gangbanged by a group of men in a small village. The girls classmate found out and was watching through the window. After they're done he walks in or leaves not so sure.
Any help would be great.
You were just shown why.
I just use Happypanda. I throw all my files in a folder and let Happypanda work it out. I will admit it is a lot of work if you already have a lot of stuff. However if you are starting from zero then it is super easy.
The main thing is upkeep. If you don't have a system to keep on top of thing you are going to have a bad time. It sounds like hard work and in a way it is, but once you get a system going it is pretty easy. I have over 3000 doujin/manga and rarely download the same thing twice. After a while you just sorta "Know" what you have
The main thing is to spot using online resources to manage your stuff. You should be keep what you like offline on hard drives and sorting it yourself. It is more work but you will be more secure in the long run
I read online and just download the .torrents, then once in a while upload to my NAS and let the client download everything in one folder.
It wouldn't be hard to automate everything by using the gallery id from the torrent and then doing stuff with the API, but having a copy is enough
And here is the 2nd one
If that works for you go for. I just don't like the idea of not having things I like saved
>miyamoto issa
Oh yeah
Trust no one, not even yourself.
shota ntr pls
I still prefer the chinese one
There's plenty of information in the thread to easily find it mate.
The yearly update is here. Anyone else other than me that still looks forward to each Dulce?
That's some hard rage inducing story, almost on netoraserare level there, maybe even more because of the femdom.
Femdom, netorare and the male degeneration is such a shitty combination
Digital version of G4M is always a month after release. So it's still a little over a week away.
Is anyone TLing this? I'd do it but I don't wanna TL the sfx
Post: NTR.
Q has really grown on me over the years. Didn't enjoy his stuff too much at first, even back when dickgirls were hard to come by, but now I really fucking love how his portrayals of girls turning into lust driven beasts controlled by their oversized dicks. Also helps that futa on genderbent male is fucking hot.
>futa on genderbent male
Isn't that basically yaoi with tits?
Only think it has in common with yaoi is that it involves a dick.
Art is unfappable unfortunately.
user that commissioned this doujinshi, I threw some mail your way
Looks like I have my work cut out for me
What's that manga/doujin where some girl gets fucked in front of the whole class?
Does this count?
I know some of those are already up on exh so might be worth checking first.
Requesting pic related.
You'll need to give us something more to go on. There's hundreds like that.
Is your body ready?
Mine is but it won't last for sure
14/10 is for episode 2 with the actual Pinkerton story, but unfortunately it's Queen Bee.
The others are unknown, except Fella Hame which is Edge and they're kinda good.
I NEED this one lads
What are the chances it ever appears? The artist seems fairly well-known.
>animated hentai
Not even once.
I'd just want an autoredirect to ex when it's a g.e link that fjords. Using the forum links as an example if you try to look at anything in the vigilante forum you have to manually change90% of the links.
99% of animated shit looks awful
Queen bee is literally cancer flash animations
Poro is the same fucking shit over and over with derpy same faces
That Fella lips looks like its using the designer whos art makes everything look like vomit and animated the previous Fue animated one with the sister.
Honestly the only recent shit i've enjoyed was stuff like Tenioha, the newest Kansen, That Mogudan maid one, that Kyonyuu Fantasy series, Evil Woman series, that Haha Musume Donburi thing with the THICK mother and daughter and the Gyakuten Majo Saiban and Baku Ane.
Join the super seekrit klub and you can view everything on g.e. I don't know why you would want to though; the dark theme is much easier on the eyes.
One of my favorite fetishes is innocent girls discovering masturbation or sex for the first time, but I can never find it on purpose. Is there a name for this or does anyone know any good doujins?
inb4 >spoonfeeding
Yeah I'm a piece of shit, I'll kill myself after I finish fapping.
What about if you wanted to search for futa on female without limiting it to just two partners. What if you wanted a work with a futa fucking 2 girls in it but not as the same time, Any kind of multiple chapter situation where one is futa on girl and the rest are not, or any kind of grouping. You can't say searching for sole person x2 is the same as being able to just search for a tag if they had one. It excludes a ton of possible content.
I'm not spending $100 to just make tagging and fixing names easier. I already wasted hath on ads be gone but missed the legacy version.
