Who is she confessing to? And why is it Chuuni? no the other one
Kill yourself you fucking generalfag. The troll was already enough with his general bait, but actually going on with it is absolutely disgusting.
Who is this General you all are talking about?
calm down loser lol
"If you don't accept it, I'll pull your tongue out!"
Yeah, nah. Kill yourself newfag.
"Kill yourself" and "fuck off" supposed to be a reason for ban now according to new rules, no?
>according to new rules
>takes shit from the shitposting general serious
>thinks the polls are official and legit
No bully!
lol what are you so mad about just chill and talk about overlord.
All i want is to see PA get some combat action.
Why not fertile dopple womb action?
>EE can beat Cocytus
>Madara can beat Ainz
>Nfirea can wear Touch Me's Armor
>BS can defeat the Pleiades
Who's Madara?
>BS can defeat yhe Pleiades
user at the previous thread, the goal post was switched to Go Gin instead.
>epilogue of Vol 11
>Ainz feels something different
>look at a status screen
>start laughing maniacally
>no one understands what's happening
>Suzuki is no longer, the true Sorcerer King awakens
>Demiurge feels sudden urge to kneel
>"So that's how it is"
>scroll down
>scroll down
>character sheet
>Ainz Owl Goal
>Total 101 Level
And then to
>Ainz Owl Goal
Fucking auto correct
Damnit humiefags, sure as hell like to stack the odds up.
>still no short episode of Cocytus and Nabe's moment
Just Overlord my shit up.
>Narberal supports Albedo to be first wife
>Retard senses thought Ainz like Uncle Blue Bug, because of some misunderstanding
>Instant switch sides.
So who 100% back Albedo?
not us
What is this heresy. EE is for EEating
I want Entoma to step on me
>bipedal sheep
Why is Ainz so innocent? It's not like human experimentation is a foreign concept to him, especially since he's Japanese.
not like he would care
Hell, farming people for their skin isn't even as bad as forcing them to eat their companions' limbs repeatedly.
I cant remember exactly.
were those experiments working? could you keep someone alive by removing their limbs, forcfeeding it to them, then using heal magic to restore the limb? I know demi said something about the results somewhere.
wonder what could improve the magic quality of the parchments? using demihuman skins? using fancy inks? inlaying gild in the edges to make it look peerty?
Yeah, it was at the same time as the bipedal sheep remark:
"If, before we apply healing magic, we merely allow
that part to undergo a significant change in shape — for example mincing
the flesh — then that fleshy body will effectively be preserved. That means
to say, if magic is cast after the skin has been removed, healing magic will
effectively recognise it as a foreign entity, therefore it will not disappear
even when healing magic is applied. This is also the reason why they would
not starve even if they ate the meat. In addition, although this may count
as outside the topic, if one aspect of healing magic is rejected by another
aspect of healing magic, sometimes it is as if it cannot operate smoothly and
results in a scar. Likewise, the lower the rank, the more likely it is that scars
will form due to time lapse.”
I wish we had better translations but here you go.
If Entoma eats a troll, will it regenerate inside of her and kill her? If she manages to stuff her belly enough so that parts of the troll sink down into the acid at roughly she same rate it grows, can she be sustained forever off of that troll flesh constantly regenerating inside her?
If you split a troll perfectly in two, does it split into 2 trolls?
>does it split into 2 trolls?
You can't split something perfectly in 2.
The larger part, be it only by 1 molecule, will regenerate and other will rot.
Her crotch and legs look like a spider's mouthpieces, genius.
Entoma being an insect most likely has tons of poison / acid attacks.
>can't split something in 2
>can't split
there is this neat thing called "magick" that makes the laws of physics its bitch and make the impossible possible because fuck you its magic I aint gota explain shit. just make a magic sword made of PURE MATH that divides anything by 2.
But what if Ainz does the spliting?
Than explain this shit yourself.
I bet the part where the head was will regenerate.
If split vertically - the part with larger portion of heart in it (assuming troll heart is asymmetrical too).
What if it is split in such a way that it contains the exact same number of brain, heart and overall body molecules on each side?
That aside it literally doesn't matter because it already is physically possible, just physically impractical.
Mathematically split the troll into two piles.
A wild Vampiric Half-Draconic Tarrasque appears cuz DM is done putting up with your shit.
I have literally never actually played a game before. I've always been the DM.
I have literally never actually played a game before
you still do not understand the concept of "MAGICU CASTERU". no one said it had to be a straight vertical cut.
IMAGINE! a magical cut (by a magic math sword) that perfectly divides every organ in two. ziggzaggin through the heart and intetines so each half got enough of each organ to regen. with magic its possible.
hell it would be simpler to just cast/make a [clone] but magic is all about convenience.
What no Divine in there. It is gonna be a cake walk.
I Would argue that its impossible.
What I mean is if you do it so EVERYTHING is 50/50, The regeneration "rules" would not apply to parts of it, even though they are connected to the main part, as the connection is too weak.
Another way to put it, making it perfect would mess up the connections, considering how complex a body is.
Without her shoes
Lurk the drawfag then, I've just saved this pic.
Thank you
what's Maruyama's obsession with old lolis
>Aura and Mare, both 80 year old lolis
>dragon girl from republic, secretly an old woman loli
>Shalltear and EE, 200 year old vampire lolis
>CD, ancient half elf loli
Is Nemu going to be a vessel for a 200 year old demon god?
Because, as is realistic, 10 year old lolis are not going to be powerful or relevant enough to matter normally.
Who'd win? BS Captain or Yuri Alpha?
in that case why not make them proper sexy women with breasts
BS captain is like level ~70 with access to divine tier equip and MA, Yuri would get destroyed.
Aura and Mare are elves anyway
Dragon Girl is doing it for a joke because of lolicon adventurers
Vampire Lolis are a meme at this point
CD isn't a loli, she's like an early teen iirc
I guess im just mad we didn't get sex bomb Aura
I wonder if older Mare looks the exact same but flat.
Maybe in the Epilogue
Or maybe in the sequel, since apparently Maruyama intends to keep going after Volume 18
Older Mare is literally Legolas tier, he makes women ovulate by looking at him
>Maruyama intends to keep going after Volume 18
was this confirmed on twitter!?
I forget where the source was but it should've been where he said he intended 18 volumes to begin with
Iirc he basically implied that the entire story was some sort of prologue
i just gonna start volume 8
is there any good version of rest volumes like this one?
i can't find anything besides skythewood dropped translation project
>copypaste of the entire blog
>good version
wewus ladus
>Older Mare looks masculine
Uh.. actually, he planned to write only 18 vols. But will write more it OL got popular. Techincally, vol 10 is suppose to be about Stunies, but it was thrown to vol 11 instead.
So we might be getting more then 18 vol afterall.
>Destroy Yuri
Like how? Cut her head off?
that's why i asked
If it continues like this we might get 20. Maybe 21 as an extra about every charecter and their levels, no but maybe bonus scenes
>Wanting Overlord to ever end
>First the countries in the vicinity (up to 20 vol)
>Then other countinents (up to 40 vol)
>Suddenly 8 other inhabited planets in the star system (up to vol 300)
What counters Shalltear? Other than Ainz
pic real
>If Entoma eats a troll, will it regenerate inside of her and kill her?
She will just digest it faster. She's able to vary her digestion speed.
>still no Fantoma
>BS captain is like level ~70 with access to divine tier equip
Really now? Next thing you're gonna tell me is that realistically speaking PDL is in 90s.
I was talking about Trolls the other day, but:
Demi has asked for a huge amount of grain to feed the sheep on the happy farm. Nazerick is also planning on farming food en mass to dump into the Exchange box for Ygg Gold.
Troll meat is the obvious solution. While it is not good enough for the GTON, it would be fine for the sheep and is a theoretically unlimited source of matter to dump into the exchange box. Demi should set up a troll farm, with automated amputation and packaging.
Tests should also be conducted to investigate if different types of meat produce different results While troll meat has the advantage of not requiring the input of mana, if other meats are more valuable, they may also be viable. However, once established, a troll farm managed purely by low level undead is easy to achieve, meaning minimal running costs.
The removal of trolls also can be used as a propaganda tool to gain support of humies.
>Inb4 PDL is Lv120+
On another note, are the no-level fags from the previous threads here?
