1. Generals to be banned. 2. LNs and VNs are allowed on Cred Forums. Gookshit has no place on this site 3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban. 4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced. 5. Noko functionality. 6. People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned 7. Dubs posting mandatory in shit threads while mods are absent 8. Frogposting is a permaban 9. Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. Use /r/ and /wsr/ 10. Loli worship is encouraged 11. This will be the final metashitpost thread for now. Any more will result in a ban. ---- Hiro has asked us to create a thread on each board for discussing the problems that are facing us and how to deal with them. He also wants us to create our own set of rules so that the mods will be regulated to follow them. Source: i.4cdn.org/a/1474181914334.png Remember mods, Hiro talked to you guys and you said it was fine to have one ongoing thread up about this. This means you Janitor!
So, should we all kneel to the rules of this ONE SHITTY, SELF RIGHTEOUS MOD or leave things as the are?
Luis Phillips
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
>Guys generals are bad because they push good threads down! >And they do this by making a new thread exactly at 500 posts! >Wait what do you mean they wait until page 10? YOU'RE WRONG I KNOW BETTER THAN YOU FUCK OFF GENERALFAG >HERE I'LL PROVE IT BY MAKING A NEW SHITPOSTING THREAD AT EXACTLY 500 POSTS TO DISCUSS THIS SHIT ALL OVER AGAIN
Important reminder: sage still exists and is perfectly funcional, despite being invisible. Please remember to use it. Also, please never forget to do your reporting job.
Hunter Ramirez
Remember that one mod who try to ban loli on Cred Forums? Remember that one mod who try to ban nipple on Cred Forums?
Yeah good time.
Carter Myers
>relative post dates
Christian Turner
Matthew Harris
>let's have a shady retard who does not care and doesn't want to speak english with us be the admin >who cares, he's a cute bunny now
Ian Williams
If repeating digits, then you rules are shit and you get banned.
Bentley Carter
Check em
Dominic Ramirez
>kys Underage detected.
Cooper Gomez
Where do you kids come from? Im really curious please answer me.
Hudson Campbell
>Dubs G-Ai
Patrick Bateman falls in love with his dubs.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with dub-finding bot. Never minding the strange repeating digits, he immediately uses it, and is overjoyed to find out that the dubs have a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he engages in more dubs getting ways, he instead acquires singles. Confused by these turn of events, the Wall Street businessman investigates and finds out that the dubs he made is not the same dubs he fell in love with. In fact, the dubs don't exist in this universe at all. They are dubs from an alternate universe, who has fallen in love with the MC's own psycho self, who too is blissfully unaware of their crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While they shitpost all over Cred Forums, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of DUBS.
Juan Rodriguez
Allow 3DPD on Cred Forums.
I don't care what yall say, we've allowed 3DPD on every board except this one, and i just want a change in threads for a second. Have fun Live action threads, Director Threads, other cool threads.
Probably even have one of those.........Blogging...... Threads where we talk about those times where we were chill young lads watching anime at night or on Saturday mornings. It'll be fun.
Oliver Gonzalez
>1. Generals to be banned. >6. People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned
If only.
Julian Carter
Juan Hernandez
Honestly, I wonder why moot bothered making /vg/ instead of just a catch-all general board. Then, any general that got too cancerous, stopped being relevant, or just simply clogged up the first page on any board could just be banished to there (sort of like what Cred Forums does with cancerous generals and /trash/).
David Reed
>10. Loli worship is encouraged now this I can get behind.
Connor Rivera
This one for (You)
Jaxson Carter
I'll kick all of your ass'
Ryder Kelly
ebaumsworld, now KYS cuck
Isaac Russell
Anyone want to help me with my differential equations homework?
Austin Cook
But this isn't a general, it's MODS PRIVILEGE to proclaim and expound his thoughts using his authority.
What you want is irrelevant
John Hughes
>Also, please never forget to do your reporting job. >not realising this is a mod endorsed shitposting general It does nothing as the mods have let these going for something like 4 days now while removing any porn, loli, guro etc posted in them.
Michael Smith
I want it
Sebastian Martinez
>mods ban posts featuring the no. 1 anime on MAL >meanwhile, they'll still probably allow shitty threads like this
Mods, get your priorities straight.
Jace Wright
These trips are wasted on you.
Joshua Sanders
If dubs Hiro kill himself
Chase Williams
Read the OP. This is the last thread.
Aiden Morales
That's exactly what we want, to fuck off to our own board without you animeshiteaters.
Jackson Wood
Fox Mulder falls in love with Dana Scully.
Unable to confess, the FBI special agent is gifted by a deus ex machina (probably aliens) with the redhead's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to his fellow agent, she only looks at him with a skeptical expression (as always). After some investigation and conspiracy theories, he finds out that the Scully he called is not the same Scully he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of TRUTH.
Jaxon Lewis
how official are these rules, exactly?
Elijah Howard
t. Jojo general
Lucas Wilson
>we Fuck off reddit
Luke Martinez
There's actually a redditchan made for people just like you who want a thousand different boards for there specific niche interest.
Tyler Lopez
1. Small set of manga that consistently get lots of posters, SnK, BNHA, etc. 2. Manga that can sustain threads every so often for chapter releases and similar. 3. Everything else. Threads in tier 3 are basically a crap shoot if they will get posters and even then they won't survive long. Tier 2 threads can do okay depending. Effectively manga discussion on Cred Forums ends up obeying pareto principle where vast majority of it is discussing the same popular manga ad nauseum. There's plenty of good threads that simply can't survive on Cred Forums because of the board speed and proportion of Cred Forums that is primarily interested in manga.
Adam Myers
Who was in the wrong here?
Michael Jackson
>7. Dubs posting mandatory in shit threads while mods are absent CONFIRMED
>1. Generals to be banned Cool when will this one? Hiroshima & Nagasaki allowed for one thread to decide this, not one to be constantly up. Doesn't that make this a general thus a banned thread according to these new rules? #3 sounds fucking stupid. Will there be a list of terms that are not allowed or is up up to mods and Janitors. What's to stop mods from banning people for saying shit they don't like? As for saucefagging what if someone posts a crop and Google and other image searches give no results? I agree that people should try to search first. Would giving an artist names be banned too? Everything else seems ok.
