What insanity awaits us this Thursday? Will we, at long last, be able to recall "THE END"? Will we find out the mastermind's motives and genius plan there?
I'm surprised that the writer managed to get me to not hate Juzo by the end. He's a faggot though.
Juan Cooper
how does this work?
Kayden Howard
Post the english lyrics so we can speculate then
Logan Nguyen
Is that where the gay boys are sucking each other off?
Tyler Scott
get in here and maybe we'll tell you :^)
Camden Rivera
You need the context of the original JP version to really start speculating. There's an anagram involving ジ・エンド that, according to the lyrics, holds the answer.
Joshua Clark
I strongly approve of the "More Junko" option. You can never have enough.
Christopher Robinson
Cutest canon couple, I will fight anybody that disagrees.
Jeremiah Ramirez
>muh manlet self-insert
Jonathan Johnson
>Punched Naegi in order to defend his bro >Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag because he knew that he was the traitor all along >Had a misunderstanding with the Gozuboys >Saved Hinata from getting killed by HPA >The master of chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was because he was a merciful hero, and not just to flex his muscles and check dat ass (because he only want's Munakata's ass) >Went full ham on the evil old man mastermind and crew to save the FF >Roundhouse kicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet in order to stop the second coming of Junko Enoshima >Unable to stop some mentally deranged kid from blowing up half the school because he was too busy being a hero >Had a misunderstanding with the donut but spared her >Survived 2 missile barrages by an evil robot bent on destroying all hope >Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians >Became the world champion in boxing, becoming the undisputed best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school >Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his love no matter what >Only took a 2 episode rest before kicking the shin of everyone again >Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite >Was not seduced by Ruruka's sweets because he was so loyal to Munakata >Has enough consideration to the normies to at least use them as a coatrack >Even at the world's end, he was still gunning for a piece >such a straight forwarded bro, he bends his own sexuality >saves the manlet when he's in need, cutting of his hand to be the savior he truely is! Saving everyone with the power of determination >Single handedly stopped the killing game, physically and literally
B O Y S Interesting, my friend!
Angel Diaz
But that's not Naegi.
Jason Long
>Tengan mastermind Originally? Obviously. But the game's changed. People are clinging onto a lead that's already run dry.
>Junko's return Inevitable, as she has traditionally been the series' antagonist. Like her or not, she'll be back.
>Chiakizuru A second Izuru is pretty much confirmed at this point, there are lots of things that allude to it like Tengan's cryptic reference to it, and too many oddities starting from early on (the bizarre camera angles, the missing cabinet Gozu originally used to block the door, etc.) that can be explained by the presence of this mystery 16th person.
We also know -somebody- has an interest in using Chiaki's body, as seen when the camera focused on her dying body.
>"it's all an anime" Stupid twist, but one to be wary of.
Brody Brown
But he was gay
Brandon Gray
My girl kirigiri will live, god is on our side, they wouldnt make an animation of the bottle and waste resources just to have it be literally nothing in the end.
still in denial phase, fucking cure W fags getting my hopes up
Isaiah Torres
How does it feel, knowing that your beloved Nanami was tainted by the Kamukura Project?
Christian Sullivan
I can't wait to see the glorious return of my Queen next week.
Connor Perez
the last episodes going to be an advertisement for dangan ronpa 3 with Izuru being announced as the antagonist im calling it now
Gavin Russell
>we can artificially give someone luck
Lets face it, she was already tainted by being in this plot train wreck masquerading as a series.
Robert Ward
Remember how we saw that Izuru was able to conceal his presence for the entirety of the first killing game until the very last minute? Nobody there saw him until he decided to show himself. The same thing happened later, with Nanami and Komaeda.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if somebody else like him was doing the exact same thing in the Final Killing Game? Just watching everybody act like a moron, slaughtering one another with impunity, with anybody unwilling to do that either killed via NG codes or by suicide via brainwashing, and doing nothing to stop it themselves even when they have all the power in the world?
Or even better... this time around, whoever was watching was given the sacred duty of picking somebody to put down every session - a noble Valkyrie choosing which warriors deserved to go to Valhalla.
Christopher Bennett
Jordan Lopez
I would like to state, im perfectly ok with an ending where kirigiri gets saved by the cure QW cause it gives Seiko's character a conclusion, i am also equally ok with chiaki surviving as izuru and being the mastermind only for it to end with hinata and the ROD taking her back to jabberwock and left ambiguous to whether they will return to their former selves.
how much i believe all this happening will depend entirely on the final despair episode though. And i dont entirely buy either thing happening id just be ok with it. I'm attatched to these characters enough as is and gone through so many highs and lows with them i would be quite pleased with a happy send off to characters that essentially have the worst lives imaginable.
Benjamin Sullivan
Even the Ultimate Hope can fall into Despair.
Jackson Carter
She should have stayed as autist
Angel Robinson
Elijah Turner
That's just an excuse to make straight people feel better about themselves.
Lincoln Thompson
>inb4 reset ending
Dominic Rogers
>you will never save Nanami Chiaki when she's on the brink of death >you will never tend to her >you will never see the light resurge in her eyes as her wounds heal and she regains her former physical condition >you will never force her to sleep for extended periods of time "For the sake of her recovery" while you secretly operate on her body, pumping her full of all sorts of talents that she was never intended to have >you will never see the smile on her face slowly die as she realizes what you're doing to her, too helpless to fight back, assuming the absolute worst intentions of you >you will never continue adding in more and more talents to her, doing it ever so carefully so that her personality doesn't end up suppressed, ensuring that she can continue to enjoy talents >you will never see her regain her smile as she realizes she was wrong to doubt you but asks you if she can be let go anyway >you will never promise her that you will let her go soon and see her smile and give you a hug, letting you feel up those soft, squishy Nanamis right against your chest >you will never discreetly hook her up to a personality rewriting machine when she's sleeping one night and force her awake just as it turns on >you will never explain to her that you're going to overwrite her personality with your own, so that you can enjoy her body, and see the light in her eyes flare up one last time as she struggles to resist >you will never listen with delight in the cries and moans she makes as she helplessly attempts to resist your assault, her mind in utter shambles as you force her personality to the back of her own mind and allow a superior personality, one of your own choosing, to take its place >you will never let 'Chiaki', the full, complete, Kamukura Izuru 2.0, out of the brainwashing machine and see her give you a big smile for helping her out so much all this time
What is there to HOPE for anymore?
Jordan Bell
Ethan Morgan
If it's any of those besides Tengan or some unforeseen option that has yet to come up in the threads then I'm dropping Kodaka's shit for good.
Adam Barnes
Why is she so cute?