Still better than
>CD > unarmed Chair
Here we go again
I'm here
Why do the humiefags forget Shalltear can use 10th tier magic and has dozens of powerful skills? It's not just her physical strength you have to take into account.
>unarmed Shalltear > CD > PDL's armor
I think it's just one humiefag who takes small parts of LN and builds whole headcanons on them.
Nice, even one other fellow fag is good enough.
Since it's basically confusing as hell with NW-ers and their "levels", how about just sticking with simply calling them levels to avoid further pointless discussions?
Now to the other user from deleted Edition threads, yeah I'll do the fanfic, but it's gonna be cancer and you're asking for it.
Ok, you 2 start fighting for out entertainment.
"In the end, only Humans can defeat monsters."
"Overlord is a shounen." - said no one ever.
Unarmed Shalltear with no equipment or abilities/skills/spells < CD according to what KC thinks, unfortunately Chair has both the gear and magic to steam roll CD.
>"In the end, only Humans can defeat monsters."
Hi there Alucard, I see you're still into the MCs being big scary badguys.
>"In the end, only Humans can defeat monsters."
Actually, it's a cyborg and a Schrodinger cat who did it, and the monster was even defeated.
They also apparently forget that NW is no longer Yggdrasil, and that Yggdrasil simply filled the holes that NW had with it's own settings.
"Organic" thing all over again:
Headshot on a human in Yggdrasil is a critical hit for extra damage
Headshot on a human in NW is a death sentence.
He won in the end tho, all that they managed is to land one solid blow, one blow compared to thousands he dealt.
>yeah I'll do the fanfic
Fanfic, reminds me that I need to continue with my Baby Ported to Nazarick one.
But, some user gave me a new idea. Maybe I should start one on some Shota mage & healer twins vs Pleiades.
Kinda hard to write, since we all know where the direction it is going.
Just make a simple shota cleric getting raped by pleiades after he gets a 10yen stick from CZ.
I did a weird ass YurixAnon fanfic with one more dude that as far as I'm concerned does not exist, now I'm gonna do a "Ainz meets user from Yggdrasil and nothing fucking happens" fanfic after I try to type set one manga page.
Well, I actually wanted a underdog surviving by backstabbing his friends stuff. But we only get Climb, so, Yeah, Go Ainz.
In the actual Manga, Alucard did not return right?
Levels can't be given accuratly, given the fact that NWers generally have a) shit builds and b) can bypass ygg level requirements to do higher tier jobs.
What giving NWers levels can be useful for is equating them to where they roughly stand on the Ygg power scale. Figuring out their true level distribution is obviously the best way to go about this, but thats basically impossible for most.
It should also be taken with a pinch of Salt. I suspect that JUST is around level 10-15, but all his levels are in jobs such as Emperor, which give little to no combat power and increase his administrative ability. Despite having a higher level than one of Enri's gobs, or a silver ranked adventurer, he would still lose.
Levels are all well and good but what people are really arguing over is the combat power and once that debate starts then heaven help us.
There is a criminal lack of SlimexBones fics
>Baby Ported to Nazarick
>Shota mage & healer twins vs Pleiades
How about Ainz has some free time and decides to try to finish some of the older traps/golems that his old guildmates never got around to finishing.
One of them figured Momonga might try to finish it and threw a expensive race change trap as a goodbye present, thought it'd be funny for the guild leader of a monster guild to be a human race for a while.
slime bath solu when?
He did, the entire mega plan that Major did flopped big time.
Only thing eating/drinking Schrodinger did to Alucard is limit him to one soul at a time, his own soul if he wanted to remain himself, it didn't even freaking damage him one bit, he was literally fed into becoming divinity.
Fuck if you want to go into Alucards mind then Major actually made him human again.
>tfw you'll never see HeroHeroxBukuxSolution do a triple fusion to live inside Ainz's skeleton
To be fair, I don't think any knew what would happen when Alucard ate Schrodinger. Or that Alucard could fix himself.
You forgot to add Guren and Miyoshi.
>Shalltear will never give you a tail
>>t. butthurt nazarick fag.
Next you'll tell me fluder isn't lv 70+ despite all his classes.
lv 30 brain cut lv 100 shaltear's natural nail weapon.
PDL and CD destroy gearless shalltear easily.
How strong is magic bath slime Miyoshi-kun? Can he beat Climb?
*wasn't even defeat
My mistake.
>In the actual Manga, Alucard did not return right?
He did return in the manga.
Don't fall for the bait anons, the humiefag wants attention. Don't feed the cancer.
Well yes, pretty much all of us no-level fags are agreeding with this, but since it's going to get complicated to constantly put "level/s" when referring to NW-ers and having to explain when newfags swarm in 10 days followed by even more feverous level faggotry..
>lv 30 brain cut lv 100 shaltear's natural nail weapon.
>PDL and CD destroy gearless shalltear easily.
Does Shalltear have her spells and abilities?
Fluder is at high 50s at best dude.
>Does Shalltear have her spells and abilities?
Yes, they are slightly weaker since she doesn't have equipment buffs but it's still enough to steamroll CD.
Chair > Mare > Cock > Alfredo > Sebas > Aura > Demi
is this correct?
Chair and Mare are disputing for 1st place with slight favor to Chair's side.
In terms of power?
What I don't get is that Sebas is mentioned as having the highest power in true form, but then I also remember there being some rock-paper-scissors thing between the three warriors and Sebas apparently loses to Ice Bug (if im remembering correctly). You'd think a dragonman that can fly would be able to roast Cocytus.
It's the other way around. Sebas in normal form beats Cocytus but may lose to Alfredo. In final form he's better than both.
i wonder if sebas is weaker than aura in his human form, or if he has the same stats but gains skills and racial traits in his dragon form
ahh that makes sense then
I doubt it, isn't Aura's whole deal that she is really weak individually but just mass ganks with all her pets?
>Not education
O Ya, it is 1 yen not 10 yen. For those Anons who don;t know about the CZ 1 yen sticker, there is one dindu nuffin worker that survived.
A young lad, CZ took a liking to him and sticker 1 yen on him. Her sisters then asked Ainz to spare him, to make CZ happy. Maruyama did not add that in, because it would change the outlook of that vol.
NO IT IS NOT HEADCANNON. It is posted on Maruyama's twitter.
I actually wrote one too, but, it was meant to be anti-climatic since CZ came in and ask them what they are doing. Cock blocking everything.
Actually user, that would be a great PPP ep.
Shalltear>Mare>Sebas in his true form>Cocytus=Alfredo=Sebas>Aura=Demiurge
I wonder where PA would be in this list.
>TFW Sebas is literally Ancalagon in dragon form
I'd shit bricks.
Yeah, her deal is attacking from range and swarming with her pets.
Because Chuuni gives godlike power in NW
PA can be pretty strong with how flexible he is
>can turn into Ulbert and use his 12th tier spell
>becomes unsinkable
>goes world champion and becomes the perfect warrior
>can pretend to be Ainz and dual cast TGOALID
I guess it depends on what the 80% power limit thing means. If he's only allowed to be max level 80 than I think he gets gimped on a lot of the higher tier skills that would make him really broken.
I think it's 80% of power.
Limiting his forms to level 80 would totally destroy every build.
>>can turn into Ulbert and use his 12th tier spell
It's a class special ability like TGOALID, not actually 12th tier.
>I guess it depends on what the 80% power limit thing means.
My head cannon is that it's 80% of all stats and power of the one he copies+ his own stats, making him insanely OP.
Calm down user, Sebas us a Dragonoid not an actual Dragon.
Unless Touch Me used his money to make Sebas so, in secret.
then yeah PA is pretty fucking broken in that, he has access to the spells and skills of 41 PCs and can switch between roles as he wishes
I know I know, but imagine the faces on JUST or PDL, ST or someone else when Sebas shifts and dwarfs a mountain.
Pretty sure not even AoG can get away with that level of bullshittery, devs would have cracked down on that so fast....
Wait... maybe there was a reason they didn't let PA out of the treasury, did PA help defend against the player army?
Nope, he is meant to only guard the Treasury ONLY.
I think PA has always been stuck in the Treasury until recently, Ainz is a cruel dad.
Imagine spoiling Lupus.