Exactly what you said, but it's still worth checking out to see the next gem worthy of wasting HD space.
It's still a waste that Queen Bee keeps getting good stuff like Pinkerton and Houkago Initiation:
But you never know when the next Kanojo x3 might come out...
You can trade credits for a gold star (that's how I got mine years ago), but you need a lot of them, meaning you need to grind the porn game like a madman
>But you never know when the next Kanojo x3 might come out...
And it's still worse than just playing the game.
I don't get it, are you praising or shitting on the games?
They were clearly superior to the anime
New comic X-Eros when?
Any help with this ? Using bamboo script for aesthetic purpose
New as in #47?
Release date is 9/26
> translating shit
> clean all pages yesterday in the afternoon
> get 8 pages fully done last night
> lose all motivation today
You can do it user!
For all of our dicks!
I'm saying that hentai anime never beats the source, even in the best case.
Make a list of the relevant galleries and there can be.
E-Hentai Highlighter was recently updated to be able to hide any rated galleries. So you can rate any galleries you've downloaded and they won't appear any longer. Though, this doesn't help for updated galleries. Not much does. Same goes for ExVisited.
There are various other solutions.
Here's a simple script that does exactly that.
You shouldn't keep that option permanently enabled, though it's useful when browsing older galleries. Updated galleries inherit the rating of their parents, so if a gallery gets updated and you're hiding rated galleries, you're going to miss the update
I guess I was unclear what I meant by
>Though, this doesn't help for updated galleries. Not much does
My mistake.
preview is up
>Artists: Henreader (cover), Harigane Shinshi, Naganoro, Akinosora, Ash Yokoshima, Tinn Hisakawa, MGMEE, Dibi, F4U, Dagashi, Kito Sakeru, Woruto, Kosuke Haruhito, Akizuki Itsuki, hiyocco, Shikkarimono no Takashi-kun, Ekakibit, Kerorin, Kurohekiten, Tokupyon, co_mo, Ryu Shinonome, Mogiki Hayami, fu-ta, Samozumo Tooru, Rama, Heriyama
Is there a backup plan for exhentai? Like, what's going to happen if something happens to the owner or if the host suddenly terminates service? I bet a lot of shit is going to be lost forever because people rely on online galleries too much instead of saving things.
Juhannus (the GuP one) is already scanned on the panda, please scan the aki mika makko one in the lower part and the nishizumi maho shiho one in the upper part.
I bookmark every gallery and slowly save them to DVDs, slowly mostly because I grind my ass off in HentaiVerse to download them instead of saving page by page.
One day you chucklefucks will beg for my galleries, one day.
What is this, 2006?
Rocket Monkey caught my attention. Too bad he only does shitty vanilla now. Shindou might be good.
Naganoro, Woruto, Rama.
Imagine being this autistic
post hentais where girls submit to the cock.
post galleries where boys submit to the cock
>I grind my ass off in HentaiVerse to download them
How/why is this a thing?
Is it a form of punishment for using up bandwidth?
Can't you just rip galleries using a script or browser plugin?
Because it's fun to play it and I get a fake sense of accomplishment by paying with HV credits for galleries.
Also gotta keep my monsters fed so I had to grind anyway.
>Fetus cannibalism
Is this it? Have I reached the bottom of the barrel?
N-no it can't be. I'm just curious. I don't have a hentai addiction. It's society's problem that they are so pristine.
I'll fap to it once and then return to normal life. Just this last hit... the last one...
Don't you ever doubt your dick, user.
There's literally nothing wrong with it.
is this shiruka bakaudon?
is really easy, just report her for child violence, 2 accounts were suspended like that
Why do bad things happen to good people?
I hope something replaces twitter soon.
The fatmom one seems promising, I should have it ready for release by Friday.
If you've gotten off the deep end in terms of fap material like me, femdom, male humiliation and NTR is a godsend. Granted, anything physical like guro still terms me off, but psychological stuff really gets me going. Its come to a point that I fap to "beta" tier fetishes like feminization and chastity on the account that they are classified as such.
is there a name for the body type on the far left, because there should be
Well-endowed midgets with horns?
Shortstack but there's no tag for it, often gets confused with oppai loli.
