Was he autistic?
Was he autistic?
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I stopped playing once they made it a romance between them. Why can't siblings just be siblings?
But the romance was the best part, aside the libertarian af world building.
I mean, they actually cared for each other and formed a relationship that went beyond *doki doki on my dicky dicky*
>libertarian world building
What on earth does that mean?
The country and maybe even the entire game was obviously based on libertarian values like privatization and reduction of government and military.
Like how the bracers serve as a sort of police for hire and take the load off government.
Another thing that really catched my eye was Estelle naively suggesting the restraint of dissident opinions about the queen, then the queen herself telling her that despite having vastly different opinions, freedom of speech is vital to the nation.
Another would be whole final chapter about the early humans practically living in a post scarcity utopia, yet rejecting it for a freer life, even if it meant leaving literal paradise.
Not to mention the last boss and Weissmannda joo
Pretty redpilled if you ask me.
I was honestly planning to ask if he was legitimately autistic, considering he showed actual signs of it during the game.
Of course, my questions regarding the matter were pretty much answered at the end of FC, that is to say, he is not autistic.
If you say so, pal.
Agate was the autistic one
In one way I suppose. He was so utterly mind broken and then mind raped that he couldn't really handle social interaction beyond a surface level until healing hugs.
Why is Estelle so perfect?
I want to kick Estelle.
No, but he did have legitimate mental problems because of his upbringing and history though.
Posting best grill
>game is titled trails in the sky
>spend 99% of the time walking for travelling
>Beat FC
>Lost save data so can't transfer to SC
Don't feel like playing anymore
>Why can't siblings just be siblings?
Because they were never real siblings.
Just download a completed file?
But I want to continue the adventure using the characters I raised myself.
SC is kinda shit anyway.
That doesn't really matter when transferring save data
finished like 1/3 of the game and wanted to take a short break. then realized the gameplay is so boring that i just went to read the story summary and saved myself hours of walking around
But NPC stories
No, he is just edgy. Thankfully Estelle hugged it out of him.
user, you should check out Errebonia then, it totally work on the opposite way with the Goverment taking power from the Nobles and annexing nearby countries for profit.
Still, probably the only guys doing something about Ouroboros.
he was a faggot
What's he even talking about?
Transferring save file from FC to SC makes it piss easy even on highest difficulty
He's moe
This post is a complete lie.
You play it for the NPC mini stories though.
I kinda like that Auston(?) guy.
What? I think there's a grinding cap even if your characters were overleveled
If you like him, prepare for sadness in Cold Steel 2.
what happened? He dies for his love?
His friend that is always with him loses his memory and starts treating him like shit.
>in the tournament part in first game
>loses save data
I don't have the motivation anymore
so, yaoi ending in the 3rd?
I understand if you don't want to play anymore.
This. Joshua/Estelle is easily the greatest vidya romance, though the competition isnt really fierce I admit.
It's just a couple cliches mixed together. It's not offensive or bad but it's hardly that great.
Post his sister
Annoying gary stu but least he had a legit excuse for his skills and he became better once estelle de edged him.
Estelle is Bestelle
I need to get around to playing this. I loved the Gagharv trilogy back in the PSP days, even with the ass translation.
CS feels so different from Sky
Its different but it has its pros too.
Like when Valimar heed your call just right.
Estelle a shit.
Control your futa cock, Tita.
I do like some of the link skills in CS.
>Rean gets hit
>free CP for Laura
Agate pls
>Joshua gets to tap that every day.
What a lucky guy.
What is a Kiseki thread doing on Cred Forums?
>game is called tits
>Estelle has none
Schera should have been MC
TC when?
>Someone saved my screencap
>>>≥>>>≥>>Cred Forums
Winter 201X.
Maybe they'll even make 201X for the Ao or Zero at the rate they've been going these last few games.
Yes yes YES
When was it revealed her gramps was the 8 Leaves master? Never knew her weapons is supposed to be a katana type.
