Kaede says the ED lyrics spoil the plot
So, Class Trial, let's figure this shit out
Kaede says the ED lyrics spoil the plot
So, Class Trial, let's figure this shit out
>Now, recall from the end.
Which dangan has the best thighs?
ubbubububbububu :DDD
Who was camera?
Do we have an English paste of the lyrics for the ED?
I fucking kek'd at Mondo turning into butter.
SHSL Thighs
can it be anyone else but tengan?
The founder?!
It must be...
>juzo literally saved everyone with the power of fujo
But then who was valkyrie?
Is she the Mukuro of DR3?
Juzoboys are always here.
We all stand together.
Nobody as we know them really matches the actual definition.
>Even Junko is in the verge of tears over herself in Despair arc
Are we sure it's not referring to the Future Foundation Founder?
Hajizuru finally showing up
How do you think Tengan looked when he was young?
Pic related bc he may have been attending Hope's Peak while Kamukura was still Headmaster.
You have to pair up every DR1 character only with every SDR2 character. How would you do it?
No, she's infinitely better. I'm glad at least one artist got rid of her trenchcoat though - she looks much better as a proper OL.
Miaya didn`t get a single line and died off screen so no she had it even worst.
The valkyrie?!
It must be...
Consider. A valkyrie is defined as:
>chooser of the slain
She's also the FOUNDER... of Ultimate Despair!
I rest my case.
user please not now
My girl will live god damn it, they wouldnt just put in a bottle to fuck with us, shes gonna stop SHSL old man and pop naegi's cherry. Who cares that shes only half a face now.
If only. Even Mukuro got more attention than Miaya
When will you stop trusting seiyuu?
Is this SHSL punchable face?
>Fake it
What did she mean by this
Flustered Juzo for your soul.
Tengan has to be from like, the 20th class.
And if Izuru was that old, I don't see how he'd live for another 20 years after founding the school.
>not letting yourself get hoodwinked knowing it's a trick for maximum enjoyment
Hajime and Naegi harems of course.
He looked like more of a protagonist, his hair would have been less pointy, and he probably had an ahoge.
The bottle was an animation error and will be fixed in the BDs.
>Tfw no matter how this ends, it's gonna be an unsatisfying asspull more than likely
Gekko, Matsuda and Chihiro Interacting and Ryoko thinking Matsuda's cheating on her when ?
I really hope someone do my Hiyoko x Teruteru request.
The Basic and Uncreative Way
Mahiru/Chihiro (they're the leftovers but it'd be "Be a man" vs "I'm strong on the inside")
We can only dream.
Why did Munakata assume that Tengan was the only person who could have set up the monitors and stuff when it's a replica building?
How Seiko kill herself and throw herself into a wall?
Why did Kirigiri hide the information she found from everyone? If cutting off your hand was an option like Juzo did, why did she not do it when she knew her time was up?
Am I going to get these answered with just one episode left?
I claim this thread in the name of Juzo and fujolove.
>"Don't Use My Art"
>constantly, repeatedly deleting their tweets
Fuck that artist. It's a shame because their work is actually good, but they're really mentally unhealthy.
I'm more tricked by the survivor count and how much time has passed since her supposed death, ehh fuck it no point sugar coating it, since her death.
The Va comments only feel valid this time, cause well unlike with asahina and juzo there seems to be alot more facts pointing to them being legit with the only counter being some fucking bottle animation that hilariously might of just been leftover trash from their dinner
It was likely a red herring. Kodaka knew if he threw it in, people would have false hope. The longer you hold onto false hope, the more despair inducing it becomes.
Eleven episodes in, we know fuck all about the mastermind.
What are the chances he/she will be revealed tomorrow?
>How Tengan looked
>When he was young
cause Munakata is dumb
Cause her Hulk Drugs
Because she's Junko
I got a better one
The VA comments were NEVER valid
"Asahina is TOTALLY DEAD u guises(Episode 2)"
"Juzo is totally dead u guises(Episode 9"
I would be annoyed if someone stole my art
Nice trips.
Why does corrupt Chisa seriously make my rock cock hard?
Most artists would, but they also don't repeatedly reset their accounts and delete their own works. It's counterproductive and puts their very fans off.
Smug boxer
I know it's head cannon as fuck but I love Mikan/Hajime
What's the point of art that isn't being used? It's the internet. Having your art shared among communities should be what artists desire. Otherwise it's immediately forgotten and nobody cares.
Double trips?
I demand more Juzo art, anons.
Awwwww! So cute!
Dingus listen, its not the VA comments on its own, its everything surrounding the Va comments that just give it more weight.
that and we only have 1 episode left to do battle with the old fuck, resolve the DR2 cast, then get the survivors out of there. There just isnt enough time for our girl to return.
Why are all the best artists jap?
An even smuger boxer
Corruption is a pretty hot fetish honestly.
To me it just took the shock factor when i first watched the episode and now i already dont care anymore no matter the outcome
>As an aria signals the beginning of the end
>Miracles raise their white flags in surrender
>Amid applause that celebrates our escape from this prison,
>Shackles are forced upon us once again!
This refers to how the cast of DR1 escaped from a killing game to end in another
>Take a look, foolish pawn
>At this farce of judgement
Could refer to Mitarai
>Unmatched Valkyrie,
>Keep your eyes on the founder!
>Keep him fooled, that impressionable young >boy - break it!
Refers to Hajime and how he got in all this, fooled by Junko due to his craving of entertainment.
>In this oppressive development,
>Make your way through the crowds, screaming:
>"My justice is right way!"
Could be Munakata as his "MY HOPE IS THE ONLY WAY"
I could do the rest but I got bored.
I think the same way. If someone share my drawing I would be happy and a good sign people like my work. If someone share my drawings AND write something "hur dur I draw this picture" then is this not ok! But save the picture and show it other people is more than ok I think.
Is that by the same artist who drew him sitting with the jacket zipped up?
>some stupid old man
>worthy of final boss in DR
Why is this ship kinda hot?
Hatesex, also ironically if Komaeda stopped devaluing himself and tried interacting with others (read: be a totally different character) Mikan would get along great with him. He's even her type, a sick person who needs somebody to take care of them for the rest of their life.
I want Juzo to have heard Munakata come for him.
Young Tengan would probably be voiced by Megumi Ogata, then
If Hope's Peak was 78 years old and Danganronpa came out in 2010,
and the 78th class was admitted a year earlier,
does that mean Hope's Peak was founded in 1941?
So, they still haven't explained why the AI in SDR2 was modeled after Chiaki. I mean, who was responsible for that?
It`s probably the only non-homo Komaeda ship that could actually work.
