The subtle the better
Name that character
Is that an actual chemical?
It's urea, one of the main components of piss.
What would the UPAC be?
Nvm, there's Google. Thanks
Carbonic diamide.
It's that girl from kissxsis that pissed herself a couple of times, isn't it?
Well, isn't it your lovely waifu over here.
The gay dolphin from Mardock Scramble
That bitch from Umisho with the X hairpins.
You are lieing.
I'm not. I think I might have been too subtle with it.
Mana-swap dolphin
Still no
>can't read moon
>don't know the poems anyway
name it
>not knowing hiragana
What the fuck are you doing with your time, user? When are we going to get our kana captcha?
I can't read it either but I can see that it's titled "40.png" so I go look up card 40 on a karuta site and find:
Iro ni ide ni keri
Waga koi wa
Mono ya omou to
Hito no tou made
Oh hey, I bet it must be pic related's card.
dragonball super?
Bitch from Master of the martial hearts
good job holmes
swimming fujoshit show
Hana from Prison School
I started memorizing them, and got around 25 gojūon and 15 dakuon. I kinda petered out after a while because I have no motivation, so I'm stuck until I stop being a faggot or get flashcards to do whenever I'm bored.
>the subtler the better
no. i left a hint in the filename.
Nope, neither of these. It's probably too generic a hint anyways, it can apply to a lot. Have a better one.
Nope. Good guess though
Sakura Trick
Nope. I'll be surprised if anyone can actually get it.