sanji confirmed for second worst childhood of the straw hats
One Piece
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>Every single attractive antagonistic female character in One Piece has been redeemed on one way or another, including Monet in the future.
First for Monet not being attractive.
>literally duval
Third, both Robin and Nami had it worse.
Sanji is a clone my friends
Musketeers and now a identical sibling in an Iron mask, Oda's been at the Alexandre Dumas books.
To be fair the manga didn't really spill it out. So if you watched the anime first you might miss it completely.
nami's wasn't as bad sanji's
And here I thought he was engineered too, and didn't really have a mother. I guess it could still be the case. Nonetheless, Oda's anti-mother bias strikes again.
>from discovering DNA to clone armies in one lifetime
Over/under 150 years for the One Piece world to hit FTL travel.
>born on a battlefield
>forced into (potentially sexual) slavery for the man who killed her adoptive mother
>her village hates her because they don't know what she's doing for them
Explain how "muh daddy doesn't love me" is worse than that.
>tfw you have nothing else in life and still read this garbage even though you're 30
>Another Sanji jobbing fillershit chapter
I'm 30 too, but I still enjoy it.
>in one lifetime
by himself, without external backing, no less.
Nami and Robin's life was horrible since childhood and continued to be until they joined Luffy.
>Sexual slavery
nigga all they did was make her draw maps
>tfw you postponed your suicide because you wanted know how it ends but the drop in quality makes you reconsider
didn't they know for a long while?
Yeah but she's a woman and if she feels she was raped, then she was raped.
We don't know how long Sanji spent in this state, I guess. For all we know he'll escape in the next flashback chapter.
If that's the case, then he was mostly just bullied by some kids and otherwise lived a fairly pampered life until his father "just now" got fed up with him.
Its pretty obvious that Sanji is being set up for kicking his entire family's ass singlehanded with the way this story is going right now.
The biggest cliche in manga,movies,books,etc:
>hard work underdog beats superhuman prodigy.
user, they don't live in America
>born on a battlefield
don't contribute to her childhood experiences at all, she was a baby
she had a happy early childhood with a sister and a mother, and even after bellemere died she had her sister
pic related was from fishman island, chapter 651. it says the tea party is in four days.
in chapter 838, big mom says the party is tomorrow.
what did i get wrong here? i mean, it's impossible for punk hazard + dressrosa + zou to happen in just two days
No but Nami is Swedish according to Oda, so unless it was black immigrants, she was raped.
Wait. When did I become Cred Forums?
it doesn't matter when, so just leave and never come back
That's not the same tea party
it got delayed due to no candies from FI at first then the wedding postponed it until everyone could be present. mybe thats why she went postal that time jimbe had to stop her
Is it though, I mean we're dealing with multiple events happening at once in a story arc, that's how time compression works in big team books.
Assume unless you see something telling you there's a day night cycle, or the passage of a few days, everything's happening in one day.
What REALLY throws off the flow of time is how long did Luffy and the Sanji Super Secret Search and Secure Squad Supreme spend just getting to the Desert Islands.
Japan loves chosen ones so expect Sanji to unlock the full potential of his genetic modifications and is explained that his was a fluke that required going through hell just to unlock (Okama island)
Also is it just me or does the Vinsmoke family's genetic modications are simply just technology version of haki?
Like hardening, air walk, command and more.
she probably has tea parties all the time. that's a different one.
That doesn't even make sense.
a logia was wasted on monet
cesar too if you think about it
actually that whole arc was shit
>Life isn’t just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies… what we’ve seen, heard, felt… anger, joy and sorrow… these are the things I will pass on. That’s what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.
That's 3rd wave feminism for you. Women can consent to sex, then withdraw the consent after they've already had sex, and then it becomes rape.
Don't think about it, it's horrible and stupid.
Didn't you figure out by Fishman Island that Logias aren't such hot shit? Pekoms explained it when he beat up Caribou.
This is the exact point where Monet would no longer be redeemed. Although Kalifa wasn't redeemed
>sanji is such a fuckup that he needs hidden superpowers to be relevant again.
wtf i hate oda now
>potentially sexual slavery
Like hell they would lower themselves to fucking a filthy ningen. What's next, fucking a cow?
take that back
if you don't understand it, that means you've probably already raped or microagressed some poor females in your lifetime
you misogynist white male cis scum rape appologist
but the superhuman prodgies also did their hard work
>Muh Daddy doesn't love me
>Bullied by his super strong siblings
>Left to die by starvation
>Runs away
>Get marooned on an island for 3 months and almost starves
It's definitely up there
there's shalulia
except they are hot shit
Yes but she didn't know that they knew. She thought everybody hated her when in fact they avoided her because of their shame.
it took them a week to to reach Zou, then at least another week to reach Totland, then another three or four days have passed between their arrival at Pudding's island and the current events in WCI
It's been at least 20 days since Punk Hazard
this desu. fishmen are superior because they can breath on land and water.
Close but no, I'd say it goes
lol, Zoro
Some may argue Brooks was more fucked up than Sanjis and I'd understand them but in my opinion Brook at least had some fond memories to look back upon while he was traped on a boat for scenturies. Sanji however was just completely screwed right when he came to earth.
>knocked out by lame conquerers haki
>not beat up like her retard brother
It was fifty years dude, not centuries.
brook had the worst backstory overall. we know nothing about his childhood though.
Place your bets for who else gets a flashback this arc. Here's mine:
>Reiju, maybe
Honestly it feels tacked on and not foreshadowed
Caribou, Monet, and Cesar are hot shit now?
I agree with this. Being alone on a boat for 50 years sounds like hell. At least he had his instruments with him I guess, but realistically they should have degraded and broke partway through.
Sigh. This jobber is boring. Still waiting for my nigga Zoro and samurais.
Cedar the Pharmacist.
don't shit on Caedar D. Pharmacist you little unscientific pleb
It's going to be a long wait.
Pedro for sure, maybe Big Mom too
This was a really good chapter i liked it. Oda is such an amazing manga writer
They all had shit childhoods, except Brooke
Hell Luffy's was shit, but he was having fun so he didn't notice
have fun for the next year or so
It's less tacked on than the Goa Kingdom backstory at least, since we've known Sanji has some unknown connections to the North Blue that he ran away from for years.
I'm half expecting for Zoro to get a big expanded backstory in the near future at this point too, since his was even simpler than Sanji and Luffy's.
am I speedreading or did his cuffs just miraculously disappear?
