Final Thread and Summary of Official New Rules (See & & & & 147509070
1. Generals to be regulated.
2. LNs and gookshit are allowed on Cred Forums in dedicated containment threads.
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
5. Visible sage at night - early morning.
6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
7. Dubs posting mandatory ban no warning.
8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/, /buyfag/ -> /jp/
9. Spoonfeeding is encouraged in OTP threads
Hiro has asked us to create a thread on each board for discussing the problems that are facing us and how to deal with them. He also wants us to create our own set of rules so that the mods will be regulated to follow them.
Remember mods, Hiro talked to you guys and you said it was fine to have one ongoing thread up about this. This means you Janitor!
Rules, Regulations and Moderation for Cred Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Gappy makes me _____
Ban all generals.
t. mod
Vote on if Cred Forums should have General threads right fucking now.
First for /l/
kys cuck
Get the fuck out of here, faggot.
When will this shit end.
Give me a (You) if you're a proud manga reader who don't need no anime.
>mods would rather delete this than this thread
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
EP 1:
EP 13:
Check these dubs first.
where is the /wsr/ sticky
please delete my post
>dubs thread
>starts with dubs
>8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/, /buyfag/ -> /jp/
>/kancolle/ -> /vg/
We already had one, it did not work
Actual rules
1. Generals to be banned.
2. LNs and VNs are allowed on Cred Forums. Gookshit has no place on this site
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
5. Noko functionality.
6. People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned
7. Dubs posting mandatory in shit threads while mods are absent
8. Frogposting is a permaban
9. Saucefagging and spoonfeeding are a permaban. Use /r/ and /wsr/
10. Loli worship is encouraged
11. This will be the final metashitpost thread for now. Any more will result in a ban.
>Visible sage at night - early morning
You should learn about time zones.
>1. Generals to be regulated.
>8. /djt/ -> /jp/, /kancolle/ -> /vg/, /buyfag/ -> /jp/
>some random post in thread
>actual rules
>implying this isn't already on autoban
|\ /:/ /::| 、 / ::i:l::|::i|
| `‐、/ ./i::::! this i '::l:l::|::i|
| /::l:::l combination l l::i:l:l::|::i|
|\ /:i:::l::,' of .i .|l::l:l::|::i|
| |:`ー、._/l !l::/ characters .i !::l::l:l::|::i|
| |::! |:::i:||:l/ is | !:l::l:l::|::i|
| |:| !::l:| , ' ! !lNj/|::i|
| l:! l::l:|/ ILLEGAL l !l j l::リ
| ll ヾl/ | i l/
| i l l ! !
| l ヽ .! l
| l ヽ , ' ! .
| ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、
| .! | i |゙、 l
| l | ! | j fj
how would you know? i fulfilled like 200 requests when it was up on /wsr/. the sticky was up for less than a week
>5. Visible sage at night - early morning.
Microwave, military or american time?
Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.
If you guys are unsatisfied with the rules, why don't you make your own threads with your own rules. Hiro allowed it after all.
We're never going to agree with each other, just leave everything as it is.
>/kancolle/ -> /vg/
Hold on. Move the /jp/ thread to /vg/ instead then the Cred Forums thread to /jp/.
American time, of course. America is the only country that matters.
Yeah right. You'll be back for those (you) drugs. Face it, OP. You're our bitch now. You make threads only for our amusement. You've been whipped so hard that you like our dubs. You can't live without us. You NEED us.
You're nothing but Cred Forums's personal fuckboy.
he does it
>Microwave time
|\ /:/ /::| 、 / ::i:l::|::i|
| `‐、/ ./i::::! this i '::l:l::|::i|
| /::l:::l combination l l::i:l:l::|::i|
|\ /:i:::l::,' of .i .|l::l:l::|::i|
| |:`ー、._/l !l::/ characters .i !::l::l:l::|::i|
| |::! |:::i:||:l/ is | !:l::l:l::|::i|
| |:| !::l:| , ' ! !lNj/|::i|
| l:! l::l:|/ Muh dick l !l j l::リ
| ll ヾl/ | i l/
| i l l ! !
| l ヽ .! l
| l ヽ , ' ! .
| ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、
| .! | i |゙、 l
| l | ! | j fj
Move ->/trash/
Oh, I get it now. It's because only americans are retarded enough to misuse sage.
