Is reigen an idiot for telling mob to run away? LET'S CONTINUE THAT DISCUSSION.
MOB Psycho 100
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Reigen is supposed to be smart. It's stated that he got good grades in school.
He just wants Mob to be a good person, that's all.
Personally though, I think he is dumb for saying that.
No, but you are an idiot because you claim that he's a perfect character who can do anything.
He doesn't know that Mob can even win against people who can summon black hole.
Telling the kids to run away is perfectly normal decision if you don't know that Mob can win. He only knows that Mob can exorcise spirits. He doesn't know about Mob's 100% OP mode.
He is a good person that can give good life advice and he's willing to sacrifice himself and let the kids run away against people who are trying to murder them.
Is he good in fights though? He threatened the boss of claw with a toy gun which is fucking stupid lol
No he's not. It was not the best decision but not wrong either.
People couldnt answer it really. Most bailed out by saying something like no one is perfect or Reigen is in reality an idiot, which is weird.
Why do you guys even think that being smart = perfect character who can do anything.
This idiot even claims that having a flawed character is bad writing.
Because Reigen
Woah chill I'm pro reigen here, I agree completely with you, but it's good to discuss against the other guy.
>let's continue that "discussion"
>wanting more pointless shitposting
As always OP is a faggot.
ITT: retards falling to the same shitposter-kun who makes the bait threads.
I have masters in Psychology so I know how you think shitposter kun.
Reigen daki when?
Its not really about being perfect or not, its about him being a total retard in that scene. He risked the lifes of a bunch of kids for what? Mobs innocence? Thats insane and Reigen is supposed to be the most level headed and realistic character in there.
Well its not as if he's an idiot In GENERAL,
he sucks in esper fights, and thus it lead to his actions being that way, wouldn't you agree?
To weigh in a bit on the "was Reigen right" discussion that happened in the last thread, I think we're looking at it from the wrong angle. We're too focused on the practical side of the argument (what's the chance of them successfully escaping vs. what's the chance of Mob successfully dispatching the remaining Scar members) while trying to explain or rationalize Reigen's decision and end up failing to consider the real heart of the matter, which is what significance this decision had for him and especially Mob.
It's not so much a matter of being right or wrong (it rarely is in this manga) as it is a matter figuring out what Mob needed the most at that very moment.
As the only actual adult in the room, he couldn't just let a group of 13-14 year old kids go up against a bunch of murderous grownups: he would've rather they secured an escape route and faced the Scar members by himself (even if it drastically reduced his own chance of survival) than let something this fucked up happen.
But more importantly, Reigen's decision made sense in context because it provided a direct answer to Mob's emotional turmoil. Telling Mob that "it's okay to run away" was the master relieving his pupil of a burden he knew he wasn't psychologically ready to handle and which he firmly believed no kid his age should ever be forced to deal with.
People praise Reigen for the understanding and the sense of responsibility he displayed towards an emotionally messed up preteen who felt mentally cornered.
Reigen's philosophy is never presented as a long-term solution to everything (Urban Legends, Mogami and Claw Boss are there to prove it), but this particular arc and its conclusion are meant to show that a helping hand and a kind heart can go a long way to save someone else. GRATITUDE is simply the literal manifestation of this idea, which I suppose is the reason why so many people (including myself) love it as much as they do.
tl;dr post more Reigen
People told you a fuckin bunch of times why and here you still pretending like you wij the argument.
OP here
Godammit I'm not the fucking Autism-kun, I'm the reigen poster. Post more reigen if you're gonna argue though. I'm building up my collection.
He risked the kids life? What are you even smoking? He told them to run away and he's willing to sacrifice his life by leaving it to him like he said.
Like I said he doesn't know that Mob can win. Why would he want Mob to fight espers who can summon black hole and risk Mob's life when Mob and friends could just run away and leave it to him. It doesn't matter if he dies or not.
>Everyone loves Reigen
Why is he so perfect?
OP again, It's fine if we don't wanna argue anymore, it's becoming a matter of whether you get it or not. Let's talk about something else, like whether there's any new Tome lewds
That makes more sense, i can rationalize that. Like he was totally overwhelmed by all those kids around him, claw included, thristy for fights. If teru and Ritsu were as level headed as Reigen and had escaping as their top priority than the whole situation would have ended completely different.
/fuckin thread. Alright we can stop now.
Wow, this post is insightful, thanks user
>does the dumbest things to try to protect Mob
Best and most precious boy.
Copy paste it then, i wasnt satisfied with most of what i saw. It all boils down to Reigen being an idiot, which in my opinion is not enough to excuse his behaviour. Mind you i am playing devils advocate here. Reigen is my faovurite character and to me the whole situation makes sense. I Just want more perspectives. I want people to think about one of the best characters in the series more seriously if possible. If you think Reigen is just dumb joke and idiot character then ignore this discussion. Last threads discussion was quite civil.
Thats the right angle, i can agree with that.
How is telling kids to run away from guys trying to kill them makes one an idiot?
You're just shitposting at this point.
Someone needs to do a reigen dubs guy
Nobody still understood Mob's plot armor power at that point. Yes they knew he's fucking strong, but they're still dealing wiht 5 expert adults there.
Finally the proper answer
>inb4 Reigen wins the most popular boy AND most popular girl polls.
Often what characters know isn't what the readers know, this is one of the simplest things in writing.
Why doesn't everyone respect Saitama? Because they don't fucking know he's op as fuck.
Thanks dude, that is what i was trying to see. Most people thought of this situation to narrow minded and concluded Reigen was an idiot or just stupid. But this is one of the right answers to that. I am the one who started this Discussion in the last thread and i am satisfied now.
