Read The Guide:
Buyfag Thread
anyone waiting for this?
This is gonna cost more than my life savings isn't it.
Well done. You are quite the handyman
Is that a GK or just a fix
A fix. My painting is nowhere near that level.
Thanks for reminding me I want that 1/4 Selvaria Charagumin, though.
thats the alter selvaria
the one that actually resembles the game version
What was wrong with it?
Looks like head came off to me. But I'm no expert in plastic butts
Does decapitation not count as "something wrong" to you?
If someone could update or add to the guide under mandarake, if they get this error for paying with visa debit cards.
I found that if I kept going back and retrying to pay, took about 10 retries, it finally went through.
Seems like quite a few people have this issue and there was no mention in the guide.
Also this figure still never.
Finally, it has arrived.
That figure simply looks amazing
Usually people getting errors with cards on Mandarake are having 3dsecure issues. Sometimes if you call your bank they can fix it.
Is that a L.E.D Mirage of Strike Witches?
You mean Jagd Mirage?
Is it wrong if I buy this for the tiddies alone? I bought pictured for that but she isn't 1/4.
Buy what you like is my opinion. You like fig with cow tits then buy figs with cow tits.
straight up, I like it user thanks
Girlfriend don't like it though. My collection not hers though so fuck it
Waiting? Isn't that the mist graph from 2 years ago?
Oh that's pretty. Mind showing some pages?
no, I mean this
i want this one
Hell yeah motherfucker good work.
Wow. I may have to get this even though I already have the 1/8 GSC/Stronger pair. Hopefully they learned their lesson and it won't have any leaning problems. Do you think they're going to announce more info at Madogatari, or it's just teasing for now?
So will this have a compatible Homura like I. The picture then? Any prototype of that up?
I love the look of this Madoka
Who is making this?
I saw this from aniplex twitter, no ideal who will make this
Found it. It's distributed by Aniplex and made by Stronger.
What are you waiting for?
They are mostly illustration work from Kirara Magazine cover, bookstore exclusive goods, etc...
If I preorder something through the GSC will they allow me to change my shipping address later? I'm in the process of moving but dont know my next address, but since releases take months to come out I will most certainly not be at my current address.
>inb4 who actually buys through the GSC online shop
Nice job!
That design makes me sad.
Also there are around 32 pages of supplemental manga that aren't published in the tank.
If only Yenpress will pick this artbook up after the last volume release at the end of this year.
The party van apparently
Absolute lovely. Appreciate the photos user.
>tiddies alone
u gay son?
Did it ever happen to you that the postal service charged you money for releasing a package from customs without even asking you beforehand if you want them to do it?
And if so, were you able to cancel them doing that in place of you doing that yourself?
It always leaves a bitter taste to have to pay for it on top of the original shipping charge and import tax.
never denied the ass was great too, she has been shipped so I am looking forward to her. Nodoka might be pushing it though.. she's like 16 inches tall
You come back to your room and now it looks like this. What do you do?
I live in 'Murica so no.
Question why over half of my taste is fucking shit.
Eh? It's the same as it was before.
In all seriousness, how can you even sleep knowing your room looks like that?
Wonder why my room's a fucking hallway.
I love 2d girls as much as the next user, but that looks horrible and tacky as fuck.
Restocked on AmiAmi.
Aren't such videos that practically show porn are banned on youtube?
Room is just too crowded, how do you fap there anyway?
Found her cheapest on Amazon, nearly the same price I'd pay on release when including shipping.
Have fun with your 5% discount.
His taste isn't that bad, the collection is also very consistent.
Too bad the room is way too crowded. It doesn't seem like he can sleep there so I'm guessing that's the computer/display room. Also, its way too fucking crowded; I'd consider a new room or house for my collection if I already had spent that much money on merchandise.
I commend your dedication but it seems way too destructing and seizure inducing, it feels like if i where to enter without bracing myself i would get
dizzy and trip over.
I had an idea from those of creating a room in the fashion of an art gallery just for loli paintings, and hang things like white datura and oyari ashito paintings,
now only if i could find a non embarrassing way of creating high quality canvas prints.
Beyond redemption, kill myself
I want to buy a pizza
I want to kill myself.
>now only if i could find a non embarrassing way of creating high quality canvas prints.
Pretend to be an art collector, wear their attire and learn how do they act.
Buy a pizza, lace with cyanide, eat.
Then you both get what you want.
Just picked up my flower fairy maria. I'm too scared to even take it out of the tissue paper l because it's the first lewd thing I've ever ordered...
my heart just skipped a beat because I thought for a split second that she was 1/4 FREEing, right before remembering that they'd never do not-bunny shit from not-boring characters at this scale
I got this Kyoko figma a couple years ago, and while the poseable segmented spear is pretty cool, the flexible chain link connectors have gotten stiff and brittle over time. Several of them have broken outright.