>every rule is reasonable and would be good for board
Wow, I'm impressed.
Too bad Hiro will never see this.
>loli-shaped dick
Fucking lucky faggot
Why does Cred Forums come up with the worst memes?
>splitting Cred Forums
Christ, are there even threads left after applying those filters?
The crossies are waiting for the right time to strike, they have time and already know how this works, they will keep making this threads until that chance appear for them and try to destroy our board culture, all of this only because we refused to give them sauce when they asked for.
I'm surprised you can even see threads.
Nice proxy """OP"""
>Spoonfeeding is encouraged in OTP threads
oh you
Call me when you actually have something intelligent to say.
Stop making up rules you fucking cunt. Keep Cred Forums how it was.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
>uses "weebs" on Cred Forums
I suggest that if you want to ban generals so bad, then make an anime general board.
>3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
>7. Dubs posting mandatory ban no warning.
What do you fucking hate fun faggot.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard way to have a million different threads on the same series because one is manga and one is anime like one piece
How about your proxy isn't fooling anyone, OP?
>All those people that want generals to be allowed.
>Crossboarders will take over
>Implying they didn't years ago
Did the constant shonenshit, off-topic threads and the one of the most discussed anime of the season being a shitty game adaption not tip you off to this?
A loli falls in love with a loli.
Unable to confess, the loli is gifted by a deus ex machina with the loli's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, the loli immediately calls the loli, and is overjoyed to find out that the loli has a crush on the loli as well.
But, the next day, when the loli recounts the previous day's confessions to the loli, the loli only looks at the loli with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, the loli finds out that the loli called is not the same loli the loli fell in love with. In fact, the loli doesn't exist in this universe at all. The loli is the loli's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the loli's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of the loli's crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two lolis strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOLIS.
That's not how that works.
Regular reminder that Keit-ai is already a fanfic, so stop posting this.
t. /qa/ncer in need of chemo.
Don't worry, he's got a MOD in his pocket and you can't touch him.
>posts a new thread anyway
And a liar
c-check em
It's already a meme, so you don't need to post it anymore.
Got you.
But he's right.
He's probably posting from a phone and his home PC
I don't even want generals to be banned, just these shitty threads.
Why did you post ships? And why did someone drape them in cloth?
|\ /:/ /::| 、 / ::i:l::|::i|
| `‐、/ ./i::::! What i '::l:l::|::i|
| /::l:::l The l l::i:l:l::|::i|
|\ /:i:::l::,' Hell .i .|l::l:l::|::i|
| |:`ー、._/l !l::/ Are .i !::l::l:l::|::i|
| |::! |:::i:||:l/ ( You ) | !:l::l:l::|::i|
| |:| !::l:| , Doing ' ! !lNj/|::i|
| l:! l::l:|/ Faggot l !l j l::リ
| ll ヾl/ | i l/
| i l l ! !
| l ヽ .! l
| l ヽ , ' ! .
| ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、
| .! | i |゙、 l
| l | ! | j fj
This is the golden age of Cred Forums, where we unironically have a shitposting general up 24/7. What a time to be alive.
You gotta check yourself before you wreck yourself.
My phone is too old to post on Cred Forums.
Found his phone,
Why is there no sticky about this
Dammit, guys. I just fapped. Don't make me do it again.
>Saucefag pandering and banning what I don't like will fix Cred Forums!
This shit is /q/ all over again, except 90% of current Cred Forums hasn't been around long enough to remember that shitshow.
Are those... dubs!?
|\ /:/ /::| --- 、 / ::i:l::|::i|
| `‐、/ ./i::::! Wha i '::l:l::|::i|
| /::l:::l The l l::i:l:l::|::i|
|\ /:i:::l::,' He .i .|l::l:l::|::i|
| |:`ー、._/l !l::/ A .i !::l::l:l::|::i|
| |::! |:::i:||:l/ ( Y) | !:l::l:l::|::i|
| |:| !::l:| , Doi ' ! !lNj/|::i|
| l:! l::l:|/ Fag l !l j l::リ
| ll ヾl/ | i l/
| i l l ! !
| l ヽ .! l
| l ヽ , ' ! .
| ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、
| .! | i |゙、 l
| l | ! | j fj
Gibe proofs
I'll let Cred Forums gangbang me when I get dubs
Because it's shitposting that needs to be deleted?
how does one fuck a ship
Please help the Universal Shitposting Foundation and donate a few (You)s today.