Keep Discussing or change the topic both are fine.
Hey thanks for discussing this with us anyways. It invoked a lot of insight in the last thread
People aren't saying Reigen is stupid. Some are saying that he made the best decision because he doesn't know that Mob can win. The best decision was to let the kids run away and sacrifice himself because he is a good person. That's what he's doing.
Nothing, i am playing devlis advocate here. I was the dude who brought this topic up and defended Reigen in the last thread. Call it shitposting or whatever, dont care. But the discussion was a good one.
What are your favorite redraw Reigens so far?
This is important.
Trying to do something here.
I lost it to mobs face
>Peaceful resolution of a discussion
>On Cred Forums
Reigen's point was that Mob is 14 years old.
It's ok for a 14 year old to run away if he's scared, especially when threatened by adults. It's the job of adults to solve these conflicts in a peaceful manner.
No kid should have to go against someone who has the intent to kill them, and no kid should have to possess the intention of killing.
Reigen will solve the conflict exactly how he told Mob he would.
haha nice keep at it user
I agree
>mfw when next week's episode will probably be end up in one of those youtube videos
>It's okay to run away
is still sending chills down my spine everytime I watch it.
Reigen is too good for this world, and that's exactly why he isn't real ;_;
Anyone has the source for this?
soft bank commercial
No problem, user. Even when things get a bit heated, discussions are always welcome.
>reigen stole the spotlight in latest ep
>reigen become the hottest meme trending this week
>mob thread produce one of the best discussion in quite some times because of reigen
W-what the meaning of all this?
That's mine too.
Reigens Meme magic
One of Reigen's secret techniques, where he utilises the Internet to start new memes and discussions, so that the popularity of his character would grow.
Now all we need is Season 2 announcement next week
>Reigen has narrated all the PVs except one
If they use him to announce that second season I'm done
Meme magic is strong.
It unites people around the world
>All the animeonlyfags that expect Mob to regain the spotlight and go nuclear next week
Oh baby.
>edgy chuunifag and reigen haters got cucked twice in a row by reigen
What an absolute madmen how they can even recover?
If you guys read the manga chapter 46 again you will notice there is a bit more dialogue in it. Looking at that, it was really Terus and Ritsus fault that this sitaution went that much out of control. They wanted to fight poison with poison. Teru was talking about "winning" and wanted mob to go all out. Reigen on the other didnt want to take the risk and let Mob handle this situation alone, knowing shit could have gone south pretty easily, with Mob getting killed in the process.
This constant back and forth while being in danger, made it hard for Mob to come to a conclusion on how to act, he almost fell into a trance like state. Reigen snapping him out of it could have helped them to mobilize all of their powers into a common goal and to bail out. Sadly Sakurai caught up on it and fucked Reigen up.
Looking at this situation like that, Reigen competely acted the way any sane adult should have, be it in real life or fiction. It helps to think of the powers as lethal weapons like guns. Calming your kids down and trying to find a way out of this mess without stooping on the enemies level and fighting back, seems to be the best course of action in such a dire situation. Thats my final take on this disucssion as the one who started it.
Hmm, feel like it was stated before, but anyways what did you think of the animation in the episode?
To me Reigen actually makes a lot of sense in context because Reigen has never seen Mob hit 100% or ???% while Ritsu has seen 100 % hostility and both Teru and Ritsu have been on the receiving end of ???%
Reigen could have come up with a great plan if he had full knowledge of the facts but to him Mob is a 14 year old who is able to exorcise powerful spirits and is scared of hurting people with his powers; Mob also told him that he does not have full control of his powers when he is unconscious.
It's a good thing Mob didn't fight; if someone knocked Mob out again, even in 100% mode ???% could have taken over and killed Ritsu, Reigen and Teru by accident along with the Scars.
Like this one better
I actually didnt think we would get any good scenes out of it. The fight lasted a few panels in the manga. Quite amazing what Bones did there during the Teru vs Sakurai scene or the blackhole from "loli" esper. Any other anime and this would have been the final. But the best thing still has yet to come, so i am hyped as fuck.
You can't really expect Teru and Ritsu to be as mature as Reigen or as any adult, though.
Teru and Ritsu know ???%, Reigen doesn't. Ironically, Reigen knows how much those powers make Mob suffer, and Teru and Ritsu don't.
Do you guys think the Anthology works will ever get animated? I want to see more of both the Telepathy club and BIC in the anime. That's assuming of course that we get more than enough anime to cover everything and this could be some slice of life added in.
True, just saying the disconnect all of them had led to the mess they were in.
Must say I like how they're having Mob be all bent out of shape over his power without going full shonen B-B-BAKEMONO DA!
I mostly agree but I would never blame Teru or Ritsu for thinking the way they did. They're just middle schoolers after all, they do not possess Reigen's insight nor his maturity, and most importantly, they do not understand the inner workings of Mob's mind as well as he does (Teru really just met the guy a few weeks ago and years of pent up frustration, fear and jealousy had created a rift between Ritsu and his big brother that was only recently closed).
No one is really at fault here, except the degenerate adults who think murdering a group of kids is okay.
>Reigen will never give you a shotgun kiss
kill me Cred Forums
Reigen is the result of a ritual where ONE uses popular media to conjure sentient non-physical entities into being . The sentient character has been freed by western internet meme wizards and is now slowly consuming all of human culture with a revisionist agenda that would make Stalin blush.
No you guys are actually right, the best course of action would be for Reigen to tell a middleschooler to do take part in a violent act.