>Owari ga hajimaru aria to tomo ni
>Shirohata wo kakageta kiseki
>Datsugoku no hate ni kansei no naka
>Tejou tsukitsukerare
>Hora mite Oroka na koma yo
>Danzai no chaban
Naegi helped save the SDR2 kids but is prosecuted for it. The "trial" turns out to be a killing game.
>Dokudanjou valkyrie
>Sono me de miro kyouso wo
>Azamuite yo kouseinen break it!
Please tell me Junko isn't the mastermind again.
>Yumizu no you ni tsugu furachi na manifest
>Kuroneko ga yokogiru mae wo
Somebody tell me what these lines are symbolic of.
>Me wo toji furuete matsu wa
>Senzai no kakumei
>Kaishingeki valkyrie
>Soushitsu dake ga kyoushi
>Michibiite yo kouseinou fake it!
Please tell me the Chiakizuru theory isn't true.
>Senretsu sugita menkai
>Henken no aru categorize
>nobody knows, only I know
fuck you junko
>Sou kare wa shitte shimatta
>Ikeru shinseiki to
>Barabara tsunaegero anagram
>Kakugo wa ii? Kuruzo the end
this is either bullshit symbolism or there is literally some anagram that'll solve everything
A badass martial artist old man that controlled everything is leagues more interesting than just some girl who likes despair.
Chihiro. End of sotry.
It's funny cause I went to a con the other day with my brother and randomly met the artist who inspired him to draw 10 years ago. We bought some of her merch after he recognized the picture he used to practice drawing. Saving other people's artwork can have help you keep fans.
All it takes is someone who knew how influential Chiaki was to the class.
>so he knew i was living
oh shit, MC is dead character from 1-2 that alive again
>fake it!
MC is talentless hack that lying about her talent
>come recall from the end
MC doesnt remember except the 'last moment'
so MC is talentless hack that died and live again with no memory in classroom of ultimate student so she must pretend to be ultimate with lies and she meet with annoying JUSTICE robot
Let's go.
Nope. I want a cute girl.
Mikan wondering why her dead classmate was suddenly alive would be really funny
Imagine that hair-tugging, chain-pulling bloodplay and bondage type of hatefuck while in despair
I want off Kodaka's wild ride.
Why dont they just look away from the monitor?
Why didn't Mikan kill AI Chiaki for the sake of despair?
Because by the time they realize something is wrong, it's already too late.
watch despair 10 and you'll have your answer
>Punched Naegi in order to defend his bro
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag because he knew that he was the traitor all along
>Had a misunderstanding with the Gozuboys
>Saved Hinata from getting killed by HPA
>The master of chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was because he was a merciful hero, and not just to flex his muscles and check dat ass (because he only want's Munakata's ass)
>Went full ham on the evil old man mastermind and crew to save the FF
>Roundhouse kicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet in order to stop the second coming of Junko Enoshima
>Unable to stop some mentally deranged kid from blowing up half the school because he was too busy being a hero
>Had a misunderstanding with the donut but spared her
>Survived 2 missile barrages by an evil robot bent on destroying all hope
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, becoming the undisputed best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his love no matter what
>Only took a 2 episode rest before kicking the shin of everyone again
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Was not seduced by Ruruka's sweets because he was so loyal to Munakata
>Has enough consideration to the normies to use them as a coatrack
>Even at the world's end, he was still gunning for a piece
>Such a straight forwarded bro, he bends his own sexuality
>Saves the manlet when he's in need, cutting of his hand to be the savior he truely is! Saving everyone with the power of determination
>Single handedly stopped the killing game, physically and literally
I love this one, brother!
>tfw togami/naegi/kirigiri and komaeda/hinata/chiaki VS JUNKO
please use 漢字
>only finale left
I don't wanna end this ride
But, It spoil DR3 or V3?
It's blue.
Is there an exploitable for Naegi looking at the video, so I can shove memes into that monitor?
>bacon is currently frying in hell right now
Despair is simply unfair
>World War II
>Hope's Peak was opened by while Tojo and Hirohito were in power
Really hoping Despair 12 is an epilogue or something there's not nearly enough time for this to end in a remotely satisfying way.
>Everybody loves Despair!
Remember how we saw that Izuru was able to conceal his presence for the entirety of the first killing game until the very last minute? Nobody there saw him until he decided to show himself. The same thing happened later, with Nanami and Komaeda.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if somebody else like him was doing the exact same thing in the Final Killing Game? Just watching everybody act like a moron, slaughtering one another with impunity, with anybody unwilling to do that either killed via NG codes or by suicide via brainwashing, and doing nothing to stop it themselves even when they have all the power in the world?
Did somebody said trial?
look it up yourself
Monaca a lazy shit
Leave Pearl alone.
>Life is simply despair
Come on, man. Try a little harder with your wordplay.
Why did his hair grow so much anyways
>yfw DR3 mastermind is Komaeda and next despair episode will focus in him organizing the killing game with his luck so the last mirai episode has time to do other things
Third time's the charm.
Meme magic gave us a gay boxer, and it'll give us kirijunko too
>mikan was most likely the one that attached junko's hand to nagito while having the most intense despairgasm of her young life
>dat doujin where Milf to Loli fucked in one body
>Meme magic
Kill yourself.
only if you get dubs
Trivia time!
Did you know that Chiaki and Junko are the only two heroines to have canonically suffered multiple executions over the course of the series?
Furthermore, that they are both the heroines with the greatest physical endurance shown? Interestingly, there's also a bit of an odd parallel between their virtual and their real world selves.
AI Chiaki and Real Junko died in relative peace, satisfied that they were able to achieve their goals even if they weren't quite able to overcome their trials.
Meanwhile, Real Chiaki and AI Junko died in misery, cursing their fortune and dying in regret after being just about as completely destroyed as they could be.
Could it mean anything for the grand finale?
Maybe not, but it is food for thought.
I've finally seen the light, he was too good for this world
> V3 MC is somehow Junko again
How did she blow her gut nearly in half? Did she eat so many candies that she exploded?
That dumb slut deserved it. If she let her bf go in the room then they would have found the switch and ended the game
Why is she the best tool
Sorry, I like rhymes.
duh, junko time travelled into the future
You doubt her power?
>you lived to see a day where kirigiri finally fucking dies with even post 2 episodes as confirmation and it was the most pathetic death
>all this on top of Chiaki getting killed again for real
Why is Kodaka so based?
>Suicide flashback is her being lonely on a room embracing herself before brutally mutilating herself and choking on her own candy to try and survive the despair video before finally stabbing herself
>Only corpse not found so far
>Absolutely nobody gives a fuck about her missing
She was a cunt but that's a bit too much
Small bombs.
