seriously is there anything this girl cant do
Seriously is there anything this girl cant do
Other urls found in this thread:
Be a decent character.
have a faithful boyfriend
get along with or be by kids.
not be a shit girl
Being real.
She can't stay faithful
Be best girl.
Chose best boy.
See best girl
I want Hitagi to make me her personal slave
Stop being cucked by lolis.
well done
Launch time
thank you ougi spoogie
Sex ed
i want to headpat math and sneak my hands in her blouse
be a loli
thank you spooky ougi
why'd you have to go there, user?
there's always a chance, right? right?
Thank you spooky ougi
Save a dying franchise
Remind me again from what season and episode this is?
not sure which episode but the hair has me pretty sure it's from the first arc of second season (neko white)
>finally finished Kaiki-Hitagi arc
How many more episodes until I see Math and Spooks?
She can't get best math scores.
She can't hold back against the mentally ill.
She can't punch a weak and malnourished midget without breaking her finger.
You need to stay awake during hana, and watch tsuki.
First one was for OP.
Algorithm analysis.
Close her legs.
Spend more than a fraction of her boyfriend's life by his side.
thank you spooky ougi
She can't break her addiction to Araragi's lips and tongue
danke AfD-chan
please take back germany
danke AfD-chan
Owari comes after Tsuki, right?
im suprised no one made a ganbaru kanbaru version of these kind of posts
Realize and admit that Kaiki did nothing wrong.
For the viewing order yes, chronologically no.
Win a costume contest
>conspires to kill a child because her siblings got in the way of him cheating middle schoolers out of their lunch money
>killing an immortal oddity
Top kek user, next you'll try telling me that meeting that cunt wasn't beneficial to RRG in the long run either.
She can't compete with best girl
She can't be this cute!
How tall is Sodachi?
>telling monster hunters where they can find a monster
And he did it bc he was friends with said monster hunters, not bc of anything to do with the monster herself.
ah, spooky ougi of cute, an anime girl beloved by all
reminder if you like ougi you're literally gay
thank you spooky ougi
Compare and contrast with a different sleeping face.
thank you spooky ougi
They are two sides of Araragi's life and both perfect.
That's way too lewd for a high school girl.
Oh fuck math, math!
She even remembers date of their first french kiss.
what are you launching?
Crawl out of the ditch that is Worst-Girls-ville?
you know that she couldn't take back her weight . she needed help for doing it
It's kind of funny how she has proposed to Hanekawa, wants to name her firstborn Tsubasa, and frequently goes on secret dates with her.
If Hanekawa fully gave into her desires, she could lock down both Araragi and Senjougahara without breaking a sweat. She could ravish them both, so why?
Why has she decided to only accept monogamy?
Be comfortable with her breast size.
I'm trying to think of a single girl that wouldn't do it in this series.
She's a 500 year old shotacon who's soulbound to one of the most deviant characters in the series, she'll be fine with damn near anything.
>implying she won't be doing the fucking with a heavy dose of dominance play included
Submissive and after Araragi's dick enough to be coerced into it pretty easily probably.
Yaoi fangirl and someone who's libido is only second to Araragi's, and arguably so at that.
>implying the great temptress is going to rule out a method of seduction
Probably only out deviant-ed by Araragi, and even that's iffy. Would probably do anything if she's married.
She's probably too stupid to know the difference between vaginal and anal.
Crazy enough to give anything a try once.
The least likely, in all probability. Maybe something involving her muscle fetish? I'm at a loss, for a 100 year old zombie she's really not elaborated upon much.
>implying teenage girls with severe daddy issues aren't the most likely to have anal and then cry about their life afterwards
Does it mean they never sleep together or they just fuck all night?
"French kiss" is just a euphemism for fucking hard and raw for the sole purpose of pleasure, you know.
Make my dick erect, unlike this angry serpent.
But how do you compete with yourself?
Well, what do you think, boys and girls?
This, to be sure.
they sleep together just after they fuck all night.
Maybe in an alternate universe user, and for entertainment she watches an animated show about your life.
But he never saw her sleeping.
she sleeps with her eyes open?
Miserable persons.
There aren't official numbers, but likely around the same height as Nadeko (152-154cm) as a 17-18 years old.