Is there anywhere I can buy replacements, or any good ways to repair them? Right now the best idea I have is to superglue on bits of black plastic twisty ties twisted so that they'd look about the same from a distance, but that'd look like crap up close so I'd prefer something better if possible.
Read the guide
what is this
>making group fig with best god and worst shit
Make all the pizza you want user.
how do people like you even enjoy the show and hate Homu at the same time? it's not like she is a shitty side character like Sayaka or Kyoko. the whole plot is basically Meguca x Homura
What is Rebellion?
I like the effort people put into her custom attires.
I think I'm done with anime figures. Only bought 2 in the last 2 years. I find myself more interested in western polystone statues/figures now.
I'm only really interested in the upcoming Odin Sphere statues and Orchid Seed Sorceress. They might be my last ones.
some unnecessary sequel I'll never watch because the story is finished I suppose
Why do you respond to frogposter?
enjoy your overpriced, lowquality "limited edition" capeshit figures
Your dumb reply also applies to anime figures you know. Also don't care for capeshit
>limited edition
some few
>low quality anime figures
ok this is bait
user's question is still valid. Rebellion is 90% Homu and just cements that it's always been Homu's story. Be disappointed? Sure. Hate her? Literally why?
Also, Vape Duck Nendo.
Is that /ss/ rule about not being able to participate in the 100+ bracket if I didn't participate last year real?
This is the first year I've had the confidence to do it and I wanted to spend around $200.
Surely that many people don't get grinched, even less so with the program to gift anons who were grinched?
I kind of want to buy a RAH, but I'm not sure if they're worth it
Doesnt look like her unless Im remembering her wrong
how does posting a ~10 year old scale and the best bootleg of all times prove anything?
Stop posting my wife, thank you.
I think I like her more this way. That's one hell of an upskirt surprise though.
Most grinches last year were in the 150-200 bracket, so it kinda makes sense to do a whitelist.
Why is she knelt
For better suck.
Grinch rate small, but the amount of panicking and shitposting over grinches was absurd
Have they sent whitelist emails to anybody yet because I havent gotten one
Worth it at 6.9k mongolian bux?
Be rich enough to pay people to not give a fuck
I think I might try making her outfits like these people. I already spent almost $200 on her after shipping so I don't want her to just sit in my closet while I loathe myself.
There's always going to be grinches though. People are like that.
This is just discouraging, I'm forced to a lower bracket and with the Australian dollar being trash + shipping, the "75-100" will quickly mean spending less on a gift to stay within that bracket.
Grinches will just play the next bracket down and no doubt we'll see an increase of it in the next lower bracket this year.
It will end up being a closed /ss/ at this rate.
I doubt they give a fuck, its more like me giving too much and being socially retarded,
going to the local printing whatever place and asking to print nsfw loli paintings is too much for me, its not illegal or anything but still.
Maybe one day.
Of course grinching will always happen, but grinches in the brackets over $100 hurt way more than grinches in the lower bracket.
Shipping is not included in the bracket so you can go all out.
You could also do multiple presents or try asking santa if there's maybe some way you could do a higher bracket (maybe with someone else who's not whitelisted and wants to do a higher bracket?).
Also nice. Needs more titties out though. Maybe a two piece swimsuit.
Jesus Christ.
The purpose of the detolfs are to contain autism, I think you sprung a leak.
I wouldn't want to enter a 150+ bracket if I wasn't comfortable spending that or more, with the risk of being grinched, but that's just me.
I might try asking about getting someone in a similar position, even though that would technically put me at a higher chance of being grinched.
This whole thing just makes people more afraid of it, I enjoy spending money on quality and this is frustrating, even if I understand why it's being done.
What`s the best way to clean figures, with a cloth or what?
I'd get some storage bins and save these for later.
have any of you here ever bought something from samurai buyer? for the first time i've bought myself a figure over a month ago but it still hasn't reached their warehouses yet so i'm wondering how long it took for you guys to get your figure.
How many liter of semen can you put in it?
Any chance of a price drop before selling out again?
I think it was worth it full price so definitely yes now
Microfiber cloth and warm water with a tiny bit of dish soap. That's what I use to clean up the leaching plasticiser on my nendos at least.
Nice try melonpan.
Show me your cutest figure
But god is meant to be group up with devil.
I'm crying.