Junko confirmed SHSL marketing
>Announced nonchalantly is an insolent manifesto, As a black cat crosses your path.
This must be Junko proclaiming to bring despair and Black Cats can also be seen as omens of good luck, and I think Junko referred to Mitarai as a fated meeting.
>The rainbow that spans that gas-filled sky is monotone, Having given up on color.
I'm guessing the sky means the eyes of the characters after and b4 brainwashing, cuz they lose color.
>Closing my eyes, I quiver in wait; A dormant revolution!
Junko longng 4 despair
>Steadily advancing Valkyrie, Loss is your only true teacher, So guide me with high efficiency - fake it!
This could be symbolize that Junko is empty and her only guide is despair but she pretends to be normal
>In this all too vivid meeting, Everything is categorized by prejudice.
This must be the divide between talented and talentless students
>Yes, he learned he could survive, In this new era.
Assemble those scattered pieces in an anagram
Are you prepared? Here it comes: The End!
The survivor could be Hajime... I guess?
Meh, I'm gonna continue listening to Bowie.
>How was Junko able to utilize a secret dungeon underneath Hope's Peak that apparently nobody seemed to know about?
>Why didn't any of Class 77 call the police or at least tell anybody where they were going before blindly rushing off right into Junko's trap?
>Why didn't Juzo tell Munakata that it was Junko behind everything after she let him off the hook?
>How did Seiko kill herself with her super strength when it was clear that right before she fell asleep it had worn off?
>Why didn't Kirigiri investigate the fake exit further when it became clear Juzo now didn't care about killing them and just wanted to get out of there?
>If Kirigiri knew that the monitors were causing the deaths, why did she remain silent rather than telling anybody, which would save the lives of both her and Ruruka?
>Even if Kirigiri had to remain silent about the monitors for some reason, what reason would she have to allow herself to die rather than cutting her hand off with the easy-to-access Monokuma knives? As seen with Juzo, "bleeding out" is relative in Danganronpa and she would probably be smart enough to fashion a tourniquet.
No, idiot. She copied herself with the transporter so there could be two of her.
Candy in the bombs
>ever having a satisfying ending
Looks like you didn't play the games.
It could in theory.
>Both need someone to love them
>Nagito benefits from free life-long health-care
>Mikan benefits with a lover as obsessive as she'd be to him
But it's too late in canon.
Plus Nagito's luck can't keep him alive for longer.
It's more of a mayfly romance. It won't last forever, leaving Mikan a sad widow.
>Peko it's been a long day, get on your knees and strip
>Y-Yes young master
>you lived to see entire threads of people losing the will to damage control over muh cure w
She didn't.
There is a less darker pic of her death, She doesn't has a hole.
It's not like finding her corpse would mean much at this point.
He killed off all three heroines in one anime. Either he has huge balls or he's going to bring them all back somehow for maximum pandering.
>No one has translated the latest Mirai-hen radio
This is bullshit, I want to know what they were saying about Juzo
Reminder that ED singer, Sayaka Kanda also acted as Junko in the stage plays and has admitted several times in interviews that she really really loves Junko's character.
Was there any ever doubt?
Despair is eternal which means Junko is immortal
Which character has the best hands and why is it Nagito?
Kirigiri is such a fantastic girl. I'm glad she managed to make it through without dying - she threw up a lot of flags in that last episode, but she managed to pull through anyway.
I especially liked the ending, where everyone realized what a terrible character Munakata was, so Naegi decided to hook up with Kirigiri. The last scene, where the two of them shared a long glance looking down at the cold hard floor was really romantic. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who teared up a little bit.
Kirigiri simply gets things done. She's a girl who has the lives of all of her FF members riding on her shoulders. She carries that weight and won't let it break her. She values the lives of other people - she cares about what happens to them, and as they start dying, the knowledge that she's partially responsible starts to build up on her shoulders. But does she give up? No way. She just keeps going along, trying not to crack under the pressure.
This comes as a contrast to Munakata, who, when Naegi talked to him, decided to talk back, dooming the foundation to a horrible death. He even knew who the killer was all along, but rather than say anything, he decided to let even more people die. In the end, the only reason he bothered to go stop the killer is because the FF members finally decided to kill each other; he might not care if other people died, but once his life was in danger, then he’ll do something about it. He's selfish and a sociopath.
Kirigiri however, didn't hesitate. She went to find the killer when she (thought) she knew who it was. She wasn't going to let anybody else die. She's smart, beautiful, nice and mature. And to top it all off, she's a god damned hero.
She's a fantastic girl. And I for one am very glad that, rather than dying a senseless death in the last episode, she instead survived and hooked up with Naegi. She earned that little slice of hope.
>they would have found the switch and ended the game
What is the point in do it if they don't know about the monitors?
>Kirigiri is the one calling/texting on Tengan's phone
I'm gonna place a bet. Not a large bet, but a moderate one.
>Assemble those scattered pieces in an anagram
>Are you prepared? Here it comes: The End!
>Yfw Owari was behind everything
Kaede is Junko confirmed
So shes somehow immune to poison now?
I want to attend her and Fuyuhiko's wedding
Was it ever explained in the episode why Kirigiri was found on her back with her notebook under hear when she obviously fell forward at the time limit?
>Everyone in this picture is dead
>a bit too much
She got away too easy if anything
>the end
meaning the same thing =/= anagrams
She's tosses and turns when she sleeps
She's dead jim.
The SHSL detective can claim a bonus feat: ultimate poison resistance.
Are they gay?
he'll bring back chiaki and kirigiri, but chisa is pretty fucking dead
She would be a hot Milf too...
Arent they just braindead? Except for the gaming autist/AI
>Already built. Junko just modified it for her purpose.
> Because their special abilities make them cocky.
> She would have found out and blackmailed him like she threatened.
>Could have ate more pills after being despair brainwashed
>Because Kyoko isn't perfect and makes mistakes.
>It was just a theory. She didn't want to say anything until she had more evidence.
>Cutting your hand off would be a risk and could lead to dying more painfully. She chose to die peacefully in her sleep.
Hajime ain't ded
Reminder that DR3's premise of brainwashing monitor means that whoever dies next is left to chance
Reminder that the final killing game was made with Naegi Makoto as the survivor in mind
I'm gonna place an insane bet
>Chisa is the one calling/texting on Tengan's phone
Cure W
Yeah, but she's found in the complete opposite orientation as when she fell asleep. That also doesn't explain how the notebook was found so perfectly concealed under her.
Well, technically yes. But as far as they go as a personality, unless there was some backup saved of their despair-brains, they are dead.
