is this any good?
Is this any good?
It's pretty alright. Fantastic art, but as a result animation consists of a ton of awkward pans and recycled bits. It's a nice, straightforward fantasy story.
Parn is a huge faggot and doesn't deserve Deedlit.
Watch it yourself faggot.
>They just forgot about the thief dude
Wow, cold.
i really enjoyed the first episode, very D&D feel
the following episodes get pretty plot narrative heavy and less fun dialogue banter between the cast.
Traditional high fantasy is traditional high fantasy.
Won't ever see it again huh Cred Forums?
>he mentioned a fantasy anime, better ignore his question and derail into new-vs-old bullshit for the millionth time
Read the replay and the novels.
>fantasy anime
Of course it's shit
Found it to be very awesome, the animation is also pretty solid. There's the old version and the bluray edition (that came out like 2-3 years ago).
Fucking awesome. Don't watch Crystania, though.
Black elves are for cuddling
Good fantasy show supposedly based on D&D. Deedlit is cute. There's not much else to say.
Is this Hyura from Helck?
This. Also OST is great.
Must watch in my opinion.
Not really.
The animation gets worse and worse.
Hell yeah
Which one should I watch, the tv series or the ova?
Watch the Slayers, far better than this trash with trash characters.
Not really. I enjoyed it when I was a teenager but I watched it again recently and it was a slog to get through.
Animation is only okay in episode 1. Fights are slow and boring.
Most interesting characters don't always get the focus they'd deserve because Parn need to solve everything by hitting it with his sword again and again.
finished it
OP here
i was looking for any shows that's sorta the anime equivalent of western medieval war movies, hack-slash field battles in a medieval-fantasy setting with either a decent or good story.
i'm currently at ep 2 so far and i can understand why it's slow.
it looks like i got curious just because it has 'war' in the title.
>Won't ever see it again huh Cred Forums?
If anybody mentioned a show made in the last few years you'd either move the goalposts or make up a reason why it doesn't count.
I like the TV series more than the OVA.
Yes, Pirotess is really beautiful. I take this instead of things like Kuroinu. Why Dark Elves appear more in rape hentai that things related to Cred Forums? Not to mention that there are no animation hentai vanilla with them. I really dislike this
Besides Isekai shit, there isn't too much, you have more chance of finding something like "that" in hentai, and sadly the most relevant things about those stories are things like kuroinu. There are things like GATE and one and other Isekai.
>Besides Isekai shit, there isn't too much, you have more chance of finding something like "that" in hentai, and sadly the most relevant things about those stories are things like kuroinu. There are things like GATE and one and other Isekai.
oh too bad, i'll try GATE later
i also found Bastard!! through google searching, is it any good?
It looks good cause it was done on 35mm film. The actual OVA is just okay at best like a lot of things from that time.
>vanilla hentai
This past summer brought in a new wave I see.