Liam Sanchez
Alternating dubs count. As fake as our happiness.
Julian Walker
Dominic Campbell
Samuel Clark
Its the last thread ONLY IF MOD SAYS IT IS
Last for tonight anyway, as MOD need sleep, big day for posting tomorrow
Brody Bennett
Charles Russell
Check em
Jack Smith
If a thread dies with few posts, it means no one wants to talk about it. This won't magically change if you put the thread on another board, you nigger.
Elijah King
>still posting this garbage
It will never happen.
Juan Price
Still don't get why this triggers Cred Forums so much.
Luke Jackson
So the quicker this thread is over the better? Quick someone start some dubs or some shit.
Owen Perry
>7. Dubs posting mandatory in shit threads while mods are absent
You know what that means boys.
Also kill yourself
Jordan Gray
Did he now?
Jackson Cruz
Bretter bohren und sägen.
Brayden Perry
I'm genuinely curious to know where you wandered in from.
Jayden Gomez
and here i thought Cred Forums couldn't be worse. now we have these faggots that think mods give a shit? fucking lolifags should just hang themselves now and save everyone the trouble.
Aaron Campbell
So was
Joseph Taylor
Kevin Perez
Because straw polls are the will of the 12-15 people that post in them
Adam Gutierrez
>mods are dead again
Oh baby its time.
Lincoln Reyes
Ethan Myers
Reminder that "HIRO" does not even exists and is a made up persona of "MOOT".
Xavier Butler
Damn son
Michael Parker
Mods, the kind of control you're attempting simply is... it's not possible. If there is one thing the history of this board has taught us it's that Keit-ai will not be contained.
Keit-ai breaks free, it spams to new threads and crashes through topics, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh... well, there it is.
I'm, I'm simply saying that Keit-ai, uh... finds a way.
Charles Jackson
Oh fug! When will OP stream it all?
Aiden Jackson
Charles Myers
Fucking destroyed
Caleb Scott
What defines a thread as a general? If an episode of an airing anime comes out and everyone talks about it in the same thread, is that a general? Is it a general if someone makes a few more threads the following days? A constant thread the entire season? What about if the threads persist after the seasons end? What if they there's a weekly manga constantly giving new content? Would a monthly manga be enough?
David Adams
An alien falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, the grey immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on the spaceman as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl and was about to anal probe her, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with E.T.'s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of SPACE.
Nathan Foster
At what point does a loli stop being a loli?
Gavin Clark
Reminder that new rules aren't needed because Cred Forums has always operated under hidden community rules, which anyone would know if they lurked enough. Any attempt to change Cred Forums's rules would only benefit newfags who refuse to lurk.
Colton Thompson
Ask a real Cred Forums Forum Moderator anything.
Jeremiah Taylor
Juan Collins
They should bring back the loli board so they can fuck off to there
Jeremiah Barnes
The fact that I report these threads every day and they're still here means your moderation is garbage. You should be fired.
Joseph Turner
Post you are waifu
If your post isn't dub, then she isn't your real waifu.
Charles Jenkins
This actually looks half decent. Congrats OP all that shitposting wasn't in vain I guess.
Owen Flores
Why is she moving like that?
Anthony Jones
You don't even read manga, facebook.
Blake Russell
If ONE MOD decides you are dead, YOU ARE DEAD. Just a global filter on Keit-ai and it's done.
Nathan Reyes
>Is a thread about something up 24/7? >No It isn't a general >Yes It is a general
Kevin Howard
24/7 thread of a not current airing anime or monthly manga.
Alexander Davis
If dubs Kancolle threads will be here to stay.
Jackson Ross
I'm sure reddit has a manga board. I suggest you check it out.
Cooper Edwards
If I was a mod, I would fix Cred Forums.
Logan Campbell
If dubs, we make watching Boku no Pico a necessity before asking for sauce.
Mason Martin
Loli or dubs? What should I post?
David Turner
130cm according to that image.
David Gonzalez
If it's about something I hate, then it's a general
Daniel Long
I thought you were one already though.
Julian James
>kevin has not kill himself yet
New rule 12. All tripfags must fuck off.
Cameron Jones
Dubs and loli
Austin Lewis
>71 shoujo manga If you're that fag and consider that a high number, kill yourself
Isaiah Hernandez
But what if it's a popular currently airing anime? Usually if the show is big enough, you'll get discussion of the latest episode throughout the entire week from people being late about watching it.
Christian Gutierrez
Your wife Chino is so cute.
Matthew Stewart
Lolidubs would be fine.
But don't bother much. The mods have simply deleted the shitpost, but not deleted those threads at all. Except for the bait ones.
This time, they're showing their full might and that they can out-endure Cred Forums.
Ethan Robinson
Benjamin Cook
Lolis. Why not post something of worth?
Sebastian Cooper
M-MAKE Cred Forums GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Lmaoing at all you loser faggots
Carter Fisher
Snail get
Brayden Cox
Kill yourself
Gabriel Fisher
Nicholas Sullivan
Kill your kys self
Joseph Allen
The mod we deserve, not need.
Ayden Wood
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Cred Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Lucas Price
If only Accel was here.
Kevin Diaz
Essentially all of this is trash, purge yourself from this world
John Nguyen
No, I wish. Then I wouldn't be a tripfag tho. It's against the rules.
Nah, that's for fags, bro.
Joseph Powell
Reported so hard my reporting hand (right, fyi) gained a life of its own, clicking my mouse rapidly for 3 hours straight with such a tenacity it became clear arthiritis was the least of my worries, so clear was it that I could lose MY ENTIRE HAND to this bizarre possession. Suddenly my mouse smashed through my floor, pulling down my report hand as a hapless hostage. Smoke filled my bedroom and I woke up god knows how many hours later in a small village south of Aokigahara.