Imagine Yuri spanking her bottom till it turns red
Did they specifically made PPP so exploitable?
>"Ainz is a cruel dad."
PA lives to manage and organize inventory, that Treasury is literally Elysium to him, especially since he gets to guard WCI's, I can imagine all he did since the transfer is cum all over the treasury roof from chuuni overload.
Imagine her working hard and redeeming herself, much much better vision.
Imagine Lupus as your big sister!
He's there because its the true final chokepoint of Nazerick.
If a player got hold of a Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown somehow, then PA is the only thing standing between them and all of AOG's World items and retired player items. Its probably one of the most critical spots to guard in Nazerick.
If someone got hold of a ring, then Chair, Sebas, the Twins, the fucking 8th floor and all the broke ass shit there - all of them are useless. Pandora's Actor is the Last and Only line of defence between an invader with a ring and the World Class items.
>Big sister
>Not little sister
Imagine being a raid party of 6 guys that manages to breach into the treasury
>Fuck yeah! We made it! Time to jack all their high-end g
>Wait the fuck, is that Ulbert?
>"Roar, my secret arcana! Descend, o ultimate disaster! Flow, ye tears of despair and regret! — [Grand Catastrophe]!"
>The fuck is, is that Momonga now?
>"Cry of the Banshee! The Goal Of All Life Is Death!"
>Last Volume will be PA activating all the golems and leading a heroic charge to retake an overrun Nazarick
>He'll finally make his dad proud of him
>little sister
>when you could have Lupu-nee pick you out from the village to be her younger brother so she could educate you on growing up, dealing with girls, what to do with girls, what girls are going to do to you, how many times you can be forced to cum in one session, and just general life advice
can PA pull off the Bright King Combo by himself?
Where is this stated?
Can't get into the Treasury without a guild Ring, and there's a Level 100 battle ready doppelganger waiting there, 2+2 user.
Its something I inferred, but IMO its pretty obvious.
You can't TP or wear rings into the WCI trove/mausoleum of the SBs. AOG went out of their way to make sure that anyone, even themselves, would have to stop in PA's location and de-ring. No where else in Nazerick has that level of paranoia. No mater who you are, no mater what your status within AOG is, you have to go through Pandora's actor to get to the WCIs. You can bypass every other guardian, even the SB's on the 9th floor themselves - but you can't bypass PA.
But that's before they came to the NW so that's just data, cocytus has been training hard and way better weapon control he should be the strongest.
>knocks out shalltear's lance from her hand
>that's just data
No, it's literally their strength parameters. It doesn't matter how hard Cocytus trains, he can't become stronger than he already is.
>knocks out shalltear's lance from her hand
No. Don't be retarded.
Well he can't get stronger, but he can get smarter, or more experienced if you will.
He can get smarter, but that's not enough for him to become the strongest guardian.
Though in a Sebas=Albedo=Cocytus conflict the one with most experience will have favourable odds
If it was just down to swordplay he should already be able to completely school Shalltear.
However, Shalltear would also probably loose a melee only fight with Albedo and Sebas. What makes her to top guardian is the combo of Physical power and spellcasting.
That was why Ainz won the Fight against shalltear. He tricked her, made her use magic when she should have been up close and forced her to Melee when she should have been maging.
Yuri can't beat Go Gin
>implying Yuri will stood by and watch Lupu corrupt a shota
>implying she wouldn't get first dips in educating you the right way.
I wonder if speed in NW could make a difference. Could Sebas with 89 speed avoid Albedo's attacks - her speed is 59.
>Go Gin
user, yes, Yuri can't beat Go Gin because she does not have fire or acid ability.
haha Nazarekt
Fellow Yurifag?
>she does not have fire or acid ability
Cook would like to have a word with you.
>the right way
What is the "right way"?
I'm No.3.
Hey, you're both here.
Futa on male user, futa on male
I have serious doubts she could start a fire with Go Gin going ham on here.
sengoku rance style overlord game when?
Please continue, is this part of Ainz plan to make Mare more manly for the future of Nazarick?
Will Ainz ever explain NPC about Earth?
Maybe Albedo reaction will soften somehow.
>hey guys im actually a human
>all the guardians senpoku since they made fun of Ainz this whole time
I imagine it would be something casual like "you don't really think I was born undead do you?".
People capable of creating "worlds" and traveling between them will hardly fall into a category of gadflies or mosquitoes for NPC.
>implying "human" forms of SBs are the same as humies
>I'll stop Lupu from corrputing a shota by milking him myself
This is your plan
I am a supreme being
Empty shota is not prone to seme corruption anymore.
You think Lupu can manage the seme role herself?
>Implying Yuri would ever do that and not politely teach Mare on finding himself a wife/harem among other dark elves as Ainz-sama wishes for him
Speaking of Mare, could he physically fight someone if he had to do so considering how strong he is?
he can physically fight me if you know what I mean
He could smack a bitch on the other side of the planet by hitting the ground.
Why the fuck not?
As a druid he should have staff\club\dagger proficiency.
I bet this trap also have some OP melee transformation I like to think of owlbear.
>could he physically fight someone
Define someone. Mare shits on Ainz in physical department even without Druid skills/buffs.
I wonder what his personality is like during that change.
Or if the nature of that transformation can be discerned from his current personality? A Megatherium maybe?
When is Albedo going to start her PC hunt with Rubedo?
He's a druidzilla. Of course he can.
It's already begun, user. The thing is; there are no Supreme Beings for her to find.
I Meant as if he was out and about doing Ainz things and some standard bandits jumped from around the corner to take his stuff, could he fight them without spells or is he a squishy mage?
When there will be someone to hunt.
I also think she will fail spectacularly due to Nigredo fucking with her plans.
This is probably half the reason she was so adamant about confining her: Nigredo is magic NSA and has good karma.
She won't let Albedo run around killing players unknown to Papa Bones.
>squishy mage
user look at his stats again.
He's the second strongest guardian after Shalltear.
Remember how Ainz beat the shit out of Clem without any physical skills? Mare would fucking destroy her.
I wonder how much of Overlord is based on a Maruyama DnD campaign that ended with him playing and dming by himself
Haven't seen or read Overlord.
Just swung by to say that I heard you have a slime meido, and that that fact alone makes me interested in the series.
Maybe none of the other AOG SBs. But there are almost certainly the remains of other players around.
Too much has been mad of it for nothing to happen. Its a plot point waiting to happen, and a huge one at that. There will be another player, and Albedo's hit squad will have a part to play in upcoming events, though not for several volumes I think.
Akemi is one popular option for a possible player character to turn up. Some think she's been hinted at, though personally I'm sceptical of the evidence.
>Ainz MP
user, Mare has a physical attack stat that is over twice Ainz's phy atk. Mare could solo the entire BS in a melee, let alone some bandit trash.
She has about thirty seconds of doing anything but she's pretty much a living honeypot. Except the pot is filled with acid instead of honey.
Ainz is the only pure mage in Nazerick out of the named NPCs, other than Nabe.
If it was just a magic duel, then he's probably unbeatable.
We got 3 female slimes, and 2 males(Guren is male right?), only one's a human form one, actually she's a Shoggoth like the pic you provided.
Guren is a Giant Worm isn't he?
>That was the Area Guardian of the 7th floor’s River of Flame, a giant abyssal slime — Guren. As a creature optimized for combat, its fighting ability was easily on par with the Floor Guardians.
She is mostly in the first 5~6 books or so. On and off. Then it becomes much less. Also
Why the hell havnt you accepted best maido into your life?
user, did you forget that part in Vol 3 when Mare bashed in someone's skull with his staff? Or that part in Vol 6, when Mare beat the shit out of Hilma and broke her legs? Mare is strong.
I mean tbf those are absolutely shit feats. Killing a Dirty humie means fuck all.
I don't think Mare has done anything impressive so far, other than maybe the earthquake in the imperial capital, though again we've seen more impressive stuff from other guardians.
>Sebas semi-serious walk
>Cocytus cutting arm off Albedo
>Shalltear failing
What impressive feats are you talking about user?
Mare is most impressive one.
Whats her name?
>she's a Shoggoth like the pic you provided
Wow, as a waifufag looking for a series to enjoy, thats pretty convenient.