When he dies Mikan can just wriggle over to Hajime.
Problem solved.
No way we can cover the NICE BOAT, Kiri's death, phone, Mitarai, mastermind, overall plot behind all this, Togami and Weedman, and wrap up in one episode.
>switches to Despair-hen
>Mitarai working feverishly on his big anime for his final project as a third year
>doesn't have enough time or budget to finish last episode
>"Boo hoo hoo I just wanted to make anime."
>the entire series was all just an anime the whole time
Obviously not. This series has proven with Sato that /u/ ruins everything. These two would've already died if they were more than good friends.
I'll one up you on that
>Miaya is the one calling/texting on Tengan's phone
>Reminder that the final killing game was made with Naegi Makoto as the survivor in mind
My prediction:
>Dr3 Future episode 12
>18 minutes of episode showing manlet and friends figuring out who the bad guy is and explaining how they did it and going to the surface
>2 minutes camera shot of izuru looking at the ships that are now going away for the island
Meh, I'm sad I couldn't infer anything other than what we already know, but the majority of the plot is indeed there.
Sounds pretty Boring
This better happen. I'm still pissed we know absolutely fuck all about her.
I think Komaru is willing, so it's up to Touko to keep the gay at bay.
And I'll one up you again
>Chisa is the one calling/texting on Tengan's phone IN the theatre
>Reminder that the final killing game was made with Naegi Makoto as the survivor in mind
Also note how Naegi would be the only death if no NG codes were to be activated.
Even if she isn't the mastermind I'm absolutely certain she was working with whoever is. Either that or Monaca lied about not working with the mastermind, it has to be one of those two options.
>IN the theatre
Now that is truly evil.
Define "exploitable".
thats literally the only way they could logically bring up kirigiri being alive.
Comatose, not dead.
Meaning there's room for bullshit for reviving them since this is Kohacku writing it
You're a madman
Fukawa sees Komaru as her extremely boring, normal friend, in her Byakuya fantasies.
Komaru is as normal as can be, which means she isn't /u/. Also, as mentioned earlier, if she was, she'd have ruined everything by now, since Dangan Homos make everything awful for everyone
Stop this.
I can't wait to get off this board once the show ends. This place is going to implode really soon at this rate.
Both their significant others die, so they move on with each other and create twin tailed goddess.
Don't you know Komaru's a brocon? She even grew an ahoge during her time imprisoned because she spent that time dreaming of him.
I got this feeling that all of us hoping for a Nagito is the mastermind ending are gonna be pretty fucking disappointed.
it was Monomi
Well technically she is, if you include her as Ryoko in Dr0.
I wish Mikan would wriggle all over my body.
Those Monokuma knives look grail as fuck, they wouldn't be able to cut through bone
Kirigiri had nothing to cut her hands with
They could go for a bullshit reset end.
my wife Ibuki is so cute.
>Not acknowledging the true female lead
Get skewered pig-slut!
>This place is going to implode really soon at this rate.
Has literally been said every year
If only she didnt have those retarded hair horns
Even with Komaru slowly entering her delusions. Fukawa kept her obsession with Togami alive long enough so she and Komaru would survive DR3
Well played Toko
pancake club
i think thats hilariously enough also too late for this.
Why would she have Tengan's phone?
How would she even be alive?
And why the bloody fuck would she be evil? It's literally impossible for Usami to be evil.
>might have to go on /drg/ to discuss the anime
Truly this is the darkest timeline.
>tfw chiakizuru saves juzo and kills kirijunko
I always pictured them as little party hats, because if anyone would be up to party it would be her.
Holy shit is this real?
>nobody reads the thread and finds out this is just an idiot
good jb
Reminder that the only reason Juzo bled out was because he had a hole in his chest, he would have lived if it was only his hand cut off.
but user, that boxer is a homo
>Komaru is as normal as can be, which means she isn't /u/.
There's nothing abnormal about homosexuality, user.
>Assemble those scattered pieces in an anagram - Are you prepared? Here it comes: The End!
>The End!
Anyone know moonspeak?
i think they are cute.
Natural, yes. Normal, no.
>Real Junko and AI Chiaki were crushed
>AI Junko and Real Chiaki were skewered
What does it mean?
Well done holmes
1. she took it after his death, or had it from the beginning.
2. that happened offscreen and all we have to go on is Monaca's word for it. She didn't even sound like she was trying to trick them, just a simple "oh that, uh... yeah that was me."
3. She's not evil, this is all just a super expeirmental therapy session
Just a template I can easily shoop jokes into so I can change what's on the monitor for a cheap gag.
Getting rid of generals would be such a stupid idea. Then you'd go back to the days where the board is filled with the same type of thread. Remember the days when Code Geass aired and the entire board was filled with Code Geass threads each week?
Nah it's literally one guy shitposting
That doesn't explain Togami knowing that she's dead though.
Hoyl shit wouldnt that be the funniest, most mean spirted shit
jin from the edo period, of course
Remember when Asahina was the mastermind?
Nah they just sleep in the same bed, touch each other ironically and are planning on adopting a kid
>Natural, yes. Normal, no.
I'm confused. How can one not be the other?
>all we have to go on is Monaca's word for it.
Except it was Togami who said she was dead. Unless you're implying that Togami has gone rogue and is being blackmailed by Junko so that she doesn't reveal his secret of loving Naegi.
How can they be sure it's her? Could have been a fake body, Killer Killer was supposed to be important somehow.
I wanna see Souda get cucked by Weedman of all people
>Killer Killer brought in a SHSL Make-up Artist that can create fake bodies.
>And why the bloody fuck would she be evil?
>Creators of NWP were Miaya Matsuda & Chihiro.
>Matusda was Junko's beta boyfriend
>Chihiro was Junko's classmate.
>Miaya was Junko's ________ fill the gap user.
Who here still believes in the cure W saving the day cause i lost all faith
I'm a gekkofag and I don't want her to be the mastermind. She's too pure to be bad
Who says this can't be Nagito and Chiaki's spiritual child?
I bet it wouldnt even hurt that much
Yeah, it'll bring her back as Kirijunko
Togami got a report of it, he never claimed to have confirmed it himself.
Why haven't they told us her name yet?
would be nice to see anything with her alive at this point
That case dragged on for fucking forever
Why would Komaru put on that smelly outfit? And let smelly Fukawa wear her clothes? Now she's gonna stink like Fukawa, even after she gets her clothes back
If it was just a report they wouldn't have literally shown her being dead.
please shut up.
What type of autistic genius was supposed to figure that one out?