>get the batteries to take a pretty photo
>it's not too bright
>they last like 5 minutes
>it's too dark so I can't really see what exactly am I taking the photo of
>mess up the focus with my phone so it looks like utter shit
It was fun while it lasted.
she is cute!
God is watching
I still need to grab some batteries for mine, but I don't think I'll use them regularly. I doubt there's much that could be done to make them last longer without needing wiring or a bigger lantern or something and that would be stupid.
>3 spiked lantern
Sasuga hamhands.
I haven't got around to fixing it yet.
Fuck that.
not Iroha/10
post recent acquisitions
get a headache from all the bright colors
Anyone knows where you can buy these mousepads of traps?
Based off official art but the face sculpt is awful. Especially the lips.
I felt that when I kissed her too
I'm jonesing to get this, but I don't know if I have enough room for it. Better make some, I guess.
Cover the walls in jizz.
Nice boat.
What do you think about this Aqua?
That nopan
Box design these days makes me want to jump on the no-open train.
Speaking in ballpark figures, how much would it cost to ship a 1/4?
Significantly less than one ballpark.
Is that who I think it is?
Is one ballpark less, or more than 100 British money?
Not worth the price they asked. And she actually has pantsu, right? Some user posted a picture and it was blue.
>Bought a brand new Akari nendo for 92$ in august
>Even tho she has some little signs of old storage since she is a 2012 nendo I still love her
>Happy as fuck with it
>Yesterday I discovered they are going to re-release her
>Now she is for just 38$
Some figures in mandarake, released like four years ago, state that the box is not opened. Wouldn't it be bad for the figure being enclosed for so long?
>My dick
My goodness what a time to be alive if you like big breasts and or THICC.
Lately, I just open the box and keep both it and the figure if the design is good enough. I totally understand why some people wouldn't want to go no-open though, i'm just a believer that things such as this should be consumed for their purpose.
Why cant you just open the box, take the figure out, and then close/display the box?
I don't know if this is true but some user a few threads ago bought a fucking Kotobukiya Yugioh figure for like 500$ and it just got rereleased.
I also bought GSC Nero Seibah for 200 but I won't be too peeved if they rerelease it, I just hope they don't rerelease it soon.
92 dollars for a nendoroid? Hahaha.
I don't see the problem so long as it isn't an impulse purchase.
If it's near grail level for him then that's perfectly reasonable.
Which one should I get?
Both, form a Chino shrine.
Left has a better outfit but worse face. So both or right.
I forgot left was a thing. Now I don't know either
>I doubt they give a fuck
They do give a fuck. People'll get triggered even by sexualizing highschool girls in anime. I don't want to imagine how people would react to nude images of anime girls under that age.
Cant you just do it online?
I suppose it depends where you live. I wouldn't do that here in Canada.
>want to order pizza online
>order website requires nonfree javascript
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve
I'm going to open a printing service that anons can use to print their lewd lolis.
If you can only get one, right.
I don't like the face, but I really like the rest.
>website requires flash
What is a phone
probably gonna get this sometime soon
>live in the boonies where nowhere delivers to you
I gave in and pre-ordered her yesterday.
She'll look great with my Shiggy.
When in doubt, send a tweet or email. I know I will.
Seems better than the Broccoli one. If I bought lewd lolis I'd be tempted to get this.
>my favorite art piece of the dyke goddesses by Ume is getting scales
>they'll probably be 20k each
Aniplex is too powerful.
I don't mind lewd lolis as long as they look happy, playful, mischievous, smug, or serene. If they look upset or uncomfortable then they're not for me. But to each his own.
>tfw a payment request for an expensive figure you're not particularly hyped about is coming
I sorta wish I could cancel but Amico will definitely give me the ax this time. I mean, it does look really nice and I love the colors on her sword but I know I'm gonna feel like shit about it. Such is this life.
That's what you get for being a Saberfag. Enjoy wasting your money.
just don't pay for it, always works for me
Yet, I don't feel that way at all about this one.
> shitty poles
Why are you even asking
Jewelry chain would probably work but you'd have to glue the links to make it hold a position like that.
I can always count on you to have my back, user.
Just sell it. There's always demand for Saber, you'll probably come close to breaking even if you're smart.
My first figure arrived today. Technically my second to own since I bought a prize fig while I was waiting, but she's the first figure I ordered and my first scale figure.
Here is the prize fig.
Welcome. Remember to practice restraint. Don't buy things you don't want like this guy
August order finally came.
Kate is so cute.
Didn't realize this was a quality exclusive to Saberfags, especially strange since I LOVE SABER and I don't regret a single one.
Other than a defective one I got from JapanBest, fuck those faggots.
>first figure is idolshit
God damn it user.