I love this chapter.
alright well
Post stuff with it if you can, it's a crime against humanity that it's rare.
post mini girl, fairies
Rito channelling the spirit of Mankoto.
>tfw some wonderful bastard uploaded a better version of this.
>Rocket Monkey
I'm down. Everything this dude makes is golden.
i bet you're talking about gunma:
wow this is upsetting. I could have sworn that kisaragi gunma also did a story about a grandfather who dies and then haunts/possesses his prude son into fucking all the girls that are super into him, but i can't find it. am i thinking of a different artist or has it gone missing perhaps?
you are retarded
always a boon, Cred Forums user
this one gets me every time
maximum heart-boner
So I tried stalking some people, I found a 2012 account with 0 forum. Yet, last year this account can add 500 hath to that 6k hath bounty. No upload either, what's the purpose of this account?
Nice tits.
It's cute.
is sad panda down for anyone else
>mozilla updates firefox
>eze downloader now crashes the browser when it completes a small download
Works just fine for me
arigato gozaimasu
Anyone got the source for this? please
It's from a tank fully translated on english, I can remember the gallery because it had the index page on the comments section
Tags that might help, netorare, rape, english, group.
These drawings are too cute.
>still not learning Japanese
What is your favorite doujin with milfs that are complete shotacons?
I saw this on another thread and I NEED to sauce.
If I'm not mistaken, is this one where she's an loli idol and her brother's her producer as well and she gets him to fuck all her friends?
I thought it was Ohtomo Takuji, but it's not.
Nevermind, just realized it's from Shirobako... dunno why I remembered the blonde loli story.
Anyone got this?
>netorare, rape, , group.
Thanks for warning
But he might get 10k backlogs
Better than making 10k posts about how sad you are that X isn't translated.
Preggo to the left of blue chick near the bottom, or the centaur would be at the top of my list, but I tend to lean more to /d/ so that's just me.
Definitely not alone, I reread it every once in a while just to get my head around the plot, I keep forgetting shit.
With any luck no new series will catch is attention for c91, and he gives us 2 chapters in a year, but that's just a pipe dream, parodies usually sell a lot better than originals from what I understand.
yep, also having issues
why panda why
I'm currently having issues connecting to the site. It loads at times a bit slow like if I was on DSL or Dialup and at times it loads fast or just doesn't load at all. Something about Secure Connection Failure.
Wasn't sure if it was me or it was going down again or my IPS was being a dick again.
Glad it wasn't just me. I'm was getting the same problems and then just got that 503 error.
Seems like I'm getting the Panda image now after it all went down. I'm guess the same for you folks?
Seems to be back up now
Over on the /h/ thread, some dude mentioned the mod team now "watching" another dude and that he needs to tread lightly. Is this bullshit or what? Be some spooky shit if the mods did some huntin'.
where my loli prostitute bros @
What about loli corruption?
what about loli prostitution corruption?
>tag: impregnation
>its just a last page timeskip with her being pregnant
>tag: impregnation
>it's just one tiny panel where a girl says she might get pregnant if the guy comes inside
Anime girls are really fertile don't you know?
Is needing to see sperm fertilize an egg a new level of degeneracy?
It's subject to the presence rule. Impregnation fetish needs to be present in 25% of the gallery, not a single bubble.
But that's the best part.
Then why are there tags that can't ever pass the presence rule? Why do do they keep them? Are they traps to ban taggers?
>create vanilla tag
>ban any account that uses it once from tagging
That would be hilarious.
>no Kon-kit in JSCK Vol.7
Why even bother
kon-kit is terrible in every way.
It's okay user, not everyone can have good taste
We forgive you, no need to get yourself down
Oddly doesn't work for me going to g.e-hentai.org
>tags: -mother -milf -son -shotacon -incest -femdon -nakadashi
Worked for me, I don't know what to tell you.
The code's really short for it.
if (title.search("Gallery Not Available") != -1) {document.title = "Redirecting..." url = url.replace("g.e-hentai", "exhentai");}
From that, all it does is look at tab title and works from that. Maybe it's your browser or something else.
For example, this thread says Cred Forums Cred Forums - >no sad panda thread in the tab title.
