Imagine being so autistic you actually watch cartoons made for Japanese little girls in your adult age.
Imagine being so autistic you actually watch cartoons made for Japanese little girls in your adult age
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Yeah but check em
Imagine being so autistic you actually give a fuck what grown men do in their own time.
Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
>he thinks I'm being ironic
nah, I'm really just insulting you
Imagine being so autistic you feel so insulted by an obvious bait thread you reply to it in a vain attempt to defend yourself.
I only watch mature cartoons for adults like myself, like Gundam.
People who watch cartoons designed to sell toys to children are autistic as fuck.
Is Cred Forums raiding us again? I can tell by the underage buzzwords and lack of effort put into the bait
It could be worse, I could have been one of the participants in those autistic 'Rules and Regulation' threads last week
>last week
I mostly watch cartoons made pretty exclusively for loser men, though I will defend Precure &c.
Y-Yeah haha what kind of a loser waste of flesh would do that lmao??
Stuff made for kids is often better than stuff made for adults. That's a general rule, not just a rule for anime.
are you asking if you're laughing?
I'm 27 and I watch every season of precure
If have the mindset of a kid, sure, otherwise no.
dead mods already, that was fast
It's fun. Try it.
This is what Cred Forums need the most right now.
nice dubs but check those singles
Damn Cred Forums btfo
But I only watch shonen trash, user
What le fuck?
Good mods, not troid mods inb4 banned