Parker Adams
Play it in reverse
Lucas Miller
>wanting some dumb old man instead of a cute girl good riddance
Adrian Reed
As an aria signals the beginning of the end, Miracles raise their white flags in surrender. Amid applause that celebrates our escape from this prison, Shackles are forced upon us once again! Take a look, foolish pawn... At this farce of judgement! Unmatched Valkyrie, Keep your eyes on the founder! Keep him fooled, that impressionable young boy - break it! In this oppressive development, Make your way through the crowds, screaming: "My justice is right way!" Come, Recall from 'THE END' Announced nonchalantly is an insolent manifesto, As a black cat crosses your path. The rainbow that spans that gas-filled sky is monotone, Having given up on color. Closing my eyes, I quiver in wait; A dormant revolution! Steadily advancing Valkyrie, Loss is your only true teacher, So guide me with high efficiency - fake it! In this all too vivid meeting, Everything is categorized by prejudice. nobody knows, only I know Come, Recall from 'THE END' Yes, he learned he could survive, In this new era. Assemble those scattered pieces in an anagram - Are you prepared? Here it comes: The End! Unmatched Valkyrie, Keep your eyes on the founder! Keep him fooled, that impressionable young boy - break it! In this oppressive development, Make your way through the crowds, screaming: "My justice is right way!" make it happen! Steadily advancing Valkyrie, Loss is your only true teacher, So guide me with high efficiency - fake it! In this all too vivid meeting, Everything is categorized by prejudice. nobody knows, only I know it (you're already know, already over) everybody loves despair
Angel Nelson
>waifufag begging for more shit to be shoveled into his mouth instead of just fapping to a doujin
Ian Sanchez
>not even formatting it
Dominic Turner
>wanting an old man Fuck off.
Kevin Taylor
Hail our despair goddess.
Kevin Allen
She really is.
Jaxon Rivera
The anagram might be in THE END, but in Japanese, obviously.
Wyatt Perry
I want to fuck Junko so hard I'm thrusting my hips in the air help
Carter Smith
Colton Parker
I like her. It was painfull to watch her death
Andrew Baker
Zachary Fisher
Try humping bag full of kitchen knives. It should feel about the same
Kayden Morales
I don't understand, why would chiaki become a Izuru 2.0?
Ryder Brooks
Kevin Edwards
It really sucked.
Michael Hall
THE END = Miracles = The entire talk from Chiaki in Despair and Naegi in DR2.
2nd line = DR1 survivors being put into a game again.
Valkyrie could be Kirigiri, a reference to Koichi how murders occur because of the detective's presence.
Black Cat = Bad Luck.
Luke Edwards
Remember... her death and all the despair is just a stepping stone for great hope!
Carson Cruz
Kyousuke-kun, it seems my panties are wet.
Xavier Martinez
Why do you act like Chiaki would have any choice in the matter?
Aiden Bailey
Why is she so perfect?
Jack Barnes
David Bennett
Post retarded theory's that MIGHT just work.
Sebastian Sanders
An user said it was going to happen, I don't get it I didn't play the game
Nicholas Carter
>not wanting an old man You first.
Kayden Cruz
Robert Williams
Oh no, then you can't follow it at all.
Lucas Campbell
Cause he seems to think that Chiaki would want to remain on the floor and bleed out like a pig to the slaughter.
Josiah Williams
Christopher Cruz
Yes, that's why I don't understand how she is still going to affect the plot somehow. I don't care about spoiler, if you could just enlighten me a bit, I actually read the whole game history tho
Jacob Thomas
>tfw you'll never see a giant junko ad while walking around america
Asher Ward
Remove this shit!
Nicholas Nguyen
>This is the closest we'll get to seeing a real life giant Junko It hurts
Charles Anderson
Reminder Chisa got completely wasted
Brandon Martin
Reporting in with some connection problems, brother!
I wonder if this was intentionally made to make Tengan even more of a red herring.
Jack Campbell
Junko can mass-brainwash people with live video. She also broadcasted the DR1 killing game. So the whole world is despair. But maybe it's not as effective as in DR3, because it's not personnel. And the people she would want to target most is the Future Foundation/survivors. So she broadcasted again a special game for FF. The survivors got mindhacc into joining the simulation so Junko can upload herself and start shit up.
Prove me wrong
Sebastian Clark
These threads keeps going and going, and I'm crashing, but I'll just repost this here as a snippet of the Chiakizuru theory.
Regardless of whether it's Chiaki or not, what I am absolutely certain of is that Izuru 2.0 has to be the 16th participant because there have been too many inconsistencies that add up and up to explain that there's somebody that's been following Naegi around without being noticed (because they have the SHSL Spy talent), particularly early on in the show. I am almost certain that Chiaki is the person used to make it, (and also somewhat hope that she's been possessed by Junko so we can have a final battle with her) so read this stuff if you want an idea of "So why are some people convinced that Chiaki's corpse was used to make an EVEN GREATER HOPE?"
I wanna see Juzo and Seiko go on adventures together
Angel Jones
Wyatt Phillips
We all do
Juan Flores
>Miracles raise their white flags in surrender. She's dead Jim >Amid applause that celebrates our escape from this prison, Shackles are forced upon us once again! Probably about how survivors of DR1, and back in the game >Take a look, foolish pawn... At this farce of judgement! Eat a dick Naegi? >Unmatched Valkyrie, Keep your eyes on the founder! Keep him fooled, that impressionable young boy - break it! Could be Hajime, and I'm gonna guess this valkyrie is Naegi. Keeping him fooled in the New World Program, and trying to break his despair. >Make your way through the crowds, screaming: "My justice is right way!" Naegi's hollow words. >Announced nonchalantly is an insolent manifesto, As a black cat crosses your path. Bad luck strikes. >rainbow that spans that gas-filled sky is monotone Monokuma allusion >Closing my eyes, I quiver in wait; A dormant revolution! This line catches my attention the most. My current specula is that this line is about Mitarai and his anime that can spread hope around the world >Steadily advancing Valkyrie, Loss is your only true teacher, What Naegi learned from loosing Kirigiri
>Assemble those scattered pieces in an anagram - Are you prepared? Here it comes: The End! I got nothing. Seems to stupid to be a literal anagram of "the end", but thats Danganronpa for you.
Elijah Campbell
Why no sharkteeth tho
Jace Perry
We all do, user.
Carson Foster
I wanna see adventures of Loil Despair twins before Mukuro went off to join Fenrir
Thomas Young
looks like she's giving him something, and they're teasing him about it
Xavier Myers
Which theory is more cancerous: Chiakizuru or Kirijunko?
Andrew Gutierrez
because its the monokuma grin
Matthew Ortiz
You don't mean that don't you, Hopeman?