Pudding! Also she's CUTE and WILL marry Sanji.
For all we know Brook's childhood was shit too. He became a knight, but then went on to become a pirate instead. What's up with that?
It'll probably be fixed in the volume version.
He took them off because they were uncomfortable.
Oda is bad with details, so he likely just forgot to draw them.
hopefully big mom
they are utter shit
but now justimagine how shitty they would be without logias
and just having a logia let them compete with some of the characters already established to be strong
look at the old 3 admirals and tell me their fruits weren't broken as fuck
I guess losing his hands isnt that big of a deal at all.
Pudding will not save you lunafag.
Sanji will marry Nami.
You can't change that
I miss Robin
maybe Oda decided cuffs + Zeff are overkill as repressants lmao
Cosette, where it is revealed she is a clone and a honey trap for Sanji.
>Robin lost all her family in a WG cover up
>Nami forced to serve a pirate group that invaded her village
>Sanji was an abused child
>Franky was an abandoned child and had got hit by a sea train
>Luffy lost Sabo
>Chopper was outcasted by his flock
>Zoro lost his first love
>Usopp was left home by dad
>Brook childhood? What's that?
Bloody hell, SH are a band of psychopaths.
Me too.
You had an entire year of Robin
Franky had his inventions used against him, which led to the death of his master and then proceeds to get run over by a train.
He definitely had it the worst.
calm your tits Kubo
At least he met his daddy. Not every strawhat was that lucky.
How is the third one a fedora post, idiot?
she's lucky, she gets to spent more time with law.
meant to write decades of course
You have no idea what psychopath means.
Reiju is still a shit character and a fucking pussy.
>ehh i don't want to be bullied like you so i will laugh at your tears instead of trying to protect you
The only way she could be slightly redeemed is that if she was the one to release Sanji from the prison, but i doubt that she did.
And his dad is a gigantic asshole, he would have been better off never knowing him.
Still butthurt after being BTFO are we?
Stay mad
Where are you reading the manga from Cred Forums?
I was using kissmanga, but they changed their translation into shittier ones a few days ago
Then i moved to power manga but it seems they stopped mid-Zou
so is sanji literally solid snake?
Reminder Yonji will also help Sanji escape along with Reiju.
Oda is setting him up
>I was using kissmanga, but they changed their translation into shittier ones a few days ago
what, really?
retire that
>Sanji was an abused child, outcasted into sea, had to starve and tasted slow death for 40 nights, and raped by a kingdom of transvestites in his adult day
Put Sanji on number two. Fucker suffered 10 times Zoro when he was a kid.
I thought people were being ironic when praising Reiju.
Leave us cover this in order and clearly.
Luffy - Raised by overly violent and negligent grandfather who threw him into the wilderness and left him in the care of bandits where he was consistently knocked around to get tougher and there was that one time he was tortured by a crook, almost burned to death, and watched his surrogate brother Sabo explode.
Zoro - So far, "My best friend fell down a fucking flight of stairs before she could live out her dream."
Nami - War Orphan raised in a happy loving home until militant fishmen out for racial revenge seize her home island, murder her adoptive mother, and force her to work herself into the ground making maps or thieving treasure to buy the freedom of her island for almost 10 years. To make no mention of whatever other abuses Arlong's crew visited onto her.
Usopp - "My mom died of mystery illness and I never met my dad."
Sanji - A failed Genome Soldier, consistently abused for a large chunk of his childhood by his siblings and father. When he finally manage to escape this hellish existence, he enjoyed maybe a month of his freedom before being stranded on a rock in the middle of the ocean for more than a month, where starvation almost turned into murderous intent. But stuff kinda upswings from there.
Chopper - Already abused and neglected for his genetic anomaly of a blue nose Chopper stumbled across a devil fruit and was COMPLETELY banished from his herd. When he attemped to approach people in the hopes of acceptance he was shot at and hunted for being what they perceived to be a monster. Until a wannabe doctor took him in and gave him purpose. A purpose which eventually lead to him accidentally poisoning his father figure who went on to commit explosive suicide in a failed attempt to save imprisoned doctors.
why would he need the cuffs when they already switched the threat level to killing the baratie
in 3 weeks, the chapt will be about how a call is coming in that the Germa branch that was supposed to keep Zeff in check has been wiped out. From there Sanji can finally go berserk because his cuffs
have magically disappeared.
He'll defeat all the Vinsmokes singlehandedly (or -leggedly), only Reiju will escape with her powers.
she's a shit indeed
No, everyone who is not a retard knew she was going to be good.
Your fault for falling for the she is bad meme.
yeah they now use mangastream's translation (during dressrosa+ at least) which feels like they are trying too hard with the translations i dunno
brook easily had it the worst
50 years drifting on a broken boat surrounded by the corpses of all your friends with literally nothing to do is the kind of thing that completely breaks you mentally, to the point where all you do is talk about panties and make weird puns because
mangasee has all the viz chapters
but you're best off if you download the bakabt torrent. that one has all the best scanlations.
Fourth (possibly tied with Chopper). Frankie, Robin and Nami are top3. And yes, Zoro's sad story is a joke.
Reiju probably pussy whipped Yonji to help her
>The only way she could be slightly redeemed is that if she was the one to release Sanji from the prison, but i doubt that she did.
Man, weekly shonen have to be so wonderful and magical for such absolute idiots like yourself. I mean people like you don't even manage to forsee the tiniest, most ovbious shit so every week has so many surprises for you to offer. It must be so damn nice to be dumb as bricks
thank you!
>I-i want Reiju to be a retard and get bullied as well
>just like nurutu
Just go
>mfw patiently waiting for Bonney to join
>I got the inferior recessive genes!
>yfw Sanji actually got the superior dominant genes
She's no shit but I don't see how she's good.
Not that user, but I can't help but feel that is a red herring. I mean, we've seen/read enough anime and manga to know anyone that outright says they're not actually a bad person usually end up being one while the one that acts all evil and doesn't say anything usually become a misunderstood anti-villain. My guess is that she is the one that instigated the bullying by manipulating her brothers into doing so. Hell, I won't be surprised if she was the one that beat Cosette and framed her brothers. As for why? She gets off on seeing Sanji suffering since she's a hard S and a major bro-con.
Pre timeskip > post timeskip Robin, and that's all here is to it
reiju isn't the strongest one when they were kids, exactly how would she "protect" sanji from three people at once?