The people of this modest commune emerged slowly from their shacks, all of them viewing me with what I can only describe as suspicion mixed with awe. Suddenly they began throwing spears into the air and running towards me. I SHAT BRICKS, but then they GRABBED ME and LUNGED ME INTO THE AIR, praising my name and kissing me. The chieftan came down later and over a feast-for-one explained I was to be crowned The Chosen One, the Kamisama of Reporting foretold in Nihonese folklore to appear in the year 2012. At this moment an old Japanese woman - she must've been 85 years old at least - began doing some kind of dance, spinning around in circles whilst singing "Sorairo Days" and throwing confetti into the air. I was DOWN with this state of affairs, let me tell you.
For 300 years I trained with the chieftan in his private dojo, reporting shitty threads, every day becoming quicker. At first I could report 10 threads per minute. After only 2 weeks I was up to 5 threads per second. After a century my KTPM (kuso thread per minute) rate rose to and stalled at 200 per second.
On the last day he graced our planet, my sensei bestowed one last task to me: the reporting of this thread, the shittest of all shit threads.
I did not respond with words. Rather, through our eyes he knew I would obey.
This one's for you, Otousan.
Juan Nguyen
>Keit-ai is filtered to Ghost Slide
I don't see the problem.
Julian Nguyen
Who? I am asking for you to read at least 500 titles to talk about manga
Benjamin Torres
Thank you based bateman
Jose Thompson
Adrian Cook
I will fap to the first girl you reply to me.
Robert Robinson
Jackson Baker
Reminder that these threads are still up.
Cred Forums need active mods not new rules.
Jackson Williams
Owen Gray
There wouldn't be any threads not Accel spam on the board if that was the case. Board was unusable at its peak.
Tyler James
Gabriel White
So here I am.
Jack Fisher
Jackson Hernandez
I wish you a happy life spending time with your loved ones off of Cred Forums forever
Jackson Sanchez
Grayson Ward
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Cred Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Isaiah Phillips
Jaxon Wood
Oliver Ward
I like this new thread direction.
Dylan Scott
Wait What Anime Is This
Carson Powell
Name my band Cred Forums
James Bennett
Mason Harris
It's still a general.
Dylan Jenkins
Why do you hurt manga?
Aaron Richardson
Colton Campbell
The BBC lovers.
Hunter Flores
Charles Price
Nicholas Bell
>two peaches What did she mean by this
William Rogers
Wait. Hiro wears socks with sandals? Fuck that.
Oliver Hernandez
>9. Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. Use /r/ and /wsr/
Fuck off cunt. This will just create more endless trolling. If anything should give you a ban, it's removing sauce from images. Especially in OPT.
The point is to not have constant demands for sauce. The fix is not to ban people who ask for it, it's to ban people who bait for it.
Grayson Evans
Haven't seen that one yet
Dylan Wright
If one person hates it, it's a general. Only threads that everyone likes will stay after generals get banned, like this one.
Jason Bailey
Then where do you draw the line? Should people just stop talking about it after the airing day? For less popular shows, this works, but it just doesn't for the more popular ones.
Brandon Walker
Hudson Gomez
Fuck off retard.
Nathaniel Stewart
It's yours friend
Nicholas Garcia
It's a Japanese tradition, go watch some samurai shows.
Sebastian Gonzalez
m00t was _______
Julian Moore
Austin Kelly
Yeah man everyone is loving this thread.
Jeremiah Young
Jeremiah Allen
Angel Parker
Look at this quality thread here.
Ryan Hughes
Nathaniel Perez
If you post about some anime in any thread about that anime, it's a general. So you should make new threads all the time.
Kayden Flores
Cameron Peterson
Michael Robinson
Y-You too, thanks.
David Flores
No you. I love OPT until they descend into endless sauce begs, and the begging is ALWAYS because of that one cunt who reposts dozens of images with Cred Forums filenames.
Caleb Ortiz
Mason Howard
It's been here almost all week. That's proof that everyone loves it.
Nathan Williams
Jacob Fisher
>we should cater to newfags and retards Kill yourself.
Jace Russell
one who let us down and left forever.
Aaron Bennett
It's posted in just about every LS thread. I really wish most LS threads weren't just creepy Tsukasa posting.
Brayden Richardson
can we ban pepe now?
Samuel James
If you get me a 3d Hanekawa, I'd leave forever.
Adam Brooks
I agree with everything on this list. Also, check 'em.
Isaiah Brooks
Why do people get so fucking up in arms over people asking for sources Reverse Image search and iqdb are not infallible, and when I can't find something I don't necessarily want to set aside an hour to launch a fucking police investigation into something a guy can just tell me in two seconds It's one thing if the image has a title on it, or the file name has the title in it, but most of the time cropped images get you 0 search results and you're shit out of luck unless someone just tells you what it is
James Campbell
The mod doesn't care about the other posts.
This is his personal post and he want's you to see his rules before he enforces them. It's the least he can do for you clueless idiots.
Enjoy what the mod tells you to enjoy
Robert Reed
Liam Nelson
It already is getting banned on Cred Forums.
Robert Hughes
Jeremiah Foster
I love you Kevin-kun!
Jackson Kelly
>Draw a circle >Call it mouth
Landon Collins
Christian Adams
Ayden Parker
Asher Thompson
>>we should cater to faggots and trolls kill yourself.
My solution caters to neither. Someone begs for sauce when it's in filename or image? Ban. Someone goes in OPT without filenames? Ban.
Julian Perez
>ban ban ban wew lad
Cameron Jones
Did you even read the entire line? I guess not since saucefags like you have a habbit of never doing the bare minimum, in this case reading the entire line.
Christopher White
Why is it so rare to actually have a genuine discussion with another enthusiastic anime fan on Cred Forums about an airing show in a reasonable adult way?
All posting here seems to be about now is just memes and superficial things. That was always part of it but there used to be discussion along side it.
Isaiah Sanchez
Fun things are fun.
Aaron Sullivan
So this is a newfag mod who's trying to understand Cred Forums before moderating things, despite being so dumb that he thinks asking a bunch of shitposters about rules will accomplish anything? Now it all makes sense.
Evan Hernandez
Kill yourself, saucefag.
Jace Hughes
The whole goddamn internet is just memes after memes after memes.
Jack Bennett
Love you too~!
Kayden Cruz
Hiroyuki did NOT ask for feedback ().
Mods delete this fucking thread and ban this retard already.
Andrew Morgan
fun things aren'*t fun anymore
Evan Martinez
David Lopez
Most of them get plenty of discussion. I don't know what threads you've been reading.