So i got baited?
>Doesn't know how to make non-breaking spaces
Only trolls and newfags like the ideas here. The kawaii loli posts are the only good part of these threads.
why are these threads getting so much attention anyway
what hiro said is meaningless.
What the fuck is this faggotry and why did this start?
You don't tell mods what to do you little faggot.
Just because you don't like Cred Forums doesn't mean you can be a fucking annoying faggot and spam these shitting threads.
This isn't some American Black Lives Matters shit where you shit up Cred Forums no justice no peace style.
Shut the fuck up and fuck off.
>Splitting Cred Forums because of anime and manga
Really, kill yourself faggot. How fucking new are you?
I guarantee you're just some summer faggot that wants things his way.
Really, fucking kill yourself.
It's 8 year old blackberry.
Duty calls
We all got
>Really, kill yourself faggot. How fucking new are you?
The struggle continues.
There's not enough KoG posting in these threads.
These are actually shitposting generals, which are now allowed on Cred Forums as long as they follow this specific thread chain.
Anyway, check 'em.
I can kill servants if dubs
Cute! Strong!
I swear I have SHSL Luck. Every single time I tell people to check 'em I get something.
>spamming SFW loli pics
You all know that's not going to attract the attention of any mod.
Hiroyuki made a post on /qa/ encouraging people to discuss rules in their boards a while ago, which started this whole shit. Of course, the shitposters who made those threads then completely ignored Hiroyuki when he, himself, said that he never asked for any feedback.
>where you shit up Cred Forums no justice no peace style.
You can't, but I sure can.
I don't want to attract them. I know they won't delete these threads.
>can't even run on walls
Who /puffy/ here?
>then completely ignored Hiroyuki when he, himself, said that he never asked for any feedback.
Nothing in the OP mentions giving Hiro feedback.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
Go fuck yourself.
Aren't my trips cute?
How do you live with yourself?
Only one new rule need be made:
1. Posting on /qa/ gets you permabanned from Cred Forums (and all other boards)
Whoa, damn.
Time to use my "get dubs" ability.
just how many times are you going to le post that
>call digits AND get dubs
>no one checks it
Fuck you faggots where are my (you)s
No but mine are pretty good
Make another thread, OP.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
Arigato, mina san (Thank you, very much)
Loli is garbage. How do you fags get off to this shit?
filter "lol", "lel", "kek" to a random number of wwwwwwwws
I swear, you just keep posting the same two pictures, one of a poorly edited version of some retro anime propaganda and that google doc poll you spammed.
There will be manga board by 2017.
This is a cute loli but her hips are way too big.
I wont give you a (You), because you're a fucking faggot.
That's a high schooler. TOO OLD
Lots of people post different images.
it's cute
Fuck it, let's do this. I wonder if I can post all 12 pages before the thread dies
Really lay into me just how poor my typesetting is.
Further proving that all of these threads were made for shitposting since the first one. Thanks.
c-captcha what are you doing
That's because it's OP. Proxies can't hide you now.
Welcome to the shitposting general - /spg/!
OP is a faggot edition
Last threads:
Useful links: Forums
>>>/random biased polls/
Thread pastebin: (read this before posting)
To the mods:
This thread is allowed, here's proof
- OP is still forcing this thread
- weebs
Cred Forums would be fixed overnight by banning anyone that is offended by loli.
You have 300 posts.
pee pee in poo poo
Fuck you, you posted the template way too late. We are at 200+ posts in now, u faggot.
Don't get so mad, someday you too can get nice digits like mine
What a nice argument, you've convinced me.
Lots of people make these threads.
It's quite pitiful that he and a few other people keep shilling /ma/.
Don't they remember what happened to Cred Forums? Splitting up boards is never a good idea.
Yeah, hopefully it's enough.