I don't want her to be anything, I accept characters how they come and my judgement is that she's a shit person
>I-I was just pretending to make fun of you I swear
a shit
>guaranteed replies
But post timeskip she's done all the cutesy stuff.
Isn't that the opposite? Liquid gotten the superior genes while Solid gotten the crappy ones.
Robin - Born into a world a possible outlaw, her pursuit of her mother's interest would brand her a globally reviled criminal at the tail end of an abusive childhood and watching everything she ever loved not just burned but EXPLODED by cannon fire... With the only hope her life had known frozen to death before her very eyes. Followed by a lifetime of running from everyone everywhere ever until she stows away with the Strawhats.
Franky - Abandoned by mystery parents, surrogate family shows him love and purpose until his own creations are used to not only damn but help assassinate his adoptive father. Forced to rebuild his broken body from scrapyard junk, which was no doubt impossibly painful.
Brook - His happy pirate life comes to a tragic end after his friend and captain dies of a fatal illness, he watches the remnants of his crew slowly die from poison. Spends years as an incorporeal spirit before finally finding his skeletonized body, then proceeded to spend fifty years alone on a sunless sea, the stored away corpses of his friends in the hold of a rotting ghost ship.
Seduce them
luffy had the best childhood
too bad he was a little shit
Zoro is more about the open promise and the fact that it was his first love. It's the source of his ambition.
As for Usopp, it shows why he is the frenetic liar we know him as. In his hopeless despair he tried to coax the village into believing his father is returning just so that at some point it may become true. That in turn made the whole village despise him, even though he is just an abandoned kid with a dying mother.
Well, for the better or worse, Oda will continue with this manga for atleast another decade.
Same here, senpai.
>Being this much of a coward.
>superhuman genes
>can't even learn haki or geppou so they have to rely on technology
vinsmokes confirmed for top tier scrubs
Call it bait if you want, but name me a case where someone claim they didn't want to be mean to someone else because they were forced into it, didn't actually end up doing so because they enjoys being mean.
pre TS too
>a smart character not doing something stupid
Oh, now I understand why you guys don't like her.
Is because you are too stupid to understand why she did that.
Yeah I think what that user was trying to say was that Sanji is like liquid where everyone said that he was a failure but he was actually the superior one the whole time
No, Ussop had the 'best' childhood. He might have lost his mother, but his father is still alive and he ended up getting a waifu.
Whatever you say lady, Girls must stick together, I guess.
What's Zoro's background anyways?
Don't give me that shitty unfullfilled childish promise, just because he was always losing to a girl.
I hope Oda never tried to expand on Usopp's backstory the same way he is for the other East Blue characters.
Being the simple village orphan is a good fit for him, since he's by far the most human of all the Straw Hats. The drama at Water 7 and his worship of the Elbaf warriors give him plenty of depth already, even if it's not tied to a dead mentor figure.
Reiju needs an Usopp-tier apology to get any sympathy from me.
Zoro most likely will get something too and it will be related to the new world and how he somehow got lost and ended up in east blue. Screencap this.
Well, except we kinda saw the scientists say he's an actual failure. If there was no flashback to that part, then Sanji might have been Liquid. Except now it's clear he's Solid Snake.
That's all he has dude.
>His dad isn't Vegapunk
>but he is a grade a bastard
At least the final battle of this arc will be satisfying when Luffy punches him really hard
Can't a guy want something without some sob story to motivate him?
The guy likes swords. He wants to become better at swords. He enjoys becoming better at swords.
Which is why their army is so dangerous. The fact that you can't really teach Haki and you're applying Haki-like technology for an army to use has insane potential to rule the world.
Like Marine soldiers have their shitty guns, what is that going to do against one enhanced soldier?
Reiju is holding on the sex to make Yonji do her bidding by helping Sanji.
So what exactly are you fags on about? Are you seriously trying to cope because your bullshit predictions about Rejiu being evil didn't come true? I'm pretty damn sure Sanji accepted her being a douche to him in front of the other three idiots because it is pretty obvious that she could do more for him in that position. Who the fuck would it help if she'd be bullied alongside him. It's sad that you have to spell the smallest most obvious shit out for guys like you
Pedro is a given
An unexplained obsession is just boring.
>being this much of a butthurt escapism faggot, that he gets mad if there is even the slightes of a scenario in which characters act reasonable
I laughed out loud.
I bet 5$ that you and the other butthurt anons were bullied in RL.
you realize you are reading one piece
where every character has to get a feels backstory and a burning motivation
Reiju might force him to help because he's the little bitch of the siblings but I can't see him going out of his way to help Sanji on his own
It does to a point. It is more of a guideline for law enforcement or for anyone a woman makes a disclosure to that they were raped. It is important that the police take the complaint seriously and believe the woman is telling the truth - at least initially. The same principle applies to child abuse.
>Coward betting on other people being bullied IRL.
My sides.
her only crime is laughing at someone, and we do that day in and day out
Intoducing, my headcanon:
His family was a nomad monks who moves from island to island, that explains his spiritual prowess. One day his friends got attacked by a band of sword-wielding pirates, the captain challenged Zoro into a duel and promised will free his family if he can touch him, he lost of course, that explains why he's obsessed with getting stronger.
Timecapsule this post.
>being to stupid to understand anything
I guess only retards get bullied.
>Pedro and his ties to piracy
>Dadji, how he created his offspring, how his wife died, probably something of his former research too. That's where we'll see the first propper silhouette of Vegapunk
>A little bit of Pudding tied maybe with parting ways with Lola
>Big Mom and why she wants to gigantify everyone
>Capone and the shit he's been up to
And that's not even all. This seems to be a long arc you guys
>(potentialy sexual)
You've been reading too many Arlong Park doujins
Yeah, Pound pounding Big Mom for example, and I'd love to see some more Urouge shared.
exactly. germa is making haki and all those skills available to a common soldier.
>DNA is a spiral
>Eyebrows are spirals
This is some Junji Ito tier shit
>all those snail phones used to be people
Sanji confirmed for gay.
Yeah, this will most likely happen. Another reason why I think so is because Yonji didn't got sent with the brothers, instead he stayed with Reiju so they are most likely closer.
not enough where do i find them
Helix is, like, twice as much spiral as a normal spiral
Gurren Lagann taught me that
>reading comprehension
Shouldn't you be at school right now boy?
He was talking about cosset you closet fag.
niji was actually talking cosette there. (literally said "that cooking woman") but niggastream decided to turn it into gay innuendo
Different teaparty more than likely.