>more impressive than bashing some fuck on the head with a club and breaking some whores legs
I mean I could do that.
Look at this
Solution. Like chemistry? How clever.
Her hobby is dissolving living people inside her.
So name suits her well.
I'm not that user, I know how powerful Mare is. I was about to argue that he was, when everyone else chimed in.
But I was just saying, bashing a human to death and breaking a humans legs mean jack shit. Its not a display of any sort of power.
Check this out
Well she's not a "Good" shoggoth like MGE, she's pre-change MGE shoggoth with human form as default appearnace.
Also she doesn't look like but like .
Alright, let's speculate about the NPCs' trump cards. It's basically confirmed that every Nazarick NPC has some kind of trump card ability.
Confirmed Trump Cards:
>Shalltear: Einherjar (angelic clone)
>Albedo: Can sacrifice pieces of her three piece armor in order to negate any attack
>Entoma: Breath of Fly
What kind of trump cards could the other guardians/pleiades have?
She seems mildly unstable, not that that's a turn off.
Guess I'll start reading OL now.
>Demi: Manly Form
>Cocytus: Fourhanded Grip
>Sebas: Real Form
>Mare: Marrasque
>Nabe: One 9th tier spell
Probably OwlBear.
Most manly form obviously
In his true form his claws probably give Divine equipment run for it's money
We already saw her kiting skill with range of fucking kilometers
Druidzilla Owlbear transformation
Some sort of suplex
Nipple lasers or tit missiles
Derp ray or 8th tier AOE lightning spell
Cleric + Werewolf = some sort of ultra regeneration shit
Rogue + Acid probably some sort of corrosive\acidic mist or weapon break
Obviously Ulbert, Touch Me, Momonga and Nishiki Enrai
Quite the opposite, she's smart, clever, loyal and efficient, also brutal and loves to eat/drink/melt people inside of her.
Demi: Manliest Form
Naberal: No trump card, she's minmaxed so her general efficiency is sufficient.
Sebas: Shifts into his true form, Ancalagon the Black
Mare: Flips the switch and smacks the bitch
Yuri: School ruler
CZ: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann form.
Aura: Boing-Boing form.
Marrasque, is that some kind of dark-elf druid tarrasque?
I'd dispute that, or at least dispute that its his only trump card. Its powerful sure, but only really useful in a few situations.
>Demi: Manliest form, and possibly a mass summon of demons/localised hellscape
>Cocytus: Heat death of the World - Massive AOE and DOT of ice and speed debuffs
>Sebas: Super Saiyan dragon
>Aura: Call of the Wild Hunt
>Mare: Turns into some fucking huge beast and goes totally fucking mental. Maybe literally becomes Godzilla.
>PA: splits into 41 pieces, each becoming a SB at 70% power.
Well a girls gotta eat.
Mare: Buffs P.Atk, drops staff, flex so hard his shirt disintegrates, throws one punch...
>Loses hair.
Who is this shog?
I imagine Cocytus pulling some disgaea tier abilities when using his trump card
Buku is best slime waifu this is not up for debate
>inb4 Slimexpapabones screencaps
>gains cyborg apprentice
MGE shog, random and no name AFAIK
Mare becomes Herc after buffing and releasing the beast?
You called?
This fanfic is the second thing on the list of things I took pride in.
First is the turd so massive - it clogged the restaurant toilet
Shoggoth from Monster Girl Encyclopedia, by Kenkou Cross. She's popular so she gets a lot of fan art.
Why not Zodd? Before he became gay for faggith anyway.
Thanks guys
I was thinking something really bestial, either a fantasy monster or something like a giant mammal, like pic related, which is basically a 4 meter tall monster sloth.
Entoma is not for lewd
seriously she will eat you
Is this pic some bonus? Some poster?Took from 2ch
>he thinks thats a bad thing
If you want lewds just ask user.
Its a sample from the official lewd art book.
looks like all the guardians are on there, so maybe a promo pic for something or a poster?
>human skin
>Demi: Manliest Form + summons Demon Army
>Cocytus: Impenetrable Exoskeleton + P. Atk buffs
>Sebas: Transforms from a dragonoid into an actual dragon
>Aura: Temporarily raises the stats of all her beasts to lvl 100
>Mare: Temporary Unlimited Mana
>Yuri: One Punch
>CZ: Terminator
>Nabe: One 9th tier spell
>Lupu: Ultimate Health Regen
>Solution: Slime kage bunshins
>PA: Can use one of his forms at 100% power instead of 80%
I guess that they dont sell it digitally , do they?
Nope, but scans do exist. I found it on Cred Forums of all places.
Its not specifically lewd art, though a lot of it is very lewd.
How about this guy on the right?
Pic related is human form.
Sauce pls?
And this is his monster/demon form.
I now realize you mean the Berserk Zodd and i was thinking Superman Zod... and now i feel stupid.
Aura can't raise the stats her beasts to level 100. Her strongest beasts that are level 80 can go up till level 90 with her buffs.
Can you pls post it somewhere? Id like to save link and download it all in one go as soon as i get internet back.Mobile barely manages to load 4ch.
Been a while but isn't his beast form basically a demon?
Yeah here that looks like something demi would summon.
I think mare would be more like a cross between a bear/wolf/Megatharium/bison hybrid, this giant shaggy monster
You reach the 6th floor and the guardians are in your face. Aura is being a pest, Mare is spamming some brutal AOE, and Aura's beasts are in your face. You press on, kill the beasts, turn on aura, then hear a huge bellow, look up and see this giant fuck flying towards you.
Its quite large and there are a fair number, so I wouldn't dump it anyway. I'll try and find the original link I downloaded it from, if its dead or I can't find it I'll upload it. Will probably post it tomorrow, depending on how long it looks like it will take to upload.
It's just headcannon of what Aura's possible trump card is.
Maybe her default tamer boost gives extra boost to her lvl80 beasts to be as effective as lvl90 beasts, and with her trump card they're effective as a lvl100.
Nah, Zodd's more terrifying in IMO
Thank you , user.
I kinda get you but Zodd looks like one of Demi's pets. Each floor and guardian has a theme.
1-3 : the undead/gothic/murky dungeon
5: Ice/warriors/virgins
6: Nature, beasts, the wild
7: Fire, Demons, hellscape
Zodd's apostle form resembles a beast more than it does a demon/monster, unlike many other apostles.
Pic related?
eh. Agree to disagree I guess. Either way, Mare presumably has a beast form thats pretty damn savage.
i want to cum inside nabe
Is that a buttplug tail?
If you want it to be user though I've worn similar and it was just on the back, its a leotard, not a corset.
bunnies are excellent breeding material
which maid is the sexiest? not cute, or beautiful, but sexy.
Solution obviously.
Cute = CZ
Beautiful = Narb
Sexy = Solution.
These stockings make me want to bust my nut
So much Cocytus talk, if Narberal gave him a french kiss would she get a brain freeze?
Yes. Though she wouldn't notice.
Thatt egghead is empty.
I guess we are pretty unanimous on that. Solution is sexy.
so what do we know about Zuranon besides the fact they are an evil spooky organization that likes dead things?
That they're probably off-shot ST worshippers of their death god?
They may worship same god as black scripture (undead).
She's pure sex.
Cute ranking
Fite me bugshits
"Undead" casters, probably previous "Spiral of Death" rituals were used to transform other members to Liches.
Momon stopped Kajit from performing it, but we know of at least one other instance when it was successful.
Headcanon is that they nabbed Clem and Kajit bodies to avoid intel leaks since one of the ST scriptures were at Clem's tail and ST have access to resurrection.
Clem probably played a double agent and burned out, decided to scram but wasn't able to fetch something of value from ST since it's heavily guarded.
Stole the Crown of Wisdom in hope to appeal to Zuranon.
Entoma is for dark corners and pest control
How will the world react to Evil Eye being exposed as a Vampire, and as Landfall no less?
That depends.
If she teams up with Momon or join Ainz - she'll be fine.
Otherwise Anathema I would thing.
Probably PDL would move too if he wasn't already wary of Ainz.
>PDL would move too
Why would he? He already knows EE is Landfall.
The real question is if Aura's buffs work on beastform Mare.
Mare's totally a Tarrasque.
