Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
Previous Thread: djt arimas
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
Previous Thread: djt arimas
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autism containment sister thread:
This entire boards pretty unbearable today let alone just djt
what's he saying
It apparently takes me 20min to read a 15+ pages chapter (where I still need to check a few words).
How is it?
doesn't matter
as long as you don't feel like you're actively dying there's no such thing as too slow
Feeling like actively dying is when I first tried reading a LN the other day.
Haven't given up though, I plan on picking it up again in a bit. For now I read a chapter a day of various manga and I kinda like it. 2 manga lined up for now, will add a 3rd one eventually probably too.
>get corrected on hellotalk in the morning
>have to battle 出来ない feeling all day
whoever corrected you is probably retarded anyway
Is 明かさねば some kind of conditional here? I don't get how you get there from 明かす
An actual nipponjin? I don't know user
thats not what "whoever" means
I would guess it's just a slur of 明かせれば
think of it like english's subjunctive/irrealis
"Some say force is better"
"Some say force be better"
I started talking to some bitch yesterday and she started giving me minimum effort one word replies, felt bad man
I just stopped talking to her and moved on to some of the thousands of other normie bitches on my list though
Thank you all.
Someday, We/I must discover it and tell you/him/her
So basically 明かす -> 明かさ -> (+) ねばならぬ?
= 明かさなければならない
Where can I learn how these things work? I don't recall this being explained throughfully in Tae Kim.
Recall harder.
I don't see ねば in there m8
Tae Kim only covers the basics. You can find that one for example in DOJG which is in the OP guide:
How do you find non リア充 on hellotalk?
>non リア充
>using social interaction app
There's just ぬ in there.
So basically if る verb it's stem+ねばならない and if う verb it's [う->あ related sound]+ねばならない. Got it thanks!
Does あら come from ある?
It appears to be the 未然形 form of ある, but I'm not not entirely sure how/why this usage is used in い adjectives. Tried looking it up but didn't really get much on the origin or why it conjugated that way, only that is does. This is similar but not exactly the same, but maybe you can get more out of it than I did:
Motivate me to keep reading this LN. It happens with English novels and everything, I just phase out and lose motivation for things sometimes, but I need to read.
Oh, wait, brainfart. Of course it does that.
the くない in 高 becoming 高くなければ and the くない in 高 becoming 高くあらねば, as they are both used in the 'negative' sense, as あらぬ・あらない is the counterpart to おらぬ・おらない, which are both "older" Japanese, and are thus used is more formal contexts.
Try a different one.
Read something that interests you instead of something boring that happens to be suitable for your level.
Flip a coin: heads you read it, tails you read something else. Keep doing that till you have to read something.
Or don't, what the fuck do I care?
I'm like that but with life
Become someone's sex slave, I heard that's very fulfilling.
i think you mean full filling
I honestly would if someone came and asked me to and promised to look after me
Thanks for the explanations, I think I got it all now. I'm grateful having studied Kanji so I could comprehend what you said, i.e. (在らぬ/有らぬ、居らぬ).
I suppose I should get around reading all of DOJG soon, and pick up the deck too.
I feel you. Manga or VNs are fine but LNs... I always feel really excited to the idea of reading all of one but end up finding an excuse to stop after a few chapters.
>I think I got it all now
Immediately after posting those posts I started second guessing myself, so I don't think I'll post any more of my rationalisation cycle because it might make things worse than it was originally.
You're much better off piecing together descriptions from professionals who actually know what they're talking about, as opposed to the stream of consciousness ramblings of random anons. Take my word for it that you shouldn't really take my word for it.
Not that guy but I love them until I get to any even remotely difficult part and then it's like running head first into a brick wall of despair
O-okay, well either way I highly doubt I'll be producing any of this stuff myself, just hearing or reading, and for that the initial DOJG explanation is probably enough anyway.
I'm doing some research but my japanese hearing abilities are not that good yet... Can you guys remember instances in anime where characters distinctly speak in a different dialect? I can only think about Boku Dake ga Inai Machi's Hokkaido dialect since they said things like "Shitakke!" so often. And I guess Gintama but it probably doesn't count since characters with a different way of talking must be like... an exaggerated parody, right?
Heiji in conan.
Is this a rare kanji?
Go nuts.
For reference, finding this list was easy as putting "方言を話すアニメキャラ" into a Google search. It was the first result. These things can be surprisingly easy to find.
Take from that what you will.
Didn't know about that one, thanks
Holy shit that's really useful, thank you so much!
kero-chan in Cardcaptor Sakura speaks in kansai-lite
Any good places to find raw manga scans? I'm trying to find a specific manga whose TL got dropped years ago.
I tried nyaa but no luck.
What did she mean by that?
>What did she mean by that?
Can someone say me what he meaned this?
No idea, seems you're out of luck.
How are LN sub chapters called in Japanese?
In that LN I'm reading, you have standard chapters, and within chapters, you have numbers separating text, like...
Ch. 1
Text text text
Text text
Text text... repeat
Ch. 2
What are they? Even right now I'm calling them "sub-chapters" but isn't there a better term for those?