Welcome to hell, it's comfy here. Also Anya best CG
How do I find somebody to physically buy some stuff for me at Mimiket? There's a doujin there that I really need, and this might be the last chance to get it.
try cdjapan
Bought her on a whim. I hope she's as good as she looks.
>Bought her on a whim
dont do this
I'm liking this new trend of actiony boatgirls.
Part of me wants to get either this or Bismarck, but I don't even like boats and I already ordered Zuihou.
Left has manga-style face, right is anime-style. Magical girl Chino is cuter, IMO. Also it's part of the series, and the other figure is likely to be Phantom Thief Sharo, which is a definite must buy.
Must not preorder immediately.
Must not preorder immediately.
Must not preorder immediately.
Thanks, I'll be careful.
I'm not heavily into idol stuff, but I like Anya in particular.
Get in line.
Hngg, that is cute. Russian idols are the best.
I assume you're getting Alter's Anya?
Yeah, that's the plan. I guess the pre-order for that is a while off since she hasn't been painted yet?
2012? Time sure flies fast, I remember waiting eagerly 10 months after preordering for the release date. She is still one of my favorite nendoroids.
Liking idol stuff is like a blessing. I tried watching LL and hated it, and the idol fig designs don't really interest me, but I can't deny that the highest quality items are always idols (or saber, which I dislike as well).
I'm getting both and so should you.
It'll probably be a long time still. I suspect she'll be painted at Winter WonFes along with Minami and Ranko. Maybe, at least. Preorders will hopefully be shortly afterwards. I'll probably get both Anya and Minami.
Then again, their Umi from LL was painted at a WonFes and still didn't go up for preorder until after the next WonFes.
It's actually better for me that it's far off because I need to be more frugal for a while. I plan to only buy Anya figures until I have more reliable income and then I'll branch out.
>on a run of great Saki figures
>suddenly this
Why can't FREEing fuck off with it's bunny thing?
We need more 1/4 figs, but not bunny shit.
>The guide recommends custom printed posters
Fuck that. I need wall scrolls. Real ones. Where do get from?
You think we'll be able to get Boko out of the base?
The base looks awful. The color green needs to be illegal.
I'm thinking of buying a Mako fight club nendoroid on Mandarake for 7,560 animu dollars. Is this the cheapest there is? I read the guide
Take some of your Games Workshop™ Citadel™ Grass and improve that base ten fold.
Wall scrolls are tacky as fuck. Framing proper artwork is where it's at.
>Games Workshop™ Citadel™
This guy gets it.
OK I kinda want this.
Is there some kind of glue (or maybe something like latex I could coat the chain with or something) that'd let it hold position but also stay flexible so I could bend a given link to a different angle later? The point is for the links to be flexible so you can pose the spear different ways.
>playing with toys
hot glue
You can't hurt my feelings. I'm immune.
Obviously it sells to people who like bunnies and tiddies like me so they keep making them.
yeah the hot kind
Their titties could be just a little bit bigger
Does anyone here have those hardcover Jojo's Bizarre Adventure manga that are published by Viz Media? Would you recommend them?
You might be able to do something with some thickish wire.
Oyari put up a Tornado dakimakura on his booth store.
Where do you live? I still have an unopened one that i'm thinking about selling if you're interested.
What's my best option?
I just wanna get my figs off the bookshelf gathering ridiculous amounts of dust.
Double entendres aside, that is a reasonable possibility, I don't know why I didn't think of that.
Also an option.
Thanks for the suggestions, anons!
I miss planelegs.
How much are you willing to sell it for? I live in California
Gott im Himmel
just put them ontop of a dresser or something
Also pictures would be nice
I want it
And then there's this.
I live in Washington, so shipping wouldn't be too bad.
The only real issue is that i'm at a university and the Mako is at home. Because of this, the pic taken here is pretty much the only one I had of it which I took a while back, but we can continue to discuss on MFC if that's what you'd like.
Are you that lad from /k/?
One of the two on the left, then remove the wheels and put em on some sort of elevation like a TV bench, pic related.
Are the ones on the left available online?
No, but I purchased these from a gentleman who custom ordered a bunch of these to sell to anons. No clue how many he has left.
Local online store. Not on your contry
I see. I could have sworn I'd seen your pictures on /k/ before.
My mistake
>remove the wheels
I'll remove you in a minute pal.
you may be thinking of these pictures, which I have saved from my quest to find these mugs.
Nice mugs, here's mine.
I have a pair of those too, They're really nice, glad I bought them.
Haven't used them yet though, so they just sit on one of my display shelves.