Locon you massive faggot, i can't stop fapping to traps now.
Then fap to Locon's heterosexual works. They exist! Locon drawing boys having sex with girls!
>cover is cute
>art is cute
>plot is full of rape and blackmailing
>judging a book by its cover
There, I'm healed now.
Oh it's this dude again, those gyaru books he did were "interesting" pity the guy stopped commissioning the translations for it.
I...I want this book...
any cow girls
i already read the shindoL one
Well if you can fap to that hilarious fucker you can fap to neromashin.
This is just in
I'm too lazy to look for my Damedame screencaps where Akatsuki gets mad when she's called a loli.
Funcking learn how to draw.
But it's good, keep working on it. Loli / 20
Such as?
Things like snuff, nakadashi, and impregnation can pretty much only take a single page at most.
Then downvote them when they don't pass the rule.
I guess people that want to see nakadashi and impregnation don't just want a single fucking page of it. I'd be pissed if I found a book with my fetish, but it not really being represented.
Snuff only needs a single picture though.
Tagging against the general consensus sounds like a great way to fuck your tagging score up.
Is noted as a clear example of the 1-image-only presence rule in the tagging rules.
Even assuming a work is only 16 pages long (and almost everything is longer than that), you'd need at least 3-4 pages of nakadashi to pass the presence rule
Unless the guy has a hydrant for a cock and either keeps cumming non-stop for 4 pages straight or cums multiple times and all of them inside, it's kind of hard to find galleries that would satisfy the presence rule
Sure. Which is why people would want the tag to be precise, rather than all encompassing. It's a bit useless if you still need to filter after searching with a tag.
>tagging score
Get vig to help you, being afraid of going against the grain is how we get shitty tagging.
>Tagging against the general consensus sounds like a great way to fuck your tagging score up.
Isn't that why you should report mistaggings on the forums?
How does tagging accuracy even work? If it goes with the majority's opinion, then what's even the point of downvoting any tag?
I guess all that time spent grinding to 12 mod power just to pretend I can do anything about all the loli mistagging was wasted even harder than I previously thought.
>check tagging history
>negative votes are worth half the amount of points as your positive votes
Much harder than I thought.
Never worry about the majority, just what's right. There are veto holders precisely because too many people vote like sheep and don't actually pay attention to what's there.
Sadpanda is quite shit, why is it shit you ask?
Let's say some fucker decides to upload his translated work but then finds out there are mistranslations and edits it, how are you going to find out unless you have this specific work of his bookmarked and constantly checking it every day? Well, you fucking can't.
Fucking awful system
When they edit, it appears as a "new" work and such, and the old one is hidden.
So it's just the same as you'd find any other work.
It doesn't, if it did, why would they write in the comments "Hey u guys I'm editing this, won't tell you at what date either deal with it" and that's it.
>It doesn't
You're dumb and deserve to continue being dumb.
Not seeing how that's panda's fault.
>if it did, why would they write in the comments "Hey u guys I'm editing this, won't tell you at what date either deal with it" and that's it.
You don't understand the concept of people possibly being stupid/wrong on the internet?
sauce anyone?
>Not seeing how that's panda's fault.
Autism, get the fuck out if you're retarded.
You are also fucking retarded, they have to write in the comment section if it's been edited because otherwise, there is no other way to find out if it's been updated.
It doesn't appear as new work you dumb cunt.
>they have to write in the comment section if it's been edited because otherwise, there is no other way to find out if it's been updated.
Yes, that would be true if that's how it works. However, it could be that they don't understand how the system works. Thus that they're doing something that isn't necessary. Providing user action because of their perceived function as proof of that function is wrong.
It does appear as a "New" gallery since it will have a new timestamp and be bumped to the top once they post. You're just looking dumber and angrier with each post.
Let me explain it like this.
You create gallery A, publish it. It appears on day 1 with some ID of number X.
You can't actually "edit" galleries, you create a new one and hide the previous one, that's how it works. So when you "edit" a gallery, it'll create a new one with ID Y, on date 2, and when you publish it, it'll appear as new work (top of the list and all), with new date, new number, and the gallery X is HIDDEN.
