***,**6位/***,**6位 (*32,682 pt) [*,109予約] 2016/09/27 Love Live BDs
***,*32位/***,*32位 (**3,779 pt) [*,*28予約] 2016/09/28 NEW GAME! BDs
***,*38位/***,*34位 (*12,356 pt) [*,*60予約] 2016/09/27 Love Live Amazon BDs
Where were you when Moe won this season?
***,**6位/***,**6位 (*32,682 pt) [*,109予約] 2016/09/27 Love Live BDs
Fapping to Nene
Still really upset at how poorly Qualidea Code's gonna do.
Who cares? Qualidea Code is garbage and deserve poor sales for having such a terrible animation.
You're only "upset" because it has one of your favorite artists(which are shit too, by the way) singing the OP/ED
Love Live is the greatest anime of all time. It deserve those sale.
Why is Nenecchi so perfect? She saved the whole show.
Didn't even watch a single episode of those shows
this shit is Mahou Sensou tier bad
I'm thinking about watching New Game.
What am I in for and who is best girl? Is it the short-haired tomboy?
shy bazongas girl
and aoba's real best friend (not nenecchi)
I see some patrician taste right here
The girl on the OP pic is the best
Is that good for New Game? It doesn't seem that good but I can't read this shit.
Basically second season when
Short-haired tomboy, shy bazongas, brown /k/ommando, or lolibait protag all have best girl potential depending on your taste.
I think it's pretty good, especially considering it's not a sequel/ adaptation for a series that's super popular.
>you will never play Nenecchi's self made shit tier coding games
What game engine is she using?
Unity, like everyone else who can't code for shit.
Is Love Live outselling everything this season combined?
Why it was absolutely fucking awful in just about every aspect. Fuck Aniplex anyway, they'll just release another Monogatari, Fate or Fujoshi thing with event tickets to make up any sort of sales shortfall anyway.
No but idolshit definitely will be.
how do i read this
Even if you enjoyed watching it, why would you pay money for a permanent copy of something that looks so shit?
and people complain about moe... man, idolshit is the real cancer
Yes Hajime a best.
In term or ranking, it's looking good. The number of projected sale is what depress me.
(Non Idol) Anime is dead user.
Is love live the biggest flop of all time?
Sunshine is pretty shit.
I liked the bear.
fuck da police
It shouldn't when the important thing for this show is manga sales.
With Hidamari Sketch ending in the next year or two this is going to be what carries Kirara Carat.
It will get pleanty of new seasons unless the mangaka dies.
**,**6位/***,**6位 (*32,682 pt) [*,109予約] 16/09/27 16/07 ラブライブ! サンシャイン!! Blu-ray 1 (特装限定版)
***,*28位/***,*28位 (**3,797 pt) [*,*28予約] 16/09/28 16/07 NEW GAME! Lv.1( イベントチケット優先販売申込券付 ) [Blu-ray]
***,*34位/***,*34位 (*12,357 pt) [*,*60予約] 16/09/27 16/07 【Amazon.co.jp限定】 ラブライブ! サンシャイン!! Blu-ray 1 (特装限定版) (全巻購入特典:「録り下ろしドラマCD」引換シリアルコード付)
***,*56位/***,*55位 (**1,781 pt) [*,*45予約] 16/09/28 16/07 モブサイコ100 vol.001【Blu-ray】
***,111位/***,108位 ○ (**1,756 pt) [*,*32予約] 16/09/28 16/07 モブサイコ100 vol.001【DVD】
***,176位/***,201位 (**2,151 pt) [*,*11予約] 16/09/28 16/07 ダンガンロンパ3 -The End of 希望ヶ峰学園- Blu-ray BOX I 〈イベント優先販売申込券付き初回生産限定版〉 [Blu-ray]
***,199位/***,192位 ○ (**1,469 pt) [*,**0予約] 16/09/21 16/07 美男高校地球防衛部LOVE!LOVE! 1 [DVD]【予約不可】
***,204位/***,204位 (***,927 pt) [*,*51予約] 16/09/28 16/07 【Amazon.co.jp限定】モブサイコ100 vol.001(各巻購入特典:「アニメイラスト描き下ろし缶バッジ」)(全巻購入特典: 「アニメイラスト描き下ろし全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)【Blu-ray】
***,237位/***,230位 ○ (**1,848 pt) [*,**0予約] 16/09/28 16/07 SERVAMP - サーヴァンプ - 第1巻( イベントチケット優先販売申込券付 ) [DVD]
***,269位/***,269位 (***,582 pt) [*,**3予約] 16/09/21 16/07 美男高校地球防衛部LOVE!LOVE! 1 [Blu-ray]【予約不可】
I really hope they lose money on Sunshine
I didn't bother watching it, is it really as bad as people claim? What went so wrong? Is it because no Nico?
It's not, people are just butthurt about them trying to move the franchise forward with a new cast instead of milking the old one forever.
but isn't milking the old cast what idol anime is all about? I want to see the same idolm@sters all the time, and the same love lives.
I don't know, but both of those changed casts and as far as I'm aware they're the biggest, not counting fujoshit.
what about reharemshit?
>45k BD estimate
They're obviously not going to make as much as the original but they sure as hell going to make a sick profit
>***,*56位/***,*55位 (**1,781 pt) [*,*45予約] 16/09/28 16/07 モブサイコ100 vol.001【Blu-ray】
Next OPM they said.
Daily reminder that Nene saved New Game
>It will break Cred Forums they said
>It will become block buster they said
Serves you right, cancerous faggot.
Glad to know New Game doing good. I can't wait for the 2nd season. It was fun as fuck.