6 days until Umaru's birthday
Don't forget to buy her GEIMU
6 days until Umaru's birthday
Don't forget to buy her GEIMU
Umaru is quite a nugget
>Umaru's birthday
I bet it will be the worst day of Cred Forums ever
The mods can use it to ban the underage who shitposts against her
Every umaruposting should be banned.
They should ban Umaru bullying/abuse, actually
i showed my mom and dad the umaru op on youtube and they both turned it off midway through. i asked why they dont like anime and they said they just dont.
are they gonna release new episodes soon?
I hope they make another season
Will they perhaps announce s2 on her birthday>
check em
Keep bumping Umarubros!
What GEIMU should I buy/play in honor of her birthday?
Just bought one of these things on ebay. It should arrive on her birthday!
I have no use for it. Just wanted one.
Hope so too. More bomber, more cute umaru, more drama.
I want to fug this nug
More Kanau
I want that too. I also want more Sylphinford, more Ebina dropping her spaghetti around Oni-chan, more of what made this series enjoyable.
How do we celebrate?
By bringing her to frontu peigu
But don't we do that every day
Not like the old days. We rarely reach 20 replies.
We should reach bumpu limitto on her birthday.
You guys had one job to kill that shitposter thread.
Umarufags take over this thread that a Umaru thread now.
You guys post in this thread.
Umarufags if take over that thread maybe I'll get someone to translate new chapter for you guys try get that thread up to 250 images
Kill shit poster for Umaru!
Who cares.
When's Taihei's birthday?
There out shitposting you guys.
Out shitpost them.
She is my spirt animal
Umaru is so cute.
what happened to the nugget?
How do I get one of these?