>She's too pure to be bad
Nigga what? We know fuck all about her and you call yourself a Gekkofag?
At this point Killer Killer can't be relevant. They had their shot with fake Chisa corpse but they blew it.
This series is fucking intolerable if you don't have a waifu/husbando in it.
1. Those threads are complete autism and not to be taken seriously
2. If generals were actually to be banned, the mods would do the same thing that Cred Forums did where a general is allowed for a show that's currently running/receiving content, so we'd be fine until the grand finale.
But, of course, it's perfectly normal for a sister to be a brocon, right?
She's literally Usami though.
all of mine are dead
and yet, I continue to watch
It's not like Kodaka is above red herrings and misdirections.
According to Kodaka Killer Killer is supposed to have some relevance to Mirai.
>Wfags telling kirijunkofags to shut up
>to perform (a play) to play (a part) to act (a part)
Killer Killer is so fucking bad
>are planning on adopting a kid
I still have Nagito so I can go on.
Stupidest part of SDR2.
According to Kodaka Kirigiri wasn't going to die.
Don't fall for this ruseman's lies user.
how more blatant can you get at this point?
I dont buy into cure W just like baiting salty waifufags that cant accept she died.
No, that would be the end part
What? With them storming the FF building? Unlikely.
Face it, they had their chance and they blew it.
what does the extra "do" mean?
I love him.
yeah this is actually true, kodaka said he wouldn't kill off any survivors nor would he continue the DR2 cast. I am genuinly pissed he didnt keep his word cause i think killing off survivors cheapens the game they survived from.
That's why I said "supposed to" user.
>to play (a part)
>to act (a part)
The show isn't over yet, stop sperging out.
Come on guys it made perfect sense
I love that no one buys into the cure W bullshit anymore, thank you based juzo and based voice actresses for confirming kirigiri is dead as fuck.
What was Kirigiri supposed to cut her arm off with? Cutting off limbs is pretty hard.
So it's an anime confirmed?
REALLY acting!
>Now she's gonna stink like Fukawa, even after she gets her clothes back
They sleep together every night. Fukawa's smell is already all over her because of that and gets refreshed every night
Draw nagito
>MOTB means Meat On The Bone which is used when describing the buxom bottom of a lady.
>Hanamura is a raving pervert.
Kodaka you madman.
nigga the show barely has anytime left in it, and even if they brought kirgiri back (which they wont) kodaka still went back on his word and showed the DR2 cast.
Will he survive?
Then how the hell did Juzo do it? Narukami's the only one with a proper blade.
So what was Tengans plan? Get himself killed?
>showed the DR2 cast.
Yeah we saw like 10 seconds of Hajime/Izuru standing at the port just like in the epilogue of SDR2.
Future still has one episode and there is a "special arc" we know nothing about
however it is listed as a BD episode
Which case was this again?
maybe he passed by one of the corpses and used their knife
guys i dont know what i want more, kirigiri being alive and blowing the fuck out of the people confidently saying shes dead, or the waifufags getting blown out that shes deader than dead
It was to use the NWP to put all RoD inside them to revert the brainwashing.
He must have used one of Yoroi's blades. Not like one more hole in the moon would matter. u feel me?
I don't know shit about Japanese, how is this an anagram when 演じ looks like an entirely different character?
Yes because he's the Hagakure of the game.
And in those 10 seconds they spoiled the ambiguity set up by DR2's ending by telling us that izuru is the dominant personality still.
>He cares what people think
What do YOU want, user?
You fuckin asshole delete that picture right now.
ji endo
enji do
It's pronounced enji
Wait, so is NG, sort of.
I'll be completely honest with you guys, if next despair tengan comes by and turns chiaki into a izuru clone i honestly wouldnt have a problem with it, we get to see chiaki die 3 times.
When was it ever confirmed that Sato was gay?
I said proper for a reason. Those blades were dinky pieces of shit that wouldn't have been able to go through bone.
hmm, very similar to Nagito's plan.
Seconded. Where are the deets?
Be a stepping stone for hope
Personally im fine with either or from a storytelling standpoint, if handled right kirigiri's revival could be cool and give closure to seiko's character, but on the other hand if she stays dead it'll be a good, not flawless but good send off to my favorite character that parrallels her character development from the first game.
Ive accepted either or, what i havent accepted, is who do i want to see damage controlling more.
Hagakure = worst character ever
Never confirmed but the way she is so obsessive and protective of Mahiru suggests it.
japanese uses three different sets of characters in writing
For more.
"Starring in one's own play"
"three times"
Am I off? Probably. Almost certainly, in fact! But I think I'm getting somewhere regardless.
the joke is that you can read these characters in different ways, such as えんじ as 演じ
Twilight Syndrome
Well, what is it?
But that's wrong
>we get to see chiaki die 3 times.
It was part of the video game murder that motivated murder 2.
Peko can smell /u/ from a mile away.
How about 演じ行動?
>Survivors of DR 2 revert back to Despairs after they come back to real world
>Naegi just lets them be
I dont get it
The purple haired guy is the Leon of DRv3, he's going to die first.
>3 times
Nope. If Chiakizuru really happens, this time, the third and final time, will be the time Hajime finally gets to save her to make up for her being the one who's saved him all this time.
shit meant for
you never know man
he could've used some of the rubble lying around too
there are already a lot of plotholes, let this one go
What? No, he is totally gonna be all intellectual and full of street wisdom to boot.
My guess is he is even older than the others and will be like the Fuyuhiko of the game
>Survivors of DR 2 revert back to Despairs after they come back to real world
They didn't. Their avatar selves came back into their bodies, through a small miracle. Pay attention.
The fact that Kohacku made it a point to say that people like Mikan who figure out that the Jabberwock island they were on wasn't real and they were in an AI have a higher chance of recovering from a comatose state then those who die without realizing makes me think he at least has some plans for Class 77 as a whole in the future
Oh shit
But didnt they say that their memories were deleted?
Well it's kinda small but I couldn't find any other good shot.
You know, im so attached to these characters that id actually be ok with this pulling some happy ending like this for both chiaki and kirigiri.
that said no danganronpa had a happy ending and this one wont either, kirgiri and both chiakis are pretty fucking dead
ド自演 would fit too
度 doesn't mean three times though?
Post more lewd Mikans
Shit, meant avatars
>no danganronpa had a happy ending
another episode called
She just loved her friend and wanted to protect her.
would work. more fun puns. more "it's all an anime" pointers.
>that said no danganronpa had a happy ending and this one wont either
It could, just not a perfectly happy one.
Just one where they get to live with the shitty things that happened and still choose to press on and try to make the best of life. Like people
His personality is. Now it's just Izuru choosing to live on as Hinata.
