WEG thread time
Try to post OC
WEG thread time
Try to post OC
Fair enough
For what purpose
You promised me that this series was good, Cred Forums!
I am actually looking forward to its revival.
shit version
I like the honesty in that one
It's true, you know. Reigen is love.
Thanks, user. Sometimes you just get so far deep into idol hell you can justify yourself watching the worst shit possible.
Wow, I finished it before the thread archived.
I feel like that last panel could apply to pretty much half of what Cred Forums watches.
>image clusterfuck
>cucked to death
>overused Dark Souls references
>he feels proud
Here you go
10 minutes in Paint.
>Captcha: trains
The Erased memes from Cred Forums all used "cucked" instead of "NTR", newfriend. I just shooped one.
A chav falls in love with a lass
Tried to make one for Cheer Boys, but what I got nothing for the what I got.
the twist of them being from different worlds was done well
So disappointing.
I was waiting for this one to appear
Me too I am excited to see Atsuya "again" I am wondering of he is somewhat different since the Atsuya from the OG series was just a split personality.
>tfw i actually watched all of this
underated desu
Should I watch this?
Is there like a total shift of tone in the last episode some mind fuck ending ala zetsubou sensei?
It was amazing. Maybe your mind is corrupted because of the crap you watch, but don't worry user, there's a cure.
I dropped it halfway
That episode where they only talk about how good is to have a partner was so obvious even Chinese propaganda comics looked more subtle.
This one got made when anons still didn't know.
But it's the other way around.
Jesus fuck, I hate what the anime did to the fanbase.
I thought no one had ever done one of this anime.
I kinda hope for a second season.
Didn't it do worse than END THIS RIDE? Also it's original, nothing to promote.
The memes were S tier though
I think Love hina is better in the expected part.
Since I'm not a total dweeb motherfucker weebuu moonrune peasant, can someone explain who's that girl in the last panel?
One girl who was kidnapped, tortured and killed by some dudes. A famous case.
IIRC she was kidnapped, beaten, raped, starved, finally assassinated and buried in a barrel of concrete, or something like that.
Whoa man, ease it up with the buzzwords there.
Shit was dark
This one, she was Junko Furuta.
Jesus, that's some dark fantasy amde real
They dragged out the fan service and bullying scenes compared to the manga, forced in this terrible anime original overarching plotline about making the mc an idol (and devoted several original episodes to it which are easily the worst in the series), and at the end they horribly botch several jokes and attempts at humor making the whole thing seem a lot more depressing than what they were probably aiming for.
The sad part is that it would have all been forgotten as just another disappointing adaptation but the script writer was a dumbass and drew attention to himself and there was some drama around the mangaka's comments on the final episode.
I was never sure about this one, does it refer to Cait Sith or not?
It refers to President Aria, of course. A lot of people find him annoying
Oh right, I'm stupid. I found President Aria more cheeky than annoying.
I am fully aware I'm doing it wrong, but I just fucking woke up, cut me some slack.
As it turns out, it loses something without the Dark Souls references.
>expecting anything else
show name
No it doesn't show the name.
fuck off
That last panel is basically the same as people who put a picture of shit there, except less concise.
Ok got interested. Need name
The Cook
Carnival Phantasm > shit > fate
Carnival Phantasm is the pinnacle of the Type-Moon, that's the common knowledge.
Think I got to see it again.
There's a manga about it if you wish to satiate your curiosity.
>thinks Erased spam was Cred Forums
>thinks seeing Erased makes him an oldfag
Stop posting that version. Use the properly cropped webm instead.
I mean, can you blame the Jap government?
Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu
Better known as C3 Stella.
Mine has the similar joke.
Oh look it's the meme one made by anime's biggest casual.
Anyone got one for Shokugeki no Soma?
anyone have the one for another
Soramirez do everything.
Isn't it the reason people watch that show?
symphogear is a miracle of the universe
I should probably make a new one.
Fuck that. I wanted animu ghostbusters. I got a load of shit.
Don't forget that the parents of one of the kids that did this were aware and didn't do a thing out of fear to their own son
but a dot, no matter how small, always has an x and y axis
>Something out of the ordinary happens
That show is pewdiepie: the anime.
Did you really have to say that without a spoiler tag? I didn't even know it was translated.
A solipsist would say that dimensions are just rigid conceptual definitions of how we perceive the world and are a reason why concepts don't exist until we give them value. A physicist would punch that solipsist in the mouth if he heard the solipsist say that though.