Alexander Foster
Dylan Johnson
Wyatt Roberts
Ahaha oh fucking wow.
Hudson Torres
I wish our railshit threads had even the slightest hint of moderation.
Brody Martin
Won't happen.
OP is bribing the mods with tendies.
Lucas White
Does anyone even need noko anymore what with all the userscripts?
Evan Thompson
Fuck you, fuck hiro and fuck this thread. sage
Hunter Lopez
Noah Smith
>people think you're a mod t-thanks I guess
Gavin Long
>OP is bribing the mods with tendies. OP is a janitor aiming for Official moderator of Cred Forums status
Blake Jackson
>10. Loli worship is encouraged I like this.
Luis Baker
That's a bad idea, unless you want fucking generals about everything
Cameron Jenkins
Your'e a mod in my heart.
Jackson Lopez
i unironically that wojakposters and frogposters NEED
Andrew Collins
Nice try, fag. Post proof you're OP.
Xavier Reed
>thinking it's one person
Grayson Reed
Maybe it's just me being too busy to watch when the show just comes out most of the time nowadays and missing the discussion then.
Noah Lewis
Camden Nelson
So just like this place
Levi Ramirez
oh wait, I'm going to post more tomorrow anyway. Just watch, pigs.
Josiah Evans
You a verb right now.
Joshua Moore
Good luck even finding a thread to discuss a currently airing anime.
Unless its within the top 5 of the season chances are it only gets a single thread per a week.
Compare 91 days to muv-luv threads. 1 post limit thread vs 3 post limit threads in the last week. One of the best shows of the season and normalfags would rather talk about a shitty series that is only good for its VN's.
Jacob Foster
You want a screenshot? People will just say I MS painted it.
Nicholas Clark
my anger clouds my ability to form sentences
Aaron Peterson
I know all the shitposting in this thread might give you the opposite idea, but most threads for airing anime are pretty fun. You're missing out, user.
Eli Thompson
Then make one.
Matthew Powell
>screenshot to prove op How does that work?
Angel Morris
>Generals to be banned. Generals need to be clearly defined, long running threads about airing shows shouldn't be banned for example
>People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned >Frogposting is a permaban Yes
>Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. No, all this will do is create more trolling
Jordan Murphy
Just do it fag.
Do it now or you suck cock.
Ethan Parker
people frequently cite and post tumblr links in the danganronpa threads
Ryder Ross
Why is this in my Cred Forums folder?
Isaiah Cox
Rules, Regulations and Moderation threads should be banned.
Thomas Wilson
You are being protected by MODS with means you are a precious faggot (Which is also about the same thing as being a mod)
Enjoy your power!
Cameron Morris
Parker White
i agree with this loli
Samuel Reyes
>11. This will be the final metashitpost thread for now. Any more will result in a ban. Im-fucking-plying
Austin Hall
This? And if you read the OP you'll see that is is different from the earlier threads because I changed it to cater to me.
Jace Sanchez
Yeah I'll just camp out in /r/ for a couple of hours instead of just asking and resolving the issue in 30 seconds
>Option 1: Make a new thread to talk about that show yourself. You'll usually get at least 50 posts unless the show is extremely unpopular. >Option 2: Check animecalendar.net/ for the airing day of any show, then come back that day. I guarantee you'll find a thread for it, unless it's absolutely and extremely unpopular (Naria Girls this season, for example). This season was even better than the usual for discussion, as thanks to Re:Zero attracting all shitposters, threads about everything else were pretty damn slow and comfortable. I'll miss this Cred Forums.
Carter Davis
Your own retardation is no one else's issue.
Lucas Cox
Hey Cred Forums, do you want to see a magic trick?
Camden Allen
"REEE"posting should be permabanned too
Jack Jackson
Robert Price
I did say most threads. I'm sure everyone knew the Danganronpa threads would be terrible.
William Anderson
Nathan Adams
This general is shit. sage
Adam Bennett
the state of the board in one post folks
not even an anime from a year ago is recognizable to the eternal newfag
Carter James
>3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban. 7. Dubs posting mandatory in shit threads while mods are absent 8. Frogposting is a permaban 9. Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. Use /r/ and /wsr/ 10. Loli worship is encouraged
And see it get 3 post total? The problem isn't that there are no threads about it, its that nobody is watching current shows anymore. Normalfags are to busy watching older classics that the former majority of Cred Forums users have discussed to death to add anything new.
Cred Forums is normalfag central now, most shows discussed are entry level.
Jeremiah Phillips
oh shit son
Caleb James
Then install 4chanX you newfag
Jeremiah Ortiz
This whole shit only shows that hiro is too disconnected from the Cred Forums staff. With moot in charge this wouldn't have happened because mods could have simply asked him; chances are he would have stepped in personally to ban this guy.
Either hiro needs to be more present and available for moderation input or he needs to give his staff more autonomy.
Apparently it is since people want to make it a ban worthy offense
Lincoln Anderson
>OP gets to spam and is protected by mods
So, how did that happen?
Jace Edwards
Michael Myers
Nice Photoshop, cocksucker.
Carter Edwards
Grayson Thomas
Jeremiah Hughes
Here's me reporting my own thread.
Adrian Nelson
>posting a kuso character from a newfag show >calling others newfag
William White
Kayden Davis
DR is massively popular over there. That sort of shit happening was obvious.
Cameron Foster
6. People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned 8. Frogposting is a permaban 9. Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. Use /r/ and /wsr/ These rules are absurd
Anthony Murphy
That's a nice wiener
Aiden Clark
I can't tell if this is reverse trolling or not.
Chase Long
It does nothing I need or want.
Juan Wright
Yes because you're trying to make other people take responsibility for your retardation.
Aiden Allen
Jordan Rodriguez
Those rules look good to me.
Jaxon Walker
It's not, that's why people don't want it, are you so retarded you can't see that?
Thomas Cruz
>chen >LOL Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Benjamin Thompson
>its that nobody is watching current shows anymore Dude you what. Please follow what said and lurk more. There's a HxH thread with 133 posts right now and it's one of the least popular shows of the season.