The magical translation negro strikes again
Sorry I reminded you of how small you are.
>Anti Reiju fags and miss fatty are pic related.
I fucking love your tears
So who would win, the okama kingdom or the germa 66?
I keep seeing it but who the fuck is miss fatty? Did I miss something last week? I really don't remember any faggot with such a trip.
Are Viz translations any good? Zolo triggers me.
I'm pretty sure a few chapters back he was drawn without the chin fuzz
>SH are a band of psychopaths.
Is some delusional shipper. Literally responds every time she sees the name miss fatty.
Not gonna lie, the way they are typing is like they have that facial expression as they type.
Fucking hilarious
>"I didn't even know you swung that way"
Unless Mangastream fucked that up like suggests, that makes no sense as it stands. Why would he be surprised Sanji is straight? So that has nothing to do with reading comprehension?
neither does your butt
I subscribe to jump and other than Zolo they have the best translation.
Helix is also a bretty gut gay porn studio.
I just interpreted it as them being surprised Sanji took a liking to a commoner
Yeah is a fuck up.
>specialized in CoO
>repeatedly shown not being able to matrix around shots
>constantly surprised by enemies
Yeah, he found Doffy and the sniper in Dressrosa but god damn. I guess Zoro only really showed hardening against Pica but I just want to see some impressive application of CoO from someone who is supposed to be dedicated to that aspect of haki. I understand that CoO doesn't mean shit if the opponent is faster but you'd think Oda would at least try to incorporate it into Sanji's fights. That said, Sanji hasn't really been in a single real fight since NW
>still going on with his loser rage over some fictional stuff
I used to think the fact that Nami, Sanji, Zoro, and Franky were all, apparently, orphaned was telling of a much larger conflict.
The links to Sanji deepen
That didn't happen in his childhood
>another character with a tragic background
Why is Oda such a hack, he does the same thing for 700 chapters.
Wait, who is this new character you speak of?
Considering how strong Bon Clay is and the fact that there's 99 Okama kenpo masters, they can easily wipe the floor with germa 66 unless they use chemical weapons or something. Then we gotta remember Emporio who works with dragon and is so dangerous he was locked up in a secret area of impel down as well.
>Deflecting over and over with meme images.
I bet you wish you could do this when you get daily bullied. At least they would look at you with pity.
Nami is big mom's daughter
He's obviously talking about the rat and turtle user, don't discriminate against animals.
>filthy ningen
>Sabo? This is Hack.
Wow, Oda seriously went and wrote himself into the story just like that?
One Piece is actually the name of Oda's house
I may be misogynist, but I'm not white nor cis so fuck you
>logia with intangible physical form
>still loses limbs
Logia inflicting wounds onto another logia I can understand, but how did Croc lost his hand again?
Haven't seen you for a while.
I get the feeling that whatever was done to those kids made them have into "artificial" D.'s
Maybe the D's are limitless and it is a blood line thing that judge and vegapunk figured out. Potentially Sanji is also an artificial D, but he didn't inherit his fathers will -- but his mothers.
Who the fuck knows.
haki. or lost it before eating the fruit.
Whitebeard probably
>Shitposter? This is last year.
I don't think we know, didn't we always see him with the hook? The cigar picture with both hands being normal is an oversight in the anime. I do not remember any flashback where Croc losing his hand is explained.
Maybe before he got his fruit, or became infamous?
So if Judge was working with Vegapunk that means him and Caesar might know eachother. I hope they will meet and talk about Vegapunk.
Didn't Sabo come back?
Also, psychopath is the technical term for 'sociopath', it means they're incapable of feeling empathy and prone to disregard the lives of others for their own satisfaction.
SH are a band of broken people who support and protect one another.
Sabo? This is ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA got Epic BTFO year of *The SanjixJack is jobber threw the note you only need 3 sparrow sized next nakama happened this chapter do your best to appreciate I'm strong too, son
I don't get this. Did Judge impregnate a woman or were they created in a test tube?
>Didn't Sabo come back?
15 years after Ace/Luffy had to mourn for him.
The fuck are you saying? The hook was just like a gauntlet.
>Didn't Sabo come back?
younger Luffy didn't know that.
Seeing what happened to each of SH crew, I also surprised they didn't become that.
I'm guessing Oda will expand Zoro's backstory during Wano. Maybe we'll learn what the fuck happened to his parents and why was he challenging random dojos in the East Blue.
Hopefully it won't have anything to do with him being part of a royal family or some bullshit like that.
>The hook was just like a gauntlet.
nah it's a replacement for his hand. they wouldn't a have let him keep it in prison otherwise
Probably both
You're using common sense. In One Piece.
>why was he challenging random dojos in the East Blue.
this was anime filler
This, as much as it is sad to have grown an orphan, people on the town didn't hate Usopp and he even got the best waifu to wait for him back home.
she probably died as a result from the experiments
>the Germa Soldiers don't know they're manufactured
>AND they knew Sanji was a pirate
>AND they knew where the Baratie was
Wait... is one of the Baratie cooks a Germa 66 plant? Patty has the hair, Carne has the glasses...
It's not a gauntlet, man.
nothing happened: the chapter XDDDD
He never lost a hand.
>don't know they're manufactured
>they all look the same
it has been mentioned like 5 times that big mom has a deep network that spans the entire world, mr.mach 10 reader
If it's in your typical Oda backstory, he probably impregnated his wife. She gave birth and died to some governmential assholishness, which made him butthurt to the point he modified his children to take vengeance on them for him.
Business as usual :)
They think they are chinese.
You have to be kidding.
Or just shitposting?
they got the zeff info from tamago
Read the manga, they aren't aware. And there's little differences to distinguish each other.
I guess it could be argued that it was shown at Punk hazard when he 'heard the tears of a lady' and got Kinemon's body back.
But yeah, so sad there is no CoO implementation to fights
damn yonji looks ripped this chapter
>speedreading every chapter since Germa was introduced
Are you trying to break a record?
>What's next, fucking a cow?
I mean, they did have Mohmoo so it's not completely out of the question.
Living a month without food is not that hard actually.
More than like birthed by a woman but still the products of gene manipulation, a la solid/liquid snake, since judge mentions their mother later on in the chapter.
yeah it's not like he was a fucking child
It isn't, but only if you get whatever is needed for your body from other sources, like tea.
But an imprisoned kid with a small body who probably had nothing but normal water to drink, that'd be impossible.
Oda watched clone wars then that movie with the iron masked prince, got high on some drug and mixed the stroy.