Alexander Hall
Juan Johnson
So since my schedule had some free time in it and I felt compelled after seeing the opening of the latest episode anyway, I've been replaying DR1. Maybe DR2 will follow, but that's not really important here.
So something occurred to me, and from that thought something someone else posted in one of these threads a while back came to mind.
My thought was this: If you were to look strictly at the childhoods and upbringings of both Junko and Mukuro, with no prior knowledge of what was to come later, which of those two would you have pegged as the Ultimate Despair?
I mean, Junko grew up in a decent household with her childhood friend/boyfriend in the lap of fucking luxury. The most traumatic incident Matsuda could remember from her childhood was when she built a fucking sand castle and then kicked it down just to experience the despair of it.
Mukuro, on the other hand, left/ran away/was abandoned, joined a mercenary army as a child soldier, spent years on the battlefield, lived on the streets, and struggled every day to survive.
Which of those two would you peg as having the potential to become the 'Ultimate Despair'?
A while back someone posted a theory that Mukuro was the one who was in fact manipulating her sister, and that SHE was the real despair of the two. I can kind of buy into that theory now. She spent years living in hellish conditions, and when she came back, the first thing that happens is her sister tries to kill her. And that made her happy. Almost orgasmically so. That goes beyond mere masochism.
Junko's despair, in comparison, is fairly tame and feels mostly phony. It only turns into some real shit when she's got Mukuro there to empower her and goad her on to greater things. She didn't really graduate from Despair Academy until she killed Mukuro and tried to drive everyone into despair on her own. And failed miserably. Same as she did with Chisa until Mukuro took matters into her own hands.
Josiah Edwards
What did he mean by this?
Juan Rivera
chiakizuru has more ground than kirijunko no matter how small it may be.
Sebastian Johnson
I like you and it's going to be painful to watch you die...
Jaxson Hill
Juan Martinez
How would Danganronpa multiplayer game work?
Luis Hall
Seiko: Sh- Shake. Juzo: (Why am I doing this...?)
Chisa: Amazing, Sakakura-kun! What a good boy, yes you are! Juzo: [blush] Munakata: Good boy, Sakakura. Have some jerky.
Logan Nguyen
I like your thinking, I like it more than this chiakizuru thing
Landon Green
Epic Mafia, Town of Salem, TTT
Carter Hall
Mukuro's a imouto con She's no real despair even if junko was in fucking luxury. She has to deal with literally knowing everything about someone just by looking at them. You know how insane that could drive someone ? theres also how she's literally bored of everything but despair.
Dominic Cruz
Like Trouble in Terrorist town and Town of Salem.
Nathaniel Brown
You forgot The Ship
Jack Cook
My motives are complex.
Adrian Martinez
Adam Evans
If everyone roleplayed and didn't try to 'metagame', then it'd be kind of like The Thing.
But we all know that never happens, so it would probably be more like Junko's FIRST killing game.
Adrian Ortiz
Jayden James
Monitor Hacku...
Aaron Rogers
Hopeman will protect me.
Lucas Flores
What are they saying? Why is Juzo so embarrassed?
Kevin Watson
Luke Morales
Its like hopeman says, you have to face despair to have hope. Of course Junko, a girl raised without any hardships or sadness, a girl that never had to rely on hope, is the ultimate despair.
Angel Bennett
She's more like a tedious girl, pretty smart, just wanted to fuck up the world real bad.
Luke Turner
The end? Where Naegi didn't want to kill Junko? Where he was willing to leave the former rod unchecked in the island?
I swear, this guy's getting quite suspicious now that I think about it.
Dylan Sanchez
Well yeah, that's been the problem with all of this Junko backstory we've gotten. She's not really some kind of evil Despair monster, just an annoying bitchy gyaru.
Cooper Thompson
Juzo is embarrassed because he's holding his husbando's hand in a silly way. That's why.
Juan Johnson
He's not evil, just dumb.
Luis Jenkins
He didn't want to kill Junko because of Batman logic. "If I kill you, then I'm no better than the bad guys"
He left Hajime on the island because he saw that Izuru was no longer in control and that the characters were all brainwashed. Plus it would keep them safe from ever being hunted down for at least a while.
Alexander Ross
Why is /drg/ so cancer? Can't handle someone saying "I want to fuck a half dead chiaki" Fucking wusses.
Jayden Ward
Whatever happened to Kanon? Could she be the mastermind? She wanted every FF member dead except for Hagakure.
Ethan Scott
Atleast she would die happy.
Aaron Taylor
Do you know what an anagram even is?
Lincoln White
Wait what? She wanted them dead? She was in fucking UDG, as a hitlist thing, why does she want to kill them?
Leo Thomas
She hooked up with Weedman. I hope she will actually show up. And Monaca's lolicon brother as well.
Chase Lopez
I'm almost sad I ditched the threads for a few weeks and missed out on all the munakata memes that must have come out of recent episodes. But then I look at the threads today and remember why I left in the first place.
Gavin Lee
Lincoln Cruz
You need to read the Hagakure side story to know why.
Carson Wright
Fucking secondary scum. >he didn't read the Weedman novel
Julian Morris
UDG has a short Hagakure novel where he tries to survive with her.
She was Leon's cousin and wanted his dick, and she blames the FF for his death.
Benjamin Jones
Fuck. Alright, thanks.
Kevin Stewart
It's not really "I'd be lowering myself to your level" so much as it is "death sucks, don't add your own corpse to the pile".
Robert Rogers
Asher Perry
Chiaki is Izuru Kamakura 2.0.
I will be fucking FURIOUS if that is the entire ending of Future Side Story. Especially if Izuru Kamakura original had major stuff to do with that.
Jaxson Reyes
Which is exactly what a lot of TTT games boil down to fucking hilariously enough.
Nathan Murphy
>people ITT in this thread seriously believe the mastermind is Tengan
Carter Murphy
Thanks lads, will go read it now
Jace Nelson
Noah Martinez
I understand why it can happen. But HOW this would happen?
Robert Cook
I actually like toko as a character.
Kevin Walker
The airheaded shoujo heroine and the jerk boyfriend but the heroine has brain damage and the boyfriend has an Oedipus complex was a great spin
Brandon Sullivan
>Izuru takes Chiaki's body >Mends it back up using Super High School Surgeon skills >brings body to room that made him >Turns Tengan into Despair >has him and Tengan put empty vessel of body into machine >Out pops Izuru Kamakura big breasted edition
Not only would this not make sense to Izuru and how he wouldn't be interested in this kind of thing, but bring up a plot hole about how Hajime/Izuru never told the three people who saved his life in DR2 about Izuru Kamakura: Boobies Edition.