When you're a teenager it's not really possible to spend the night at your girl/boyfriends house unless both parents are fine with their teenage kids fucking, which is unlikely especially in japan.
You'd typically have to bone when no one was home during the day/evening then go back home, so it's pretty safe to say they'd never fallen asleep together.
Maybe she fucks him till he loses consciousness
What episode was that?
>wants to name her firstborn Tsubasa,
When was this?
Hitagi Rendezvous
Depression, my dear user, depression
That's why love hotels exist
>Why has she decided to only accept monogamy?
She's decided to waste her gifts. She squanders them and wastes them away with no regard to their actual value.
It's why Gaen is better, she actually accepts the value of things and enjoys it.
No-one hates being smarter than Tsubasa Hanekawa does.
They don't strike me as the type of people that would use a love hotel.
holy crap her chest makes my weewee vomit
thanks spooky ougi
They can go to that Oshino Meme building and fuck there
thank you spooky ougi
That place burned down at the start of SS, what are you smoking.
Yeah. Fucking on rotting furniture in an abandoned building sounds like a great time.
I would fuck Senjo on rotting furniture
she can't suck my monster dick
Nobody can suck something that doesn't exist.
When you're with another girl that is actually attractive (rare for 3D), you don't usually sleep when you have the chance with them.
Damn. If Ougi was in this screenshot, we'd have all the best Monogatari girls in a single scene.
Speaking of which, anyone have a good screenshot of Hitagi on a Tower screen with Kaiki on the phone in his robe with her?
You have horrid taste.
You'd have best taste if you said Snail was missing.
kansha spooky ougi
kanbaru, hachikuji, imoutos and shinobu is all you need
also snake for more fun
+ doll
>kanbaru will never wrap her legs around you
Doll is severely underrated and I hope she gets more love when Zoku-Owari is animated and her Off Season stuff is translated.
Why do you have to remind me that I don't have a Senjougahara gf.
If anything, the people here overrate her because she's the token autism moe.
Her being expressionless doesn't make her "autism moe."
we get to see kanbarus mom in hell right? I wonder how lewd she'll be
>She canĀ“t punch a weak a malnourished midget without breaking her finger.
Dude, she KO'd her with a single punch. Not even some of the best boxers or MMA fighters could do that. And she probably just lied about her finger because going to school the next day would have been awkard.
She said she broke her finger and was going to the hospital to Araragi through a message after it was all over and Sodachi had already apologized to her.
history tbqh
thank you spooky ougi
danke AfD-chan
>Not even some of the best boxers or MMA fighters could do that.
I'm quite certain they could do that. Math is a tiny jap girl, she got knocked out by Crab, who is just a slightly bigger but still skinny jap girl.
Well, she could have lied. And she still beat the shit out of sodachi with just one punch.
Yeah, that's pretty much all of the top tier. I'm not sure how you'd have fun with the murderslut though.
And half the characters in the series could break a grown man in half with their bare hands. I'm not sure why you're jerking off over crab's strength. Oh wait, you're a braindead waifufag. That's why.
Crabfag delusion at work.
There are some fights that end that quick, but those are very rare. And how many skinny jap girls can hit that hard?
She has no powers or supernatural shit. But you are right in the waifufag part
I love redditgahara too.
Can a couple be cuter?
No, it can't.
She confirmed it in the commentaries about her breaking her hand as well and said she was the bigger victim, but I lost the link to that webm.
Actually, found it saved and reuploaded.
I bet the Seiyus have a great time recording the commentaries.
When are the rest of them getting translated?
Damn, these commentaries are great. Thanks user, I'll watch all of the Owari commentaries right now.
I don't know, there was a google spreadsheet with all the commentaries progresses. The translator was working on nise at that point.
I can do it for you user
And people say Crab mellowed out too much.
thank you spooky ougi
Have a long lasting relationship with his boyfriend. Who is dead.
He was dead for 2 minutes.
When he died?
Fucking never since the commentaries are entire episodes unto themselves.
Unless you know Japanese, I got bad news for you. And if you do know Japanese I'll suck your dick for translations.
Said user, with a posed look.
That was a lie
Apparently the rest of Karen bee is translated and just waiting for people to actually put it on the episodes.