I mean, every other anime protagonist does this shit, then why can't Mob just GO HAM right? I mean what is the harm in injuring, possibly killing another person? Does Reigen wants Mob to become a faggot who can't even kill people or some shit? Fuck that bitch.
Soundtrack fucking when?
I can't wait slap it on literally every manga I read and every game I play.
Yea they are kids after all, its natural for them to solve such problems with violence knowing Mobs potential. Claw wanted to handle it the same way. Thats why all of them are still children that have to mature. I would never blame them directly. Their disagreement is just the reason why everything kinda went out of hand.
>yfw since they used this flashback here, they WILL have to extend the flashback in Reigen arc to not make it redundant
>yfw we might actually see Reigen looking for job animated, or maybr even graduating college
S2 when?
It's kinda odd that Reigen smokes isn't it? I mean, maybe it's some trope in anime that anyone who smokes in is a troubled person of some sort and Im just misunderstanding the context of the symbolism.
Why is Reigen smoking so hot?
I get the idea the Mob has trouble controlling the output of his power, and while it's of no real consequence to overkill an evil spirit, human meatbag death comes with consequences and Mob is being forced to basically bash people around with a sledgehammer WITHOUT killing them. We see during their infiltration that mob actually states they don't have time for him to try and hold back, and outright curbstomps that one Scar, where earlier, when he was holding back, it looked like a much more even fight.
Thanks for the translation in the last thread user, I'm working right now but I'll typeset it when I can.
I thought that he would end up smoking again due to the stress he suffered from during his arc, but I guess his trying to avoid smoking around Mob ended up helping him quit for real. He is such a good person.
They may slightly extend it, but I think the addition of Reigen's internal monologue with maybe a little bit of reflection on the memory will be impactful enough.
Oh man, now that I've read this I really want them to go all out on the Reigen arc. Season 2 and Claw Boss movie NEED to happen at this point.
The anime also made the situation feel extra urgent. It seemed like Ritsu and Teru could die at any second and like they were begging for Mob to save them. I don't remember feeling like that when I read it in the manga.
Its not really a trope, its real. People who are casual smokers do so when they are stressed out or annoyed. Someone could stop smoking for a year and fall back cause of something that happened to them in life. Also troubled people do use drugs as a way for them to calm themselves down. Mostly anecdotal data here.
Same. It really gives a lot more weight to their side of the argument.
Because it makes you look at his hands and mouth, which are the lewdest body parts.
That reminds me of that interview with Miyo Sato where she said she went around asking the female staff at Bones what the sexiest way of lighting a cigarette was to make the ending, and I have to say I agree with their choice. I wonder if there's any science behind it.
It's because of the God like OST man.
It hints at a deeper personal truth which remains elusive.
Don't forget the animation, man: as a manga reader I was completely floored by Sakurai's performance against Teru. The extra badassness the anime gave him wasn't just for show and I fucking loved it.
I felt pretty bad for Ritsu too, knowing how inexperienced he still was.
Not really. Smoking is very common in Japan. I honestly don't think there's any deeper meaning than that.
Good point. I think thats what Reigen meant with " you dont fight people with murderous intent" at least not without having murderous intent too. Thats a risky thing to do. Would Mob even be able to fight them to death? One mistake could have meant his loss and death. I think at this point in time he wasnt ready to fight someone to death, nice parellel to the second claw arc where he seemed to have the resolve to do exactly that.
I didn't expect to like Sakurai as much as I do now after watching the anime. He was always just another random Claw dude just like the rest, but in the anime he's way above them.
Here's the outcome.
Meme magic is real.
fuck you, just fuck you
Rolling for entry for RedrawReigen
Hey man, we finished the discussion. Read the posts above.
Reigen confirmed for God Emperor of Man Kind.
Post Reigens, disucssion is done already ma boi.
>My shitty drawing was blessed
Ritsu was literally begging for his powers to do as he said a few hours back. The fact that he was able to hold his own against Muraki is quite impressive.
There's no stopping Reigen
>these dubs
Objectively best Reigen pic confirmed.
Can't wait for his heartwrenching backstory next week.
***,*59位/***,*63位 (**1,776 pt) [*,*45予約] 16/09/28 16/07 モブサイコ100 vol.001【Blu-ray】
***,119位/***,119位 ○ (**1,753 pt) [*,*32予約] 16/09/28 16/07 モブサイコ100 vol.001【DVD】
Jumped in the top 100 after the new episode. I wonder if they will get dissapointed by
the fact Reigen is still alive
>Reigen's birthday is in 3 weeks
How are you gonna celebrate, Cred Forums? Pic unrelated.
>they will get dissapointed
If anything, seeing 1000% Reigen should make any fujo happy.
With more memes, of course
>no Stalker thread to smugpost on
Oh well.
Who would win mob or ness from earthbound?
Reigen magic
Shishou's amazing
Post the fellow girls one
Somewhat but he basically didn't want mob to accidentally kill someone or do something he would regret with his murderous intent
Love your digits.
I always mentally read that with Mob's voice
Did Reigen single-handedly save anime?
Did Reigen truly save everything in the span of only two days?
Is it possible for such a superior being to even exist?
Isn't Reigen a bit too wide in that pic?
Bit late but i feel like Mob is picking up in popularity around the web thx Reigen. If it would continue into the Mogami arc i could very well see it exploding. Sadly that wont ever happen.
Oh, I got dubs without realizing too. Such a blessed thread.
I mostly traced it based on a screenshot from the movie, it's probably because it's a pretty big raincoat.
I expected the ratings to go up after episode 11, but this has exceeded my expectations. Reigen finds a way.