Carter Phillips
I don't think it's that bad yet. I essentially agree that most people who don't watch anime on a seasonal basis and don't keep up with airing shows are normalfag retards but I don't think these people are here in great numbers.
Personally, I think this season has been pretty shitty overall. There are too few shows that were good enough to bother with. That's why it shouldn't be surprising that people choose to discuss something else.
Juan Rodriguez
I demand that any and all posters that say bad things about this girl be banned for 30 days per offense.
Carter Adams
Christian Richardson
I know how to prove it. Reply to the OP and I'll get a little pop up message.
Benjamin Diaz
Literally tumblr-tier >d-don't post what t-triggers me or you will be permabanned! lol
Matthew Campbell
Jaxson Brown
Are you mad?
Nathaniel Mitchell
these are the kind of people that need to be outside of Cred Forums
Brody Adams
People unironically or ironically saying things about triggers or tumblr should be banned too.
Easton Ward
Stop trying to change Cred Forums into what you want and lurk more and figure out what Cred Forums is. Adapt or leave.
Justin Mitchell
ģ̻͔̮̺̲w̷͕̭̖̥͙̤ȩe̡̪͉̫͙̬̖n͙͈͓̲ ̻͞ͅt̲e͖̬̮̜̰a͔
Samuel Martinez
This proves nothing. Show us the delete button and hover your cursor over it. Then press hard on the mouse.
Elijah Jenkins
If someone looks for an image and can't find a source, and their options are to ask or go patrol a board that's virtually dead in the hopes that they can get a response sometime in the next week, then it's not unreasonable to just cut out the middle man and ask whoever posted it what the image is from It's not a big deal, and I don't see why something so minor should be dealt with by an outright ban
Camden Ortiz
There isn't a single thing on this list I disagree with.
Sebastian Reed
>I don't see why something so minor should be dealt with by an outright ban Cred Forumsnons are spiteful spergs
Wyatt Morris
Kill yourself retard.
Jayden Brown
Nice proxy, OP.
Carter Harris
install Cred Forums x and you will be able to find 99% of everything.
Justin Price
Why are you even here if you think the place is so shit? If you don't like it go somewhere else.
Brandon Evans
|\ /:/ /::| 、 / ::i:l::|::i| | `‐、/ ./i::::! i '::l:l::|::i| | /::l:::l l l::i:l:l::|::i| |\ /:i:::l::,' .i .|l::l:l::|::i| | |:`ー、._/l !l::/ .i !::l::l:l::|::i| | |::! |:::i:||:l/ | !:l::l:l::|::i| | |:| !::l:| , ' ! !lNj/|::i| | l:! l::l:|/ l !l j l::リ | ll ヾl/ | i l/ | i l l ! ! | l ヽ .! l | l ヽ , ' ! . | ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、 | .! | i |゙、 l | l | ! | j fj
Sebastian Nelson
>Unironically agreeing to permabanning for spoonfeeding or frogposting
Also, banning generals is a bad idea because it will cause more spam. Just, take Cred Forums for example. if /nfl/ didn't exist there would be like 10 or 15 threads talking about the same shit.
Michael Kelly
>needing a plugin to do reverse search
Alexander Ortiz
No, not OP. Just someone fucking tired of how cancerous generals become after a while.
Nathaniel Nguyen
No one takes warnings seriously.
Liam Roberts
Ban generals, obvious baits, 3DPD and certain words/acronyms (kys, cuck, delusional, cancer, etc.). Japanese works only. Permaban RPers, attention whores, and people who are only here to shitpost. Warn spoonfeeders and ban requesters.
Luke Perry
Parker Mitchell
Shut up, /qa/ncer.
Jose Thomas
I don't think this will prove anything either.
Joshua Williams
>unironically defending generals
Brayden Barnes
Lurk more.
Jace Brooks
Recommendation/request threads belong on the appropriate boards, and Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Dominic Ramirez
Julian Jones
Blame your fanbase, not the thread. JJBA is a huge Cred Forums magnet, did you expect any single thread about it ever to be any good at all?
Henry Ramirez
Even vanilla Cred Forums now has image reverse search now
Ian Bailey
You first, Cred Forumstard. The only cancer on Cred Forums are the people that don't want to fix some of it's major problems.
Liam Hill
We are become reddit. Cred Forums had a good run, but it's finished.
Gabriel Morales
sure OP, of course.
James Russell
167 posts to go guize!
William Walker
replying to myself
Alexander Taylor
Are you just jealous of pepe?
Colton Scott
Shut up, lame-os
Hunter Nelson
Don't bother arguing in favor of generals (or what they believe to be generals), the vast majority of this thread are shitposters who unconditionally hate them. Thankfully, they're just an extremely vocal minority in the face of Cred Forums as a whole.
Christopher Brooks
Im not defending generals, im just saying its better to let them have their thread because if they don't have one, there will be a thread for every single shit
Imagine if One Piece didn't have a general. Imagine if JoJo didn't have a general either. Cred Forums would be flooded by their shit
Colton Murphy
Would be cool if vanilla Cred Forums also had a metasearch thingy like Cred Forums X so that webms could be quickly found.
Gavin Perry
Sometimes it's literally impossible to find the source of a cropped doujin image
I don't mind if people ask for source
Jason Garcia
>le Cred Forums meme do you really think allowing stuff like goikshit will fix things? no, it won't.
Chase Roberts
Yes, actually. I've been posting in the JoJo threads for over seven years now, the only times they become especially awful is when the content stagnates. After a new episode or a manga chapter, the thread is always booming with life, interesting discussion, and fresh OC.
Any other time however is pure stagnated cancer and regurgitated shitposts, bad bait, and anons discussing everything from last week in circles over and over again.
Matthew Reed
>unironically condoning spoonfeeding anyone that does this garbage should be banned
Blake Ortiz
Does it have an auto-scroll to the bottom feature?
I'm tired of manually doing it every time new posts appear.
Sebastian Sanders
>this thread
Easton Butler
>Implying I go to Cred Forums
No, user you are the cancer and the major problem with Cred Forums. And dumb too.
Pls get banned already.
Colton Lewis
And the threads would die naturally and compete with other threads made. So i don't see the problem. If the spam gets too much mods can intervene as well.