Is it worth watching?
Yes. One of the best writing among anime I've ever seen. And the best MC.
The payoff is glorious if a little edgy.
B-Pro is good, I love it when shows are completely shameless and unashamed of pandering.
There's a DVD rip available. Though why someone would watch a Shinkai movie with Chinese and English hardsubs in 480p is beyond me.
Thanks anons, I'll start watching it today.
Anything for 91 Days?
That's downright mad.
I don't understand why you're mad, it's yuribait
Yeah I'm pretty ashamed of it.
But don't worry, I'll make a new one when I cure the massive butthurt that the finale of this shitshow left me with.
>the massive butthurt that the finale of this shitshow left me with
Were you expecting the edgy ending? The likes of you deserve that butthurt.
Though I should agree, Subaru's sufferings were the only merit this show had.
a shit
You could also replace comfy guy with Wojack in a blanket.
this except with pictures of Kotori
preserved for truth
The shadow of a square is still a square, reductionist logic a shit.
under fucking rated
When will they make a tales of carnival phantasm anime
from it's side you idiot
Which one is this?
I am surprised someone else has seen this.
Reminder that priest did nothing wrong
My opinion of you has lowered, user.
What's with the army guy
go wach dr strangelove
then come back and laugh
You know it's the truth
It pisses me of how accurate it is.
I enjoyed it for the dick jokes. I'm pretty easy to please.
best harem end, nothing else has it
>hot blooded biki
yeah, it's basically a lame self-insertion shonen disguised as a 3deep5me edgelord seinen.
Did you actually make the original? Good editing if so, though seems a bit hype in retrospect.
this awesome
>Were you expecting the edgy ending? The likes of you deserve that butthurt.
Yes. Remfags getting assblasted was something I was really waiting for.
I mean, days before the finale aired, we were joking about "Who's Rem?" being a shitty rushed ending. We never even imagined itadakimasu will be completely ignored.
Maybe edgy, but at least it would leave a message. The way it ended it's just another isekai adventure that had som edge on the road.
That was back in the day when Re:Zero threads were full of Sauronposters. and hype incarnate. Then after episode 15 it kinda died. The show peaked at episodes 13-15 imo.
She did nothing wrong.
We're all annoyed by him.
Read the hentai to find out
Lots of anime is just not discussed. Especially long after it finishes airing.
Things really escalated quickly
I love Symphogear.
see this tells me less about whatever the subject is and more what an autist whomever made it is. Dial it back a notch.
The first thread was one of the best
Hang yourself.
American education
God damn I love Shokugeki
I haven't seen that show in years and I still remember the suicide episode.
Jesus christ this is an old one
Didn't mean as a critique, I was just as hyped at the time. Agree, arc 3 had some odd pacing.
No no, that's not solipsism. Solipsists would say that there is no convincing evidence that anything people perceive as being real is real, except for the existence of one's own mind. They wouldn't say that dimensions are a description given to reality, they would assert that you first had to prove that this reality, in which the concept of dimensions exists, actually exists.
I believe you're thinking of Kantianism.
I mean, I guess if you don't want to wait for a torrent to finish to show some friends, or you want a real cloud stored collection, it could make sense.
I just wanna DDL a BD rip already.
Man, Sabagebu was such a fun show. I loved the Road Warrior segment.
Anyone got the screencap of that? Good times.
>Leslie Nielsen as Kirei
I think I might have made that one
The one about italian wrestling is the best one, do you have it?
I'm still not over the fact that Cred Forums tricked me into watching that piece of shit
I saw a way better version of this
I was very disappointed by Ben-to decided it wanted to be a shit ecchi comedy more than it liked its actual premise.
It's a slice of life about fishing, they said, it'll be relaxing, they said.
I would have watched this way earlier if you hadn't tried to sell it as a slice of life.
kept you waiting, huh
I wish Overlord was about a slick bone daddy taking over the world and being cool to his minions, instead of just jerking off to how powerful him and his gang of nearly literal OCs are while they proceed to do nothing interesting.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
It's awful
That still fucking hurts, senpai.
kill yourself faggot
2 things wrong with this word choice: she succumbed to her injuries, it wasn't an intentional killing (not that it makes them less responsible for her death, just that the intent to kill wasn't there and assassinations are murders [and therefore intentional] by definition) and she wasn't a public figure, so it wasn't an assassination.
this except more pictures of her that cover up the words "it" and "for".