The crossbell games despite having an engine similar to Sky also feel different. You would almost believe they took place in different countries.
CS2 is good so far. I'm only at the part where Rean can now control his edge powers and am looking for Thors students though.
Wanna go fight the cryptids but waiting till I get seraphic ring quartz somewhere.
Oh right, anime. When can I watch the Falcom Gakuen anime without spoiling loads of stuff? Played all Ys and (english translated) Kiseki.
It barely spoils anything at all.
Did anyone here play TC? does Gin no Ishi play at any moment during the game?
Yes It does.
The 3rd's plot might not be as major as the other games' but it's definitely the most fun in the series after Ao
Completed the first game, was the most boring 40 hours of my life with a bad archaic battle system that never clicked for me.
It's a nice game and all but I'd only ever follow a let's play of it considering it does that awful jrpg bullshit of making sidequests so un-intuitive on purpose so as to make more money off strategy guides
>not talking to fucking everyone after every event
>forgetting the one sidequest where talking to everyone before continuing makes it impossible to get the best rank for it
Oh wow, this is still alive.
Local bracer is fucking invincible
She will appear in Sen 3 and hug the edge out of Rean too. Is there anything Estelle can't do.
Have a living mother.
She better appear in CS3, there are a lot of cute lolis waiting for her there.
I'm just annoyed that Estelle can become the fastest rising star of the bracers who gets to be A rank in the shortest amount of time but then it turns out it's canon that Estelle fucks up the sidequests and the mc of the new series is the best bracer of this generation instead
They already confirmed characters from Sky in CS3 and since she's the granddaughter of Rean's master, I think she has chances of appear.
Who are you talking about? What new Mc?
Who is this best bracer of this generation again?
Cool, then she better hug Rean and make him cute again.
>canon that Estelle fucks up
Explain further pls.
She is not A-Rank in the Crossbell games.
Does Rean get edgy in CS2?
Oh, so I guess its not that she fucked up, but more like she doesnt reach A rank in the canon story?
Let's say that he ends the game working for a guy who is not exactly very nice.
Basically that, the user exaggerated a bit, but the idea was that canonically she didn't do everything, so she is not an A-Rank bracer.
Not really.
What you mean not very nice. The guy is literally making Erebonia great again. A few sacrifices here and there but he gets the job done.
Noble Alliance scum pls go.
I love Laura
Why is Olivier the best party member?
>Powerful arts
>Useful healing and impede crafts
>Fabulous as fuck
>But actually dangerously competent as well
He was entertaining.
Why was Tita the worst character? I can't remember any meaningful dialogue that she had aside from her from her thing with Agate.
Whoa is losing save data a common thing? I'm interested in playing this, but that's a huge turn off.
He's a CHAR
Transferred my save data from FC to SC without any issues, and never lost it either
Mainly because its around 60-80hrs per game.
He just gets more self loathing and retarded. It's all about the fucking power of friendship and Crow now. CS2 was way too overhyped.
Man, lucky, a thread up just as I'm finishing part 2.
Kevin best boy
If you like Kevin, then you'll love the 3rd game.
Olivier just left my party last time I played, hope Kevin can replace him
"Talking to everyone" is fucking retarded if it means you need to backtrack several areas.
What the fuck is this Cred Forums shit doing here? Why haven't the retarded mods deleted it yet?
>its ok to post Cred Forums shit on Cred Forums now
Meanwhile lets try to ban general threads that discuss anime and manga right guys?
So, I played FC and SC.
Are the OVA worth?
Also, why the hell did they change the character design for EVO?
It was pretty much perfect, reminded me of the old Lunar games.
Shut up you retard. Go back to Cred Forums with this shit, you moronic crossboarder.
I have never seen such brainless dumbass mods in my life.
The dumb nigger seriously thought this was anime.
Lurk the fuck more dumbass mods.
Just stop already. It has an anime as well
Canonically she reaches B or C-Rank I believe.
Why so mad tho?
>crossboarders all over the thread
>lol why u mad brah?