What is the most triggering scene of all time and why is pic related?
What is the most triggering scene of all time and why is pic related?
Because of Cred Forums.
>hurr durr why didn't a 9 year old stay committed to MC
nah, the fucking baby ruined everything
I will never understand self inserting...
If cuck didn't become a fuckung meme would this scene have the same impact?
Meme text aside, I agree with your sentiment.
You need to read rule 2 mate
I felt about the same as the MC: happy that she's alive and got a good life.
Before she got saved her fate was to be abused and kidnapped randomly then freeze to death.
I doubt it.
When did the cuck meme become really popular anyway? I remember it getting very vocal during the cuck-Sakura Naruto arc.
The threads are far more triggering. It's funny though
Actually, I have a weird question.
He saved a lot of people in those years, right? What happened now that he was in a coma for all that time?
Also, didn't the killer get away? Did he just...stop killing?
You are actually fucking retarded.
Only faggots that self-inserted and fell for the bait. It's proven that Cred Forums easily falls to waifu baits. (eg. rem)
What? It's a fair question.
Try watching more anime, Facebook.
I liked Airi end too, I think the writing is just atrocious in general.
I was banking on Kayo to complete the circle by getting the revival powers to save Satou from a coma.
So at least that way we know that revival wasn't a complete bullshit plot device that just disappears.
>People still discuss this
Fucking get over it. Everybody saw this coming a mile away. If you didn't you're a fucking retard. Best girl won. Fuck. Shit.
this, i literally dont know how
though it seems to be quite awesome since most of Cred Forums does it. kinda makes me wish i could too
the killer became infatuated with him so much he stopped killing and waited for him all these years iirc. best girl
>trap fuck cucked him
My sides
Because Kayo is a traitorous slut, she betrayed Satoru, she betrayed me.
This is some yaoi logic right there.