(It actually really slowed down all of a sudden since last thread.)
>9. Spoonfeeding is encouraged in OTP threads
Please somebody tell me this isn't true.
it isn't true
Cred Forums was split from Cred Forums
Tulpas aren't actual people.
You can do it!
the teeth girl
This is NOT copypasta. I repeat NOT copypasta.
I know coming to Cred Forums for advice is a top notch bad idea, but I honestly have no where else to turn because this situation directly involves my family, and friends.
Let me start from the beginning, I am 18 and my sister is 21. I just finished high school and my sister is home from college. I guess this year her grades started slipping or something, because I walked past her room and she was crying. I walked inside her room to ask her what's up and she hands me a letter - apparently she's up for review by her college for dismissal. I feel kinda sorry for her so I gave her a hug and one thing led to another and we started making out. This is really weird because I've made out with girls before, but my sister blows them all out of the water. In the back of my mind lies the fact that she's my sister and what we are doing is sick and wrong, but I guess my sister has more experience and it felt so fucking good.
Here's the dilemma - after making out, Karen started taking her clothes off and she started pulling my pants down. I'm like, hey, what are you doing? She's like, oh come on Jordan, aren't you even a LITTLE curious? I felt bad because its true, my sister is a hottie and I always wished that she wasn't my sister. I've even gone as far as to fap to thoughts of doing her. She then said "For tonight, let's not be brother and sister. I really need this because I feel like shit right now and our parents won't be back till late and we aren't going to tell anyone.
I pretty much just fucked my sister. No, to be more honest, I just lost my virginity to my sister. My question, Cred Forums, is WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW?? What do people usually do after they fuck their sisters?
Pic very related; that's Karen.
Why wouldn't you want that? Anybody who purposely makes page in OPT hard to impossible to source is being a jack ass.
I'll do my best
That was when Cred Forums was still in its infancy. Back then, Cred Forums was anime/random.
>Cred Forums would be fixed if the majority of its userbase became Cred Forumsermin
It isn't, OP sucks cocks for meth.
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
Fuck off and die.
We will never split Cred Forums.
So board splitting can be a good idea?
I want to join in on the arguing but that must wait 6 minutes or so
Remove generals.
Not in this day and age. There are too many boards as it is and splitting up a board now will only cause problems for both sides.
>6. People suggesting for Cred Forums to be split will be permabanned
Marisa is shit dude
Tripfags, sure.
ANN/Kotaku-tier fags like yourself should be purged as well.
sheen is the creepiest anime character ever invented
If only
I love how everyone pretends to be so cool here but can't even sage one shit off-topic thread.
What if 99.99% of Cred Forums threads were not manga related?
>this post got deleted
>the thread is still up
what the fuck
TRUMP 2016
Flandre is shit dude
I have something to tell you user.
She's fucking ugly.
Flan is shit! SHIT!
LE eB1m d0Wnb0at D3v1c3
Reminder that Trump pledged to aggressively enforce federal law against lolis.
Or people can just post a page they like without having to concern themselves with every person who could possibly feel offended that source wasn't handed to them. Oh wait, people who don't cater to you are jackasses hurr.
b-but loli loev trump...
/jp/ had a single metathread that quietly expired and was not remade.
Oh, how things change.
what's a good eastern european country
one of those ones where you can do anything online and get away with it
>What if
About 25% of the board is manga related, just look at those translation threads, new chapter threads, discussion threads, generals and all that. Granted, a good half of that 25% is the big three.
>mods are fags
So that's it.
As I said feel free to just lay into the typesetting. I'll dump this again next thread but not again after that.
Anti-lolifags BTFO
Thread theme:
One thread was allowed, two threads is okay, three is pushing it, but the 50 threads we've had so far is the best indication that this board has gone to shit.
>not voting for HILLOLI
So you admit there is a threshold where a split would be good?
Holy shit is this new?
ex-soviet states
Living there is pretty shitty though
please never do this to me again.
No Loli in exchange for no Hillary, no terrorists, and no illegal immigrants?
Sounds like a fair deal.
>I'm about to delete my post and blame the mods
Fuck off clownshitter, go back to Cred Forums
worth it if i can pirate and post anything without the government trying to rape me
Kirito goes into a coma because of the evil NSA.