You can still access the previous gallery by clicking it's parent ID, but on search it'll only show the "updated" (actually new) gallery.
You can't stealth edit on panda, you have to republish which makes the new gallery a child of the old one.
Source: I actually upload.
>You can't actually "edit" galleries, you create a new one and hide the previous one,
You always have access to every version of the gallery ever posted, you tard. You just have to keep clicking on "parent" to go up the gallery tree. The "parent" of a gallery is the previous version of the gallery itself, before the uploader changed it.
Example: exhentai.org
Keep clicking on parent and eventually you'll reach the first version of the gallery, the one with just one chapter
The reason people add edit logs is so other people don't have to check every file to know what exactly changed
>waiting for translations
You're also dumb, and your attempt at sarcasm also implies you don't know about quote usage and that you don't upload galleries, or if you do, that you can't read.
No you dumb cunt. The other day I looked at a tank uploaded and translated in 2014 and it turned out the uploader himself updated the torrent in late 2015 because "it missed a few pages" (which he also pointed out in the comment section).
The translated tank was uploaded in mid 2014, go fuck yourself with your pathetic lies to defend a broken shit site.
This is going nowhere. Post a link to this tank you speak of.
>and it turned out the uploader himself updated the torrent in late 2015 because "it missed a few pages" (which he also pointed out in the comment section).
Torrent =/= gallery. Maybe only the torrent was broken. If it wasn't just the torrent, then he should've edited the gallery as well, otherwise the torrent doesn't even match.
You can't update a gallery that's over an year old or something along those lines, in those cases you'd just create a completely new one and expunge the older one as replaced. Doesn't change the fact that this one particular user is a retard who doesn't know how panda operates.
The torrents are managed by the users, not by the system. Any user can upload any torrent and associate it to any gallery. Granted, if it's a completely unrelated torrent it will probably be removed by the vigilante sooner or later, but the system itself gives absolutely no fucks about what people do with torrents
At this point, I'm guessing he's just trolling, because I believe no human can be that dumb.
Funny how you didn't mention that at all until now to try and save face.
Never assume there is a minimum to stupidity.
Some people just go full pantsu on head retarded and when proven wrong just drop even more spaghetti.
Like this fellow.
On an unrelated note:
EH Infinite Scroll: github.com
Doesn't quite seem to work for me. When I load up the front page or any search with this userscript enabled (doesn't matter if I enable or disable my other scripts) it just shows Loading instead of galleries forever.
The readme file on the github isn't exactly verbose either. Does anybody else have that problem or is my setup just fucked?
hello please upload Yukimi's stay seeds and mix juice
They're readily available already.
not just torrents, also with UPDATED galleries
Tried installing it on both Firefox and Chrome and it seems to work
Damn user. You made me remember the dead kings of vanilla like Lunch, Homunculus, Tosh, and all the others. Now I have to fap to their works and get depressed since they will never release a chapter again.
Homunculus started releasing new stuff early this year
It's not on panda due to being Wani
It's down for me too.
Not me
It came back as I posted
ExE 4 lineup preview
Aya Shachou
Endou Okito
Kazuma Muramasa
Kuroiwa Madoka
Kurosawa Yuri
Kokonoki Nao
Suzuhane Suzu
Suruga Rinu
Tamon Ketsuyuki
Tsukinami Kousuke
Nanamiya Tsugumi
Herio (pixiv.net
Mozuya Murasaki
Yasui Riosuke
Yaya Hinata
Warabino Matsuri
Hoping and praying that Aya Shachou isn't just an illustration
Hmm more Neet? Interesting, I thought chapter 2 mentioned it was supposed to be a three part story. Not that I'm complaining, love his art. Also hope Kokonoki sticks with the pregnancy stories and we get a tank full of them.
Does anyone have an idea why the Bamboo plugin doesn't work for me? I have tried disabling all other plugins and tried both Chrome and Firefox, but literally nothing happens.
Guess I'll wait for Vol.5
>Seto Yuuki still doing that voice soft shit instead of concentrating on drawing new stuff
>in the middle of the list
Nice, so he's doing a full story here and only a cover for X-Eros.
The list is alphabetical, don't take order of appearance as meaningful.
just run H@H, you'll get tons of hath in no time
Well fuck. Still won't abandon hopes though.