>this bitch kills the blue haired girl pretty horribly and Komaru just smiles at her as she leaves
This series is really inconsistent with how they treat the image of killers
My bad, that's 'degree'. You see? I'm pretty tired so I shouldn't be doing this right now. But even so, this has caught my interest...!
It would seem that in the DR universe, despite everyone talking like memories are erased, they're really just suppressed.
度 on its own just means degree (temp/angle), or -time(s) (of occurrence).
Their high school memories are gone, because they're the avatars who were created without those memories. They did NOT turn back to despairs.
>Shit, meant avatars
Just the ones that died. For the survivors, they should have gone with the emergency shutdown, but they didn't, because FUTURE.
It's a counter for number of times, but not specifically 3.
I have fun. Must suck to be unable to enjoy dumb things.
>playing a part
Are there non lewd Mikans?
I still think "anagram" refers to Naegi and Komaeda. There haven't been any other anagrams in DR.
Oh, i guess that makes sense then
hang on a second, do I have this right? The fact that the game is in a secret underwater base means that this killing game was being planned even BEFORE The Tragedy.
What the fuck?
Yeah, I realized. Sorry about that part.
Well, it is an apocalyptical world where screaming at the mass murderers and showing logical inconsistencies in their reasoning actually defeats them, so some strangeness is expected
She looks so happy here ;_;7
>tually be ok with this pulling some hap
I was hoping for this type of ending, but with kirgiri dead i just dont see this ending on anything but a morbid end.
Of course!
Jesus, I could imagine what would happen if they both maxed each other's Hope Fragments.
>Mikan "I could injure you so you can stay with me forever.."
>Nagito: "That's ok I have lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia."
>Nagito: "Stay by my side, so I can die with someone in happiness..."
Good end?
Do people actually believe Kyoko won't be coming back?
Yeah, let's introduce the Ultimate Pharmacist and make her give a complex that she couldn't save anyone. Let's really emphasize that aspect of her, and the unused unknown medicine she holds in her hand called "CURE W". Totally not a Chekhov's Gun!
Mikan has the best body. Total my taste... mhhhhh.... yummy! Why is Mikan the most sexual character?
>the way she is so obsessive and protective of Mahiru suggests it.
yeah. she went crazy for it
I honestly would not care about pandering at all if he somehow brought celes back
Any bullshit excuse I'd perfectly accept, even "lol I actually slipped down and hid in the same trash area you did I've been working with the FF because Junko thinks I'm dead ;:^j"
just bring our girl back
You can still enjoy something without a waifu or husbando. Or you can pick one that is immortal, go HUGE DUMB BROWN TITS
Mahiru should eat few more burgers
Thanks, man.
I'm tired tonight, but I'll be using this in the morning. I got nothing to do tomorrow.
>still no english patch
She fell for the yuri meme
There isn't time, only one despair and one future episode left, then there's that pointless despair special. I believed in her being alive but with the amount of time wasted on Juuzo and on Naegi having an Omedetou moment I lost hope.
as far as i see it im in the better standing here, >i believe shes dead
>next week she isnt,
> "cool my fav character isnt dead"
>vice vera she is dead
>welp at least i didnt believe any retarded theories making this moment any worse.
>left to right
Man she's hanging around an Ultimate Mass Murderer, she's used to that shit by now.
Look at this nigga, still buying into crackpot theories that make no sense
just you wait till the blu rays come out and reveal the bottle was an animation error.
>most sexual
She's gotta fight Hopeman for that title
She's friends with a girl whose alternate personality is a serial killer.
>tfw Mikan is the quintessential "just needed a hug character"
>tfw watching her breakdown during the trial, asking why everyone's always mean to her
Notice the horizontal speech bubbles. It's originally Korean.
>I'll protect you for sure....
Despair episode will be Izuru meeting Makoto and agreeing to save class 77. Tragedy will be shown and Izuru will leave Chiaki flowers.
Future episode will have them pursuing Tengan red herring while Izuru and co arrive on the island, ends with Kyoko's revival
Special program shows DR2 cast meeting Future cast and the final reveal of the mastermind
Aoi's shorts would like to comment on that!
>dude... she's dead... i'm depressed... just give up hope... just inject it...
>No guys the timeframe guys there's not enough time they only got like 23 minutes man
Wow, we've almost got the full set. Where's the Naegiri wet panties guy?
Why would anyone even want that? Both results are predictable as fuck but only "Kirigiri somehow comes back to life for 20 seconds so she can grab and use the Cure W" would remove any sense of consequence from this shitpile, rendering it pointless. I get it, you desperate waifufags want Baconhands to not die but jesus christ the writing is shit enough as it is, let's not make it boring too because god forbid the finale kill off anyone who isn't just being introduced in this finale.
Literally the only thing that makes me even remotely consider her surviving, is that koichi died trying to save her. Kodaka almost killed kuzuuru off until he realized peko's sacrifice meant nothing if he did.
that said, she dead bro, move the fuck on shed of come back by now if she were, 1 episode just isnt enough time.
Sorry I said it wrongly
Draw Hopeman.
lol Sato before she had a face
Why does she wear the mask anyway?
I've been rewatching Future arc in a detailed manner, and I'm at episode 5 right now.
What Seiko says:
>Where did I go wrong? Just like then… (pan to Chisa) Or then… (pan to Bandai) I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t save anyone. I just wanted to save everyone…
A good director places meaning on scenes. Why spent a minute or so on this, instead of showing something else or reminiscing longer on Ruruka's friendship?
>tfw Juzo will never give Seiko the love she deserves because he only wants the katana cock
Truly the most depressing part of Future.
You forgot about CAMERA ANGLE
Relevant to all three of your tastes?
I think despair will be explaining tengan's motives
final future is the confrontation with whatever trap he had left, hinata shows up and sabes the day, ends with some somber ride off the island without kirigiri cause shes actually dead
final despair will just be the DR2 cast actors role playing as they watch DR3 footage
its really not false flagging if i think shes genuinly deader than dead and theres little evidence that she could revive. I want her to live but its just not happening and that cure W shit only made the reveal that she is super dead in episode 11 all the more harder.
To hide her disgusting brace face
A problem easily solved by having Nagito knock up Mikan.
That would give her someone weak and vulnerable to take care of and she wouldn't be left alone.
everyone wants Mahiru
Mikan butt is a great butt
Hopeman is just Hopeman for me.
Aoi a shit
I don't like her.
>mikan bullied by her own children
My fetish.