Matthew Bennett
>ITT in this thread
Sebastian Stewart
>likes toko >posts genocider
Liam Morris
I have no doubt he's at least one of the people behind the game, what I'm not so sure about is if it's him on the phone.
Anthony Bennett
At this point this is the most likely outcome. But with a twist. Chiaki is indeed Izuru 2.0 but she has nothing to do with the game. Tengan was the mastermind and he's using this killing game to brainwash her (Mitarai's helping) into becoming the Ultimate Hope, this time with Naegi and Persona to cover the "hope" thing the board didn't bother with in the original. But Despair Chisa may or may not have figured it out and corrupted the brainwashing in order to implant Junko's personality in her.
Tengan is an asshole, sure but he doesn't peg me as a despair. The hope message he left likely wasn't for Naegi or Munakata, but for Chiaki.
Henry Carter
get baited
Thomas Adams
Oh, finally, now I get it. Thanks, I can sleep now
Jayden Barnes
The point is that we cant really understand her so she will always be unpredictable. Nobody really knows why she is the way she is.
Brayden Bennett
Sebastian Parker
Seiko is scared of Sakakura. Munakata wants to show her that there's no need to. He goes "Hand" to Sakakura like a dog until he finally does it and gives him his hand. Munakata asks Seiko if that isn't cute and Yukizome tells her to try it as well but Seiko says she's good.
David Sanchez
Its funny how they were going to make UDG a full on action game until they realized 90% of their audience are visual novel people.
Mason Ross
Guys, Which one if DR3 cast you think that the chara is gay/homo/lesbi?
Jaxon Brown
I agree it was really good
Carter Davis
Alexander Watson
Yet it worked and was a good game, with great character interaction. I just wish underwear Komaru would have been an unlockable costume.
Michael Reed
I'd go gay for Junko
Dylan Lee
>what I'm not so sure about is if it's him on the phone.
It's Daisaku Bandai, the 11th branch head. Lying hidden somewhere in the building. The one they call the Ultimate Farmer. Watch out for him.
Austin Miller
Ohhh this one comes before the previous one you posted.
Munakata: She's scared of Sakakura?
Chisa: Yep. Whenever they're together, it's like he's always scowling at her. Seiko: S-Sorry.... Munakata: I see. This is troubling. I don't believe it's because he doesn't accept you...he's just a bit tactless. However, he does have friendly side.
Munakata: I suppose you'll have to see it to believe it. Sakakura. Juzo: Yeah, what is it, Munakata?
Munakata: Shake.
J: The hell is this? M: Just playing around. C'mon, let's shake hands. J: But this... .... M: What's the matter Sakakura, can't do it? Just shake.
J: ....Hrk M: See? He'll do cute things like this too. C: C'mon, Kimura-san, you give it a try! You'll be fine, Kyosuke is here after all. S: I...can't!
Joseph Hill
I know that feel. I'd lock her in my basement for best protection. In worst case we'll have to use formaldehyde.
Grayson Kelly
Post toko
Jeremiah Fisher
I remember being annoyed at how simple the mechanics were until I realized that, yeah, half the audience probably doesnt play action games.
Xavier Johnson
Jaxson Ross
So does anyone here actually like Toko, as a character? The character dev she got for UDG was really nice.
Jace Lopez
Noah Nguyen
They even gave people Toko aka invincibility mode for those that suck at third person shooters.
Levi Roberts
Because I feel like it
Zachary Morris
Aww. Thanks, user.
Jackson Rivera
Jaxson Young
Genocider I mean.
Adrian Williams
Oops, I forgot one Chisa bubble. After she mentions scowling:
C: She's tried real hard to become friends, and just wants their friendship to be a bit smoother.
Ryan Clark
Blake Butler
I would advance on that game girl
Bentley Roberts
It's not like she can say no any more!
Luis Thompson
Thank you anons!
Carter Bell
I dont think so. Mukuro's character is that shes physically strong but mentally very weak.
Also she doesnt really care that much about despair, just her sisters happiness and it so happens the only thing that makes her happy is...
Isaiah Phillips
Nathaniel Anderson
Nobody? Alri
Jonathan Morgan
>tfw Juzo cut off his hand knowing it would prevent him from ever boxing again, if he even lived to get the chance
Jack Watson
I wonder what they did to the corpse
Camden Rogers
Despaired all over it.
Sebastian Howard
Who said he was old?
Charles Long
Jayden Jenkins
fuck you junko your corpse got fucked probably by despair mikan AFTER the rest of them chopped off your arms, legs, and took your hair and eyeballs.
just thinking about mikan kissing and loving that heap of unidentifiable flesh makes me happy junko got what she deserved in the end.
Blake Rogers
>they didn't let Mikan get to the body until after everyone else had gotten their fill Its good to see they still bully her. Traditions are important.
Sebastian Torres
I feel that Souda might have been the one to fuck her body afterwards
Brody Sullivan
I want to let my face sink into her body and sleep that way.
That was a massive sacrifice on Juzo's part, and him actually having to live with the consequences would be interesting.
Hunter Reed
One too many moles
James Morgan
no way he still only wants despair sonia
Adam Morgan
Teru Teru and Kazuichi probably fought over it, while Tanaka snuck in a quickie behind their backs.
Dominic Sanders
maybe he was thinking about despair sonia while using whatever was left of junko
Daniel Garcia
>the end >end >end has 3 letters >ham also has 3 letters >ham is the first syllable in hamburger >aliens abducted hagakure's burger Holy shit guys, I think I've unraveled this whole thing. I may have an idea of the identity behind the true perpetrator behind this dreadful event. And my money's on Alf, that fucker.
Nicholas Green
No, the scene that mentions it clearly depicts Kamakura doing that
Ethan Evans
Nathan Watson
Hunter Bailey
Wyatt Flores
Like he would give enough of a fuck to fuck anything.
Eli Cook
y'all best translate
Mason Nguyen
>Kirigiri is actually alive >Waddles back to the group >Everyone is happy, fans think all the DR1 cast survived >Episode halfway done >Kirigiri reveals that Asahina is a fake through tons of logical decisions >It's Chisa disguised as Asahina thanks to the Ultimate Make-Up Artist >She swapped bodies with the real Asahina ages ago >The real Asahina has been dead for the longest of time
Wyatt Wilson
Matthew James
Christopher Thompson
>Brown girls master race Keep being delusional, Baconfags.
Camden Morris
Will we see the real her?
Isaiah Taylor
Kirigirifags are getting obnoxious as fuck
Levi Garcia
He was getting off to the despair of having to use a corpse over his precious waifu
Daniel Young
Leo Sanders
Miaya is a beautiful miracle and Kodaka is the worst person alive.