Kate is awesome, I had no idea it came with the fuzzy rug too
Alright, my MFC is SmugAnimeGirl
Just created it for better communication, and it'd probably be easier to buy there
Try me then, friendo
But why?
Love her, but she's stuck in my closet for a while.
How can you not be excited about that outfit and pose?
I added at Xalren if you'd like to discuss pricing, the timeframe in which you'd like it and whatnot, that'd be great.
Oh hey now I have a reason to unbox my Madokami figma.
She's beautiful user. Once the fig arrives I'm sure you will feel just fine. If not, just sell her to a buyfriend.
>that Sora one we will never get a proper scan of
Mail arrived.
I am jealous as fuck
not familiar with the character but that's a nice parasol
How much did all of that cost
One of the worst Bishoujo I have ever seen.
Galko cosplaying
Galko isn't that fat, looks more close to Pochaco to me.
ready for s2
R.Mika from Street Fighter
Why is she so wide? She wasn't that wide in the art
I still can't access the shop. Why japs suck so much at IT?
Rainbow Mika
someone post that image macro with all the different kinds of stuff to put into a mason jar and make got tier alcohol with.
yeah flushing dns and clearing cache doesn't do shit
I'm going to quit using Big in Japan after this disaster. My $300 package has been their hostage for almost a week now.
I'll be trying other forwarding services from now on.
are those honey peach preserves :^)
I have no idea why people use Meme in Japan to begin with, plenty of other services with better prices and better customer support that will answer you and won't take a month to do so.
I pre-ordered a figure from them because NY packaging sucks and is expensive, and amiami doesn't undervalue.
Coffee finally arrived
I use it because they have mostly figures alone, I had a problem impulse buying small shit from Amico.
Looks more like pixyteri's cosplay of R. Mika
where did you order it from?
This shot is really cool, do you collect all the action parts separately for shots like this?
Pochi-Goya's toranoana
I feel like the Bishoujo line has gone downhill very fast. And I was really looking forward to R Mika
I collect images from twitter. None of my own content is nearly this good.
Here is the dude that made it.
I use em for limited stuff cause i cant be bothered to sign up for all the nippon sites and forward shit.
I've tried to avoid buying figures for the longest time, but damn. Is it worth it to go down the rabbit hole again, Cred Forums?
I ordered and received a figure a couple of months ago, and went to check if I had gotten the points but it still says I have none, and the actual order itself will not show up under past orders but only under modifying current orders. Any solutions or reasons as to why this is going on?
Do you have disposable income that you don't feel like you would be better off investing?
Yes - Do it
No - Don't do it
Spider-Gwen was good
A fucking entire line of figures where the best ones are the ones where you don't have to see their face and Jubilee
I almost bought the Cammy back in 2014 in Japan, it was going for around 6-7k yen but I wasn't keen enough on her pinkeye.
I wouldn't mind her now but the price skyrocketed for whatever reason.
I really like Shunya Yamashitas art otherwise, dunno why it doesn't translate well enough to figures. Maybe 'cause it's Koto doing the work.
It's definitely on Koto they just don't know what to do
Heh. I love you fellow seagull.
>get told mandarake declares doujins as books
>package arrives declared as doujin
I gotta move out
They have always declared them as Doujin books or used books for me. Depends on the store.
If you want a certain declaration you can actually request it you know, like comic books, or just books
I'll buy her since she's my waifu and I still regret not getting her other sculpture
Anyone that knows what a doujin is would be ONE OF US and probably recognize the Manda box even if your stuff was labeled "books." Or at least there's a decent chance. No need to panic.
Well at least you're not me.
>order Konata figure from some dude on Ebay
>declared as "Cute anime girl Konata figure"
>dad hands me the package
Explain in more detail user. Is this on amiami? You have to change the date of the order to find it, most likely.
I got mine from Mandarake for 50 bucks a few months ago, where the hell did you get yours?
Went shopping to Tokyo
I got little carried away with my books
got few tapestries as well
This is not true.
sell this to me
This one is really nice. Good job.
Bought this too because I like Karory
Unfortunately it is. I sent the guy a message on Ebay politely telling him that he doesn't need to be so specific on the customs declaration form.
It must have been on purpose then.
and then some lewd stuff
That is rather nice actually. A little jelly.
Using 2you4, do you create a transfer request before or after the item is delivered domestically?
I would really like to see the uncensored version.
Unflattering stance
What is wrong with you?
Don't sexualize the bakos
but Ema and Erika are made for sex
last tapestry (this one might go in the shower room)
So I just bought a daki, something I never thought I'd do.
Is the self-disgust and the sheering shame from your ancestors something that dies down?
