Been re-watching Hajime no Ippo for the 3rd time and this motherfucker in his jp title match was such a monster. Takamura is imo one of the best side characters in anime overall.
On that note I would personally put Ippo in an objective top 10 anime do others share this consensus?
Also manga fags do you find the manga to be worth reading if someone's viewed the anime? Been considering picking it up but since I haven't heard anything about another series and want to follow where Rising left off.
Even though this ED was just a slideshow, it was so fucking good. It was perfect after big fights.
Benjamin Perez
I still want Takamura to fight someone like Aoki and lose. Maybe that's going to be the heavyweight champion.
Julian Stewart
Frankly i prefer the Eagle fight, he was a cool dude and i liked the idea that Takamura was a bit scared because he had the same eyes as Ippo.
Zachary Carter
Ippo is, and will be for a long time, in my top 5 anime. It inspires so much motivation in me when i watch it. for me its a genuine 10/10 anime
Parker White
He's not even the best side character in Ippo.
Hunter Nelson
The manga is in a weird place right now, it seems to be stressing boxing injures a lot, every single character is talking about retirement, and Ippo is being constantly pressured into getting blood lust, it's completely phased out the slice of life element and it's all honestly not fun to read anymore. I miss the more emotion heavy moments in the beginning, characters going out in the world and interacting with each other. Ippo lately has lost it's slice of life element which was at least half of the manga but now it's just 90% focusing on the fights/training with 10% being on boxing drama. I honestly wouldn't recommend reading it, wait for another anime season or something.
Luke Ramirez
Man it isn't even that long ago that we had a lot of slice of life shenanigans, particularly Takamura fucking around after the Bison fight, or when Ippo went with Sendo to talk with his teacher.
Eli Robinson
>takamura >side character
Jackson Young
Friendly reminder that RBJ should have won his match vs Ichirou and should have been Makunouchi's next target. Miyata and Gonzales are a mistake.
Hunter King
I don't think Gonzales was a mistake, but Miyata definitively should've lost. That entire fight was complete bullshit, first it was bullshit that Randy kept getting super counters to the face but he could keep going, and then it was complete bullshit that Miyata could keep fighting after Randy ripped his ribs out.
Sebastian White
is there a list of only fights episodes for every season or atleast Rising cause i dont give a shit about backstory of people who jobs to ippo or takamura
Cameron Collins
This. /thread.
Eiji Date vs Ricardo Martinez was one of my favorite fights in anime. Takamura is also great, but Ippo himself is such an ubercuck that it eventually becomes somewhat impossible to keep liking him.
Nathaniel Cox
Everything involving Date is awesome
Juan Butler
they got btfo after that though.
Joshua Rivera
Shut the hell up Fuckamura
Xavier Reed
What are your top 10s?
Isaac Cox
1a. slam dunk 1b. hajime no ippo 2 - 10: nothing worth mentioning
Luke Sanchez
takamura is the 2nd best anime character of all time