Yeah, but it's trash that's inferior to the other tenchi based anime it rips off so...you know.
So it's Dominion?
What's the sauce in the third pic in the gif portion on the right? Not the dark souls or the konosuba pic.
Im really gonna miss Active Raid
Nah, just Asami being great
if the gays are that chill than sign me up for dick sucking, my life's a nervous mess
OC fresh out the oven
It was only six, 45 minute episodes. Even if you hated it, it wasn't that much time lost.
This deserves more praise.
Oh okay so do not watch.
You made me laugh.
This a pretty good manga.
gonna need the full size smug on the right for future shitposting purposes
fucking perfect
Here. Nene smugs are fairly popular anyway
I'd praise it if I watched it.
....I don't get it?
Have you watched kumamiko? It contains way too much bullying.
That's because you got taken in by a shittier version. Superior and more accurate version was just above yours
It's a joke WEG that, for some reason, people have taken seriously.
Is that Sketchbook X Aria?
Yes, a crossover art.
Neato. I didn't think it was popular enough for fanart. Warm fuzzies.
Sketchbook has a lot of fanart, actually. There even were Sketchbook threads.
what anime is this?
An anime about a loser marrying a bigger loser than herself.
And is pretty comfy even with the blatant government propaganda.
It's also a short anime, I think you should have enough to find it by yourself now.
after five minutes all i can find is this insanity
and an anime called GATE which is clearly not this
except godzilla movies are actually fun
nice. is this show good for a rewatch?
Aspect ratio: it's not just nerd shit.
Akuma no Riddle
Read the manga, so you get a little bit more of a complete story, even if it's on hiatus.
Worst part is when the show literally goes "Wow! You can understand people if you just talk to them!"
Title pls
I can't decide if Symphogear is retarded or 10/10
Birdy is love. Birdy is life.
but its pretty straight. If even has multiple god-tier waifus
I would post my Wish Upon the Pleiades one, but mod hate maymays.
Not enough BEST DAD.
Good one.
Gunbuster was pretty cool
Diebuster on the other hand
I liked this series even though it was really shit.
The thread drama was S+ tier.
Dropped that show because of the dumbass Panda and boring ass conversations. I usually like Sol shows and the idea of this anime got me hyped for it but in the end it was shit.
Where is this from?
You should actually watch it before you criticize it, it makes you look less stupid
a manga
So was Active Raid actually good or just a shitposting fest? Everybody outside of Cred Forums seems to hate it with a passion.
>Everybody outside of Cred Forums seems to hate it with a passion.
Answered your own question
>implying any opinion outside of Cred Forums is worth shit
>implying that any opinion on Cred Forums is going to be better
The only fucking opinion that matters is your own you mongoloids.
You seem to like having opinions about shows you haven't watched yet then.
It's both.
purest love
All he wanted was to do animal crossing...
Probably one of the most pleasant surprises I've ever watched.
Show Name ?
Wow that's pretty acurate
Was he a farmer or a gardener?
The longer I watch this the funnier it gets.
Fucking based MJ
You and me both know that's bullshit.
Not nearly enough people have even seen the show past one or two episodes of the first season. Even then, people seem to like it more in Japan. Frankly, Active Raid is mostly a chill Super Sentai-esque police show with a lot of silly jokes and some cynical jabs at real life Japan. If you come into the show with those expectations and not some grand epic story, it's alright.
>0 fucking dmg
I miss Clementine her voice was sex
Overlord was boring as fuck, the only people who like it are the ones who like shallow power fantasies.
Active Raid's fucking fantastic, and I guess people outside of Cred Forums hate fun or something.
why would you watch a show you expected to be SAO?
So he can complain and shitpost about the popular show.
It has the best aidoru ever
Ending pissed me off though.
Well shit, I'm considering pick that up now.
Koe no Katachi flopped because of this animeme.
is 2nd place a flop? not to mention the japanese government showed this in schools - no doubt killing theater audiences
Not him but best girl lost.
best girl should have been made a breeding sow for delinquents
It's not about sekrit club, it's about not encouraging stupidity.
I'm pretty sure some guided you and almost any user here. Unless you are a genius...oh I forgot here at Cred Forums everyone is.
I absolutely do not want more people on Cred Forums, least of all if they're fags like you.
sensible chuckle my dear
Wtf is going on there?
Use Casino instead and the other has to be a movie not an Ozzy album.