Just checking the hashtag, there's a lot of people considering watching the anime, as well as people who have started it because of Reigen. It's also going up in MAL's ratings every week. It's a shame that the hype will probably start dying out in a couple weeks if we don't get a second season announcement right away.
What would you like to see redrawn for #redrawreigen, Cred Forums?
It's building up for a run on Adult Swim.
any drawfags here ? reposting this request from twitter.
>able to see the ghost
I'm back from yesterday. I feel like I've seen this one done though.
got the pic ?
Yea quite sad really, i would really feel happy if it got a huge following in the west. Bones Boss seems to want a series that could go big here too.
why did episode 8 and 9 not have the hand thing in the intermission? what is it supposed to mean anyways
For all of the times that Reigen exploits Mob for his own gain, there's a side of him that cares for him and wants to let him just be a normal kid. He doesn't think it's right to put the responsibility and emotional strain of the fight on Mob so he tells him its ok to run away.
Wow, the more I'm rewatching this episode, the more I'm realizing just how ridiculously good it is. The first half still makes me laugh my ass off despite knowing how all the gags will play out, and the second half (especially the last third) gives me shivers. It really feels like one of those episodes that get better and better upon rewatch.
If this is how BONES handled the chapters that aren't even the most climactic part of the arc, then I'm not sure my body is ready for their rendition of GRATITUDE.
Mid movement shots in MP are just gold
someone did this on twitter but without sadako
I may be recalling incorrectly but it seems like attacks made by mob against humans so far have either been woefully inadequate or extreme overkill
Mob's cheeks should be illegal
The one eyed king amidst the blind. Elsewise known as "non-autist". I figured that even Cred Forums would have someone that's able to empathise with others.
What was Shou reading?
Guessing shonen manga
About hamsters.
the title says "ketsuago zombie"
ketsu means ass, but I don't know what "ago" means
Ketsuago Zombie, whatever that means
So h-manga then
ass chin zombie
oh, I guess the picture on the cover is the ass chin
Everything Reigen did this episode was fucking gold, also saving these grunts.
What is Bones trying to tell us with this?
Reigen could be the guy in the background trying to exorcise a flame spirit with salt. But I obviously picked this for the obvious Dimple parallel
They're misc. reigen exorcism hands and they were probably just cut to have more time.
They're just a nice intermission cut-away.
"Buy the BDs"
He still smokes at home, right?
he wasn't wrong
When someone want to murder you then you SHOULD run away. A kid shouldn't murder anyone.
We don't know for sure. The ending shows him smoking but it also shows Mob growing up so he could still have quit after meeting him. But I'd like to believe he still smokes because it's hot.
He was on his own and very stressed during his arc and we never saw him smoke so I'm pretty sure he quit. Hopefully Broccoli doesn't change that.
I'd prefer him being in better health.
>I'd prefer him being in better health.
B-but user, what about the aesthetic? Besides, animes can't get cancer.
I like the idea of Reigen bettering himself as a person more; he is hot enough even without smoking too.
>broccoli tries to make him smoke
>"whatever you say dude"
>lights a cigarette
>flicks it at the divine tree
>it burns to the ground
Reigen is best.
This I can get behind.
Putting aside those who somehow believed Reigen was the Boss up until the moment they found Ishiguro, I've seen many animeonlys think that Reigen was pretending to be the Boss. He was not. He was just doing his own thing and the Claw fodder jumped to conclusions.
The fact that he wasn't even trying makes the whole situation funnier. Here's an evil secret organization with their own secret facility, and Reigen is just coming in as if he was there to pick up his kid from school.
Is there another hashtag for RedrawReigen?
Dumb people exists.
Is that next episode's PV?
Rewatching the episode.
Ending with that 100% final shot? An excellent desition
What I think will happen in the current arc is that Mob will save the city but everyone will believe it was Reigen's doing since he is so popular and believed to be a powerful esper. He will be at the right place at the right time.
it was hilarious.
No "beep", nothing. Just silence.
Damn, Mob Psycho 100 is epic
It's right up there with Death Note and Naruto
All these conflicts and internal struggles along with the excellent fights make me cum buckets
>no beeping sound effect
>no music
>complete dead silence
Many of them still think that the numbers on screen are like Goku powering up; so, it's best to just ignore them.
this meme never fails to make me laugh
>It's right up there with Death Note and Naruto
>cum buckets
Why is Shou so cute?
>responding to didn't-even-try bait
Post more Reigen instead
That really was great, two cliffhangers in a row. It really added to the impact even though I read the manga. I can't imagine the way the animeonlys felt.
>The only person who's actively trying to keep Mob from leveling the city with his powers
You tell me user
They think Mob is going to go 100% killing intent and they're hyped for it. I hate this
November 23rd
Was getting lots of (You)'s a part of your plan too?
this, just replace the bowtie with a tie
>Reigen is best boy, best girl, and best meme of the year
How did he do it?
Thanks user, you gave me a new idea for a redraw
Maybe, for once, Mob does take complete credit for taking it down simply because he's the last man standing.
He could find some way to just tell people not to think of him for it or anything, and then quietly has people helping him out as he gets older, still kinda thankful with Mob not really remembering why.
Or maybe Mogami will help.
He's the greatest psychic of the 21st century
I don't even know what's RedrawReigen and what's just fan art of Reigen being himself anymore.
I do wonder how the story would have gone had he died there, though, or during claw boss arc.
pls don't die shishou
Fanart of Reigen is sexy
RedrawReigen is memey
best girl
>Reigen dies
>Mob uses his moe charms to talk Scar out of taking over the world
>it works
>Mob gives up exorcism forever
>Mob lives a normal depressed life without Reigen
>Mob exorcises Dimple
I think the meme is entirely unrelated to what happen in this week's episode
>Season 2
>Same OP, different visuals
How hyped are you?