Gavin Hughes
Stop trying to kill the Donut. She's going to make it, damn it.
Gabriel Walker
>not being kirigirifag You only have your self to blame
Jaxson Perry
Would Mukuro outsmell Toko?
Connor Morgan
Didn't you see when they showed her mangled body like 4 episodes ago?
Christopher Roberts
Last one is easy, Munakata and Junko are repeating "despair" over and over, Komaeda is repeating "hope", Sakakura's is "Munakata", and I can't read Yukizome's very well but it probably says "Kyosuke".
Brody Cox
The picture refers to the 5 survivors and it's obvious who is who in it
Caleb Reed
when her and matsuda talk while Ryoko thinks she's trying to steal her man
John Long
Clearly that was just a second robot with ketchup.
Leo Garcia
Kamakura has not interest in anything. He has no personality, feelings or motivation to have sex with Junko's body.
Adrian Bennett
They're just going to retcon this and say it was one of Junko's wacky lies
Elijah Bailey
Why are there so many pictures of Seiko and Juzo together
Sebastian Foster
Was she the only person he referred to by given name?
Robert Hall
Because they're both good-looking people
Adam Brown
they're cute interacting with each other
Hudson Ramirez
They're in the same Future Foundation faction, and Juzo and Munakata both seemed actively unhappy about her death
Jacob Anderson
Best DR3 girl: Seiko Best DR3 boy: Tengan
Ian Cruz
There aren't that many - I just know we have some fans, so I'm digging up what I can.
Aaron Edwards
Both are loyal friends
Caleb Rivera
No one can resist Junko's body!
Jacob Jackson
Lincoln Hall
Necrophilia feels pretty zetsubou. He might try it.
Elijah Parker
Out of all Junko's personalities, hell no to that one
Wyatt Harris
What would Hope Junko be like
Jordan Sullivan
Komaeda, duh.
Adrian Robinson
>Dying so your sister can get off Best sister
Ayden Wood
yappari, queen junko is the best.
Jose Walker
>Hope Junko No such thing
Caleb Phillips
>no OL ponytail Junko Bored.
Carson Green
Didn't she have hope that despair would spread around the world?
Justin Perez
Mitarai was never my friend
Jordan Bell
Screenshot of pointing Seiko when?
Evan Foster
Nope, she knew it was a hopeless effort from the beginning.
Jace Hughes
>local man not so tough after loosing everything
Ian Green
So why did the mastermind hate Bandai so much to pretty much guaranteed he died within the first couple minutes?
Brandon White
Not an Arashi fan?
William Martin
this one?
Thomas Jenkins
Look closer, dummy
Elijah Baker
Big, black guys are terrifying.
Eli Russell
Thats a really obscure reference and Im curious if anyone in the Western audience knew what it was.
David Rivera
Mastermind worked for a police department back in the States.
Jason Carter
I-I would've noticed it sooner if jazz hands Junko wasn't invading her box.
Adam Baker
He has new friends now. Out with the old and in with the new.
Dominic Miller
I wouldn't mind french kissing her and feeling the metal
Bentley Reyes
The Mastermind was giving them a fighting chance by telling these niggas to just not look
Landon Thompson
Didn't pick enough cotton.
Ethan Russell
Wait, wait, hold it. Where did he get these photos?
Thomas Davis
Black guy always dies first
Aaron Powell
Bandai IS the mastermind and wanted to gaurantee he'd "die" as soon as possible and in front of as many people as possible.
Ryder Howard
Nope, I thought that appearance was used for being sarcastic.
Dominic Carter
Chisa's corpse.
Charles Cruz
be careful not to cut your tongue then
Nathan Jackson
Alexander Gomez
>used to make fun of Sakakura all the time >can't bring myself to do it anymore Feels bad man.
Isaiah Butler
Does Cred Forums like boats?
Luke Powell
I won't feel it since the residual medicine will drug me within seconds
Charles Sullivan
Would kissing Seiko give you some unholy cocktail of drug effects? My gut says probably.
Caleb Evans
well i'm sure she wouldn't appreciate having your blood in her mouth though
Kevin Allen
>bite >crunch >swallow spelled wrong Is that fucking necessary
Leo Gomez
What if Pikachu is the mastermind? She seems a bit TOO pure and innocent. She could be the one piloting he Bandai suit, as several anons suspected of Bandai being a robotic suit.
Benjamin Thomas
I think would've enjoyed seeing more of class 77 as RoDs than happy students. I have this morbid desire to see all the twisted details of they tore down the planet.
Tyler Watson
Henry Carter
yes including extremely potent aphrodisiacs
Eli Ward
She was just carrying those around? Did she know she would be the first to go and wanted him to find out?
Hudson Miller
Christopher Wright
so chiaki is junko 2.0, what a twist
Colton Nguyen
I want to wake up bruised and aching after a long night of hardcore, rough, painful sex with roided up Seiko.
Elijah Gutierrez
As much as I want Pikachu to be alive, that's just not possible.
Jayden Hughes
Leo Kelly
Maybe whenever she started feeling a hope attack coming on, she'd whip out those bad boys for a quick hit of zetsubou.
Owen Morris
Could be neat if it's played well.
Oliver Diaz
and whose fault is that
Kevin Kelly
Getting hugged by Seiko may not feel as fluffy as Ruruka, but it would be a hell of a lot more genuine
Chase Green
>kiss Seiko >get drunk >puke >pass out >wake up lying on a broken wall with superpowers
Now the real question is: Does she pour chemicals anywhere else I need to know?
Joseph Torres
Yes. You need to feel the power of her chewing and swollowing
David Carter
I sure hope she has pills to help with your pain.
Andrew Jenkins
James Hughes
What sucks about Seiko is that she probably would've died at the end regardless of the outcome since she essentially overdosed on a shitton of drugs for that powerup.
Of course, I'm sure Kohacku would've come up with some bullshit reason for her to overcome the od since being an Ultimate anything means you can bullshit your way through anything of that specific expertise, and she specializes in Pharmacy
Levi Roberts
>not possible
I think you have forgotten what series this is
Matthew Harris
You know she does. You'll be fine, and associate a broken pelvis with getting a boner in no time
Charles Taylor
Waking up with her at my side is all I need to feel better
Michael Hughes
We saw her getting penetrated by a man 5 times her size and thrown across the room like a frisbee.
She's dead as shit.
Liam King
Marry right, kill left.
Wyatt Cooper
That sounds extremely erotic
Mason Young
Reminder that if your waifu is shit if she isn't a virgin or alive
Hunter Campbell
How does Junkos hair work?