Use google.
Give me the name I'll give it a try.
ebook japan or honto.
Just buy them dude.
Looks like it according to best answer. Thanks!
For reference, it was the first result searching, in Google, for
Humans are pretty pattern orientated, so if you know some bits of a pattern, chances are others will know the rest of it and use it for explanatory purposes. Little things like this can be useful for research purposes, kind of like shortcuts for finding relevant information.
>I suppose I should get around reading all of DOJG soon, and pick up the deck too.
A proofread version will be released in about two weeks, for your information.
Of all three volumes?
More importantly, how do you know?
I'm talking about the deck (and the online indexes), since I am proofreading it.
No seriously, what the fuck is the joke there
How will you be uploading the data once you are doing, assuming that you will be?
It's 話. Never seen setsu used before.
Glad to hear this then. I realized the latest version was uploaded in March. I'll wait a bit then. I still have
Is it worth studying the grammar or anything for N2 and N1 if I don't plan on taking the tests?
Or should I just read manga / LN to improve my Japanese?
That 6 here would be called 話 then?
That is the biggest waste of time I've ever seen not to mention that it seems like whoever made that has an almost nonexistent knowledge of CSS
Oh wait, you're a unicuck. Go ahead then. It's statistically impossible for you to learn japanese
風 かぜ
香る かおる
風香 ふうか
>Never seen setsu used before
What are you referring to?
The N1 and N2 grammar are essectially just advanced grammar shit no one uses, the vocab is useful but you can pick that up from manga and anime. Really once your grammar is good enough to read a manga without struggling you don't need text books anymore, all that is left is to build vocabulary and familiarize yourself with the language through practice, I'd say textbooks actually hold you back
What does CSS have anything to do with learning Japanese?
If you had taken the time to watch the videos you'd realize they're actually much more valuable than things like Japanese Manga way or other shits thrown around here. The link posted is as valuable as DOJG in a way that it presents grammar under a different perspective. Persons who made this are natives, too.
What the fuck? Go project your depression somewhere else.
Her name is written with the kanji for wind and smell. She says the same thing in the first chapter.
You don't belong here in any capacity.
I'll make a site for it and post it in the thread, and ask the hub user to update the DoJG deck link.
Thanks, user.
Second chapter, section.
section 6, that is.
Seems like anons can't seem to agree to whether it's 話 or 節.
It's not 話, you'd use that if you were referring to episodes of an anime, for example. Look up any series with something like 第1話 or 第2話 and you'll find a blog entry about the episode, with about a thousand screenshots from it. Have a look at some of the links posted which explain the format. Here is a copy/paste.
>第一章 第二章・・・
>>第一節 第二節・・・
>>>第一項 第二項・・・
Jesus christ Japan wanna chill out with those abbreviations
I'm the user who initially wanted to know and I do believe you don't worry, I did read the links posted and there's no doubt in my mind about it being 節 now.
Don't believe me, weigh up the explanations of the natives and be your own judge. Even natives can be wrong, so there is always that.
More like 豆腐はあしが早い
>genki sucks
>tae kim is great
Why do people always shit on Genki, but rarely ever talk shit about tae kim?
There is so much wrong with Tae Kim holy shit, just one example.
>"how do you know if you have to pronounce it as nan or nani?"
>"lol dunno just imitate natives lmao they know it better XD"
While Genki gives an explanation.
I mean what the fuck?
Who cares what anons think?
Use what works for you.
Discovering rare characters is cool and all, but more importantly what does it mean and how can i use it
Well Tae Kim is free. You get what you pay for
I'm the user who initially wanted to know and I do believe it is 節, I read the links posted and there's no doubt in my mind about it being 節 now.
>Genki really is amazing I became fluent thanks to it
t. no one ever
People like Tae Kim's guide because it's short and can have you reading sooner than anything else. It doesn't have any other virtue, and the guide makes that pretty plain.
Fluency isn't gained through textbooks, let alone ones designed for beginners. Nor would anyone ever make such claims.
Don't be a fucking idiot.
Genki's just not good as a self study book, it's for use in Japanese classes
Tae Kim's meh too
I think we can all safely say Japanese the Manga Way's the best
Tae Kim is short, free, and designed for self-study.
What do I win?
No watching anime has always been the best way to learn japanese
how can I read raws online when I'm on my phone pls
Is this proper polite request or not?
Are you requesting the person you are talking to to allow a third person of much higher status than both of you to help?
Then no, because you would be using an honorific for your own action.
>I think we can all safely say Japanese the Manga Way's the best
Oh well it sure helped me to get started with reading yotsubato, but the more difficult grammar rules aren't explained well enough or lack examples.
I'd say it covers about the same kind of area as most textbooks do
When you get to higher level grammar you generally stop using textbooks and start looking up grammar specifically on google or in DoJG
I'd say don't blame your tools, but since we are referring to Chinese here, the tools are very likely not only worth blaming but may contain both led and asbestos.
Goodspeed, 南蛮くん.