The surviving Law guys try to train up a peasant army in preparation for the Chaos invasion (Chaos are led by the literal God of Darkness who is also an evil NSA agent who eats souls like rape).
They get rekt, but Kirito's harem save them with GM accounts and deebeezeee powerlevels.
NSA connect UW to the internet and get 50,000 American players to connect (it was advertized to them as a beta test for a new AO-rated VRMMO where you're allowed to slaughter anything and everything you like, with blood and guts), they mass murder UW residents and think it's hilarious.
To defeat them the main characters get 2,000 Japanese VRMMO players to connect. Despite the difference in numbers the Japanese are superior and win because Asian gamer damashii.
Then PoH (who is also an evil NSA agent) unleashes a zerg rush of Korean and Chinese gamers who were recruited by being told this is the a Korean VRMMO that's in beta test but evil Japanese hackers broke into the server, turned off pain dampening and are torturing their countrymen.
Even when some Japs who speak Korean try to explain the situation to them they don't listen because hurr japanese
The other NSA guys are surprised this works, they thought it wouldn't be worth it because they didn't think Japan is more different from Korea/China than European countries are from each other (hur)
Koreans and Chinese overwhelm Japs because this is every Jap's worst nightmare.
Kirito wakes up (thanks to the literal POWER OF LOVE from his entire harem) and wipes them all out in one attack though.
(Also PoH's motivation is that he's Korean and he hates Japanese so when he got stuck in SAO he decided to set up Laughing Coffin and have them and the clearers kill each other for shits and giggles because Nips killing each other is hilarious.)
Kirito and Asuna become gods because of x10000000 acceleration.
The AIs explore VR space with rocket dragons.
>Signed a pledge to enforce practically unenforceable obscenity laws the courts hardly touch
Good luck with that. Trump will be on damage control 24/7 when the wall never happens and legislature shoots down all his policies anyway. Nerds jerking it to little girl cartoons will be at the bottom of his priorities.
>loli vs a couple new yorkers maybe getting blow up
Easy choice.
Reminder trump also promised Mexico would pay for a wall
/jp/ isn't Cred Forums. Shitpost or shut the fuck up.
Very few pages are "hard to impossible to source" on OPTs, most saucefags are just retarded or lazy, why would I want to encourage that behavior?
Either learn or fuck off.
The manga board will ruin everything.
It was nice knowing this board.
I guess Clownpiece is hated everywhere. What a Baka!
No. Manga is still deeply ingrained in Cred Forums's culture. Just removing it would shake up the entire board.
Even if 99% of the threads are anime related, a split would not only create a slow as fuck board that no one would visit, but it would deprive Cred Forums of discussion material and displace a lot of communities on the board.
Maybe if you're a faggot
The courts were happy to touch them under Bush.
It just depends on the Attorney General and how they allocate resources and goals.
and this is why Cred Forumsfaggots need to be barred from this board. normalfags 'til the end. who gives a fuck if some retards in a club get shot.
>2hu on Cred Forums
If 99.9% are not manga then obviously it's not very deeply ingrained.
Just telling you you're the gem in this garbage heap of a thread
That's why you shitpost with her
Stop... Please..
that's a big loli
Nice timing.
For you
fuck off Cred Forums is the most organize board on here i know you want brownie points from Mook
manga board wouldn't affect Cred Forums in the slight. you're just a paranoid oyaji
shut up and post chen
Nobody wants your fucking Kora you cuck.
>Visible sage at night - early morning.
Only good rule on the list. I hate that people can't tell I'm not bumping a faggot's thread when I'm calling them a faggot.
They got ONE dude in 8 years for loli. And Chris Handey pled guilty like a retard anyway. Any attorney general pumping resources into busting cartoons while actual pedos run rampant is begging to lose their job.
Now fuck off before you get LRD in here bitching about the Tokyo Olympics, this is a quality shitpost thread.
Having a webtoon general would solve everything.
>it's an avatar episode
Flan a shit! A SHIT!
>pled guilty like a retard anyway
His lawyer wasn't confident they could convince a jury of Iowans his loli hentai wasn't obscene.
Would you risk years in prison or take the deal?