She'll be forced to join up with the Sorcerer King himself, and due to her skills she'll become an area guardian of the black capsules lmao
Oh yeah, that Rigrit baa-chan slipped my mind.
She probably explained that dis loli is not bad to PDL.
ST would probably send people after her, fearing her teaming up with Ainz, which forces her to flee. I can see that being the way in which Ainz avoids conflict with the BR, or even has the BR move to the SKAOG. Ainz reveals he is Momon to EE, and she realises that other undead can, unlike her, work for the good of all.
Though I wonder how they will get over SPLAT
Ainz should use that as punishment next time Chair and Albedo fight.
Mare self-buffs then goes beast mode while Aura provides more buffs with other beast as backup?
Wise move would be let her assist Fluder.
He'll probably jizz himself to have someone of approximately same magic level around.
Dude, PDL and EE were both in 13 Heroes.
I see best girl!
Clem res confirmed
Yeah-yeah, I got it already Slipped my mind somehow
Could these trump cards be used for mating?
Anything can be if you're brave enough.
Does Shalltear ever Summon Einherjar for sex?
I would InherJar if you know what I mean
Jar means her asshole
Shalltear double teaming Mare using Einherjar while Aura watches when?
It's like masturbating, but worse.
I like it.
Possibly vol 11
>letting another alpha predator into your bedroom
Why aren't there more translated nabe doujins
Because Nabe is shit.
>he thinks nabe is shit
>Nabe a shit
>Says the disappointment
Nabe is a disappointment too
she likes to do anal and it doesn't cost her any experience points
so i guess yes
>I've worn similar
Yeah what?
Means he wore either cosplay tails or buttplug cosplay tails.
The former, at a stag night.
They're leader might be the ST's skeleton player's disciple.
The undead city should be around 200 years old and still pumping out stronger undead.
how long will Hamsuke keep orb in her fucking mouth?
Until Ainz remembers it.
I imagine Hamsuke's either used to it or best friends with it by now.
god damn it nabe
if i remember correctly she had to stop fighting with thief for a moment because orb was so fucking annoying
i don't think they could be friends
here, if someone would be lazy enough
She was able to become best friends with a Death Knight, an orb shouldn't be too much trouble.
Stronger is relative.
I doubt it has much more than a Death Knight or two there.
why deleted?
don't know user
Just finished reading Vol 10 here.
Is anyone else getting tired of this "The Tomb is so Amazing" bullshit.
Honestly I have no issue with them being powerful, but they're beyond powerful. The army of 5k undead knights they have (the auto spawning ones) are all powerful enough to take over the world.
Hell just AInz and his guardians are enough to take the world, or at least give an interesting story of them trying.
There just no climax anywhere. And that's because there is no struggle. The best parts of this story have been completely away from the Tomb. The dynamics between competing powers, actually talking about how magic affects a society. All of these things were great and interesting, but Nazarick has been boring the last 3 volumes. I mean, I don't even think there is someone who is high enough level to actually damage Ainz because spells
>Is anyone else getting tired of this "The Tomb is so Amazing" bullshit
No. It's fun to revel in Nazarick's superiority.
>it's that time again
Its like one punch man.One punch man isnt interesting because "omg saitama is so powerful", its interesting because of the characters that AREN'T saitama.
Overlord is full of boring mary sues and the normal characters are way more interesting.
Well my issue is Nazarick is completely removing the interesting parts out of the story.
>oh wow look at all these interesting characters each more unique than the last, with their page long back stories
>and he's ded in 1 punch cause lvl 100 so good
no idea what u mean fampai
Not even a little?
Honestly, I think it's best to view it as some sort of slice of life.
is it because a janitor doesn't like the series or somethinng
Cruel? For even giving his NPC a background story on how much he loves to take care of those artifacts so he will not feel lonely? I woulndtt call it cruel at all...
Its a LN. Its not exactly a literary masterpiece. Its fun to read, but if you want something less self indulgent and more complex, then you want to read some more mainstream lit.
Night Angel for Powerful but not totally dominant, LOTR for the ultimate epic saga, Sharpe for adventure and harem, Bartimaeus for Magic and plans
LNs are almost all exclusively self indulgent wank, thats the appeal of them.
Because unspoilered porn.
Its such a shitty doujin that it should have been banned even if spoilered.
how dare you even think there needs to be someone more powerfull or equal to Ainz-sama?!
but that page only has nabe posing and doesn't even show her nipples or genitals. what's NSFW about it?
Thanks I'll look into those
overlord would be a literary masterpiece if they changed it up so that the MC was playing a vampire loli or succubus instead of a skeleton.
The nwfag/humiefag has found a new way to get attention.
go back to the tomb and cuddle with your human waifu sebas
It shows her nips
No problem. Is there something in particular you are looking for?
I love it but it needs a lot more to become a masterpiece.
she still has her shirt on in that page. look closer.
make it a deconstruction of the isekai genre at the same time.
Are Overlord threads normally this active? Or is it just because a new volume is going to release soon?
Ainz can't do that if he wants to subjugate all living beings under Nazarick. His goal is to unify the world through peace rather than force (of course you need to back it up with force).
I swear to god I would gently pet the absolute shit out of Lupu
Normally we'd be hit by humifag headcanon and the thread would be on autosage already.
>Is anyone else getting tired of this "The Tomb is so Amazing" bullshit.
No. Because it's a reversal of the typical tropes inherent in the genre. The perspective is just different--instead of following the lowly shounen fuccboi crawl his way to the top, you're following the perspective of the 'bad guys' who are already at the top. It's why Overlord is a breath of fresh-air. It takes the genre and it turns it on its head.
I think it makes up for the lack of power-level-progression by providing interesting world-building and characters. Not to mention that it's starting to focus on aspects of politics, economics, and other administration aspects, which make it feel more like Crusader Kings/DnD mashup than a generic shounen wankfest. And, if anything, there is a sense of progression albeit in a different way--with the conflict primarily focusing on Ainz's psychology, his struggle with filling the shoes that is expected of him, and his general insecurities and sense of isolation (it's lonely at the top, etc.) Each volume Ainz fills the shoes of the Evil Overlord more and more, and, while the dissonance between Ainz's role in the NW and his role in life is often played for laughs, it's still something which resonates with the reader, I think.
There is conflict and challenge. It just isn't entirely focused on power-level challenges. And for someone who has grown generally tired of this genre, I like the reversal that Overlord does.
Nah. I usually stay away from these threads pre-new Volumes because it's usually just fanfiction hell and also dead as fuck.
I agree with this post.
well I'm no author but here's my thoughts:
Overlord should focus on its strong points. Its showing us the dark lords view. That I think is central to its strength. I also think that contrary to what you say making the MC a loli/succubus would ruin it, or at least make it generic. Overlord shouldn't try to make the enemies equal in strength either.
Rather, the conflict and crisis should come from the fact that the Overlord of death, the traditional bad guy, is trying to take over the world and make it a utopia. The danger is not the physical foes, but rather whether the "heroes" of this world will accept that good can come from the ultimate form of evil, or will they tear the dream apart?
Most Isekai are either Harems or Shonens. In Overlord, the MC has no interest in a harem, making the girls bicking pointless, with the author inviting us to mock them for their delusions. Meanwhile, the Shonen heroes are so caught up in their honour and princess' that they never get anything done. Despite having all the guts and gumption of the generic Kirito McBell-kun, they can't do shit.
If I was going to change much, I would draw the comparason between the real world and the New World more. On earth, Ainz was on the bottom rung of a society that had stagnated, in a world where the elite were untouchable and the masses unable to even breath the air or see the stars. In the NW, Ainz has power. More than that, he is the MOST powerful figure in the world. He's gone from unable to do anything about society, to being able to change it on a whim.
You can draw parallels between the real world and the NW. The elite are untouchable and constantly abuse and toy with the less well off, the natural world is dangerous to humans - Toxic air vs Monsters and beasts, and no one able to change the system - except for Ainz.
Also, pretty much everything says.
I put way to much thought into that. I need sleep
8 D A Y S
Well, it's not like he'd be broadcasting what he's doing.
Every nation worth it's salt has at least one or two blacksites for doing shit you probably don't want the people see you're doing.
To be perfectly fair, they know fuck all about the world beyond the few neighbouring countries and Sorcerous Kingdom is really the size of a city-state.