Tomo looks too sexy there and it disturbs me.
He would probably fry claw boss to death first.
objectively wrong
The next episode will give you an anwser on what would have happened.
I'm starting to really enjoy this new meme
You shut your whore mouth.
This. I heard from the director that they did an original ending to this series because they aren't really planning a second season.
>I heard from the director that they did an original ending
And you're the only on who did
I feel like drawing that one scene in Re: zero where Rem confesses to Subaru, except having Subaru replaced with Reigen. When Rem finishes her dialogue and waiting a reply, Reigen simply said...
I love me too."
A man can't be best girl, especially since best girl is Tsubomi
>You will never drop kick some autistic midget
Do it
>A man can't be best girl
Reigen can. That's what makes it impressive.
I don't know why but that actually made me laugh.
Reigen can be whatever the fuck he wants to be
>tells Mob not to hit women
>dropkicks Ishiguro
Why is Reigen such a hypocrite?
I would enjoy Re:Zero 1000x more if Reigen replaces Subaru
oh what a sweet animeonlyfag you
I'm just a shitposting mangafag, senpai.
I would enjoy any anime 1000% more if Reigen replaced the MC
He doesn't want Mob to face 3rd wave feminism at such a young age. He's too young to understand.
Drawfagger here. Give me an image and I'll do shit with it
someone readrawed this scene with Reigen already?
this please
>That extremely foreboding musical cue that occurred for the split second MURDEROUS INTENT was on the screen.
don't worry claws leader sons will come in and save the day /spoiler
There wouldn't even be a reset since he would give the best outcome in record time.
This one has some potential.
literally every frame of small mob and this part is cute as fuck.
That is fucking incredible.
If you're going to shitpost, at least put a bit of effort into it.
The classic Gaijin 4koma template images.
Has it already been drawn? Also /r/equesting a pacha edit
What does he mean by this?
I just want to hug him.
>Shou makes his anime appearance and becomes a meme only to be replaced by Reigen
>Shou gets his moment to shine next week only for the season to end right after
Being Shou is suffering
Why not all of them?
They all believed his bullshit a bit too easily, it's not even like he's that good a conmen, he's just surrounded by gullible jobbers.
he prefers to bottom, clearly
only cum bucket here is reigen himself
That's what he gets for being a little shit.
Eh, I want to see what people want the most first
Midget wins. I'm thinking it should be Ritsu running
If you don't start off every round of sex with a fight for dominance, you're doing it wrong.
damn thats hot
Shou would fit best
It's karma for beating up Ritsu.
theres no point in shotgunning with cigarette smoke besides emphysema
he could smoke weed, user, hope it out there
>Reigen is for _____!
Ritsu trying to kill dimple should be fine too
the point is that it's Reigen
protecting Mob
getting future seasons
You fuckers are driving me to drawfag.
what is this expression trying to convey?
hardcore sex
someone had to say it
do it faggot
softcore sex
holding hands with!
fucking degenerate
I'm hoping there's a bad enough dude out there to redraw a gif. I kind of want to see this redrawn with Reigen as Moe, Mob as Homer, and the class replaced by the psychic institute kids.
What is Dimple for?
Agoni reference?
lewd possession
D-d-dubs confirm
It's a reference to ONE's buttchin fetish.
Psycho Helmet raping Reigen doujins when?
This post is REALLY GOOD
Shou a cute! A cute!
His pants aren't pulled down...
He's a special child.
He has to store up his energy user.
They are, you just can't see it because he's using his light-bending powers to make it look like they're still up.
>not having a button-up shitting hole in your jeans
So apparently. Urasunday held a poll to detemine which manga should get an anime adaptation, and Mob Psycho 100 was leading up until the last day when another manga passed it right before the cut-off. But this was before OPM got an anime adaptation and the manga that won had a mediocre anime with low budget. So it was actually a close call that Mob didn't win that poll or else we would've gotten a meh adaptation with bad animation instead of this adaptation by studio Bones.
The moral of the story is that OPM is not the worst thing to happen to anime.
Well, the lid is still down so he's just using it as a chair I suppose.
Shou a midget. A midget!
He beans bullshitting, cheating, or otherwise shitting your way to the top sucks and all you have to work with under you are a bunch of assmad shitters, since you'd have had to eliminate anyone worth a damn on your way up
But the seat is down
>He beans
Is this for real?
The manga that won that poll didn't even get an anime. I can't find it on MAL.
Tome will fucking die, calling it now
Autocorrect is a birch
Don't bully hamster boy
Tome isn't important enough to even die
So is there any fan art for Mop Bsycho 10 with Mop, Tereri, Rictus and Shoe already?
Bully the hamster!
Maybe Shou was actually right when he said he's got as much potential as Mob, who knows
Speaking of Shou btw, I remember some user saying that he could only use his light bending ability while not moving, but was this ever confirmed?
Doesn't the fact that he not only went completely unnoticed during the whole fight between Scar and the gang (which did cause quite a bit of material damage in both the manga and anime) but also managed to sneak up on Ishiguro and one-punch him without anyone spotting him suggest otherwise?
this is a hot plate of shit
Yes, but not nearly enough
Was it Bungo Stray Dogs? I remember hearing that was pretty popular among fans who wanted an anime.
I'm the user who said he can't move while invisible. My reasoning was he didn't even use it when trying to get past the artificial espers in Boss arc. He was glad that the delinquents took the artificial espers attention.
No, bully Ritsu instead. He deserves it.
