Good morning, Cred Forums.
Good morning, Cred Forums
Who the fuck are you and what did you do with my waifu?
>English patch never
This is why you start learning moon, user.
Stop tempting me
>he does not want to play this
Celia is god tier.
Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to sleep with that thing on your head?
Everyone is welcome, other than Cred Forumstards that is.
Best girls right here.
Can't stop me
>NTR slut
Where did that meme come from?
This should be sexy, but something about her seems alien, which kills any arousal I would have had.
From this image because according to retarded NTRfags a girl can never get pregnant within a happy committed relationship.
That picture screams NTR though
Only NTRfags think that way.
>delusional NTRfag sees happy a happy couple consisting of a pregnant woman and her husband
>assumes NTR
>boob plate
But why?
Boob plates are GOAT.
>mfw there actually is player induced ntr in this
>mfw being best girl
Why did that scene happen? Not complaining, just curious
She is not a soldier, she jousts. Jousting is a sport for rich people. Do you really think her armor is for anything other than showing off?
Holy shit Cred Forums, I'm freaking the fuck out right now, I just witnessed a fucking burglar going through my neighbourhood jacking unlocked cars and I don't know what the fuck to do right now.
Spoilered for blogshit. Sorry, this just seemed like an appropriate thread for it. Sage as well.
>Do you really think her armor is for anything other than showing off
Boob plate can drive a pike right into the middle of her chest.
Call the fucking cops, you idiot.
Not him but Takahiro has a threesome with Akane and her mother, I don't remember the context of the scene though
And somehow Dat Ass never get scraped even after all of these.
>"seems alien"
maybe is the generic 2D girl face
maybe you are actually a 3Dcon
>Senpai idol
>Girl who lets you fuck her mother
They really are.
I don't like girls with her body type.
>No harem end
Why would there be a harem exactly? Almost all of the girls don't fall in love with him until you enter their routes
Come back to bed~
Literal perfection
So is it a girl or a boy?
Post pics of her mother, i can't find it anywhere
>She is not a soldier,
Yes she is in my opinion user. I would let her join my cavalry to fight for my sake.
Pretty sure that scene was just Takahiro's imagination while Akane and her mother was washing his back in the bath
Okay so why was the main character fucking the one heroine's mom?
Seems like this is a really vanilla VN otherwise. Why the mother daughter incest NTR threesome out of nowhere in this otherwise completely tame eroge?
Why hasn't Fiona died in a fire yet?