Nathan Young
Josiah Ramirez
If she weren't a virgin, the population would've already exploded to pre-Tragedy levels
Brayden Johnson
Daniel Price
probably, but who's to say though she probably done something like that before, maybe that's why her teeth have braces
Zachary Gray
>any dangan >virgin I've already fucked them all
Charles Bennett
She must have made a lot of mysterious trips to the bathroom during the killing game viewing parties. Meanwhile, Tengan and Kizakura hammered out the rules for a drinking game.
Andrew Baker
It wasn't as lewd or enjoyable as it sounds.
Brayden Hernandez
In your dreams matey
William Hill
This theory is so much better than the KiriJunk mind swap one I see posted all over the place.
Jason Jenkins
>waifu he need waifu
Sebastian Johnson
Do you think there's any in-universe rule 34 of the dangans? They were on international TV, after all.
Michael Parker
Reminder that bored Junko (far right on the second row) is her true personality
Aaron Long
Probably but since this is the after tragedy days who knows?
Inb4 RoDs do porn of the dangans to spread DESPAIR
Levi Torres
>future 11/12 >still nothing about izuru or other rod >we will probably get like 3-5 min in the last ep fuck this shit
Dominic Lopez
The beginning of DR1 has Naegi talking about imageboards discussing Asahina's tits. I'm sure there's some porn of her at the very least.
Andrew Miller
They arrive at the last min to save Mirai cast and that's it lol.
Joseph Hall
Ryoko is love
Tyler Stewart
Kirigiri has lots of feet art
Hudson Morgan
Winning on every front with little resistance outside of LOL LUCK can be pretty boring
Luis Bennett
Show up at the last minute, and then everybody has a big party. Just like Chiaki taught them
Leo Brown
SHSL Porn Parody Director probably put out "Fucking School Life XXX: The Cock of Hope and the Pussy of Despair" within hours of its broadcast.
Camden Russell
you mean hyuk hyuk hyuk!
Lucas Martinez
How would you feel if the final episode of Danganronpa pulls a "Too Many Cooks"?
Justin Sanchez
I hope Goro didn't survive the Tragedy
Sebastian Bell
The in-universe Cred Forums/2chan probably have a dedicated zetsubou board It's like Cred Forums but with more despair I can imagine the shitposting during the shitposting at the live streaming of that killing game >killing off the idol and thr gyaru at the beginning, this is despair I really like this idea
Jace Ross
I don't get the fascination with those
Christian Watson
Jeremiah Perry
>you will never smash f5 on /des/
Juan Scott
Mason Harris
Yes, there were also livestream chats full of memes and shitposting and people made death chart bingos and argued about shipping.
Easton Jackson
>Thinking Asahina could die >Forgetting her strongest armor
Matthew Russell
I get the feeling that a lot is lost in translating 0 to English
Sebastian Diaz
/zet/ is probably the worst place on the internet
Carson Peterson
>we never truely knew why he wanted to create an anime to "save" everyone >he was actually always insane >wanted to save the world by destroying it >brainwashed Junko with his anime >explains how he never died in the killing game >is the real mastermind
Chase Price
gimme that pixiv
Jack Miller
weedman's mom has some nice DSL
Tyler Thompson
well it would help if i uploaded the image
Alexander Davis
How big would've the shitstorm been around case 5?
Oliver Green
>>brainwashed Junko with his anime Nope, We know that Junko was crazy since she was a child, Just ask Matsuda.
>Some people actually thought at some point this guy wasn't evil
Caleb Gutierrez
>>we never truely knew why he wanted to create an anime to "save" everyone But we know, The reason is very simple, he was bullied as a kid and for him anime becomes an escapism and "saved him" so he wants to do the same for other people.
Gabriel Ward
Kind of reminds me of Nishimori Hiroyuki's style, save for that skelly hand.
Dylan Johnson
>togami starts dismantling a monokuma >livestream is losing their shit >camera suddenly switches to naegi's room Sounds like a fun evening.
Sebastian Nguyen
Such a damn shame such a cute character wasn't put in the game to get fleshed out more and make the impact of her dying drive me into more despair than her being stabbed by Gozu's brother after he said it'll be okay.
Blake Ross
>We'll never see Mitarai fall into despair at his masterpiece selling like shit because it's going up against the latest season of Idols and Moe
Nathan Kelly
Is this why it's called Future side? Was the future is inevitable?
Isaiah Sanders
But that's wrong, Juzo was stacked
Jaxson Richardson
Imagine it breaking when Junko gets revealed >our goddess was a Japanese schoolgirl all along! After Junko's death a lot of mods killed themselves and now it's really crappy
Levi Gonzalez
>Shock and horror as Naegi is executed, Kirigiri is blamed >MUH ALTER EGO shitposting ensues >Kirigiri jumps down a few hours later, shippers go nuts >Everybody flips their shit as Kyoko and Makoto emerge in the trash room
Nathaniel Long
I wonder how fucked up that society would be.
Adam Parker
Would Junko have shown the murders live? That would have made the trials kinda boring
Owen Peterson
>Instead of murder, a student is fucked unconscious >Monokuma is a sexy lady with a despair leotard and fake bear ears >Executions are extremely creative ways to fuck the Blackened to death >Chihiro gets a sweaty trap sex scene in the gym with Mondo >The hidden cameras in their rooms can be used to watch them masturbate and have sex away from the other students >Weedman doesn't get any as hard as he tries >Mukuro still dies
Matthew Davis
>Makoto gets with all the girls >THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE SHSL LUCK >thumbs up and winks at the camera while he's getting a blowjob
Ian Reed
I miss her.
Elijah Clark
I bet it was a lot of stuff like this doujin
Caleb Hughes
I feel like there was something that suggested she didn't but I can't remember what it was. At the very least, no one knew Junko was the mastermind before the students figured it out, besides the despairs and Sakakura anyway.
Christopher Allen
how so ?
Levi Robinson
Who's that corpse?
Asher Powell
So there was the same speculation as we did? >11037, it's obviously Leon dumbasses! >it's too obvious, it's just a redherring moron
Adrian King
Well she is dead. You know what you must do if you want to see her again user.
Brody Cox
At least her twin sister lived
Chase Martinez
The most important question about the in-universe reaction to DR1 still hasn't been answered.
Would there be a Juzoboys like faction for Togami, and what would their copypasta be like if so?
Oops, used the wrong name Kubou Taiki AKA "Pikachu girl"
Jace Reyes
Tarou had a hard life.
Jackson Myers
Real talk how much salt if Kirigiri stays dead and Asahina wins the Naegibowl?
Landon Stewart
Don't know Nidai's cousin?
Julian Morales
Yeah but consider Toko looks exactly the same just with messier hair.
DR3 only takes place like a year after DR1. They aren't much older.
