>Iida Megumi
Iida Megumi
Masturbating to old lady like me?
You're so hopeless user~
Her mouth looked really weird in motion for some reason. Something about the lipstick I assume.
She only has lipstick on her lower lips.
Were the character designs made by Karma Tatsurou?
When is she going to fuck sensei?
When Tsumugi wants to eat that dish with rice, chicken and egg.
Yagi-san please stop stalking her.
It's not even an actual ingredient, don't think a dish prepared with love tastes good.
Maybe too many years have gone by and now I've forgotten.
You will never marry Kotori and then cheat on her with her mother.
I bet she work in JAV industry and her cooking job is just to hide it from family
>mother more tallented, cute and sexy than her daughter
why is this allowed?
Hot anime moms are the best
>when side character mom is more popular than the series she's in
Stealing sensei away from her daughter when?
>you will never fuck an autistic model builder's hot mom and NTR his missing dad
>tfw your mother looks better than you.
dem lips
Is Kotodad alive?
Mother-daughter threesome doujins when?
Is this anime done by a hentai studio?
The artistic style looks familiar.
He's an oni.
Of course such a high maintenance wife requires a real man that will make her settle down and know her place.
Friendly reminder that she said this.
does someone have a collection of screen shots of her comically sized school food?
She looks so huggable in last panel
Best girl, would remarry into.
If given the choice would you go for Kotori's fresh pussy or Megumi's experienced ara-ara'ness?
>there are cucks who'd rather see Sensei end up with the mom
she's going NTR both her daughter and sensei's dead wife's ghost
To be honest I don't mind either. She's already expressed she'd like a dad like him as well. And he'd definitely have to give his job up if he was going to get into a relationship with Kotori and even then Japanese society would look down on him.
But she's been hinted to like him and I really like that. So it's quite a pickle.
When did Kotori start liking sensei? I can't seem to find an exact point where she fell in love.
megane Kotori is best kotori, her dad seems a good guy
>ara ara
Well I don't know, but that's literally chapter 5. That was the chapter where Tsumugi was ill, just that bit wasn't adapted into anime.
>anime didn't end on this chapter
I'll be forever mad.
It would've been the perfect ending point and a hook to get people reading.
Possibly around chapter 2, where she worries about him falling for her.
Golden week & Bento