Time to find it then.
Is it even possible to run it if you have third world internet and can't leave a computer on 24/7?
You can submit an application, but if you can't leave the computer on 24/7 and have at least ~400 KB/s in upload speed, it will almost certainly be rejected
You can just go to fakku to find out
Any new NTR doujin?
Reading must be difficult
how do i filter Source:fakku from panda chaika?
Oh yeah, because I don't want to edit anymore
Post the script, and someone will be working on this
> Nanamiya Tsugumi
Man I hadn't heard from this guy in a while.
I don't think so, I've posted one or two other scripts on /h/ expecting someone else would edit from works relatively new (and thus known) but I had to do it myself in the end after a couple of months.
This is definitely not an excuse that I don't have an script since I do it as I typeset.
But if someone's willing to edit, we might work something out, or I'll do it when a sudden spark of motivation hits me again.
Any Saseco previews yet?
I want to know what Shinozuka Yuuji's cooking.
>milf gets fucked by her girlfriend's boyfriend except he dominates her
Two things:
1. Previews for any magazine usually come out 10 days before the release at absolute maximum, most of the time it's within a week before release
2. Akaneshinsha is particularly crap with previews, probably the worst among eromanga publishers. Only Koh gets proper previews, and they're tweeted instead of gathered in one place neatly.
Rebis posted that he finished his chapter yesterday and showed this. Though it's probably just a short color chapter.
I didn't want to repeat the word "fuck" all over the story and couldn't think of anything else.
Rereading my own translations is a very painful experience.
Problems, user?
>Rereading my own translations is a very painful experience.
Yeah I get what you mean
Most of the time I don't even want to read the finished product
I hope you've learned since then that including a "with" after "screwed" changes the meaning entirely.
To screw someone = to have sex with someone
To screw with someone = to tease/bully/annoy someone
Who the fuck are you? You sound like one entitled little faggot lol
I've been trying a little harder to make the sentences sound more natural but it's still very hard for a shitty mediocre ESL like me.
The only people who give me feedback are you guys when someone posts one of my pages here and start pointing out the glaring mistakes and awkward writing.
My rationale is, if the artist reuses the same term through (even though Japanese has 1000 synonyms for every word), you should reuse the same term too, unless it sounds really silly
>still no scans
>Suzuhane Suzu
>Mozuya Murasaki
>Yasui Riosuke
Not bad at all
I took a look at the code and it's basically a simple userstyle. Why the author felt the need to make it a script instead of just a simple userstyle is anyone's guess
I removed the useless JS code and turned it into pure CSS, add it on Stylish and it should work: gist.github.com
Anybody have a userscript or something that redirects g.e-hentai links to exhentai automatically? Regardless of origin site, so not x-links or something.
Anyone else here on Arch? I just updated and now cbz files are no longer generating thumbnails, have a second PC running arch, updated it too and exactly the same problem.
Altering links on every page you visit is a pointless waste of time, just use a script that redirects you to ex if you open a page on g.e: gist.github.com
That's exactly what I wanted, though I probably worded it wrong. Thanks man.
I recognize the art but i can't remember the artist. Please help.
Then you're a shit translator
By putting source: panda in the filter box.
Hello same user who made the flags script.
Thanks for being useful and helpful.
A meme OS gives meme problems.
Any redrawers interested in redrawing this?
It's still only on Mikocon, Tsuchinoko's new chapter of a girl who doesn't say no and is quite the whore because of it.
There's 40 pages long and about 20~ have text over art, but nothing too insane/big, just more like this page.
It's also interesting that she's the sister of this:
And she has two more younger sisters who got into prostitution...
That only works on sites that x-links functions on. The user wanted it to do so EVERYWHERE.
Thank you! It works on Firefox now (still nothing on chrome though)
Manage installed styles > Write new style > Import > past the code there > Overwrite style > Save
New parody from methonium.
you could sca everything.
Personaly I would like to see all the loli ones scanned
Why aren't there more girls with braces in hentai?
That did the trick! Thanks for your help
(C85) [Spermation (Tamatsuyada, Satou Kimiatsu)]
must buy
How many pages has Distance chapter? Might comission it depending on the answer.