Cesar is pretty fucking broken. Depraving your opponent of oxygen is completely OP.
Not if your opponent can hold his breath... for a loooong time.
How do you know?
God help me, Sanji stumbling around like the Kid in the Iron Mask while his dad was holding a funeral for him was the funniest shit ever.
The Germa get cooler with every chapter.
So Sanji is a Primarch?
it would've been better if the lines read
>"Even I didn't think you could fall for a commoner like her..."
>"I guess that pathetic chef corrupted you more than we thought."
>fucking Urouge has better feats than Sanji post-ts
Whitebeard and his commanders always reminded me to the Emperor and the primarchs. Like Teach being Horus (i know he wasn't a commander but still) Ace as Sanguinius, Marco as Lion or papa smurf, etc.
Anything would have been better than "ayy Sanji, you gay for that East Blue cook?"
Cute cover
So Reiju helped Sanji escape, that's pretty much confirmed.
What if Sanji is the only natural son
>bu-but they're not clones
>bu-but Sanji is only strong cause of his genes, like Luffy and Zoro
Yeah, by her reaction it looks like it. She helped Sanji run away
To be fair Luffy is the only supernova with better feats than Urouge post time skip
Zolo and BB
They are not clones though. Just modified children.
Did you skip the part where their blood get blessed
One of these is not a supernova.
I meant the clone pawns. Probably should have specified, huh.
Even if you hold your breath, he can still take away the air stored in your lungs, can't he?
no that's retarded, he can't make gas pass through your lips
Has he stopped jobbing yet?
>Implying king Urouge is not confirmed as strongest supernova
you are not supernova
The strongest person Zoro defeated so far was that rock guy from doflamingo family, this is not a big achievement, at least not compared to taking down one of the strongest members of the big mom crew
BB is not a supernova
He should be able to act on it, e.g. expand/compress it, stir it etc. It should be a matter of how well you can hold it in vs how well he can force it out.
And I guess he could theoretically move around the air so that it doesn't touch the places where gas exchange with your blood takes place. Whether he can do such insane micromanagement? Doubt it, really.
What if it was actually Cosette that had unknowingly let him go? Like, she had heard sobbing while feeding the prisoners and felt bad for him but didn't know who he was since his face was hidden behind the mask.
rat and turtle will break sanji out of prison
fucking screencap this
Sanji is a late bloomer, power up incoming.
But the rat died. RIP.
Wano is coming.
Do you really think Zoro won't get to do something cool during that arc?
It is pretty obvious it is gonna be Reiji
>Pekomz has a turtle fruit
If this happens, it's also foreshadowing of Pekomz coming in for the rescue later.
>Zoro has better feats than Urouge
Kek'd, Ok, BB has done some incredible shit, granted.
But Zoro? Zoro has not done shit since they got to the new world (beating pica =/= beating a sweet commander)
BB is part of the worst generation since he became notorious and rose to power on the same year the 11 supernova arrived at archipelago
Sanji's wedding hadn't even been planned until he got his new, non-shitty bounty picture on Dressrosa
>outer skeleton
Is Sanji getting a power up n this arc?
I think he will, yes, but that's speculation
I'm talking about what happened already, not my head canon
My friend and I did an entire timeline on this shit. I believe (been a while since I looked at the timeline) that when luffy beat Hody in fishman island it was during Jacks attack on zou. Fishman island, punk hazard, and dressrosa collectively took like 4 to 5 days total.
Another point is that Nami and Co took almost a day to get to zou from dressrosa when big mom's ship came to dressrosa, but luffy and law took like 8 days or something even though nami had no idea where zou was and law had a vivre card of bepo. The only explanation is that zou moved a lot in the one and a half days luffy spent on dressrosa, but i dont fucking believe that zou walked that fucking far in such a short time.
And lastly, one of the zou captions says "10 days ago" and describes a set of events occuring, but it should have been 11 days ago instead, Oda fucked up the days. I'm too lazy to post why its 11 days instead of 10, but the extra day difference would have been the death of all the minks on zou because of slimey taking 48 hours to kill everyone (chopper made it just barely in time or else a day later and they all ded).
Oh and one more thing...
When jack left to get doffy from fujitora when he was captured, luffy had left that morning from dressrosa and jack had arrived in the afternoon or something so if luffy had spent a lil bit longer playing around with fujitora, he wouldve ran into jack.
Its pretty neat how close some of these events are when it comes to running into someone strong vs missing them.
nami and her whole village were essentially slaves and she wasn't free until many years later.
sanji's life was hell, but he got out of it while he was still pretty young. he did have a really shit time with zeff at first, but then the rest of his childhood up until when he met luffy was nothing but fun for him.
So a rat it is
Or some rouge Germa soldiers, some were crying during Sanji's funeral. Sanji was probably the only Vinsmoke that treated them kindly.
Please get the fuck out.
Yes, he will combine fire with lighting or whatever bullshit power his brother have. He is a late bloomer
So I guess Sanji will get some super clone powerup in this arc because of some late awakening shit or something like that?
when did yonji get so ripped?
Yeah, maybe a sword too?
I know what it means, I am wondering how will this play
Sanji's brother have the abilities to grow a exoskeleton to fight? Will he do it too?
>sanji reveals the truth to the whole army and creates an uprising against his family
Im reading my post again and i apologize if its written by a fucking 2 year old but i was somewhat in a hurry. I will probably type up the actual long version of the timeline sometime later and post it (if anyone is interested) in another one piece thread in the future.
I like how Oda took the most innocuous Supernova and made him the only independent one that didn't get fucked by the New World. Winners don't have to be the flashiest, they just have to work hard
>Sanji once again doing nothing when he should be able to wipe the floor with all of them
>In his sleep
You probably meant to reply to
Naturaly broad shoulders does not mean he is ripped. But his neck is pretty thick too, or it may be just Oda's style
Just stop, him gaining clone power would completely go against everything that has been setup already. He's going to win using what he learned from Zeff and the Okama's. Anything else would be a massive cop-out.
Was this "Ratatouille" reference?
how many did we get in Dressrosa?
>Senor Pink
>Baby 5
>Chin Jao
He literally looks like zoro
They're threatening to have his defenseless father figure murdered so yeah I can understand why he's holding back.
But so far I'm enjoying the year of Sanji.
Sanji will combine his inevitable Vinsmoke clone powerup with his current strength and then he'll solo his entire family. This shit is so fucking predictable.
