>re:zero ended
>Mob ends in a couple of days
What the fuck do I watch now?
Re:zero ended
This 5
Good anime for once
Anime has peaked. The only way to save yourself from a lifetime of disappointment and sadness is to commit suicide.
whats gonna come out in winter 2016? anyone got the jpg?
An attempt to derail your falseflagging thread with doubles.
Reminder to sage
Wait longer for more stuff to get announced
A poor attempt I must say
I assume you have watched every anime gem there is of the last 20 years? Cause if not then i wonder why you even put any worth in seasonal anime.
Why haven't you saged this thread you dumb fuck
You know, the pic you posted.
Or just watch a bunch of anime that isn't currently airing
you can try if you really want recommendations
fuck off
When will JoJo stop airing? I know i'll get hooked if I start it so i'd rather wait until it finishes airing.
You kill yourself Cred Forums.
>crossboarder scum will be limited to jojo next season
A great improvement.
>dubs in a shit thread awaiting 404 is crossposting
Your backlog
>JoJo stop airing
What do you mean exactly, the current season or the entire series?
You could always try watching good anime.
The anime is only about halfway through, both in the current part and as a whole
Occultic;Nine or Drifters next season.
The current season will end at the end of the year
Fuck, that many episodes? I'll likely just watch it while it's airing then.
Just read the manga you baka
You suck at this senpai