>expect hot sex with gentle macho-san
>goes to Exe 2 and 3
>it's just blue balls, the manga
Why ExE allowed this hack to be included in the lineup?
Fuck yes
It's over 2 months away from getting released dude, no idea. The artist list itself isn't even set in stone yet. Unless you're referring to the one in ExE 3, in which case it should be 40 pages.
Let me confirm, the one from ExE 3, right?
What are some of your guys favorite femdom comics?
Can't believe Nanao aka Mahaya got here while drawing Raildex's illustration for Kamachi.
g-guise, what should i do if i tried to log in today and it says account not found? i still have the extension so it will get to the login page, and my google autofill confirms i'm not doing anything wrong.. it's been so long since i made an account i don't even remember how to make a new one or reset my password, i dont even remember which email i used
We get at least a retard like you in every single thread. The answer is the same: stop using the extension, it doesn't work anymore
>plugin users
How many time do you have to be told to stop?
i don't even come to Cred Forums anymore either, i just use sadpanda every once in a while and move on. i dont really keep up to date, so my apologies. is there an easier way now?
Is this a meme right? No way isn't a meme poster.
The plugin was the harder way, clearly.
Does anyone know how to recover deleted temporary internet files without any sort of recovery software?
Why in the world would you need that? I bet it's for something extremely stupid.
Be more specific.
Also, you probably can't.
>Q has really grown on me over the years
The opposite holds true for me; I used to like 'em, but their material's been getting progressively more grotesque over the years and it's really stressed the limits of my tolerances. Pic related; the more they push it the more I'm put off by it.
Anything that involves a maid assaulting her master?
Such effects.
Though, it makes me wonder how much is possible from even just highlighting a post, let alone the true power of posting.
>Henreader (cover)
Because I needed those files, otherwise I wouldn't be asking.
I don't know what about that requires specification; the expiration date rolled over before I could get around to delaying their deletion.
What were the files that you needed?
For firefox you can use this addon
with pic related
Gallery links now redirect to exhentai. You could add some more rules if you want more g.e-hentai locations to redirect
Already solved here: Though yours is even more general.
Does it matter?
Well, if it isn't related to sadpanda, then I don't know why you'd be asking here.
Why can't you use recovery software?
I also want to know how, but I don't think it's that simple.
Well, clearly it was mod/admin that did it, not a regular user.
Yes, it IS related to sadpanda.
I'm paranoid about downloading software off the internet. Certainly there must be SOME way to do this with just the resources that come with the computer system!
What could it possibly be then?
Your sadpanda cookies?
Did you forget your username, password, and email?
If you don't like downloading stuff, then shouldn't be from any script or anything else.
Not the cookies; just gallery web addresses.
google: restore browser history
Props, bruh. It'll have to wait until tomorrow, but here's hoping it works...
I have a pretty tough test tomorrow, give me some good teachers
>Have developed a severe preference for vanilla anal (for the most part)
>Most artists are lousy, too centership happy. Or just go /d/ levels of weird
Well hell.
Man will learn at no other.
Thanks dude, this is what I wanted the guy who made xlinks told that you could click on the [EH] thingy to change it, but it was still kinda meh to do it.
I don't see this option, mind telling me were is at?
Let's get that made!
>Want to fap
>Cant fap
>Forced nofap
Shit sucks, im getting hard to everything.
Anyone want to recommend a #1alltime choice?
>someone makes a doujin about the cute ghost from Flying Witch
>it's giantess vore
That is exactly why.
post big dick vanilla
Do people fap to this?
Won't system restore make him lose all the stuff he's saved since then?
Yeah but they wouldn't make what you're looking for.
Where should I go for commissions.
What price range per page/character should I be looking for without getting ripped off
what's ExE 4, is it some sort of Comiket?
There's one group that charges about 1 cent per page
>1 cent per page
You mean per character?
Nah per page, but they focus on vanilla stuff
You do realize that means they do would 100 pages for a dollar right?
This sounds more like "requests with a bit of commitment" more than commission.
>You do realize that means they do would 100 pages for a dollar right?
Yes I realize that. I dunno how many members are in their group but their output is around 1,200 pages per month
That isn't commissioning at all. That's a subscription.