I only know Mai Nakahara didn't like the episode because Chisa got NTR'd
>Last episode of Future
>Kyoko survived
>Everyone thinks all the DR1 characters survived
>Last 15 minutes
>It's actually revealed that Chisa was disguised as Asahina thanks to the Ultimate Make-Up Artist
>Asahina is actually dead and has been since the prank Kodaka pulled
It's not that I don't want her to die so much as Kodaka is a hack and the bottle detail literally costs money to include so they wouldn't put it there for no reason. You have too much faith in Kodaka.
Just a heads up to all the theorycrafters, but it is almost certainly assured that Recall THE END will likely only truly make sense after Despair 11.
To hide her cute braces.
best new boy and best new girl
>Only one good doujin of Mikan
I wonder if Natsumi's resemblance to a certain other little sister is intentional
>Parents are dead
>Little brother gets literally 5 minutes of time before blowing up
>Barely even any spotlight of her own
Good, it made her death all the more tragic than if they focused on some shallow ass friendship.
Cure W was the thing i wished would happen not so kirigiri would come back but just so seiko hadnt failed like she has. I dont know that genuinly upsets me more than giri being dead is that her bottle actually had no pay off.
>She dies and Toko wins the Naegibowl
Or maybe it was just a dream all along
>>Asahina is actually dead and has been since the prank Kodaka pulled
Fuck, I aint even mad.
Thanks for bringing back best girl, and taking out worst girl.
She is his SHSL imouto, not for lewd.
that would explain the supposed double brainwashing and how adorable she acted while climbing to the chandelier
It would be extremely painful to remove
I wouldn't even be fucking mad, they are the same height after all.
What? There are at least two.
NTR'd how? I don't get it.
>Aoi a shit
>I don't like her.
Well you listen here! You are entitled to your opinion, although I do not like how you insulted my waifu just now.
There are? All I know is the one where she walks in on Hajime jerking off
You know who's also the same height?
Something something probably shipped Chisa and Munakata.
Or despair
>"I-I swear I don't want Kirigiri to live!"
>"It's just that Kodaka is such a hack that he totally wouldn't have a bottle on the floor to illicit this specific reaction!"
Yeah I'm sure Weedman's Happy Ending will happen too, after all, that scene literally costs money to include so they wouldn't put it there for no reason.
There's the Junko/Mikan/Komaeda threesome. Art's nice, at least.
>Toko wins the Naegibowl
I would laugh so hard if that would happen
Make it happen Kodaka
>Mahiru and Kuzuryu still got along even after this
Immortal, dudes.
our provocations do nothing to me.
In the game when Mahiru showed Sato the evidence, Sato asked if Mahiru was going to confess to her.
Seiko's teeth must have been really fucked up if she had braces since she was a little kid
Her haircut is silly and she is stupid. This is why she is not my taste.
Ohhhh, you mean how her "love" started being fake because of the brainwashing?
I thought it had something to do with Juzo, that's why I was so confused.
Most of the cast is retarded
Artist in question has done plenty of lewd doujin strips of Mikan (mostly with Nagito)
Komaru left Monaca to die at the end of UDG, so the way she acted toward her in the anime is very inconsistent.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with Juzo
Hey, I didn't like her hairstyle in DR1 either, but she's way better looking in DR3.
Just don't come crying to me when you realize Kodaka doesn't have the balls to kill off anyone from DR1.
>Yeah I'm sure Weedman's Happy Ending will happen too
Wow, it's almost as if they're telegraphing the bullshit happy ending beforehand or something.
She already won the naegibowl
The komaru naegibowl
that bottle animation sure as shit didnt cost money, the cure W bottle was a CGI rendering for whatever fucking reason back in episode 5, it takes probably less than 2 minutes tops to animated the bottle spinning for a second. Like it takes so little effort it could actually be an animation error.
Are you ready for an epilogue of Monaka playing with the Warriors of Hope like nothing ever happened?
Chiaki probably reconciled them both.
Which is why they probably got too attached to her and fell into despair from her death.
She's around chemicals alot. And her braces.
No I'm pretty sure it was Juzo related.
How? I love him, but I'm not sure how Munakata's reaction to his death was "better" than hers?
it amazed me people still think shes alive, like after all the shit that has cemented it more and more we just keep falling back on some fucking animation error and the idea that kodaka is a hack as out only evidence that this dead as fuck bitch is still alive.
If kirigiri were alive, how the actual fuck will they bring her back, as in how would they fit her revival in the episode when there is so little time left. the only possible idea i can think of is shes the one behind the tengan text.
Who's the MC of V3?
I wish she was voiced by Ayana Taketatsu
If you had told Makoto one of the other survivors was gonna end up sleeping with his sister, he probably wouldn't have guessed it'd be Touko.
Do you have to ask?
Remember what she did in DR1?
She went off grid to find out about the Mastermind.
She did the same thing here. She abandoned everybody else knowing that they could take care of themselves and plunged into the lonely unknown to confront the Valkyrie behind all of this.
>Man she's hanging around an Ultimate Mass Murderer, she's used to that shit by now.
>Hey Syo-chan! Did anything happen today?
>HEY Dekomaru! hunted two cuties and had them pinned to the wall !
>Sorry. I meant. Anything interesting happen?
>...I got us some ramen?
>That's sweet of you
I like her DR1 gravity defying hair.
It sorta looks like both a question mark and a fishing hook, which could reference the fact that it's a murder mistery series and that she is a swimmer respectively.
He's tiny on the cover compared to Kaede and her future love interest.
It was probably the fact that everyone is calling Juzo the heroine instead of Chisa.
is blackcap-kun going to purify some motherfuckers?
He's also quite literally at the center of it.
How far up Komaru'us vagina can it go?
It looks like it was inspired by pic related.
Here's what really happens: Fuyuhiko and her are interested in each other, but neither makes a move. Fuyuhiko then has to have a fake relationship with the blonde haired daughter of a rival family in order to keep the peace between the two of them. Eventually he falls for her for real and Peko spends the rest of her life making sweets for them.
Naegi look alpha as fuck in this one.
Does this mean cap is going to be important?
>Literally smackdab in the middle of everyone
So is the gothic maid.
Literally all animation costs money, even pre-rendered shit, it remains an extraneous detail that someone boarded, approved, and put in the final scene.
Do you have any idea how animation works? An animation error would be something like a 6th finger, not some extra background detail.
yeah but she did that for half a chapter, had proper build up that she was going to, never showed any conclusive evidence that she was dead, and then had her return before the 6th chapter could even start
with DR3 however
>weve seen her body
>she has a fucked up face and is gushing blood from her eye
> hasnt gotten any foreshadowing that shes alive but got a plethora of death flags
>whole show past her death has been hammering it in that shes really gona even down to the fucking death counter.