Or proof that there are too many shitposters (which are supported by mods since they hate this board) in here.
I bet Nipplemod still has a vendetta against us after being publicly humiliated like that.
yes...yes... YES
shut the FUCK up and post Chen
You do not belong here, go to your pigsty.
Also there was a number of obscenity convictions relating to porn stars and distributors. It'd be like if they went after sad panda or loli artist.
What if we just stop replying?
Well, its not 99% so its still ingrained.
Plus, lots of the people talking about anime adaptations of manga or LNs reference and read the source material.
By making /ma/, you would be depriving them of the ability to talk about the recent chapters, manga chapters of the upcoming episode, ect.
It's fine. Now that all the shitposting is focused on these threads, it makes every other thread better.
|\ /:/ /::| 、 / ::i:l::|::i|
| `‐、/ ./i::::! YOU i '::l:l::|::i|
| /::l:::l CAN'T l l::i:l:l::|::i|
|\ /:i:::l::,' COMMAND .i .|l::l:l::|::i|
| |:`ー、._/l !l::/ ME .i !::l::l:l::|::i|
| |::! |:::i:||:l/ FAGGOT | !:l::l:l::|::i|
| |:| !::l:| , ( You ) ' ! !lNj/|::i|
| l:! l::l:|/ MUST l !l j l::リ
| ll ヾl/ BE | i l/
| i l INSANE l ! !
| l ヽ .! l
| l ヽ , ' ! .
| ! ヽ,j,/ .|' ゙、
| .! | i |゙、 l
| l | ! | j fj
Gow many cirnos are in there?
Is this the designated shitposting thread?
His lawyer was shit.
Also you got BTFO on this very same subject over in Cred Forums last week. Loli isn't going anywhere in America.
Nope, it's been out for a while.
I don't see why it would, discussion of source material in an anime thread is fine even if it's from movie, book, etc.
For almost a week, yeah. Nipplemod found an excuse to shit on Cred Forums thanks to Hiro and he's been going really hard at it.
>h-his lawyer sucked, I saw it on anime news network!
>I would totally risk years in prison!
America can't even take care of ISIS and you think they're going to arrest doujin artists in Japan because some southern hick cop got offended by a cartoon? Kill yourself.
I wont post your a shit waifu.
>splits Cred Forums
>/ma/ dies
>Cred Forums becomes intolerable
Hey guys i am going to the store to buy some snacks
Do you want me to bring you something?
>. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
makes sense 2 me....
Could you pick me up a manga board?
Shit Post Thread huh? Wonderful.
I'm really unsure why manga needs it's own board. If you look on Cred Forums right now there is at least one thread with close to 100 replies specifically on one manga (ookami shonen). There are lots of manga that produce one thread and stay alive for half a day or max out (dungeon meshi, otoyomegatari, hatsukoi zombie, OPM, tsugumomo, helck are just a handful of series that repeatedly have good threads). There are new series coming in all the time that have long threads off prime hours, so what would you really accomplish by removing manga? All that would do is make it easier to find threads (which is already easy with catalog) with a significantly smaller potential userbase. Plus, you would be creating needless problems for mods who may have too enforce spoilers that happen in /manga/ while an /anime/ season is airing.
On a similar topic, LNs/WNs and koreanshit don't harm the site much. The topics either die out quickly or have pretty good discussions, like Kumo desu ga or Dungeon Defense. Given trends, a bunch of anime already comes from LNs/WNs anyway.
/djt/ is a very minor presence in the grand scheme of things. I don't see the reason to needlessly antagonize those who use it when the discussion would die on /jp/.
Yup, you're the fag from Cred Forums alright. You stay paranoid, I'll enjoy loli like I did during the entire Bush presidency.
How about a couple similar integers?
>5 pages
>only in chink
Who's the girl in the right?
Also checked
Why did my Cred Forums go? Generals are a cancerous tumor on this board and all others.
Why must you post your shitty Asuna look-a-like OC. This is Asuna.
Rey is best girl
Fuck off retard.
How the fuck is that /qa/ behavior you stupid neophyte? Get off of my board.
Hey crossboarder what board do you usually frequent? Also when will you kill yourself?