Useful word: 透かしっ屁
Quite honestly just don't think so hard about following the rules and just put the pieces together. At some point after reading enough that you'll see the usage patterns and figure out how stuff like that is supposed to work.
>There will come a time where it would not do to let it come to light. I ask that you forgive me for being so cowardly as to hope that it never will. Not to this alien land where these cursed outsiders dwell.
The 新完全マスターN1 books, and 日本語総まとめ N1 books are pretty reasonable as far as "higher level grammar" are concerned. Kind of like textbook versions of the DoAJG and some parts of the DoIJG, well the grammar books of those two series.
refers to action of the listener, after all he's the one doing the actual させる - "allowing you" to help, even if you're the one helping.
So お手伝いさせて refers to the listener,'s action, but is the same pattern as お + 連用形 + する, which is the pattern used to refer to one's own actions humbly.
The problem is that I saw
refered to as correct polite request by native Japanese, for example here
But I believe that not to be the case because of the reasoning above.
A well known example of this is ご利用できます, which is a known keigo mistake and should correctly be ご利用になれます, due to the same reasoning.
How do you see it?
Also keep in mind that I don't actually know Japanese so you might be better off asking a Japanese person.
Another highly practical word: マンカス
I don't know why it wouldn't be polite, since ください is polite. I just think using the polite お for your own actions is slightly weird (お手伝い) but お手伝い is probably enough of a "fixed term" that it doesn't matter.
ください is polite, but the previous part isn't.
>I just think using the polite お for your own actions is slightly weird
お+連用形+する and ご+[漢語]する are the base patterns used to refer to one's own actions related to the listener humbly.
I wanted to discuss if お手伝いさせて falls under that pattern too and thus can't be used to refer to the listener's action, but it seems you don't know shit.
>but it seems you don't know shit.
Why not let your knowledge speak for yourself, instead of your inability to interact like a functioning adult?
Got you to at least explain your question though
sounds like a pretty dumb worry desu
Seems like you have nothing to add than pointless anger.
お手伝いさせてください is a correct way of requesting to be allowed to help, as far as I know. I can't help you out with any kind of discussion though.
You're an idiot. Don't speak about matters of which you don't know. If you needed more context than "is this a polite request" you don't know how to be polite in Japanese and can provide no suitable answer anyhow.
projecting much?
I guess we can at least know it's actively used by Japanese natives, since I found examples. But I still have doubts due to reasons I described above.
Seek help.
What te verb maku meaning?
>as far as I know. I can't help you out with any kind of discussion though.
>Don't speak about matters of which you don't know
Something seems inconsistent here.
please provide context
This all, really
I'm not angry. All I was doing was giving you a bit of advice. If you actually want to engage someone in a topic, acting like a prick is likely to have the complete opposite of that, and if you aren't interested in discussion, why are you here?
I don't really get why anons go out of their way to act like cunts. (・ω・*)?
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, and all that.
I only acted as a prick after you proved yourself to be completely clueless here
(Provided that's you. If not, why are you being so sanctimonious?)
But after this sentence you can write any word.
No other contexts
What? Where did you find the sentence?
That's not me, and I had already admitted that I didn't really know what I was talking about so I don't know why you're getting so angry about it.
Keigo is something even nips fuck up all the time, so I don't know why you would expect to get a proper answer from a bunch of gaijin of which many 1 lives in Japan and is above N2. Especially if your problem with the sentence was about some weird thing that most people would not even think of as a possible problematic point in terms of the sentence being polite.
Now that i've stopped being a neet I've found it a lot harder to study jap.
Hey, /djt/ which is bigger: number of kanji that are primarily first kanji in jukugo or number of kanji which are primarily last kanji in jukugo?
From the example for book.
To be clear, this is not me. This is
From what example from what book?
I did see some smart people in DJT previously.
It does not matter, this no english book
Quit your job, loser.
Three types of まく, the first two kinda mean the same thing ultimately. Read the meanings and consider what fits best.
If you don't want to provide more info then find it out on your own.
My impression is that some people get autistically good at certain aspects (studying a bunch of writing or classical japanese or whatever) but nobody is really completely fluent except for imouto and the nip who just comes here to ask English questions.
>nobody is really completely fluent except for Japanese posters
well memed
If you find yourself getting into many heated arguments online over largely minor things, chances are there is a reason for this. Feel free to take in or ignore the general advice presented as at the end of the day it was only about improving your own experience, not of anyone else, myself included. If that is being sanctimonious then so be it, I guess. It really isn't about me.
Does ベストガール mean the same thing in Japanese as it does in English?
The Christians have their Jesus and the Dekinai have their imouto. Pretty sure this is a lyric from a pop song, somewhere.
Perhaps now, since they picked it up from here.
What is the context of this picture?
A pidgin spoken near osaka between victorian europeans and the native japanese, for business purposes.
It helps people find the thread and informs them as to what it's about and that they should read the guide
It's easy to be a dick online, just as it's easy to be nice offline.
How to translate?
ちょっと いいです か
Oi mate!