Why is it shameful
>Putting it anywhere other than your room
Why? Perhaps I'm not a reflection of most people, but 90% of the time I am at home is spent in my room. Why put stuff in places you can't appreciate them?
Well, some people have a bathroom with a shower in their room.
Why are some of these so expensive??
Seeing western characters adapted to "anime" styles is interesting to me. I wonder if there are Japanese people that like western adaptations of Japanese characters, of if they see it as offensive.
How long are you meant to freeze figures for?
It's not in the new guide.
Worked part-time in a small printing shop. I got a request to print pic related on a big canvas. I thought it was an odd request, but accepted anyway. While the canvas was drying, my boss discovered the print. He flipped shit and almost fired me on the spot. After that, he called the guy, canceled his order, and threatened to call the police. This is in The Netherlands.
At least 2 weeks, that way when you take them out they will be harder to break while moving around
Your boss sounds like a complete faggot.
Labor costs
This is why we cant have nice things. I want to make so much custom merch...
same reason why you can expect to pay upwards to $1000usd for a full series worth of blurays, because people will buy it.
1. I like showering with 2d girls
2. They use water resistant material on certain tapestry so I feel like taking advantage of that
3. Not enough wall in my room
But ke-ta is the best 2hu artist.
Late reply but my 1/4 chitoge ran me about $50 ems shipping to burgerland.
Niche market and people want monies. Your already paying someone to make a model that'll be a limited run. And they not only have to design the model they need something that can be easily mass produced. I've got no idea how they usually make figures. Either way for the amount of people order those costs aren't cheap and then people always want a nice profit on top unless it's a work of love.
I already understand that. My question was about putting figures in the freezer. Thanks anyways.
Porkchop would a make a better Mika
Brand new on solaris japan
Also live in third world, so I even had to pay like 70% of her price in taxes
At the end I paid something like 155$ in total
Anyways I still love her
>mfw Solaris Japan asked me to put reviews on twitter/fb about her, but I haven't done yet, they even sent me some coupons
Sry, meant to reply to
Does she wear pantsu?
Have you ever painted something before? Shit takes ages.
As someone who does this sort of thing for a living, $100 or so is a very reasonable price for the workmanship you're getting.
>buying from Solaris
You do not deserve to be a buyfag.
Well there goes another pipe dream
Your boss has poor taste he should've been asking you for a copy
If I were to try and procure all the Saber figures, how much would it run me? Recently got my hands on all 4 of the GSC 1/7 scales and I feel like I need more.
It was the best place I found that ships to Brazil, also for the best price
I mean, new stuff I can get from some other websites, but old shit like from Yuru Yuri or K-ON for example, Solaris is best deal
Don't bully Solaris please
this is amusing
>all the Saber figures
Isn't that a number which is rapidly approaching infinity?
Why didn't you purchase her from a store that undervalues to avoid taxes?
Still didn't check for re-release or wait for it to pop up on Manda.
Solaris a shit. I pity you being BR but come on.
At least $10k. Easily.
I don't understand the hate for Solaris. It's a good store
Fuuuuuuuck. I really need to hurry up and pick her up. All my orders are fucked due to delays though, so I'm really hesitant on it.
Was there an amico card between this one and the one with them in priestess clothes?
Solaris Japan is actually great as fuck for getting figures used. The dusty figures meme is just a meme. I've purchased plenty of used figs from them and they came in great condition.
Buying new from them though is a different story.
He hates money? What a fag.
I never said shit about anything to do with dust.
The price gouging is insane, you have to absolutely know that you can't get what you're looking for elsewhere ever in the future of your buying career.
The same shit will always pop up on other websites that will be a lot less cash and you can always wait, there is no reason to buy anything used here and now.
That pedo shit is disgusting
Lips are really bad. Pretty peeved 'cause the rest of the fig looks pretty good and I like girls in kimonos.
>want to get this
>dont know anything about the series
Who is the first?
I even undervaluated her like 50$ of her original price, I didn't went lower because I was afraid of getting caught
Can you name me other site then please?
yea, they treated me well on the e-mails
> 3 month old plastic buyfag
> have 18 figures. 24 more ordered
How bad is my autism?
What was everyone else's first year like?
You and hundreds of others as thousands of others have already done so.
Fun game. Do you have a Wii or Vita?
Actually, scrap that. You can just emulate it.
I don't blame him
Lolifags need to anhero
>Momohime a shit
>Torahime a best
Please don't pirate this. Would you pirate a figure?
The game is actually really good. Buy it and enjoy it. Or watch a let's play.
I will never understand why normalfags post in these threads.
Beautiful game, though a bit repetitive.
Shit. How much is that going to cost you
Isn't this resolution too small for a huge canvas though?