Also, it isn't anywhere near 1,200 pages per month.
Actually they publish more than 1200 pages per month
i ike this
>their output is around 1,200 pages per month
see it's more than 1200
>bringing up Fakku when talking about commissions
Check the spreadsheet, look at some of their previous work and then just pick two or three and ask them for a quote.
They really don't finish all 3 magazines in the same month. They also rate the limit of their releases to have a steady flow, so that's irrelevant as well.
>not promoting yourself
For what purpose?
>They really don't finish all 3 magazines in the same month
They have consistently finished all magazines in their release month for quite some time, check the spreadsheet.
>They also rate the limit of their releases to have a steady flow, so that's irrelevant as well
Also wrong. They release them over the release month, which makes what said correct
Yes, I am looking at the spreadsheet for the percentages as well as seeing when they start and end.
Okay good then you can see that they do in fact achieve 1200 page each month. I thought you were being a dumbass by arguing differently, my bad
Why the fuck are you guys arguing about this, the person was asking about commissions. It's not relevant to anything. Just stop.
>threesome with a small girl and a big girl
>there's even cum inflation and cervix penetration out of nowhere
>it's also cute as fuck
I don't have enough dicks for this
Kuroneko smith is a god
Here's Comic Magnum X vol. 25. I grabbed it due to a new chapter of Tatsunami Youtoku's story.
>people tag it as loli because one character has small tits
Why did they change it from futa to dickgirl?
Why is ruuen rouga stuff still untranslated?
Just finished this and the thread is dying.
Give me 10 reasons it should be
Fucking genius.
dickgirl is futanari + shemale
Read about it in the forum if you want to know.
>she wakes up
Tankoubon version is pretty much uncensored.
I havent faplaughed this hard since that one eva doujin
Yay got the script for some delicious Karasu.
This is great too bad it won't get translated for a long time, same with the sequel to their other one
Put your money where your mouth is.
Nigga im broke as fuck, or I would have gotten all the persons work translated, hell if I was rich I would pay the creator to pump out more great material
Has anyone noticed that Korean and Chinese scanners are kinda dicks? I mean they scan a book, clean it, and translate it, but they can't upload raw. I mean what do they gain by only posting their translation.
>why are the chinks and gooks being asshols at the japs
I can't tell if you're acting dumb or not
I just seem like a strange thing to be petty about. I mean they are doing all with work for a Japanese book. I mean who tsundere can they be?
>hate Japan
>Spend money on a Japanese doujin
>Spend hours scanning, cleaning and translating said doujin
>Don't post the raw to show how much you hate Japan
They believe uploading the original version is too harmful to the creators.
>that censorship
Did the laws change or something? Looks like full penetration doesn't need to be censored just the head of the penis/clit. And there is still barely any censorship there either.
The laws aren't precise so publishers are just toying with the censorship until someone gets slapped and then they increase it again. Some publishers are just plain idiots but mostly the fully censored content belongs to magazines that are sold in common stores. That's a fully digital title with no physical release (afaik) so they can go with pretty minimal censors.
Doujin artists doing full censorship on their works are again, idiots.
It's a good thing as japs dont get to pirate that shit
Some magazines plain don't give many fucks about that, especially for digital releases.
For example, exhentai.org
And that's on a loli magazine, as well, which sadly hadn't had a new issue since April. I hope it isn't fully dead because it was doing an amazing job at letting lesses known loli artists publish their stuff.
I think this is my new favorite hentai manga of all time
move out of the way exhentai.org
How long will it take for ExE 3 to be scanned and uploaded to panda?
good taste
At least it's a step up from full on animal porn he's been doing recently in milf I guess.
Digital version in about 3 weeks. Scans maaaaybe in November, Mikocon is currently pretty useless and no one else is scanning magazines in a timely manner.
i try to access to the site for 2 weeks could anybody help me ?
Don't give a shit of you user , just looking for someone who could help me
Anyone have that list of doujins of lesbians getting the dick?
Anything with sluts who get reformed?
Sup An Chan
No, actually. Though I do agree with them. The the editing is shit, there are bubbles left blank, and it sounds just weird. It looks more like a rewrite than an actual translation.