It's just the equivalent to Haki-armor. Everything shown so far seems to be a derivative of artificial Haki abilities. Sanji getting actual Haki is a giant slap to their faces.
Seeing as sanji was almost called naruto, creating clones doesn't seem that weird.
I think maybe the death threat on the man who raised him and the possibility of getting his hands amputated is holding him back
Shit you are right, sorry
Oda makes a point of having his family members either uses humans as shields or menacing his friends so he can't fight back, pretty sure he won't need any powerup.
Sanji will get a power up this arc. Something new. You are retarded if you don't think so. Something like what his brothers have.
You say "stop" like if saying that will change anything. Oda is the one to decide and it looks like Sanji will gain some type of power this arc. You saying stop won't change a thing.
I kinda like Yonji, he's like the muscular and more childish version of Sanji.
I hope you are right and it is not an actual exoskeleton, because that would be hell dumb
He is, that's why I think he will end up helping Sanji.
Why not Rokushiki/Tekkai? Or is that too outdated now, or "it was haki all along!"?
Sanji probably is already stronger than his entire family combined, he doesn't need a power up, he needs to be able to fight without worrying about his crew, his hands, the human shields, or Zeff.
Franky loses points for a lot of that shit being his own fault.
They want everything artificial so soldiers can be effective the moment they are 'born'. Teaching clones skills would take too much time and resources. Think of it more like building a robot than cloning.
Ichiji might be stronger.
Ten bucks Reiju will end up opening Sanji's cuffs and take over the Germa 66.
Cossette and Sanji CONFIRMED
The only thing Sanji is going to so is kick harder. Eventually he's going to kick so hard, he goes full 720 Dempsey Roll and hit them before he even kicked.
he's a kid and even if you survive it would probably stunt your growth
it's swelling because sanji kicked him so hard
Wasn't it closer to three in the manga, with five days' worth of food rationed out for the first twenty?
It's been a while since I read Baratie.
I think ichiji is stronger for now.
Haki has to be learned, Rokushiki has to be learned. If you can implant 20 years of life experience into someone in a span of five years, the same could be done with skills, I'd say.
>artificial haki abilities
Just asking why it should be based on haki specifically.
85 days
5 days worth of food, eaten within the first 25 days
I'd argue that'd make the suffering even higher
>your father figure is dying, and it's your fault
So anons, do you believe that one "spoiler" where Luffy dies fighting Kaido and Law sacrifices himself to bring Luffy back?
the anime expanded on her exploring the wreckage of Zou
it was nice
don't worry, Oda already did that for him
No it sounds stupid. Law has already has his arc where he risked his life and now he's just gonna be the tsundere sidekick
This is no spoiler, it's just a stupid theory.
Who knows, maybe his wife had Haki and this is all his way of subverting his memories of her or something. Have to wait until we get Dadji's flashback to learn all the details.
user that thing was full of plot holes and BS. It wasn't real
Link to what im referring to
m.facebook com/MugiwaraShopPhilippines/photos/a.1405318699684662.1073741829.1405306646352534/1798177960398732/?type=3
waiting for the tiny reveal that mom has the same eyebrow direction as sanji
Oh yeah, no doubt about it. At what point did you realize it was bullshit?
>The part where Sanji's family backs him up
>linking to facebook
>do you guys believe that?
Facebook is nothing more than a giant sewer, user. Nothing more. There is only trash and shit in there.
>AND phoneposter
Legitimately kill yourself and never come back to this thread.
I'll take that bet and raise you another ten betting that it will be pudding who unlocks his cuffs and the bins moles get redeemed. Sanji still won't fuck with them or like them but they will be better by the end
>visage tome
I hope so, he and Reiju are the only ones who didn't get outpowered yet, and we all know strong women in one piece are very rare.
scroll down, the guy who wrote it confirmed that it's fanfiction
I can't tell you how satisfying it is seeing these smug fucking self-contented prediction posts be invalidated when the story plays out. Like how everybody jerked themselves off about how they just KNEW Luffy would one-shot Cracker, and cummed at how good they are at predicting stories. But then were all quiet when the next chapter came out.
tl;dr kill yourself
If Carrot joins, she'll be the only one without any sad backstory.
Why is everyone asking if Sanji is gonna get a powerup? He's already strong enough. Back in the day, he'd just hurt his hands if he tried to hit his brothers. Now he's confirmed to have beaten the shit out Yonji and smacked Niji effortlessly. The only reason why he's getting hit is because of Zeff.
>not having confidence in Ma D. Monk
So, are the Vinsmoke kids quintuplets?
And I'm waiting for the reveal that she's just a gender-bent version of Sanji. A cross-dressing chef that hits on all the females and gets them to call her Onee-sama.
Watching Sanji job week after week is getting a little pathetic now
I dont even like Sanji
How exactly do none of the Germa 66 members know that they're clones? They look exactly alike. What kind of fake backstory were they given?
I sure am glad that there are no Nazi's in One Piece
brainwashed like north koreans
"low-class people look similar"
plus didn't they say that they "program" them into being obedient and fearless?
>m-muh genetic engineering
>Niji gets kicked in the face
>Yonji gets completely blown the fuck out
what was even the point
Stop that shit, you post in every tread and it's retarded every time.
That kick did nothing to Niji
He ought to, running away from faggots isn't exactly the same as training with mihawkl or reighly
Sanji still got beaten by Nija and will get curbstomped by Ichigi
he took a bruising
I wonder how powerful the Germa 66 soldiers actually are. They may have strength in numbers, but that doesn't matter in the One Piece universe. Back in Fishman Island, just 10 people defeated an army of 10000 pirates.
>Nazi's are the leaders in science!
Where have I heard this before?
Sanji held back due to Zeff
Niji used some electric shit that had nothing to do with genetics
>that 4 vs like 30 characters
>zoro opening his eye for sasuke powers
>luffy fighting while being dead
>sanji making up with his family
>I stopped to even continue with that 14-16 yo autistic fanfic shit
Kek, the only believable thing was sanji jobbing like always
How long before Oda actually shows us what Vegapunk looks like?
Seems like he broke his jaw.
How much do you wanna bet that the WG actually coninued investigating cloning in secret? They just wanted an excuse to arrest Vegapunk and make him work for them.
Brook will get more added about before he became a pirate.
5 years
>How much do you wanna bet that the WG actually coninued investigating cloning in secret?
It would certainly explain the Pacifista series.