Fuck, I probably missed that one.
Of course I would pirate a figure. Mass cheap distribution without a hit to quality means that were are in Star Trek-tier society.
>buy a game
can we buy amico cards?
he must be one of those guys
rich parents with shitty genetics = autism
Your autism is terrible and your taste middling at best.
I was super poor my first year, so my purchases consisted of two Nendos and two Figmas from a show I really liked.
Because retards keep replying to them.
That is really fast. You are out of control.
I had less than you after a year but I didn't have much disposable income.
You have good taste in Idols and tiny hats. Good job.
Way too much for three months. Maybe you should exercise some level of moderation lest you just start filling your place with stuff you don't really like. I'm not going to tell you how to spend your money, just make sure you want what you get or you're gonna burn out pretty quickly.
>Would you pirate a figure?
I would download a car, I would pirate a figure, I would do a number of things if it was actually possible.
How much do those big canvas printers cost?
I hope he does burn out, that means we get to lap up his foolishness when he sells everything. I mean, I doubt that FAG is ever getting built, if he was even aware it's a kit.
You can 3D print working car, it just would be impractical as hell in cost based on current technology and dubious quality unless using industrial-tier printers. Car part companies do 3D print new ones for testing because it cheaper and faster for the prototypes than making it directly.
>Or watch a let's play.
What's the difference between pirating and watching a shitty let's play you fucking retard
Gonna need you to post 6 & 7 once you have them.
Preferably hi-res pictures.
calm down kiddo i will be emulating the game because i dont have anything other than pc
into the trash it goes.
please don't get emotional here, i'll be fine
here's the uncensored
Cute. Thanks, user.
how dedicated are you to get merchandise for your waifu lads?
Big in Japan is finally up and running.
I cannot in good faith get more than one scale of any one character.
Very low. Don't own things like the stationary sets that include her among other characters, etc or the garage kit. Or the funky looking one that seemed to be designed with parts for reuse for another character and looked off-model to say the least.
But since she is a pretty minor character low-effort would scale to at least decent for the popular characters.
Why does he cover up the boobies?
Fuck, which card is Amico on right now?
Relatively cheap in my eyes, if i with compare that poor br user previously or yamato prices.
I do my research. Ill be finishing her along with my tomytech armory
Is it possible to just buy a pack of previous amico cards
Not all merchandise is created equal, a proper shrine needs to have variety and some class
I own all my waifu's figures and 3 out 4 of the official dakimakuras.
I usually don't buy the useless merch stuff like pins/mugs/scrolls of her though.
Can you log in? I can't.
She only has 2 figures, and one of them is Beach Queens.
Literally no other official Merchandise
At least you have something.
Yes, I was able to log in and place an order.
>only 2
What should I buy with my Tokyo Otaku Mode™ points?
I just spent $110 on a used towel of her because I couldn't find it anywhere new
An exit bag for using Tokyo Otyaku Mode
Can anyone tell me exactly what this is? I'm assuming it's the package version of the game along with a mini poster and a doujinshi, but I can't read nip.
I tried to reset my password and they sent me a new one but every time I type it in I just get sent back to the authentication page.
They purged all their bad customers during the server switch.
Maybe just give it some more time. They really messed up with this maintenance.
I have all the prize figures and the one scale they got.
I don't bother collecting things like keychains though.
1/100 Batsh the Black Knight
Are you supposed to just hang towels and dakis?
Most of the times I've seen them, they're not actually used as they should be.
I liked Odin Sphere but thought Dragon's Crown was really boring. Is it still worth playing?
No, but you can try to ask other anons if they want to sell / give away some of their cards.
Will they ever make a non-GK Yumemi figure or should I give up hope now?
Is there a convenient way to find the total dollar value of my collection?
I'm the retard. I never had a problem before because I always allowed cookies but seems like after the server switch I just had to reset permissions.
How big was it?
>I'm missing the last two
>missing all the 2016 ones and the last one from 2015
I'll send my limited edition cards to him
How many figures do you buy each month?
Too many. My mom wants me to stop but I don't want to make Amico-chan angry.
it's back and totally the same as before
Cred Forums, I had to move out from my old address and didnt have access to my mailing box until the due date of my payment in amiami
The moment I was about to ask amiami to postpone my due date, I received an e-mail of cancellation.
Now that I can access my mail box and have my address, I updated it on the website and I can still see my order on "orders awaiting payment"
But when I click that my order has my old address, and it doesn't update to my new one despite me doing that earlier.
I emailed amiami and haven't heard back from them since yesterday.