> Ctrl + f
> 'Average'
> 0
That was an average thread. Allow me to correct the record.
bully both of them desu
>ywn be in the middle of a fuccboi shota sandwich
Yea happened around the time the first OPM trailer came out. I tried to vote too but you could only vote for a manga when a new chapter came out. ONE at that time had a shitty updating schedule and therefore lost. Some manga had updates every day. Mob was really popular though but ended up in second place. I think that was just done to gauge popularity.
That was the article i saw back then. Helck was quite popular too.
When people attack you it's perfectly okay to run away since that ends the conflict in a way that nobody gets hurt.
Having a fourteen year old duke it out in a battle to the death is not okay.
Reigen's strategy of "okay that didn't work let's fucking bail" is perfectly reasonable and a very sane and responsible way of dealing with Scar.
>Kengan Ashura
Some wannabe Baki the grappler i guess.
I'm surprised a Tumblr fujo drew Ritsu and Mob making out. I thought they were against incest?
Most of them, sure, still there are some people on tumblr who don't give a fuck.
To add on this. in the manga when Shou reappears from his invisbility we see that blur effect. we didn't see that blur effect when he punched Ishiguro so he might have just used his super speed. Boss even mentioned Shou's super speed in their fight.
There are two types of Tumblrites
The ones that ship everything and anything regardless of how retarded the ship is and the ones that find 90% of all ships "problematic".
There seems to be an increase in the latter over the former because being a moralfag is the more "trendy" thing to do.
How new are you to Mob? Tumblr is like a monopoly on Gay fanart be it incestuous or rape. They dont give a fuck it seems.
>being a moralfag is the more "trendy" thing to do.
Ritsu would fit right in
I am certain Mob psycho was already in production by this time, i assume at least the deals were done already, but they couldnt bail Mob out of an potential anime voting, cause that would be them effectively annocuning the anime ahead of time. Winner was kengan ashura which still has not gotten an anime or even a hint of it. Just goes to show how much time goes into gathering stuff and preparing everything before the first frame gets even drawn.
>degenerate brotherfucker
choose one
Not rape. Incest, pedophilia (although they usually age them up)... Only as long as it's consensual.
fucking self cropped pictures and literally inability to find a source for them
Thanks typesetter-kun!
His love for Mob is pure and brotherly. He's just a bit overprotective because Nii-san is delicate.
ReigenxMob relationship is rape under the law in every country i know of. Yet tumblr produces a lot of fanart suggesting that thats totally fine. Also a lot of the Fujos here are from there and they lust over ReigenxMob a lot too.
ReigenxMob is wrong and out of character.
Pretty sure most of tumblr gives ReiMob shit, at least to save face in front of their followers.
I actually like how it's reversed. Younger siblings can be possessive when they're little, but it's usually the eldest that overprotects the youngest.
I don't see any of that when I look for fanart. There's one or two active reimob posters but that's it, and they age up the characters for the most part.
Wish there were more mobrei artists though, disciple pursuing master is my fetish.
Post tumblr blogs you follow.
Nice I was wondering when we'd get to see Reigen slav squat.
Well, yeah but those are the retarded sjw's who think liking a character who is just slightly violent is "problematic", and this is the group that is growing bigger. But fortunately there's still a lot of the fujo comunity that don't give two shits and that's why like said it's still the best place to find fucked up shit.
This is why the rest of Cred Forums hates this cancerous general.
Are you sure? Most of Mob/Reigen fan art comes from Japanese fujos. Western fujos are all about Teru/Mob and Ritsu/Shou.
Some Fujos don' mind. I dont really give a fuck, I am fine with everything as long as fujobucks and Reigenmagic will save season 2. Dont deny it, let a man hope.
Your mom's blog, nice nudes by the way.
It's not a true Slav Squat™ without a track suit.
What is supernatural?
Actually, my "friend" hates him. Dislikes him for being a fraud.
Fuck that shit.
Has anyone drawn Reigen as Cloud, Rohan, or Griffith yet?
manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin, such as ghosts.
(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature
I don't think this has been done yet holy shit. I'm on it
I've seen Reigen drawn as Osomatsu.
I want to see Reigen scold Griffith for his life choices now, though.
Well to that i cant say anything. I dont know where the fanart is originally coming from. I am also not that deep into the fanart community, only know what i see here and on my few trips to tumblr.
go away, this is pathetic
Make it Reigen with salt in his hands
Stop bullshiting, fujos who draw rape don't try to suggest that it's totally fine, for the most part they enjoy BECAUSE it's not fine, fully admitting and embracing the fact that it's immoral.
But Reigen is Oso if he stopped being a NEET user.
Why doesn't Regien just carry purified salt with him? Is it more expensive than regular salt?
same honestly. I'm honestly indifferent to most pairings I just keep my fucking mouth shut one way or another so I don't get dragged
Purified salt is 'holy' salt, used for exorcisms. I'd assume it would be pretty expensive.
like...rubbing salt on his face? or
Sure. That seems like something Reigen would do
It's actually pretty cheap you can literally buy buckets of it, I think he just didn't know there was a difference
I got corrupted by the Fujos. In the beginning i was disgusted by all the gay fanart, but by now i dont even notice they are gay, its so normal now. Its also kinda scary that these gay relationships almost seem plausible even though they are obviously not and its just the sheer amount of fanart corrupting my view of this whole thing. If i was new to Mob, i would think this is the gayest shit there is even though there are 0 homo undertones. I want it to stop, kinda exhausting to not get pandered to for so long. Is that how gay people feel in a hetero world. I kinda feel enlightened if only by a little bit.
Blog fin.