Normal procedure is to have him look like Einstein, but since it's Oda, it's going to be an elephant, an ugly fat man, or the most buxom and beautiful female we have ever seen on page so far.
What reason would Sanji have to hold back? He knew Niji beat up Cossette and disrespected the food, he only stopped fighting until Ichiji reminded him about Zeff.
>post yfw you realize diable jamble is not his power he got from his dad because Dadji and Reiju didn't say shit when they saw it
>post yfw Sanji's power from his dad will come out this arc and will be OP
It's going to be a loli.
>Pacifista is destroyed
>You see all the mechanical parts
I seem to recall one of them bleeding real blood. They are cyborgs, not robots.
Are you sure it's real blood and not just standard robotic fluid that looks like blood?
but how does the wedding make sense? G66 didn't know that Sanji was a pirate until he got a new wanted, non-shitty wanted portrait after Dressrosa
Did I say the were robots?
Fucking really? You are asking a plot point that was seen in the manga but you didn't pay attention? Go read it on a wikia or something.
>if she feels she was raped, then she was raped.
so how does his father not see how strong he is despite being "regular"
and on that note if sanji can use haki how could the cuffs even hurt him?
also he'll probably continue holding back unti someone he likes tells him to kick their asses.
sanji is a cuck, plain clothes and sample
>>post yfw you realize diable jamble is not his power he got from his dad because Dadji and Reiju
Why the fuck would anyone think it had to do with them to begin with? It's just friction. The electricity is entirely different.
>vegapunk was a regular old man but he's so intelligent he discovered a way to become a little girl
Idk if you are dense because he was clearly threatened
>can't explain Oda's plotholes
>I know, I'll insult him instead!
We're all calling it now, Reiju is the one who helped Sanji out of the mask and let his escape.
Oda did say that Sanji would be from France in the real world. So he must be foreshadowing Sanji past even before we knew about it.
he has his father's intellect. Why do you think he's so god amazing with making food? Imagine if he had been taught as a scientist instead of a chef or soldier. That's where his father failed.
>Supersonic reader
>I-I can't keep up spoonfeed me pls
cyborg loli
All of them possibly.
>Pedro flashback to his pirating days
>Reiju flashback to her childhood before her four younger brothers are born
>Pudding flashback with her father and how come she has that third eye possibly
>he's still doing it
We probably going to get more of Zoro's past once we reach Wano after finding out his parents are from Wano but moved to the East Blue while Zoro's mom was still pregnant with him.
Post yfw you remember Sanji's animal theme is the duck. He's the ugly duckling.
I want to commit a crime.
It's been explained SEVERAL times that Dadji wants to take control of north blue and wants to use Big Mom's power to do so. She asked for one of his sons in marriage like she has done probably over a hundred times with her other sons and daughters to make the connection between the Vinsmokes and the Big Mom's family but Dadji didn't want to sacrifice the sons he cares for so he looked for Sanji to offer him instead.
There, it's fucking easy to follow a story for kids. I'm sorry you have the intelligence and attention of a mongoloid chimp with an extra chromosome.
Im not sure i understand what you mean sorry. If you mean the whole tea party is in 4 days thing during fishman island then the other Cred Forumsnons are correct in that the wedding tea party is different from the one big mom talks about during trashman islans. And I am the one who wrote
Im not this user
his sensei is from wano.
zoro certainly isn't.
It's not the cuffs that's holding him back. It has always been Zeff. Sanji is well aware there isn't anything he can do to save him if Dadji became serious about wiping him out.
What if the reason sanjis legs have started breaking because his body has started to go into decline due to his modified dna?
Cyborg loli with nipple lights.
>G66 didn't know that Sanji was a pirate until he got a new wanted, non-shitty wanted portrait after Dressrosa
That's wrong tho.
iirc somewhere it's mentioned he said it was a prosthetic and they let him keep it.
but he has both hands, a knife, a poison hook, and the gold hook over that
It will be the SH as whole unlike now and it wont be centered around zoro like it is now around sanji
No kidding, OP is like the only manga that really makes me worry about and feel with the characters. If sanji isn't going super saiyan soon and kicks his brothers and fathers ass im gonna get angry like hell.
Luffy vs Ussop made me cry
I actually kek'd really hard when ussop held his own against luffy for like 30 seconds
Once those cuffs come off and Judge's men discover who there really are and backstab him. Judge will get the beating of a lifetime realizing that he only relied on his gadgets and solider, not his own strength.
His defeat is going to be Spandam-defeat levels of sweet justice.
So do the vin kids possess wolverine-like skeletons?
It was really weird how it was funny and tragic that Usopp was still fighting with his silly tricks against Luffy
special concoction of jam
i really felt for brook at the end of the thriller bark arc when everyone is singing bink's brew and it keeps flashing back to when he was on yorki's ship
the rest of his family represents germans,
stronk, stoic and practical thinkers
while sanji represents the french - pussies out of fights, cooks, perverted, sentimental
so basically MGS4? with proxy soldiers and MGS in general with the BigBoss's "kids"? Also, how exactly is the Vinsmoke nobles?
what if all of them are actually clones.
Sanji is the perfect clone of his dad and his dad is pissed that he is just a regular human, no weaker than that.
Now I have to wonder. If Brook can now separate his spirit from his body and we know the Underworld exists. Can't he just go there and visit his dead comrades?
They are not clones you speed reading faggot
this fanfic
What really got me was the "I'm so happy that I'm alive" part. I was already tearing up well before that but that page just broke the dam. Then I felt happy for him too. A rollercoaster of emotions (2).
mom could be a fake we didn't see her
Don't exaggerate. None of the Straw Hats have had it anywhere near as tough as Brook and it's not debatable.
fuck that reasoning , he literally had to rebuilt his own body using Scraps and rusty shit. people highly Underestimate how fucking bad that is
What's with everyone thinking every character is lying?
Jesus you faggots all have trust issues.
brook's wasn't childhood though
why would Judge tell him that he has a mom that goes against his own ideals?
We're talking about childhoods.
Can we all just agree the all of the straw hats had sad fucked up pasts and be done with this? This topic over who's had it worst has been debated to death, and it's clear that we all can't agree on the same thing.
Dadji literally generically modifying his children, calls them the perfect being. Bravo Oda, Bravo.
You know, this is some Bleach/DragonBall/naruto tier "you were born with the genetics to not suck and be THE ONE" tier bullshit.