Carson Phillips
>this combination of characters is illegal
Mason Collins
Too bad you're in the minority.
Aaron James
Jojo threads have the best oc
Joshua Diaz
>Here's me reporting my own thread.
Here's me trying to touch my own toes while wearing a tight bathing suit!
James Ward
>If the spam gets too much mods can intervene as well. There wouldn't even be spam in the first place if they had their containment thread. So you want to delete generals and limit the threads they have too? what the fuck?
Jaxson Reyes
>tfw no Cred Forumsnon cock to stuff into my mouth
Brayden Flores
>Cred Forums would be flooded by their shit
Sure, like ot's not flooded by shit now, generals are what attract the shit, ban'em and it will be a shitfest for a short time, eventually shitposters will either move on or leave.
Adam Evans
reminder >8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/
Ian Morales
Shounen cancer needs to leave Cred Forums anyways, they're the reason seasonal shit like Re:Zero gets shitposted to death.
Charles Lopez
>no new IP
Cameron Moore
i browse Cred Forums
Ryan Perry
Why is this crossboarder frog fag not banned yet?
James Smith
>random PS filters
Cooper Lee
Here's the proof
Eli Evans
I noticed that. I wonder if they ever visited pre /nba general/ Cred Forums. Most of the board was flooded by their shitposting.
Jacob Cooper
>6. People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned Completely agree with this.
Jace Thomas
Easton Ramirez
probably a mod
Gavin Hughes
>/qa/ncer says he's the majority >Not realizing that barely anyone agrees with him to the point he uses proxies to preserve his frail ego
Are you autistic or something?
Christian Morales
>screenshots of html as proof
Elijah Reed
Jaxson Thompson
>Generic Paint.net effects spammed for an entire thread >Good OC Okay, Doc.
Julian Campbell
I want you to leave.
William Walker
Cred Forums is better than Cred Forums.
Joseph Myers
Thomas Kelly
Yeah, I don't agree that it should be banned. Asking for sauce is fine if you're polite about it. Apologize for being a retard, post a page along with your request, when someone answers you thank them properly and maybe even post another page along with your thanks. Most people don't do this.
At the point that I gave up and stopped counting, in the current OPT, I counted 18 requests for source (many didn't say "sauce" so ctrl+f is unhelpful). Of those, 1 posted a page with it to contribute to the thread, and 3 said "thanks". (and according to ctrl+f there were 3 "thanks" in the thread total.) I was barely a third into the thread.
Meanwhile you have things like these: You're well within your rights to ask for sauce, and people are well within their rights to spoonfeed. People are also well within their rights to tell you to fuck off, you're well within your rights to tell them to fuck off, and everyone else in the thread is well within their rights to complain about how much this shit is cluttering the thread.
Grayson James
can I mek net thred
Joshua Moore
Nice PS skills and jpg artifacts.
Keep replying. You're only falling for my plan.
Nicholas Cruz
>Here's me again
Here's me licking an ice pole and getting my tongue stuck!
Luis Green
Just because you don't have a general doesn't mean you can to go full retard and post any old shit. If people are posting shit threads that would normally be contained in a general mods can remove them.
Parker Hill
Caleb Price
Dylan Cruz
Jacob Green
>OP getting mad because people shitpost on a containment thread
Dylan Mitchell
|\ /:/ /::| 、 / ::i:l::|::i| | `‐、/ ./i::::! this i '::l:l::|::i| | /::l:::l combination l l::i:l:l::|::i| |\ /:i:::l::,' of .i .|l::l:l::|::i| | |:`ー、._/l !l::/ characters .i !::l::l:l::|::i| | |::! |:::i:||:l/ is | !:l::l:l::|::i| | |:| !::l:| , ' ! !lNj/|::i| | l:! l::l:|/ ILLEGAL l !l j l::リ | ll ヾl/ | i l/ | i l l ! ! | l ヽ .! l | l ヽ , ' ! . | ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、 | .! | i |゙、 l | l | ! | j fj
Jeremiah Wood
there were some creative ones
Grayson Collins
Robert Russell
Yeah, why are they not all banned?
Cooper Jones
Absolute bullshit.
Noah Hall
That's all I got.
Luke Rivera
lol u tk him 2da bar|?⠀⠀
William Collins
This is embarrassing.
Owen Ross
And what would you consider as old shit, user? what would you consider as stuff that ''would normally be contained in a general''
So, let's just delete all their threads because it's probably old or well, it probably belongs to a general?
Kevin Hall
>6. People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned Did you idiots even read the OP?
Aiden Clark
>No feminine penis
Get out, fag.
Kevin James
Eli Martinez
I don't get it
James Torres
They're all shit when spammed.
Adam Harris
I want to know what the fuck are the mods thinking.
Mason Green
Angel Green
Christopher Baker
But we had a time on Cred Forums where generals were banned and we had no problems. So why would there be one now?
Joshua Wood
12. one webtoons general allowed on Cred Forums
Noah Mitchell
So you admit you're not, OP?
Christian Sanders
>3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban. Calling someone a cuck is Cred Forums culture in general so you can kys right now tbhfam you retarded cuck
Kayden Young
Hey I was just making fun of the frogposters.
Blake Morales
i browse both Cred Forums and Cred Forums
Jaxson Lewis
Take your ass to or should i direct you to where you can embrace the faggotry
Jacob Powell
No it wouldn't. They might give off an illusion of popularity, but they're the same anons posting the same thing ad infinitum while somehow not discussing the show, that is if there's anything left of it.
Jaxson Gray
This kills the frogposter.
Christopher Lopez
Landon Carter
OP doesn't like something and MODS quickly remove them.
Suspicious, no?
Aiden Evans
you fucking filthy crossboarder
Nathaniel Morris
Who here run out of reports everyday?
Benjamin Davis
You absolute madman
Benjamin Lee
Wouldn't a purge on generals only make things worse?