In about 30 minutes I'm gonna fuck up this cardstand.
The only change that Cred Forums urgently needs is to be renamed back to Animu and Mango.
Trump signed something about putting kiddy fiddlers in jail, it says nothing about anime.
I want /jp/ to stay
>416 replies
>72 posters
check those dubs you raging autist
Im out time for me to go fap.
All these loli in this thread is too much.
black cat of ill omen
I can't wait until he does something dumb against anime or Japan in general, and all memers who loved posting those dumb cap pics everywhere realize the extent of their actions.
Oh man, only two months left until USA gets fucked no matter who wins. Shit's great.
Who is this?
Welcome to Cred Forums - Anime
>426 posts
>237 images
>74 posters
>1 Faggot (OP)
you can remove this garbage now mods
It's okay, loliposter is saving Cred Forums.
Daily reminder that the power rangers are here to help you
muh dik
>a general wants to get rid of generals
How i r o n i c
I'm not voting because both candidates are trash, but I think Trump is the safer bet since he'll be too busy taking fire from all sides to do anything. Hillary is pro TPP and panders to the SJW types, which could potentially fuck up anime.
It doesn't matter, the US is fucked either way.
It's his revenge for getting humiliated once.
>DIE Cred Forums
2D=/=3D you stupid underage newfaggots
Trump doesn't care about your 2D lolishitposting. He's going to put actual kiddyfiddlers and 3D pedolovers behind bars, where they belong.
which little girl hurt you, user?
Where did they touch you, user?
I bet he fell for the rock CD trick.
>He's going to put actual kiddyfiddlers and 3D pedolovers behind bars, where they belong.
Yeah because it's not like that already happens. Stay delusional kiddo.
Ah, it's good to know I can come back to this and all these lovely pics will still be here.
>image limit
He pledged to aggressively enforce federal obscenity law which included 2D.
Don't worry about missing anything, because OP is going to remake the thread in 50 posts and the image dump will continue then.
inb4 new thread
Spam fag, post more shinobu in the next thread.
lolis have saved the thread from frogposting and other evils!
Could we remove the Monday threads?
Hey man, they had a fucking sweet van, classic rock CDs AND beer. No one warned me about the headpats.
I'll try
This thread was fucking terrible.
Is this OP's way of telling us that generals are cancer?
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No, he didn't.
Chen please that's not how it works!
>dubs posting mandatory ban
Hypocrisy is rife in Cred Forums, as usual.
Obscenity law technically applies to all porn. Good luck arresting 99.9% of everyone, dipshit.
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No it applies to all speech. It just depends on the jury. Would rather have them judge your vanilla porno or your loli rape doujin?
The punishment is also different if it involves fictional child compared to normal obscenity charge.
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>Final Thread
Remove Hiro because he is an awful admin, forced a shitposting general on Cred Forums and has absolutely no idea about Cred Forums or it's culture.
Oh yeah he said his favorite board is Cred Forums.
>Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
But why
No, if you actually read the pledge (there is a PDF online) it's about putting porn filters on school PCs and doing a study about the effects of porn on society. There is also a rant about people searching for "teen porn" on pornhub. 2D isn't mentioned at all.
It also states enforcement of "currently existing laws". 2D is currently legal anyway.
Just ignore them. Cred Forums will never be split again. Manga's home is and will always be on Cred Forums and Cred Forums alone.
These threads are the deepest.
And I'm sure cops will find the time to shuffle through every porn collection on earth and subjectively argue over what bits of it are the worst, because there are no other crimes on earth. You're a fucking idiot.
How are you guys sorting the images you have saved? I saved them all under Cred Forums images, and now I got too many images to sort through. Should have separated them into different folders earlier, but now the backlog is too big. Fuck.
When I first started collecting images I sorted them all neatly into categories and folders
but then I started to get lazy, and saved a bunch at once, telling myself I'd get to it later
now my backlog is literally 3,014 images big
Are you new to Cred Forums? How do you only have a single Cred Forums folder?
Look at item 1 of the pledge on page 3
>2D is currently legal anyway.
Not if it is found to be obscene.
2 folders actually. One for image macros and reactions. The other for all other saved images.
Says absolutely nothing about 2D.