I fail to see how this at all parrallels the first game, well it does but its meant to contrast it, here she dies rather than fakes her death.
Attention, cease spreading this false image immediately. You are a sniveling coward, Kaede. You and your /u/ York values will destroy this game. Give me the protagonist position.
Well, that poll is 11000 votes and counting the last time I looked.
[spoilers]Fuck you, I wanted Onodera to win.[/spoilers]
Most likely. He even has a hidden ahoge that you don't find out about until some time in the game. Except that they spoiled it in the trailer already.
Why did we only have this now? I felt like this is something we should've had ages ago
when you already had the assets made for a previous scene you can just easily grab the bottle model and motion tween it to roll across the screen and rotate it a bit. If they made the bottle solely for that scene then yes you would have a point, but the combined time it took to animate the bottle and render it was likely less than 10 minutes tops. It could even potentially be a fucking in joke an animator threw in there.
Komaru and Fukawa having a fairly normal life. Hanging out , working for FF , going on trips
Meanwhile. Syo does her thing and Komaru is completely aware and okay with it
no episode just us having fun
get in here for fun lads
>I didn't watch the episode
She was flat out asked by Nagisa to not kill her since she was the group of kids's friend.
Because she remembered the plan, which was to create corpses for AI Junko to inhabit. She knew Chiaki couldn't really exist, so killing her would be pointless.
Fuyuhiko and Peko's love for each other is too pure to be compared to that trash cartoon.
Except she seemed happy and talked about Monaca like she was an old friend, which made no sense.
People seriously are still trying to pretend kirigiri is alive, do you niggas forget what series we are in.
You can't really trust the promotional art in DR.
He is the first victim or the love interest.
>blonde tsundere enters the harem
Should've packed up your bags the moment Chitoge showed up
best girl Ruri got the best ending
Okay boys we need a fucking twist for the final episode.
Which retarded theory will come true.
I'm banking on the Chisa is Asahina theory, nips were right about Tengan saying the attacker alternates so they could be right here.
I'm betting love interest since Kaede needs a foil and he seems more normal than robo-Naegi.
>be animator
>can put a joke anywhere
>bottle rolling across the floor for 5 frames
>fucking hilarious
Maybe she just wanted to be kind before effectively ending Monoca's free life? I have no idea.
Because Chiaki getting killed and monitors showed what Kodaka doesn't have balls to be original
So Kirigiri actually dying would be too original for him
My bet's on cap and Hopebot having an investigation partnership similar to Naegi/Kirigiri but one of them is killed early on to show that heavyweights will be in danger this game.
You have no idea how this shit works. Anime production, especially towards the end of the season, is far too rushed to include a detail like that for no reason. Even an intern clicking a few buttons costs money, and they could get fired for including something that wasn't in the storyboard. Somebody in either writing or direction wanted it to be there. I don't even want her to be alive, in fact I hope she's fucking dead because you deserve it for being so fucking obnoxious with your spam but she won't be because Kodaka doesn't have the balls.
The one where the mastermind of the first game was someone who we thought was dead, but was replaced by a twin. The one where the mastermind of the second game was the presumed dead person from the first game. The one where the spinoff had the mastermind of the first 2 games in no less than 2 (two) separate bodies, all while everyone in the game thought she was dead. You're criticizing people for theorizing a VIP might possibly not be dead in a series that has done the above?
Hopebot's self destruct sequence has been initiated. Kaede, as the idiot protagonist, doesn't run away, so cap-kun has to drag her to safety/tell her to get down.
Trust me, my predictions have a 30% of coming true.
Did they change the design of checker scarf guy?
Except production of danganronpa 3 wrapped months ahead cause they were airing 2 cours in 1 season. They had more than enough time to fuck around.
and you can stop pretending you dont want kirigiri to be alive. For fucks sakes i want her to be alive im just not retarded enough to buy into unfounded theories like cure W when everything in existence contradicts it
This just shows how much different AI Chiaki and Real Chiaki's circumstances are.
>In fact I hope she's fucking dead because you deserve it for being so fucking obnoxious with your spam
zoo wee mama
oh for fucks sakes stop with this junko was the mastermind of 2 bullshit people keep saying, izuru/hinata was the mastermind, that was the games whole twist. ai junko was just a means to an end that he placed there.
Are you?
Might just be something extra he wears some of the time. He's probably SHSL Magician.
All in on Izuru 2.0. It's foreshadowed, but people argue about it anyway.
>i hate kirigiri but she's gonna live
>i love kirigiri but she's gonna die
You both look like utter fucking retards.
Nobody actually died and this is actually just a simulation to see who gets promoted in the Future Foundation.
>Chisa is Asahina theory
This doesn't work though, because Asahina showed her NG code to Naegi after the death fakeout, which is the logical time in which they would have switched places.
So who gets promoted?
>implying she didn't give herself Asahina's NG Code when she was taking everyone to the secret room.
Yasuhiro gets the promotion.
Juzo, Jin, Naegi and Seiko.
New thread for when it's needed.
>Except production of danganronpa 3 wrapped months ahead
No it didn't unless you're talking about voice recording specifically.
When is Nagito finally going to give Mikan the family she deserves?
fuck meant to say Future Arc, not despair.
>Tried to kill Neagi,Kirigiri and Asahina in the first try
>Tried to kill Neagi and Asahina then tried to kill Izayoi and Ruruka for something that happened in high school.
Who is Jin?
No, it was all analysis in SHSL analyst Junko's mind when she was bored and waiting for her boyfriend Naegi at the Hope's Peak Academy Gates. It will end with Naegi waking her and a kissu.
I don't hate Kirigiri, although I don't especially like her either, I just hate the Kirigirifag spamming the thread with this garbage and I'm not in denial about Kodaka's hack status.
Kirigiri's dad
Corpses can't get a promotion.
>/u/uYork values
This is the peak of the Rafael Hopebot meme
she's a big girl
That's just because you don't have enough hope user.
Why do people think that cap-kun is the maid?
such a useful tool
>yfw Naegi uses his SHSL hope powers to unlock the matrix, undo the despair and damage done by Junko around the world, and bring everyone back to life
Sorry i dont buy into obvious red herrings
Then how does DRv3 exist
Hope's Peak arc is all an anime, V3 is the real world.
You're right, but there might still be one in Despair 11.
>there is so little time left
there is no time left for anything man. the mastermind, the sdr2 kids, togami and weedguy. she has as much of a chance as the other 100 other plotpoint
I wonder if Seiko ever tried keeping Juzo out of fights, or at least treated his wounds or something
source for this?
That would be a legitimately neat twist.