Try not to cringe
I hope he actually believes this. it'll make him look like an idiot next week.
isn't he the guy that got a hernia over that parody filthy frank opening
>not even 1sec in
>pauses video
>sees katana styled sword in his hand
ReiMob is not just about the hand holding or assfucking. The best kind of ReiMob is when Reigen is doing what's best for Mob and Mob showing gratitude for everything he's done.
cheers dude its lookin sweet
>who cares if reigen goes out
my man
>he's mad at Reigen because Mob didn't fight and eradicate everyone, saying that Reigen 'ruined the suspense' of him going 100
>he's glad Reigen got sliced because he hates him and he didn't get to go 'YO HYPE' if Mob had gone 100
>he liked the part with the fights
>he legitimately still thinks that Reigen doesn't care about Mob at all and is just conning and using him for his powers, calls him a piece of shit etc.
Do most anime-onlies actually think like this? It's actually kind of scary how stupid he is.
Could've been a bit more subtle
Even most shounenfags think Reigen is at least a cool guy as of this episode.
Watching a bit of this Video, he seems to be aware of how cringy he is. People kinda have no respct for him too in the comments, i guess thats his style. His titles are all hyperpbole and spoilers too. He is total embodiment of shonenfags wonder if its intentional or really that stupid.
Holy fuck I thought this dude was being sarcastic but looks like he's being serious. I couldn't even watch past the first 2 minutes.
Is MP100 technically a deconstruction? The setting is like that of a shounen manga but the characters act realistically and face realistic consequences. Yes, even Claw has realistic characters because they're all just a bunch of chuunis who want to be anime
It's just a fetish, it would be scary if all the loli lovers were real 3DPD pedophiles in real life.
OPM is too, in a more comedic way.
Dont use deconstruction cause it isnt, just say its a subversion of cliche shonen tropes. That is not only right but also more accurate and people will get it instantly.
Reigen is a miracle of the universe.
Because he isn't real.
I hope I can meet him in another dimension when I off myself after next mobday.
That's a big Mobu.
I like this pic because Shou looks like the little demon he is.
I wonder if next episode will feel really anticlimatic but not due to Gratitude but due to shou shouing up and doing his thing. Kinda weird conclusion for a season finale. Wonder if Bones will still nail it and make it satisfying. There arent that many options though.
It'll definitely be fun to watch the reactions. It's a fairly unusual way to end an arc, so it's going to be controversial.
>Not waiting for the manga to end
Why do people not like Lord Psycho Helmet? He literally did nothing wrong.
Why is this show so gay? Homos aren't a large market. Besides, they don't watch anything besides shitty BL adaptations.
But they aren't a large market, are they?
Isn't that Reigen talking?
I'm just trying to be objective here. LPH has not done a single bad thing.
I think it's actually Ritsu talking.
They are and they are saving Mob Psycho so who cares.
do you actually think people here don't know about ishiguro
Shut up and keep saving anime, Reigen.
I think dont people really dislike him yet. Altough the fight with Teru did put him on some peoples bad side. But manipulating people against their will is also not really something thats supposed to be seen as good.
Some are animeonly and really dont know. Most of the people in here are mangafags though.
People who fetishize homosexuality are the large market.
What does this mean and why is it so good.
On niconico, 1 is "liked it very much", and 5 is "didn't like it at all".
So, 98% of all people who are still watching Mob Psycho 100 on niconico and voted for it liked the episode they watched a lot.
Was ONE a delinquent as a teen or something?
imagine tome
now imagine tome as a titty monster
That's fucking disgusting. Why do you want to ruin best girl?
Wow, thanks. Thats good news. I did read a while ago, that it was in the top 10 of most viewed anime on there this season. Do you know how it is doing right now after ep 11?
Mob was literally going to kill them all and Mob would break after he settled down and probably disappear
A shady organisation abducting hundreds of children and no authorities are involved except a bunch of autistic kids with surnatural powers.
Very realistic indeed. Courbier level of realism.
If you grew up in the 80s early 90s delinquents were all the craze in manga. Every manga had them and they were even considered as their own genre. Doesnt suprise me ONE bit that he likes them so much. Probably read a billion of those.
Why give him views and adbucks?
Just ignore him and he'll hopefully go away.
Were those greaser-like pompadour'd delinquents still a thing by the time he was a teen? ONE was Mob's age in 2000.
>abducting hundreds of children
How big is Claw anyway? Also, I was under the impression that the vast majority of Claw's members were adult chuuni who voluntarily joined.
I dont really care about what he does. Just wanted to know if he was serious or just a satirical intepretation of an anime fan. Seems like the former is the case and therefore i wont bother remembering him ever again. I do have adblock on so he doesnt get anything from me.
Still cant get over Mob's running animation, fucking brilliant.
People read shonen manga from 6 years onwards. He was very much aware of everything. I mean i am too and i grew up in europe and am younger than he is.
Going by how he looks and acts he was bullied by them a lot or just fantasized about being one while reading manga about 80's delinquents.
I think that a relevant date would be when ONE started reading Shonen Jump/manga magazines. Teru's haircut is basically Naruto.
I'm pretty hyped for more Shou desu.
She is perfect as she is.
Which one of them is a bigger faggot?
nah in the manga his cut hair is more like adult naruto's than normal naruto
I think I took this meme way too seriously
How is he going to respond Cred Forums?
The joke is some variation of "I love _______"
Holy shit, you actually did it, you fucking madman.
The only Mob related thing I wouldn't watch.
Why not?
>Watching a show about the two worst boys
>the two worst boys
But that's not Teru and Dimple.