Cameron Rivera
The retard who made that pic can't judge even their gender. Ha-ha
Christian Miller
I'll be celebrating, personally
Tyler Torres
Asahina is great too so none from me.
Kevin Long
Here's another one, but don't know if it's made by the same person
Love how Pikachu is in the middle, like they were ready for everyone who would ask this question
Ethan Perez
Shotgun is a guy, though. Why is his name Kiriko?
Joshua Thomas
Tomohiko Gouriki. Judged by family name.
Jack Harris
They will have three kids
Named Kyoko Sayaka and Yuta
Robert Gomez
Reverse trap, obviously
Carter Sanchez
What was the deal with Kisaragi's mom? Why was she freaking out over it?
Dylan Reed
I guess she is being tortured
Daniel Nguyen
You're going to need a lot more kids. Naegi wants one to name after each of his dead friends.
Jaxon Sullivan
>not albus severus sakagiri
Thomas Rivera
So does this mean Danganronpa 3 Season 2?
Justin Watson
Are there any more "character interviews" like this one for either Juzo or Munakata? This one was entertaining.
Jackson Evans
Only correct:Murasame and Karen
Joshua Sanders
>10 seconds on google says otherwise Nevermind then.
Dylan Powell
I doubt it. He's not buff and athletic or a fighter.
Hudson Butler
It's hilarious how wrong these are.
Liam Lee
For that matter, anybody have the Naegi one on hand with the translation?
Gabriel Taylor
Then I have no clue Look it up yourselves then
Blake Sanders
I gotta say Juzo's coat was /fa/ af
I wish I had one
Jack Thomas
Did they ever mention Junko's nails in his part of the trial? I don't remember.
Thomas Watson
The only way to know for sure who is who is by listening to them talk and then matching up the seiyuu with the character names in the credits. Not sure if someone has already done that. Those images are wrong for sure though
Justin Cruz
Yes, and that they couldn't really fit in gloves
Jaxson Campbell
Junko was def lying about the last one with Hajime.
How would the AI know anyway?
Asher Cook
You think we'll ever get an official word on which name belongs to which student aside from Karen and Soshun? I don't think they were even named in the credits.
Nolan Torres
So who was the one who stabbed the victims with the tiny Monokuma knife and apparently stole/hid the larger dagger? Was it Monaca fucking with them? After she left, the tiny knife wasn't used again (Ruruka had the big dagger in her chest).
Or is this just an abandoned plot thread that has already been forgotten?
Landon Martin
Not even Chiaki can resist looking at Mahiru's sweet normie ass.
Luke Miller
What is the point of his character? Will he ever manage to do something right this whole anime?
William Kelly
Why is the sky red?
Caleb Johnson
Everything happens in Mars
Jace Evans
Radical 6
Nathan Russell
Save them from what?
Ryan Jackson
Screencaps otherwise I ain't got no clue
William Jones
They blew up the antimatter reactors to deal with Radical 6 and it was a side-effect
Zachary Hill
You know what.
Kevin Hughes
>Will he ever manage to do something right this whole anime? Yes, afterfucking Juzo's cold body then cumming inside
Xavier Stewart
Junko's Third Form: Mechajunko
Austin Hughes
Kodaka, no.
Wyatt Long
I don't see how will finish this show in 49 minutes
Lucas Torres
Why didn't the remnants of despair just clone Junko from her brain cells?
Benjamin Ward
James Turner
>49 minutes What?
Easton Morgan
So many retarded question.
Chase Miller
Leo Gomez
If the suicide video is so powerful and effective, even against despairs and the SHSL Hope, then how did the creator finish it without killing himself?
Dylan Robinson
The entirety of the time between the video being finished and the end of DR1 was just one really long drawn out suicide by Junko.
Adrian Morris
The knife that was used on Gozu and Seiko that Rurugirls later used to cover up Izayoi's murder.
Parker Butler
If there will be some kind of official art book of the anime, maybe.
Noah Edwards
You're right, they weren't. I hope we do; it would be nice to know.
Jace Young
Definitely. I actually liked Mahiru yet by the end of that trial i couldnt bring myself to hate those two idiots.
James Martin
This is a shot in the dark but Izayoi could have made a new knife, being SHSL Blacksmith and all.
Robert Peterson
It could probably be created someone like Izuru.
Evan Rodriguez
While it does look smaller, it's just a case of inconsistent art. It's the same type of knife that drops from the monitors.
Blame it on the budget.
Lucas Perez
He also pulled a Mami and dropped like a dozen weapons from his coat.
Jayden Powell
The steadily advancing valkyrie is told that loss is the only true teacher and to 'fake it'.
Kirigiri faked her death. That's the spoiler in the song.
I'm not even a Kirigiri fag but we should just accept it: she's alive.
Oliver Thomas
I googled one of them randomly, Inoue Honoka. She's Inoue Kikuko's daughter. Didn't realize she has an 18 year old daughter who is also doing seiyuu work.
Liam Brown
This is it. Same knife, just a different angle.
Noah Cooper
At most her death is fake and she is comaed. She wouldn't fake it for no reason.
Jackson Martin
Get use too seeing chisa with her hair down as we'll see her with it black and down as the monokuma maid
Xavier Smith
she'd fake it if she's Kirijunko and wanted to teach naegi a lesson about despair
Nicholas Jones
>she is comaed This is why making the DR2 kids comatose was a fucking mistake. Whenever somebody "dies" in this series, you can just use the "but maybe it's just a coma" excuse/theory.
Landon Phillips
Naegi-kun, it seems my panties are wet.
John Mitchell
That was just you voiding your bowels upon death.
Logan Brooks
Noah Taylor
>tfw all the DR2 guys wake up.
Sucks to be class 78.
Jaxson Hill
I want to be the Ultimate Lawyer.
Alexander Wright
I really hope they actually die. It would completely and retroactively remove all emotion and feelings from DR2
Lincoln Harris
I see.
Matthew Wright
>trials now drag out for several weeks >after the first murder nobody kills anyone again because they don't wanna go through that shit again Alternatively >lawyer is the second murdered guy because nobody wants to go through that again
Joshua Williams
Both are fine as vessels for the future in my book.
Ryder Hughes
Taiki is a male name and kotomi is a female name.
Luis Nelson
>The worst criminals the world has ever known are actually dindus and all survive sans Chiaki, maybe >The innocent class of friends turned against each other as pawns are really dead as fuck >The man who saved the survivors and lost his crush as the first victim also just lost his waifu to rub some salt on the wounds and further reduce the survivor tally Why does Kodaka have such a hateboner for the DR1 characters?
Joshua Morris
Isn't Asuka a female name too?
Nathan Thompson
Why is the fact that Kuzuryu is Sato's murderer not adressed at all in Despair-hen?