It's quite possible that there is a lot higher level shit beyond the borders of the known areas.
If you mean giant prehistoric sloths, then that fits.
Actually, if the trolls gave freely of their flesh and blood to Nazarick, it would be pretty impressive.
What if Ainz was a girl
>piss girl
You wouldn't be making this post in every thread.
Is this really the face of someone who has 300 Positive Karma?
of course never judge a book by its cover like Ainz looks intimidating but stress over everything
Nabe is retarded.
He could always set up like different methods of paying for their crimes which the citizens can themselves select from.
Different races like different things after all.
If you've got a warrior culture that will find forced labour degrading, heading to the chop shop for a couple of days might be preferable.
Is there any info on what karma is exactly? Is it a altruistic - egoistic scale?
He can efficiently burn the world over just with armies assigned to him. Will take some time yes, but where everyone else fails, Demiurge succeeds
Listen to the first drama cd again against the evil tree. Now read the prologue chapter. Cocytus was using the Bright King Combo against the evil tree that Warrior Takemikazuchi used against the boss they encountered in Nazarick. Cocytus used that without the karma abuse, so if Ainz could do the karma abuse, he can buff Cocytus up
His true form is among the top 10 strongest in Nazarick (players and NPCs included)
She can probably use Peroroncino's bow. She can also manage hate/aggro from so far away with her breath skills
He hasn't shown what an Apostle of Catastrophe can really do, but I don't think its some chump stuff. For all we know it could be a pre-req for World Disaster, one of Ulbert's job classes
Some skill that lets her build up a charge, and then releases it at will to deal massive damage, like what she used against Evil Eye
Sniping. She can also probably replicate Nazarick's non-magical traps, her being the most knowledgeable of all of Nazarick's defense and security systems
At her best condition, she can cast 10th-tier spells
He's the King of the Fort. From what I remember, he is granted buffs when he is defending a position. Couple that with his insane versatility, I don't think he can be taken down easily
MANLIEST form + Keikaku + army
Grows 2 more arms and 2 more heads for full asura form, completes Bright King Combo by himself
"Welcome to the Jungle!"
Prehistoric Giant Sloth Mode but every step he takes causes earthquakes.
Rocketo panch!
Neo Czeong Mode.
Lightning elemental transformation + bug zapper mode
All the buffs + attack spells
Turns into The Thing
>conquers Poland
What is wrong with Albedo in this picture?
what is this from?
If mana can be injected from one character to another, wouldn't Ainz theorerically be able to set up like a truckload of liches to work as a mana forge?
Ainz has limited mana regen by himself, however, if he sets up like say 100 liches, each with their own mana regen, wouldn't that mean with enough Liches, he will have more mana generated than he can use?
Cant he just summon an Overlord in the middle of a fight and have him transfer him his mana? If he can put some space between him and his oponent...
Ainz already has a ridiculous amount of mana. There's no need for him to create a "mana forge"
Ainz's trump cards are totally the multitude of cash items and other broken bullshit he's hiding in his treasury and inventory.
I would guess that summoning costs more mana than the actual creature has itself, which makes it sort of pointless to do it mid fight.
There's a limited amount of times he can use T10 Magic though.
Do succubi get some sort of bonus from having sex?
Some blu-ray bonus thing.
Since this thread is here might as well ask, How are the localized LN's translations?
I feel like buying some stuff to read and I just noticed the first 2 volumes in Amazon, I thought they would take longer to release.
Same question for Kizu
I actually just noticed that he has low Agility, yet he maybe outspeeds fucking everything in the NW
Buy the original Jap LNs and just display them or something.
>I love it but it needs a lot more to become a masterpiece.
Compared to what? the hobbit? LotR?
Overlord is better than those already.
It reads pretty well, but there are some pretty blatant errors.
On the other hand, the Overlord Vol. 1 fan translation is a bit of a mess too. The rest of the volumes read fine though.
Why did Ainz allow a pedophile to join Nazarick and molest his nephew?
>Why did Ainz allow a pedophile to join Nazarick and molest his nephew?
You're going to have to help me here. No idea what you're on about.
Did Clem molest her brother?
Tanks, I suppose.
Tsuare dur.
Still don't know what you're talking about
Cowtits for psychological damage.
>Nine's Own Goal
Fucking hell.
But the only thing he wants is to be reunited with his friends and that is family is taken cared off. The whole world believes he's a evil absolute dictator, when its actually far from the case.
Few people try to understand him, they only make assumptions and follow them. The closest people to him are PA who he tries to ignore, and Albedo, who he edited while being bitter about his friends leaving. Albedo is the same as the other girls, but she seems somewhat more aware of his personality than she lets on.
I didn't quite get the explanation for how they changed it to Ainz ooal gown, I guess it's a Japanese pun thing?
Would be more amusing if any of the ST envoys present at Go-Gin duel knew Clem's favorite style and choice of weapon from first hand experience.
I think he's saying that Sebas is technically less than or equal to 12 years in age.
It boils down to Ainz sounding like Nine's and Ooal Gown being an anagram of Own Goal with an extra O for readability.
what if Lupus is a displacer beast and people only think she knows invis
Did everybody see this thing yet?
They fucked off before the fight, though.
True but I doubt they would just fuck off the arena completely instead of gaining extra intel, same with the head priests.
If they truly left for good then there's no hope for ST at all. Granted they might have been scared shitless from the sudden "It was his plan all along" ride and afraid they were mere puppets so leaving the country is understandable.
"What do we do with this information?"
"He fed it to us on purpose, we can't trust it!"
They did leave for good. The fucking SORCERER KING showed up to tell them "What's up JUSTniv, I knew you were scheming here with your ST friends."
They would be stupid to remain and be captured and tortured for information.
Imagine PDL sacrifices a bunch of demihumans in order to activate a magic so powerful that could let him spy on Ainz Ooal Gown own chambers.
>"I think I see something..."
>Cues to Albedo violently leaving her scent on Ainz bed
>Suddenly explosions
>PDL is almost BTFOd by Nazaricks anti spying countermeasures
this is what i thought when i read it, but i'm not sure how that's going to come into play later
>That Sebas position
Ok, I admit, at first, I though Sebas is having a massive erection.
Clementine gonna be best friends with Solution.
The diplomatic party fucked off immediately, but I'm sure they had spies in the area for security, and I'm sure some of those spies were instructed to stay and see what the fuck the Sorcerer King did.
oh it was that simple all along
oh shit I didn't think I could be more excited
Probably not since ST isn't a focus for now and they had point of view time in 4th and 10th volume so far. Unless the ST spies buy the "That spell was usable once per decade" intel from Osk since he is trader of information and monsters.
And Ainz's martial prowess is pretty much non-critical in the end compared to his might as sorcerer, even if Clem was leaking information to him (which she isn't), ST wouldn't be able to touch him on that subject.
Since the novels have taken at least 9 months now of timeline it will be amusing to see if author is willing to start skipping bigger parts than quarter years (v9 war in late-winter, skip to spring for ceding E-Rantel etc.)
Wouldn't mind ST gambling heavily that they need to move in Ainz before the decade is up and then they discover that Super-tiers are measured in use per days instead.
And even then the news of his victory would carry to the spies if they weren't in the audience. Though I doubt anyone would recognize the stiletto/dash fighting style then.
>Wouldn't mind ST gambling heavily that they need to move in Ainz before the decade is up and then they discover that Super-tiers are measured in use per days instead.
"Since when were you under the impression that I could only use [Ia Shub Niggurath] once a decade?"
"But Osk-"
"Ah, him. Yes, I shall have to question him at great length about the company he has been keeping..."
>That Albedo voice
The voice doesn't fit at all but GODDAMN THAT VOICE IS PURE SEX
>Ainz's voices
It's like 4kid's level of shit
>you blew it noob
This user knows. This is why I also love Overlord.
Actually there is another trap in the treasury. If someone enters treasury while wearing the ring of AOG all the golems equipped with SBs' equipment will activate and attack the person. invader wouldn't know this and will get ganked by all the pseudo supreme beings so going in the treasury alone and without this info is like suicide.
In Emissary of the King, Demiurge claims he was supposed to rule over 12 demons originally, and doesn't know where the other 5 demons are, meaning they supposedly never got created.