Whatever you write, I'm posting it on reddit.
>not watching a shou about Shou being a cock hungry slut while Ritsu wears gothloli dresses.
Shes too good for her own show. REigan:Psycho when?
But user, I am watching Mob Psycho 100.
>thinking there are worst boys in Mob Psycho
But Ritsu wears meido dress. Not gothloli. sadly
So Sakurai is the best Scar member, right?
My Mob folder officially has more memes than fanart
I'm ok with this.
That's a funny way to spell 'Mukai'
It's okay user, my Mayoiga folder is 99% memes.
>there is probably more memes of mp100 than there is fanart
That's a funny way to spell "Pedobait"
What the fuck happened. Why are there so many memes now?
I love takoyaki.
>hating on lolis
You don't belong here.
Google redraw reigen, started on twitter. Everyone's catching on due to Meme magic
Lolifags are the absolute objective cancer of anime.
Is there any art of Reigen as Batteur from OFF yet?
They deem to only disappear the occasional very psychic child. Most of the rest are adults.
what is this kind of tie called
esl here
it's just a tie.
well shit, nice job
fukken saved
I'm pretty sure that's just called a tie. If there is a special name for it, I'm not /fa/ enough to have heard it.
It's because he's the boss.
>Reigen will never travel across different series shaming the Chunni out of people
Clip-on ties don't go all the way around the neck, they just hang down front. Usually people don't make that distinction unless they're trying to shop for a certain kind though. If you're talking about the knot used to tie the tie, then there are several types.
Great work user, I love the picture.
anyone do this yet?
Why was the cab driver freaking out? Did he think Reigen was planning to commit suicide?
He was probably intimidated by Reigen being a famous psychic. Seriously, look it up.
thanks, I was asking just for adding the correct caption for the picture
I'm coloring it
Perfect, but it would be even better if it had the Claw hallway as the background with the kids behind Reigen, as it's pretty much what actually happened there.
He thought Reigen was going to a meth lab in the woods.
White powder fell out of his coat and he was driving to the middle of the woods in the dark of night. He thought he might be a witness to something.
Considering his age, he might remember Mogami and what happens when a shady psychic goes alone into the woods.
Damn user you cant just end it there where the next page?
will add the background, thanks
I was under the impression that he knew Mob could win, but that if he did he would fail to grow up and become just like them. Whether that makes him an idiot or not is subjective, but I would say lean towards no.
>fail to grow up
He would fail to remain functioning. You seriously think Mob could rationalize a murder when he was so haunted by the Teru fight where nobody got seriously injured?
>people actually ship this
Is Teru the fandom bicycle?
Saw someone requested this while I was at work, finished it up now.
Should I just keep the text the same when I add it?
It's already perfect, user, you can do separate versions tho
>cartoony character designs
>color pallette looks like someone vomited a set of poster paints onto the screen
>everyone is either ridiculously ugly or has that egg-like sameface
>expressions are over exaggerated
>forced fujo appeal
>general overanimation
Mobfags will defend this
>general overanimation
nigga what?
but you're wrong
All these are your opinions user, we don't need to defend MP100s art.
>Complaining that a cartoon looks cartoony
>Le forced meme
Stay salty faggot.
Thanks user for shitposting there's too much positive on mob thread lately a few shitflinging is welcomed.
>decide to check the mob threads for the first time
>all this quality Reigen OC
>had to start an entire folder just for Reigen OC
now this is a quality thread right here
Why is troubled Ritsu so cute?
>general overanimation
Kek stay salty your shit anime got the QUALITY treatment.
>general overanimation
Negative, them 12 princibles are on point.
Are you blind?
Let's make a new thread when this one hits page 10, shitposter is at it again in
Because he's made to be bullied.
I hope his next manga features even more delinquents.
>A pompadour delinquent in an isekai world
I would watch the fuck out of that.
this art is disgusting looking
I hope he makes the MC a delinquent. I don't even care what genre it would be.
>magic delinquents
>martial arts delinquents
>space delinquents
>cosmic horror delinquents
I thought Shou looked very fuccboish.
>storefront captcha
>first pic is zoomed in on a Suzuki dealership
>Reigen gains return by death
>Never uses it because he does everything right the first time
How's it going shitposter-kun. Why are you here when there's a perfect OPM thread for you to ruin
Dammit, now I really want to see more Re:igen hijinks.
Igen is also japanese for dignity or majesty apparently
I think that's not even original, unless he wrote it weeks ago. I remember seeing it in a shitty art style thread or something like that like a month ago.
Cool, here's the text version then
It's not, he has no more ammo left. It's him, he just posted bait in the OPM thread
Grand battle between delinquents.
Maybe include an Anego wielding a yo-yo.
>Reigen gains return by death
>Only uses it to troll the shit out of his enemies because he can predict the future
He has to be traumatized as hell behind his facade though.
I love you, may you never get tendinitis.
>lets bring the cheapest garbage from the shitty anime we're adapting the ability from
>implying the stress from the constant esper bullshit isn't enough
the man risks his life daily just so Mob can blow up ghosts
He'll be traumatized for like the first day. And then like a responsible adult start using his new power to his advantage and then use it to mess around with everyone
I was thinking his internal dialogue would be akin to Zetsubou-sensei. Every new experience should be scarring. Getting disemboweled is old hat after the third time, but drowning for the first should be new and horrible.
Get in here
These are both fucking amazing
But Reigen is an adult with a grasp of reality and understands most people. Subaru is a filthy otaku teen who doesn't fully understand everything and wants to be in a wish fulfillment harem fantasy.
How often do you think Reigen would be dying, exactly?
please put me in the screen cap