A little good, is it?
just a minute is pleasant, don't you think?
The pleasure of being cummed inside.
Is that a small good?
I hope you're not actually translating if you don't know this.
>How to translate?
First, you need to learn two languages, then try to take a phrase from one of them and convey the same meaning through the other.
Hope this helped!
You walk up to a girl
Just stop. Get a better book if you need to ask us for translations of simple sentences, and you really should work on your English before tackling Japanese.
Then I do a 360 and walk away.
*points at the ground*
Is that a small good?
Are you responsible for this
Where can I find this book in its full glory? has it, I believe
I was about to ask how I would find it without knowing the name but simply googling "piggy arimas" worked die job.
>tfw want to read but can't be fucked
I still can't figure out what 'piggy' means.
>letting できない win
Anything can be fucked
I think someone said that it's supposed to be some word for "to pick (up)," but that the book was written to be funny anyway and not an actual phrase book
These 海外 articles are fun to read.
>but that the book was written to be funny anyway and not an actual phrase book
Maybe. I think Yokohama dialect actually existed though and was a pidgin language used for trade (so it's not really japanese)
What does や mean here?
So what's the idea behind したけ, why is it used as farewell? My verb conjugation is weak, but I believe it should be past imperative. What's the literal translation?
Lately I've been focusing on grammar to make it more natural, still a long way but maybe it will help.
What are you up to DJT?
decoding the voynich manuscript
>What are you up to DJT?
Reading Ranma 1/2, but it's really boring lately so I'm not progressing that fast.
Also, waiting on Persona 5 to arrive.
Reading the Takagi-san manga
in English
That was a bit too cryptic for me.
>Persona 5
Why does it have to be an exclusive
sounds fun, keep it up.
I loved ranma but never read it until the end.
P5 looks good, I am playing it and it's better than P4 gameplaywise.
Keep it Up
I read them in english too, it's normal.
Just start one chapter at the time
keep it up
How did this happen?
Improvising, use thora subs if you want quality
People are not equal.
Those who are born fleet of foot. Those who are born beautiful.
Those whose parents are poor. Those who have weak bodies.
Birth, growth and talent. All humans are different.
That's right. People are born to be different!
That's why people fight and compete with one another.
From there, evolution takes place.
Inequality is not evil. Equality itself is evil.
What of the EU who advocate equal rights?
That only leads to a mob rule where everyone seeks to improve nothing but their own reputation.
What of the Chinese Union who advocate equal wealth?
That only leads to a mass of lazy fools.
But we are not like that.
We fight, compete and continue to evolve!
We alone are moving forward towards the future.
We must fight! Compete, take, possess, control!
Beyond that lies the future!
Is this an idiomatic phrase or not?
Yo, thanks for the correct TL. I was just pointing the translator's guesslation at that section
i see youve found one of my translations
Why can't I just use は for everything and throw が into the garbage?
Sup user,
Could you do me a small favour and tell me:
- How long you've been learning
- What you did first
- What you were doing a month in
- What you're doing now
>- How long you've been learning
a year
> - What you did first
RTK and grammar
> - What you were doing a month in
Anki, reading manga and loli doujins
> - What you're doing now
fondling my microdick
One month, I tried reading yotsubato and got my shit fucked up, (though I could kinda understand it due to being able to read some words and with the context of the pictures), but I ended up dropping it because it was kind of boring. I'm just reading some VNs with a texthooker, currently.
は/が is not even particularly complicated, a sentence can only have one topic after which you should use が.
が/を is worse.
Thanks guys.
I'm mainly worried I might be retarded since I don't really seem to be making progress.
But I'm doing largely the same things so I'll just stick at it.
> a sentence can only have one topic after which you should use が.
That's wrong.
Feeling できない over my progress of 5 months compared to others here. Reading pixiv artists' twitters.
I did everything the wrong way around.
I started by importing a JRPG without knowing even Hiragana, then I focused on listening since it was easier than reading hieroglyphs, and then I started learning to finally tackle reading.
Then when I finished wanikani I came here and started for real.
>- How long you've been learning
Since I first watched anime over 10 years ago
>- What you did first
Watched anime
>- What you were doing a month in
Watched anime
>- What you're doing now
Watching anime
Today I did Anki for 43 minutes and then I read a visual novel for 2 hours and 37 minutes.
Guys guys I did it!
I had trouble even understanding one sentence when reading, but for some reason I became way better now, instead of having to figure out what everything means, the words just appear in my head the moment I read.
I read the first few chapters of yotsubato today and understood everything and only had to look up a word every few pages.
英語のNative Speakerってどうやって英語の勉強した?
Forever associating あまり with negatives even though I see it more in positive sentences nowadays
I don't understand it.
>"groups of twos and threes"
It's pretty easy, either "not very" in neg or "really" in pos, but I guess I have a bad beginner habit because whenever I see it at the beginner of a sentence my brain always expects a "not very" to follow, and get's confused when it ends up being the opposite
dont qeustion mark lol
は - exclude others and define variable?
が - select from array?
But が creates the variable and は selects it.
