What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
That's her natural inner slut achieving free expression prior to death
Do you think she made it out of the orange goo?
She is offering him a cool refreshing beverage on her return from the convenience store.
Either that or sex, it's confusing
She died before she could drink her fanta
Pssst, hey kid.
Wanna /ss/?
Gee, I wonder.
Doesn't matter, you see she's been tanged anyway. Same with Ritsuko
Profound visual depths.
>offering a guy with a healthy harem consistent of young girls you overused and filthy pussy
shame on you Misato
>Things eternal virgins say
Hey kid, wanna pilot the fucking robot?
It was Ritsuko who got shot and fell in the orange goop iirc.
Dead people get into the hivemind.
Is there any doujin of this that it's decent?
It would be the most fucked up thing in all Eva if the one influence that convinced Shinji something might be better than nothing someday and to crawl out didn't do the same herself.
How is she the 'one influence'?
The cross remained with him in the Instrumentality world. Rewatch, it was his anchor to reality. That and Kaworu, in a way. When he appeared, fully dressed (as contrast to Rei who was crooning him in Instrumentality) was when he took his choice to return.
There's a bit of symbolizing what Rei stood for, what Kaworu stood for, and Yui there (there were the 'three' mothers, even if only two are related to Shinji).
Kaworu showed up to object to leaving after Shinji had made up his mind. The character that called death the only freedom continued to stand for peaceful oblivion.
Misato saved him and the whole world from Instrumentality.
How can you not get this after 20 years?
unironically she did it with her rotten pussy
Too deep for her
>saved (...) from Instrumentality
But Instrumentality is a good thing
Fuck off seele jew
Oh hey (((Gendo)))
Oh fuck he's onto me
No, he asked him if that was his choice so he could be sure. He showed up only when he made up his mind. The clothes were apparently a symbolism of "distinction" unlike the nudity when people were having issues with their individuality.
He didn't choose oblivion, he chose to die so lilin would remain in this world. So he show up when Shinji finally understood that shit. Kaworu thought they could endure the pain of being individuals and living a worthwhile life before it sank in.
Her last ditch effort to convince cringi to GitFR.
Common Jap tactics include presenting 5 answers to a question, so that if only one of them is right you still get the credit.
In this case she tried to appeal to Shinji in as many ways as possible. She tried emasculating him, she tried appealing to his since of duty/honor, she used every method she could to convince this kid to save the world.
I get it so hard that I'm saying crediting any of it to Kaworu is wrong.
Good goy.
Happy I didn't have to be the one to mention how instrumentality is just (((their))) plan.
She realized she can't really change and be the motherly figure she wanted to be for Shinji, so she's pretty much just offering herself to him as a reward for actually trying to stop what's going on.
She knew she was going to die anyway, just trying to give Shinji any kind of incentive she could so he could keep going.
No. Neither her nor Kaji would. They never felt that they deserved to be alive. That's why they broke up, because they thought they didn't deserve happiness.
Sex. It's less of a taboo for adults in the Evangelion world because there are so few humans left at all. Misato and Kaji are the only ones left from their generation even, and they hate eachother, so they go after children. Shinji and Asuka respectively.
Nice one, Anno.
Just another episode in Anno's autobiographical story of the NOWAG lifestyle.
every single eva thread without exception i learn something now about this franchise, eva has so many hidden shit in it it's amazing
The ending is so bleak, how do you even come back from destruction such as that?
with repeating digits
>Kaji chasing Asuka
This is bait.
How is the ending bleak?
Shinji's alive
Asuka's alive, which means the dead are effectively revived
Tang can untang itself if it chooses to and therefore life can presumably go on as usual
If anything, it's the happiest ending possible.
The fact everyone can come back isn't the problem, the problem is that the planet got fucked up hardcore by the process.
Ah, it's fine.
If life can go on as usual and everyone´s getting revived, what was the point of all that destruction in the first place?
wish fulfillment for self-insert otaku
I always thought that the world was over and Shinji and Asuka will be the new adam and eve of a fucked up world.
please kill yourself
It looked cool.
I wish there was a series about that.
Shogoki and Longinus have left the Earth, Lilith, Adam, and all other Evas are dead, there's no ancient buried xenotech left for the Bilderberg Group to gain control of again.
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.
Pretty much this.
>gets even older and probably dykes out with Ritsuko in 3.0
My best girl can no longer be with Shinji. ;_;
I want one Nip to make a spin off on just this.
I never noticed this.
As expected from the master
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooft pink.
Sucking on her toes in the bath while you're drunk. Aw yeah.
Being double dommed by them.
Being double dommed by them what?
Are you retarded?
Are you?
sasuga anno
Today I found out that Shinji Ikari Raising Project is currently being published in Omnibus format. Today I found a new thing to collect. Today is a good day.
Fucking classic.
Kaji did nothing wrong.