Leo Sanders
|\ /:/ /::| ILLEGAL 、 / ::i:l::|::i| | `‐、/ ./i::::! L i '::l:l::|::i| | /::l:::l L l l::i:l:l::|::i| |\ /:i:::l::,' E .i .|l::l:l::|::i| | |:`ー、._/l !l::/ G .i !::l::l:l::|::i| | |::! |:::i:||:l/ A | !:l::l:l::|::i| | |:| !::l:| , L ' ! !lNj/|::i| | l:! l::l:|/ l !l j l::リ | ll ヾl/ | i l/ | i l l ! ! | l ヽ .! l | l ヽ , ' ! . | ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、 | .! | i |゙、 l | l | ! | j fj
Samuel Collins
I'm what?
Adrian Long
Robert Hall
Dominic Rivera
>le Cred Forums boogeyman
Evan Russell
OP has a mod in their pocket.
Don't you with YOU had one?
Samuel Cook
Ewww.... I don't like men and vomit profusely at the sight of 3DPD.
Eli Hall
I have never been that upset.
Julian Hill
>this thread
John Barnes
Average jojo poster.
Mason Rivera
see pepe is mainstream now, youtubers and facebook retards are now using it
Easton Butler
Please tell me it's all fluff inside and not cream, I fucking hate things filled with cream.
>1. Generals to be banned. >10. Loli worship is encouraged >generals to be banned, except the ones I'm ok with Nope, you gonna get it in the ass, and you gonna take it like a champ, and don't forget the smile!
Everything else is literally nothing new or relevant to my interests. Cred Forums is perfect as it is now, it only needs to enforce the already existing rules.
Oliver Turner
Lurk more faggot. Never made anything worse, but made it better. Imagine if there was a general for Nozaki-kun. I'm sure there wouldn't be any OC like blue ribbon Sakura.
Zachary Jenkins
[sjis] on Cred Forums when? Shh, those people can't deal with logic. This is their safe space as well so please don't bully them.
Grayson Phillips
Nicholas Foster
Luis Lopez
A lying fag.
James Garcia
I took what Said and put it into the assemblment of characters you see now.
Dylan Cooper
Can someone explain this new meme? I don't want to read all of that stuff right now.
Grayson Foster
Thought on this?
Ayden Bailey
THIS is how you get a MOD to work for you!
Dylan Morales
>tripfag shits on Chen Nice to know we can disregard your "opinion" from now on.
Bentley Scott
It's not for phoneposter retards.
Camden Barnes
>1 and a half hours until my difeq homework is due >too busy shitposting
Joseph Reed
Cred Forums is a massive underage shithole. I mean, Pewdiepie? seriously?
Cameron Gomez
a new meme is a meme that is new
Charles Lopez
Post your funniest frog pics in ITT
Elijah Walker
>shits on chen That isn't Chen you stupid fucking redditor. Kill yourself.
Sebastian White
pls marry me.
Kayden Ward
>newfag think the image is chen
Its fucking Kayo from Erased you fucking dumbass.
Robert Butler
>Its a reddit invades Cred Forums episode
Daniel Barnes
I'm away for a few days and then this happens.
Jesus fuck Hiroshima why are you encouraging this
Jacob Morales
When did I lie?
Ryan Cook
Connor Flores
And that's why nobody who isn't a huge retard should take those posts seriously. >a thread that occurs every so often is a general Might as well ban all anime discussion of the latest aired episode while you're at it.
Eli Jones
Are these the designated threads for middle schoolers to shitpost in or something?
Austin Moore
Mods please decrease the ban timeout to 10 seconds or something lower so I can report these retards. There are too many in this thread alone.
Ryan Stewart
Is this the downfall of Cred Forums?
Luis Brooks
All is right in the world.
Hudson Gray
Hang yourself
Ayden Thomas
>Erased >using the dub name
Logan Hughes
wew lad
Jose Roberts
Still waiting for a cogent argument that /ma/ is anything but good.
Finally, something we can actually fucking vote on instead of shitflinging and baiting.
Jordan Lewis
niggers. why
Oliver Roberts
Anything that breaks >>>/global/rules/6 and spam is covered under >>>/global/rules/10
Gabriel Adams
I am sorry
Daniel Hughes
Hmmmm really make you think.
Aiden Martin
Keit-ai spam is a bannable offense. Designated shitposting threads aren't.
Alexander Rodriguez
*shits on your face* how do you like it now lmao
Eli Ross
>erased More like KEKed
John Nguyen
inb4 OP makes a new thread
Ryan Carter
James Clark
Colton James
Henry Rogers
cuck Cuck KEK
Connor Morgan
Why are you guys treating generals as problems? They aren't even that many.
Nathan Mitchell
I missed a job interview because of thread.
Luke Smith
I need 24ccs of loli STAT
Julian Rogers
Will you fucking get a god damn IP range permaban already?
Aaron Ortiz
He will. No one cares about him irl.
Blake Rodriguez
Nobody likes your shitty meme.
Oliver Cox
Cirno pantsu
Jose Sanders
Cameron Parker
|\ /:/ /::| THIS 、 / ::i:l::|::i| | `‐、/ ./i::::! LOLI i '::l:l::|::i| | /::l:::l IS l l::i:l:l::|::i| |\ /:i:::l::,' NOW .i .|l::l:l::|::i| | |:`ー、._/l !l::/ Cred Forums .i !::l::l:l::|::i| | |::! |:::i:||:l/ MEME | !:l::l:l::|::i| | |:| !::l:| , ' ! !lNj/|::i| | l:! l::l:|/ l !l j l::リ | ll ヾl/ | i l/ | i l l ! ! | l ヽ .! l | l ヽ , ' ! . | ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、 | .! | i |゙、 l | l | ! | j fj
Jayden Sanchez
He's using a proxy.
Ian Diaz
For the record, this is the only thread I've made. Notice the OP change from the last thread.
Michael Lopez
Jeremiah Thompson
Logan Wright
I have overtaken the government of a with my blackshirts lmfao these policies will be instituted within 12 hours
Joseph Peterson
This post is stupid. >Generals to be banned Yeah spamming threads about the same airing show or ongoing manga is definitely better than one single contained thread that doesn't spill over into other threads.
Noko is unneeded now that Cred Forums has all these fancy new updates and scripts that do the same.
Everything else is just fine, except for one thing. We need to go back to banning/deleting big 3 threads. Make Cred Forums great again.
Julian Bailey
Austin James
Confirmed dankest meme.