However, the 7 demons he does rule over represent the 7 deadly sins, so what was Ulbert's original intention for the remaining 5? Elemental demons? Or is there some system that recognizes 12 deadly sins, maybe in Buddhism or something?
7 sins and the five points of the pentagram and Demi, for a total of 13. You could think of it as an outer circle and inner circle sort of thing.
Of course, maybe Ulbert wasn't thinking that much about things.
Clem vs Solution. Who wins?
I was going to say Solution since she is immune to physical, but then I remembered Clem has magic infused stilettos.
You don't think Solution can tank a few spells?
slimes are super weak to magic
source: I played dragon quest
This is Overlord, user. Solution has a 44 in Mag. Def, which is only slightly less than her Phy. Def which is 47. Solution can tank a few dozen spells.
Not only that but Clem's released spells are quite weak, meant to expand wounds and destroy the stabbed vitals on humanoids. It's not like Frost Pain's effect.
Solution would be completely useless if the weakest spell could destroy her. Then you have slimes like Chagama who are literal tanks.
She has no way to deal with martial arts and then Clem gets free stabs on her with fireballs and shit, plus if it was BS Clem she would have access to divine level gear and magic scrolls on at least Fluder's level. Solution also isn't a fighter and specialized to being a thief type unlike Clem who is a full warrior class.
Or he just got bored of the project at some point in like the other crafter doing the statues of Solomon. Or he created them but they were lost/locked to 8th Floor. Who knows.
It could also be tied to the ten horns of the Beast and the two of the False Prophet.
Oh, shit. I triggered the humiefag.
>She has no way to deal with martial arts
user, you have it backwards. Clem's martial arts can't do anything to Solution.
>Clem gets free stabs
No, she doesn't. The moment Clem stabs Solution her arm will get sucked in and both her arm and stiletto will get dissolved.
>divine level gear
Nice head cannon.
>magic scrolls on at least Fluder's level
user, maybe you should read the LN. Solution has scrolls stored inside her body along with other items. Scrolls that are Nazarick tier >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fluder. Also, Clem doesn't have any scrolls. Nice head cannon.
>Solution also isn't a fighter
Solution has a 42 in Phy. Atk which is greater than Ainz's 35 Phy. Atk. Clem was already overpowered by Ainz's measly attack stat, Solution would have no trouble knocking her around.
Solution >>> Clem
you know I think you might be right, Fluder could easily kill her
solution mostly has racial levels. her agility is 61, 4 higher than demiurge, who moved so fast evileye couldn't follow with her eyes.
clem has 4 stilettos, which are imbued with 1 time charges. magic scrolls have job requirements, she's not using them. so she basically has to kill solution with 4 tier 3 magic spells. solution is also 20-25 levels higher, faster, and automatically kills her if she touches her
The question was what he intended the 5 demons to be.
Doubtful since 7 of them are definitely the Deadly Sins. Unless it was a 7+3+2 grouping.
Retarded humiefag spotted.
>Clem stabs Solution
>Solution sucks Clem's arm in and dissolves it
You have try better than that, humie. Alternatively, Solution could just one-shot Clem with a dagger to the face. Solution is far faster and stronger than Clem.
If Fluder is weaker than Nabe then wouldn't he get destroyed by Solution as well?
I don't think Greed, Envy and Wrath are part of the 12 demon ensemble?
It would really be just a repeat of the Ainz vs Clem fight except even more lethal. Clem faces a heteromorph disguised as a humanoid, stabs her in the face, then gets hugged while wondering why her attack has no effect.
The only difference would be that since Solution isn't wearing armor and doesn't look like a physical fighter, Clem would be more wary when engaging her.
It depends. If Fluder can teleport out of Solution's range and spams fireballs at her or 6th tier spells, then Solution would be in trouble. If Solution can get in close range of Fluder then she rapes him.
>“If it’s demonic monsters, I want to go get the Lords of the Seven Deadly Sins. Of course, we would need some more preparations.”
>“Didn’t some guild put up the guide for the Lords of Seven Deadly Sins before?”
>“They defeated “Pride”, it just got uploaded today.”
>“They say a World-class item will drop after defeating all seven, since they’re World-class threats.”
what wci did the guild get from killing them? how did the guild get these "world-class threats" as npcs? why are they only level 80 if they're "world-class"? why does demiurge think there are 5 more?
honestly, this seems so mundane in passing, but maybe it'll be an important part of the next wci arc
Those are Lords of the Seven Sins, they're World Class Enemies and different from the Evil Lords that Demi has.
That passage is referring to a different set of demons.
Demi's Demon Lord subordinates =/= Lords of Seven Deadly Sins
>Hard Working
>Slave to a crazy woman
>Will never live up to his perceived expectations
>Had to watch his people get destroyed by the Soul Eaters
>Gets to kick back in a small village doing what he loves
>Got to visit Nazarick
>Backed by Ainz-sama
>Gets to fuck this semen demon and chill with her based imouto
Why is this allowed?
>Clem will never clean your ears with a stiletto
How about Yuri and Lupu? Personally I find Yuri just a tad bit better than Nar in "beautiful" department though its a close contest.
She'd be less wary since Solution would look like a magic caster to her, unless she was acting like her class levels suggest and wearing assassin gear
Not according to Ainz.
Drop it then.
Read Naruto for muh struggle.
actually, i just thought about it and in the same volume it talks about ulbert trying to replicate the demon army wci with armageddon evil.
maybe demi's evil lords are also replicas of the "world-class threats", the 5 missing are discarded prototypes like the 3 gem statue, and the demon army wci is what drops from killing all 7.
No he isn't, he manned the fuck up in Volume 8 and 9.
He's canonically described as a ladykiller if he'd get a fucking haircut
Nfirea makes his own choices and is an accomplished scholar with a bright future ahead of him
Climb follows the train tracks set out for him and is a mediocre warrior with a future as a walking dildo
>Implying you wouldn't roll in that blissful piss
Nfirea is kawaii you bitch
Maybe these 7 are on same floor as Lastborn as part of different set insteadd of Demiurge subordinates?
She's in this picture user.
>implying Solution would die from a few shitty 3rd tier spells and muh martial arts
Kill yourself, humiefag.
>Not according to Ainz
I'm pretty sure 90% of what Ainz has to say in regards to Nabe is usually him reflecting on how much of a hopeless idiot and bigot she is.
Though I suppose she has technically yet to disappoint but that's only because the bar for her is set so low
It's the one ESL Slavic Clemfag
Is Entoma thinking of eating Victim?
She'd be more wary of Solution encouraging her to come stab her at close range.
Ainz fooled Clem because his armor implied that he wanted to avoid physical damage and she assumed the gaps were vulnerable, and she still took the time to calmly test him out before rushing at him. There's no way she's just going to run over and get hugged by Solution.
Of course, Solution is surely quite adept at encouraging others to come fight in close range, she might even pose as a magic caster.
Overlord more like OverBORED
That's basically my point though, someone in very light armor is either a magic caster or a rogue but Solution has no visible weapons or tools implying she probably isn't a rogue.
Or, you know, since Solution is faster than Clem she could just cross the distance herself and rape Clem with acid.
Can one Maid beat the Tomb Raiders? Remember that one old dude managed to beat a dragon with his worker squad and dragons are considered the strongest creatures.
>Choosing -500 Karma entity as infiltration buddy
>Commenting on how it's evil towards humans
Sasuga Ainz!
Narberal can kill all of them granted they don't have a way of nullifying electrical attacks.
Finally I found the words to describe why I love Overlord. Thanks anons. I'll save these ones.
The old man got rekt by skeletons and couldn't even land a hit on Ainz.
No I'm not.
I'm at fucking GMT +4, I was sleeping.
I don't think Clem have any chances against any of Pleiades actually.
She's too specialized against humanoids, will likely to fall to some race specific
>Yuri plucks her head up facing the stiletto forehead thrust *miss*
>Lupu just stands there regenerating
>Entoma feeds her to the maggots
>Narberal teleports up and roasts CLem with AOE lightning
>Solution catches and dissolves her arm
>CZ shoots her 1 time
clem resurrection wheeeen
>she can cast 10th-tier spells
That misstranslation took some heavy toll. She cannot cast 10th-tier. 8th tier is her best.