It used to be OP about getting lucky with the DFs abilities, then it was about learning the Haki, now it turns out that almost each character in the Strawhat crew got some top "chosen one" genetics which gives them +99 base stamina/HP, Wound Regeneration, Strength, Agility, Defense, Battle Genius Intellect and Luck.
I mean, sure I know and it's to be expect that Luffy would be THE specially snowflake for being Dragon's son and the main character but come on, each character's past arc have shown us how amazing whooping woo they (or they're parents) where to boot, it just completely takes away that feeling of "under-dogs vs totalitarian world reich" feeling this show used to have which peaked at the W7/Lobby arcs and was completely gone since the Time Skip, then sort of came back briefly in Dresspink but not really.
Queue this "professor eugenics" maniac which brings in genetic modified births into a Pirate era world where they use birds to communicate the news.
It just feels more and more out of place.
Everyone knows that Sanji's power up is going to be his okama kenpo.
Only haters and autistic kids believe that.
Everyone's knows that will not be it
>Judge being mad as fuck because Sanji reminds him of his dead wife
No, his actual power up is kicking so hard, it creates an explosion, akin to that of a mantis-shrimp.
>now it turns out that almost each character in the Strawhat crew got some top "chosen one" genetics which gives them +99 base stamina/HP, Wound Regeneration, Strength, Agility, Defense, Battle Genius Intellect and Luck.
Mind posting some examples?
>oda keeps writing filler shit and backstories rather than going to the fucking one piece
>pisses off WSJ
>gets rushed to finish one piece
>suddenly the one piece was the adventure memories all along
Oda is dragging this for way too long.
are you fucking actually fucking retarded?
luffy almost lost to a yonko's commander and needed help against dofla, sanji has gotten fucked over and over no matter his fucking genetics, he almost lost to fucking vergo for fucks sake
his genetics mean balls against real powerhouses
only examples are Luffy, Ace and Sanji
arguably Usopp
don't be retard
>genetics makes you a chosen one
stop with your head. Naruto and sasuke were strong just from the simple fact of their blood line.
He didn't get his strength from his blood line and would have been a weak, mind broken child if he had stayed. It was all thanks to zeff
He's a fucking deer with a DF. Nothing special about that
A weak Marine for a mother
No family shown to say he comes from some special group.
he was trained by tom. Not birth into a special family.
she had to study hard to gain her knowledge.
Not enough shown
As long as One Piece's ranking is good, Jump has absolutely no reason to cancel the manga.
A manga series running for a long time is not a reason to axe it. (Kochikame ran 40 years)
If anything Oda could piss off the fans, making OP drop in ratings, but when (if ever) that happens remains to be seen.
He's not Kubo.
Oda will be fine.
What about Bleach then?
>not wanting OP to continue for as long as possible
bleach's rankings were shit
fock off, i prefer these backstories than just checklist the manga.
The rankings were awful for quite some time?
>dressrosa babies are worse than marine ford babies
what a surprise
did kochikame really maintain his ratings? or at that point it was just because he was around for so long?
Judge impregnated Vegapunk.
Vegapunk is a woman and she is Sanji's mother
I wonder if Sanji will make the connection
No idea. I was curious to see how Bleach did in the last issues, and found this here
Seems Kochikame did better than Bleach, anyway.
And Bleach is "only" on place 17 of the best-selling manga of all time (at least according to wiki), far away from Kochikame and One Piece.
They all born naturally, but all have been genetically modified, now the fire legs make more sense
>you will never EVER lick Perona's sweaty dirty sour lolita feet after a hot summer day
I'd bet on seeing more of Big Mom, Pedro, and Brook's past.
Not him but I still wonder, how would she protect him? We saw the brothers, we saw the father, we saw the environment they grew up. What she did was totally logical. There was nothing she could help and even a slight try would put her in a shitty spot too.
Having a mom and being genetically modified doesn't mean that you can't be a clone also. People need to understand that.
Did you even read Sanji's new flashback? He wss weak as sin. The weakest. A normal human. His genes sucked dick.
What the fuck
Pretty sure we don't know everything about Zoro's background yet.
I'd be pretty hype for some very early flashback, maybe during Wano arc. When he'll really be going against a challenging opposant.
>zoro gets new flashback
>it's literally just him ending up in the dojo after getting lost
>turns out Zoro actually has a very traumatic story about finding his way
you've barely read any manga then
>4. The Promised Neverland*
monkey d luffy
roronoa zoro
vinsmoke sanji
tonytony chopper
cutty flam
nico robin
what are nami, usopp and brook's full names?
I wish I had 14 again
How is it bait when hes 1000% right.
Bitch is way too smug to be "good".
The fact you all are falling for it just proves Cred Forums is dead and populated by lvl 0 reader casuls now.
There are people reading this right now who honestly believe that nardo was GOAT material.
new thread
Bangs a shit
skeleton brook
god usopp
bigtitty nami
>being this bad at manga
Is post traumatic stress disorder a requirement for becoming a straw hat?
so you call people who make threads early faggots but you do the same?
KEK attention whore much?
Hey guys, does GERMA 66 remind you of something too? I can't quite put my finger on it but they sure do have nice technology.
yeah the nazis, now go back to Cred Forums to suck Hitler's dick
Mister Vinsmoke was so surprised that one of his kids was a human.
Is he a virgin perhaps?
Seastone weapons?
Probably a wano immigrant.
>lol zoro
yeah zoro doesn't need no damn backstory further back. if he gets one it'll be because he got lost and walked into someone else's backstory. maybe he is vegapunk and got lost in his own memories for all we know but for zoro that shit doesn't really matter he simply is sometimes.
I would like some spin off with Zoro and his adventures as a bounty hunter desu
>implying sanji wouldnt have done the same thing for literally any girl
its like you faggots havent even read the damn series
>Wide hips
Holy shit you cannot be serioues
>prefers fivehead to glorious fringe
You, sir, are a fool and you ain't ma nigga.
>broad back
>wide hips
But still not muscular
Except the only one involved with genetic modification was a shittier normal human. Luffy was shit at everything as well. Nami has dead parents and could draw maps, Robin has dead parents and her past was her sucking dick just to stay alive, Franky got hit by a train and had parents who thought he was too shit to keep around, Zoro doesn't even have a past, Brook was mediocre battle strength. Usopp might be your only argument and even he wasn't doing anything too special up until this point.
>"lets end this cashcow as soon as possible"
>"oda you're making us too much money! Just hurry up and retire!"
How do you function?
Did you type this entirely from a cellphone's word suggestions?
Arc will end with Montecristo tier vengeance