Books are chill but pronunciation is the harder part for English so it's probably better to focus on movies with English subs.
You gotta get good at guessing you dirty polynot
mfw just realized mining is actually fun as fuck
As for my mother-san, This me-sama here is the one she likes
damm just when i thought i had a handle on the differences
oops lost the second image
whats the source on this if you dont mind
Shin kanzen master bunpou N1
is it better to choose a core deck with vocabulary on the front or a sentence on the front?
Choose the one in the guide.
i just watched that earlier, and its easy to get his questions right but im uneasy about dropping them altogether when nothing needs indicating as he explains
Honestly, you shouldn't let it hold you back. Ignore these details and keep studying grammar.
When you feel confident enough, start reading and these little nuances will come to you naturally as you get used to how these particles are used.
Well, I'm learning japanese for reading and people tend to keep particles in from what I've seen so far. I hear they drop を a lot in spoken jpn though
>Ignore these details and keep studying grammar.
they feel like oppositional concepts
im foolishly trying to write on lang-8, and when i feel like i have it right, a native corrects me again so the nuance is definitely important and something i must have been glazing over as i read stuff
You're not just supposed to read stuff, you're supposed to read MORE
the more is important
Yeah, don't stress over this subject and move on to others
Also, on my first week I was analyzing everything in broken english
は as for ( )/about ( )
が the thing that/the one that
漢 くさくなれるよ
>sees 分かれる
>automatically assumes it's the potential of understand
dont know what i was expecting, maybe something a little more dank than それぞれ
What's the general consensus on the Japanese for Everyone textbook? It's apparently equivalent to both Genkis and much more affordable but maybe that's too good to be true?
Are you fucking retarded or blind? Read the fucking guide. If it's not in the guide it means it's not recommended. Use your brain, idiot.
I'm sure it doesn't matter much. Spending a bunch on a beginner textbooks is stupid because if you're using the beginner textbook for a long time you've already fucked up
The guide recommendations are based on the assumption you will pirate everything
Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. I'm looking for some advice, probably more in the vain of motivation than language learning.
My wife is Japanese. She moved here (U.S.) when she was young so she is equally fluent in English. Her parents can also speak English decently. Though as you might imagine, they would like it if I learned Japanese. I have been studying on and off for years now with little success.
The problem is I'm not really interested in Japanese media. I have a little interest in the culture, however I wouldn't have any if it wasn't for my wife.
Still, I like the idea of knowing another language and I want to learn Japanese for her.
I know you guys are going to say that I'll never become fluent without a burning love and desire for Japanese. I accept that. However, what advice would you give anyway?
Self-studying any language, let alone one as complex and far removed from English as Japanese, requires discipline and motivation. If you think making your wife and her family happy is enough to keep you motivated, go for it. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother.
You will never become fluent. Really.
N1 level (basically, the point at which you can have conversations without Japanese people switching to English out of pity) takes at least 2000 hours of work if you only know English.
How much Japanese do you know currently? Do you speak any Japanese at home? Simple things like tadakimasu, gochisousamadeshta, okaerinasai, tadaima, etc are good things to say at home if you don't already.
My advice without knowing more wold be learn to speak and understand specific things that you want to say and understand. Forget about Japanese textbooks talking about business cards and company presidents because you're unlikely to want to talk about that stuff with your family. If you find yourself saying the same things in english (are you hungry...did you feed the dog...) learn to say them and their likely responses in Japanese. Most of what we say to each other during a typical day is the same 20 phrases over and over. Replace those with Japanese phrases and you'll be speaking mostly Japanese at home.
My other advice is to find something that you can enjoy in Japanese with your wife. Does your wife watch any Japanese TV? Maybe she has a recommendation for something to watch that you can enjoy together. Learning more about Japanese culture can be just as good as learning the language and you can learn a lot of this through Japanese TV shows. It might not be amazing, but you should be able to find a Japanese TV show or something that doesn't annoy you too much. Watch it once with english subtitles and then subs2srs an episode and add the unknown vocab to anki. You might even find some things you like if you look hard enough.
>long time lurker, first time poster.
>I'm not really interested in Japanese media. I have a little interest in the culture, however I wouldn't have any if it wasn't for my wife.
He probably took it from reddit in order to bait people.
[spoileri really hope that wasn't sakura[/spoiler]
>Japanese people switching to English
Is daily cramming forgotten cards on the past day, hours after daily reps are done, a bad thing?
Because it sure helps with retention by a considerable amount, around 5% to 10%.
Oh and when I say retention, I mean on the daily reps of the next day - before I cram later on.
I like to do it but mainly because I add a lot of cards a day so I think the retention increase becomes more important than adding to pure card count. Certainly doesn't hurt but I don't know how much of a difference it actually makes in terms of time spent to learn a certain amount of words
It doesn't make any difference in the long-term, it just makes your next day less stressful.
nice fakepost
So, after almost 5 days I'm at the early point where I can recognize all the Hiragana and Katakana but can't write or produce them from my mind based on sound very well. I've watched the Tae Kim videos up until right before Kanji starts. I can produce a decent amount of Hiragana but not Katakana, and it is very slow. I know about all the sounds though, and can read slowly, or could if I had any vocabulary or grammar. I have a few questions now
Do I now read the rest of Tae Kim, and worry about being able to produce Kana later on when I have actual words and sentences I can understand to write or type?