What do? IIRC amiami ships to whatever address your paypal account has, should I count on that?
lol adding anything to cart to check out, just says cart is empty.
good meme BiJ
>using meme in japan
Spend as much as you like and remember that shipping doesn't count toward gift tier value.
Hopefully I didn't get blacklisted last year - part of two of the gifts I sent got bounced back two or three times to me and I couldn't afford to keep trying. Didn't contact the Santas because it was well into February so I will try again if I leave town.
I usually throw these out, am I a bad person?
>Question is, did you keep it? It was already printed.
>first time buying from amiami
>get a cute, thin, little scrap of paper with a printed illustration along with the note
>decide then and there I'm not going to collect these since it's an obvious ploy to get me to buy from them more often
And since then they've made full color stuff on better paper and my resolve is still firm. It's quite freeing.
I've used them in the past for forwarding and it wasn't too bad, but my latest purchase was through zenmarket and it seemed a bit cheaper. I don't know if I'll be going back in the future.
Japan has memes too mate.
Existence is memetic
Maybe check cookie settings.
I forward doujin orders so zenmarket's per item fee wouldn't be worth it. But otherwise I've heard good things about zenmarket's service.
I don't have a waifu I own a lot of figures for a certain character but I don't know I like her a lot but I'm not putting a ring on it
Oh man those lights emanating from her tits! You made my night user.
Oh fuck, the Dota 2 nendos + figmas are up for preorder at Amiami for normal prices. I'm so fucking glad i didn't buy them from Valve's jew prices.
I paid 14k for mine
I want a doll
Then get one, what's the problem that you are implying?
Me in the left
I want you to be nice to me
They are really expensive
Where? How much was shipping?
>and threatened to call the police.
>For loli in the netherlands.
Its funny when normalfags don't even know their own laws and think that anything that they don't like is illegal.
If you want something but immediately give yourself reasons as to why you aren't going to get it, you don't really want it.
I don't think I'm being impolite.
Not that much more. Just means you'll have cut down on figs or other expenses instead.
There's no issue outside of me not knowing where to start or what I should get. I just need to do some personal research first
it's weird. the LL anime is such shit, but i play the game on my phone all the time and like that enough that i'd want to buy merch. of course i'd only buy rice queen
>There's no issue outside of me not knowing where to start or what I should ge
Have you managed to get anything to stay in your cart? I can't in chrome even with cookies allowed but it seems to work in IE.
Start with dollfie dreams.Check out Volks' website.
>Bain bridge PD
Ordered this months Megami from TOM and it's been under back-order for the entire month of September, it also is under "made to order."
What does this mean and when will I likely get it? Also how do they ship them? In a sealed envelope?
Anybody know the source for the one on the right?
I planned to get every figure of her but almost everyone looks like shit. Ironically the cheaper ones look fine, it's the high price ones like Alter that fuck it up
I ordered one of those 6.4k Cospa shirts off amiami for 2.3k yesterday. Are they known to have miss listings? I dont think its real.
If it wasn't a color full graphic then it's not listed wrong.
It was a full color graphic T-shirt.
I got a ¥2.9k Cospa shirt for ¥200 from them and it was fine. It's probably just them getting rid of old stock that no one will buy.
Oh boy. You got him good. What a legend
Post content you fuck
Can you draw a mustache on amico-chan?
Thanks for your gay meta post and FAGGY joinshit image
Which is the best scale for posing with other scales?
I did a while back
Le ebin woody-chan
you are compleatly right about the face thing.
Your weird Lego room is some sinister shit user
Its crazy how expensive some of the early ones are on the aftermarket when they really don't look that great
Those baseplates are suspiciously smooth, user. Don't tell me you bought ripoff Legoes?
How much can I sell 2 crates of bonkles and bricks for?
i fucking hate kancolle but i kinda want that
>I haven't been fucked over by them yet, so you should take that risk too
Considering purchasing a Native figure in B condition from AmiAmi. What's the probability of it having been defiled?
Where do I aquire this
I bought a fig for the first time on ebay because it wasn't released elsewhere and it came to me broken, thanks the mail delivery I guess.
So I asked the seller for a refund and he agreed to give me back what I paid.
But wait, do I have to ship him back the broken item or do I keep it? So there will be more money to pay for me?
If you need to send it back, they will explicitly tell you.
Just donate them
Are you sure none of the 18 are bootlegs?
Wow even outside of Cred Forums
You gotta send it back.
Usually you send it back so they can fix it and sell it cheaper then new
I'm a dutchfag who was tired of my amiami stuff getting taxed and people had complaints about nippon-yassan's packaging, so I figured I'd try BiJ. (Well, except that this server downtime happened before I had the chance to do it.)
My wife Chino is so cute