Grayson Wilson
Jordan Butler
Hiro here.
Ask me anything
Colton Rivera
>that doesn't spill over into other threads. the problem is /jojo/ does spill out. they should be banned when they leak out of their cesspool but there is no good way to remove generals.
Kevin Ross
Tyler Parker
No, I was just confirming that cuck written in all caps gets filtered to kek
Eli Perry
I've never seen this image. And yes most of it is terrible.
However I believe at least 1/2 of that is not related to comedy so that makes the text caption really confusing?
Noah Edwards
The problem isn't the generals but the content those generals are about.
Almost all of the generals are off-topic or about entry level shonen shit like JoJo or snk. The ones that aren't shonenshit almost never talk about the anime and instead talk about the merchandise or some other aspect like the game or soc shit.
Kayden Nelson
Samuel Williams
Mods, the kind of control you're attempting simply is... it's not possible. If there is one thing the history of this board has taught us it's that Keit-ai will not be contained.
Keit-ai breaks free, it spams to new threads and crashes through topics, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh... well, there it is.
I'm, I'm simply saying that Keit-ai, uh... finds a way.
Thomas Walker
OP here making a new thread
Colton Allen
Ayden Cox
No one believes you, proxyfag.
Straight up just post porn here so that you can get your (you) boner and get ip-traced then permabanned.
Blake Barnes
Carter Martin
|\ /:/ /::| SHUT 、 / ::i:l::|::i| | `‐、/ ./i::::! YOUR i '::l:l::|::i| | /::l:::l PIE l l::i:l:l::|::i| |\ /:i:::l::,' HOLE .i .|l::l:l::|::i| | |:`ー、._/l !l::/ FAGGOT .i !::l::l:l::|::i| | |::! |:::i:||:l/ | !:l::l:l::|::i| | |:| !::l:| , ' ! !lNj/|::i| | l:! l::l:|/ l !l j l::リ | ll ヾl/ | i l/ | i l l ! ! | l ヽ .! l | l ヽ , ' ! . | ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、 | .! | i |゙、 l | l | ! | j fj
Elijah Cooper
>I only read the first 10-20 posts of a general
That's what I read. I've been with /JoJo/ for a long time already and it's always on-topic.
>Almost all of the generals are off-topic or about entry level shonen shit like JoJo or snk. Then ban the misbehaving ones for a while instead of them all, since there are in fact good threads that could be called generals. Your next line will be "but all generals are shit".
Christopher Lewis
>webtoon >"manga"
Elijah Flores
See you in the next thread.
Elijah Ross
uhhhhhhhhh are you requesting CP?
Carson Torres
Okay Mr. FBI.
Wyatt Rivera
Noah Johnson
Why, you didn't do anything but make a shitty thread. YOU SHOULD THANK THE SHITTY MOD THAT PROTECTS YOUR ASS
Grayson Taylor
|\ /:/ /::| 、 / ::i:l::|::i| | `‐、/ ./i::::! B A N N E D i '::l:l::|::i| | /::l:::l A l l::i:l:l::|::i| |\ /:i:::l::,' N .i .|l::l:l::|::i| | |:`ー、._/l !l::/ N .i !::l::l:l::|::i| | |::! |:::i:||:l/ E | !:l::l:l::|::i| | |:| !::l:| , D ' ! !lNj/|::i| | l:! l::l:|/ l !l j l::リ | ll ヾl/ | i l/ | i l l ! ! | l ヽ .! l | l ヽ , ' ! . | ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、 | .! | i |゙、 l | l | ! | j fj
Matthew Watson
I want to sniff loli panties
Jose Morris
This. You're guaranteed to derail entire threads and every remaining post will be a (You), until a mod wakes up. It's surprising how so few people use this harvesting technique.
Kayden Myers
Name one then. Every single general I've seen has overstayed its welcome.
Jack Smith
Interesting.. >Not FBI
Connor Bennett
I don't particularly mind generals simply because I use the catalog as I am not an insane person.
But you are correct in that just removing them outright would not work. They could potentially get their own analog to /vg/. However I honestly don't think Cred Forums moves fast enough to justify potentially fracturing its population with a /vg/ like board.
Even with a /vg/ analog you'd likely have the generals be even less populated due to lack of the casual passerby entering. Leading to the generals dying and just moving back to Cred Forums anyway.
Ayden Nguyen
But that is the plan, isn't it?
Make a shitty general thread so bad that mods are suddenly free to ban any thread for any reason under the guise of "It was a General Thread"
Don't be mad at OP, be mad at the MOD that helped him
Jose Stewart
You fucked up now.
James Taylor
>people wanting to get rid of generals
I know that they don't totally contain everything and they can spill out but do you really think that's going to help?
Get rid of them and they're just going to spill out ten times more.
Anthony Powell
Yes, post some cheese pizza.
Daniel Evans
Hi mod.
Hunter Murphy
Jaxson Johnson
Liam Rodriguez
>1. Generals to be banned. What's wrong with containment threads?
Mason Cook
They don't contain shit, newfag. JoJofags and One Piece fags post their shit all over Cred Forums.
Jackson Thomas
Generals got marked 21 months ago, they are a non issue.
Ryan Powell
>see thread >OP proposes radical changes >OP wants to change one of the older boards forever >the thread is filled with lolis
I dig this
Alexander Baker
Have you ever been in one? They are absolute cancer, even Reddit is better. The only reason they're so shit is because they're up 24/7.
Jeremiah Watson
Kevin Ortiz
Until they get removed for real and spill out even more, then their shit is all over the the place. They aren't perfect containment threads but it's better than nothing.
Benjamin Reed
You cunts might as well merge Cred Forums and /jp/. I for one welcome the endless 2hu threads on Cred Forums
Anthony Thompson
Merge Cred Forums with Cred Forums.
Nolan Wilson
let's try and narrow this down, shall we?
What shouldn't people be banned for?
Jack Stewart
Not posting?
Asher Scott
Naruto was successfully contained off Cred Forums for years, only newfags would think we can't get the same results.
Blake Rivera
>9. Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. Use /r/ and /wsr/ >10. Loli worship is encouraged
Thought this was serious until i saw this faggotry