I wonder if heteromorphs had this many advantages in Yggdrasil, I assume the combat system was simpler and a stiletto would be as effective against races with alien biology as against organic humanoids.
Then again, many races that shouldn't be too bothered by stab wounds did have innate resistances to piercing weapons etc. If you analyze Yuri, does it tell you "immune to beheading"?
But, user, Yuri isn't immune to beheading. She has to pick it up off of the floor and spend a turn putting it back on.
fuck, marry, kill, friend-zone, ntr, adventure with
>Immunity to Vorpal
Consider this:
Humans are probably 50% weak to
Probably not weak to
While slime like Solution is resistant to most damage attributes and fucking weak to 1-2 of them.
Ainz have slash, pierce, cold and critical immunity while Fire and Holy weakness.
Fuck - Solution
Marry - Yuri
Kill - Lupusregina
Friendzone - CZ
NTR - Entoma
Adventure with - Nabe
fuck: dog
marry, bug
kill: shizu? I mean we cant kill her so just as easily revive after.
friend-zone: nabetard, she wouldnt notice
ntr: agaisnt who for whom?
adventure with: Slime
You forgot to count Mistake in.
Considering only 3 of them wouldn't transform/eat my dick, and CZ is a robot, my only options are Yuri and Narbetard. While I would be interested in fertile dopple womb, I can't deny that Yuri is just more practical in terms of all the ways you could use her head.
CZ. She would be cute and low maintenance.
Entoma. I am an arachnophobic.
>Friend Zone
Lupus. She would give great advice and have a friendly outward demeanor (I wouldn't have to see her dark side often) but I would never have to depend on her and can ignore her stupid ideas.
Narberal, because Everyone else has to be where they are at and she was left over. Her disses on humans get old after a while too.
>Adventure With
Solution. Walking treasure chest with multiple nonsensical uses and a great rouge who can murder you in a million different ways with excellent seduction.
>Missing for 8 volumes
>Still in top of the polls
>Is sadistic
>Would fit well in Nazarick
>Papa bones is grateful to her for his first melee experience
She need to be resurrected.
Make it happen Maruyama!
>Implying I wouldn't fuck all of them first
>Implying I would marry and adventure with someone apart from best girl
I only need Albedo.
A bigger question should be, what happens if you manage to destroy her head completely.
>Angry Papa Bones happens
>He's a Nazi
>He's chuuni
>He's smart
>He's strong
>He's loyal even though Papa Bones promised to abandon him
>He's the last line of defense against invaders
>He's carrying his duty far from his beloved treasury he was designed to adore
Why is PA so perfect?
>>Is sadistic
Does anyone have the translation from the WN where she's scared shitless of Ainz and offering to be his chair? I can't seem to find it, but it's precisely how I imagine their next meeting going.
She became his stress ball instead in the LN.
Because PapaBones made him.
With his level and the forms he memorized he could probably conquer the world by himself too.
>Full S going full M
He was designed by a child who was pure of heart. He is brimming with childhood innocence and optimism.
>offered to be his chair
Okay now I want to see this too
I'd squeeze her balls.
Does deathknight's passive ability work on insta death spells as well? I mean, if Ainz uses Cry of the Banshee(without using TGOALID) on a DK would it still retain 1 hp or just die?
>CZ is a robot.
Hey, user you won't know till you stick it in.
user, you know what instant death spell and undead are, Yes?
Undead are immune to death effects.
However, it would probably just die if he used TGOALID, because the DK's survive-at-1-HP ability only seems to apply to HP damage.
What is dead - cannot be deadened.
>not what is dead may never die
Even in a world of magic that can bring back your dick if it got crushed, I still wouldn't try it. Unless she could get pregnant, in which case I would use [GREATER HARDENING] and [PENETRATE UP]
>I like my version better
but with strange aeons even death may die
Oh shit I fucked up. But that just proves that even though DKs are low level they are very very useful.
Lakuys, plz
WHy do you think AInz-sama likes them so much?
Maybe in Yigg, at lvl 35 they outlevel virtually everyone in the new world. Stronoff is about as strong as a Death Knight without his special gear. The Skeletal Dragons were below lvl 50.
Actually, does CZ actually now what that does?
She could Lazer away your dick and nuts and hand them over to Yuri, telling her that she removed them does she saw them as tumors
>outlevel virtually everyone
>only shitty humie nations described up to date
user plz
Imagine if a lvl70+ summon had Dk's passive ability.
Nferia is basically a herbal otaku.
Marry - Solution if Albedo is notallowed.
Kill - Entoma
Fuck - Lupa
NTR - Narb
Adventure with = Yuri
Friend zone - CZ
>Not describing to her what you are going to do beforehand
>Not disabling her weapons and everything below her abdomen
>Not disabling her arms just to be safe
>Not having a Faraday cage in case of electrical surges
It's like you have never fucked a gynoid before user
He's a magic caster of a decent level (by NW humans standards) as well as potent talent holder.
He's also no virgin to battles which was illustrated on multiple occasions.
user, that sounds like Robo rape.
Two of my favorites
>BDSM is Rape
>Trusting a machine capable of throwing a mountain not to snap you in half with one mistimed servo movement
>wanting a consensual sexual practice to turn into manslaughter
You have to be 18 to post here user.
What's the purpose of CZ's eyepatch again? Is she hiding an eternal Mangekyo Sharingan? Is it restricting her reiatsu output? Is it a compressed version of Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon...?
It's now a roboBDMS thread.
I'm saying that in the new world, below 20 is low level, 20-40 is mid-level, above 40 is high level and anything above level 60 is already "in the realm of myth". Hamsuke was a fearsome lvl 30+ beast that inspired awe from everyone, the Lizardmen heroes and the Lich were around 20.
Even in Nazarick, there are some non-chaff NPCs that are below Death Knights.
You say this like this is a bad thing, somehow worse than people who want to fug the bug
Nobody know user. Might even be a miniuture nuke timer window.
I'd say it goes like this
Low level: peasants, levies
Trained soliders, beginner adventurers
Elite soldiers, seasoned adventurers
Lower-Tip tier adventurers, best soldiers (Gazef band, Climb)
Orichalcum and adamantium, top tier adventurers
Rare powerful individuals like Gazef and Clem
Extremely rare powerful individuals like Fluder and EE, their existence and powerlevel not widely known in NW
God Kins, Legends and Myths
Dragon Lords
And we only saw shitty human nations so far.
Demi humans may have higher base level (like lvl10 farmers) and by extension - stronger exceptional individuals.
>shy quiet girl like rei
>eye patch like asuka
>pet penguin like misato
Holy shit, she's Evangellion isn't she?
So who rides inside her?
________I do______
I wish I did too
>Ainz cares more about other NPCs than his own son
>tmw Ainz is Ikari Gendo
>tmw PA in Ikari Shinji
>PA still obeys Ainz because he isn't a crybaby and is a way better than shitji
Is there enough room for three?
____sharing is caring____
>Pleiades wanted to keep CZ happy
>What if CZ is unhappy
O boy, pissed off to no end Yuri + CZ when?
All girls have room enough for three
But she's a gynoid.
What if she lacks in the accommodations department?
If you bring screwdrivers
She is a gynoid, you can add it on.
>What if CZ was unhappy?
pic related
There are exceptions who have room for even more. And then there's Solution...
4 juggle double blowjobs
Classic 3, dat wolf ears though
Does her eyes in Doppel form count?
If yes - 5
Unlimited Slime Works
Fuck no
Yuri is 5 though; head and neck are included
That's what I said.
The usual 3 + the neck.
Where did you get another one from user?
Did you actually count oesophagus and trachea for two?
Ooooooh, I just had another look at my own pic and realized I'm retarded.
The base of the neck counts to.
But if we count the trachea and gullet as 2 - it should be 7, no?
>This is what we have devolved to
But yes you are right
About retarded part or about the 7 count?
Probably both
Don't you occasionally get the giggles at what a degenerate you are?
The wicked things you enjoy?
I'm not sure you should count Narbs eyes. I don't think they are pits so march as dark spots with no depth, and She's only a level 1 doppler so she can't change her form anyway. Just cosplay.
>no fertile doppel eyeholes
>disappointment of the year
New thread?