Sub or Dub?
inb4 >dub, I just wanna know if it's at least decent/good like certain other ones.
Sub or Dub?
It was fine
por que
Fuck off and kill yourself, dubfag shounenshitter.
Dubs are never good.
You've convinced me.
I'm going to end my life because someone on an anonymous chinese trading card forum told me to.
Better do it before I find you and end you first.
I'll get right on it after Berserk finishes
hey teleport behind him and do the katana trick if he absolutely has to die
I always go dub because English is the master race language.
why is she so smug?
I want normies to leave.
Because she just broke your fine china and she knows you won't do shit about it.
>won't do shit about it
I will beat that ass.
You won't be able to sit down for a week, you hear me you lil' shit?
The only dub I'd consider even half-way acceptable is Golden boy, and that's just because it's a gag show with a great performance from the MC.
Eureka Seven
FMA: Brotherhood
Are my picks.
Garbage shows for kids, I'm hardly surprised that your favorite Toonami shows from when you were 12 just so happen to be the ones with you like dubbed.
Joke's on you I'm 34
Always dub. Reading is for faggots.