Let's settle this once and for all.
What does Watashi smells like?
Let's settle this once and for all.
What does Watashi smells like?
She is a fairy
You. You have patrician taste.
Rainbows and Sunshine.
What do Watashi's armpits taste like?
This thread has good taste
/thread right here.
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita was a very weird show.
I remember stumbling across that spoiler shortly after watching the anime a year ago. At first I was shocked but then I realised how much sense it makes.
What's the Student Council President one?
Think that goes with lime aswell.
I love lime.
Idk, spice or monogatari
>10/10 personality
Thanks for the laugh.
>tsundere done wrong
>good personality
Now tell me one about cowboys.
She is not tsundere, in fact you can't really classify her in a single archetype.
You know who
Anyone remember this?
This I understand
This I don't
Ninja is love, ninja is life.
I don't get it.
I expected Mai to be so bland but by the end of the show she was my favorite, and my predicted favorite, Reina, was the bland one. Koito is shit though.
That first gif is very likely from the time before webms were allowed here.
Yeah, you get to see a lot of different sides to her. You can tell KyoAni prioritised her as the main girl as a few of Reina centric scenes from the novels were made almost Mai exclusive.
Pff, winter girl is miles better.
You're right she's shitty in too many ways to be so easily classified
Weren't all of the characters fairies?
I remember reading something like that but I never really understood why.
We should pay someone to translate the novels already.
Oh yes.
What exactly do you find so bad about her?
>everyone posting worst-girl from jinrui
get on my level
oh sorry, should I have given you a 56k warning?
Nonon is ubermensch
Koko is the most underrated girl ever.
Phenomenal taste.
Garbage show.
Good Show
I can't look at pictures of her the same way anymore I hate it
Too good for this sinful earth.
i want to rail her so bad jesus fucking christ
do the translations for this get better. if so when? The first chapter was quite possibly the choppiest shittiest translation I have ever seen.
>tfw no S2
The solid tastes.
C'mon boys, all versions of her are great.
I just want a cute girl like Homura to be very possessive over me.
Basically this
like bubblegum
You can in trash board.
>crawling chaos.gif
OP said 10/10 personality, not stupid cunts.
What is watashi's MBTI type?
ISTP, I think
A happy kind of ISTP then.
>no-one has posted the goddess yet
come at me shitposters
People don't really put any stock into this shit do they?
The theory behind the MBTI/cognitive functions is well-thought, but it would be silly to give any credit to those popular online tests.
Nevertheless, it's still fun to try to classify people by personality
Too bad the second season removed anything good about her, and suddenly she's just another character, but now 80% less smug.
I fail to see how a generic violent tsundere is anything special.
The single most fun character in anime.