I need this Anki and Rikaisama stuff apparently. Any other software I should get immediately, or is that all I need for now?
I've downloaded Remembering the Kanji and that Japanese dictionary of grammar in the OP guide. Is there anything else I need right now as a beginner? I don't want to get overwhelmed too soon.
>after about 5 days
stopped reading there
read the guide
get a new wife or just maybe not get a wife and just fuck loose bitches instead
How the fuck do I pronounce 第1話?
Dai ichi wa?
Daii chiwa?
Daiichi wa?
dai hito STORY
>tfw some piece of shit parent showed based Namasensei's videos to the school he worked at and got him fired
What this supposed to mean?
good thats what you get as a disgusting vulgar beer drinking gaijin
>decided to try HelloTalk
>too shy to strike up a conversation
>realize it might be better to post something on that "Moments" wall and hope someone will come talk to me
>post about a manga I'm reading
>a japanese girl posts a comment asking what it's about
>spend the next 30min thinking and trying to rephrase everything in a way that makes sense
>finally come up with something, but it's fucking retarded and repetitive
>just confirmed the 出来ない
>started crying
>went to bed
Sorry for the blog, lads
how about you translate that greentext to japanese and post it on hello talk
be more productive with your blog
It was actually me pretending to be the girl
That'd be too hard
I feel like shit right now. Guess it's enough for the day
いつか大丈夫になると言ってください (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Well what manga were you reading?
how many new kanji a day do you do in remember the kanji?
0. I do Kanji Damage instead because it teaches you the readings.
None, I do Kodansha instead because it's the current year.
Someone posted about it here yesterday and I decided to check it out. Turns out it's pretty interesting, actually
死にたいです (ノД`)シクシク
0. I do something productive like reading instead
how many new kanji a day on Kanji damage?
same question
Anyone have a favorite app?
kanji damage guy. I do about 15 a day, coupled with 1 and a half of grammar study, about an hour of vocab study, and I listen to at least 30 mins of anime a day, actively.
>same question
I started the book only a few days ago, so I don't know if I'll be able to maintain this pace to the end, but currently I'm striving for 100 kanji every 2 days - not necessarily 50 per day, today I learned 70 kanji because I won't have much free time tomorrow. Also, I already did over 3000 words from Core and 1000 from my mining deck, so I already knew 99% of the kanji so far.
Ankidroid, Tae Kim's guide.
Ankidroid, Perfect Viewer for manga, Moon Reader for ebooks.
>Go out all day
>Finish my anki reps at 11:47
Just made it, anons.
>tfw finished my kanji deck
What's my prize?
which deck is this? or did you make it yourself
anyway your prize is compelling content
I wanted to check that out too. The artstyle draws you in.
And I wouldn't give up trying to talk to people yet. If you want to talk about certain topics prepare for it beforehand so that you're not in a panic when you're typing. I tried it once and it went well but it was so nerve-wracking.
The prize is more kanji
Now you've unlocked the next stage: Mining Deck
And the best part is that you'll never finish it
Don't be ugly
>that many cards
>in a kanji deck
I'm so sorry for your time
You're probably right, user.
And the thought of quitting like this didn't ever cross my mind.
I panicked and probably will panic many times more, but I know practice is essential and won't give up
Okay I just don't like hearing about anons crying over Japanese. It's good that you are passionate and work hard but take it easy.
Help. I can't remember these for the life of me.
I remember a time when I actually would create an account on this website in order to access this stolen copy of a commercial app. I was fucking 14.
Since you're a big boy now, you can just pay for the app or use one of the countless free alternatives.
>「ら抜き言葉」使う人がついに多数派に 「おk」「うp」も文化庁が調査してみると...
Wtf does is the function of に in the 多数派に part?
I translate this as something like "People who use ra-removed words are finally in the majoiry; if the cultural department examines op and up, then. . ."
or something.
Somebody help
Way ahead of you, young cockerel.
>people still use phones
loving every laugh
Don't worry, if you get a haircut and dress better and continue to be yourself, girls will come to you.
>user asks legit question
>hurrr dekinai
DJT cancer.
Stop typing like a retard.
I don't know which specific article you're looking at but in the body of the ones I saw there's a sentence which clearly shows what its function is. Try reading.
(to be) 多数派 = 多数派に(なった)
so you are right.
By the way, this is how I summarized とつくにの少女 for that japanese girl on HelloTalk
How bad does it look? Be brutally honest
you ask a question here expecting a 'safe space' you deserve worse
sorry i used the exact thing he was asking a question about in my rude reply
>hurr safe space now
Shitposting is shitposting, if janitors did their job DJT would actually be mostly about learning japanese.