>Things are illegal if someone says so!
No. I'd refrain from perusing a legal career if I were you. Or breathing.
How many images total?
It says
>aggressively enforce existing federal laws to prevent the
sexual exploitation of children online, including the federal obscenity laws
This would include 18 U.S. Code § 1466A - Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children.
Don't bother arguing with that faggot, he's Cred Forums's version of LRD. The existence of Cred Forums and the sponsor at the top of the page prove him wrong.
I am at 1200+
Over how much time.
Over the past 1.5 years i guess? When I changed laptops, I didn't bother bringing over the old images either.
>I'm going to keep saying loli is illegal in a thread full of loli pics on a board that talks about loli cartoons and shares loli doujin on a website sponsored by a company that sells loli doujin and games
Over 4 years I have 27,231.
>legislature shoots down all his policies anyway
>implying this will ever happen
Certainly won't for the less controversial stuff that other Republican candidates have done like taxes and shit, and he can always bargain with Congress and the House for a watered down version of something which is better than nothing.
Well damn. You have some wide ranging fetishes to save so many images.
Not my fault you're too stupid to read a 3 sentence law.
Does the existence of torrent websites mean it's technically legal?
My hard drive crashed three years ago. I have over 200,624 images, 90% from Cred Forums.
Torrent websites are constantly shut down. Cred Forums and Jlist have always been around, unchallenged. You can buy loli hentai on Amazon for fucks sake. Fear monger elsewhere asshole.
B-But I don't even live with my sister! She wouldn't let me kiss her anyway...
Damn son
What's with all this metashit?
Hiro removed global rule 8
2D isn't illegal and I'm not voting for Hillary.
>She wouldn't let me kiss her anyway...
Because girls don't want you to ask them for being allowed to kiss them you dumbass. They want you to just TAKE the kiss. Now go and kiss your sister. Force your tongue right into her mouth. DO IT FAGGOT.
I'm pretty sure about 70% are either loli or young teenage girls. The rest is /vg/ shit.
I'm humbled. I aspire to collect as much as you someday user.
It is if it's obscene.
I couldn't care less who you vote for.
I save almost every thing. Hell, when I'm away from my PC at work or school, I use my phone and save images. There's a lot of repeats but last year I went through and deleted some thousand pics over a month when I had jack shit to do. Some times I think I got the family curse and developed dementia.
Are these new rules or rules under discussion?
As much as I like /jp/ for getting specific material, their moderation is REALLY sensitive, I wouldn't like DJT to go there. The thread only works because people don't go full assburger (here we go just halfway) whenever a touchy subject is brought up.
It's such a couple of vocal fags calling for change that isn't needed.
this is actually the worst idea ever
Cred Forums needs small changes, not ridiculous overreacting
>Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga
>Spoonfeeding is encouraged in OTP threads
OP is an humungus faggot.
This user has better ideas >Generals to be banned
Good. We all agree that generals are fucking cancer and everyone who says otherwise must be banned.
>LNs and VNs are allowed on Cred Forums
Is there actually people complaining about LNs and VNs on Cred Forums? What the fuck? I don't see any problem with that.
>Gookshit has no place in this site
THIS. Take that manwa shit somewhere else.
>Bait words like lol, kys, cuck will result in ban
Ban "lol" and "kys". Cuck comes in handy sometimes so let's keep it.
>Noko functionality
I don't really care about this one.
>Suggesting Cred Forums to be split will get you permabanned
Kek. Who is the massive faggot who suggested a manga only board? Not like is going to happen anyway.
>Dub posting mandatory in shit threads
Dubs threads were banned years ago but we still do it, also check'em.
>Frogposting is a permaban
What's up Hilary.
>Saucefagging and Spoonfeeding are a permaban
No, fuck you. Spoonfeeding should be discouraged but sometimes reverse search gives fucking nothing. Nobody should be obliged to share source, but sharing it should not be a permaban.
>Loli worship is encouraged
Only for daugthering purposes.
>This will the final metashitpost thread for now
>6. Cred Forums will split into Cred Forums - Anime, and /ma/ - Manga.
>no underage bait
Fucking racist
>5. Visible sage at night - early morning.
Get up earlier you murricuck