This chick here has killed your waifu.
What do you do?
This chick here has killed your waifu.
What do you do?
I don't care.
Rather, I thank her for releasing my beloved from the twisted abomination she became.
The author killed my waifu 10 years ago, she was naught but a shadow of herself since.
Doing the worst thing I can do
Make that chick my waifu
How did she accomplish so much when she's just a school girl?
She killed... herself?
This. It's the only right answer.
Make her into my waifu.
Tribal law, whomever kills the current leader gets the leader spot.
Let it go and move on
Don't need to do anything.
You can't do anything. If you hurt her, she gets what she wants. If you don't and just ignore her, she still gets what she wants.
Make her my new waifu.
What waifu? I just tell her I don't have one and that she's overrated and being obsessed with the concept of despair is just oversaturating its meaning and that she's boring to me. Then I teleport behind her and tip my fedora and disappear with a maniacal laughter. Nice try, kiddo.
Some humiliating Punishment, obviously. However, this is a blue board so I can't post that pic. Now if we were on /h/ or /d/....
Let's be honest though, if Asuka managed to come back from getting stabbed and eaten by MP EVA's, some frilly blonde bitch obsessed with "despair" isn't gonna faze her.
Brainwash her to make her believe she's my waifu.
Dare I ask who?
Would she actually try to talk Junko down? How muddy is her color?
Destroy the world just like she wants me to.
She could try.
Asuka and Junko would be best of friends
Can she kill her..?
>waifuing a corrosive killer slime
Fuck her in the pussy.
Come and get some.
Wait for waifu to regenerate, then have a laugh about it all and order some pizza.
She's a 9 lives kind of girl, fellow Junkofriend
Avenge my waifu's death.
blow up the whole school
good fucking luck