Michael Flores
Because that bitch deserved it
Hudson Clark
Guys what if the 16th participant was behind the camera following Naegi the entire time but nobody mentioned them because their special talent was being blind and death but was actually Junko the entire time
Jason Hall
Because it's a rushed as fuck anime why have you not noticed after 10 episodes?
Jose Turner
He's sort of the murderer. Peko probably did her in. She seemed a lot more pissed that Natsumi died. I would have liked seeing their relationship.
Nathaniel Watson
Dylan Ortiz
And here I thought he's going to be a person with secrets detecting amulet, lie detecting wristband, emotion detecting necklace using logic and bluffs to find truth.
Xavier Edwards
Nah, he's gonna exhaust the killer into a confession
Gabriel Clark
What if the mastermind was Tengan, the case is already solved thanks to Juzo and all that's left is the epilogue and showing what happened to Hajime and co.?
Colton Price
What is this picture?
It looks like on of those monsters from that old neckleodeons cartoon.
Caleb Gomez
That doesn't stop people from using Tengan bullshit "You could say everyone here is a murderer"
Nicholas Cox
Tengan's gotta have something up his sleeve, either a brainwashed Mitarai, Chiakizuru or the Tengan Persona killed being a fake in some way
Kevin Cruz
The case can't be solved yet, they got a message from "Tengan", whether it's actually him or someone else.
Nathan Murphy
Punished Kirigiri, a waifu killed by a plot device.
Brayden Johnson
I really hope future 12 is announced to be an hour long after this episode.
Eli Stewart
Post your angel.
Landon Anderson
Juan Jackson
>It's Chisa disguised as Asahina thanks to the Ultimate Make-Up Artist
I don't even think I'd be mad to be honest. It sounds like something a Despair would do.
Asher Hall
Because then seeing Chiaki dying immediately throwing him into despair would, if it were even possible, seem even MORE ridiculous.
Eli Harris
An anime episode is 22 minutes long give or take
How do we wrap up this series in 44 minutes?
Nicholas Cook
Whoops, the phone, my bad, it's not over yet.
Isaac Reyes
That's rare for any show, I doubt it.
Connor White
Perfect cinnamon roll!
David Sullivan
Liam Sanchez
Easton Brooks
Most likely the same as with Fuyuhiko, Peko wants to be a tool for their sakes, Natsumi either liked her as a sibling or childhood friend, or didn't mind her.
Parker Bailey
We don't
BD special or just plain wet fart confirmed
Wyatt Ortiz
But that means episode 12 will have 22 minutes to wrap up everything
Aiden Murphy
Christian Evans
Nathaniel Roberts
A damn shame it all amounted to nothing.
Jose Long
Asher Davis
But despair arc hasn't paid any attention at all to class 78...
Thomas Wilson
Whoops, Class 76
What... I....
.... .... ...
Jayden Edwards
It's uncommon but possible, UBW was able to have.. 3? hour long episodes while airing, although that might just be type moon's budget.
Caleb Reyes
Stop posting any time.
Jace Edwards
How about you...
Jose Phillips
I don't think I won't ever get over her torture. It's bad enough that they killed her once already.
Julian Cox
Is this the Super High School Level Edgemaster?
Wyatt Peterson
But despair arc doesn't focus on edgemasters...
Connor Evans
Even if he's the mastermind, between the message by his corpse and his willingness to be in the game to begin with he likely has someone he trusted to take over if he died.
Lucas Nelson
By announcing Danganronpa 3: End of End of Hope's Peak Academy.
Leo Thompson
They gotta address it somehow, or else the show will just leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth
Then again, Twenty Two minutes for Mirai's ending makes me fear it's gonna be fucking Delta all again
Brandon Jackson
>tfw there won't be a mastermind to defeat >they'll get out of the FF building and get saved
Nicholas Price
Isn't it that 12 hours long cinema movie?
Bentley Reed
>fucking Delta again Oh dear god please no
Ethan Fisher
Real Chiaki and Junko ruined despair arc
Owen Rodriguez
What was the point of Chisa in the theatre again?
Liam Green
It's not like you guys would complain about new characters not getting any development or screen time then call it shit writing or anything had they toned it down.
Parker Fisher
>Real Chiaki No >Junko With her less is more, she falls apart as a character when she gets too much screentime
Adam Martin
Stopped watching after baconhands died, is it still shit?
Carson Young
To make Cred Forums have a heart attack when the anime ends with Chiaki and Junko playing a game of chess with Dangan Ronpa shaped pieces
Eli Parker
Everyone is alive and watching Ryota's masterpiece
Jason Clark
New thread
Lincoln Gomez
Hinata would make such a good boyfriend >nervously confessing to you by the fountain that he can't keep his feelings to himself anymore and that he loves you, despite feeling below you as a reserve course student >holding his hand and telling him it doesn't matter because you love him for who he is
Jeremiah Phillips
This is the only way user. Junko as the sixth hidden player is the only way.
But this also seems like some super shit hopeman would pull to cultivate hope or something, so a final showdown between hopeman and Hinata to roll into the Despair episode next week would be a way to end things
Julian Rivera
Juzo became the heroine and then died to save us all. Chiaki died the most gruesome death in the entire franchise. Either she's dead, or Chiakizuru.
Jeremiah Taylor
Fuck off.
Cameron Gomez
Christian Morales
Men with great taste. You're okay too Juzobros and Hopeboys.
Henry Clark
Nolan Brown
Too bad he was too beta to do that.
Leo Hernandez
>Then he gets beaten up by some random ass dude, his other gf he was cheating you with dies and he decides to turn into HOPEMAN. >When he becomes HOPEMAN he forgets you since you're tsumaranai, and hooks on with the most evil gal he could get his hands on. >The evil gal is jealous of you since she feels insecure for not being hopeful enough and horribly kills you and mindrapes all your friends into loving her and laughing at your death. >You may get saved, only to become the final boss of the world.
These words were on the screen when Munakata showed. Juzo is a fighter and a heroine, indeed steadily advanced by switching off power and game, loss of him would teach Munakata therefore he just unimtendedly faked his death by passing out. Munakata was so shocked by seeing his friend in puddle of blood so he forgot to check for pulse. He will feed him with some pills and it's going to be alright.
Nicholas Lopez
Haven't played UDG but I really enjoyed her FTEs in DR1.
Xavier Davis
I used to hate her but after UDG I like her. A lot of DR characters could use that treatment
Hudson Diaz
Was that necessary...? I'm gonna Despair
Ryan Wood
I like to think Junko's cruelty toward Nanami was fueled by jealousy rather than a calculated plan. It'd make more human, but that's also why I doubt that was the reason.