>Togashi decides to make many characters appear in Black Whale arc since he’d like to know what will happen in a chaotic situation.
Hunter x Hunter
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Too bad we'll never know.
did it get put on haitus again?
also what is killua up to?
Someone needs to redo this chart to make it more readable.
Away from this mess thank god.
porking his imoutouto's butthole
I would guess that Killua and Gon will fight/meet Gyro while the whole Black Whale thing goes down.
Taping that, and his sister.
It's obvious Gon and Killua aren't going to be major parts of this arc, which I feel is unfortunate, but it would be nice to at least get a check in on them.
I'm sure he'll do something with Gon's problem soon.
Killua is cute!
>We'll never see the rest of Hisoka vs the spiders
Makes me sad
>we'll never see him kill Shizuku
I thought he said that was for the Ant arc.
It's from his most recent interview with Kishi.
Sadly he's going on hiatus until spring 2018. If this fucking nigger would just get WSJ to give him some more turkey drawing assistants maybe we'd get to see the end of the manga but nope we won't.
>spring 2018
From the latest chapters you can tell most of it is assisstant work. And he confirms it in the interview.
Is Gon a very complex character?
>since he’d like to know what will happen in a chaotic situation
It's like he's not writing it himself or something.
There's really no way for us to know exactly how much assistants do and how long they've been doing it. Any fluctuation in style or detail could be dependant on his health, motivation, personal choices (like the decision to introduce more tones back in the election arc), and every mangaka has different preferences for their assistants involvement like just doing backgrounds etc.
Yes, but not as intellectual as Chrollo, who is definitely not a Gary Stu.
>Gon and Killua aren't going to be major parts of this arc, which I feel is unfortunate
I'm kinda glad - I find the others more interesting.
I can understand Killua, the worst character of HxH but how can you not find Gon interesting?
No he said this Hiatus would be shorter. He actually wants to work this time.
>wants to
You mean has to, because he needs to save up a lot more yen for the coming senior management crisis in Japan (especially since he will be a crippled senior to boot).
Well, he is, but I like when the rest of the characters are given characterization as well - I dislike seeing everything from Gon and Killua's point of view. That's why I liked the brief battle against the Ants in Meteor City, and the focus on Kurapika in the Yorknew arc. They were a nice breather.
>his sister
yeah no, alluka's a boy
Bisky is best girl
hisoka luv me
Does he?
What is Killua recording on tape?
>Implying she doesn't want to get DP'd by Hisoka and Chrollo
But he is wearing a skirt user.
>I missed the point
Where this is from?
Next chapter spoiler.
But I thought Hisoka already left when he went to kill Shayalark and Kortopi.
That isn't a problem for a dick that has the properties of both rubber and gum.
I watched the 2011 anime and want to get into the manga. Should I just pick it up where the anime ended, or is it worth it to start somewhere earlier?
Just pick it up where the anime ended.
If you had any sense, you'd just accept that the anime ending is the canon ending, since it's extremely unlikely for Togashi to end this series before he dies.
Some stuff was cut from the anime, but not really enough to make the reread all that interesting. At most you'll pick up some extra foreshadowing and realize some things were less asspull-y than what you might have initially thought.
The arc after the anime ended is not finished and never will be.
So just deal with the fact that is all of HxH.
If you liked the anime, there's not much of a reason to read the manga from the start. The manga is better but the difference is not so noticeable if you didn't see much to complain about in the anime. So start where the anime ended in that case.
>and never will be.
Nice try, but my uncle works at Togashi and he told me it would actually continue in 2017 already.
>stronger than Hisoka and Chrollo
Just because she has better stats doesn't mean she's stronger. That Tsez-guy from Greed Island had better stats than Gon and Killua yet he was completely useless compared to them.
Stronger doesn't mean more powerful.
You know, I really REALLY like Kurapika.
He is my favorite.
No. For example, Kuroro is weaker than Hisoka, but he has the Ryodan, knowledge and a far more flexible skill on his side, so he is more powerful.
But Bisky did not do t
Was Hisoka right?
bretty good observations
I thought that Enhancers were supposed to be "self-centered" as the most important.
So will Gon be able to use his Nen again or not?
hopefully not, he doesn't deserve it
togashi is the man that revived youske and made him a demon.
Togashi is the MAN
If Togashi plans to end it right after the Dark Continent, I hope not. If Togashi plans to make several more arcs after the Dark Continent, which I hope doesn't, it would be fine if he recovered Nen use, but it came with a new drawback. Like say, he can "steal" or have "loaned" Nen, but not generate it anymore.
Why are they so perfect?
remove spider
Is there usually an announcement before the next chapter after a hiatus? Can't keep looking forward to this time of week only to be disappointed in the end.
He just needs to retrain the basics brah, he's totally gonna be stronger than royal guards.
Maybe I'll try whenever it gets announced HxH is coming back.
This is actually better, thanks user.
>Togashi had heard of the Guts trapped 7 years on a boat meme
>so he decided to send EVERYONE except Gon and Killua on a boat for 7 years
Then they have to get on Morel's boat to go to the real Dark Continent.