Pretty bad considering you mess up basic tense things.
your posts wouldnt exist as a result それでいいのかい爆笑
The shitposters keep it from turning into reddit where every day people kindly answer dumb questions about whether you should sign up for N5 or N4 after studying for 2 years and learning 200 kanji
but on the other hand you have to deal with shitposting
Nonetheless, I prefer the latter, but I do wish people wouldn't do it about reasonable questions
The girl lives in a place called Shiva?
>Stop typing like a retard.
>I don't know which specific article you're looking at but in the body of the ones I saw there's a sentence which clearly shows what its function is. Try reading.
Nigga that is literally what I'm trying to do, which is why I asked a question. I don't know what you're argument here is.
So are they like, 2 different headlines in one?
>People who use "ra-removed" words are now in the majority, 'ok' and 'up' were also studied
If so, that makes sense, but the lack of any punctuation to indication this threw me off. It looks like one sentence.
The only reason that happens on reddit is because anyone who's not nice and cuddly and "wow dude good job on learning 200 kanji in only a year keep it up!" gets downvoted to oblivion. Shitposting is just shitposting.
I mate hate you guys but in the end this thread is where I feel the most at home.
>If so, that makes sense, but the lack of any punctuation to indication this threw me off. It looks like one sentence.
Do you not see the giant block of space between them?
great job posting stupid whiny bitch bull shit keep it up *clicks upvote*
Get some friends loser
>having friends
This is an anonymous site, there is no ego to fill by being all nice to beginners.
But still, shitposting is shitposting and it's not uncommon to see a shitpost that is basically a copy paste from that shit upboat site.
What's wrong with 住む?
Also, I've pretty much given up on trying to figure out when to use ~てくる and ~ていく
"A girl called "Shiva" who lives in the country" is what I meant to say
heres the new djt anthem for now it even has keanu in it
its not rap either so i really hate to break kayfabe here
Thanks for le rebbit gold!
That wasn't an "argument" you imbecile. The title is obviously abbreviated and the body of the article has a more clear rendition of what you're trying to understand.
Japanese spacing always throws me off, I thought it was simply the spacing between the に and the 「 that is bigger than a regular English space.
>present participles
don't use kanji for という
住んでる sounds better to me but I don't actually think 住む is strictly wrong
The くる is not the important part, the part where the person takes は and the thing that they 気になる takes が is the important part
>"A girl called "Shiva" who lives in the country" is what I meant to say
change the sentence order, current one is ambiguous
No it isn't
田舎 isn't the type of thing that can have a name. If it was 田舎の町 then it would be ambiguous (and would lean towards the unwanted interpretation)
We sometimes omit (words) that after に and へ.
to be ~ = ~に(なる)
to go ~ = ~へ(向かう)
>So are they like, 2 different headlines in one?
correct sentences is these.
>「ら抜き言葉」使う人がついに多数派になった。そして 「おk」「うp」も文化庁が調査してみると...
>田舎 isn't the type of thing that can have a name
Why not?
Got it. Thanks, user
I should probably take a better look at the usage of 気になる and that causative form stuff
miss. my poor English
go to ~ = ~へ(向かう)
Perhaps it can in a more figurative way, but you wouldn't say it like "I live in an inaka"
Through google you can find0
which have the same order
Basically context makes it clear so the order is fine.
Daily reminder that posting in this thread is a guarantee that you will fail at learning Japanese.
Good thing I only care about learning mandarin
Here is (my) Daily English Threads.
This is super natural.
イモウトよ イオンがあるじゃないか
I suppose. My bad. Saying something sounds unnatural as a non-native is far less accurate than saying something sounds natural
たくさんのHonor system
>they read out a shitton of numbers
>Saying something sounds unnatural as a non-native is far less accurate than saying something sounds natural
Is this correct?
Honor systemって言うんだねw
それに as を間違えていました・・・
wtf happen? speak american noobs
To be fair I don't understand what's he saying either, don't feel bad if you don't understand what he meant.
as long as it's not /near/ your normal reps there's no problem
as long as you're at least at 30 kanji per day your kanji study won't feel like you're wastnig your time
ok thank you.
No problem.
Because my English is always made a fool of.
Finally finished Tae Kim although I started studying 4 years ago.
Well keep going you enormous faggot
I-I will!
I'm watching you
"made a fool of"は人ではないについて使わないと思うが、どちらでも、不自然だと思います。
"Because of my English I’m always made a fool of."、それと、"I'm always made a fool of because of my English."よりがいいと思います。
Right now im using Genki 1, and steadily learning the fundamental basics of japanese. I just want to know if there are any other specific textbooks out there that can prepare me even more for JLTP 5 and 4. Thanks!
>Preparing for the 5/4
Are you serious or just trolling?
Do not say it!
The ESL police who always bully me come!
Run away!!
no looks like you got it all covered good luck ill buy you a drink if you come to kawasaki
Merci...じゃなくて、thank you!
Can anyone of you guys pretending to be Japanese explain what おもむろに is usually supposed to mean nowadays?
Is it suddenly or slowly?
How do jap kids learn writing Kanji? Do they just force drill them or is there a Japanese RTK?
They drill a bunch like you drilled alphabet in elementary. The rest they learn by reading.
what does 艶っぽい mean when it's used in describing someones voice
Thoughts on Kenneth G. Henshall's "A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters"?
何気なく とうとつに とつぜんに いきなり
>Is it suddenly or slowly?
if you're interested in kanji etymology, read it after you're already at an intermediate level
otherwise don't bother, i can pretty much guarantee that heisig and kklc are better
>and then, Slowly~
Just made some poor innocent Japanese schoolgirl on hellotalk watch yuruyuri
I feel like such a monster
did you at least 手うが
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #不可説不可説転
The thing which you really want is THIS
>How long you've been learning
January 1st
>What you did first
>What you were doing a month in
>What you're doing now
Anki, Grammar, Reading/Mining
I was going at an extremely slow pace (10 cards a day) up to August when I decided to raise the limit by a lot. Now I am learning a lot faster.
>- How long you've been learning
9 months
>- What you did first
realkana, tae kim and then started core 2/6k deck
>- What you were doing a month in
Month into anki, still going over TK
>- What you're doing now
anki, reading 2 chapters of manga, lang-8 entry, nhk news seven daily.
Still barely understand much of anything, probably n5
>動く comes up
>says it means "move"
>example sentence says "うご
かないで 。" / "Freeze!"
what did they mean by this?
Well would you look at that
i'm eyeing it up on my shelf right now
Is this a serious question?
no, it's a rather light-hearted one
>- How long you've been learning
20 years over
>- What you did first
talking with parents
>- What you were doing a month in
playing with friends
>- What you're doing now
studying English at DJT.
>>- What you were doing a month in
>playing with friends
at one month old? impressive
i re-read the sentence and now i feel dumb
i can feel the neurons firing in my head as i realize now what they meant by that
>- How long you've been learning
> - What you did first
> - What you were doing a month in
> - What you're doing now
>doing a month in
Is this mean at first month?
Sauce please?
You have to use (嘘).
This is very useful and important.
Try it out.
- like a year or so
- Yotsuba
- some shitty web novel about a dead hiki neet guy being reborn in a fantasy world and getting all the bitches
- Persona 5
a japanese exchange student actually got shot in burgerland because of this iirc, didn't understand the command "freeze"
>American cops
>Shooting an asian
Seems legit
Try it out.( you have to attach cute girl image)
My goal is to do at least 8 hours of Japanese practice per day. Filter me if you don't care.
Day 1
I do my daily anki and my daily reading of the grammar guide while fill around three hours per days, but after that i tend to get stuck in Cred Forums and do nothing to advance my japanese aside from listening animes in the background.
Help meeee.
Make a schedule and stick to it
What makes you think we know how to leave Cred Forums?
Me when I remember that anki exists
How is this going to help me you you you... Oh. I never tried. Yeah, i can try. Yes, thank you. Maybe.
Someday one of us will find a way.
We can't lose hope, not yet.
>Someday one of us will find a way.
It's easy
I studied for the jlpt last time by just doing a bunch of practice tests everyday and I passed. I'm still doing this strategy, but when I look at lists like "list of all vocab jlpt n3" I notice I'm seriously lacking. But I never seen the words on the list in the reading I used. So, could I get djts opinion on how important vocab lists are for the jlpt? I can read jlpt n3 text just fine.
>practicing for the test instead of learning Japanese
From my experience with language tests, to maximize your chances of passing you should spend at least some time studying the available material specifically made for them.
Maybe if this shit actually appeared in the reading, I could learn it, dekinai chan.
so which one is geared more for the test then: the lists or the practice tests, or are you saying look at both? I assume you mean the latter.
>wasting money on anything but N1
Look at both
Only N1 (and N2 arguably) are worth anything so I'm not sure why you're basing your studies around N3... looks like you're just putting rocks on your path no valid reason. You'd better build yourself a solid schedule and aim for fluency.
I can't see what you're doing as anything but forging bad habits. If you still persist then I'd redirect you to /r/learnjapanese since they seem to like doing what you do.
wasn't a cop. it was a scared old white man "defending his property" on halloween.
tldr: they went to the wrong house and rang the doorbell. guy comes out with a 44 magnum and says "freeze!" and the kid says "We're here for the party" and steps forward. probably hadn't ever seen a real gun before either. he had no idea he was in mortal danger either, burgerland is such a strange place after all
as for the shooter, the courts determined that it was only common sense for him to defend his house against dangerous teenage doorbell-ringers on halloween night.
I'll have you know that every single tripfag and person before you who has tried to update their progress on any studying daily has failed. Yes, every single one.
No pressure.
Jesus fucking christ
America really is a surreal place
>I was level N1 from day one and was never a beginner
Piss off
How do you not know about this already? Are you underage?
Can you comprehend what you read or is it too much asked to your fragile ego?
How would I have known about that? It happened three years before I was born and I'm not American or Japanese
>Verdict Not guilty
What the FUCK